Пример #1
    def _w_tilde(self, u_bar):
        """Compute w_tilde, the threshold for the word-length w such that
		MSB = computeNaiveMSB    if w >= w_tilde
		MSB = computeNaiveMSB+1  if w < w_tilde
		(this doesn't count into account the roundoff error, as in FxPF)
		See ARITH26 paper
			- u_bar: vector of bounds on the inputs of the system
		Returns: a vector of thresholds w_tilde

		We use:  w_tilde = 1 + ceil(log2(zeta_bar)) - floor(log2( 2^ceil(log2(zeta_bar)) - zeta_bar ))
		with zeta_bar = <<Hzeta>>.u_bar
        #TODO: test if zeta_bar is a power of 2 (should be +Inf in that case)
        zeta_bar = self.Hzeta.WCPG() * u_bar

        with mpmath.workprec(500):  # TODO: compute how many bit we need !!
            wtilde = [
                int(1 + mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x[0], 2)) - mpmath.floor(
                        mpmath.power(2, mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x[0], 2))) -
                        x[0], 2))) for x in zeta_bar.tolist()

        return wtilde
def documents_partition (time_range=3):
    First step of the Temporal Text Mining algorithm. Partition the tweets text based on the day they were posted.
    Returns the partition of the tweets and corresponding vectors of the tf-idf matrix.

    :param time_range: How many days should be used to form one set in the partition
    :type time_range: int

    :return: tweets and tf-idf matrix partition
    :rtype: tuple

    start = timer()

    # Load the files
    tfidf_matrix = pickle.load(open('TF-IDF Matrix - ' + str(n_data) + ' Tweets.p', 'rb'))
    tweets = pickle.load(open('Tweets Data - ' + str(n_data) + ' Tweets.p', 'rb'))

    # Partition the data
    # Obtain all the days in which a tweet was posted
    days = [tweet['date'] for tweet in tweets]

    # Count the number of days in the data
    number_days = len(set(days))

    # Build the partition
    tweets_partition = []
    dense_tfidf_matrix_partition = []

    partition_size = int(math.ceil(number_days/time_range))
    for index in range(partition_size):

    # Obtain the days in form of index and allocate the tweets and vectors to its partition
    minimum_day = min(days).toordinal()
    dense_tfidf_matrix = tfidf_matrix.todense().tolist()
    for tweet, vector in zip(tweets, dense_tfidf_matrix):
        day_index = tweet['date'].toordinal() - minimum_day + 1
        partition_index = int(math.ceil(day_index/time_range)) - 1

    # Convert the dense tf-idf matrix in the parttion to sparse tf-idf matrix
    tfidf_matrix_partition = []
    for dense_tfidf_matrix in dense_tfidf_matrix_partition:
        tfidf_matrix = csr_matrix(dense_tfidf_matrix)

    end = timer()
    print('Obtained the partition in %.2f seconds' % (end - start))
    txt_file.write('Obtained the partition in %.2f seconds. \n' % (end - start))

    # Return the tweets and tf-idf matrix partition
    return tweets_partition, tfidf_matrix_partition
Пример #3
def init_tensor(tensor, max_ind=0, init_range=2):
    tensor = tensor.clone()
    tensor_len = tensor.size(0)

    tensor[:int(mpmath.ceil(0.9 * tensor_len))] = tensor[:int(mpmath.ceil(0.9*tensor_len))] * (
            2 ** (max_ind - 1 + 1))

    tensor[int(mpmath.ceil(0.9*tensor_len)): ] = tensor[int(
            mpmath.ceil(0.9*tensor_len)): ] * (2 ** (max_ind -2+ 1))

    return tensor
Пример #4
 def comp_min_depth(self, t, h):
     """ Compute minimal circuit depth needed for FHE,
     thus circuit depth needed for decryption circuit.
     The depth is applicable only in case when t (plain-text base)
     divides q (cypher-text base).
     _gamma = 2.01  # constant: 2 < _gamma < 3
     _H_f = 1  # computed using equation (5) from the article
     v = mpm.ceil(t * _gamma * (_H_f * h + 1))
     L = mpm.ceil(mpm.log(v + 0.5, 2))
     return L
Пример #5
def hardtanh_tensor(tensor, floor=-1,ceil=1,  max_ind=0, hd_range=2):
    tensor = tensor.clone()
    tensor_len = tensor.size(0)

    hd_func = nn.Hardtanh(floor * (2 ** (max_ind - 1 + 1)), ceil * (2 ** (max_ind - 1 + 1)))
    tensor[ : int(mpmath.ceil(tensor_len*0.9))] = hd_func(tensor[ :int(mpmath.ceil(tensor_len*0.9))])

    hd_func = nn.Hardtanh(floor * (2 ** (max_ind - 2 + 1)), ceil * (2 ** (max_ind - 2 + 1)))
    tensor[int(mpmath.ceil(tensor_len*0.9)) : ] = hd_func(tensor[int(mpmath.ceil(tensor_len*0.9)) : ])
    '''for i in range(tensor_len):
        hd_func = nn.Hardtanh(floor / (2 ** (max_ind - (i%hd_range) + 1)), ceil / (2 ** (max_ind - (i%hd_range) + 1)))
        tensor[i] = hd_func(tensor[i])'''

    return tensor
Пример #6
    def run_optimisation(self, problem: HyperparameterOptimisationProblem) -> None:
        R = self.max_iter  # maximum amount of resource that can be allocated to a single hyperparameter configuration
        eta = self.eta  # halving rate

        def log_eta(x: int) -> int:
            return int(mpmath.log(x) / mpmath.log(eta))

        s_max = log_eta(R)  # number of unique executions of Successive Halving (minus one)
        s_min = 2 if s_max >= 2 else 0  # skip the rest of the brackets after s_min
        B = (s_max + 1) * R  # total/max resources (without reuse) per execution of Successive Halving

        for s in reversed(range(s_min, s_max + 1)):
            n = int(mpmath.ceil(int(B / R / (s + 1)) * eta ** s))  # initial number of evaluators/configurations/arms
            r = R * eta ** (-s)  # initial resources allocated to each evaluator/arm
            self._queue.put(Block(bracket=s, i=1, max_i=s+1, n_i=n, r_i=r))  # initial blocks

        worker = self._workers[0]
        while not self._queue.empty():
            block = self._queue.get()
            new_block = worker.consume_block(block, problem)
            if new_block.i <= new_block.max_i:
                best_in_bracket = self.min_or_max(block.evaluations, key=self._get_optimisation_func_val)
                print(f'Finished bracket {block.bracket}:\n{block}\n',
                      best_in_bracket.evaluator.arm, best_in_bracket.optimisation_goals)
Пример #7
    def w_tilde(self, u_bar):
        """compute w_tilde, the threshold for the word-length w such that
		MSB = computeNaiveMSB    if w >= w_tilde
		MSB = computeNaiveMSB+1  if w < w_tilde
		(this doesn't count into account the roundoff error, as in FxPF"""

        zeta_bar = self.Hzeta.WCPG() * u_bar

        with workprec(500):  # TODO: compute how many bit we need !!
            wtilde = [
                int(1 + ceil(log(x[0], 2)) -
                    floor(log(power(2, ceil(log(x[0], 2))) - x[0], 2)))
                for x in zeta_bar.tolist()

        return wtilde
Пример #8
def rand_test(samples, a, k, r):
    Tests samples * a >> k == samples // r
    :param samples:
    :param a:
    :param k:
    succ = 0
    min_bit_fail, min_bit_fail_val = None, None
    max_bit_fail, max_bit_fail_val = None, None
    a, k, r = long(a), long(k), long(r)
    for x in samples:
        if ((x * a) >> k) == (x // r):
            succ += 1
            was_set = False
            if min_bit_fail_val is None or min_bit_fail_val > x:
                min_bit_fail_val = x
                was_set = True
            if max_bit_fail_val is None or max_bit_fail_val < x:
                max_bit_fail_val = x
                was_set = True

            if not was_set:

            lg = mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x, 2))
            if min_bit_fail is None or min_bit_fail > lg:
                min_bit_fail = lg
            if max_bit_fail is None or max_bit_fail < lg:
                max_bit_fail = lg

    return succ, min_bit_fail, max_bit_fail
Пример #9
def get_pubmed_central_ids(pubmed_ids, chunk_size=200):
    pubmed_id_to_central_id = {}
    count = len(pubmed_ids)
    num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
    min_id = 0
    for _ in range(0, num_chunks):
            chunk_of_pubmed_ids = pubmed_ids[min_id:min_id+chunk_size]
            url = 'http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/elink.fcgi?dbfrom=pubmed&db=pmc&id='
            url = url + '&id='.join([str(x) for x in chunk_of_pubmed_ids])
            r = requests.get(url)
            xml = str(r.text)
            pieces = xml.split('<LinkSet>')
            j = 0
            for piece in pieces[1:]:
                pubmed_id = chunk_of_pubmed_ids[j]
                linksets = piece.split('<LinkSetDb>')
                pubmed_id_to_central_id[pubmed_id] = None
                for linkset in linksets[1:]:
                    if '<LinkName>pubmed_pmc</LinkName>' in linkset:
                        pubmed_central_id = int(linkset[linkset.index('<Id>')+4:linkset.index('</Id>')])
                        pubmed_id_to_central_id[pubmed_id] = pubmed_central_id
                j = j+1
        min_id = min_id + chunk_size
    return pubmed_id_to_central_id
Пример #10
def build_samples(R, maxbit):
    Builds array of testing samples
    :param R:
    :param maxbit:
    samples = []

    i = 1
    while 8 * i <= maxbit:
        samples += [random.randint(1, (2**(8 * i)) - 1) for _ in range(100)]
        if i < 4:
            i += 1
            i *= 2

    # R-products
    Rlog2 = mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(R, 2))
    i = 1
    while (8 * i + Rlog2) <= maxbit:
        samples += [
            R * long(random.randint(1, (2**(8 * i)) - 1)) for _ in range(100)
        if i < 4:
            i += 1
            i += 2

    return samples
Пример #11
def mpmsb(value, signed):
    if isinstance(value, Interval):
        return np.max([mpmsb(value.lower_bound, signed=signed),
                       mpmsb(value.upper_bound, signed=signed)])
    if value > 0:
        return int(mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(value, 2))) + int(signed)
    if value < 0:
        return int(mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(-value, 2)))
    return -np.inf
Пример #12
def get_prob_correct_sync(k, pc):
    """prob = \sum_{l=0}^{ceil(k/2)-1} (k_choose_l) * (pc)^l * (1 - pc)^(k-l)
    retval = 0
    lmax = mpmath.ceil(float(k)/2) - 1
    for l in range(0, lmax + 1):
        retval += mpmath.binomial(k,l) * mpmath.power(pc, l) * \
            mpmath.power(1 - pc, k - l)
    return retval
Пример #13
def _mp_round(n):
    ceil = mp.ceil(n)
    floor = mp.floor(n)
    ceil_diff = mp.fabs(n - ceil)
    floor_diff = mp.fabs(n - floor)
    if ceil_diff <= floor_diff:
        return ceil
        return floor
Пример #14
    def createRange(start, end, step=1):
            # attempt to calculate the number of items to be generated
            result = RPNGenerator(rangeGenerator(start, end, step),
                                  ceil(fdiv(fadd(fsub(end, start), 1), step)))
        except TypeError:
            # if that fails, then just do without the count
            result = RPNGenerator(rangeGenerator(start, end, step))

        return result
Пример #15
    def createRange( start, end, step = 1 ):
            # attempt to calculate the number of items to be generated
            result = RPNGenerator( rangeGenerator( start, end, step ),
                                   ceil( fdiv( fadd( fsub( end, start ), 1 ), step ) ) )
        except TypeError:
            # if that fails, then just do without the count
            result = RPNGenerator( rangeGenerator( start, end, step ) )

        return result
Пример #16
def convert_bioentity(sessionmaker, link, chunk_size):
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.performance.bioentity')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        session = sessionmaker()
        #Cache current objs
        from model_perf_schema.bioentity import Bioentity
        current_objs = session.query(Bioentity).all()
        id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
        key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
        untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
        #Grab new objs from backend
        objs_json = get_json(link())
        min_id = 0
        count = len(objs_json)
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            old_objs = objs_json[min_id:min_id+chunk_size]
            for obj_json in old_objs:
                newly_created_obj = create_bioentity(obj_json)
                current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, ['format_name', 'class_type', 'dbxref', 'json'], session, output_creator)
                if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #17
    def comp_all_params_given_degree(self):
        log2_modulo_lb = self.comp_log2_modulo_lb_given_degree(
        self.log2_q = mpm.ceil(log2_modulo_lb)
        #print self.log2_q
        log2_sigma_lb = self.comp_log2_sigma_lb_given_modulo_degree(
            self.log2_q, self.poly_degree_log2)
        self.sigma = mpm.power(2, log2_sigma_lb)
        self.B = self._comp_B(self._beta, self.sigma)


        return self.log2_q, self.sigma, log2_sigma_lb
Пример #18
def mpIntDigits(num):
    if not mpmath.almosteq(num,0):
        a = mpmath.log(abs(num), b=10)
        b = mpmath.nint(a)
        if mpmath.almosteq(a,b):
            return int(b)+1
            c = mpmath.ceil(a)
                return int(c)
        return 0
Пример #19
def convert_bibentry(sessionmaker, link, cls, chunk_size):
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.performance.' + cls.__name__)
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        session = sessionmaker()
        #Cache current objs
        current_objs = session.query(cls).all()
        id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
        untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
        #Grab new objs from backend
        objs_json = get_json(link())
        min_id = 0
        count = len(objs_json)
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            old_objs = objs_json[min_id:min_id+chunk_size]
            for obj_json in old_objs:
                newly_created_obj = cls(obj_json['id'], obj_json['text'])
                current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_id, ['json'], session, output_creator)
                if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #20
def mpIntDigits(num):
    if not mpmath.almosteq(num, 0):
        a = mpmath.log(abs(num), b=10)
        b = mpmath.nint(a)
        if mpmath.almosteq(a, b):
            return int(b) + 1
            c = mpmath.ceil(a)
                return int(c)
        return 0
Пример #21
def isKMorphic(n, k):
    Returns true if n to the k power ends with n.

    This code won't work correctly for integral powers of 10, but they can
    never be morphic anyway, except for 1, which I handle specially.
    if n == 1:
        return 1

    modulo = power(10, ceil(log10(n)))
    powmod = getPowMod(n, k, modulo)

    return 1 if (n == powmod) else 0
Пример #22
    def computeNaiveMSB(self, u_bar, output_info=None):
        """Compute the MSB of t, x and y without taking into account the errors in the filter evaluation, and the
		errors in the computation of this MSB (the WCPG computation and the log2 associated)
		Returns a vector of MSB"""

        # compute the WCPG of Hzeta
        zeta_bar = self.Hzeta.WCPG(output_info) * u_bar

        with workprec(
        ):  # TODO: use right precision !! Or do it as it should be done, as in FxPF (see Nastia thesis p113)
            # and then the log2
            msb = [int(ceil(log(x[0], 2))) for x in zeta_bar.tolist()]

        return msb
Пример #23
def npp(n):
    mpmath.mp.dps = len(n)
    best = 0
    bbase = 0
    bk = 0
    for k in range(2, int(mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(n, 2)))):
        base = int(mpmath.floor(mpmath.power(n, '1/%d' % (k, ))))
        cand = pow(base, k)
        if cand > best:
            bbase = int(base)
            bk = k
            best = cand
    print bbase
    print bk
    return best
Пример #24
    def find_minimum_k(self, k_last=None):
        with workdps(self.dps):
            #print 'last_k:', k_last
            # delta func
            delta_f = lambda k: (self.gamma - 2) / (self.gamma - 1
                                                    ) * self.gamma**(-k)
            #delta_f = lambda k: (self.gamma - 2) * self.gamma**(-self.nth(k + 1))

            if k_last == None:
                return mpf(self.initial_k)
            assert k_last > 0
            c_bound = self.sconst
            # TODO Ek definition is different!!!
            #print 'maxmax:', mp.ceil(-mp.log(delta_f(k_last)/c_bound, 2)), k_last + 1
            return max(mp.ceil(-mp.log(delta_f(k_last) / c_bound, 2)),
                       k_last + 1)
Пример #25
    def go_enrichment(self, bioent_ids, callback=None):
        from src.sgd.model.perf.core import Bioentity, Bioconcept
        bioent_format_names = []
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*len(bioent_ids)/500)
        for i in range(num_chunks):
            bioent_format_names.extend([json.loads(x.json)['format_name'] for x in DBSession.query(Bioentity).filter(Bioentity.id.in_(bioent_ids[i*500:(i+1)*500])).all()])
        enrichment_results = query_batter.query_go_processes(bioent_format_names)
        json_format = []

        for enrichment_result in enrichment_results:
            identifier = 'GO:' + str(int(enrichment_result[0][3:])).zfill(7)
            goterm_id = get_obj_id(str(identifier).upper(), 'BIOCONCEPT', 'GO')
            goterm = json.loads(get_obj(Bioconcept, 'json', goterm_id))
            json_format.append({'go': goterm,
                            'match_count': enrichment_result[1],
                            'pvalue': enrichment_result[2]})
        return json.dumps(json_format)
def PI(precision):

    num_iterations = int(
        ceil(precision / 14)
    ) + 10  #Every iteration in Chudnovsky Algorithm produces approximately 14.18 digits, added 10 more digits for precision
    mp.dps = precision + 10  # Added 10 more for more precision

    K, M, X, L, S = 6, 1, 1, 13591409, 13591409

    for k in range(1, num_iterations + 1):
        M = (K**3 - 16 * K) * M / k**3
        K += 12
        L += 545140134
        X *= -262537412640768000
        S += mpf(M * L) / X

    C = 426880 * sqrt(10005)
    pi = C / mpf(S)

    print(str(pi)[:precision + 2])
Пример #27
    def _compute_LSB(self, l_y_out):

        if not isinstance(l_y_out, int):
            raise ValueError(
                "I implemented the function only for the case of 1 output! \n")
        # we need to add one more bit to the account for the
        # final rounding error
        l_y_out = l_y_out - 1

        # construct the error-filter
        deltaSIF = self.computeDeltaSIF()

        # compute the WCPG of the error filter
        wcpgDeltaH = deltaSIF.dSS.WCPG()

        # we repartition the error budget equally for all variables
        c = self.l + self.n + self.p

        # In order to respect the overall error |deltaY(k)| < 2^(l_y_out-1)
        # we need to compute the temporary, state and output variables with LSB l_i
        # l_i = max(l_y_out) - g_i
        # where the correction term g_i is computed via
        # g_i = 1 + max_j { ceil( log2 ( c * wcpgDeltaH[j, i] ) )}

        g = np.bmat([
            1 + max(np.ceil(np.log2(c * wcpgDeltaH[:, i] * 2**-l_y_out)))
            for i in range(0, c)

        # the error budget for the output y(k) that will be later passed on to FloPoCo
        error_budget_y = 2**-ceil(
            log(c * wcpgDeltaH[0, c - 1] * 2**-l_y_out, 2)) / 2**(l_y_out + 1)

        for x in (g == np.inf):
            if x.any():
                print('Divided by zero\n')

        lsb = np.bmat(l_y_out - g - 1)

        return lsb, error_budget_y
Пример #28
    def removeByRatio(self, head, a, b):
        if a < 1 or a > b:
            return head
        if head is None:
            return head
        cur = head
        n = 1
        while cur.next is not None:
            n = n + 1
            cur = cur.next

        ratio = ceil(float(a / b))

        if ratio == 1:
            head = head.next

        if ratio > 0:
            cur = head
            while --ratio != 1:
                cur = cur.next
            cur.next = cur.next.next
        return head
Пример #29
    def apply_rational_with_base(self, n, b, evaluation):
        "RealDigits[n_Rational, b_Integer]"

        expr = Expression("RealDigits", n)

        py_n = abs(n.value)
        py_b = b.get_int_value()
        if check_finite_decimal(n.denominator().get_int_value()) and not py_b % 2:
            return self.apply_2(n, b, evaluation)
            exp = int(mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(py_n, py_b)))
            (head, tails) = convert_repeating_decimal(
                py_n.as_numer_denom()[0], py_n.as_numer_denom()[1], py_b

            leaves = []
            for x in head:
                if not x == "0":
            list_str = Expression("List", *leaves)
        return Expression("List", list_str, exp)
Пример #30
    def computeNaiveMSB(self, u_bar, output_info=None):
        """Compute the MSB of t, x and y without taking into account the errors in the filter evaluation, and the
		errors in the computation of this MSB (the WCPG computation and the log2 associated)
		Returns a vector of MSB
			- u_bar: vector of bounds on the inputs of the system
		Returns: a vector of MSB such that the intermediate variables, the states and the output do not overflow

		we just use the equation  m = ceil( log2( <<Hzeta>>. u_bar ) )
        # compute the WCPG of Hzeta
        zeta_bar = self.Hzeta.WCPG(output_info) * u_bar

        # TODO: Do it as it should be done, as in FxPF (see Nastia thesis p113)
        with mpmath.workprec(500):
            # and then the log2
            msb = [
                int(mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(x[0], 2)))
                for x in zeta_bar.tolist()

        return msb
Пример #31
def download_review_htmls(restaurant_info):
    url = restaurant_info['url']
    name = restaurant_info['name']
    total_reviews = restaurant_info['total_reviews']
    first_file = restaurant_info['first_file']
    files = [first_file]
    for page_num in range(1, int(mpmath.ceil(total_reviews / 20))):  # from page 2 as page 1 is already saved.
        page_link = url + "?start=" + str(page_num * 20)
        for i in range(5):
                response = requests.get(page_link, headers={
                    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36', })
                html = response.content  # get the html
                filename = 'data/' + name + '/' + str(int(page_num + 1)) + '_' + name + '_' + str(
                    time.time()) + ".html"
                with open(filename, "wb") as file:
            except Exception:
    return files
Пример #32
def convert_evidence(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.phenotype import Phenotypeevidence as NewPhenotypeevidence
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference as NewReference
    from model_new_schema.evelement import Experiment as NewExperiment, Strain as NewStrain
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Bioentity as NewBioentity
    from model_new_schema.misc import Allele as NewAllele
    from model_new_schema.phenotype import Phenotype as NewPhenotype
    from model_old_schema.reference import Reflink as OldReflink
    from model_old_schema.phenotype import PhenotypeFeature as OldPhenotypeFeature
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.phenotype.evidence')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        old_session = old_session_maker()      
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['experiment_id', 'reference_id', 'strain_id', 'source',
                       'bioentity_id', 'bioconcept_id', 'date_created', 'created_by',
                       'reporter', 'reporter_desc', 'strain_details', 
                       'conditions', 'details', 'experiment_details', 'allele_info', 'allele_id']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        key_to_experiment = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(NewExperiment).all()])
        key_to_phenotype = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(NewPhenotype).all()])
        key_to_strain = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(NewStrain).all()])
        key_to_allele = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(NewAllele).all()])
        bioent_ids = set([x.id for x in new_session.query(NewBioentity).all()])
        reference_ids = set([x.id for x in new_session.query(NewReference).all()])
        old_reflinks = old_session.query(OldReflink).all()
        key_to_reflink = dict([((x.col_name, x.primary_key), x) for x in old_reflinks])
        min_id = old_session.query(func.min(OldPhenotypeFeature.id)).first()[0]
        count = old_session.query(func.max(OldPhenotypeFeature.id)).first()[0] - min_id
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewPhenotypeevidence).filter(NewPhenotypeevidence.id >= create_evidence_id(min_id)).filter(NewPhenotypeevidence.id < create_evidence_id(min_id+chunk_size)).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldPhenotypeFeature).filter(
                                OldPhenotypeFeature.id >= min_id).filter(
                                OldPhenotypeFeature.id < min_id+chunk_size).options(
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_evidence(old_obj, key_to_reflink, key_to_phenotype, reference_ids, 
                                                     bioent_ids, key_to_strain, key_to_experiment, key_to_allele)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #33
''' He let B the number of blue balls and T the total.
We have B = aT, where 0<a<1. The probability is equal to
(B/T) * (B-1)/(T-1) = 1/2, Replacing B = aT, and solving the
second order polynomial we see that a is integer iff
2T^2 + 2T + 1 = q^2, for some q odd. We again solve for integer solutions
and get that 2q^2-1 has to be a square, say k^2
2q^2 = k^2 + 1
Wolfram alpha XD Says that this is a diophantine equation with general solution
equal to
k = -1/2 * [(1+sqrt(2)) * pow(3-2*sqrt(2), n) + (1-sqrt(2)) * pow(3+2*sqrt(2), n)]

and we have the equality k = 2T + 1, we have that
k>= 2 * pow(10, 12) + 1
Also we have the relation B = ceil(T/sqrt(2))

s2 = mp.sqrt(2)
f = lambda n: ((s2 - 1) * mp.power(3 + 2 * s2, n) -
               (1 + s2) * mp.power(3 - 2 * s2, n)) / 2 + 2
kmin = 2 * pow(10, 12) + 1
i = 0

while f(i) < kmin:
    i += 1

g = lambda i: (f(i) - 1) / 2
h = lambda i: mp.ceil(g(i) / s2)

print("El resultado es: {}".format(h(i)))
print("The time spent is: {}".format(perf_counter() - t))
Пример #34
    def apply_2(self, n, b, evaluation, nr_elements=None, pos=None):
        "RealDigits[n_?NumericQ, b_Integer]"

        expr = Expression("RealDigits", n)
        rational_no = (
            True if isinstance(n, Rational) else False
        )  # it is used for checking whether the input n is a rational or not
        py_b = b.get_int_value()
        if isinstance(n, (Expression, Symbol, Rational)):
            pos_len = abs(pos) + 1 if pos is not None and pos < 0 else 1
            if nr_elements is not None:
                n = Expression(
                    "N", n,
                    int(mpmath.log(py_b**(nr_elements + pos_len), 10)) +
                if rational_no:
                    n = Expression("N", n).evaluate(evaluation)
                    return evaluation.message("RealDigits", "ndig", expr)
        py_n = abs(n.value)

        if not py_b > 1:
            return evaluation.message("RealDigits", "rbase", py_b)

        if isinstance(py_n, complex):
            return evaluation.message("RealDigits", "realx", expr)

        if isinstance(n, Integer):
            display_len = (int(mpmath.floor(mpmath.log(py_n, py_b)))
                           if py_n != 0 and py_n != 1 else 1)
            display_len = int(
                            Expression("Precision", py_n),
                            Expression("Log", 10, py_b),

        exp = int(mpmath.ceil(mpmath.log(
            py_n, py_b))) if py_n != 0 and py_n != 1 else 1

        if py_n == 0 and nr_elements is not None:
            exp = 0

        digits = []
        if not py_b == 10:
            digits = convert_float_base(py_n, py_b, display_len - exp)
            # truncate all the leading 0's
            i = 0
            while digits and digits[i] == 0:
                i += 1
            digits = digits[i:]

            if not isinstance(n, Integer):
                if len(digits) > display_len:
                    digits = digits[:display_len - 1]
            # drop any leading zeroes
            for x in str(py_n):
                if x != "." and (digits or x != "0"):

        if pos is not None:
            temp = exp
            exp = pos + 1
            move = temp - 1 - pos
            if move <= 0:
                digits = [0] * abs(move) + digits
                digits = digits[abs(move):]
                display_len = display_len - move

        list_str = Expression("List")

        for x in digits:
            if x == "e" or x == "E":
            # Convert to Mathics' list format

        if not rational_no:
            while len(list_str.leaves) < display_len:

        if nr_elements is not None:
            # display_len == nr_elements
            if len(list_str.leaves) >= nr_elements:
                # Truncate, preserving the digits on the right
                list_str = list_str.leaves[:nr_elements]
                if isinstance(n, Integer):
                    while len(list_str.leaves) < nr_elements:
                    # Adding Indeterminate if the length is greater than the precision
                    while len(list_str.leaves) < nr_elements:

        return Expression("List", list_str, exp)
def convert_abstract(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference as NewReference, Abstract as NewAbstract
    from model_old_schema.reference import Reference as OldReference
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.reference_in_depth.abstract')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        old_session = old_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['text']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        reference_ids = set([x.id for x in new_session.query(NewReference).all()])
        count = old_session.query(func.max(OldReference.id)).first()[0]
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewAbstract).filter(NewAbstract.id >= min_id).filter(NewAbstract.id <=  min_id+chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldReference).filter(
                                            OldReference.id >= min_id).filter(
                                            OldReference.id <=  min_id+chunk_size).options(
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_abstract(old_obj, reference_ids)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size + 1
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #36
def convert_interaction_family(new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.auxiliary import Interaction, InteractionFamily
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Bioentity
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.interaction.interaction_family')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['bioentity1_id', 'bioentity2_id', 'genetic_ev_count', 'physical_ev_count', 'evidence_count']   
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        id_to_bioent = dict([(x.id, x) for x in new_session.query(Bioentity).all()]) 
        #Grab old objs
        interactions = new_session.query(Interaction).filter(or_(Interaction.class_type == 'PHYSINTERACTION', Interaction.class_type == 'GENINTERACTION')).all()
        bioent_id_to_evidence_cutoff, bioent_id_to_neighbor_ids, edge_to_counts = interaction_family_precomp(interactions, 100, id_to_bioent)
        min_id = 0
        count = new_session.query(func.max(Bioentity.id)).first()[0]
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks): 
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(InteractionFamily).filter(InteractionFamily.bioentity_id >= min_id).filter(InteractionFamily.bioentity_id < min_id + chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            old_objs = new_session.query(Bioentity).filter(Bioentity.id >= min_id).filter(Bioentity.id < min_id+chunk_size).all()  
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                evidence_cutoff = bioent_id_to_evidence_cutoff[old_obj.id]
                newly_created_objs = create_interaction_family(old_obj, evidence_cutoff, 
                                    bioent_id_to_neighbor_ids, edge_to_counts, id_to_bioent)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #37
 def _comp_sigma_k(self, sigma, q, k):
     sigma_k = mpm.power(self._alfa, 1 - mpm.sqrt(k))
     sigma_k *= mpm.power(q, k - mpm.sqrt(k))
     sigma_k *= mpm.power(sigma, mpm.sqrt(k))
     sigma_k = mpm.ceil(sigma_k)
     return sigma_k
Пример #38
def getCeiling( n ):
    if isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return RPNMeasurement( getCeiling( n.getValue( ) ), n.getUnits( ) )
        return ceil( n )
Пример #39
def convert_domain_evidence(new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.protein import Domain, Domainevidence
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Bioentity
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.protein.domain_evidence')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        #Grab all current objects
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        current_objs = new_session.query(Domainevidence).all()
        id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
        key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['reference_id', 'strain_id', 'source', 'date_created', 'created_by',
                           'start', 'end', 'evalue', 'status', 'date_of_run', 'protein_id', 'domain_id']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        key_to_bioentity = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(Bioentity).all()])       
        key_to_domain = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(Domain).all()]) 
        pubmed_id_to_reference_id = dict([(x.pubmed_id, x.id) for x in new_session.query(Reference).all()]) 
        untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
        #Grab old objects
        data = break_up_file('/Users/kpaskov/final/yeastmine_protein_domains.tsv')
        used_unique_keys = set()   
        min_id = 0
        count = len(data)
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            old_objs = data[min_id:min_id+chunk_size]
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_domain_evidence(old_obj, j, key_to_bioentity, key_to_domain)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = (newly_created_obj.protein_id, newly_created_obj.domain_id, newly_created_obj.start,
                                      newly_created_obj.end, newly_created_obj.evalue)
                        if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.id not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                j = j+1
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
        #Grab JASPAR evidence from file
        old_objs = break_up_file('/Users/kpaskov/final/TF_family_class_accession04302013.txt')
        for old_obj in old_objs:
            #Convert old objects into new ones
            newly_created_objs = create_domain_evidence_from_tf_file(old_obj, j, key_to_bioentity, key_to_domain, pubmed_id_to_reference_id)
            if newly_created_objs is not None:
                #Edit or add new objects
                for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                    unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                    if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                    if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                    if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            j = j+1
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #40
def getFactors( n ):
    A factorization of *Nptr into prime and q-prime factors is first obtained.

    Selfridge's primality test is then applied to any q-prime factors; the test
    is applied repeatedly until either a q-prime is found to be composite or
    likely to be composite (in which case the initial factorization is doubtful
    and an extra base should be used in Miller's test) or we run out of q-primes,
    in which case every q-prime factor of *Nptr is certified as prime.

    Returns a list of tuples where each tuple is a prime factor and an exponent.

    verbose = g.verbose

    if real( n ) < -1:
        return [ ( -1, 1 ) ] + getFactors( fneg( n ) )
    elif n == -1:
        return [ ( -1, 1 ) ]
    elif n == 0:
        return [ ( 0, 1 ) ]
    elif n == 1:
        return [ ( 1, 1 ) ]

    target = int( n )

    dps = ceil( log( n ) )

    if dps > mp.dps:
        setAccuracy( dps )

    if target > g.minValueToCache:
        if g.factorCache is None:
            loadFactorCache( )

        if target in g.factorCache:
            if verbose:
                print( 'cache hit:', target )

            return g.factorCache[ target ]

    smallFactors, largeFactors, qPrimes = getPrimeFactors( int( n ), verbose )

    if qPrimes:
        if verbose:
            print( 'testing q-primes for primality' )
            print( '--' )

        i = 0

        for qPrime in qPrimes:
            t = doSelfridgeTest( qPrime[ 0 ], verbose )

            if not t:
                print( 'do FACTOR() again with an extra base' )
                return 0

        if verbose:
            print( 'all q-primes are primes:', n, 'has the following factorization:' )
            print( )

            for i in smallFactors:
                print( 'prime factor:', i[ 0 ], 'exponent:', i[ 1 ] )

            for i in largeFactors:
                print( 'prime factor:', i[ 0 ], 'exponent:', i[ 1 ] )
        if verbose:
            print( 'NO Q-PRIMES:' )
            print( )
            print( n, 'has the following factorization:' )

            for i in smallFactors:
                print( 'prime factor:', i[ 0 ], 'exponent:', i[ 1 ] )

            for i in largeFactors:
                print( 'prime factor:', i[ 0 ], 'exponent:', i[ 1 ] )

    result = [ ]

    result.extend( smallFactors )
    result.extend( largeFactors )

    if g.factorCache is not None:
        product = int( fprod( [ power( i[ 0 ], i[ 1 ] ) for i in largeFactors ] ) )

        if product not in g.factorCache:
            g.factorCache[ product ] = largeFactors
            g.factorCacheIsDirty = True

        if n > g.minValueToCache and n not in g.factorCache:
            g.factorCache[ n ] = result
            g.factorCacheIsDirty = True

    return result
Пример #41
def convert_reference(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference as NewReference, Book as NewBook, Journal as NewJournal
    from model_old_schema.reference import Reference as OldReference
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.reference.reference')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        #Grab all current objects
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['display_name', 'format_name', 'link', 'source', 
                       'status', 'pubmed_id', 'pubmed_central_id', 'pdf_status', 'year', 'date_published', 
                       'date_revised', 'issue', 'page', 'volume', 'title',
                       'journal_id', 'book_id', 'doi',
                       'created_by', 'date_created']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        key_to_journal = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(NewJournal).all()])
        key_to_book = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(NewBook).all()])
        #Grab old objects
        old_session = old_session_maker()
        used_unique_keys = set()
        count = old_session.query(func.max(OldReference.id)).first()[0]
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewReference).filter(NewReference.id >= min_id).filter(NewReference.id <=  min_id+chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldReference).filter(
                                            OldReference.id >= min_id).filter(
                                            OldReference.id <=  min_id+chunk_size).options(
            old_pubmed_ids = [x.pubmed_id for x in old_objs if x.pubmed_id is not None]
            pubmed_id_to_pubmed_central_id = get_pubmed_central_ids(old_pubmed_ids)
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_reference(old_obj, key_to_journal, key_to_book, pubmed_id_to_pubmed_central_id)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                            if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                            if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size + 1
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #42
def convert_domain(new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.protein import Domain as Domain
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.protein.domain')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        #Grab all current objects
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        current_objs = new_session.query(Domain).all()
        id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
        key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['display_name', 'description', 'interpro_id', 'interpro_description', 'link']
        untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
        #Grab old objects
        data = break_up_file('/Users/kpaskov/final/yeastmine_protein_domains.tsv')
        used_unique_keys = set()   
        min_id = 0
        count = len(data)
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            old_objs = data[min_id:min_id+chunk_size]
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_domain(old_obj)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
        #Grab JASPAR domains from file
        old_objs = break_up_file('/Users/kpaskov/final/TF_family_class_accession04302013.txt')
        for old_obj in old_objs:
            #Convert old objects into new ones
            newly_created_objs = create_domain_from_tf_file(old_obj)
            if newly_created_objs is not None:
                #Edit or add new objects
                for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                    unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                    current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                    current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                    create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                    if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                    if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #43
def convert_bioentity_reference(new_session_maker, evidence_class, class_type, label, chunk_size, get_bioent_ids_f, 
    from model_new_schema.auxiliary import BioentityReference
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Paragraph
    log = logging.getLogger(label)
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = []     
        #Grab all current objects
        current_objs = new_session.query(BioentityReference).filter(BioentityReference.class_type == class_type).all()
        id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
        key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
        untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
        used_unique_keys = set()   
        min_id = new_session.query(func.min(evidence_class.id)).first()[0]
        count = new_session.query(func.max(evidence_class.id)).first()[0] - min_id
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            old_objs = new_session.query(evidence_class).filter(evidence_class.id >= min_id, evidence_class.id <= min_id+chunk_size).all()
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                if filter_f is None or filter_f(old_obj):
                    #Convert old objects into new ones
                    newly_created_objs = create_bioentity_reference(old_obj, get_bioent_ids_f, class_type)
                    if newly_created_objs is not None:
                        #Edit or add new objects
                        for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                            unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                            if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                                current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                                current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                                create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                            if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                            if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
        #Add paragraph-related bioent_references.
        old_objs = new_session.query(Paragraph).filter(Paragraph.class_type == class_type).options(joinedload('paragraph_references')).all()                               
        for old_obj in old_objs:
            if filter_f is None or filter_f(old_obj):
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_bioentity_reference_from_paragraph(old_obj, class_type)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #44
 def _comp_B(self, beta, sigma):
     return mpm.ceil(beta * sigma)
Пример #45
def get_list(cls, col_name, obj_ids):
    num_chunks = ceil(1.0*len(obj_ids)/500)
    objs = []
    for i in range(num_chunks):
    return '[' + ', '.join([getattr(obj, col_name) for obj in objs]) + ']'
Пример #46
def convert_interaction(new_session_maker, evidence_class, class_type,  label, chunk_size, directed):
    from model_new_schema.auxiliary import Interaction
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Bioentity
    log = logging.getLogger(label)
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['display_name', 'bioentity1_id', 'bioentity2_id', 'evidence_count']   
        #Grab all current objects
        current_objs = new_session.query(Interaction).filter(Interaction.class_type == class_type).all()
        id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
        key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        id_to_bioent = dict([(x.id, x) for x in new_session.query(Bioentity).all()])
        untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
        used_unique_keys = set()   
        #Precomp evidence count
        format_name_to_evidence_count = {}
        min_id = new_session.query(func.min(evidence_class.id)).first()[0]
        count = new_session.query(func.max(evidence_class.id)).first()[0] - min_id
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):  
            more_old_objs = new_session.query(evidence_class).filter(evidence_class.id >= min_id).filter(evidence_class.id < min_id+chunk_size).all()
            interaction_precomp(format_name_to_evidence_count, more_old_objs, id_to_bioent, directed)
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size

        #Create interactions
        min_id = new_session.query(func.min(evidence_class.id)).first()[0]
        count = new_session.query(func.max(evidence_class.id)).first()[0] - min_id
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):  
            old_objs = new_session.query(evidence_class).filter(evidence_class.id >= min_id).filter(evidence_class.id < min_id+chunk_size).all()    
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                if directed:
                    format_name = create_directed_key(old_obj)
                    format_name = create_undirected_interaction_format_name(old_obj, id_to_bioent)
                evidence_count = format_name_to_evidence_count[format_name]
                newly_created_objs = create_interaction(old_obj, evidence_count, id_to_bioent, directed)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #47
def getCeiling( n ):
    if isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return RPNMeasurement( getCeiling( n.value ), n.units )
        return ceil( n )
Пример #48
def getLilianDayOperator( n ):
    return ceil( n.subtract( RPNDateTime( 1582, 10, 15 ) ).value )
Пример #49
def convert_evidence_chemical(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.phenotype import Phenotypeevidence as NewPhenotypeevidence
    from model_new_schema.chemical import Chemical as NewChemical
    from model_new_schema.evidence import EvidenceChemical as NewEvidenceChemical
    from model_old_schema.phenotype import PhenotypeFeature as OldPhenotypeFeature
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.phenotype.evidence_chemical')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        old_session = old_session_maker()      
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['chemical_amt']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        key_to_chemical = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(NewChemical).all()])        

        min_id = old_session.query(func.min(OldPhenotypeFeature.id)).first()[0]
        count = old_session.query(func.max(OldPhenotypeFeature.id)).first()[0] - min_id
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewEvidenceChemical).filter(NewEvidenceChemical.evidence_id >= create_evidence_id(min_id)).filter(NewEvidenceChemical.evidence_id < create_evidence_id(min_id+chunk_size)).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            id_to_evidence = dict([(x.id, x) for x in new_session.query(NewPhenotypeevidence).filter(NewPhenotypeevidence.id >= create_evidence_id(min_id)).filter(NewPhenotypeevidence.id < create_evidence_id(min_id+chunk_size)).all()])  
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldPhenotypeFeature).filter(
                                OldPhenotypeFeature.id >= min_id).filter(
                                OldPhenotypeFeature.id < min_id+chunk_size).options(
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_evidence_chemical(old_obj, key_to_chemical, id_to_evidence)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
def convert_url(new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference, Referenceurl as NewReferenceurl
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.reference_in_depth.reference_url')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        #Grab all current objects
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['display_name', 'category', 'source', 'date_created', 'created_by', 'reference_id', 'url_type']
        count = new_session.query(func.max(Reference.id)).first()[0]
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewReferenceurl).filter(NewReferenceurl.reference_id >= min_id).filter(NewReferenceurl.reference_id <=  min_id+chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = new_session.query(Reference).filter(
                                            Reference.id >= min_id).filter(
                                            Reference.id <=  min_id+chunk_size).all()
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_url(old_obj)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size + 1
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #51
def getNthHexagonalPentagonalNumber( n ):
    return nint( ceil( fdiv( fmul( fsub( sqrt( 3 ), 1 ),
                                   power( fadd( 2, sqrt( 3 ) ), fsub( fmul( 4, real_int( n ) ), 2 ) ) ),
                             12 ) ) )
def convert_author_reference(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.reference import Author as NewAuthor, Reference as NewReference, AuthorReference as NewAuthorReference
    from model_old_schema.reference import AuthorReference as OldAuthorReference, Author as OldAuthor
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.reference_in_depth.author_reference')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        old_session = old_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['author_type']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        reference_ids = set([x.id for x in new_session.query(NewReference).all()])
        #Simplify author conversion
        old_id_to_key = dict([(x.id, create_format_name(x.name)) for x in old_session.query(OldAuthor).all()])
        new_key_to_id = dict([(x.unique_key(), x.id) for x in new_session.query(NewAuthor).all()])
        old_id_to_new_id_author = dict([(x, new_key_to_id[y]) for x, y in old_id_to_key.iteritems()])
        used_unique_keys = set()
        count = old_session.query(func.max(OldAuthorReference.id)).first()[0]
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewAuthorReference).filter(NewAuthorReference.id >= min_id).filter(NewAuthorReference.id < min_id+chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldAuthorReference).filter(
                                            OldAuthorReference.id >= min_id).filter(
                                            OldAuthorReference.id <  min_id+chunk_size).all()
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_author_reference(old_obj, old_id_to_new_id_author, reference_ids)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        if unique_key not in used_unique_keys:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                            if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                            if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #53
def convert_evidence(new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.regulation import Regulationevidence
    from model_new_schema.evelement import Experiment
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Bioentity
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.regulation.evidence')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['experiment_id', 'reference_id', 'strain_id', 'source', 'conditions', 
                       'bioentity1_id', 'bioentity2_id', 'date_created', 'created_by']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        key_to_experiment = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(Experiment).all()])
        key_to_bioent = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in new_session.query(Bioentity).all()])
        pubmed_to_reference_id = dict([(x.pubmed_id, x.id) for x in new_session.query(Reference).all()])
        #Grab old objects
        data = break_up_file('/Users/kpaskov/final/yeastmine_regulation.tsv')
        count = len(data)
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        j = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(Regulationevidence).filter(Regulationevidence.id >= create_evidence_id(min_id)).filter(Regulationevidence.id < create_evidence_id(min_id+chunk_size)).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())

            old_objs = data[min_id:min_id+chunk_size]
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_evidence(old_obj, j, key_to_experiment, key_to_bioent, pubmed_to_reference_id)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        unique_key = newly_created_obj.unique_key()
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if unique_key not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[unique_key]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                j = j + 1
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #54
def describeIntegerOperator(n):
    indent = ' ' * 4

    print(int(n), 'is:')

    if isOdd(n):
        print(indent + 'odd')
    elif isEven(n):
        print(indent + 'even')

    if isPrime(n):
        isPrimeFlag = True
        print(indent + 'prime')
    elif n > 3:
        isPrimeFlag = False
        print(indent + 'composite')
        isPrimeFlag = False

    if isKthPower(n, 2):
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(sqrt(n)) +
              ' square number')

    if isKthPower(n, 3):
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(cbrt(n)) + ' cube number')

    for i in arange(4, fadd(ceil(log(fabs(n), 2)), 1)):
        if isKthPower(n, i):
            print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(root(n, i)) + ' ' +
                  getNumberName(i, True) + ' power')

    # triangular
    guess = findPolygonalNumber(n, 3)

    if getNthPolygonalNumber(guess, 3) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' triangular number')

    # pentagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber(n, 5)

    if getNthPolygonalNumber(guess, 5) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' pentagonal number')

    # hexagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber(n, 6)

    if getNthPolygonalNumber(guess, 6) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' hexagonal number')

    # heptagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber(n, 7)

    if getNthPolygonalNumber(guess, 7) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' heptagonal number')

    # octagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber(n, 8)

    if getNthPolygonalNumber(guess, 8) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' octagonal number')

    # nonagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber(n, 9)

    if getNthPolygonalNumber(guess, 9) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' nonagonal number')

    # decagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber(n, 10)

    if getNthPolygonalNumber(guess, 10) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' decagonal number')

    # if n > 1:
    #    for i in range( 11, 101 ):
    #        if getNthPolygonalNumber( findPolygonalNumber( n, i ), i ) == n:
    #            print( indent + str( i ) + '-gonal' )

    # centered triangular
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 3)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 3) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered triangular')

    # centered square
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 4)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 4) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered square number')

    # centered pentagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 5)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 5) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered pentagonal number')

    # centered hexagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 6)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 6) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered hexagonal number')

    # centered heptagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 7)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 7) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered heptagonal number')

    # centered octagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 8)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 8) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered octagonal number')

    # centered nonagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 9)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 9) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered nonagonal number')

    # centered decagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber(n, 10)

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber(guess, 10) == n:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(guess) +
              ' centered decagonal number')

    # pandigital
    if isPandigital(n):
        print(indent + 'pandigital')

    # for i in range( 4, 21 ):
    #    if isBaseKPandigital( n, i ):
    #        print( indent + 'base ' + str( i ) + ' pandigital' )

    # Fibonacci
    result = findInput(n, fib, lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Fibonacci number')

    # Tribonacci
    result = findInput(n, lambda n: getNthKFibonacciNumber(n, 3),
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Tribonacci number')

    # Tetranacci
    result = findInput(n, lambda n: getNthKFibonacciNumber(n, 4),
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Tetranacci number')

    # Pentanacci
    result = findInput(n, lambda n: getNthKFibonacciNumber(n, 5),
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Pentanacci number')

    # Hexanacci
    result = findInput(n, lambda n: getNthKFibonacciNumber(n, 6),
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Hexanacci number')

    # Heptanacci
    result = findInput(n, lambda n: getNthKFibonacciNumber(n, 7),
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Heptanacci number')

    # Octanacci
    result = findInput(n, lambda n: getNthKFibonacciNumber(n, 8),
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Octanacci number')

    # Lucas numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthLucasNumber, lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Lucas number')

    # base-k repunits
    if n > 1:
        for i in range(2, 21):
            result = findInput(n,
                               lambda x: getNthBaseKRepunit(x, i),
                               lambda n: log(n, i),

            if result[0]:
                print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
                      ' base-' + str(i) + ' repunit')

    # Jacobsthal numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthJacobsthalNumber, lambda n: fmul(log(n), 1.6))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Jacobsthal number')

    # Padovan numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthPadovanNumber, lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 9))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Padovan number')

    # Fibonorial numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthFibonorial, lambda n: sqrt(fmul(log(n), 10)))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Fibonorial number')

    # Mersenne primes
    result = findInput(n, getNthMersennePrime,
                       lambda n: fadd(fmul(log(log(sqrt(n))), 2.7), 3))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Mersenne prime')

    # perfect number
    result = findInput(n, getNthPerfectNumber,
                       lambda n: fmul(log(log(n)), 2.6))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' perfect number')

    # Mersenne exponent
    result = findInput(n,
                       lambda n: fmul(log(n), 2.7),

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Mersenne exponent')

    if not isPrimeFlag and n != 1 and n <= LARGEST_NUMBER_TO_FACTOR:
        # deficient
        if isDeficient(n):
            print(indent + 'deficient')

        # abundant
        if isAbundant(n):
            print(indent + 'abundant')

        # k_hyperperfect
        for i in sorted(list(set(sorted(
            if i > n:

            if isKHyperperfect(n, i):
                print(indent + str(i) + '-hyperperfect')

        # smooth
        for i in getPrimes(2, 50):
            if isSmooth(n, i):
                print(indent + str(i) + '-smooth')

        # rough
        previousPrime = 2

        for i in getPrimes(2, 50):
            if not isRough(n, i):
                print(indent + str(previousPrime) + '-rough')

            previousPrime = i

        # is_semiprime
        if isSemiprime(n):
            print(indent + 'semiprime')

        # is_sphenic
        elif isSphenic(n):
            print(indent + 'sphenic')
        elif isSquareFree(n):
            print(indent + 'square-free')

        # powerful
        if isPowerful(n):
            print(indent + 'powerful')

    # factorial
    result = findInput(n, getNthFactorial, lambda n: power(log10(n), 0.92))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' factorial number')

    # alternating factorial
    result = findInput(n, getNthAlternatingFactorial,
                       lambda n: fmul(sqrt(log(n)), 0.72))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' alternating factorial number')

    # double factorial
    if n == 1:
        result = (True, 1)
        result = findInput(n, getNthDoubleFactorial,
                           lambda n: fdiv(power(log(log(n)), 4), 7))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' double factorial number')

    # hyperfactorial
    result = findInput(n, getNthHyperfactorial,
                       lambda n: fmul(sqrt(log(n)), 0.8))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' hyperfactorial number')

    # subfactorial
    result = findInput(n, getNthSubfactorial, lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 1.1))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' subfactorial number')

    # superfactorial
    if n == 1:
        result = (True, 1)
        result = findInput(n, getNthSuperfactorial,
                           lambda n: fadd(sqrt(log(n)), 1))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' superfactorial number')

    # pernicious
    if isPernicious(n):
        print(indent + 'pernicious')

    # pronic
    if isPronic(n):
        print(indent + 'pronic')

    # Achilles
    if isAchillesNumber(n):
        print(indent + 'an Achilles number')

    # antiharmonic
    if isAntiharmonic(n):
        print(indent + 'antiharmonic')

    # unusual
    if isUnusual(n):
        print(indent + 'unusual')

    # hyperperfect
    for i in range(2, 21):
        if isKHyperperfect(n, i):
            print(indent + str(i) + '-hyperperfect')

    # Ruth-Aaron
    if isRuthAaronNumber(n):
        print(indent + 'a Ruth-Aaron number')

    # Smith numbers
    if isSmithNumber(n):
        print(indent + 'a Smith number')

    # base-k Smith numbers
    for i in range(2, 10):
        if isBaseKSmithNumber(n, i):
            print(indent + 'a base-' + str(i) + ' Smith number')

    # order-k Smith numbers
    for i in range(2, 11):
        if isOrderKSmithNumber(n, i):
            print(indent + 'an order-' + str(i) + ' Smith number')

    # polydivisible
    if isPolydivisible(n):
        print(indent + 'polydivisible')

    # Carol numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthCarolNumber,
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), fdiv(5, 3)))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Carol number')

    # Kynea numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthKyneaNumber,
                       lambda n: fmul(log10(n), fdiv(5, 3)))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Kynea number')

    # Leonardo numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthLeonardoNumber,
                       lambda n: fsub(log(n, phi), fdiv(1, phi)))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Leonardo number')

    # Thabit numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthThabitNumber, lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 3.25))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Thabit number')

    # Carmmichael
    if isCarmichaelNumber(n):
        print(indent + 'a Carmichael number')

    # narcissistic
    if isNarcissistic(n):
        print(indent + 'narcissistic')

    # PDI
    if isPerfectDigitalInvariant(n):
        print(indent + 'a perfect digital invariant')

    # PDDI
    if isPerfectDigitToDigitInvariant(n, 10):
        print(indent + 'a perfect digit-to-digit invariant in base 10')

    # Kaprekar
    if isKaprekarNumber(n):
        print(indent + 'a Kaprekar number')

    # automorphic
    if isAutomorphic(n):
        print(indent + 'automorphic')

    # trimorphic
    if isTrimorphic(n):
        print(indent + 'trimorphic')

    # k-morphic
    for i in range(4, 11):
        if isKMorphic(n, i):
            print(indent + str(i) + '-morphic')

    # bouncy
    if isBouncy(n):
        print(indent + 'bouncy')

    # step number
    if isStepNumber(n):
        print(indent + 'a step number')

    # Apery numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthAperyNumber,
                       lambda n: fadd(fdiv(log(n), 1.5), 1))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Apery number')

    # Delannoy numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthDelannoyNumber, lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 1.35))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Delannoy number')

    # Schroeder numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthSchroederNumber, lambda n: fmul(log10(n), 1.6))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Schroeder number')

    # Schroeder-Hipparchus numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthSchroederHipparchusNumber,
                       lambda n: fdiv(log10(n), 1.5))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Schroeder-Hipparchus number')

    # Motzkin numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthMotzkinNumber, log)

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Motzkin number')

    # Pell numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthPellNumber, lambda n: fmul(log(n), 1.2))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' Pell number')

    # Sylvester numbers
    if n > 1:
        result = findInput(n, getNthSylvesterNumber,
                           lambda n: sqrt(sqrt(log(n))))

        if result[0]:
            print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
                  ' Sylvester number')

    # partition numbers
    result = findInput(n, getPartitionNumber, lambda n: power(log(n), 1.56))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' partition number')

    # menage numbers
    result = findInput(n, getNthMenageNumber, lambda n: fdiv(log10(n), 1.2))

    if result[0]:
        print(indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName(result[1]) +
              ' menage number')

    print(int(n), 'has:')

    # number of digits
    digits = log10(n)

    if isInteger(digits):
        digits += 1
        digits = ceil(digits)

    print(indent + str(int(digits)) + ' digit' + ('s' if digits > 1 else ''))

    # digit sum
    print(indent + 'a digit sum of ' + str(int(sumDigits(n))))

    # digit product
    digitProduct = multiplyDigits(n)

    print(indent + 'a digit product of ' + str(int(digitProduct)))

    # non-zero digit product
    if digitProduct == 0:
        print(indent + 'a non-zero digit product of ' +

    if not isPrimeFlag and n != 1 and n <= LARGEST_NUMBER_TO_FACTOR:
        # factors
        factors = getFactors(n)
        factorCount = len(factors)
        print(indent + str(factorCount) + ' prime factor' +
              ('s' if factorCount > 1 else '') + ': ' +
              ', '.join([str(int(i)) for i in factors]))

        # number of divisors
        divisorCount = int(getDivisorCount(n))
        print(indent + str(divisorCount) + ' divisor' +
              ('s' if divisorCount > 1 else ''))

        print(indent + 'a divisor sum of ' + str(int(getSigma(n))))
        print(indent + 'a Stern value of ' + str(int(getNthSternNumber(n))))
        calkinWilf = getNthCalkinWilf(n)
        print(indent + 'a Calkin-Wilf value of ' + str(int(calkinWilf[0])) +
              '/' + str(int(calkinWilf[1])))
        print(indent + 'a Mobius value of ' + str(int(getNthMobiusNumber(n))))
        print(indent + 'a radical of ' + str(int(getRadical(n))))
        print(indent + 'a Euler phi value of ' + str(int(getEulerPhi(n))))

    print(indent + 'a digital root of ' + str(int(getDigitalRoot(n))))

    if hasUniqueDigits(n):
        print(indent + 'unique digits')

    print(indent + 'a multiplicative persistence of ' +
    print(indent + 'an Erdos persistence of ' +

    if n > 9 and isIncreasing(n):
        if not isDecreasing(n):
            print(indent + 'increasing digits')
    elif n > 9 and isDecreasing(n):
        print(indent + 'decreasing digits')


    return n
def convert_url(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Bioentity as NewBioentity, Bioentityurl as NewBioentityurl
    from model_old_schema.general import WebDisplay as OldWebDisplay, FeatUrl as OldFeatUrl, DbxrefFeat as OldDbxrefFeat
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.bioentity_in_depth.bioentity_url')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        old_session = old_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['display_name', 'source', 'created_by', 'date_created']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        id_to_bioentity = dict([(x.id, x) for x in new_session.query(NewBioentity).all()])
        #Urls of interest
        old_web_displays = old_session.query(OldWebDisplay).filter(OldWebDisplay.label_location == 'Interaction Resources').all()
        url_to_display = dict([(x.url_id, x) for x in old_web_displays])
        count = max(id_to_bioentity.keys())
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewBioentityurl).filter(NewBioentityurl.bioentity_id >= min_id).filter(NewBioentityurl.bioentity_id < min_id+chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldFeatUrl).filter(OldFeatUrl.feature_id >= min_id).filter(OldFeatUrl.feature_id < min_id+chunk_size).options(joinedload('url')).all()
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                if old_obj.url_id in url_to_display:
                    newly_created_objs = create_url(old_obj, url_to_display[old_obj.url_id], id_to_bioentity)
                    if newly_created_objs is not None:
                        #Edit or add new objects
                        for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                            current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                            current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                            create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                            if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                            if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Grab old objects (dbxref)
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldDbxrefFeat).filter(
                                            OldDbxrefFeat.feature_id >= min_id).filter(
                                            OldDbxrefFeat.feature_id < min_id+chunk_size).options(
                                                            joinedload('dbxref'), joinedload('dbxref.dbxref_urls')).all()
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_url_from_dbxref(old_obj, url_to_display, id_to_bioentity)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #56
def convert_litevidence(old_session_maker, new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.literature import Literatureevidence as NewLiteratureevidence
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference as NewReference
    from model_new_schema.bioentity import Bioentity as NewBioentity
    from model_old_schema.reference import LitguideFeat as OldLitguideFeat
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.literature.evidence')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        old_session = old_session_maker()      
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['experiment_id', 'reference_id', 'class_type', 'strain_id',
                       'source', 'topic', 'bioentity_id', 'date_created', 'created_by']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        bioent_ids = set([x.id for x in new_session.query(NewBioentity).all()])
        reference_ids = set([x.id for x in new_session.query(NewReference).all()])
        min_id = old_session.query(func.min(OldLitguideFeat.id)).first()[0]
        count = old_session.query(func.max(OldLitguideFeat.id)).first()[0] - min_id
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewLiteratureevidence).filter(NewLiteratureevidence.id >= create_litevidence_id(min_id)).filter(NewLiteratureevidence.id < create_litevidence_id(min_id+chunk_size)).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects                  
            old_objs = old_session.query(OldLitguideFeat).filter(
                                                OldLitguideFeat.id >= min_id).filter(
                                                OldLitguideFeat.id < min_id+chunk_size).filter(
                                                or_(OldLitguideFeat.topic=='Additional Literature',
                                                    OldLitguideFeat.topic=='Primary Literature',
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_litevidence(old_obj, reference_ids, bioent_ids)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            #Delete untouched objs
            for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id+chunk_size
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #57
def getLilianDay( n ):
    if not isinstance( n, RPNDateTime ):
        raise ValueError( 'a date-time type required for this operator' )

    return ceil( n.subtract( RPNDateTime( 1582, 10, 15 ) ).getValue( ) )
def convert_bibentry(new_session_maker, chunk_size):
    from model_new_schema.reference import Reference as NewReference, Bibentry as NewBibentry, \
    Journal as NewJournal, Book as NewBook, Abstract as NewAbstract, \
    Reftype as NewReftype, Author as NewAuthor, AuthorReference as NewAuthorReference
    log = logging.getLogger('convert.reference_in_depth.bibentry')
    output_creator = OutputCreator(log)
        new_session = new_session_maker()
        #Values to check
        values_to_check = ['text']
        #Grab cached dictionaries
        id_to_journal = dict([(x.id, x) for x in new_session.query(NewJournal).all()])
        id_to_book = dict([(x.id, x) for x in new_session.query(NewBook).all()])
        id_to_abstract = dict([(x.id, x.text) for x in new_session.query(NewAbstract).all()])
        id_to_authors = {}
        id_to_author = dict([(x.id, x) for x in new_session.query(NewAuthor).all()])
        for ar in new_session.query(NewAuthorReference).all():
            reference_id = ar.reference_id
            author_name = id_to_author[ar.author_id].display_name
            if reference_id in id_to_authors:
                id_to_authors[reference_id] = set([author_name])
        id_to_reftypes = {}
        reftypes = new_session.query(NewReftype).all()
        for reftype in reftypes:
            reference_id = reftype.reference_id
            reftype_name = reftype.name
            if reference_id in id_to_reftypes:
                id_to_reftypes[reference_id] = set([author_name])
        count = new_session.query(func.max(NewReference.id)).first()[0]
        num_chunks = ceil(1.0*count/chunk_size)
        min_id = 0
        for i in range(0, num_chunks):
            #Grab all current objects
            current_objs = new_session.query(NewBibentry).filter(NewBibentry.id >= min_id).filter(NewBibentry.id <=  min_id+chunk_size).all()
            id_to_current_obj = dict([(x.id, x) for x in current_objs])
            key_to_current_obj = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in current_objs])
            untouched_obj_ids = set(id_to_current_obj.keys())
            #Grab old objects
            old_objs = new_session.query(NewReference).filter(
                                            NewReference.id >= min_id).filter(
                                            NewReference.id <=  min_id+chunk_size).options(joinedload('author_references')).all()
            for old_obj in old_objs:
                #Convert old objects into new ones
                newly_created_objs = create_bibentry(old_obj, id_to_journal, id_to_book, id_to_abstract, id_to_reftypes, id_to_authors)
                if newly_created_objs is not None:
                    #Edit or add new objects
                    for newly_created_obj in newly_created_objs:
                        current_obj_by_id = None if newly_created_obj.id not in id_to_current_obj else id_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.id]
                        current_obj_by_key = None if newly_created_obj.unique_key() not in key_to_current_obj else key_to_current_obj[newly_created_obj.unique_key()]
                        create_or_update(newly_created_obj, current_obj_by_id, current_obj_by_key, values_to_check, new_session, output_creator)
                        if current_obj_by_id is not None and current_obj_by_id.id in untouched_obj_ids:
                        if current_obj_by_key is not None and current_obj_by_key.id in untouched_obj_ids:
            output_creator.finished(str(i+1) + "/" + str(int(num_chunks)))
            min_id = min_id + chunk_size + 1
        #Delete untouched objs
        for untouched_obj_id  in untouched_obj_ids:
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Unexpected error:' + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #59
def describeInteger( n ):
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError( "'describe' requires a positive integer argument" )

    indent = ' ' * 4

    print( )
    print( real_int( n ), 'is:' )

    if isOdd( n ):
        print( indent + 'odd' )
    elif isEven( n ):
        print( indent + 'even' )

    if isPrimeNumber( n ):
        isPrime = True
        print( indent + 'prime' )
    elif n > 3:
        isPrime = False
        print( indent + 'composite' )
        isPrime = False

    if isKthPower( n, 2 ):
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( sqrt( n ) ) + ' square number' )

    if isKthPower( n, 3 ):
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( cbrt( n ) ) + ' cube number' )

    for i in arange( 4, fadd( ceil( log( fabs( n ), 2 ) ), 1 ) ):
        if isKthPower( n, i ):
            print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( root( n, i ) ) + ' ' + \
                   getNumberName( i, True ) + ' power'  )

    # triangular
    guess = findPolygonalNumber( n, 3 )

    if getNthPolygonalNumber( guess, 3 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' triangular number' )

    # pentagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber( n, 5 )

    if getNthPolygonalNumber( guess, 5 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' pentagonal number' )

    # hexagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber( n, 6 )

    if getNthPolygonalNumber( guess, 6 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' hexagonal number' )

    # heptagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber( n, 7 )

    if getNthPolygonalNumber( guess, 7 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' heptagonal number' )

    # octagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber( n, 8 )

    if getNthPolygonalNumber( guess, 8 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' octagonal number' )

    # nonagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber( n, 9 )

    if getNthPolygonalNumber( guess, 9 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' nonagonal number' )

    # decagonal
    guess = findPolygonalNumber( n, 10 )

    if getNthPolygonalNumber( guess, 10 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' decagonal number' )

    #if n > 1:
    #    for i in range( 11, 101 ):
    #        if getNthPolygonalNumber( findPolygonalNumber( n, i ), i ) == n:
    #            print( indent + str( i ) + '-gonal' )

    # centered triangular
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 3 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 3 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered triangular' )

    # centered square
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 4 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 4 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered square number' )

    # centered pentagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 5 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 5 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered pentagonal number' )

    # centered hexagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 6 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 6 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered hexagonal number' )

    # centered heptagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 7 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 7 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered heptagonal number' )

    # centered octagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 8 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 8 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered octagonal number' )

    # centered nonagonal
    guess = findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 9 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 9 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered nonagonal number' )

    # centered decagonal
    guess - findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, 10 )

    if getNthCenteredPolygonalNumber( guess, 10 ) == n:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( guess ) + ' centered decagonal number' )

    # pandigital
    if isPandigital( n ):
        print( indent + 'pandigital' )

    #for i in range( 4, 21 ):
    #    if isBaseKPandigital( n, i ):
    #        print( indent + 'base ' + str( i ) + ' pandigital' )

    # Fibonacci
    result = findInput( n, fib, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Fibonacci number' )

    # Tribonacci
    result = findInput( n, lambda n : getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, 3 ), lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Tribonacci number' )

    # Tetranacci
    result = findInput( n, lambda n : getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, 4 ), lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Tetranacci number' )

    # Pentanacci
    result = findInput( n, lambda n : getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, 5 ), lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Pentanacci number' )

    # Hexanacci
    result = findInput( n, lambda n : getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, 6 ), lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Hexanacci number' )

    # Heptanacci
    result = findInput( n, lambda n : getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, 7 ), lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Heptanacci number' )

    # Octanacci
    result = findInput( n, lambda n : getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, 8 ), lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Octanacci number' )

    # Lucas numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthLucasNumber, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Lucas number' )

    # base-k repunits
    if n > 1:
        for i in range( 2, 21 ):
            result = findInput( n, lambda x: getNthBaseKRepunit( x, i ), lambda n: log( n, i ) )

            if result[ 0 ]:
                print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' base-' + str( i ) + ' repunit' )

    # Jacobsthal numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthJacobsthalNumber, lambda n: fmul( log( n ), 1.6 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Jacobsthal number' )

    # Padovan numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthPadovanNumber, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 9 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Padovan number' )

    # Fibonorial numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthFibonorial, lambda n: sqrt( fmul( log( n ), 10 ) ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Fibonorial number' )

    # Mersenne primes
    result = findInput( n, getNthMersennePrime, lambda n: fadd( fmul( log( log( sqrt( n ) ) ), 2.7 ), 3 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Mersenne prime' )

    ## perfect number
    result = findInput( n, getNthPerfectNumber, lambda n: fmul( log( log( n ) ), 2.6 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' perfect number' )

    # Mersenne exponent
    result = findInput( n, getNthMersenneExponent, lambda n: fmul( log( n ), 2.7 ), max=50 )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Mersenne exponent' )

    if not isPrime and n != 1 and n <= largestNumberToFactor:
        # deficient
        if isDeficient( n ):
            print( indent + 'deficient' )

        # abundant
        if isAbundant( n ):
            print( indent + 'abundant' )

        # k_hyperperfect
        for i in sorted( list( set( sorted( downloadOEISSequence( 34898 )[ : 500 ] ) ) ) )[ 1 : ]:
            if i > n:

            if isKHyperperfect( n, i ):
                print( indent + str( i ) + '-hyperperfect' )

        # smooth
        for i in getPrimes( 2, 50 ):
            if isSmooth( n, i ):
                print( indent + str( i ) + '-smooth' )

        # rough
        previousPrime = 2

        for i in getPrimes( 2, 50 ):
            if not isRough( n, i ):
                print( indent + str( previousPrime ) + '-rough' )

            previousPrime = i

        # is_semiprime
        if isSemiprime( n ):
            print( indent + 'semiprime' )

        # is_sphenic
        elif isSphenic( n ):
            print( indent + 'sphenic' )
        elif isSquareFree( n ):
            print( indent + 'square-free' )

        # powerful
        if isPowerful( n ):
            print( indent + 'powerful' )

    # factorial
    result = findInput( n, getNthFactorial, lambda n: power( log10( n ), 0.92 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' factorial number' )

    # alternating factorial
    result = findInput( n, getNthAlternatingFactorial, lambda n: fmul( sqrt( log( n ) ), 0.72 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' alternating factorial number' )

    # double factorial
    if n == 1:
        result = ( True, 1 )
        result = findInput( n, getNthDoubleFactorial, lambda n: fdiv( power( log( log( n ) ), 4 ), 7 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' double factorial number' )

    # hyperfactorial
    result = findInput( n, getNthHyperfactorial, lambda n: fmul( sqrt( log( n ) ), 0.8 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' hyperfactorial number' )

    # subfactorial
    result = findInput( n, getNthSubfactorial, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 1.1 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' subfactorial number' )

    # superfactorial
    if n == 1:
        result = ( True, 1 )
        result = findInput( n, getNthSuperfactorial, lambda n: fadd( sqrt( log( n ) ), 1 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' superfactorial number' )

    # pernicious
    if isPernicious( n ):
        print( indent + 'pernicious' )

    # pronic
    if isPronic( n ):
        print( indent + 'pronic' )

    # Achilles
    if isAchillesNumber( n ):
        print( indent + 'an Achilles number' )

    # antiharmonic
    if isAntiharmonic( n ):
        print( indent + 'antiharmonic' )

    # unusual
    if isUnusual( n ):
        print( indent + 'unusual' )

    # hyperperfect
    for i in range( 2, 21 ):
        if isKHyperperfect( n, i ):
            print( indent + str( i ) + '-hyperperfect' )

    # Ruth-Aaron
    if isRuthAaronNumber( n ):
        print( indent + 'a Ruth-Aaron number' )

    # Smith numbers
    if isSmithNumber( n ):
        print( indent + 'a Smith number' )

    # base-k Smith numbers
    for i in range( 2, 10 ):
        if isBaseKSmithNumber( n, i ):
            print( indent + 'a base-' + str( i ) + ' Smith number' )

    # order-k Smith numbers
    for i in range( 2, 11 ):
        if isOrderKSmithNumber( n, i ):
            print( indent + 'an order-' + str( i ) + ' Smith number' )

    # polydivisible
    if isPolydivisible( n ):
        print( indent + 'polydivisible' )

    # Carol numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthCarolNumber, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), fdiv( 5, 3 ) ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Carol number' )

    # Kynea numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthKyneaNumber, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), fdiv( 5, 3 ) ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Kynea number' )

    # Leonardo numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthLeonardoNumber, lambda n: fsub( log( n, phi ), fdiv( 1, phi ) ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Leonardo number' )

    # Riesel numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthRieselNumber, lambda n: fmul( log( n ), 1.25 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Riesel number' )

    # Thabit numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthThabitNumber, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 3.25 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Thabit number' )

    # Carmmichael
    if isCarmichaelNumber( n ):
        print( indent + 'a Carmichael number' )

    # narcissistic
    if isNarcissistic( n ):
        print( indent + 'narcissistic' )

    # PDI
    if isPerfectDigitalInvariant( n ):
        print( indent + 'a perfect digital invariant' )

    # PDDI
    if isPerfectDigitToDigitInvariant( n, 10 ):
        print( indent + 'a perfect digit-to-digit invariant in base 10' )

    # Kaprekar
    if isKaprekar( n ):
        print( indent + 'a Kaprekar number' )

    # automorphic
    if isAutomorphic( n ):
        print( indent + 'automorphic' )

    # trimorphic
    if isTrimorphic( n ):
        print( indent + 'trimorphic' )

    # k-morphic
    for i in range( 4, 11 ):
        if isKMorphic( n, i ):
            print( indent + str( i ) + '-morphic' )

    # bouncy
    if isBouncy( n ):
        print( indent + 'bouncy' )

    # step number
    if isStepNumber( n ):
        print( indent + 'a step number' )

    # Apery numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthAperyNumber, lambda n: fadd( fdiv( log( n ), 1.5 ), 1 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Apery number' )

    # Delannoy numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthDelannoyNumber, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 1.35 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Delannoy number' )

    # Schroeder numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthSchroederNumber, lambda n: fmul( log10( n ), 1.6 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Schroeder number' )

    # Schroeder-Hipparchus numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthSchroederHipparchusNumber, lambda n: fdiv( log10( n ), 1.5 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Schroeder-Hipparchus number' )

    # Motzkin numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthMotzkinNumber, lambda n: log( n ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Motzkin number' )

    # Pell numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthPellNumber, lambda n: fmul( log( n ), 1.2 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Pell number' )

    # Sylvester numbers
    if n > 1:
        result = findInput( n, getNthSylvesterNumber, lambda n: sqrt( sqrt( log( n ) ) ) )

        if result[ 0 ]:
            print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' Sylvester number' )

    # partition numbers
    result = findInput( n, getPartitionNumber, lambda n: power( log( n ), 1.56 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' partition number' )

    # menage numbers
    result = findInput( n, getNthMenageNumber, lambda n: fdiv( log10( n ), 1.2 ) )

    if result[ 0 ]:
        print( indent + 'the ' + getShortOrdinalName( result[ 1 ] ) + ' menage number' )

    print( )
    print( int( n ), 'has:' )

    # number of digits
    digits = log10( n )

    if isInteger( digits ):
        digits += 1
        digits = ceil( digits )

    print( indent + str( int( digits ) ) + ' digit' + ( 's' if digits > 1 else '' ) )

    # digit sum
    print( indent + 'a digit sum of ' + str( int( sumDigits( n ) ) ) )

    # digit product
    digitProduct = multiplyDigits( n )

    print( indent + 'a digit product of ' + str( int( digitProduct ) ) )

    # non-zero digit product
    if digitProduct == 0:
        print( indent + 'a non-zero digit product of ' + str( int( multiplyNonzeroDigits( n ) ) ) )

    if not isPrime and n != 1 and n <= largestNumberToFactor:
        # factors
        factors = getFactors( n )
        factorCount = len( factors )
        print( indent + str( factorCount ) + ' prime factor' + ( 's' if factorCount > 1 else '' ) + \
               ': ' + ', '.join( [ str( int( i ) ) for i in factors ] ) )

        # number of divisors
        divisorCount = int( getDivisorCount( n ) )
        print( indent + str( divisorCount ) + ' divisor' + ( 's' if divisorCount > 1 else '' ) )

    if n <= largestNumberToFactor:
        print( indent + 'a sum of divisors of ' + str( int( getSigma( n ) ) ) )
        print( indent + 'a Stern value of ' + str( int( getNthStern( n ) ) ) )
        calkin_wilf = getNthCalkinWilf( n )
        print( indent + 'a Calkin-Wilf value of ' + str( int( calkin_wilf[ 0 ] ) ) + '/' + str( int( calkin_wilf[ 1 ] ) ) )
        print( indent + 'a Mobius value of ' + str( int( getMobius( n ) ) ) )
        print( indent + 'a radical of ' + str( int( getRadical( n ) ) ) )
        print( indent + 'a Euler phi value of ' + str( int( getEulerPhi( n ) ) ) )

    print( indent + 'a digital root of ' + str( int( getDigitalRoot( n ) ) ) )

    if hasUniqueDigits( n ):
        print( indent + 'unique digits' )

    print( indent + 'a multiplicative persistence of ' + str( int( getPersistence( n ) ) ) )
    print( indent + 'an Erdos persistence of ' + str( int( getErdosPersistence( n ) ) ) )

    if n > 9 and isIncreasing( n ):
        if not isDecreasing( n ):
            print( indent + 'increasing digits' )
    elif n > 9 and isDecreasing( n ):
        print( indent + 'decreasing digits' )

    print( )

    return n