Пример #1
def variation(x, ddof=1):
    The variation of x.

    The variation the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean:

        std(x, ddof) / mean(x)

    Note that, unlike `var` and `std`, the default value of `ddof` is 1.
    This is the more typical value used when computing the variation.

    (The implementation is simply std(x, ddof) / mean(x); no special
    handling is provided for `nan` values, a mean of 0, etc.)

    >>> from mpsci.stats import variation
    >>> variation([2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21])
    >>> mpf('0.83418102841390518')

    For comparison to `scipy.stats.variation`, use `ddof=0`:

    >>> variation([2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21], ddof=0)
    >>> mpf('0.76149961050858964')
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        s = std(x, ddof=ddof)
        m = mean(x)
        return s / m
Пример #2
def var(x, ddof=0):
    Variance of the values in the sequence x.
    n = len(x)
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        sumx = mpmath.fsum(x)
        meanx = sumx / n
        varx = mpmath.fsum((mpmath.mpf(t) - meanx)**2 for t in x)/(n - ddof)
    return varx
Пример #3
def pmean(x, p):
    Power (or generalized) mean of the values in the sequence x.
    # Special cases
    if p == 0:
        return gmean(x)
    elif p == 1:
        return mean(x)
    elif p == -1:
        return hmean(x)
    elif mpmath.isinf(p):
        with mpmath.extraprec(16):
            if p > 0:
                return max(mpmath.mpf(t) for t in x)
                return min(mpmath.mpf(t) for t in x)

    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        p = mpmath.mpf(p)
        return mpmath.power(mean([mpmath.mpf(t)**p for t in x]), 1/p)
Пример #4
def hyper1(As, Bs, N, M):
    with mpmath.extraprec(mpmath.mp.prec):
        s = t = 1
        for j in range(1, N):
            t *= fprod(a + j - 1 for a in As) / fprod(b + j - 1 for b in Bs)
            s += t
        if M > 0:
            s2 = 0
            g = sum(As) - sum(Bs)
            for (j, c) in enumerate(gammaprod_series(As, Bs, M)):
                s2 += c * mpmath.zeta(-(g - j), N)
            s += s2 * mpmath.gammaprod(Bs, As)
    return s
Пример #5
def hyper1(As, Bs, N, M):
    with mpmath.extraprec(mpmath.mp.prec):
        s = t = 1
        for j in range(1, N):
            t *= fprod(a + j - 1 for a in As) / fprod(b + j - 1 for b in Bs)
            s += t
        if M > 0:
            s2 = 0
            g = sum(As) - sum(Bs)
            for (j, c) in enumerate(gammaprod_series(As, Bs, M)):
                s2 += c * mpmath.zeta(-(g - j), N)
            s += s2 * mpmath.gammaprod(Bs, As)
    return s
Пример #6
def mean(x, weights=None):
    Mean of the values in the sequence x.

    Negative values in weights are allowed.  The only constraint is
    that sum(weights) is not zero.
    n = len(x)
    if weights is not None:
        if len(weights) != n:
            raise ValueError('x and weights must have the same length.')

    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        if weights is None:
            return mpmath.fsum(x) / len(x)
            if mpmath.fsum(weights) == 0:
                raise ZeroDivisionError('sum(weights) must be nonzero.')
            return (mpmath.fsum(t*w for t, w in zip(x, weights)) /
Пример #7
def hyper1_auto(As, Bs, N, M):
    with mpmath.extraprec(mpmath.mp.prec):
        s = t = 1
        good_ratio_hits = 0
        for j in range(1, N):
            s_old = s
            t *= fprod(a + j - 1 for a in As) / fprod(b + j - 1 for b in Bs)
            s += t
            ratio = (s - s_old) / s
            if ratio < mpf(10**-18):
                good_ratio_hits += 1
            if good_ratio_hits > 3:
            print float(s)
        if M > 0:
            s2 = 0
            g = sum(As) - sum(Bs)
            for (j, c) in enumerate(gammaprod_series(As, Bs, M)):
                s2 += c * mpmath.zeta(-(g - j), N)
            s += s2 * mpmath.gammaprod(Bs, As)
    return s
Пример #8
def hyper1_auto(As, Bs, N, M):
    with mpmath.extraprec(mpmath.mp.prec):
        s = t = 1
        good_ratio_hits = 0
        for j in range(1, N):
            s_old = s
            t *= fprod(a + j - 1 for a in As) / fprod(b + j - 1 for b in Bs)
            s += t
            ratio = (s - s_old) / s
            if ratio < mpf(10 ** -18):
                good_ratio_hits += 1
            if good_ratio_hits > 3:
            print float(s)
        if M > 0:
            s2 = 0
            g = sum(As) - sum(Bs)
            for (j, c) in enumerate(gammaprod_series(As, Bs, M)):
                s2 += c * mpmath.zeta(-(g - j), N)
            s += s2 * mpmath.gammaprod(Bs, As)
    return s
Пример #9
def gmean(x, weights=None):
    Geometric mean of the values in the sequence x.

    All the values in x must be nonnegative.

    If weights is not None, it must be a sequence with the same length
    as x.  The sum of weights must not be zero.
    if any(t < 0 for t in x):
        raise ValueError("all values in x must be nonnegative.")
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        if weights is None:
            if 0 in x:
                return mpmath.mp.zero
            return mpmath.exp(mean([mpmath.log(t) for t in x]))
            # Weighted geometric mean
            wsum = mpmath.fsum(weights)
            if wsum == 0:
                raise ValueError('sum of weights must not be 0.')
            wlogxsum = mpmath.fsum([_xlogy(wi, xi)
                                    for (xi, wi) in zip(x, weights)])
            return mpmath.exp(wlogxsum / wsum)
Пример #10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jul 20 17:30:45 2017

@author: martin

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import sympy
import unittest

import mpmath as mp

class interp1d_mpmath(interp1d):
    def _prepare_x(self, x):
        """Reshape input x array to 1-D"""
        x = sp._lib._util._asarray_validated(x,
        x_shape = x.shape
        return x.ravel(), x_shape

class LinearCombinationUniformSpacings():
Пример #11
def std(x, ddof=0):
    Standard deviation of the values in the sequence x.
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        return mpmath.sqrt(var(x, ddof))
Пример #12
def hmean(x):
    Harmonic mean of the values in the sequence x.

    If any value in x is 0, the return value is 0.

    hmean accepts negative values. Usually the harmonic mean is defined
    for positive values only, but the formula is well-defined as long as
    1/x[0] + 1/x[1] + ... + 1/x[-1] is not 0.

    If that expression is 0, and the signs of the x values are mixed, nan
    is returned.  If the signs are not mixed, then either all the values are
    +inf or they are all -inf.  For those cases, +inf and -inf are returned,

    >>> from mpsci.stats import hmean
    >>> import mpmath
    >>> mpmath.mp.dps = 25

    >>> hmean([1, 3, 3])

    >>> hmean([10, 3, -2])

    >>> hmean(range(1, 10))

    >>> hmean([2, -2])

    >>> hmean([mpmath.inf, mpmath.inf, mpmath.inf])

    >>> hmean([mpmath.inf, mpmath.inf, -mpmath.inf])

    >>> hmean([-mpmath.inf, -mpmath.inf, -mpmath.inf])
    >>> mpf('-inf')

    npos = 0
    nneg = 0
    nzero = 0
    for t in x:
        if t > 0:
            npos += 1
        elif t < 0:
            nneg += 1
            nzero += 1
    if nzero > 0:
        return mpmath.mp.zero
    mixed_signs = npos > 0 and nneg > 0
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        m = mean([1/mpmath.mpf(t) for t in x])
        if m == 0:
            if mixed_signs:
                return mpmath.mp.nan
            elif npos > 0:
                return mpmath.mp.inf
                return -mpmath.mp.inf
            return 1 / m
Пример #13
def test_pmean():
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        assert mpmath.almosteq(pmean([3, 4, 5], 3), 72**mpmath.mpf('1/3'))
        assert mpmath.almosteq(pmean([2, 2, 1], -2), mpmath.sqrt(2))
        assert pmean([4, 2, 5, 3], mpmath.inf) == 5
        assert pmean([4, 2, 5, 3], -mpmath.inf) == 2
Пример #14
def test_hmean():
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        assert mpmath.almosteq(hmean([1, 2, 16]), mpmath.mpf('48/25'))
Пример #15
def test_std():
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        assert mpmath.almosteq(std([2, 4, 6]), mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.mpf('8/3')))
        assert mpmath.almosteq(std([2, 4, 6], ddof=1), 2)
Пример #16
def test_var():
    with mpmath.extraprec(16):
        assert mpmath.almosteq(var([2, 4, 6]), mpmath.mpf('8/3'))
        assert mpmath.almosteq(var([2, 4, 6], ddof=1), 4)