def addGyro(serverChannel):
    global msg, startingX, startingY
    while True:
        dataVals = compileData()
        # print(dataVals)
        x = float(dataVals[0])
        y = float(dataVals[1])
        yaw = float(dataVals[2])
        msg["gyroX"] = x  # - startingX
        msg["gyroY"] = y  #- startingY
        msg["yaw"] = yaw - startingYaw
def addGyro(serverChannel):
	global msg, startingX, startingY
	while True:
		dataVals = compileData()
		# print(dataVals)
		x = float(dataVals[0])
		y = float(dataVals[1])
		yaw = float(dataVals[2])
		msg["gyroX"] = x # - startingX
		msg["gyroY"] = y #- startingY
		msg["yaw"] = yaw - startingYaw
#sets up the ultrasonic sensors

# TRIG = 11 #18
# ECHO = 12 #17
TRIG = 13
ECHO = 7

GPIO.output(TRIG, 0)

#this is the initial starting position of the copter. I implement this
#because the gyroscope doesn't read the rest position as perfectly 0,0
#so this basically can account for any slight error in the gyro readings

startingGyroValues = compileData()
startingX = startingGyroValues[0]
startingY = startingGyroValues[1]
startingYaw = startingGyroValues[2]
print('start', startingX, startingY)

# Initializing global data structures

keyInputs = {
    "w": False,
    "s": False,
    "d": False,
    "a": False,
    "u": False,
#sets up the ultrasonic sensors

# TRIG = 11 #18
# ECHO = 12 #17
TRIG = 13
ECHO = 7

GPIO.output(TRIG, 0)

#this is the initial starting position of the copter. I implement this
#because the gyroscope doesn't read the rest position as perfectly 0,0
#so this basically can account for any slight error in the gyro readings

startingGyroValues = compileData()
startingX = startingGyroValues[0]
startingY = startingGyroValues[1]
startingYaw = startingGyroValues[2]
print('start', startingX, startingY)

# Initializing global data structures

keyInputs = {"w": False, "s": False, "d": False, "a": False, 
"u":False, "e":False, "r": False, "l": False, "g": True}

msg = {"distance": 0, "ail": 0, "ele": 0, "thr": 0, "rud": 0, "gyroX": 0, 
"gyroY": 0, "yaw":0}