Пример #1
def get_integer_part(expr, no, options, return_ints=False):
    With no = 1, computes ceiling(expr)
    With no = -1, computes floor(expr)

    Note: this function either gives the exact result or signals failure.
    import sympy
    # The expression is likely less than 2^30 or so
    assumed_size = 30
    ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = evalf(expr, assumed_size, options)

    # We now know the size, so we can calculate how much extra precision
    # (if any) is needed to get within the nearest integer
    if ire and iim:
        gap = max(fastlog(ire) - ire_acc, fastlog(iim) - iim_acc)
    elif ire:
        gap = fastlog(ire) - ire_acc
    elif iim:
        gap = fastlog(iim) - iim_acc
        # ... or maybe the expression was exactly zero
        return None, None, None, None

    margin = 10

    if gap >= -margin:
        ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = \
            evalf(expr, margin + assumed_size + gap, options)

    # We can now easily find the nearest integer, but to find floor/ceil, we
    # must also calculate whether the difference to the nearest integer is
    # positive or negative (which may fail if very close).
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        if (c != 1 and p != 0) or p < 0:
            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no * (mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10

    re, im, re_acc, im_acc = None, None, None, None

    if ire:
        re, re_acc = calc_part(sympy.re(expr, evaluate=False), ire)
    if iim:
        im, im_acc = calc_part(sympy.im(expr, evaluate=False), iim)

    if return_ints:
        return int(to_int(re or fzero)), int(to_int(im or fzero))
    return re, im, re_acc, im_acc
Пример #2
def get_integer_part(expr, no, options, return_ints=False):
    With no = 1, computes ceiling(expr)
    With no = -1, computes floor(expr)

    Note: this function either gives the exact result or signals failure.
    import sympy
    # The expression is likely less than 2^30 or so
    assumed_size = 30
    ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = evalf(expr, assumed_size, options)

    # We now know the size, so we can calculate how much extra precision
    # (if any) is needed to get within the nearest integer
    if ire and iim:
        gap = max(fastlog(ire) - ire_acc, fastlog(iim) - iim_acc)
    elif ire:
        gap = fastlog(ire) - ire_acc
    elif iim:
        gap = fastlog(iim) - iim_acc
        # ... or maybe the expression was exactly zero
        return None, None, None, None

    margin = 10

    if gap >= -margin:
        ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = \
            evalf(expr, margin + assumed_size + gap, options)

    # We can now easily find the nearest integer, but to find floor/ceil, we
    # must also calculate whether the difference to the nearest integer is
    # positive or negative (which may fail if very close).
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        if (c != 1 and p != 0) or p < 0:
            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10

    re, im, re_acc, im_acc = None, None, None, None

    if ire:
        re, re_acc = calc_part(sympy.re(expr, evaluate=False), ire)
    if iim:
        im, im_acc = calc_part(sympy.im(expr, evaluate=False), iim)

    if return_ints:
        return int(to_int(re or fzero)), int(to_int(im or fzero))
    return re, im, re_acc, im_acc
Пример #3
def npartitions(n, verbose=False):
    Calculate the partition function P(n), i.e. the number of ways that
    n can be written as a sum of positive integers.

    P(n) is computed using the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula [1]_.

    The correctness of this implementation has been tested through 10**10.


    >>> from sympy.ntheory import npartitions
    >>> npartitions(25)


    .. [1] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartitionFunctionP.html

    n = int(n)
    if n < 0:
        return 0
    if n <= 5:
        return [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7][n]
    if '_factor' not in globals():
    # Estimate number of bits in p(n). This formula could be tidied
    pbits = int((
        math.pi*(2*n/3.)**0.5 -
        math.log(4*n))/math.log(10) + 1) * \
        math.log(10, 2)
    prec = p = int(pbits*1.1 + 100)
    s = fzero
    M = max(6, int(0.24*n**0.5 + 4))
    if M > 10**5:
        raise ValueError("Input too big") # Corresponds to n > 1.7e11
    sq23pi = mpf_mul(mpf_sqrt(from_rational(2, 3, p), p), mpf_pi(p), p)
    sqrt8 = mpf_sqrt(from_int(8), p)
    for q in range(1, M):
        a = _a(n, q, p)
        d = _d(n, q, p, sq23pi, sqrt8)
        s = mpf_add(s, mpf_mul(a, d), prec)
        if verbose:
            print("step", q, "of", M, to_str(a, 10), to_str(d, 10))
        # On average, the terms decrease rapidly in magnitude.
        # Dynamically reducing the precision greatly improves
        # performance.
        p = bitcount(abs(to_int(d))) + 50
    return int(to_int(mpf_add(s, fhalf, prec)))
Пример #4
def npartitions(n, verbose=False):
    Calculate the partition function P(n), i.e. the number of ways that
    n can be written as a sum of positive integers.

    P(n) is computed using the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula [1]_.

    The correctness of this implementation has been tested through 10**10.


    >>> from sympy.ntheory import npartitions
    >>> npartitions(25)


    .. [1] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartitionFunctionP.html

    n = int(n)
    if n < 0:
        return 0
    if n <= 5:
        return [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7][n]
    if '_factor' not in globals():
    # Estimate number of bits in p(n). This formula could be tidied
    pbits = int((
        math.pi*(2*n/3.)**0.5 -
        math.log(4*n))/math.log(10) + 1) * \
        math.log(10, 2)
    prec = p = int(pbits * 1.1 + 100)
    s = fzero
    M = max(6, int(0.24 * n**0.5 + 4))
    if M > 10**5:
        raise ValueError("Input too big")  # Corresponds to n > 1.7e11
    sq23pi = mpf_mul(mpf_sqrt(from_rational(2, 3, p), p), mpf_pi(p), p)
    sqrt8 = mpf_sqrt(from_int(8), p)
    for q in range(1, M):
        a = _a(n, q, p)
        d = _d(n, q, p, sq23pi, sqrt8)
        s = mpf_add(s, mpf_mul(a, d), prec)
        if verbose:
            print("step", q, "of", M, to_str(a, 10), to_str(d, 10))
        # On average, the terms decrease rapidly in magnitude.
        # Dynamically reducing the precision greatly improves
        # performance.
        p = bitcount(abs(to_int(d))) + 50
    return int(to_int(mpf_add(s, fhalf, prec)))
Пример #5
def npartitions(n):
    """Calculate the partition function P(n), i.e. the number of ways that
    n can be written as a sum of positive integers.

    P(n) is computed using the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula.

    The correctness of this implementation has been tested for 10**n
    up to n = 8.


    >>> npartitions(25)


    * https://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartitionFunctionP.html

    n = int(n)
    if n < 0:
        return 0
    if n <= 5:
        return [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7][n]
    # Estimate number of bits in p(n). This formula could be tidied
    pbits = int((math.pi*(2*n/3.)**0.5 - math.log(4*n))/math.log(10) + 1) * \
        math.log(10, 2)
    prec = p = int(pbits * 1.1 + 100)
    s = fzero
    M = max(6, int(0.24 * n**0.5 + 4))
    sq23pi = mpf_mul(mpf_sqrt(from_rational(2, 3, p), p), mpf_pi(p), p)
    sqrt8 = mpf_sqrt(from_int(8), p)
    for q in range(1, M):
        a = _a(n, q, p)
        d = _d(n, q, p, sq23pi, sqrt8)
        s = mpf_add(s, mpf_mul(a, d), prec)
        debug('step', q, 'of', M, to_str(a, 10), to_str(d, 10))
        # On average, the terms decrease rapidly in magnitude. Dynamically
        # reducing the precision greatly improves performance.
        p = bitcount(abs(to_int(d))) + 50
    return int(to_int(mpf_add(s, fhalf, prec)))
Пример #6
def npartitions(n):
    """Calculate the partition function P(n), i.e. the number of ways that
    n can be written as a sum of positive integers.

    P(n) is computed using the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula.

    The correctness of this implementation has been tested for 10**n
    up to n = 8.


    >>> npartitions(25)


    * http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartitionFunctionP.html

    n = int(n)
    if n < 0:
        return 0
    if n <= 5:
        return [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7][n]
    # Estimate number of bits in p(n). This formula could be tidied
    pbits = int((math.pi*(2*n/3.)**0.5 - math.log(4*n))/math.log(10) + 1) * \
        math.log(10, 2)
    prec = p = int(pbits*1.1 + 100)
    s = fzero
    M = max(6, int(0.24*n**0.5 + 4))
    sq23pi = mpf_mul(mpf_sqrt(from_rational(2, 3, p), p), mpf_pi(p), p)
    sqrt8 = mpf_sqrt(from_int(8), p)
    for q in range(1, M):
        a = _a(n, q, p)
        d = _d(n, q, p, sq23pi, sqrt8)
        s = mpf_add(s, mpf_mul(a, d), prec)
        debug("step", q, "of", M, to_str(a, 10), to_str(d, 10))
        # On average, the terms decrease rapidly in magnitude. Dynamically
        # reducing the precision greatly improves performance.
        p = bitcount(abs(to_int(d))) + 50
    return int(to_int(mpf_add(s, fhalf, prec)))
Пример #7
 def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
     nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
     n, c, p, b = nexpr
     if (c != 1 and p != 0) or p < 0:
         expr = C.Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
         x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
             check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
         except PrecisionExhausted:
             if not expr.equals(0):
                 raise PrecisionExhausted
             x = fzero
         nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
     nint = from_int(nint)
     return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10
Пример #8
 def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
     nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
     n, c, p, b = nexpr
     if (c != 1 and p != 0) or p < 0:
         expr = C.Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
         x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
             check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
         except PrecisionExhausted:
             if not expr.equals(0):
                 raise PrecisionExhausted
             x = fzero
         nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
     nint = from_int(nint)
     return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10
Пример #9
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        is_int = (p == 0)
        if not is_int:
            # if there are subs and they all contain integer re/im parts
            # then we can (hopefully) safely substitute them into the
            # expression
            s = options.get('subs', False)
            if s:
                doit = True
                from sympy.core.compatibility import as_int
                for v in s.values():
                    except ValueError:
                            [as_int(i) for i in v.as_real_imag()]
                        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                            doit = False
                if doit:
                    expr = expr.subs(s)

            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no * (mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10
Пример #10
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        is_int = (p == 0)
        if not is_int:
            # if there are subs and they all contain integer re/im parts
            # then we can (hopefully) safely substitute them into the
            # expression
            s = options.get('subs', False)
            if s:
                doit = True
                from sympy.core.compatibility import as_int
                for v in s.values():
                    except ValueError:
                            [as_int(i) for i in v.as_real_imag()]
                        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                            doit = False
                if doit:
                    expr = expr.subs(s)

            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10
Пример #11
def get_integer_part(expr, no, options, return_ints=False):
    With no = 1, computes ceiling(expr)
    With no = -1, computes floor(expr)

    Note: this function either gives the exact result or signals failure.
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import re, im
    # The expression is likely less than 2^30 or so
    assumed_size = 30
    ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = evalf(expr, assumed_size, options)

    # We now know the size, so we can calculate how much extra precision
    # (if any) is needed to get within the nearest integer
    if ire and iim:
        gap = max(fastlog(ire) - ire_acc, fastlog(iim) - iim_acc)
    elif ire:
        gap = fastlog(ire) - ire_acc
    elif iim:
        gap = fastlog(iim) - iim_acc
        # ... or maybe the expression was exactly zero
        return None, None, None, None

    margin = 10

    if gap >= -margin:
        ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = \
            evalf(expr, margin + assumed_size + gap, options)

    # We can now easily find the nearest integer, but to find floor/ceil, we
    # must also calculate whether the difference to the nearest integer is
    # positive or negative (which may fail if very close).
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        is_int = (p == 0)
        if not is_int:
            # if there are subs and they all contain integer re/im parts
            # then we can (hopefully) safely substitute them into the
            # expression
            s = options.get('subs', False)
            if s:
                doit = True
                from sympy.core.compatibility import as_int
                for v in s.values():
                    except ValueError:
                            [as_int(i) for i in v.as_real_imag()]
                        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                            doit = False
                if doit:
                    expr = expr.subs(s)

            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no * (mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10

    re_, im_, re_acc, im_acc = None, None, None, None

    if ire:
        re_, re_acc = calc_part(re(expr, evaluate=False), ire)
    if iim:
        im_, im_acc = calc_part(im(expr, evaluate=False), iim)

    if return_ints:
        return int(to_int(re_ or fzero)), int(to_int(im_ or fzero))
    return re_, im_, re_acc, im_acc
Пример #12
def get_integer_part(expr, no, options, return_ints=False):
    With no = 1, computes ceiling(expr)
    With no = -1, computes floor(expr)

    Note: this function either gives the exact result or signals failure.
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import re, im
    # The expression is likely less than 2^30 or so
    assumed_size = 30
    ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = evalf(expr, assumed_size, options)

    # We now know the size, so we can calculate how much extra precision
    # (if any) is needed to get within the nearest integer
    if ire and iim:
        gap = max(fastlog(ire) - ire_acc, fastlog(iim) - iim_acc)
    elif ire:
        gap = fastlog(ire) - ire_acc
    elif iim:
        gap = fastlog(iim) - iim_acc
        # ... or maybe the expression was exactly zero
        return None, None, None, None

    margin = 10

    if gap >= -margin:
        ire, iim, ire_acc, iim_acc = \
            evalf(expr, margin + assumed_size + gap, options)

    # We can now easily find the nearest integer, but to find floor/ceil, we
    # must also calculate whether the difference to the nearest integer is
    # positive or negative (which may fail if very close).
    def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
        from sympy.core.add import Add
        nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
        n, c, p, b = nexpr
        is_int = (p == 0)
        if not is_int:
            # if there are subs and they all contain integer re/im parts
            # then we can (hopefully) safely substitute them into the
            # expression
            s = options.get('subs', False)
            if s:
                doit = True
                from sympy.core.compatibility import as_int
                for v in s.values():
                    except ValueError:
                            [as_int(i) for i in v.as_real_imag()]
                        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                            doit = False
                if doit:
                    expr = expr.subs(s)

            expr = Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
            x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
                check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
            except PrecisionExhausted:
                if not expr.equals(0):
                    raise PrecisionExhausted
                x = fzero
            nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
        nint = from_int(nint)
        return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10

    re_, im_, re_acc, im_acc = None, None, None, None

    if ire:
        re_, re_acc = calc_part(re(expr, evaluate=False), ire)
    if iim:
        im_, im_acc = calc_part(im(expr, evaluate=False), iim)

    if return_ints:
        return int(to_int(re_ or fzero)), int(to_int(im_ or fzero))
    return re_, im_, re_acc, im_acc