def PlotDegreeDistribution(G): N = len(G.nodes()) nodesDegrees = [[i] for i in G.nodes()] mean_degree = sum(nodesDegrees)/len(nodesDegrees) # You typically want your plot to be ~1.33x wider than tall. # Common sizes: (10, 7.5) and (12, 9) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) # Remove the plot frame lines. They are unnecessary chartjunk. ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() plt.xticks(fontsize=14) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.xlabel("Degree", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("Frequency", fontsize=16) plt.hist(nodesDegrees, color="#3F5D7D") #, bins = [x for x in range(max(nodesDegrees))]) #, bins=100) xRange = range(max(nodesDegrees)) h = plt.plot(xRange, [m.e**(-mean_degree)*(mean_degree**x)*N/m.factorial(x) for x in xRange], lw=2);
def plot(self, notebook=False, colormap='polar', scale=1, maptype='points', show=True, savename=None): # make a spatial map based on the scores fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) ax1 = pyplot.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 1), colspan=2, rowspan=2) if maptype is 'points': ax1, h1 = pointmap(self.scores, colormap=colormap, scale=scale, ax=ax1) elif maptype is 'image': ax1, h1 = imagemap(self.scores, colormap=colormap, scale=scale, ax=ax1) fig.add_axes(ax1) # make a scatter plot of sampled scores ax2 = pyplot.subplot2grid((2, 3), (1, 0)) ax2, h2, samples = scatter(self.scores, colormap=colormap, scale=scale, thresh=0.01, nsamples=1000, ax=ax2, store=True) fig.add_axes(ax2) # make the line plot of reconstructions from principal components for the same samples ax3 = pyplot.subplot2grid((2, 3), (0, 0)) ax3, h3, linedata = tsrecon(self.comps, samples, ax=ax3) plugins.connect(fig, LinkedView(h2, h3[0], linedata)) plugins.connect(fig, HiddenAxes()) if show and notebook is False: if savename is not None: mpld3.save_html(fig, savename) elif show is False: return mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
def show_plots(plotengine, ax=None, output_dir=None): if plotengine == 'mpld3': import mpld3 elif plotengine == 'matplotlib': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not output_dir: # None or "" else: for fi in plt.get_fignums(): plt.figure(fi) fig_name = getattr(plt.figure(fi), 'name', 'figure%d' % fi) fig_path = op.join(output_dir, '%s.png' % fig_name) if not op.exists(op.dirname(fig_path)): os.makedirs(op.dirname(fig_path)) plt.savefig(fig_path) plt.close() elif plotengine in ['bokeh', 'bokeh-silent']: import bokeh.plotting import tempfile output_dir = output_dir or tempfile.mkdtemp() output_name = getattr(ax, 'name', ax.title).replace(':', '-') output_file = op.join(output_dir, '%s.html' % output_name) if not op.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if op.exists(output_file): os.remove(output_file) bokeh.plotting.output_file(output_file, title=ax.title, mode='inline') if plotengine == 'bokeh':
def showNetwork(struct, weights, labels): nbLayers = len(struct) networkXY = [] colors = ['b', 'r'] for layer in range(nbLayers): layerXY = [] if layer != 4: sumWeightsNeuron = np.sum(np.abs(weights['layer_' + str(layer)]['param_0']), axis=1) maxSumWeights = np.max(sumWeightsNeuron) for neuron in range(struct[layer]): neuronXY = (layer*10, neuron-(struct[layer]-1)/2.) if layer != 4 : inputScatters = plt.scatter(neuronXY[0],neuronXY[1], alpha=(sumWeightsNeuron[neuron]/maxSumWeights)**2) else : inputScatters = plt.scatter(neuronXY[0],neuronXY[1], alpha=1) layerXY.append(neuronXY) networkXY.append(layerXY) tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(inputScatters, labels=labels) if layer != 0: print(weights['layer_' + str(layer-1)]['param_0'].value) maxWeights = np.amax(np.abs(weights['layer_' + str(layer-1)]['param_0'])) for neuronLayer in range(struct[layer]): for neuronLayerP in range(struct[layer-1]): print(layer, neuronLayer, neuronLayerP, maxWeights) plt.plot([networkXY[layer][neuronLayer][0],networkXY[layer-1][neuronLayerP][0]], [networkXY[layer][neuronLayer][1],networkXY[layer-1][neuronLayerP][1]], #alpha=1-np.exp(-((weights['layer_' + str(layer-1)]['param_0'][neuronLayerP][neuronLayer])/3)**2) alpha = (weights['layer_' + str(layer-1)]['param_0'][neuronLayerP][neuronLayer] / maxWeights)**2, c = colors[int(weights['layer_' + str(layer-1)]['param_0'][neuronLayerP][neuronLayer] > 0)])
def plot(self, data, notebook=False, show=True, savename=None): fig = pyplot.figure() ncenters = len(self.centers) colorizer = Colorize() colorizer.get = lambda x: self.colors[int(self.predict(x)[0])] # plot time series of each center # TODO move into a time series plotting function in viz.plots for i, center in enumerate(self.centers): ax = pyplot.subplot2grid((ncenters, 3), (i, 0)) ax.plot(center, color=self.colors[i], linewidth=5) fig.add_axes(ax) # make a scatter plot of the data ax2 = pyplot.subplot2grid((ncenters, 3), (0, 1), rowspan=ncenters, colspan=2) ax2, h2 = scatter(data, colormap=colorizer, ax=ax2) fig.add_axes(ax2) plugins.connect(fig, HiddenAxes()) if show and notebook is False: if savename is not None: mpld3.save_html(fig, savename) elif show is False: return mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
def graphme(self, pngfilename="my_sample_png.png"): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import mpld3 import datetime """ creating background info""" # create a plot with as may subplots as you choose fig, ax = plt.subplots() # add a grid to the background ax.grid(True, alpha = 0.2) # the x axis contains date fig.autofmt_xdate() # the dates are year, month ax.fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m') if self.table not in ['MS04314', 'MS00114', 'MS04334','MS04315','MS00115']: final_glitch = self.decide() dates = sorted(final_glitch.keys()) dates2 = [x for x in dates if final_glitch[x]['mean'] != None and final_glitch[x]['mean'] != "None"] vals = [final_glitch[x]['mean'] for x in dates2] glitched_values = ax.plot(dates2, vals, 'b-') ax.legend(loc=4) ax.set_xlabel("dates") ax.set_ylabel("values") mpld3.save_html(fig, 'my_output_html.html') import pylab pylab.savefig(pngfilename)
def after(self): if self.draw: plugins.connect( self.fig, plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin( self.s1, self.labels, else: pass
def makeFig(): plt.ylim(20,80) plt.title('Temperature Streaming') plt.grid(True) # plt.ylable('Temp C') plt.plot(tempC, 'ro-',label='Degree C') plt.legend(loc='upper left') # pyplot.show_bokeh(plt.gcf(), filename="mpltest.html") # plotting.session().dumpjson(file="mpltest.json")
def do_show(self): #debug self.debug( [ 'We show here', 'first network' ] ) #/##################/# # First network # #network all the view things [ 'Views', 'Panels', 'Axes', 'Plots' ], _DoStr='Show' ) #/##################/# # Then show the figure # #debug ''' self.debug( [ 'We show with which device', ('self.',self,['ShowingQtBool']) ] ) ''' #Check if self.ShowingQtBool: #import from matplotlib import pyplot #show if self.ShowingMpld3Bool: #import import mpld3 #show
def test_interactive_shallowPP(save_to_html=False): # Define left and right state (h,hu) ql = np.array([3.0, 5.0]) qr = np.array([3.0, -5.0]) # Define optional parameters (otherwise chooses default values) plotopts = {'g':1.0, 'time':2.0, 'tmax':5, 'hmax':10, 'humin':-15, 'humax':15} # Call interactive function (can be called without any argument) pt = shallow_water(ql,qr,**plotopts) if save_to_html: mpld3.save_html(pt, "test_shallow.html")
def plotter(filelist, entlist, fsizelist): # gets the file and entropy lists and plots the data to a neat line graph xtimes = [datetime.datetime.strptime(str(int(times)), '%H%M%S') for times in filelist] plt.plot(fsizelist, entlist, marker='o', color='green') plt.plot(xtimes, entlist, marker='o') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Entropy') plt.title('Entropy over time for date') return
def main(file_name=''): '''Description''' # Set up the file and projection data = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.sep + '..' + os.sep \ + 'data' + os.sep + file_name proj_file = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +lat_ts=71.0 +lat_0=90 ' \ + '+lon_0=321.0 +k_0=1.0') proj_lat_long = pyproj.Proj('+proj=latlong +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2) # Open up the file and grab the data we want out of it greenland = Dataset(data) x = greenland.variables['x'][:] y = greenland.variables['y'][:] nx = x.shape[0] ny = y.shape[0] y_grid, x_grid = scipy.meshgrid(y[:], x[:], indexing='ij') thk = greenland.variables['thk'][0] bheatflx = greenland.variables['bheatflx'][0] # Now transform the coordinates to the correct lats and lons lon, lat = pyproj.transform(proj_file, proj_lat_long, x_grid.flatten(), y_grid.flatten()) lat = lat.reshape(ny,nx) lon = lon.reshape(ny,nx) # Put thickness in a basemap mapThk = Basemap(projection='stere',lat_0=65, lon_0=-25,\ llcrnrlat=55,urcrnrlat=85,\ llcrnrlon=-50,urcrnrlon=0,\ rsphere=6371200.,resolution='l',area_thresh=10000, ax=ax[0]) mapThk.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.25) mapThk.fillcontinents(color='grey') mapThk.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,30)) mapThk.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90,30)) x, y = mapThk(lon,lat) cs = mapThk.contour(x, y, thk, 3) # Put basal heat flux in a basemap mapFlx = Basemap(projection='stere',lat_0=65, lon_0=-25,\ llcrnrlat=55,urcrnrlat=85,\ llcrnrlon=-50,urcrnrlon=0,\ rsphere=6371200.,resolution='l',area_thresh=10000, ax=ax[1]) mapFlx.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.25) mapFlx.fillcontinents(color='grey') mapFlx.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,30)) mapFlx.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90,30)) x, y = mapFlx(lon,lat) cs = mapFlx.contour(x, y, bheatflx, 3) plugins.connect(fig, ClickInfo(cs))
def plot_engine_timing(self): """ """ #Import seaborn to prettify the graphs if possible try: import seaborn except: pass try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt width = 0.35 s = self.timing['engines'].values() names = self.timing['engines'].keys() plt_axes = [] plt_axes_offset = [] for i, n in enumerate(names): plt_axes.append(i) plt_axes_offset.append(i + 0.15) fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects1 =, s, width, color='r') ax.set_xticks(plt_axes_offset) ax.set_xticklabels(list(names)) ax.set_ylabel('Time') ax.set_xlabel('Engine') plt.title('Timing') try: import mpld3 i = 0 for r in rects1: tooltip = mpld3.plugins.LineLabelTooltip(r, label=names[i]) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) i = i + 1 except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.warn("For tooltips, install mpld3 (pip install mpld3)") except ImportError: logging.critical("Cannot plot. Please ensure matplotlib " "and networkx are installed.")
def test_interactive_linearPP(save_to_html=False): ## Define left and right state ql = np.array([-2.0, 2.0]) qr = np.array([0.0, -3.0]) # Define two eigenvectors and eigenvalues (acoustics) zz = 2.0 rho0 = 1.0 r1 = np.array([zz,1.0]) r2 = np.array([-zz,1.0]) lam1 = zz/rho0 lam2 = -zz/rho0 plotopts={'q1min':-5, 'q1max':5, 'q2min':-5, 'q2max':5, 'domain':5, 'time':1, 'title1':"Pressure", 'title2':"Velocity"} pt = linear_phase_plane(ql,qr,r1,r2,lam1,lam2,**plotopts) if save_to_html: mpld3.save_html(pt, "test_linearPP.html")
def main(): # Open the eigenworms file features_path = os.path.dirname(mv.features.__file__) eigenworm_path = os.path.join(features_path, mv.config.EIGENWORM_FILE) eigenworm_file = h5py.File(eigenworm_path, 'r') # Extract the data eigenworms = eigenworm_file["eigenWorms"].value eigenworm_file.close() # Print the shape of eigenworm matrix print(np.shape(eigenworms)) # Plot the eigenworms for eigenworm_i in range(np.shape(eigenworms)[1]): plt.plot(eigenworms[:,eigenworm_i])
def plot_d3js(): # Define some CSS to control our custom labels css = """ table { border-collapse: collapse; } th { color: #ffffff; background-color: #000000; } td { background-color: #cccccc; } table, th, td { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; } """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(True, alpha=0.3) labels = suburb_list x = coords[:, 0] y = coords[:, 1] points = ax.plot(x, y, 'o', color='b', mec='k', ms=15, mew=1, alpha=.6) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_title('Ethnicity', size=20) tooltip = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(points[0], labels, voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=css) plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
def plot_team(sorted_team, sorted_teamgames): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) #ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.1, 0.7, 0.7]) grid = ImageGrid(fig, (0.2, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8), #111, nrows_ncols=(1, 1), direction='row', axes_pad=0.05, add_all=True, label_mode='1', share_all=False, cbar_location='right', cbar_mode='single', cbar_size='5%', cbar_pad=0.05) ax = grid[0] ax.set_title('Game lead (each team is a column)', fontsize=20) ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='out', labelsize=12) #im = ax.imshow(df.values, interpolation='nearest', vmax=df.max().max(), # vmin=df.min().min(), cmap='RdBu') im = ax.imshow(sorted_teamgames.values, interpolation='nearest', vmax=120, vmin=-120, cmap='RdBu') #colorbar ax.cax.colorbar(im) ax.cax.tick_params(labelsize=12) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(sorted_teamgames.shape[1])) ax.set_xticklabels(sorted_team, rotation='vertical', fontweight='bold') ax.set_yticks(np.arange(sorted_teamgames.shape[0])) ax.set_yticklabels(sorted_teamgames.index) ax.set_ylabel("Sorted game", size=16) plotid = mpld3.utils.get_id(ax) print sorted_team ax_ori = RotateTick(0, sorted_team.tolist(), -90, 1,1) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, ax_ori) fightml = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) return plotid, fightml
def make_optional_graphs(wd): """ A function that can be called to graph the difference method against the ratio method if necessary. Do not need in production, but used for testing on 10-1-2015 to see if we can get to the values working as Don expects :wd: the dictionary containing adjustments etc used to figure out the final csv """ if wd != {} and wd[wd.keys()[0]]['adj_diff'] != None and wd[wd.keys()[0]]['adj_rat'] != None: datelist = [x for x in sorted(wd.keys()) if wd[x]['adj_rat'] != None and wd[x]['adj_diff'] != None] val_diff = [wd[x]['adj_diff'] for x in datelist] val_rat = [wd[x]['adj_rat'] for x in datelist] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.autofmt_xdate() ax.fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m') ax.plot(datelist, val_diff, color = 'blue', linewidth= 1.2, alpha = 0.5, label = 'diff method') ax.plot(datelist, val_rat, color = 'red', linewidth= 0.7, label = 'ratio method') #ax.scatter(mainte_dates, maintes, s=30, c='red', alpha = 0.4, label='MAINTE') ax.legend(loc = 1)
def plot_user_sep(user_data, title=None, smoothing=4): ''' for a user vector of shape (plans, timesteps) generate a plot over time for each plan. If a title is provided the value of the sorting criterion will be included in it :param user_data: :param title: :param smoothing: size of movind average smoothing :return: ''' fig, pltgrid = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(15, 15)) fig.suptitle(title or "title", fontsize=20) criterion = eval_stats_row(user_data) for i in range(np.shape(user_data)[0]): pltgrid[i // 2, i % 2].plot(moving_average(user_data[i, :], smoothing)) row = i // 2 col = i % 2 title2 = str(row) + "," + str(col) + " " if title is not None: title2 = title2 + title + " : " + str(criterion[i]) pltgrid[i // 2, i % 2].set_title(title2) #pltgrid[i//2, i%2].set_title(cf.SORTING_CRIT + " " + str(criterion[indeces[i]])) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=1.3)
def fig_show(self, fig): """ Opens the figure in a web browser Parameters ---------- fig : Matplotlib Figure the input Matplotlib Figure Returns ------- browser containing the figure """ return
def graphme(self, pngfilename="my_sample_png.png"): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import mpld3 import datetime """ creating background info""" # create a plot with as may subplots as you choose fig, ax = plt.subplots() # add a grid to the background ax.grid(True, alpha=0.2) # the x axis contains date fig.autofmt_xdate() # the dates are year, month ax.fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m') if self.table not in [ 'MS04314', 'MS00114', 'MS04334', 'MS04315', 'MS00115' ]: final_glitch = self.decide() dates = sorted(final_glitch.keys()) dates2 = [ x for x in dates if final_glitch[x]['mean'] != None and final_glitch[x]['mean'] != "None" ] vals = [final_glitch[x]['mean'] for x in dates2] glitched_values = ax.plot(dates2, vals, 'b-') ax.legend(loc=4) ax.set_xlabel("dates") ax.set_ylabel("values") mpld3.save_html(fig, 'my_output_html.html') import pylab pylab.savefig(pngfilename)
def draw(ins, date, result): path = cfg.path[AShare().get_type(ins)] fn = '{path}/{date}/tickab_{stock}.{date}'.format(path=path, date=date, stock=ins) with open(fn, 'rb') as f: df = get_tickab(f) deals = pd.DataFrame(result['deals']) deals['nt'] = deals['dt'].apply(lambda x: (( (x.hour * 100 + x.minute) * 100) + x.second) * 1000).astype('int32') deals = deals.set_index('nt') deals = deals.reindex(df.nTime.unique(), method='backfill', limit=1).dropna() df = df.join(deals, on='nTime') t = df['nTime'] x = list(df.index) p = df['nPrice'] b = df['avg_price'].mask(df['bsflag'] != 'buy', None).dropna() s = df['avg_price'].mask(df['bsflag'] != 'sell', None).dropna() plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10), dpi=80) plt.xticks( x[::600] + x[-1:], ['%d:%02d' % (i / 10000000, i / 100000 % 100) for i in t[::600]] + ['15:00']) plt.yticks(np.linspace(min(p), max(p), 10, endpoint=True)) plt.ylim(min(p), max(p)) plt.grid(True, 'major', 'x') plt.scatter(list(b.index), b, 50, color='green') plt.scatter(list(s.index), s, 50, color='red') plt.plot(x, p)'', port=8887)
def plot_with_tsne(labels, embeddings, display_hover=True): """ expects a list of email_ids and numpy ndarray of embeddings. The numpy ndarray should have shape L,D where D is the size of embeddings and L is the number of users """ tsne = TSNE(verbose=1, method='exact') start = time.time() tsne_embs = tsne.fit_transform(embeddings) end = time.time() print('time taken by TSNE ', (end - start)) # creating the colors colors = list(sb.color_palette().as_hex()) color_list = _assign_labels_colors(labels, colors) fig, ax = plt.subplots() scatter = ax.scatter(tsne_embs[:, 0], tsne_embs[:, 1], c=color_list, s=75) if display_hover: tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(scatter, labels=labels) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) else: outfile = '../outputs/' + constants.RUN_ID + '_tsne-users.png' plt.savefig(outfile)
def graph_func(): columns = defaultdict(list) with open('data.csv', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') for row in reader: for i in range(len(row)): columns[i].append(row[i]) columns = dict(columns) # print(columns) allWords = [] for comment in columns[1]: words = comment.split() for word in words: allWords.append(word) # print(word) allWords = map(str.lower, allWords) counter = collections.Counter(allWords) # print(counter) # print(counter.keys()) # print(counter.values()) x = list(counter.keys())[0:10] y = list(counter.values())[0:10] plt.title("Top 10 Words vs #times used") plt.xlabel("words") plt.ylabel("#times"), y)
ax.plot((0, pix.shape[1]), (y0, y1), '-r') # plot rects kmeans result for x in xs: ax.plot((x, x), (0, pix.shape[0]), '-b') for y in ys: ax.plot((0, pix.shape[1]), (y, y), '-b') # plot nodes found by clustering ax.plot(nodes_coords[:, 0], nodes_coords[:, 1], 'ro') # plot corridors nodes found by dotsKmeans for (x, y) in cluster_coords: ax.plot(x, y, 'g^') # plot whole gragh for i, (x, y) in enumerate(graph_coords): plotted = [] for j in g_whole[i]: xj, yj = graph_coords[j] ax.plot((x, xj), (y, yj), '--y') ax.set_xlim((0, pix.shape[1])) ax.set_ylim((pix.shape[0], 0)) ax.set_axis_off() ax.imshow(pix, ax.set_title('Input image') plt.tight_layout(), ip='', port=8000)
def run(offset, window): with open('record.json') as fd: data = json.load(fd, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) data = OrderedDict(reversed(list(data.items()))) # Fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(0) plt.rcdefaults() fig, ax = plt.subplots() # team member names team = [data[x]['info']['nick_name'] for x in data] y_pos = np.arange(len(team)) # create 2-D array of tasks tasks = [data[x]['tasks'] for x in data] max_len = max([len(t) for t in tasks]) min_date = min( [data[x]['tasks'][0]['start'] for x in data if data[x]['tasks']]) null_task = { 'name': '', 'brief': '', 'debrief': '', 'start': min_date, 'end': min_date, 'target': min_date } tasks = [t + [null_task] * (max_len - len(t)) for t in tasks] layers = list(map(list, zip(*tasks))) bars = [] for layer in layers: start = [ datetime.strptime(x['start'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() for x in layer ] target = [ datetime.strptime(x['target'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() for x in layer ] end = [ datetime.strptime(x['end'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() if x['end'] else datetime.strptime(x['start'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() for x in layer ] left = [(x - for x in start] target_width = [(x[1] - x[0]).days for x in zip(start, target)] actual_width = [(x[1] - x[0]).days for x in zip(start, end)] ax.barh( y_pos, target_width, left=left, edgecolor='white', linewidth=2, color='#85aa00', height=0.6, ) ax.barh( y_pos, actual_width, left=left, edgecolor='white', linewidth=2, color='#3b3b3b', height=0.3, ) for i, task in enumerate(layer): ax.text( left[i] + 1, i + 0.05, task['name'], color='white', size=8, fontweight='bold', ) # transparent bar for hovering bars.append( ax.barh( y_pos, target_width, left=left, linewidth=2, height=0.6, zorder=1000, alpha=0.0, )) ax.set_yticks(y_pos) ax.set_yticklabels(team) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_xlim( [offset - PROPORTION * window, offset + (1 - PROPORTION) * window]) def make_text(task): text = """ <div style="background-color:#ffffff; padding:10px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#3b3b3b"> <h6 style="font-size:10; color:#9b9b9b">{}</h6> <p style="font-size:10; color:#9b9b9b"><strong>Brief:</strong> {}</p> <div> """.format(task['name'], task['brief']) # if task['debrief']: # text += '\n\n' + textwrap.fill('Debrief: ' + task['debrief']) return text for i, layer in enumerate(bars): for j, bar in enumerate(layer): tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip( bar, [make_text(layers[i][j])], voffset=10, hoffset=10, ) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) plt.axvline( x=-10, linewidth=1, linestyle='dashed', color='#3b3b3b', zorder=-1, )'', open_browser=False)
def plot_2d_graph(self, data_frame, gp, type): matplotlib.rcdefaults() # set the matplotlib style sheet[Constants().plotfactory_default_stylesheet]) if hasattr(gp, 'style_sheet'):[gp.style_sheet]) scale_factor = Constants().plotfactory_scale_factor if hasattr(gp, 'scale_factor'): scale_factor = gp.scale_factor dpi = Constants().plotfactory_dpi if hasattr(gp, 'dpi'): dpi = gp.dpi width = Constants().plotfactory_width; height = Constants().plotfactory_height if hasattr(gp, 'width'): width = gp.width if hasattr(gp, 'height'): width = gp.height fig = plt.figure(figsize = ((width * scale_factor)/dpi, (height * scale_factor)/dpi), dpi = dpi) # add a subplot ax = fig.add_subplot(111) matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] * scale_factor}) # format Y axis y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset = False) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) y_axis_2_series = [] ax2 = [] color_2_series = [] linewidth_2_series = [] if hasattr(gp, 'resample'): data_frame = data_frame.asfreq(gp.resample) # create a second y axis if necessary if hasattr(gp, 'y_axis_2_series'): if gp.y_axis_2_series == []: pass else: y_axis_2_series = gp.y_axis_2_series ax2 = ax.twinx() # matplotlib.rcParams.update({'figure.subplot.right': matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] - 0.05}) # do not use a grid with multiple y axes ax.yaxis.grid(False) ax2.yaxis.grid(False) # is there a second palette? if hasattr(gp, 'color_2_series'): if hasattr(gp.color_2_series, 'values'): color_2_series = [str(x) for x in gp.color_2_series.values] else: color_2_series = [str(x) for x in gp.color_2_series] # is there a second linewidth series if hasattr(gp, 'linewidth_2_series'): if hasattr(gp.linewidth_2_series, 'values'): linewidth_2_series = [str(x) for x in gp.linewidth_2_series.values] else: linewidth_2_series = [str(x) for x in gp.linewidth_2_series] # plot the lines (using custom palettes as appropriate) try: color = []; color_2 = [] linewidth_2 = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] exclude_from_color = [] if hasattr(gp, 'color'): if isinstance(gp.color, list): color = gp.color else: try: color = self.create_colormap( len(data_frame.columns.values) - len(color_2_series), gp.color) except: pass if hasattr(gp, 'width'): if isinstance(gp.width, list): color = gp.color else: try: color = self.create_colormap( len(data_frame.columns.values) - len(color_2_series), gp.color) except: pass if hasattr(gp, 'color_2'): if isinstance(gp.color_2, list): color_2 = gp.color_2 else: try: color_2 = self.create_colormap(len(color_2_series), gp.color_2) except: pass if hasattr(gp, 'exclude_from_color'): if not(isinstance(gp.exclude_from_color, list)): gp.exclude_from_color = [gp.exclude_from_color] exclude_from_color = [str(x) for x in gp.exclude_from_color] if hasattr(gp, 'linewidth_2'): linewidth_2 = gp.linewidth_2 axis_1_color_index = 0 axis_2_color_index = 0 if type == 'bar': # bottom = np.cumsum(np.vstack((np.zeros(data_frame.values.shape[1]), data_frame.values)), axis=0)[:-1] # bottom = np.vstack((np.zeros((data_frame.values.shape[1],), dtype=data_frame.dtype), # np.cumsum(data_frame.values, axis=0)[:-1])) yoff = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values)) # the bottom values for stacked bar chart # some lines we should exclude from the color and use the default palette for i in range(0, len(data_frame.columns.values)): label = str(data_frame.columns[i]) ax_temp = self.get_axis(ax, ax2, label, y_axis_2_series) color_spec, axis_1_color_index, axis_2_color_index = \ self.get_color(label, axis_1_color_index, axis_2_color_index, color, color_2, exclude_from_color, color_2_series) xd = data_frame.index; yd = data_frame.ix[:,i] if (type == 'line'): linewidth = self.get_linewidth(label, linewidth_2, linewidth_2_series) ax_temp.plot(xd, yd, label = label, color = color_spec, linewidth = linewidth) elif(type == 'bar'):, yd, label = label, color = color_spec, bottom = yoff) yoff = yoff + yd elif(type == 'scatter'): ax_temp.scatter(xd, yd, label = label, color = color_spec) if hasattr(gp, 'line_of_best_fit'): if gp.line_of_best_fit == True: self.trendline(ax_temp, xd.values, yd.values, order=1, color= color_spec, alpha=1, scale_factor = scale_factor) except: pass # format X axis self.format_x_axis(ax, data_frame, gp) try: fig.suptitle(gp.title, fontsize = 14 * scale_factor) except: pass try: source = Constants().plotfactory_source source_color = 'black' display_brand_label = False if hasattr(gp, 'source'): source = gp.source display_brand_label = True if hasattr(gp, 'source_color'): source_color = self.get_color_code(gp.source_color) if display_brand_label or Constants().plotfactory_display_brand_label: ax.annotate('Source: ' + source, xy = (1, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=7 * scale_factor, xytext=(-5 * scale_factor, 10 * scale_factor), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='top', color = source_color) except: pass if hasattr(gp, 'display_brand_label'): if gp.display_brand_label is True: self.create_brand_label(ax, anno = Constants().plotfactory_brand_label, scale_factor = scale_factor) else: if Constants().plotfactory_display_brand_label is True: self.create_brand_label(ax, anno = Constants().plotfactory_brand_label, scale_factor = scale_factor) leg = [] leg2 = [] loc = 'best' # if we have two y-axis then make sure legends are in opposite corners if ax2 != []: loc = 2 try: leg = ax.legend(loc = loc, prop={'size':10 * scale_factor}) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0) if ax2 is not []: leg2 = ax2.legend(loc = 1, prop={'size':10 * scale_factor}) leg2.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg2.get_frame().set_alpha(0) except: pass try: if gp.display_legend == False: if leg is not[]: leg.remove() if leg2 is not[]: leg.remove() except: pass try: plt.savefig(gp.file_output, transparent=False) except: pass try: if hasattr(gp, 'silent_display'): if gp.silent_display is False: else: except: pass # convert to D3 format with mpld3 try: if hasattr(gp, 'html_file_output'): mpld3.save_d3_html(fig, gp.html_file_output) if hasattr(gp, 'display_mpld3'): if gp.display_mpld3 == True: except: pass # convert to Plotly format (fragile!) # TODO better to create Plotly graphs from scratch rather than convert from matplotlib # TODO also dependent on matplotlib version for support try: if hasattr(gp, 'plotly_url'): = Constants().plotly_username, api_key = Constants().plotly_api_key) py_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig, strip_style = True) plot_url = py.plot_mpl(py_fig, filename = gp.plotly_url) except: pass
def main(): # tokens = read_tokens('wacoshootout3_6hrs_tokens.txt') # bigrams_freqdist = get_bigrams_freqdist(tokens) # sm12hrs_bigrams = get_bigrams_freqdist(read_tokens('sm12hrs_tokens.txt')) # Regex string to parse emoticons emoticons_str = r""" (?: [:=;] # Eyes [oO\-]? # Nose (optional) [D\)\]\(\]/\\OpP] # Mouth )""" # Regex string to parse HTML tags, @-mentions, hashtags, URLs, numbers, etc. regex_str = [ emoticons_str, r'<[^>]+>', # HTML tags r'(?:@[\w_]+)', # @-mentions r"(?:\#+[\w_]+[\w\'_\-]*[\w_]+)", # hash-tags r'http[s]?://(?:[a-z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]))+', # URLs r'(?:(?:\d+,?)+(?:\.?\d+)?)', # numbers r"(?:[a-z][a-z'\-_]+[a-z])", # words with - and ' r'(?:[\w_]+)', # other words r'(?:\S)' # anything else ] # Compile regex strings together tokens_regex = re.compile(r'(' + '|'.join(regex_str) + ')', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) # Accumulate a list of punctuations, common (stop) words, and other common words # so that the word frequencies output unique words punctuation = list(string.punctuation) stop = stopwords.words('english') + punctuation + ['rt', 'via', 'san', 'marcos', 'river'] # Initialize MongoDB collection to extract data from client = MongoClient() db = client.tweets # bill_collection = db.bill_words # flood_collection = db.flood charleston_collection = db.charleston_unique sm_flood_collection = db.sanmarcosflood waco_shootout_4_6hrs = db.wacoshootout_original4_6hrs waco_shootout_4 = db.wacoshootout_original4_12hrs waco_shootout_3_6hrs = db.wacoshootout_original3_6hrs waco_shootout_3_6hrs_test = db.wacoshootout_original3_6hrs_test wacoshootout_6hrs = db.wacoshootout_original_6hrs sm_flood_36hrs = db.sanmarcos36hrs sm_flood_12hrs = db.sanmarcos12hrs sm_flood_6hrs = db.sanmarcos6hrs sm_flood_3hrs = db.sanmarcos3hrs lafayette_12hrs = db.lafayette_shooting_unique # Max number of tweets to parse wacoshootout_6hrs_tweets = wacoshootout_6hrs.count() waco_shootout_4_tweets = waco_shootout_4.count() waco_shootout_4_6hrs_tweets = waco_shootout_4_6hrs.count() waco6hrs_tweets = waco_shootout_3_6hrs.count() max_tweets = sm_flood_collection.count() flood_tweets = 1000 charleston_tweets = charleston_collection.count() sm_tweets = sm_flood_36hrs.count() sm12hrs_tweets = sm_flood_12hrs.count() sm6hrs_tweets = sm_flood_6hrs.count() sm3hrs_tweets = sm_flood_3hrs.count() lafayette_12hrs_tweets = lafayette_12hrs.count() # Number of tweets to iterate for frequency vs time plot collection_tweets = 1000 # Start and end dates start_date = parse('2015-07-24T01:00:00Z') end_date = parse('2015-07-24T13:00:00Z') # Pymongo find() query date_filter = {'$and': [{'retweeted': False}, {'in_reply_to_status_id': None}, {'in_reply_to_user_id': None}, {'created_at': {'$gte': start_date, '$lt': end_date}}, {'retweeted_status': None}]} date = {'created_at': {'$gte': start_date, '$lt': end_date}} no_filter = {} retweet_filter = {'retweeted_status': None} # print waco_shootout_4_tweets # wacoshootout4 = parse_tweets(no_filter, tokens_regex, stop, waco_shootout_4_tweets, waco_shootout_4, True, '', db.wacoshootout4_freqdist) # merge_collections(waco_shootout_4_6hrs, waco_shootout_3_6hrs_test) print "Number of tweets: " + str(lafayette_12hrs_tweets) + '\n' # test_parse = parse_tweets(date, tokens_regex, stop, lafayette_12hrs_tweets, lafayette_12hrs, True, '') # write_tokens(test_parse, 'lafayette_12hrs_tokens') test_parse = read_tokens('lafayette_12hrs_tokens.txt') lafayette_12hrs_monograms = get_monograms_freqdist(test_parse) lafayette_12hrs_monograms_data = get_dataframe_dict(lafayette_12hrs_monograms, 5, date, lafayette_12hrs_tweets, lafayette_12hrs) lafayette_12hrs_monograms_df = lafayette_12hrs_monograms_data[0] lafayette_12hrs_monograms_time = lafayette_12hrs_monograms_data[1] lafayette_time = lafayette_12hrs_monograms_data[2] axes = lafayette_12hrs_monograms_df.plot(figsize=(14, 4), colormap='spectral') axes.set_title("Lafayette Shooting Monograms (12 hrs)", fontsize=18) axes.set_xlabel("Time (UTC)") axes.set_ylabel("Freq") labels = list(lafayette_12hrs_monograms_df.columns.values) values = lafayette_12hrs_monograms_time time_values = lafayette_time.index.values print lafayette_12hrs_monograms_df print lafayette_time.index.values print lafayette_12hrs_monograms_time[1].values # plt.ion() # plt.axis('auto') # plt.set_cmap('spectral') # # labels_index = 0 # labels_dict = dict() # # for index in range(len(labels)): # labels_dict[labels[index]] = lafayette_12hrs_monograms_time[index].values # # print labels_dict # TODO: FIX LINE PLOTTING AND MULTIPLE PLOTS # if plt.isinteractive(): # for i in range(len(time_values)): # for ii in range(len(labels)): # y = values[ii].values[i] # plt.plot(time_values[i], y, antialiased=False) # # plt.draw() # plt.pause(0.1) # # plt.draw() # # for i in range(len(labels)): tooltip = mpld3.plugins.LineLabelTooltip(axes.get_lines()[i], labels[i]) mpld3.plugins.connect(plt.gcf(), tooltip)
def bubblePrices(city): irrelevantAttributes = [ "City", "Monthly Pass", "Volkswagen Golf", "Toyota Corolla", "Basic Utilities", "Internet", "Fitness Club", "Tennis Court Rent", "Preschool Month", "Primary School Year", "Rent 1 Bedroom Center", "Rent 1 Bedroom Outside Center", "Rent 3 Bedrooms Center", "Rent 3 Bedrooms Outside Center", "Price m2 Center", "Price m2 Outside Center", "Average Monthly Salary After Tax", "Mortgage Interest Rate" ] fyrirspurn = "SELECT * FROM Prices where City = " + '"' + beforeComma( city) + '"' print(fyrirspurn) query = cur.execute(fyrirspurn) cols = [column[0] for column in query.description] results = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query.fetchall(), columns=cols) results.drop(columns=irrelevantAttributes, inplace=True) print(results.columns.values) values = list(results.loc[0, :])[0:] names = [] j = 0 for i in cols: if i not in irrelevantAttributes: names.append(i) j = j + 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE'), figsize=(9, 7)) fyrirspurn = "SELECT * FROM Prices where city = " + '"' + beforeComma( city) + '"' print(fyrirspurn) query = cur.execute(fyrirspurn) cols = [column[0] for column in query.description] results = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query.fetchall(), columns=cols) results.drop(columns=irrelevantAttributes, inplace=True) values = list(results.loc[0, :])[0:] names = [] j = 0 for i in cols: if i not in irrelevantAttributes: names.append(i) j = j + 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE'), figsize=(9, 7)) N = len(values) col = np.random.rand(N) print(col) end = math.ceil(math.sqrt(N)) # þurfum að gera samsvörun step = end / N x = np.arange(0, end, step) hnitx = [] for i in range(3, end + 2): for j in range(end): if (len(hnitx) == N): break hnitx.append(i) hnity = [] for i in range(N): hnity.append(i % end) #plt.figure(figsize=(9,9)) hnitx = [x + random.random() / 4 for x in hnitx] hnity = [y + random.random() / 4 for y in hnity] mynd = ax.scatter(hnitx, hnity, c=col, alpha=0.5, s=[x * 20 for x in values]) plt.xlim((0.8, end + 2)) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) fig.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') font0 = FontProperties() font1 = font0.copy() font1.set_size('large') font = { 'family': 'serif', 'color': 'darkred', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 13, } for label, x, y in zip(names, hnitx, hnity): r = random.random() * 2 plt.text(x + 0.22, y + 0.25, label, ha='right', va='bottom', fontdict=font) plt.plot([x + 0.22, x], [y + 0.25, y], 'k-', linewidth=0.5) # þarf að sjá font = { 'family': 'serif', 'color': 'black', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 18, } ax.set_title("Bubble chart of prices of goods in " + city + " (area = €)", fontdict=font) # vantar að staðfesta að röðin sé eins? tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip( mynd, labels=[str(x) + "€" for x in values]) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
def plot_2d_graph(self, data_frame, gp, chart_type): if gp.resample is not None: data_frame = data_frame.asfreq(gp.resample) # set the matplotlib style sheet & defaults matplotlib.rcdefaults() # first search PyThalesians styles, then try matplotlib try:[gp.style_sheet]) except: matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] * gp.scale_factor}) # create figure & add a subplot fig = plt.figure(figsize = ((gp.width * gp.scale_factor)/gp.dpi, (gp.height * gp.scale_factor)/gp.dpi), dpi = gp.dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # format Y axis y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset = False) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) if gp.x_title != '': ax.set_xlabel(gp.x_title) if gp.y_title != '': ax.set_ylabel(gp.y_title) # create a second y axis if necessary ax2 = [] if gp.y_axis_2_series != []: ax2 = ax.twinx() # do not use a grid with multiple y axes ax.yaxis.grid(False) ax2.yaxis.grid(False) color_cycle = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] bar_ind = np.arange(0, len(data_frame.index)) xd, bar_ind, has_bar, no_of_bars = self.get_bar_indices(data_frame, gp, chart_type, bar_ind) # plot the lines (using custom palettes as appropriate) try: # get all the correct colors (and construct gradients if necessary eg. from 'blues') color_spec = self.create_color_list(gp, data_frame) # for stacked bar yoff = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values)) # the bottom values for stacked bar chart # for bar chart # bar_ind = np.arange(len(data_frame.index)) # has_bar = False bar_space = 0.2 bar_width = (1 - bar_space) / (no_of_bars) bar_index = 0 # some lines we should exclude from the color and use the default palette for i in range(0, len(data_frame.columns.values)): if chart_type is not None: if gp.chart_type is not None: if isinstance(gp.chart_type, list): chart_type = gp.chart_type[i] else: chart_type = gp.chart_type label = str(data_frame.columns[i]) ax_temp = self.get_axis(ax, ax2, label, gp.y_axis_2_series) yd = data_frame.ix[:,i] if (chart_type == 'line'): linewidth_t = self.get_linewidth(label, gp.linewidth, gp.linewidth_2, gp.linewidth_2_series) if linewidth_t is None: linewidth_t = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] ax_temp.plot(xd, yd, label = label, color = color_spec[i], linewidth = linewidth_t) elif(chart_type == 'bar'): bar_pos = [k - (1 - bar_space) / 2. + bar_index * bar_width for k in range(0,len(bar_ind))] if color_spec[i] is not None:, yd, bar_width, label = label, color = color_spec[i]) else:, yd, bar_width, label = label, color = color_cycle[i % len(color_cycle)]) bar_index = bar_index + 1 # bar_ind = bar_ind + bar_width has_bar = True elif(chart_type == 'stacked'):, yd, label = label, color = color_spec[i], bottom = yoff) yoff = yoff + yd has_bar = True elif(chart_type == 'scatter'): ax_temp.scatter(xd, yd, label = label, color = color_spec[i]) if gp.line_of_best_fit is True: self.trendline(ax_temp, xd.values, yd.values, order=1, color= color_spec[i], alpha=1, scale_factor = gp.scale_factor) # format X axis self.format_x_axis(ax, data_frame, gp, has_bar, bar_ind) except: pass plt.xlabel(gp.x_title) plt.ylabel(gp.y_title) fig.suptitle(gp.title, fontsize = 14 * gp.scale_factor) if gp.display_source_label == True: ax.annotate('Source: ' + gp.source, xy = (1, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=7 * gp.scale_factor, xytext=(-5 * gp.scale_factor, 10 * gp.scale_factor), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='top', color = gp.source_color) if gp.display_brand_label == True: self.create_brand_label(ax, anno = gp.brand_label, scale_factor = gp.scale_factor) leg = [] leg2 = [] loc = 'best' # if we have two y-axis then make sure legends are in opposite corners if ax2 != []: loc = 2 try: leg = ax.legend(loc = loc, prop={'size':10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0) if ax2 != []: leg2 = ax2.legend(loc = 1, prop={'size':10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg2.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg2.get_frame().set_alpha(0) except: pass try: if gp.display_legend is False: if leg != []: leg.remove() if leg2 != []: leg.remove() except: pass try: plt.savefig(gp.file_output, transparent=False) except: pass ####### various matplotlib converters are unstable # convert to D3 format with mpld3 try: if gp.display_mpld3 == True: mpld3.save_d3_html(fig, gp.html_file_output) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert to Bokeh format # better to use direct Bokeh renderer try: if (gp.convert_matplotlib_to_bokeh == True): from bokeh.plotting import output_file, show from bokeh import mpl output_file(gp.html_file_output) show(mpl.to_bokeh()) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert matplotlib chart to Plotly format # recommend using AdapterCufflinks instead to directly plot to Plotly try: if gp.convert_matplotlib_to_plotly == True: = gp.plotly_username, api_key = gp.plotly_api_key) py_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig, strip_style = True) plot_url = py.plot_mpl(py_fig, filename = gp.plotly_url) except: pass # display in Matplotlib try: if gp.silent_display == False: except: pass
def scatterplot(eigindi1, eigindi2, week): tafla1 = taflaEigindis(eigindi1) tafla2 = taflaEigindis(eigindi2) with con: if tafla1 in ["WeatherChancesEurope", "WeatherEurope"]: data1 = cur.execute("Select city, " + eigindi1 + " from " + tafla1 + " where week = " + week) data1 = removeTuples(cur.fetchall()) else: data1 = cur.execute("Select city, " + '"' + eigindi1 + '"' + " from " + tafla1) data1 = removeTuples(cur.fetchall()) if tafla2 in ["WeatherChancesEurope", "WeatherEurope"]: data2 = cur.execute("Select city, " + eigindi2 + " from " + tafla2 + " where week = " + week) data2 = removeTuples(cur.fetchall()) else: data2 = cur.execute("Select city, " + '"' + eigindi2 + '"' + " from " + tafla2) data2 = removeTuples(cur.fetchall()) # data1 = data1[0:len(data2)] # print("\n") # print(data1[0:len(data2)+1]) # print("\n") # print(data2) # # print("\n") # print(data1) # print("\n") # print(data2) # print(len(data1)) # print(len(data2)) # get prófað að sleppa Venice, Berlin úr prices á meðan ég prófa þetta newdata = [] newdata2 = [] missingFromWeatherEurope = [ "Venice", "Venice, Italy", "Berlin", "Berlin, Germany", "Palermo", "Palermo, Italy" ] for city in data1: if city[0] not in missingFromWeatherEurope and city not in newdata: newdata.append(city) for city in data2: if city not in newdata2: #print(data2[i]) newdata2.append(city) #print(newdata2) # jöfnum þá lengdirnar, newdata2 er minni því veðurgögnin eru ekki fyrir allar borgirnar newdata = newdata[0:len(newdata2)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE'), figsize=(9, 7)) cities = [x[0] for x in newdata] cities2 = [x[0] for x in newdata2] # for i in range(0,len(cities)): #if (cities[i] != cities2[i].split(",")[0]): # print(cities[i]) # print(cities2[i].split(",")[0]) # print(Counter(cities)) # # marseille, dublin og leipzig koma fyrir 2x í newdata # print(Counter(cities2)) print(len(newdata)) print(len(newdata2)) for i in range(0, len(newdata) - 1): print(newdata[i]) print(newdata2[i]) print("\n") newdata = [x[1] for x in newdata] newdata2 = [x[1] for x in newdata2] missingCities = [] i = 0 for data in newdata2: if data == '': print(cities2[i]) # fjarlægjum þetta gildi úr báðum newdata.pop(i) newdata2.pop(i) missingCities.append(cities2[i]) cities2.pop(i) i += 1 # print(type(newdata[1])) # print(type(newdata2[1])) # print(newdata) # print(newdata2) # print(taflaEigindis(newdata2)) # # if( eigindi1 == "Average Monthly Salary After Tax"): # # for string in newdata: # # string.replace(',','') # # print(newdata) print(len(newdata)) print(len(newdata2)) N = len(newdata) col = np.random.rand(N) print(type(col)) area = s = 10 * np.random.random(size=N) mynd = ax.scatter(newdata, newdata2, c=col, alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel(eigindi1.replace('_', ' '), fontsize=15) ax.set_ylabel(eigindi2.replace('_', ' '), fontsize=15) ax.set_title("Comparison of prices and weather in European Cities") # vantar að staðfesta að röðin sé eins? tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(mynd, labels=cities2) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
#!/usr/bin/env python """simplest example of Matplotlib to the web browser""" from matplotlib.pyplot import figure import mpld3 fig = figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])
parser.add_argument("--plot", action="store_true", help="If a plot should be generated") parser.add_argument( "--offset", action="store_true", help="Vertically offset service to better visualize overlap") parser.add_argument("route_or_segment_name", nargs='?', help="The route to print") if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit() args = parser.parse_args() r = DEMO_ROUTE if args.demo else args.route_or_segment_name.strip() lr = logreader_from_route_or_segment(r, sort_by_time=True) data, _ = get_timestamps(lr) print_timestamps(data['timestamp'], data['duration'], data['start'], args.relative) if args.plot: graph_timestamps(data['timestamp'], data['start'], data['end'], args.relative, offset_services=args.offset, title=r))
def test_graph(): plt.plot([3,1,4,1,5], 'ks-', mec='w', mew=5, ms=20)
def viewPIP(self, method='w+', save=False): """ Function to plot point, polygon and visualize results in interactive web session. Option to save as HTML with name "PIP_visualization_{methodname}.html". Note: this code MUST be granted permission to open a web browser to view plot. Otherwise, save as HTML and open. Colors from XKCD color survey Scatterplot code adapted from Interactive legend code adapted from HTML tooltip code adapted from :param method: (str) method of computing point in polygon. Valid inputs: 'ol' - points on lines only 'ov' - points on vertices only 'lv' - points on lines or vertices 'w' - winding number algorithm 'w+' - winding number PLUS any points on lines/vertices (DEFAULT) 'rc' - ray casting algorithm 'rc+' - ray casting algorithm PLUS any points on lines/vertices :param save: (bool) true to enable saving; default false. True saves image in code location folder as "PIP_visualization_{methodname}.html". :return: none; opens web session, hit ctrl-c to exit. """ # run PIP inOut = self.pointInPolygon(method=method) # colors drawn from outcolor = "#fd4659" # watermelon incolor = "#01386a" # marine blue # initialize plot with space for legend fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) # add polygon to image poly = Pgon((self.__polygon[:, [0, 1]]), alpha=0.7, facecolor="grey", edgecolor='none', label="Polygon") ax.add_patch(poly) # collection of all plotted objects plotted_objects = [poly] # break into yes and no point lists outPts = np.empty([0, 3]) inPts = np.empty([0, 3]) # creator for tooltip labels outLabel = [] inLabel = [] # break into inpoints/outpoints collections, with appropriate labels in html for i in range(len(inOut)): if inOut[i]: inPts = np.vstack([inPts,self.__points[i, :]]) inLabel.append('<p style="color:'+incolor+ ';"><i>Inside</i> <br> Pt {0}: ({1:.0f}, {2:.0f})</p>'.format(i + 1, self.__points[i, 0], self.__points[i, 1])) else: outPts = np.vstack([outPts,self.__points[i, :]]) outLabel.append('<p style="color:'+outcolor+ ';"><i>Outside</i> <br> Pt {0}: ({1:.0f}, {2:.0f})</p>'.format(i + 1, self.__points[i, 0], self.__points[i, 1])) # scatterplot for points outside outScat = ax.scatter(outPts[:, 0], outPts[:, 1], c=outcolor, s=500, alpha=0.7,, edgecolors='none', label="Outside") # scatterplot for points inside inScat = ax.scatter(inPts[:, 0], inPts[:, 1], c=incolor, s=500, alpha=0.7,, edgecolors='none', label="Inside") # create html tooltips htmltooltip1 = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(outScat, labels=outLabel, hoffset=10, voffset=10) htmltooltip2 = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(inScat, labels=inLabel, voffset=10, hoffset=10) # add scatterplots to object collections plotted_objects.append(outScat) plotted_objects.append(inScat) # add title, axes title = "Point in Polygon" method_text = "" if 'w' in method: method_text += "Winding Number Algorithm" elif 'rc' in method: method_text += "Ray Casting Algorithm" elif method == 'ol': method_text += "Points on Lines (only)" elif method == 'ov': method_text += "Points on Vertices (only)" elif method == 'lv': method_text += "Points on Lines and Vertices (only)" if '+' in method: method_text += ", lines and vertices included." # add title ax.set_title(title, size=20) # add method information as text ax.text(min(min(self.__polygon[:, 0]), min(self.__points[:, 0])) - 0.5, min(min(self.__polygon[:, 1]), min(self.__points[:, 1])) - 0.5, method_text, size=10, style='italic') ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_xlabel("x position") ax.set_ylabel("y position") # add interactive legend to plot interactive_legend = mpld3.plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin(plotted_objects, ["Polygon", "Outside", "Inside"], alpha_unsel=0.3, alpha_over=1.5) # connect all plugins to figure mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, htmltooltip1, htmltooltip2, interactive_legend) # if save is true, will save to an html as PIP_visualization.html if save: mpld3.save_html(fig, "PIP_visualization_"+method+".html") # display in local web browser (hit Ctrl-C to exit) pass
return classification km = K_Means(3) dataNumeric = [[float(tuple[0]), float(tuple[1])] for tuple in data] #dataNumeric = [[float(tuple[0]),float(tuple[1]),float(tuple[2]), float(tuple[3])] for tuple in data] print(km) # plotting takes forever becuase of the number of points. However, it's working if you're patient enough. colors = 10 * ["r", "g", "c", "b", "k"] for centroid in km.centroids: plt.scatter(km.centroids[centroid][0], km.centroids[centroid][1], s=130, marker="x") for classification in km.classes: color = colors[classification] for features in km.classes[classification]: plt.scatter(features[0], features[1], color=color, s=30) #launch a web server to view an d3/html figure representation dataNumeric = [[float(tuple[0]), float(tuple[1])] for tuple in data] #dataNumeric = [[float(tuple[0]),float(tuple[1]),float(tuple[2]), float(tuple[3])] for tuple in data] # start longitude and latitude dataNumeric km.centroids
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3 plt.plot([3, 1, 4, 1, 5], 'ks-', mec='w', mew=5, ms=20)
.on("mouseover", function(d, i){ .style("stroke-opacity", alpha_fg); }) .on("mouseout", function(d, i){ .style("stroke-opacity", alpha_bg); }); } }; """ def __init__(self, lines): self.lines = lines self.dict_ = {"type": "linehighlight", "line_ids": [utils.get_id(line) for line in lines], "alpha_bg": lines[0].get_alpha(), "alpha_fg": 1.0} N_paths = 50 N_steps = 100 x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) y = 0.1 * (np.random.random((N_paths, N_steps)) - 0.5) y = y.cumsum(1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'xticks': [], 'yticks': []}) lines = ax.plot(x, y.T, color='blue', lw=4, alpha=0.1) plugins.connect(fig, HighlightLines(lines))
def func(file): df = pd.read_excel(file) df.groupby('CWL Name').count()['Employee Code']
def display_mult_flat(x_train, start, stop): images = x_train[start].reshape([1, 784]) for i in range(start + 1, stop): images = np.concatenate((images, x_train[i].reshape([1, 784]))) plt.imshow(images, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray_r'))
def plot_summary(game): x = game.team1score y = game.team2score fig, axScatter = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12), subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) # the scatter plot: size = x + y color = np.fabs(x - y) scatter = axScatter.scatter(x, y, s=size, c=color, alpha=0.5) axScatter.set_aspect(1.) axScatter.set_xlabel('team1 score', size=20) axScatter.set_ylabel('team2 score', size=20) axScatter.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') # create new axes on the right and on the top of the current axes # The first argument of the new_vertical(new_horizontal) method is # the height (width) of the axes to be created in inches. divider = make_axes_locatable(axScatter) axHistx = divider.append_axes("top", 1.2, pad=0.2, sharex=axScatter, axisbg='#EEEEEE') axHisty = divider.append_axes("right", 1.2, pad=0.3, sharey=axScatter, axisbg='#EEEEEE') # make some labels invisible plt.setp(axHistx.get_xticklabels() + axHisty.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # now determine nice limits by hand: binwidth = 5 xymax = np.max([np.max(np.fabs(x)), np.max(np.fabs(y))]) lim = (int(xymax/binwidth) + 1)*binwidth binnum = np.arange(0, lim + binwidth, binwidth) axHistx.hist(x, bins=binnum) axHisty.hist(y, bins=binnum, orientation='horizontal') # the xaxis of axHistx and yaxis of axHisty are shared with axScatter, # thus there is no need to manually adjust the xlim and ylim of these # axis. #axHistx.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) for tl in axHistx.get_xticklabels(): tl.set_visible(False) axHistx.set_yticks([0, 30]) #axHisty.axis["left"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) for tl in axHisty.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_visible(False) axHisty.set_xticks([0, 30]) #plt.draw() plotid = mpld3.utils.get_id(axScatter) # Define some CSS to control our custom labels css = """ table { border-collapse: collapse; } th { color: #ffffff; background-color: #aaa; } td { background-color: #cccccc; } table, th, td { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border: 1px solid gray; text-align: middle; } """ #labels = ['Round {}, {} vs. {}, {}:{}'.format(g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4], g[5]) for g in game.itertuples()] labels = [] print game.shape for i in range(game.shape[0]): label = game.ix[[i],:].T label.columns = ['Game Info'] labels.append(str(label.to_html())) tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(scatter, labels=labels, voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=css) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) fightml = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) return plotid, fightml
def bubbleIndices(cost, city): if (cost): fyrirspurn = "SELECT * FROM CostOfLivingIndex where city = " + '"' + city + '"' else: fyrirspurn = "SELECT * FROM QualityOfLifeIndex where city = " + '"' + city + '"' irrelevantAttributes = ["City", "Rank", "index"] ### allt fyrir neðan er sama og í Prices dæminu print(fyrirspurn) query = cur.execute(fyrirspurn) cols = [column[0] for column in query.description] results = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query.fetchall(), columns=cols) results.drop(columns=irrelevantAttributes, inplace=True) values = list(results.loc[0, :])[0:] names = [] j = 0 for i in cols: if i not in irrelevantAttributes: names.append(i) j = j + 1 print(len(values)) print(len(names)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE'), figsize=(9, 7)) N = len(values) #col = np.arange(0.1,0.99,0.98/N) col = np.random.random_integers(0, N - 1) print(col) #print(len(col)) colors = [ 'yellow', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'black', 'purple', 'brown', 'pink' ] end = math.ceil(math.sqrt(N)) # þurfum að gera samsvörun step = end / N x = np.arange(0, end, step) hnitx = [] for i in range(1, end + 1): for j in range(end): if (len(hnitx) == N): break hnitx.append(i) hnity = [] for i in range(N): hnity.append(i % end) #plt.figure(figsize=(9,9)) # hnitx = [x + random.random()/4 for x in hnitx] # hnity = [y + random.random()/4 for y in hnity] print(hnitx) print(hnity) mynd = ax.scatter(hnitx, hnity, c=colors, alpha=0.5, s=[x * 20 for x in values]) plt.xlim((0, end)) plt.ylim((-1, end)) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) fig.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') font0 = FontProperties() font1 = font0.copy() font1.set_size('large') fonts = [] for i in range(N): fonts.append({ 'family': 'serif', 'color': colors[i], 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 10, }) j = 0 for label, x, y in zip(names, hnitx, hnity): plt.text(x + 0.22, y + 0.25, label, ha='right', va='bottom', fontdict=fonts[j]) j = j + 1 #plt.plot([x+0.22,x], [y+0.25,y], 'k-', linewidth = 0.5) # þarf að sjá font = { 'family': 'serif', 'color': 'black', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 18, } ax.set_title("Bubble chart of prices of goods in " + city + " (area = €)", fontdict=font) # vantar að staðfesta að röðin sé eins? tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(mynd, labels=values) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
def plotData(NQuery, input_table, FigureStrBase, SurfMin=1e-1*u.M_sun/u.pc**2, SurfMax=1e5*u.M_sun/u.pc**2, VDispMin=1e-1*, VDispMax=3e2*, RadMin=1e-2*u.pc, RadMax=1e3*u.pc, interactive=True): """ This is where documentation needs to be added Parameters ---------- NQuery FigureStrBase : str The start of the output filename, e.g. for "my_file.png" it would be my_file SurfMin SurfMax VDispMin VDispMax RadMin RadMax """ figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure() if interactive: from matplotlib import pyplot from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers backend = getattr(matplotlib.backends, 'backend_{0}'.format(matplotlib.rcParams['backend']).lower()) canvas = backend.FigureCanvas(figure) figmanager = backend.FigureManager(canvas, 1) figmanager.canvas.figure.number = 1 _pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(figmanager) else: canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(figure) ax = figure.gca() d = input_table Author = d['Names'] Run = d['IDs'] SurfDens = d['SurfaceDensity'] VDisp = d['VelocityDispersion'] Rad = d['Radius'] if d['IsSimulated'].dtype == 'bool': IsSim = d['IsSimulated'] else: IsSim = d['IsSimulated'] == 'True' UseSurf = (SurfDens > SurfMin) & (SurfDens < SurfMax) UseVDisp = (VDisp > VDispMin) & (VDisp < VDispMax) UseRad = (Rad > RadMin) & (Rad < RadMax) Use = UseSurf & UseVDisp & UseRad Obs = (~IsSim) & Use Sim = IsSim & Use UniqueAuthor = list(set(Author[Use]))[4] NUniqueAuthor = len(UniqueAuthor) #print d #print d[Use] # print 'Authors:', UniqueAuthor #colors = random.sample(matplotlib.colors.cnames, NUniqueAuthor) colors = list(,1,NUniqueAuthor))) random.shuffle(colors) # NOTE this does NOT work with mpld3 # ax.loglog() scatters = [] labels = [] markers = ['o', 's'] for iAu,color in zip(UniqueAuthor, colors) : UsePlot = (Author == iAu) & Use ObsPlot = ((Author == iAu) & (~IsSim)) & Use SimPlot = ((Author == iAu) & (IsSim)) & Use if any(ObsPlot): print iAu scatters.append(ax.scatter(np.log10(SurfDens[ObsPlot]), np.log10(VDisp[ObsPlot]), marker=markers[0], s=(np.log10(np.array(Rad[ObsPlot]))-np.log10(RadMin.value)+0.5)**3., color=color, alpha=0.5)) # for row in d[ObsPlot]: # row_html = [str(j) for j in d[ObsPlot].pformat(html=True)] # labels.append("\n ".join(row_html)) labels = ['<h1>{title}</h1>'.format(title=i) for i in range(len(d[ObsPlot]))] if any(SimPlot): scatters.append(ax.scatter(np.log10(SurfDens[SimPlot]), np.log10(VDisp[SimPlot]), marker=markers[1], s=(np.log10(np.array(Rad[SimPlot]))-np.log10(RadMin.value)+0.5)**3., color=color, alpha=0.5)) # for row in d[SimPlot]: # row_html = [str(j) for j in d[SimPlot].pformat(html=True)] # labels.append("\n ".join(row_html)) if any(Obs): ax.scatter(np.log10(SurfDens[Obs]), np.log10(VDisp[Obs]), marker=markers[0], s=(np.log10(np.array(Rad[Obs]))-np.log10(RadMin.value)+0.5)**3., facecolors='none', edgecolors='black', alpha=0.5) if any(Sim): ax.scatter(np.log10(SurfDens[Sim]), np.log10(VDisp[Sim]), marker=markers[1], s=(np.log10(np.array(Rad[Sim]))-np.log10(RadMin.value)+0.5)**3., facecolors='none', edgecolors='black', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlabel('$\Sigma$ [M$_{\odot}$ pc$^{-2}$]', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('$\sigma$ [km s$^{-1}$]', fontsize=16) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.set_xlim((np.log10(**2).value), np.log10(**2).value))) ax.set_ylim((np.log10(, np.log10( # ax.legend(UniqueAuthor, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), # prop={'size':12}, markerscale = .7, scatterpoints = 1) labels = ['<h1>{title}</h1>'.format(title=i) for i in range(len(d))] tooltip = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(scatters[0], labels, voffset=10, hoffset=10) plugins.connect(figure, tooltip) # figure.savefig(FigureStrBase+NQuery+'.png',bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) # figure.savefig(FigureStrBase+NQuery+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) if interactive: # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # plt.ion() # return FigureStrBase+NQuery+'.png'
# %% # Distribution of document length? import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 lengths = list(map(len, train_data)) le = pd.Series(lengths) plt.clf() le[le < 2000].hist() # %% # Remove stopwords import nltk stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english') # %% # Tokenizing + stemming import spacy import re from functools import partial
def show_graph():"facebook_net.html") plt.axis('off') # hide the axes
def plot_2d_graph(self, data_frame, gp, chart_type): if gp is None: gp = GraphProperties() if gp.chart_type is None and chart_type is None: chart_type = 'line' if gp.resample is not None: data_frame = data_frame.asfreq(gp.resample) self.apply_style_sheet(gp) # create figure & add a subplot fig = plt.figure(figsize=((gp.width * gp.scale_factor) / gp.dpi, (gp.height * gp.scale_factor) / gp.dpi), dpi=gp.dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if gp.x_title != '': ax.set_xlabel(gp.x_title) if gp.y_title != '': ax.set_ylabel(gp.y_title) plt.xlabel(gp.x_title) plt.ylabel(gp.y_title) fig.suptitle(gp.title, fontsize=14 * gp.scale_factor) # format Y axis y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # create a second y axis if necessary ax2 = [] if gp.y_axis_2_series != []: ax2 = ax.twinx() # do not use a grid with multiple y axes ax.yaxis.grid(False) ax2.yaxis.grid(False) # matplotlib 1.5 try: cyc = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] color_cycle = [x['color'] for x in cyc] except KeyError: # pre 1.5 pass # color_cycle = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] bar_ind = np.arange(0, len(data_frame.index)) # for bar charts, create a proxy x-axis (then relabel) xd, bar_ind, has_bar, no_of_bars = self.get_bar_indices( data_frame, gp, chart_type, bar_ind) # plot the lines (using custom palettes as appropriate) try: # get all the correct colors (and construct gradients if necessary eg. from 'blues') color_spec = self.create_color_list(gp, data_frame) # for stacked bar yoff_pos = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values) ) # the bottom values for stacked bar chart yoff_neg = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values) ) # the bottom values for stacked bar chart zeros = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values)) # for bar chart bar_space = 0.2 bar_width = (1 - bar_space) / (no_of_bars) bar_index = 0 has_matrix = False # some lines we should exclude from the color and use the default palette for i in range(0, len(data_frame.columns.values)): if gp.chart_type is not None: if isinstance(gp.chart_type, list): chart_type = gp.chart_type[i] else: chart_type = gp.chart_type if chart_type == 'heatmap': # TODO experimental! # ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.pcolor(data_frame,, alpha=0.8) # plt.colorbar() has_matrix = True break label = str(data_frame.columns[i]) ax_temp = self.get_axis(ax, ax2, label, gp.y_axis_2_series) yd = data_frame.ix[:, i] if color_spec[i] is None: color_spec[i] = color_cycle[i % len(color_cycle)] if (chart_type == 'line'): linewidth_t = self.get_linewidth(label, gp.linewidth, gp.linewidth_2, gp.linewidth_2_series) if linewidth_t is None: linewidth_t = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] ax_temp.plot(xd, yd, label=label, color=color_spec[i], linewidth=linewidth_t) elif (chart_type == 'bar'): # for multiple bars we need to allocate space properly bar_pos = [ k - (1 - bar_space) / 2. + bar_index * bar_width for k in range(0, len(bar_ind)) ], yd, bar_width, label=label, color=color_spec[i]) bar_index = bar_index + 1 elif (chart_type == 'stacked'): bar_pos = [ k - (1 - bar_space) / 2. + bar_index * bar_width for k in range(0, len(bar_ind)) ] yoff = np.where(yd > 0, yoff_pos, yoff_neg), yd, label=label, color=color_spec[i], bottom=yoff) yoff_pos = yoff_pos + np.maximum(yd, zeros) yoff_neg = yoff_neg + np.minimum(yd, zeros) # bar_index = bar_index + 1 elif (chart_type == 'scatter'): ax_temp.scatter(xd, yd, label=label, color=color_spec[i]) if gp.line_of_best_fit is True: self.trendline(ax_temp, xd.values, yd.values, order=1, color=color_spec[i], alpha=1, scale_factor=gp.scale_factor) # format X axis self.format_x_axis(ax, data_frame, gp, has_bar, bar_ind, has_matrix) except: pass if gp.display_source_label == True: ax.annotate('Source: ' + gp.source, xy=(1, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=7 * gp.scale_factor, xytext=(-5 * gp.scale_factor, 10 * gp.scale_factor), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='top', color=gp.source_color) if gp.display_brand_label == True: self.create_brand_label(ax, anno=gp.brand_label, scale_factor=gp.scale_factor) leg = [] leg2 = [] loc = 'best' # if we have two y-axis then make sure legends are in opposite corners if ax2 != []: loc = 2 try: leg = ax.legend(loc=loc, prop={'size': 10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0) if ax2 != []: leg2 = ax2.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg2.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg2.get_frame().set_alpha(0) except: pass try: if gp.display_legend is False: if leg != []: leg.remove() if leg2 != []: leg.remove() except: pass try: plt.savefig(gp.file_output, transparent=False) except: pass ####### various matplotlib converters are unstable # convert to D3 format with mpld3 try: # output matplotlib charts externally to D3 based libraries import mpld3 if gp.display_mpld3 == True: mpld3.save_d3_html(fig, gp.html_file_output) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert to Bokeh format # better to use direct Bokeh renderer try: if (gp.convert_matplotlib_to_bokeh == True): from bokeh.plotting import output_file, show from bokeh import mpl output_file(gp.html_file_output) show(mpl.to_bokeh()) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert matplotlib chart to Plotly format # recommend using AdapterCufflinks instead to directly plot to Plotly try: import plotly.plotly as py import plotly import as tls if gp.convert_matplotlib_to_plotly == True:, api_key=gp.plotly_api_key) py_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig, strip_style=True) plot_url = py.plot_mpl(py_fig, filename=gp.plotly_url) except: pass # display in matplotlib window try: if Constants.plotfactory_silent_display == True: pass elif gp.silent_display == False: except: pass
def four_group_plot(csv_file, x_col, y_col, group1_col, group2_col, group3_col, show_only_col, show_only_col_flag=True): data = pd.read_csv(csv_file) data_group1 = data.groupby(group1_col) group2_labels = data[group2_col] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.margins(0.05) group1_marker_type = ['o', 's'] group1_marker_size = [80, 100] group2_colors = ['purple', 'orange'] group3_colors = ['purple', 'orange'] group3_marker_size = [20, 30] # PLOT GROUP 1 and Group 2 # TO be replaced by backgorund mesh # g1_cnt = 0 # for name1,group1 in data_group1: # marker=group1_marker_type[g1_cnt] # marker_size = group1_marker_size[g1_cnt] # data_group2 = group1.groupby(group2_col) # g2_cnt=0 # for name2,group2 in data_group2: # ax.scatter(group2[x_col],group2[y_col],marker=marker,s= marker_size,color=group2_colors[g2_cnt],alpha=.4) # g2_cnt+=1 # g1_cnt+=1 # Plot with just group 1 # Plot with just group 1 and group 3 g1_cnt = 0 for name1, group1 in data_group1: marker = group1_marker_type[g1_cnt] marker_size = group3_marker_size[g1_cnt] data_group3 = group1.groupby(group3_col) g3_cnt = 0 for name3, group3 in data_group3: lbl_str = group3_col + ': ' + str(name3) if marker == 'o': ax.scatter(group3[x_col], group3[y_col], marker=marker, s=marker_size, color=group3_colors[g3_cnt], alpha=.6, label=lbl_str) g3_cnt += 1 g1_cnt += 1 # g1_cnt=0 # for name1,group1 in data_group1: # marker=group1_marker_type[g1_cnt] # marker_size=group1_marker_size[g1_cnt] # ax.scatter(group1[x_col], group1[y_col], marker=marker, s= marker_size,facecolors='cyan',edgecolors='k',alpha=.1,label=group1_col+'_'+str(name1)) # g1_cnt+=1 # break ### show_only_col show_only_data = data[data[show_only_col] == show_only_col_flag] ax.scatter(show_only_data[x_col], show_only_data[y_col], marker='*', color='red', label='Please Label Manually (' + show_only_col + ')') # # ax.legend() # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # return lines and labels interactive_legend = plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin( zip(handles, ax.collections), labels) # alpha_unsel=0.5, # alpha_over=1.5, # start_visible=True) plugins.connect(fig, interactive_legend) ax.set_xlabel(x_col) ax.set_ylabel(y_col) ax.set_title('LOW DIM VISUALIZATION', size=20)
def plotData(NQuery, input_table, FigureStrBase, html_dir=None, png_dir=None, xvariable='SurfaceDensity', yvariable='VelocityDispersion', zvariable='Radius', xMin=None, xMax=None, yMin=None, yMax=None, zMin=None, zMax=None, interactive=False, show_log=True, min_marker_width=3, max_marker_width=0.05): """ This is where documentation needs to be added Parameters ---------- NQuery FigureStrBase : str The start of the output filename, e.g. for "my_file.png" it would be my_file xMin xMax yMin yMax zMin zMax min_marker_width : int or float, optional Sets the pixel width of the smallest marker to be plotted. If <1, it is interpreted to be a fraction of the total pixels along the shortest axis. max_marker_width : int or float, optional Sets the pixel width of the smallest marker to be plotted. If <1, it is interpreted to be a fraction of the total pixels along the shortest axis. """ if len(input_table) == 0: raise ValueError("The input table is empty.") figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure() if interactive: from matplotlib import pyplot from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers backend = getattr(matplotlib.backends, 'backend_{0}'.format(matplotlib.rcParams['backend']).lower()) canvas = backend.FigureCanvas(figure) figmanager = backend.FigureManager(canvas, 1) figmanager.canvas.figure.number = 1 _pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(figmanager) else: figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure() canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(figure) ax = figure.gca() d = input_table Author = d['Names'] Run = d['IDs'] x_ax = d[xvariable] y_ax = d[yvariable] z_ax = d[zvariable] # Check if limits are given if xMin is None: xMin = x_ax.min() if xMax is None: xMax = x_ax.max() if yMin is None: yMin = y_ax.min() if yMax is None: yMax = y_ax.max() if zMin is None: zMin = z_ax.min() if zMax is None: zMax = z_ax.max() if d['IsSimulated'].dtype == 'bool': IsSim = d['IsSimulated'] else: IsSim = d['IsSimulated'] == 'True' if show_log: if not label_dict_html[xvariable].startswith('log'): label_dict_html[xvariable] = 'log ' + label_dict_html[xvariable] label_dict_html[yvariable] = 'log ' + label_dict_html[yvariable] if not label_dict_png[xvariable].startswith('log'): label_dict_png[xvariable] = 'log ' + label_dict_png[xvariable] label_dict_png[yvariable] = 'log ' + label_dict_png[yvariable] # Select points within the limits Use_x_ax = (x_ax > xMin) & (x_ax < xMax) Use_y_ax = (y_ax > yMin) & (y_ax < yMax) Use_z_ax = (z_ax > zMin) & (z_ax < zMax) # intersects the three subsets defined above Use = Use_x_ax & Use_y_ax & Use_z_ax nptstoplot = np.count_nonzero(Use) if nptstoplot == 0: log.debug("Use: {0}".format(Use)) log.debug("Use_x_ax: {0}".format(Use_x_ax)) log.debug("xmin: {0} xmax: {1}".format(xMin, xMax)) log.debug("x_ax: {0}".format(x_ax)) log.debug("Use_y_ax: {0}".format(Use_y_ax)) log.debug("ymin: {0} ymax: {1}".format(yMin, yMax)) log.debug("y_ax: {0}".format(y_ax)) log.debug("Use_z_ax: {0}".format(Use_z_ax)) log.debug("zmin: {0} zmax: {1}".format(zMin, zMax)) log.debug("z_ax: {0}".format(z_ax)) return None,None else: log.debug("Found {0} points to plot".format(nptstoplot)) UniqueAuthor = list(set(Author[Use])) NUniqueAuthor = len(UniqueAuthor) colors = list(, 1, NUniqueAuthor))) random.seed(12) random.shuffle(colors) # NOTE this does NOT work with mpld3 # ax.loglog() # Set marker sizes based on a minimum and maximum pixel size, then scale # the rest between. bbox = \ ax.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) min_axis_size = min(bbox.width, bbox.height) * figure.dpi if max_marker_width < 1: max_marker_width *= min_axis_size if min_marker_width < 1: min_marker_width *= min_axis_size marker_conversion = max_marker_width / \ (np.log10(z_ax[Use].max())-np.log10(z_ax[Use].min())) marker_widths = (marker_conversion * (np.log10(np.array(z_ax))-np.log10(z_ax[Use].min())) + min_marker_width) marker_sizes = marker_widths**2 scatters = [] markers = ['o', 's'] for iAu, color in zip(UniqueAuthor, colors): ObsPlot = ((Author == iAu) & (~IsSim)) & Use SimPlot = ((Author == iAu) & (IsSim)) & Use if show_log: plot_x = np.log10(x_ax) plot_y = np.log10(y_ax) if any(ObsPlot): # Change to logs on next commit scatter = \ ax.scatter(plot_x[ObsPlot], plot_y[ObsPlot], marker=markers[0], s=marker_sizes[ObsPlot], color=color, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='k', label=iAu) scatters.append(scatter) labels = [] for row in d[ObsPlot]: colnames = ['<div>{title}</div>'.format(title=col) for col in row.colnames] values = ['<div>{title}</div>'.format(title=str(val)) for val in row] label = "" for col, val in zip(colnames, values): label += col+" "+val+" \n " labels.append(label) tooltip = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(scatter, labels, voffset=10, hoffset=10) plugins.connect(figure, tooltip) if any(SimPlot): # Change to logs on next commit scatter = \ ax.scatter(plot_x[SimPlot], plot_y[SimPlot], marker=markers[1], s=marker_sizes[SimPlot], color=color, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='k', label=iAu) scatters.append(scatter) labels = [] for row in d[SimPlot]: colnames = ['<div>{title}</div>'.format(title=col) for col in row.colnames] values = ['<div>{title}</div>'.format(title=str(val)) for val in row] label = "" for col, val in zip(colnames, values): label += col+" "+val+" \n " labels.append(label) tooltip = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(scatter, labels, voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=css) plugins.connect(figure, tooltip) ax.set_xlabel(label_dict_html[xvariable], fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(label_dict_html[yvariable], fontsize=16) # Set plot limits. Needed for conversion of pixel units to plot units. # Pad the maximum marker width on. inv = ax.transData.inverted() pad_x, pad_y = inv.transform((marker_widths.max(), marker_widths.max())) - \ inv.transform((0.0, 0.0)) if show_log: ax.set_xlim(np.log10(xMin.value)-pad_x, np.log10(xMax.value)+pad_x) ax.set_ylim(np.log10(yMin.value)-pad_y, np.log10(yMax.value)+pad_y) else: ax.set_xlim(xMin.value - pad_x, xMax.value + pad_x) ax.set_ylim(yMin.value - pad_y, yMax.value + pad_y) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # ax.legend(UniqueAuthor, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), # prop={'size':12}, markerscale = .7, scatterpoints = 1) if hasattr(mpld3.plugins, 'InteractiveLegendPlugin'): plugins.connect(figure, plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin(scatters, UniqueAuthor, alpha_unsel=0.0, alpha_over=0.5)) # Adding fake points to show the size # Try floor and ceil. Pick the one closest to the max/min. max_z = round_to_pow_10(z_ax[Use].max()) min_z = round_to_pow_10(z_ax[Use].min()) mid_z = round_to_pow_10((max_z + min_z) / 2., log=False) if mid_z == max_z: fake_z_marker_width = np.array([max_z]) elif mid_z == max_z or mid_z == min_z: fake_z_marker_width = np.array([max_z, min_z]) else: fake_z_marker_width = np.array([max_z, mid_z, min_z]) fake_marker_sizes = (marker_conversion * (fake_z_marker_width-np.log10(z_ax[Use].min())) + min_marker_width)**2 # Set the axis fraction to plot the points at. Adjust if the largest # will overlap with the next. sep_ax_frac = 0.05 if np.sqrt(fake_marker_sizes[0])/float(min_axis_size) > 0.05: sep_ax_frac = np.sqrt(fake_marker_sizes[0])/float(min_axis_size) \ + 0.005 xfake = [0.1] * fake_z_marker_width.shape[0] yfake = [0.95 - sep_ax_frac*x for x in range(fake_z_marker_width.shape[0])] # xfake = [xax_limits[0] + xax_limits[0]*2., # xax_limits[0] + xax_limits[0]*2., # xax_limits[0] + xax_limits[0]*2.] # yfake = [yax_limits[1] - yax_limits[1]*0.01, # yax_limits[1] - yax_limits[1]*0.3, # yax_limits[1] - yax_limits[1]*0.6] ax.scatter(np.array(xfake), np.array(yfake), marker='+', s=fake_marker_sizes, transform=ax.transAxes, facecolors='g') for xf, yf, rad in zip(xfake, yfake, fake_z_marker_width): ax.text(xf + 0.05, yf-0.01, str(10**rad) + ' ' + str(zMin.unit), transform=ax.transAxes) # Saving the plots if html_dir is None: html_dir = "" if png_dir is None: png_dir = "" html_file = os.path.join(html_dir, FigureStrBase+NQuery+'.html') png_file = os.path.join(png_dir, FigureStrBase+NQuery+".png") html = mpld3.fig_to_html(figure) with open(html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(html) if interactive: # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # plt.ion() # # Clear out the plugins plugins.clear(figure) # Use latex labels for the mpl outputted plot ax.set_xlabel(label_dict_png[xvariable], fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(label_dict_png[yvariable], fontsize=16) # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # Put a legend to the right of the current axis legend = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), handlelength=4) legend.draw_frame(False) figure.savefig(png_file, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) # figure.savefig(FigureStrBase+NQuery+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight',dpi=150) return html_file, png_file
formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( "--relative", action="store_true", help="Make timestamps relative to the start of each frame") parser.add_argument("--demo", action="store_true", help="Use the demo route instead of providing one") parser.add_argument("--plot", action="store_true", help="If a plot should be generated") parser.add_argument("route_or_segment_name", nargs='?', help="The route to print") if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit() args = parser.parse_args() r = DEMO_ROUTE if args.demo else args.route_or_segment_name.strip() lr = logreader_from_route_or_segment(r, sort_by_time=True) data, _ = get_timestamps(lr) print_timestamps(data['timestamp'], data['duration'], data['start'], args.relative) if args.plot: graph_timestamps(data['timestamp'], data['start'], data['end'], args.relative))
def plot_2d_graph(self, data_frame, gp, chart_type): if gp.resample is not None: data_frame = data_frame.asfreq(gp.resample) # set the matplotlib style sheet & defaults matplotlib.rcdefaults() # first search PyThalesians styles, then try matplotlib try:[gp.style_sheet]) except: matplotlib.rcParams.update({"font.size": matplotlib.rcParams["font.size"] * gp.scale_factor}) # create figure & add a subplot fig = plt.figure( figsize=((gp.width * gp.scale_factor) / gp.dpi, (gp.height * gp.scale_factor) / gp.dpi), dpi=gp.dpi ) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # format Y axis y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # create a second y axis if necessary ax2 = [] if gp.y_axis_2_series != []: ax2 = ax.twinx() # do not use a grid with multiple y axes ax.yaxis.grid(False) ax2.yaxis.grid(False) # plot the lines (using custom palettes as appropriate) try: # get all the correct colors (and construct gradients if necessary eg. from 'blues') color_spec = self.create_color_list(gp, data_frame) if type == "bar": # bottom = np.cumsum(np.vstack((np.zeros(data_frame.values.shape[1]), data_frame.values)), axis=0)[:-1] # bottom = np.vstack((np.zeros((data_frame.values.shape[1],), dtype=data_frame.dtype), # np.cumsum(data_frame.values, axis=0)[:-1])) yoff = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values)) # the bottom values for stacked bar chart # some lines we should exclude from the color and use the default palette for i in range(0, len(data_frame.columns.values)): if chart_type is not None: if gp.chart_type is not None: if isinstance(gp.type, list): chart_type = gp.chart_type[i] else: chart_type = gp.chart_type label = str(data_frame.columns[i]) ax_temp = self.get_axis(ax, ax2, label, gp.y_axis_2_series) xd = data_frame.index yd = data_frame.ix[:, i] if chart_type == "line": linewidth_t = self.get_linewidth(label, gp.linewidth, gp.linewidth_2, gp.linewidth_2_series) if linewidth_t is None: linewidth_t = matplotlib.rcParams["axes.linewidth"] ax_temp.plot(xd, yd, label=label, color=color_spec[i], linewidth=linewidth_t) elif chart_type == "bar":, yd, label=label, color=color_spec[i], bottom=yoff) yoff = yoff + yd elif chart_type == "scatter": ax_temp.scatter(xd, yd, label=label, color=color_spec[i]) if gp.line_of_best_fit is True: self.trendline( ax_temp, xd.values, yd.values, order=1, color=color_spec[i], alpha=1, scale_factor=gp.scale_factor, ) except: pass # format X axis self.format_x_axis(ax, data_frame, gp) fig.suptitle(gp.title, fontsize=14 * gp.scale_factor) if gp.display_source_label == True: ax.annotate( "Source: " + gp.source, xy=(1, 0), xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=7 * gp.scale_factor, xytext=(-5 * gp.scale_factor, 10 * gp.scale_factor), textcoords="offset points", ha="right", va="top", color=gp.source_color, ) if gp.display_brand_label == True: self.create_brand_label(ax, anno=gp.brand_label, scale_factor=gp.scale_factor) leg = [] leg2 = [] loc = "best" # if we have two y-axis then make sure legends are in opposite corners if ax2 != []: loc = 2 try: leg = ax.legend(loc=loc, prop={"size": 10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0) if ax2 != []: leg2 = ax2.legend(loc=1, prop={"size": 10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg2.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg2.get_frame().set_alpha(0) except: pass try: if gp.display_legend is False: if leg != []: leg.remove() if leg2 != []: leg.remove() except: pass try: plt.savefig(gp.file_output, transparent=False) except: pass ####### various matplotlib converters are unstable # convert to D3 format with mpld3 try: if gp.display_mpld3 == True: mpld3.save_d3_html(fig, gp.html_file_output) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert to Bokeh format # better to use direct Bokeh renderer try: if gp.convert_matplotlib_to_bokeh == True: from bokeh.plotting import output_file, show from bokeh import mpl output_file(gp.html_file_output) show(mpl.to_bokeh()) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert matplotlib chart to Plotly format # recommend using AdapterCufflinks instead to directly plot to Plotly try: if gp.convert_matplotlib_to_plotly == True:, api_key=gp.plotly_api_key) py_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig, strip_style=True) plot_url = py.plot_mpl(py_fig, filename=gp.plotly_url) except: pass # display in Matplotlib try: if gp.silent_display == False: except: pass
def graphData(stock, MA1, MA2, dateRange=365): try: # variable for txt file, read in next part stockFile = stock+'.txt' # multiple variables: Date,close, high, low, open, volume # for the first element[0], date, read it as YearMonthDay date, closep, highp, lowp, openp, volume = np.loadtxt(stockFile, delimiter=',', unpack=True, converters={0:mdates.strpdate2num('%Y%m%d')}) # Using the data read in to put into candlestick array x = 0 y = len(date) candleAr = [] while x<y: appendLine = date[x],openp[x],closep[x],highp[x],lowp[x],volume[x] candleAr.append(appendLine) x+=1 # using close data with either 12 or 26 day moving average Av1 = movingaverage(closep, MA1) Av2 = movingaverage(closep, MA2) # Starting point of data since we need at least 12 or 26 data points to get an SMAS SP = len(date[MA2-1:]) label1=str(MA1)+' SMA' label2=str(MA2)+' SMA' # background color of .png #fig = plt.figure(facecolor = '#07000d') fig = plt.figure(facecolor = '#00355A') # Version 1.0 # How many graphs appear on png, in this case, it has place for 2 and we are choosing slot 1 # ax1 = plt.subplot(2,1,1) # Making the graph format more detailed ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((5,4), (0,0), rowspan=4, colspan=4, axisbg='#30414D') #Black = #07000d # Calling the Candlestick function made from the previous while loop candlestick(ax1, candleAr, width=0.7, colorup='#9eff15', colordown='#ff1717') # Graphing the date vs moving average starting from SP to current ax1.plot(date[-SP:],Av1[-SP:],'#5998ff', label = label1, linewidth=1.5) ax1.plot(date[-SP:],Av2[-SP:],'#e1edf9', label = label2, linewidth=1.5) #ax1.grid(True) # Changes color to white #ax1.grid(True, color='w') #ax1.set_xticklabels(mdates.num2date(date)) # Shows a max of 10 dates on x-axis, formats it it Year-Month-Day #ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(10)) #ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) # Changes to lighter color ax1.yaxis.label.set_color("black") ax1.spines['bottom'].set_color("#5998ff") ax1.spines['top'].set_color("#5998ff") ax1.spines['left'].set_color("#5998ff") ax1.spines['right'].set_color("#5998ff") ax1.tick_params(axis='y', colors = 'black') #ax1.xlim() plt.ylabel('Stock price') maLeg = plt.legend(loc=9, ncol=2, prop={'size':10}, fancybox=True) maLeg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.4) # Later, used to tell filler the minimum to fill to. volumeMin = 0 #volume.min() # Making the graph format more detailed, also make it black ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((5,4), (4,0), sharex=ax1, rowspan=4, colspan=4, axisbg='#30414D') #Black = #07000d # Changes the bars into teal colored, and facecolored with some fill ax2.plot(date,volume, '#00ffe8', linewidth = .8) # Using the volumeMin to start as bottom, for stylistic purpose ax2.fill_between(date, volumeMin, volume, facecolor='#00ffe8', alpha=0.5) ax2.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax2.grid(True) ax2.spines['bottom'].set_color("#5998ff") ax2.spines['top'].set_color("#5998ff") ax2.spines['left'].set_color("#5998ff") ax2.spines['right'].set_color("#5998ff") ax2.tick_params(axis='x', colors = 'black') ax2.tick_params(axis='y', colors = 'black') ax1.xaxis_date() ax2.xaxis_date() # rotate the date on x-axis for visual appeasement # This is redundant, as we don't need this, it is remained blacked out for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(90) # Changed the Volume label to white form Version 1.0, and shifted left plt.ylabel('Volume', color='black', labelpad=20) for label in ax2.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) sortDate(date,dateRange) # all adjustments on format of graph png plt.subplots_adjust(left=.10, bottom=.15, right=.93, top=.95, wspace=.20, hspace=0) plt.xlabel('Date') #Version 1.0, adjusted above to match the new scheme of png. #plt.ylabel('Volume') plt.suptitle(stock+' Stock Price',color='black') plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) #show(plt) # show the plot fig.savefig('example.png', facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) except Exception, e: print 'failed main loop',str(e)
def func(ra, dec, mag, fov): # sorting objects under the user input of limiting magnitude mag_ng = ng[(ng["V"] <= mag)] mag_ms = ms[(ms['V'] <= mag)] mag_ty1 = ty1[(ty1['V'] <= mag)] mag_ty2 = ty2[(ty2['V'] <= mag)] # breathing space around the fov circle in the plot xl = ra - fov / 2 - fov / 10 xr = ra + fov / 2 + fov / 10 yb = dec - fov / 2 - fov / 10 yt = dec + fov / 2 + fov / 10 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) ax.set_xlabel('Right Ascension (degrees)', fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel('Declination (degrees)', fontsize=20) ax.scatter(ra, dec, s=50, marker='P', color='yellow', zorder=10) # sorting objects in messier_objects.csv according to objects cl_ms = ms[(ms["TYPE"] == 'OpC') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'GlC') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'Cl*')] pn_ms = ms[(ms["TYPE"] == 'PN')] ga_ms = ms[(ms["TYPE"] == 'G') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'Sy2') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'IG') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'GiG') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'GiP') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'SyG') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'SBG') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'BiC') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'H2G')] re_ms = ms[(ms["TYPE"] == 'HII') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'As*') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'LIN') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'mul') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'RNe') | (ms["TYPE"] == 'AGN')] print( f"Observing RA: {ra} deg, DEC: {dec} deg, FoV: {fov} deg, Limiting Magnitude: {mag}" ) ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.minorticks_on() ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.3) ax.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth='0.5', color='black', alpha=0.3) ax.set_facecolor('teal') # scatter messier mag = cl_ms["V"].fillna(1) flux = 10**(-mag / 2.5) p1 = ax.scatter(cl_ms['RAJ2000'], cl_ms['DEJ2000'], color='darkorange', s=17, zorder=10, edgecolor="black") l1 = [ "[RA {0:.5f} \v DEC {1:.5f} \v Constellation {2} \v Name {3}]".format( i, j, k, l, '.2f', '.2f', '%s', '%s') for i, j, k, l in zip(cl_ms['RAJ2000'], cl_ms['DEJ2000'], cl_ms['Constellation'], cl_ms["Common Name"]) ] t1 = plugins.PointLabelTooltip(p1, l1) plugins.connect(fig, t1) mag = pn_ms["V"].fillna(1) flux = 10**(-mag / 2.5) p2 = ax.scatter(pn_ms['RAJ2000'], pn_ms['DEJ2000'], color='blue', s=17, zorder=10, edgecolor="black") l2 = [ "[RA {0:.5f} \v DEC {1:.5f} \v Constellation {2} \v Name {3}]".format( i, j, k, l, '.2f', '.2f', '%s', '%s') for i, j, k, l in zip(pn_ms['RAJ2000'], pn_ms['DEJ2000'], pn_ms['Constellation'], pn_ms["Common Name"]) ] t2 = plugins.PointLabelTooltip(p2, l2) plugins.connect(fig, t2) mag = ga_ms["V"].fillna(1) flux = 10**(-mag / 2.5) p3 = ax.scatter(ga_ms['RAJ2000'], ga_ms['DEJ2000'], color='red', s=17, zorder=20, edgecolor="black") l3 = [ "[RA {0:.5f} \v DEC {1:.5f} \v Constellation {2} \v Name {3}]".format( i, j, k, l, '.2f', '.2f', '%s', "%s") for i, j, k, l in zip(ga_ms['RAJ2000'], ga_ms['DEJ2000'], ga_ms['Constellation'], ga_ms["Common Name"]) ] t3 = plugins.PointLabelTooltip(p3, l3) plugins.connect(fig, t3) mag = re_ms["V"].fillna(1) flux = 10**(-mag / 2.5) p4 = ax.scatter(re_ms['RAJ2000'], re_ms['DEJ2000'], c='darkmagenta', s=17, edgecolor="black") l4 = [ "[RA {0:.5f} \v DEC {1:.5f} \v Constellation {2} \v Name {3}]".format( i, j, k, l, '.2f', '.2f', '%s', '%s') for i, j, k, l in zip(re_ms['RAJ2000'], re_ms['DEJ2000'], re_ms['Constellation'], re_ms["Common Name"]) ] t4 = plugins.PointLabelTooltip(p4, l4) plugins.connect(fig, t4) # scatter ngc mag = mag_ng['V'].fillna(1) flux = 10**(-mag / 2.5) p5 = ax.scatter(mag_ng['RAJ2000'], mag_ng['DEJ2000'], c='darkmagenta', s=80 * flux) l5 = [ "[RA {0:.5f} \v DEC {1:.5f} \v Constellation {2} \v Name {3}]".format( i, j, k, l, '.2f', '.2f', '%s', '%s') for i, j, k, l in zip(mag_ng['RAJ2000'], mag_ng['DEJ2000'], mag_ng['Constellation'], mag_ng['Name']) ] t5 = plugins.PointLabelTooltip(p5, l5) plugins.connect(fig, t5) # scatter tycho-1 mag = mag_ty1['V'].fillna(1) flux = 10**(-mag / 2.5) p6 = ax.scatter(mag_ty1['RAJ2000'], mag_ty1['DEJ2000'], c='white', s=80 * flux) l6 = [ "[RA {0:.5f} \v DEC {1:.5f} \v Constellation {2} \v Name {3}]".format( i, j, k, l, '.2f', '.2f', '%s', '%s') for i, j, k, l in zip(mag_ty1['RAJ2000'], mag_ty1['DEJ2000'], mag_ty1['Constellation'], mag_ty1['Name']) ] t6 = plugins.PointLabelTooltip(p6, l6) plugins.connect(fig, t6) # scatter tycho-2 # mag = mag_ty2['V'].fillna(1) # flux = 10**(-mag/2.5) # p7 = ax.scatter(mag_ty2['RAJ2000'], mag_ty2['DEJ2000'], c='white', s= 80*flux) # l7 = ["[RA {0:.5f} \v DEC {1:.5f} \v Constellation {2} ]".format(i,j,k,'.2f','.2f','%s') for i,j,k in zip(mag_ty2['RAJ2000'],mag_ty2['DEJ2000'],mag_ty2['Constellation'])] # t7 = plugins.PointLabelTooltip(p7,l7) # plugins.connect(fig, t7) points = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6] labels = [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6] plugins.connect(fig, ClickInfo(points, labels)) # constellation borders for i in cb['Constellation'].unique(): x = cb[(cb['Constellation'] == i)]['RAJ2000'] y = cb[(cb['Constellation'] == i)]['DEJ2000'] x1 = x.mean() y1 = y.mean() ax.scatter(x, y, color='darkgreen', s=20 / fov) ax.annotate('%s' % i, (x1, y1), size=13) ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((ra, dec), color='#00af08', zorder=1, alpha=0.5)) # ax.set_xlim([xl,xr]) # ax.set_ylim([yb,yt]) cluster = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='darkorange', marker=cl, linestyle='None', markersize=15, label='Clusters', markeredgecolor="black") planetary_neb = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker=cl, linestyle='None', markersize=15, label='Planetary Nebula', markeredgecolor="black") galaxy = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='Red', marker=cl, linestyle='None', markersize=15, label='Galaxies', markeredgecolor="black") other = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='darkmagenta', marker=cl, linestyle='None', markersize=15, label='Other NGC/Messier', markeredgecolor="black") stars = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='white', marker=cl, linestyle='None', markersize=15, label='Stars', markeredgecolor="black") plt.legend(handles=[cluster, planetary_neb, galaxy, other, stars], labelspacing=2, ncol=5, borderpad=1, loc='lower center')
def plotTop40(config, catalog): from datetime import datetime from epiweeks import Week pivot = 'artist' # we rank artists by most plays, take the top 25 and # add their played tracks to the playlist. #pivot = config['pivot'] if 'pivot' in config else 'artist' result = {} print(f'Grouping by {pivot}') for r in catalog: if r['track'] is None: continue artistid = r[pivot]['name'] if pivot == 'track': artistid += ';;'+r['artist']['name'] week = Week.fromdate(datetime.strptime(r['airdate'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')) if week not in result: result[week]={} if artistid not in result[week]: result[week][artistid]={'track':r, 'plays':set(), 'songs':set()} result[week][artistid]['plays'].add(r['airdate']) # count by unique timestamps. Sometimes the playlist has duplicates. result[week][artistid]['songs'].add((r['artist']['name'],r['track']['name'])) print([w for w in result]) all_results = result if 0: all_artists = [] plots = {} N=10 W=20 weeks = list(sorted(all_results))[-W:] for w in weeks: result = all_results[w] topN = list(sorted(result, key=lambda x: len(result[x]['plays']), reverse=True))[:N] print(topN) for i,a in enumerate(topN): if a not in all_artists: all_artists.append(a) if a not in plots: plots[a]=[] plots[a].append((w,i)) #ranks.append(topN) y0_values = dict((k,N-v+1) for v,k in enumerate(all_artists)) x_values = dict([(k,v+1) for (v,k) in enumerate(weeks)]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import isnan fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8)) #subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for a in plots: lookup = dict(plots[a]) X = [x_values[w] for w in weeks] #[x_values[w] for (w,_) in plots[a]] Y = [N-lookup[w] if w in lookup else float('NaN') for w in weeks] #N-v for (_,v) in plots[a]] ax.plot(X, Y, 'o-') for i in range(len(X)): if i==0 or (not isnan(Y[i]) and isnan(Y[i-1])): ax.text(X[i],Y[i]+0.15, a, ha='center', fontsize=8) ax.set_yticks(range(N+1)) ax.set_yticklabels(['']+[str(N-y) for y in range(N)]) threshold = Week.fromdate(datetime(2020,5,26)) summary = {} from collections import Counter denom = Counter() for w in all_results: isprior = w<threshold denom[isprior]+=1 current = all_results[w] for a in current: if a not in summary: summary[a]=Counter() summary[a][isprior]+=len(current[a]['plays']) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8)) labels = [] N=20 for i,a in enumerate(list(sorted(summary, key = lambda x: summary[x][True]+summary[x][False]))[-N:]): ax.plot([2*i-0.5,2*i+0.5], [summary[a][True]/denom[True], summary[a][False]/denom[False]],'o-') labels.append(a) print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(a, summary[a][True]/denom[True], summary[a][False]/denom[False])) ax.set_xticks([2*i for i in range(N)]) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90) ax.set_ylabel('Plays per Week') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('playsPerWeek.png') if 0: import mpld3 from math import log, ceil data = [(x,y,ctr[(x,y)]) for (x,y) in ctr] x_track=[d[0] for d in data] y_artist=[d[1] for d in data] count = [len(d[2]) for d in data] labels = [','.join(d[2]) for d in data] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,2)) #subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) scatter = ax.scatter(x_track, y_artist, s=[3*log(c+1) for c in count]) xint = range(min(x_track), ceil(max(x_track))+1) #ax.set_xticks(xint) ax.set_xlabel('Track Plays') ax.set_ylabel('Artist Plays') tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(scatter, labels=labels) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
def plot_2d_graph(self, data_frame, gp, chart_type): if gp is None: gp = GraphProperties() if gp.chart_type is None and chart_type is None: chart_type = 'line' if gp.resample is not None: data_frame = data_frame.asfreq(gp.resample) self.apply_style_sheet(gp) # create figure & add a subplot fig = plt.figure(figsize = ((gp.width * gp.scale_factor)/gp.dpi, (gp.height * gp.scale_factor)/gp.dpi), dpi = gp.dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if gp.x_title != '': ax.set_xlabel(gp.x_title) if gp.y_title != '': ax.set_ylabel(gp.y_title) plt.xlabel(gp.x_title) plt.ylabel(gp.y_title) fig.suptitle(gp.title, fontsize = 14 * gp.scale_factor) # format Y axis y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset = False) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # create a second y axis if necessary ax2 = [] if gp.y_axis_2_series != []: ax2 = ax.twinx() # do not use a grid with multiple y axes ax.yaxis.grid(False) ax2.yaxis.grid(False) # matplotlib 1.5 try: cyc = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] color_cycle = [x['color'] for x in cyc] except KeyError: # pre 1.5 pass # color_cycle = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] bar_ind = np.arange(0, len(data_frame.index)) # for bar charts, create a proxy x-axis (then relabel) xd, bar_ind, has_bar, no_of_bars = self.get_bar_indices(data_frame, gp, chart_type, bar_ind) # plot the lines (using custom palettes as appropriate) try: # get all the correct colors (and construct gradients if necessary eg. from 'blues') color_spec = self.create_color_list(gp, data_frame) # for stacked bar yoff_pos = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values)) # the bottom values for stacked bar chart yoff_neg = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values)) # the bottom values for stacked bar chart zeros = np.zeros(len(data_frame.index.values)) # for bar chart bar_space = 0.2 bar_width = (1 - bar_space) / (no_of_bars) bar_index = 0 has_matrix = False # some lines we should exclude from the color and use the default palette for i in range(0, len(data_frame.columns.values)): if gp.chart_type is not None: if isinstance(gp.chart_type, list): chart_type = gp.chart_type[i] else: chart_type = gp.chart_type if chart_type == 'heatmap': # TODO experimental! # ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.pcolor(data_frame,, alpha=0.8) # plt.colorbar() has_matrix = True break label = str(data_frame.columns[i]) ax_temp = self.get_axis(ax, ax2, label, gp.y_axis_2_series) yd = data_frame.ix[:,i] if color_spec[i] is None: color_spec[i] = color_cycle[i % len(color_cycle)] if (chart_type == 'line'): linewidth_t = self.get_linewidth(label, gp.linewidth, gp.linewidth_2, gp.linewidth_2_series) if linewidth_t is None: linewidth_t = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] ax_temp.plot(xd, yd, label = label, color = color_spec[i], linewidth = linewidth_t) elif(chart_type == 'bar'): # for multiple bars we need to allocate space properly bar_pos = [k - (1 - bar_space) / 2. + bar_index * bar_width for k in range(0,len(bar_ind))], yd, bar_width, label = label, color = color_spec[i]) bar_index = bar_index + 1 elif(chart_type == 'stacked'): bar_pos = [k - (1 - bar_space) / 2. + bar_index * bar_width for k in range(0,len(bar_ind))] yoff = np.where(yd > 0, yoff_pos, yoff_neg), yd, label = label, color = color_spec[i], bottom = yoff) yoff_pos = yoff_pos + np.maximum(yd, zeros) yoff_neg = yoff_neg + np.minimum(yd, zeros) # bar_index = bar_index + 1 elif(chart_type == 'scatter'): ax_temp.scatter(xd, yd, label = label, color = color_spec[i]) if gp.line_of_best_fit is True: self.trendline(ax_temp, xd.values, yd.values, order=1, color= color_spec[i], alpha=1, scale_factor = gp.scale_factor) # format X axis self.format_x_axis(ax, data_frame, gp, has_bar, bar_ind, has_matrix) except: pass if gp.display_source_label == True: ax.annotate('Source: ' + gp.source, xy = (1, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=7 * gp.scale_factor, xytext=(-5 * gp.scale_factor, 10 * gp.scale_factor), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='top', color = gp.source_color) if gp.display_brand_label == True: self.create_brand_label(ax, anno = gp.brand_label, scale_factor = gp.scale_factor) leg = [] leg2 = [] loc = 'best' # if we have two y-axis then make sure legends are in opposite corners if ax2 != []: loc = 2 try: leg = ax.legend(loc = loc, prop={'size':10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0) if ax2 != []: leg2 = ax2.legend(loc = 1, prop={'size':10 * gp.scale_factor}) leg2.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) leg2.get_frame().set_alpha(0) except: pass try: if gp.display_legend is False: if leg != []: leg.remove() if leg2 != []: leg.remove() except: pass try: plt.savefig(gp.file_output, transparent=False) except: pass ####### various matplotlib converters are unstable # convert to D3 format with mpld3 try: # output matplotlib charts externally to D3 based libraries import mpld3 if gp.display_mpld3 == True: mpld3.save_d3_html(fig, gp.html_file_output) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert to Bokeh format # better to use direct Bokeh renderer try: if (gp.convert_matplotlib_to_bokeh == True): from bokeh.plotting import output_file, show from bokeh import mpl output_file(gp.html_file_output) show(mpl.to_bokeh()) except: pass # FRAGILE! convert matplotlib chart to Plotly format # recommend using AdapterCufflinks instead to directly plot to Plotly try: import plotly.plotly as py import plotly import as tls if gp.convert_matplotlib_to_plotly == True: = gp.plotly_username, api_key = gp.plotly_api_key) py_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(fig, strip_style = True) plot_url = py.plot_mpl(py_fig, filename = gp.plotly_url) except: pass # display in matplotlib window try: if GraphicsConstants.plotfactory_silent_display == True: return fig elif gp.silent_display == False: else: return fig except: pass
def graph_data(stock): #fig = plt.figure() #fig.patch.set_facecolor('#DAD1CF') stockFile = stock + '.txt' string = str('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') if period == 'INTRADAY': date, closep, highp, lowp, openp, volume = np.loadtxt( stockFile, delimiter=',', unpack=True, converters={0: bytespdate2num('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}) pass else: date, closep, highp, lowp, openp, volume = np.loadtxt( stockFile, delimiter=',', unpack=True, converters={0: bytespdate2num('%Y%m%d')}) ohlc = [] ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=5, colspan=4) plt.ylabel('Price ($)') plt.title(stock + ' (' + time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") + ')') ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 4), (5, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=4, sharex=ax1) for x in range(len(date)): appendLine = date[x], openp[x], highp[x], lowp[x], closep[x], volume[x] ohlc.append(appendLine) if period == 'INTRADAY': wideness = 0.0005 else: wideness = 0.2 candlestick_ohlc(ax1, ohlc, width=wideness, colorup='#77d879', colordown='#db3f3f') if period == 'INTRADAY': string = str('%I:%m') elif period == '1y': string = str('%m/%d') else: string = str('%m/%d/%Y') ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter(string)) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(12)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=2, prune='upper')) ax1.grid(True) ax2.grid(True) for label in ax2.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45), (highp - lowp), width=0.0005) plt.xlabel('Date, period: ' + period) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, bottom=0.20, right=0.94, top=0.90) plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) print('graphing stock information ', end='') if outputType == 'WEBSITE': print('to website') else: print('to terminal')
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 20) y = x[:, None] X = np.zeros((20, 20, 4)) X[:, :, 0] = np.exp(- (x - 1) ** 2 - (y) ** 2) X[:, :, 1] = np.exp(- (x + 0.71) ** 2 - (y - 0.71) ** 2) X[:, :, 2] = np.exp(- (x + 0.71) ** 2 - (y + 0.71) ** 2) X[:, :, 3] = np.exp(-0.25 * (x ** 2 + y ** 2)) im = ax.imshow(X, extent=(10, 20, 10, 20), origin='lower', zorder=1, interpolation='nearest') fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) ax.text(16, 16, "overlaid text") ax.text(16, 15, "covered text", zorder=0) ax.set_title('An Image', size=20) ax.set_xlim(9, 21) ax.set_ylim(9, 21) return fig def test_imshow(): fig = create_plot() html = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) plt.close(fig) if __name__ == "__main__":
def PCA2d(sleppa, toflur): # prófa fyrst að taka bara costoflivingindex og veðrið í viku 30 # töflurnar geta verið prices, costoflivingindex, qualityoflifeindex, weathereurope og weatherchanceseurope pca = PCA(n_components=2) fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE'), figsize=(9, 7)) if (len(toflur) == 1): if "WeatherEurope" in toflur or "WeatherChancesEurope" in toflur: query = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + toflur[0] + " where week = 20") cols = [column[0] for column in query.description] results = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query.fetchall(), columns=cols) cities = results['city'].tolist() #results.drop(sleppa[0], axis=1) dropColumns = ['week', 'city'] if toflur[0] == "WeatherEurope": dropColumns.append('cloud_cover') results.drop(columns=dropColumns, inplace=True) results = results.apply(pd.to_numeric) resultsScaled = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform( results) principalComponentsScaled = pca.fit_transform(resultsScaled) principalDfScaled = pd.DataFrame( data=principalComponentsScaled, columns=['principal component 1', 'principal component 2']) N = len(cities) col = np.random.rand(N) print( pd.DataFrame( pca.components_, columns=results.columns).sort_values( axis=1, by=0, ascending=False)) #.to_csv(path_or_buf="PCA.csv") # aðal meginþættirnir hafa verið prentaðir mynd = ax.scatter(principalDfScaled['principal component 1'], principalDfScaled['principal component 2'], c=col, alpha=0.5) ax.set_title("2-dimensional PCA of weather in Europe in late June") if "CostOfLivingIndex" in toflur or "QualityOfLifeIndex" in toflur: query2 = cur.execute("SELECT * from " + toflur[0]) cols = [column[0] for column in query2.description] results2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query2.fetchall(), columns=cols) cities = results2['City'].tolist() #results2.drop(sleppa[1], axis=1) results2.drop(columns=['City', 'Rank'], inplace=True) results2 = results2.apply(pd.to_numeric) results2Scaled = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform( results2) principalComponentsScaled2 = pca.fit_transform(results2Scaled) principalDfScaled2 = pd.DataFrame( data=principalComponentsScaled2, columns=['principal component 1', 'principal component 2']) col = np.random.rand(len(cities)) mynd = ax.scatter(principalDfScaled2['principal component 1'], principalDfScaled2['principal component 2'], c=col, alpha=0.5) print( pd.DataFrame( pca.components_, columns=results2.columns).sort_values( axis=1, by=0, ascending=False)) #.to_csv(path_or_buf="PCA.csv") # aðal meginþættirnir hafa verið prentaðir if ("CostOfLivingIndex" in toflur): ax.set_title("2-dimensional PCA of cost of living indeces") else: ax.set_title("2-dimensional PCA of quality of life indeces") if "Prices" in toflur: query3 = cur.execute("SELECT * from " + toflur[0]) cols = [column[0] for column in query2.description] print(cols) results3 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query3.fetchall(), columns=cols) cities3 = results3['City'].tolist() irrelevantAttributes = [ "City", "Monthly Pass", "Volkswagen Golf", "Toyota Corolla", "Basic Utilities", "Internet", "Fitness Club", "Tennis Court Rent", "Preschool Month", "Primary School Year", "Rent 1 Bedroom Center" "Rent 1 Bedroom Outside Center" "Rent 3 Bedrooms Center", "Rent 3 Bedrooms Outside Center", "Price m2 Center", "Price m2 Outside Center", "Average Monthly Salary After Tax", "Mortgage Interest Rate" ] #results3.drop(sleppa[1], axis=1) results3.drop(columns=irrelevantAttributes, inplace=True) results3 = results3.apply(pd.to_numeric) results3Scaled = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform( results3) principalComponentsScaled3 = pca.fit_transform(results3Scaled) principalDfScaled3 = pd.DataFrame( data=principalComponentsScaled3, columns=['principal component 1', 'principal component 2']) col = np.random.rand(len(cities3)) mynd = ax.scatter(principalDfScaled3['principal component 1'], principalDfScaled3['principal component 2'], c=col, alpha=0.5) ax.set_title("2-dimensional PCA of prices of goods") print( pd.DataFrame( pca.components_, columns=results3.columns).sort_values( axis=1, by=0, ascending=False)) #.to_csv(path_or_buf="PCA.csv") # aðal meginþættirnir hafa verið prentaðir else: # sameina toflulisti = [] for tafla in toflur: if tafla == "WeatherEurope" or tafla == "WeatherChancesEurope": query = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM " + tafla + " where week = 20") cols = [column[0] for column in query.description] results = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query.fetchall(), columns=cols) cities = results['city'].tolist() results.drop(sleppa[0], axis=1) toflulisti.append(results) if tafla == "CostOfLivingIndex" or tafla == "QualityOfLifeIndex": query2 = cur.execute("SELECT * from " + tafla) cols = [column[0] for column in query2.description] results2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=query2.fetchall(), columns=cols) cities = results2['City'].tolist() results2.drop(sleppa[1], axis=1) results2.drop("Rank", axis=1, inplace=True) results2.rename(index=str, columns={"City": "city"}, inplace=True) toflulisti.append(results2) if tafla == "Prices": print("vantar atm") saman = reduce((lambda results, results2: pd.merge(results, results2, how='inner', left_on=['city'], right_on=['city'])), toflulisti) cities = list(saman["city"]) samandrop = ['city', 'week', 'cloud_cover'] saman.drop(columns=samandrop, inplace=True) samanScaled = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform(saman) principalComponentsScaledSaman = pca.fit_transform(samanScaled) principalDfScaledSaman = pd.DataFrame( data=principalComponentsScaledSaman, columns=['principal component 1', 'principal component 2']) col = np.random.rand(len(saman)) mynd = ax.scatter(principalDfScaledSaman['principal component 1'], principalDfScaledSaman['principal component 2'], c=col, alpha=0.5) print( pd.DataFrame(pca.components_, columns=saman.columns).sort_values( axis=1, by=0, ascending=False)) #.to_csv(path_or_buf="PCA.csv") # aðal meginþættirnir hafa verið prentaðir # frekar en að hafa results, results2 o.s.frv. þá get ég haft lista/dict results["WeatherEurope"], results["CostOfLivingIndex"] # Prices og QualityOfLifeIndex er keimlíkt CostOfLivingIndex # WeatherChancesEurope er keimlíkt WeatherEurope # nema það þarf að droppa öðrum dálkum ax.set_xlabel('Principal Component 1', fontsize=15) ax.set_ylabel('Principal Component 2', fontsize=15) if (len(toflur) > 1): title = "2-dimensional PCA of " + toflur[0] i = 1 for tafla in toflur[1:]: if i != (len(toflur) - 1): title = title + ", " + tafla + " " else: title = title + " and " + tafla i = i + 1 ax.set_title(title) # vantar að staðfesta að röðin sé eins? tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(mynd, labels=cities) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip)
"""Plot to test line styles""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import mpld3 from mpld3 import plugins def create_plot(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() points = ax.plot(range(10), 'o', ms=20) plugins.connect(fig, plugins.PointLabelTooltip(points[0], location="top left")) return fig def test_tooltips_basic(): fig = create_plot() html = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) plt.close(fig) if __name__ == "__main__":
def create_d3_visualisation(self): vectors_matrix = np.vstack( [nlp(text).vector for text in tqdm(self.texts)]) self.dist = 1 - cosine_similarity(vectors_matrix) km = KMeans(n_clusters=self.num_clusters) clusters = km.labels_.tolist() mds = MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity="precomputed", random_state=1) pos = mds.fit_transform(self.dist) # shape (n_components, n_samples) xs, ys = pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1] cluster_names = {i: f'Cluster {i}' for i in range(self.num_clusters)} text_label_and_text = [ ': '.join(t) for t in list(zip(self.text_labels, self.texts)) ] # create data frame that has the result of the MDS plus the cluster numbers and titles df = pd.DataFrame( dict(x=xs, y=ys, clusters=clusters, title=text_label_and_text)) # group by cluster groups_clusters = df.groupby('clusters') # set up plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(25, 15)) # set size ax.margins(0.05) # Optional, just adds 5% padding to the autoscaling # iterate through groups to layer the plot # note that I use the cluster_name and cluster_color dicts with the 'name' lookup to return # the appropriate color/label for name, group in groups_clusters: ax.plot(group.x, group.y, marker='o', linestyle='', ms=12, label=cluster_names[name], color=self.cluster_color[name], mec='none') ax.set_aspect('auto') ax.tick_params( axis='x', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off top='off', # ticks along the top edge are off labelbottom='off') ax.tick_params( axis='y', # changes apply to the y-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected left='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off top='off', # ticks along the top edge are off labelleft='off') ax.legend(numpoints=1) # show legend with only 1 point # add label in x,y position with the label as the for i in range(len(df)): ax.text(df.ix[i]['x'], df.ix[i]['y'], df.ix[i]['title'], size=8) # uncomment the below to save the plot if need be plt.savefig( f'clusters_static-{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}.png', dpi=200) # Plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 15)) # set plot size ax.margins(0.03) # Optional, just adds 5% padding to the autoscaling # iterate through groups to layer the plot for name, group in groups_clusters: points = ax.plot(group.x, group.y, marker='o', linestyle='', ms=18, label=cluster_names[name], mec='none', color=self.cluster_color[name]) ax.set_aspect('auto') labels = [i for i in group.title] # set tooltip using points, labels and the already defined 'css' tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(points[0], labels, voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=CSS) # connect tooltip to fig mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip, TopToolbar()) # set tick marks as blank ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # set axis as blank ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.legend(numpoints=1) # show legend with only one dot # show the plot