Пример #1
def plot_point_cloud(disp_arr: np.ndarray,
                     rgb_img: np.ndarray = None,
                     down_scale: int = 1,
                     view_angles: (int, int) = (10, 135),
                     s: float = 0.5,
                     ax: Axes3D = None,
                     show_axes: bool = False) -> Axes3D:
    Plots a point cloud using the famous matplotlib.

    :param disp_arr: numpy array [MxN], representing the disparity map
    :param rgb_img: numpy array [MxNx3], containing RGB pixel colors
    :param down_scale: int, downscale factor
    :param view_angles: tuple(int, int) containing elevator and azimuth angle, respectively
    :param s: float, size of a point
    :param ax: Axes3D object, optional for accumulative plotting
    :param show_axes: bool, option for axes plot
    :return: Axes3D object, containing point cloud

    # validate downscale value
    if down_scale < 1 or down_scale > min(disp_arr.shape[:2]) // 2:
        raise IndexError('Downscale factor is %s and out-of-range.' %

    # rgb image presence/absence handling
    if rgb_img is None or disp_arr.shape[:2] != rgb_img.shape[:2] or len(
            rgb_img.shape) != 3:
        rgb = np.zeros(disp_arr.shape + (3, ))[::down_scale, ::down_scale, ...]
        if rgb_img is not None:
            warnings.warn('Depth map and RGB image dimension mismatch.')
        # flip x-axis and downscale rgb image
        rgb = rgb_img[:, ::-1, ...][::down_scale, ::down_scale, ...]
        # normalize rgb values to 0-1 range
        rgb = Normalizer(rgb).type_norm(new_min=max(0, rgb.min()), new_max=1)

    # flip x-axis and downscale depth map
    zz = disp_arr[:, ::-1][::down_scale, ::down_scale, ...]
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(zz.shape[1]), np.arange(zz.shape[0]))

    # sort according to depth value to avoid occlusion order problem
    order = np.argsort(zz.ravel())

    # plot depth data
    fig, ax = (plt.figure(),
               plt.axes(projection='3d')) if ax is None else (None, ax)
    ax.set_axis_on() if show_axes else ax.set_axis_off()
               c=rgb.reshape(-1, rgb.shape[2])[order],
    ax.view_init(view_angles[0], view_angles[1])
    ax.set_ylim(0, zz.shape[0])
    ax.set_xlim(0, zz.shape[1])

    return ax
Пример #2
    def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If the **mantid3d** projection is chosen, it can be
        used the same as :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes3D.scatter` for arrays,
        or it can be used to plot :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace`
        or :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace`. You can have something like::

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from mantid import plots


            fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid3d'})
            ax.scatter(workspace) #for workspaces
            ax.scatter(x,y,z)     #for arrays

        For keywords related to workspaces, see :func:`mantid.plots.plotfunctions3D.scatter`
        if mantid.plots.helperfunctions.validate_args(*args):
            mantid.kernel.logger.debug('using mantid.plots.plotfunctions3D')
            return mantid.plots.plotfunctions3D.scatter(self, *args, **kwargs)
            return Axes3D.scatter(self, *args, **kwargs)
Пример #3
    def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        If the **mantid3d** projection is chosen, it can be
        used the same as :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes3D.scatter` for arrays,
        or it can be used to plot :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace`
        or :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace`. You can have something like::

            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from mantid import plots


            fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection':'mantid3d'})
            ax.scatter(workspace) #for workspaces
            ax.scatter(x,y,z)     #for arrays

        For keywords related to workspaces, see :func:`mantid.plots.plotfunctions3D.scatter`
        if mantid.plots.helperfunctions.validate_args(*args):
            mantid.kernel.logger.debug('using mantid.plots.plotfunctions3D')
            return mantid.plots.plotfunctions3D.scatter(self, *args, **kwargs)
            return Axes3D.scatter(self, *args, **kwargs)