def setUpClass(cls): super(AppendOnlyEOFTests, cls).setUpClass() gpconfig = GpConfig() (cls.master_value, cls.segment_value) = gpconfig.getParameter('max_appendonly_tables') tinctest.logger.debug("Original max_appendonly_tables values - Master Value: %s Segment Value: %s" %(cls.master_value, cls.segment_value)) gpconfig.setParameter('max_appendonly_tables', '3', '3') GpStop().run_gpstop_cmd(restart=True) (master_value, segment_value) = gpconfig.getParameter('max_appendonly_tables') tinctest.logger.debug("Set max_appendonly_tables to Master Value: %s Segment Value: %s " %(master_value, segment_value)) if master_value != '3' or segment_value != '3': raise Exception("Failed to set max_appendonly_tables to the required values")
def tearDownClass(cls): gpconfig = GpConfig() if (not cls.master_value) or (not cls.segment_value): raise Exception("Original max_appendonly_tables value is None") gpconfig.setParameter('max_appendonly_tables', cls.master_value, cls.segment_value) GpStop().run_gpstop_cmd(restart=True) # Make sure the values are reset properly (master_value, segment_value) = gpconfig.getParameter('max_appendonly_tables') try: if master_value != cls.master_value or segment_value != cls.segment_value: raise Exception("Failed to reset max_appendonly_tables to the required values") finally: super(AppendOnlyEOFTests, cls).tearDownClass()
class GpConfigTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.gp_config = GpConfig() #HK: disabling test #can't test with hardcoded ports #need better handling or remove test def donttest_getPort(self): port_info = self.gp_config.getPort() expected = {0: 18506, 1: 18507, 2: 18508, -1: 18501} self.assertEquals(port_info, expected) def test_getParameter(self): name = "port" self.assertRaises(Exception, self.gp_config.getParameter, name) #HK: disabling test #these params apparently require restart to actually take effect def donttest_set_get_verify_remove_ParameterMasterOnly(self): name = "max_connections" master_value = "100" self.gp_config.setParameterMasterOnly(name, master_value) self.assertTrue( self.gp_config.verifyParameterMasterOnly(name, master_value)) self.gp_config.removeParameterMasterOnly(name) self.assertRaises(self.gp_config.getParameterMasterOnly(name)) #HK: disabling test #these params apparently require restart to actually take effect def donttest_set_get_verify_remove_Parameter(self): name = "max_connections" master_value = "100" seg_value = "1000" self.gp_config.setParameter(name, master_value, seg_value) self.assertTrue( self.gp_config.verifyParameter(name, master_value, seg_value)) self.gp_config.removeParameter(name) self.assertRaises(self.gp_config.getParameter(name)) #HK: disabling test #these params apparently require restart to actually take effect def donttest_set_get_verify_remove_ParameterSegmentOnly(self): name = "max_connections" seg_value = "1000" self.gp_config.setParameterSegmentOnly(name, seg_value) self.assertTrue( self.gp_config.verifyParameterSegmentOnly(name, seg_value)) self.gp_config.removeParameterSegmentOnly(name) self.assertRaises(self.gp_config.getParameterSegmentOnly(name))
class GpConfigTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.gp_config = GpConfig() #HK: disabling test #can't test with hardcoded ports #need better handling or remove test def donttest_getPort(self): port_info = self.gp_config.getPort() expected = {0: 18506, 1: 18507, 2: 18508, -1: 18501} self.assertEquals(port_info, expected) def test_getParameter(self): name = "port" self.assertRaises(Exception,self.gp_config.getParameter, name) #HK: disabling test #these params apparently require restart to actually take effect def donttest_set_get_verify_remove_ParameterMasterOnly(self): name = "max_connections" master_value = "100" self.gp_config.setParameterMasterOnly(name, master_value) self.assertTrue(self.gp_config.verifyParameterMasterOnly(name, master_value)) self.gp_config.removeParameterMasterOnly(name) self.assertRaises(self.gp_config.getParameterMasterOnly(name)) #HK: disabling test #these params apparently require restart to actually take effect def donttest_set_get_verify_remove_Parameter(self): name = "max_connections" master_value = "100" seg_value = "1000" self.gp_config.setParameter(name, master_value, seg_value) self.assertTrue(self.gp_config.verifyParameter(name, master_value, seg_value)) self.gp_config.removeParameter(name) self.assertRaises(self.gp_config.getParameter(name)) #HK: disabling test #these params apparently require restart to actually take effect def donttest_set_get_verify_remove_ParameterSegmentOnly(self): name = "max_connections" seg_value = "1000" self.gp_config.setParameterSegmentOnly(name, seg_value) self.assertTrue(self.gp_config.verifyParameterSegmentOnly(name, seg_value)) self.gp_config.removeParameterSegmentOnly(name) self.assertRaises(self.gp_config.getParameterSegmentOnly(name))
def setUp(self): # Set GUC gp_vmem_protect_limit self.prd = "_hawq" if self.gp_version() == "gpdb": self.prd = "" gpconfig = GpConfig() expected_vmem = '20' expected_runaway_perc = '0' restart_db = False if == "OOMTestCase.test_07_OOM_abort_query": gpconfig.setParameter('gp_vmem_limit_per_query', '2MB', '2MB', '--skipvalidation') restart_db = True (vmem, _) = gpconfig.getParameter('gp_vmem_protect_limit') (runaway_perc, _) = GpConfig().getParameter('runaway_detector_activation_percent') if runaway_perc == expected_runaway_perc and vmem == expected_vmem:'gp_vmem_protect_limit and runaway_detector_activation_percent GUCs already set correctly') else:'Setting GUC and restarting DB') gpconfig.setParameter('runaway_detector_activation_percent', expected_runaway_perc, expected_runaway_perc) gpconfig.setParameter('gp_vmem_protect_limit', expected_vmem, expected_vmem) restart_db = True if restart_db: # Restart DB Command('Restart database for GUCs to take effect', 'source $GPHOME/ && gpstop -ar').run(validateAfter=True) super(OOMTestCase, self).setUp()
class FilerepTestCase(MPPTestCase): def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.util = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpconfig = GpConfig() self.config = GPDBConfig() self.gpr = GpRecover(self.config) self.dbstate = DbStateClass('run_validation', self.config) self.gpstart = GpStart() self.gpstop = GpStop() super(FilerepTestCase, self).__init__(methodName) def sleep(self, seconds=60): time.sleep(seconds) def create_file_in_datadir(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command('create a file', 'touch %s' % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) def remove_file_in_datadir(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command('remove a file', 'rm %s' % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) def get_timestamp_of_file_in_datadir(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command( 'check timestamp', """ python -c "import os; print os.stat('%s').st_mtime" """ % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) res = cmd.get_results().stdout.strip() return res def verify_file_exists(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command('check if file exists', 'test -f %s' % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) def handle_ext_cases(self, file): """ @file: wet sql file to replace with specific machine env. """ host = str(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) #Must be an IP querystring = "gpfdist://" + host + ":8088" if os.path.isfile(file): for line in fileinput.FileInput(file, inplace=1): line = re.sub('gpfdist.+8088', querystring, line) print str(re.sub('\n', '', line)) def handle_hybrid_part_cases(self, file): """ @file: hybrid sql file to replace with specific machine env """ querystring = "FROM '" + local_path('') + "'" if os.path.isfile(file): for line in fileinput.FileInput(file, inplace=1): line = re.sub('FROM\s\'\'', querystring, line) print str(re.sub('\n', '', line)) def preprocess(self): """ Replace the hard-coded information from sql files with correct hostname and ip address,etc """ list_workload_dir = [ 'set_sync1', 'sync1', 'set_ck_sync1', 'ck_sync1', 'set_ct', 'ct', 'set_resync', 'resync', 'set_sync2', 'sync2' ] for dir in list_workload_dir: sql_path = os.path.join(local_path(dir), 'sql') ans_path = os.path.join(local_path(dir), 'expected') for file in os.listdir(sql_path): if (file.find('wet_ret') >= 0): self.handle_ext_cases(os.path.join(sql_path, file)) if (file.find('hybrid_part') >= 0): self.handle_hybrid_part_cases(os.path.join(sql_path, file)) for file in os.listdir(ans_path): if (file.find('wet_ret') >= 0): self.handle_ext_cases(os.path.join(ans_path, file)) if (file.find('hybrid_part') >= 0): self.handle_hybrid_part_cases(os.path.join(ans_path, file)) def clean_data(self): """ Clean the data by removing the external table, otherwise, more data will be appended to the same external table from running multiple sql files. """ test = local_path("") test = str(test) + "data/*.*" cmd = 'rm -rfv ' + test run_shell_command(cmd) def anydownsegments(self): """ checks if any segments are down """"Checking if any segments are down") num_segments_down = self.count_of_nodes_down() if int(num_segments_down) == 0: return True else: return False def stop_start_validate(self, stopValidate=True): """ Do gpstop -i, gpstart and see if all segments come back up fine """"Performing stop start validate")"Shutting down the cluster") ok = self.gpstop.run_gpstop_cmd(immediate='i', validate=stopValidate) if not ok and stopValidate: raise Exception('Problem while shutting down the cluster')"Successfully shutdown the cluster.")"Restarting the cluster.") ok = self.gpstart.run_gpstart_cmd() if not ok: raise Exception('Failed to bring the cluster back up')"Successfully restarted the cluster.") if not self.anydownsegments(): raise Exception("segments were marked down") else: return (True, "All segments are up") def method_reset_fault_injection(self): """ Resets fault injection Return: (True, [result]) if OK, or (False, [result]) otherwise """"Resetting fault injection") (ok1, out1) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_resync', m='async', y='reset', r='primary', H='ALL') if not ok1: raise Exception("Fault injection failed")"Done Injecting Fault to reset resync") return (True, str(out1)) def method_resume_filerep_resync(self): """ Resumes the process of resync """"Resuming Resync") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_resync', m='async', y='resume', r='primary', H='ALL') if not ok: raise Exception("Fault injection failed")"Done resuming resync") return (ok, out) def run_method_suspendresync(self): """ Stops the cluster from going to resync """"Suspending resync") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_resync', m='async', y='suspend', r='primary', H='ALL')'output from suspend resync %s' % out) if not ok: raise Exception("Fault injection failed")"Done Injecting Fault to suspend resync") return (ok, out) def count_of_masters(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in the cluster that are master Return: count of number of nodes in the cluster that are master """"Count the number of masters") cmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content = -1" (out) = PSQL.run_sql_command(cmd) num_master = out.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_master def count_of_nodes(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in the cluster Return: count of number of nodes in the cluster """"Counting number of nodes") cmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration" (num_cl) = PSQL.run_sql_command(cmd) total_num_rows = num_cl.split('\n')[3].strip() return total_num_rows def count_of_nodes_in_ct(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in change tracking Return: count of number of nodes in change tracking """"Counting number of nodes in ct") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode = 'c'" (num_cl) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_cl = num_cl.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_cl def count_of_nodes_down(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes marked as down Return: count of number of nodes marked as down """"Counting the number of nodes down") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where status = 'd'" (num_down) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_down = num_down.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_down def count_of_nodes_sync(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in sync Return: count of number of nodes in sync """"Counting the number of nodes in sync") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode = 's'" (num_sync) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_sync = num_sync.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_sync def count_of_nodes_not_sync(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes not in sync Return: count of number of nodes not in sync """"Counting number of nodes not in sync") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode <> 's'" (num_sync) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_sync = num_sync.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_sync def inject_fault_on_first_primary(self): """ @product_version gpdb:[], gpdb:[] """"\n Injecting faults on first primary") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_immediate_shutdown_request', m='async', y='infinite_loop', r='primary', seg_id=2, sleeptime=300) if not ok: raise Exception( "Fault filerep_immediate_shutdown_request injection failed") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='fileRep_is_operation_completed', m='async', y='infinite_loop', r='primary', seg_id=2) if not ok: raise Exception( "Fault fileRep_is_operation_completed injection failed")"\n Done Injecting Fault") def inject_fault_on_first_mirror(self): """ @product_version gpdb:[], gpdb:[] """ sqlcmd = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content=0 and role='m'" (first_mirror_dbid) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) first_mirror_dbid = first_mirror_dbid.split('\n')[3].strip()"\n Injecting faults on first mirror") flag = self.util.check_fault_status( fault_name='fileRep_is_operation_completed', status='triggered', max_cycle=100) if not flag: raise Exception( "Fault fileRep_is_operation_completed didn't trigger") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_consumer', m='async', y='panic', r='mirror', seg_id=first_mirror_dbid) if not ok: raise Exception("Fault filerep_consumer injection failed")"\n Done Injecting Fault") def setupGpfdist(self, port, path): gpfdist = Gpfdist(port, self.hostIP()) gpfdist.killGpfdist() gpfdist.startGpfdist(' -t 30 -m 1048576 -d ' + path) return True def cleanupGpfdist(self, port, path): gpfdist = Gpfdist(port, self.hostIP()) gpfdist.killGpfdist() return True def hostIP(self): ok = run_shell_command('which gpfdist') if not ok: raise GPtestError("Error:'which gpfdist' command failed.") hostname = socket.gethostname() if hostname.find('mdw') > 0: host = 'mdw' else: host = str(socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname())) #Must be an IP'current host is %s' % host) return host def method_setup(self):"Performing setup tasks") gpfs = Gpfilespace() gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_a') gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_b') gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_c') gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_z') gpfs.create_filespace('sync1_fs_1') # Set max_resource_queues to 100 cmd = 'gpconfig -c max_resource_queues -v 100 ' ok = run_shell_command(cmd) if not ok: raise Exception( 'Failure during setting the max_resource_queues value to 100 using gpconfig tool' ) #Restart the cluster self.gpstop.run_gpstop_cmd(immediate='i') ok = self.gpstart.run_gpstart_cmd() if not ok: raise Exception('Failure during restarting the cluster') return True def get_ext_table_query_from_gpstate(self): outfile = local_path("gpstate_tmp") ok = run_shell_command("gpstate --printSampleExternalTableSql >" + outfile) querystring = "" flag = 'false' out = open(outfile, 'r').readlines() for line in out: line.strip() if (line.find( 'DROP EXTERNAL TABLE IF EXISTS gpstate_segment_status') >= 0): flag = 'true' if flag == 'true': querystring = querystring + line return querystring ############RUN QYUERY def check_gpstate(self, type, phase): """ Perform gpstate for each different transition state @type: failover type @phase: transition stage, can be sync1, ck_sync1, ct, resync, sync2 """ if phase == 'sync1': state_num = self.query_select_count( "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Synchronized' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up'" ) sync1_num = self.query_select_count( "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content <> -1" ) if int(sync1_num) <> int(state_num): raise Exception("gpstate in Sync state failed")"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " % (phase)) elif phase == 'ct': p_num = self.query_select_count( "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Change Tracking' and role = 'Primary' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up'" ) m_num = self.query_select_count( "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Out of Sync' and role = 'Mirror' and status_in_config='Down' and instance_status='Down in configuration' " ) if int(p_num) <> int(m_num): raise Exception("gpstate in CT state failed")"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " % (phase)) elif phase == 'resync_incr': if type == 'primary': query = "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Incremental'" resync_incr_num = self.query_select_count(query) else: query = "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Incremental'" resync_incr_num = self.query_select_count(query) query_num_rows = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content <> -1" num_rows = self.query_select_count(query_num_rows) if int(resync_incr_num) <> int(num_rows):"resync_incr_num query run %s" % query)"num_rows query run %s" % query_num_rows) raise Exception( "gpstate in Resync Incremental state failed. resync_incr_num %s <> num_rows %s" % (resync_incr_num, num_rows))"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " % (phase)) elif phase == 'resync_full': num_rows = self.query_select_count( "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content <> -1" ) if type == 'primary': resync_full_num = self.query_select_count( "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Full'" ) else: resync_full_num = self.query_select_count( "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Full'" ) if int(resync_full_num) <> int(num_rows): raise Exception("gptate in Resync Full state failed")"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " % (phase)) return True def trigger_transition(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('mirrors.sql')) def run_gpstate(self, type, phase): """ Perform gpstate for each different transition state @type: failover type @phase: transition stage, can be sync1, ck_sync1, ct, resync, sync2 """"running gpstate") querystring = self.get_ext_table_query_from_gpstate() file1 = local_path('create_table_gpstate.sql') f1 = open(file1, 'w') f1.write(querystring) f1.write('\n') f1.close() PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('create_table_gpstate.sql')) gpstate_outfile = local_path('gpstate_out') cmd = 'gpstate -s -a > %s 2>&1' % (gpstate_outfile) ok = run_shell_command(cmd) self.check_gpstate(type, phase) return ok def check_mirror_seg(self, master=False):"running check mirror") self.dbstate.check_mirrorintegrity() def do_gpcheckcat(self, dbname=None, alldb=False, online=False, outputFile='checkcat.out', outdir=None):"running gpcheckcat") self.dbstate.check_catalog(outputFile=outputFile) def query_select_count(self, sqlcmd): (num) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num = num.split('\n')[3].strip() return num def method_run_failover(self, type): """ Inject fault to failover nodes @type: primary [induces fault in mirror] mirror [creates panic in primary] Return: (True, [result of fault injection]) if OK, or (False, [result of fault injection]) otherwise """ if type == 'primary':"\n primary failover") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_consumer', m='async', y='fault', r='mirror', H='ALL')"\n Done Injecting Fault") elif type == 'mirror':"\n Mirror failover") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='postmaster', m='async', y='panic', r='primary', H='ALL')"\n Done Injecting Fault") return True def wait_till_change_tracking_transition(self): self.util.wait_till_change_tracking_transition() def wait_till_insync_transition(self): self.gpr.wait_till_insync_transition() def run_gprecoverseg(self, recover_mode): if recover_mode == 'full': self.gpr.full() else: self.gpr.incremental() def run_gpconfig(self, parameter, master_value, segment_value): if (parameter is not None): self.gpconfig.setParameter(parameter, master_value, segment_value) self.gpstop.run_gpstop_cmd(restart='r') def inject_fault(self, fault=None, mode=None, operation=None, prim_mirr=None, host='All', table=None, database=None, seg_id=None, sleeptime=None, occurence=None): if (fault == None or mode == None or operation == None or prim_mirr == None): raise Exception('Incorrect parameters provided for inject fault') (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f=fault, m=mode, y=operation, r=prim_mirr, H='ALL', table=table, database=database, sleeptime=sleeptime, o=occurence, seg_id=seg_id)
class FilerepTestCase(MPPTestCase): def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.util = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpconfig = GpConfig() self.config = GPDBConfig() self.gpr = GpRecover(self.config) self.dbstate = DbStateClass('run_validation',self.config) self.gpstart = GpStart() self.gpstop = GpStop() super(FilerepTestCase,self).__init__(methodName) def sleep(self, seconds=60): time.sleep(seconds) def create_file_in_datadir(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command('create a file', 'touch %s' % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) def remove_file_in_datadir(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command('remove a file', 'rm %s' % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) def get_timestamp_of_file_in_datadir(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command('check timestamp', """ python -c "import os; print os.stat('%s').st_mtime" """ % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) res = cmd.get_results().stdout.strip() return res def verify_file_exists(self, content, role, filename): dbid = self.config.get_dbid(content=content, seg_role=role) host, datadir = self.config.get_host_and_datadir_of_segment(dbid=dbid) file_path = os.path.join(datadir, filename) cmd = Command('check if file exists', 'test -f %s' % file_path, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) def handle_ext_cases(self,file): """ @file: wet sql file to replace with specific machine env. """ host = str(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) #Must be an IP querystring = "gpfdist://"+host+":8088" if os.path.isfile(file): for line in fileinput.FileInput(file,inplace=1): line = re.sub('gpfdist.+8088',querystring,line) print str(re.sub('\n','',line)) def handle_hybrid_part_cases(self, file): """ @file: hybrid sql file to replace with specific machine env """ querystring = "FROM '"+local_path('')+"'" if os.path.isfile(file): for line in fileinput.FileInput(file,inplace=1): line = re.sub('FROM\s\'\'',querystring,line) print str(re.sub('\n','',line)) def preprocess(self): """ Replace the hard-coded information from sql files with correct hostname and ip address,etc """ list_workload_dir = ['set_sync1','sync1','set_ck_sync1','ck_sync1', 'set_ct','ct','set_resync','resync','set_sync2','sync2'] for dir in list_workload_dir: sql_path = os.path.join(local_path(dir),'sql') ans_path = os.path.join(local_path(dir),'expected') for file in os.listdir(sql_path): if (file.find('wet_ret')>=0): self.handle_ext_cases(os.path.join(sql_path,file)) if (file.find('hybrid_part')>=0): self.handle_hybrid_part_cases(os.path.join(sql_path,file)) for file in os.listdir(ans_path): if (file.find('wet_ret')>=0): self.handle_ext_cases(os.path.join(ans_path,file)) if (file.find('hybrid_part')>=0): self.handle_hybrid_part_cases(os.path.join(ans_path,file)) def clean_data(self): """ Clean the data by removing the external table, otherwise, more data will be appended to the same external table from running multiple sql files. """ test = local_path("") test = str(test) +"data/*.*" cmd = 'rm -rfv '+test run_shell_command(cmd) def anydownsegments(self): """ checks if any segments are down """"Checking if any segments are down") num_segments_down = self.count_of_nodes_down() if int(num_segments_down) == 0: return True else: return False def stop_start_validate(self, stopValidate=True): """ Do gpstop -i, gpstart and see if all segments come back up fine """"Performing stop start validate")"Shutting down the cluster") ok = self.gpstop.run_gpstop_cmd(immediate = 'i', validate=stopValidate) if not ok and stopValidate: raise Exception('Problem while shutting down the cluster')"Successfully shutdown the cluster.")"Restarting the cluster.") ok = self.gpstart.run_gpstart_cmd() if not ok: raise Exception('Failed to bring the cluster back up')"Successfully restarted the cluster.") if not self.anydownsegments(): raise Exception("segments were marked down") else: return (True, "All segments are up") def method_reset_fault_injection(self): """ Resets fault injection Return: (True, [result]) if OK, or (False, [result]) otherwise """"Resetting fault injection") (ok1,out1) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_resync', m = 'async', y = 'reset', r = 'primary', H ='ALL') if not ok1: raise Exception("Fault injection failed")"Done Injecting Fault to reset resync") return (True, str(out1)) def method_resume_filerep_resync(self): """ Resumes the process of resync """"Resuming Resync") (ok, out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_resync', m='async',y='resume', r='primary', H='ALL') if not ok: raise Exception("Fault injection failed")"Done resuming resync") return (ok, out) def run_method_suspendresync(self): """ Stops the cluster from going to resync """"Suspending resync") (ok,out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_resync', m='async' , y='suspend', r ='primary', H='ALL')'output from suspend resync %s'%out) if not ok: raise Exception("Fault injection failed")"Done Injecting Fault to suspend resync") return (ok, out) def count_of_masters(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in the cluster that are master Return: count of number of nodes in the cluster that are master """"Count the number of masters") cmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content = -1" (out) = PSQL.run_sql_command(cmd) num_master = out.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_master def count_of_nodes(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in the cluster Return: count of number of nodes in the cluster """"Counting number of nodes") cmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration" (num_cl) = PSQL.run_sql_command(cmd) total_num_rows = num_cl.split('\n')[3].strip() return total_num_rows def count_of_nodes_in_ct(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in change tracking Return: count of number of nodes in change tracking """"Counting number of nodes in ct") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode = 'c'" (num_cl) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_cl = num_cl.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_cl def count_of_nodes_down(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes marked as down Return: count of number of nodes marked as down """"Counting the number of nodes down") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where status = 'd'" (num_down) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_down = num_down.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_down def count_of_nodes_sync(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes in sync Return: count of number of nodes in sync """"Counting the number of nodes in sync") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode = 's'" (num_sync) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_sync = num_sync.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_sync def count_of_nodes_not_sync(self): """ Gives count of number of nodes not in sync Return: count of number of nodes not in sync """"Counting number of nodes not in sync") sqlcmd = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode <> 's'" (num_sync) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num_sync = num_sync.split('\n')[3].strip() return num_sync def inject_fault_on_first_primary(self): """ @product_version gpdb:[], gpdb:[] """"\n Injecting faults on first primary") (ok,out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_immediate_shutdown_request', m='async' , y='infinite_loop', r ='primary', seg_id=2, sleeptime=300) if not ok: raise Exception("Fault filerep_immediate_shutdown_request injection failed") (ok,out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='fileRep_is_operation_completed', m='async' , y='infinite_loop', r ='primary', seg_id=2) if not ok: raise Exception("Fault fileRep_is_operation_completed injection failed")"\n Done Injecting Fault") def inject_fault_on_first_mirror(self): """ @product_version gpdb:[], gpdb:[] """ sqlcmd = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content=0 and role='m'" (first_mirror_dbid) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) first_mirror_dbid = first_mirror_dbid.split('\n')[3].strip()"\n Injecting faults on first mirror") flag = self.util.check_fault_status(fault_name='fileRep_is_operation_completed', status='triggered', max_cycle=100); if not flag: raise Exception("Fault fileRep_is_operation_completed didn't trigger") (ok,out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_consumer', m='async' , y='panic', r ='mirror', seg_id=first_mirror_dbid) if not ok: raise Exception("Fault filerep_consumer injection failed")"\n Done Injecting Fault") def setupGpfdist(self, port, path): gpfdist = Gpfdist(port , self.hostIP()) gpfdist.killGpfdist() gpfdist.startGpfdist(' -t 30 -m 1048576 -d '+path) return True def cleanupGpfdist(self, port,path): gpfdist = Gpfdist(port , self.hostIP()) gpfdist.killGpfdist() return True def hostIP(self): ok = run_shell_command('which gpfdist') if not ok: raise GPtestError("Error:'which gpfdist' command failed.") hostname = socket.gethostname() if hostname.find('mdw') > 0 : host = 'mdw' else: host = str(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) #Must be an IP'current host is %s'%host) return host def method_setup(self):"Performing setup tasks") gpfs=Gpfilespace() gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_a') gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_b') gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_c') gpfs.create_filespace('filerep_fs_z') gpfs.create_filespace('sync1_fs_1') # Set max_resource_queues to 100 cmd = 'gpconfig -c max_resource_queues -v 100 ' ok = run_shell_command(cmd) if not ok: raise Exception('Failure during setting the max_resource_queues value to 100 using gpconfig tool') #Restart the cluster self.gpstop.run_gpstop_cmd(immediate = 'i') ok = self.gpstart.run_gpstart_cmd() if not ok: raise Exception('Failure during restarting the cluster') return True def get_ext_table_query_from_gpstate(self): outfile = local_path("gpstate_tmp") ok = run_shell_command("gpstate --printSampleExternalTableSql >"+ outfile) querystring = "" flag = 'false' out = open(outfile, 'r').readlines() for line in out: line.strip() if (line.find('DROP EXTERNAL TABLE IF EXISTS gpstate_segment_status')>=0): flag = 'true' if flag == 'true': querystring = querystring + line return querystring ############RUN QYUERY def check_gpstate(self, type, phase): """ Perform gpstate for each different transition state @type: failover type @phase: transition stage, can be sync1, ck_sync1, ct, resync, sync2 """ if phase == 'sync1': state_num = self.query_select_count("select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Synchronized' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up'") sync1_num = self.query_select_count("select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content <> -1") if int(sync1_num) <> int(state_num): raise Exception("gpstate in Sync state failed")"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " %(phase)) elif phase == 'ct': p_num = self.query_select_count("select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Change Tracking' and role = 'Primary' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up'") m_num = self.query_select_count("select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Out of Sync' and role = 'Mirror' and status_in_config='Down' and instance_status='Down in configuration' ") if int(p_num) <> int(m_num): raise Exception("gpstate in CT state failed")"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " %(phase)) elif phase == 'resync_incr': if type == 'primary': query = "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Incremental'" resync_incr_num = self.query_select_count(query) else: query = "select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Incremental'" resync_incr_num = self.query_select_count(query) query_num_rows = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content <> -1" num_rows = self.query_select_count(query_num_rows) if int(resync_incr_num) <> int(num_rows):"resync_incr_num query run %s" % query)"num_rows query run %s" % query_num_rows) raise Exception("gpstate in Resync Incremental state failed. resync_incr_num %s <> num_rows %s" % (resync_incr_num, num_rows))"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " %(phase)) elif phase == 'resync_full': num_rows = self.query_select_count("select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where content <> -1") if type == 'primary': resync_full_num = self.query_select_count("select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where role = preferred_role and mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Full'") else: resync_full_num = self.query_select_count("select count(*) from gpstate_segment_status where mirror_status ='Resynchronizing' and status_in_config='Up' and instance_status='Up' and resync_mode= 'Full'") if int(resync_full_num) <> int(num_rows): raise Exception("gptate in Resync Full state failed")"Done Running gpstate in %s phase " %(phase)) return True def trigger_transition(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('mirrors.sql')) def run_gpstate(self, type, phase): """ Perform gpstate for each different transition state @type: failover type @phase: transition stage, can be sync1, ck_sync1, ct, resync, sync2 """"running gpstate") querystring = self.get_ext_table_query_from_gpstate() file1 = local_path('create_table_gpstate.sql') f1 = open(file1,'w') f1.write(querystring) f1.write('\n') f1.close() PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('create_table_gpstate.sql')) gpstate_outfile = local_path('gpstate_out') cmd = 'gpstate -s -a > %s 2>&1' % (gpstate_outfile) ok = run_shell_command(cmd) self.check_gpstate(type, phase) return ok def check_mirror_seg(self, master=False):"running check mirror") self.dbstate.check_mirrorintegrity() def do_gpcheckcat(self, dbname=None, alldb=False, online=False, outputFile='checkcat.out', outdir=None):"running gpcheckcat") self.dbstate.check_catalog(outputFile=outputFile) def query_select_count(self,sqlcmd): (num) = PSQL.run_sql_command(sqlcmd) num = num.split('\n')[3].strip() return num def method_run_failover(self,type): """ Inject fault to failover nodes @type: primary [induces fault in mirror] mirror [creates panic in primary] Return: (True, [result of fault injection]) if OK, or (False, [result of fault injection]) otherwise """ if type == 'primary':"\n primary failover") (ok,out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='filerep_consumer', m='async' , y='fault', r ='mirror', H='ALL')"\n Done Injecting Fault") elif type == 'mirror':"\n Mirror failover") (ok,out) = self.util.inject_fault(f='postmaster', m='async' , y='panic', r ='primary', H='ALL')"\n Done Injecting Fault") return True def wait_till_change_tracking_transition(self): self.util.wait_till_change_tracking_transition() def wait_till_insync_transition(self): self.gpr.wait_till_insync_transition() def run_gprecoverseg(self,recover_mode): if recover_mode == 'full': self.gpr.full() else: self.gpr.incremental() def run_gpconfig(self, parameter, master_value, segment_value): if (parameter is not None): self.gpconfig.setParameter(parameter, master_value, segment_value) self.gpstop.run_gpstop_cmd(restart='r') def inject_fault(self, fault = None, mode = None, operation = None, prim_mirr = None, host = 'All', table = None, database = None, seg_id = None, sleeptime = None, occurence = None): if (fault == None or mode == None or operation == None or prim_mirr == None): raise Exception('Incorrect parameters provided for inject fault') (ok,out) = self.util.inject_fault(f=fault, m=mode , y=operation, r=prim_mirr, H='ALL', table=table, database=database, sleeptime=sleeptime, o=occurence, seg_id=seg_id)