Пример #1
def arg(x):
    """Returns the complex argument (phase) of x. The returned value is
    an mpf instance. The argument is here defined to satisfy
    -pi < arg(x) <= pi. On the negative real half-axis, it is taken to
    be +pi."""
    x = mpc(x)
    return atan2(x.imag, x.real)
Пример #2
def cplot(f,
          re=[-5, 5],
          im=[-5, 5],
    Plots the given complex-valued function over a rectangular part
    of the complex plane given by the pairs of intervals re and im.
    For example:

        cplot(lambda z: z, [-2, 2], [-10, 10])
        cplot(zeta, [0, 1], [0, 50])

    By default, the complex argument (phase) is shown as color and
    the magnitude is show as brightness. You can also supply a
    custom color function ('color'). This function should take a
    complex number as input and return an RGB 3-tuple containing
    floats in the range 0.0-1.0.

    To obtain a sharp image, the number of points may need to be
    increased to 100,000 or thereabout. Since evaluating the
    function that many times is likely to be slow, the 'verbose'
    option is useful to display progress.
    import pylab
    rea, reb = re
    ima, imb = im
    dre = reb - rea
    dim = imb - ima
    M = int(sqrt(points * dre / dim) + 1)
    N = int(sqrt(points * dim / dre) + 1)
    x = pylab.linspace(rea, reb, M)
    y = pylab.linspace(ima, imb, N)
    # Note: we have to be careful to get the right rotation.
    # Test with these plots:
    #   cplot(lambda z: z if z.real < 0 else 0)
    #   cplot(lambda z: z if z.imag < 0 else 0)
    w = pylab.zeros((N, M, 3))
    for n in xrange(N):
        for m in xrange(M):
            z = mpc(x[m], y[n])
                v = color(f(z))
            except plot_ignore:
                v = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
            w[n, m] = v
        if verbose:
            print n, "of", N
    pylab.imshow(w, extent=(rea, reb, ima, imb), origin='lower')
    if file:
        pylab.savefig(file, dpi=dpi)
Пример #3
def arg(x):
    """Returns the complex argument (phase) of x. The returned value is
    an mpf instance. The argument is here defined to satisfy
    -pi < arg(x) <= pi. On the negative real half-axis, it is taken to
    be +pi."""
    x = mpc(x)
    return atan2(x.imag, x.real)
Пример #4
def cplot(f, re=[-5,5], im=[-5,5], points=2000, color=default_color_function,
    verbose=False, file=None, dpi=None):
    Plots the given complex-valued function *f* over a rectangular part
    of the complex plane specified by the pairs of intervals *re* and *im*.
    For example::

        cplot(lambda z: z, [-2, 2], [-10, 10])
        cplot(zeta, [0, 1], [0, 50])

    By default, the complex argument (phase) is shown as color (hue) and
    the magnitude is show as brightness. You can also supply a
    custom color function (*color*). This function should take a
    complex number as input and return an RGB 3-tuple containing
    floats in the range 0.0-1.0.

    To obtain a sharp image, the number of points may need to be
    increased to 100,000 or thereabout. Since evaluating the
    function that many times is likely to be slow, the 'verbose'
    option is useful to display progress.

    NOTE: This function requires matplotlib (pylab).
    import pylab
    rea, reb = re
    ima, imb = im
    dre = reb - rea
    dim = imb - ima
    M = int(sqrt(points*dre/dim)+1)
    N = int(sqrt(points*dim/dre)+1)
    x = pylab.linspace(rea, reb, M)
    y = pylab.linspace(ima, imb, N)
    # Note: we have to be careful to get the right rotation.
    # Test with these plots:
    #   cplot(lambda z: z if z.real < 0 else 0)
    #   cplot(lambda z: z if z.imag < 0 else 0)
    w = pylab.zeros((N, M, 3))
    for n in xrange(N):
        for m in xrange(M):
            z = mpc(x[m], y[n])
                v = color(f(z))
            except plot_ignore:
                v = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
            w[n,m] = v
        if verbose:
            print n, "of", N
    pylab.imshow(w, extent=(rea, reb, ima, imb), origin='lower')
    if file:
        pylab.savefig(file, dpi=dpi)
Пример #5
def _jacobi_theta2(z, q):
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    # the loops below break when the fixed precision quantities
    # a and b go to zero;
    # right shifting small negative numbers by wp one obtains -1, not zero,
    # so the condition a**2 + b**2 > MIN is used to break the loops.
    MIN = 2
    if z == zero:
        if isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            s = x2
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                s += a
            s = (1 << (wp+1)) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            sre = (1<<wp) + are
            sim = aim
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                sre += are
                sim += aim
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            s = c1 + ((a * cn) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
                s += (a * cn) >> wp
            s = (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            s *= nthroot(q, 4)
            return s
        # case z real, q complex
        elif isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
            cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            sre = c1 + ((are * cn) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp

                sre += ((are * cn) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cn) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        #case z complex, q real
        elif isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            a = b = x2
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            #c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            #s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            #cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4

            sre = c1re + ((a * cnre) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += ((a * cnre) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * cnim) >> wp)
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
        # case z and q complex
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = x2re
            aim = bim = x2im
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            # cos(z), siz(z) with z complex
            c1 = cos(z)
            s1 = sin(z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
            c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
            s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            n = 1
            termre = c1re
            termim = c1im
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 3
            termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            termim = ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((are * cnim + aim * cnre) >> wp)

            n = 5
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                #cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                termre = ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                termim = ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp)
                n += 2
            sre = (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
    s *= nthroot(q, 4)
    return s
Пример #6
def _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd):
    """nd=1,2,3 order of the derivative with respect to z"""
    MIN = 2
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
        s = MP_ZERO
        wp = mp.prec + extra1
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            s += (a * sn) >> wp
            s += (a * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                s += (a * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                s += (a * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        s = -(s << (nd+1))
        s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
    # case z real, q complex
    elif isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
        c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        cn = c1
        sn = s1
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * sn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * sn) >> wp
            sre = (are * cn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cn) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                sre += (are * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * sn * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (are * cn * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cn * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    #case z complex, q real
    elif isinstance(q, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        a = b = x
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (a * snre) >> wp
            sim = (a * snim) >> wp
            sre = (a * cnre) >> wp
            sim = (a * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += (a * snre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * snim * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += (a * cnre * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += (a * cnim * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    # case z and q complex
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = xre
        aim = bim = xim
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        # cos(2*z), sin(2*z) with z complex
        c1 = cos(2*z)
        s1 = sin(2*z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        if (nd&1):
            sre = (are * snre - aim * snim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * snre + are * snim) >> wp
            sre = (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
        n = 2
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
                sre += ((are * snre - aim * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * snre + are * snim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sre += ((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
                sim += ((aim * cnre + are * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        sre = -(sre << (nd+1))
        sim = -(sim << (nd+1))
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    if (nd&1):
        return (-1)**(nd//2) * s
        return (-1)**(1 + nd//2) * s
Пример #7
def _jacobi_theta3(z, q):
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    MIN = 2
    if z == zero:
        if isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            s = x
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                s += a
            s = (1 << wp) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            return s
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            sre = are = bre = xre
            sim = aim = bim = xim
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                sre += are
                sim += aim
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
            s = MP_ZERO
            wp = mp.prec + extra1
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
            c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            cn = c1
            sn = s1
            s += (a * cn) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
                s += (a * cn) >> wp
            s = (1 << wp) + (s << 1)
            s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
            return s
        # case z real, q complex
        elif isinstance(z, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = xre
            aim = bim = xim
            c1, s1 = cos_sin(mpf_shift(z._mpf_, 1), wp)
            c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
            s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
            cn = c1
            sn = s1
            sre = (are * cn) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cn) >> wp
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp

                sre += (are * cn) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cn) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        #case z complex, q real
        elif isinstance(q, mpf):
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
            a = b = x
            x2 = (x*x) >> wp
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            c1 = cos(2*z)
            s1 = sin(2*z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            sre = (a * cnre) >> wp
            sim = (a * cnim) >> wp
            while abs(a) > MIN:
                b = (b*x2) >> wp
                a = (a*b) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += (a * cnre) >> wp
                sim += (a * cnim) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
        # case z and q complex
            wp = mp.prec + extra2
            xre, xim = q._mpc_
            xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
            xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
            x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
            x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
            are = bre = xre
            aim = bim = xim
            prec0 = mp.prec
            mp.prec = wp
            # cos(2*z), sin(2*z) with z complex
            c1 = cos(2*z)
            s1 = sin(2*z)
            mp.prec = prec0
            cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
            cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
            snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
            sre = (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
            sim = (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
            while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
                bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                           (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
                are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                           (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
                t1 = (cnre*c1re - cnim*c1im - snre*s1re + snim*s1im) >> wp
                t2 = (cnre*c1im + cnim*c1re - snre*s1im - snim*s1re) >> wp
                t3 = (snre*c1re - snim*c1im + cnre*s1re - cnim*s1im) >> wp
                t4 = (snre*c1im + snim*c1re + cnre*s1im + cnim*s1re) >> wp
                cnre = t1
                cnim = t2
                snre = t3
                snim = t4
                sre += (are * cnre - aim * cnim) >> wp
                sim += (aim * cnre + are * cnim) >> wp
            sre = (1 << wp) + (sre << 1)
            sim = (sim << 1)
            sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
            s = mpc(sre, sim)
            return s
Пример #8
def _djacobi_theta2(z, q, nd):
    MIN = 2
    extra1 = 10
    extra2 = 20
    if isinstance(q, mpf) and isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra1
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        a = b = x2
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
        cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        if (nd&1):
            s = s1 + ((a * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            s = c1 + ((a * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 2
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
            if nd&1:
                s += (a * sn * (2*n+1)**nd) >> wp
                s += (a * cn * (2*n+1)**nd) >> wp
            n += 1
        s = -(s << 1)
        s = mpf(from_man_exp(s, -wp, mp.prec, 'n'))
        # case z real, q complex
    elif isinstance(z, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = x2re
        aim = bim = x2im
        c1, s1 = cos_sin(z._mpf_, wp)
        cn = c1 = to_fixed(c1, wp)
        sn = s1 = to_fixed(s1, wp)
        c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1 + ((are * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * sn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1 + ((are * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = ((aim * cn * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp

            if (nd&1):
                sre += ((are * sn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * sn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += ((are * cn * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((aim * cn * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    #case z complex, q real
    elif isinstance(q, mpf):
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        x = to_fixed(q._mpf_, wp)
        x2 = (x*x) >> wp
        a = b = x2
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        c1 = cos(z)
        s1 = sin(z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        #c2 = (c1*c1 - s1*s1) >> wp
        c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
        c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        #s2 = (c1 * s1) >> (wp - 1)
        s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
        #cn, sn = (cn*c2 - sn*s2) >> wp, (sn*c2 + cn*s2) >> wp
        t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
        t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
        t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
        t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
        cnre = t1
        cnim = t2
        snre = t3
        snim = t4

        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1re + ((a * snre * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = s1im + ((a * snim * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + ((a * cnre * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + ((a * cnim * 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while abs(a) > MIN:
            b = (b*x2) >> wp
            a = (a*b) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += ((a * snre * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * snim * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += ((a * cnre * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += ((a * cnim * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    # case z and q complex
        wp = mp.prec + extra2
        xre, xim = q._mpc_
        xre = to_fixed(xre, wp)
        xim = to_fixed(xim, wp)
        x2re = (xre*xre - xim*xim) >> wp
        x2im = (xre*xim) >> (wp - 1)
        are = bre = x2re
        aim = bim = x2im
        prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec = wp
        # cos(2*z), siz(2*z) with z complex
        c1 = cos(z)
        s1 = sin(z)
        mp.prec = prec0
        cnre = c1re = to_fixed(c1.real._mpf_, wp)
        cnim = c1im = to_fixed(c1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        snre = s1re = to_fixed(s1.real._mpf_, wp)
        snim = s1im = to_fixed(s1.imag._mpf_, wp)
        c2re = (c1re*c1re - c1im*c1im - s1re*s1re + s1im*s1im) >> wp
        c2im = (c1re*c1im - s1re*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2re = (c1re*s1re - c1im*s1im) >> (wp - 1)
        s2im = (c1re*s1im + c1im*s1re) >> (wp - 1)
        t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
        t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
        t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
        t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
        cnre = t1
        cnim = t2
        snre = t3
        snim = t4
        if (nd&1):
            sre = s1re + (((are * snre - aim * snim) * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = s1im + (((are * snim + aim * snre)* 3**nd) >> wp)
            sre = c1re + (((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * 3**nd) >> wp)
            sim = c1im + (((are * cnim + aim * cnre)* 3**nd) >> wp)
        n = 5
        while are**2 + aim**2 > MIN:
            bre, bim = (bre * x2re - bim * x2im) >> wp, \
                       (bre * x2im + bim * x2re) >> wp
            are, aim = (are * bre - aim * bim) >> wp,   \
                       (are * bim + aim * bre) >> wp
            #cn, sn = (cn*c1 - sn*s1) >> wp, (sn*c1 + cn*s1) >> wp
            t1 = (cnre*c2re - cnim*c2im - snre*s2re + snim*s2im) >> wp
            t2 = (cnre*c2im + cnim*c2re - snre*s2im - snim*s2re) >> wp
            t3 = (snre*c2re - snim*c2im + cnre*s2re - cnim*s2im) >> wp
            t4 = (snre*c2im + snim*c2re + cnre*s2im + cnim*s2re) >> wp
            cnre = t1
            cnim = t2
            snre = t3
            snim = t4
            if (nd&1):
                sre += (((are * snre - aim * snim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += (((aim * snre + are * snim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sre += (((are * cnre - aim * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp)
                sim += (((aim * cnre + are * cnim) * n**nd) >> wp)
            n += 2
        sre = -(sre << 1)
        sim = -(sim << 1)
        sre = from_man_exp(sre, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        sim = from_man_exp(sim, -wp, mp.prec, 'n')
        s = mpc(sre, sim)
    s *= nthroot(q, 4)
    if (nd&1):
        return (-1)**(nd//2) * s
        return (-1)**(1 + nd//2) * s
Пример #9
def polyroots(coeffs, maxsteps=50, cleanup=True, extraprec=10, error=False):
    Numerically locate all (complex) roots of a polynomial using the
    Durand-Kerner method.

    With error=True, this function returns a tuple (roots, err) where roots
    is a list of complex numbers sorted by absolute value, and err is an
    estimate of the maximum error. The polynomial should be given as a list
    of coefficients, in the same format as accepted by polyval(). The
    leading coefficient must be nonzero.

    These are the roots of x^3 - x^2 - 14*x + 24 and 4x^2 + 3x + 2:

        >>> nprint(polyroots([1,-1,-14,24]), 4)
        [-4.0, 2.0, 3.0]
        >>> nprint(polyroots([4,3,2], error=True))
        ([(-0.375 - 0.599479j), (-0.375 + 0.599479j)], 2.22045e-16)

    if len(coeffs) <= 1:
        if not coeffs or not coeffs[0]:
            raise ValueError("Input to polyroots must not be the zero polynomial")
        # Constant polynomial with no roots
        return []

    orig = mp.prec
    weps = +eps
        mp.prec += 10
        deg = len(coeffs) - 1
        # Must be monic
        lead = convert_lossless(coeffs[0])
        if lead == 1:
            coeffs = map(convert_lossless, coeffs)
            coeffs = [c/lead for c in coeffs]
        f = lambda x: polyval(coeffs, x)
        roots = [mpc((0.4+0.9j)**n) for n in xrange(deg)]
        err = [mpf(1) for n in xrange(deg)]
        for step in xrange(maxsteps):
            if max(err).ae(0):
            for i in xrange(deg):
                if not err[i].ae(0):
                    p = roots[i]
                    x = f(p)
                    for j in range(deg):
                        if i != j:
                                x /= (p-roots[j])
                            except ZeroDivisionError:
                    roots[i] = p - x
                    err[i] = abs(x)
        if cleanup:
            for i in xrange(deg):
                if abs(roots[i].imag) < weps:
                    roots[i] = roots[i].real
                elif abs(roots[i].real) < weps:
                    roots[i] = roots[i].imag * 1j
        roots.sort(key=lambda x: (abs(x.imag), x.real))
        mp.prec = orig
    if error:
        err = max(err)
        err = max(err, ldexp(1, -orig+1))
        return [+r for r in roots], +err
        return [+r for r in roots]