Пример #1
	def process_byte_rd(self):
		"""method process_kernel_evt(): Form incoming bytes into RZ pkts."""
		#buf_len = len(self._rd_buf)
		if self._rd_state == 0: # searching _rd_buf for for SYNC byte, 0x00 response to LAN_HELLO, OR 0x0253 ACK (latter two must be expected)
			for i in range(self._bytes_read):
				if self._rd_buf[self._rd_buf_start_idx] == 0x16:
					self._rd_state = 1
				self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + 1) & 0xFF
			self._rd_buf_cur_idx = self._rd_buf_start_idx
			if self._rd_state != 1: # failed to find even a single SYNC in given byte buffer, so stay at State 0
				print 'No SYNC found in recv buffer:'
				recvd_bytes = array.array('B', '\0' * self._bytes_read)
				idx = self._rd_buf_start_idx - self._bytes_read
				for i in range(self._bytes_read):
					recvd_bytes[i] = self._rd_buf[idx]
					idx = (idx + 1) & 0xFF
				del recvd_bytes

		buf_len = (self._rd_buf_end_idx - self._rd_buf_start_idx) & 0xFF
		if self._rd_state == 1:
			if	buf_len >= 2: # looking for SOH byte after SYNC
				if self._rd_buf[(self._rd_buf_start_idx + 1) & 0xFF] == 0x01:
					self._rd_state = 2
					self._rd_state = 0
		if self._rd_state == 2:
			if	buf_len >= self._pkt_hdr_len: # waiting for remainder of hdr
				# Make a copy of the nominal pkt:
				pkt = array.array('B', '\0' * self._pkt_hdr_len)
				for i in range(self._pkt_hdr_len):
					idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + i) & 0xFF
					pkt[i] = self._rd_buf[idx]
				if pkt[self._pkt_type_idx] == 0x00: print 'H',
				else: print '.',
				chksum_calc = checksum(pkt, 2, self._pkt_hdr_len - 2) # do not use SYNC/SOH or chksum itself in calc
				chksum_given = pkt[self._pkt_hdr_len - 1]
				if chksum_calc == chksum_given:
					# Get packet type and determine whether or not to expect an extension:
					ext = pkt[self._pkt_type_idx] & LAN_EXTENDED
					if ext:
						#self._pkt_ext_len = ((self._rd_buf[self._pkt_data_idx] << 8) + self._rd_buf[self._pkt_data_idx + 1]) & 0xC000
						#self._total_pkt_len = self._pkt_hdr_len + self._pkt_ext_len
						#self._rd_state = 3
						print 'Extended pkts not supported yet!'
						self._rd_state = 0
						self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
						# Finished receiving this header-only pkt recvd from the RS485 port, 
						# so process it:
						self._total_pkt_len = self._pkt_hdr_len
						#pkt = self._rd_buf[:self._total_pkt_len]
						self.process_rd_pkt(pkt) # @fixme: Rtn value could have a pkt to pass to RouterThread to send on to other interface
						#self._rd_buf = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len:] # trim processed pkt bytes from start of _rd_buf
						self._rd_state = 0
						self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
						del pkt
				else: # checksum failed, so try to deal with possible causes gracefully
					#@fixme Scan contents of read buffer for more instances of SYNC/SOH
					# header which might be starts of true pkt headers.
					print 'Calc checksum %02x does not match pkt hdr checksum %02x:' % (chksum_calc, chksum_given)
					self._rd_state = 0
					self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
Пример #2
class PortMonThr(Thread):
	"""class PortMonThr: Test one-thread-per-port performance on RS485 networks.
	_pkt_hdr_len = 14
	_pkt_type_idx = 10
	_pkt_data_idx = 11
	_pkt_dst_idx = 2
	_pkt_src_idx = 6
	_pkt_hdr_chksum_idx = 13
	def __init__(self, ir_node):
		"""method __init__(): Parameter 'ir_node' is a ref to an instance of an RzvcIfRouteNode."""
		self._ir_node = ir_node
		self._file = self._ir_node._file
		self._fd = self._ir_node._file.fileno()
		self._poll_obj = None
		self.go = 1
		self._rd_buf_len = 256
		self._rd_buf = array.array('B', '\0' * self._rd_buf_len)
		self._rd_buf_start_idx = 0 # holds index of first byte in (potential) pkt
		self._rd_buf_cur_idx = 0 # holds index of current byte in buffer (logically, if not physically, between start and end)
		self._rd_buf_end_idx = 0 # holds index of last byte read
		self._bytes_read = 0
		self._rd_state = 0 # start the subclass reading state machine in the 1st state
		self._pkt_ext_len = 0 # set to non-zero in transition from State 2 to State 3, if any for a given pkt
		self._total_pkt_len = 0 # sum of _pkt_hdr_len and _pkt_ext_len for any given pkt
		self._ser_num = 30000 # 0x7530: choose higher number than expected from regular Mozaic, RZ100, or Tessera; @fixme: what about multi-Mediator systems?
		# Prepare to send pkts by breaking _ser_num into component bytes:
		self._ser_num_bytes = long_to_bytes(self._ser_num)
		self._low_rzc = sys.maxint # listen for and store lowest dst/src address
		self._high_rzc = 0 # listen for and store highest dst/src address
	def run(self):
		self.debug_print(' runs on %s.' % currentThread(), 0)
		# Create one-and-only poll object:
		self._poll_obj = select.poll()
		# Register one-and-only fd for input events:
		self._fd = self._ir_node._file.fileno() # in case it changed without de/reconstruction of this thread obj
		self._poll_obj.register(self._fd, select.POLLIN)
		# Enter thread's main loop:
		total_bytes = 0
		avg_bytes_per_loop = 0
		loop_count = 0
		total_loop_time = 0
		avg_loop_time = 0
		macro_cnt = 500
		byte_threshold = 1000
		self.go = 1 # set to '0' only by other threads that want to stop this thread
		start_time = time.clock()
		while self.go:
			loop_count = loop_count + 1
			if (total_bytes > byte_threshold):
				temp_time = time.clock()
				macro_loop_time = temp_time - start_time
				#print 'macro_loop_time = ', macro_loop_time, 'temp_time = ', temp_time, 'start_time = ', start_time
				start_time = temp_time
				avg_loop_time = macro_loop_time / loop_count
				avg_bytes_per_loop = total_bytes / loop_count
				loop_count = 0 # reset
				total_bytes = 0 # reset
				burden = avg_loop_time / avg_bytes_per_loop
				#print 'avg_loop_time = ', avg_loop_time, 'avg_bytes_per_loop = ', avg_bytes_per_loop, 'burden per byte = ', burden
			# Enter the one-and-only wait state used by this RouterThread:
			evt_pairs = self._poll_obj.poll()
			self.debug_print('Event pairs received = %s' % evt_pairs, 1)
			# If no event pairs are returned by poll(), then an error must have occurred:
			if len(evt_pairs) == 0:
				self.debug_print('Timeout error detected for fd %d, %s.' % self._fd, 1)
			# Else, process event pairs:
				for evt_pair in evt_pairs:
					# Submit the kernel event(s) to the generating IW for processing, 
					# and act on the result:
					if evt_pair[1] == select.POLLIN:
						rd_str = self._file.read()
						total_bytes = total_bytes + len(rd_str)
						self._bytes_read = len(rd_str)
						for i in range(self._bytes_read):
							self._rd_buf[self._rd_buf_end_idx] = ord(rd_str[i])
							self._rd_buf_end_idx = (self._rd_buf_end_idx + 1) & 0xFF
						raise EInvalidValue('Event Type', evt_pair[1])


		self.debug_print('on %s is ending run()...' % currentThread(), 0)
	def process_byte_rd(self):
		"""method process_kernel_evt(): Form incoming bytes into RZ pkts."""
		#buf_len = len(self._rd_buf)
		if self._rd_state == 0: # searching _rd_buf for for SYNC byte, 0x00 response to LAN_HELLO, OR 0x0253 ACK (latter two must be expected)
			for i in range(self._bytes_read):
				if self._rd_buf[self._rd_buf_start_idx] == 0x16:
					self._rd_state = 1
				self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + 1) & 0xFF
			self._rd_buf_cur_idx = self._rd_buf_start_idx
			if self._rd_state != 1: # failed to find even a single SYNC in given byte buffer, so stay at State 0
				print 'No SYNC found in recv buffer:'
				recvd_bytes = array.array('B', '\0' * self._bytes_read)
				idx = self._rd_buf_start_idx - self._bytes_read
				for i in range(self._bytes_read):
					recvd_bytes[i] = self._rd_buf[idx]
					idx = (idx + 1) & 0xFF
				del recvd_bytes

		buf_len = (self._rd_buf_end_idx - self._rd_buf_start_idx) & 0xFF
		if self._rd_state == 1:
			if	buf_len >= 2: # looking for SOH byte after SYNC
				if self._rd_buf[(self._rd_buf_start_idx + 1) & 0xFF] == 0x01:
					self._rd_state = 2
					self._rd_state = 0
		if self._rd_state == 2:
			if	buf_len >= self._pkt_hdr_len: # waiting for remainder of hdr
				# Make a copy of the nominal pkt:
				pkt = array.array('B', '\0' * self._pkt_hdr_len)
				for i in range(self._pkt_hdr_len):
					idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + i) & 0xFF
					pkt[i] = self._rd_buf[idx]
				if pkt[self._pkt_type_idx] == 0x00: print 'H',
				else: print '.',
				chksum_calc = checksum(pkt, 2, self._pkt_hdr_len - 2) # do not use SYNC/SOH or chksum itself in calc
				chksum_given = pkt[self._pkt_hdr_len - 1]
				if chksum_calc == chksum_given:
					# Get packet type and determine whether or not to expect an extension:
					ext = pkt[self._pkt_type_idx] & LAN_EXTENDED
					if ext:
						#self._pkt_ext_len = ((self._rd_buf[self._pkt_data_idx] << 8) + self._rd_buf[self._pkt_data_idx + 1]) & 0xC000
						#self._total_pkt_len = self._pkt_hdr_len + self._pkt_ext_len
						#self._rd_state = 3
						print 'Extended pkts not supported yet!'
						self._rd_state = 0
						self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
						# Finished receiving this header-only pkt recvd from the RS485 port, 
						# so process it:
						self._total_pkt_len = self._pkt_hdr_len
						#pkt = self._rd_buf[:self._total_pkt_len]
						self.process_rd_pkt(pkt) # @fixme: Rtn value could have a pkt to pass to RouterThread to send on to other interface
						#self._rd_buf = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len:] # trim processed pkt bytes from start of _rd_buf
						self._rd_state = 0
						self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
						del pkt
				else: # checksum failed, so try to deal with possible causes gracefully
					#@fixme Scan contents of read buffer for more instances of SYNC/SOH
					# header which might be starts of true pkt headers.
					print 'Calc checksum %02x does not match pkt hdr checksum %02x:' % (chksum_calc, chksum_given)
					self._rd_state = 0
					self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
		if self._rd_state == 3: # waiting for extension
			if	buf_len >= self._total_pkt_len: # waiting for remainder of extension
				chksum_calc = checksum(self._rd_buf, self._pkt_hdr_len, self._total_pkt_len - 2)
				chksum_given = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len - 1]
				if chksum_calc == chksum_given:
					# Finished receiving this header/ext pkt from the RS485 port, so process it:
					pkt = self._rd_buf[:self._total_pkt_len]
					self.process_rd_pkt(pkt) # @fixme: Rtn value could have a pkt to pass to RouterThread to send on to other interface
					self._rd_buf = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len:] # trim processed pkt bytes from start of _rd_buf
				else: # checksum failed, so try to deal with possible causes gracefully
					#@fixme Scan contents of read buffer for more instances of SYNC/SOH
					# header which might be starts of true pkt headers.
					print 'Calc checksum %02x does not match pkt extension checksum %02x:' % (chksum_calc, chksum_given)
				self._rd_buf = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len:] # don't delete any bytes from subsequent pkts
				self._rd_state = 0
				self._pkt_ext_len = 0
				self._total_pkt_len = 0
			raise EInvalidValue('RzvcIfWrap Substate', str(self._rd_state))
Пример #3
    def run(self):
        self.debug_print(' runs on %s.' % currentThread(), 0)

        # Create one-and-only poll object:
        self._poll_obj = select.poll()
        poll_obj = self._poll_obj

        # Register each port's fd to correlate with incoming bytes for poll() triggering:
        iws_list = self._iws.values(
        )  # extract list of values from local IW dict
        for iw in iws_list:
            poll_obj.register(iw._file.fileno(), select.POLLIN)

        # Enter thread's main loop:
        total_bytes = 0
        avg_bytes_per_loop = 0
        loop_count = 0
        total_loop_time = 0
        avg_loop_time = 0
        macro_cnt = 2000
        self.go = 1  # set to '0' only by other threads that want to stop this thread
        start_time = time.clock()

        while self.go:
            loop_count = loop_count + 1
            if ((loop_count % macro_cnt) == 0):
                temp_time = time.clock()
                macro_loop_time = temp_time - start_time
                print 'macro_loop_time = ', macro_loop_time, 'temp_time = ', temp_time, 'start_time = ', start_time
                start_time = temp_time
                avg_loop_time = macro_loop_time / macro_cnt
                burden = avg_loop_time / avg_bytes_per_loop
                print 'avg_loop_time = ', avg_loop_time, 'avg_bytes_per_loop = ', avg_bytes_per_loop, 'burden per byte = ', burden

            #@fixme: Set timeouts:
            timeout_msec = -1

            # Enter the one-and-only wait state used by this RouterThread:
            self.debug_print('timeout_msec = %d' % timeout_msec, 0)
            evt_pairs = poll_obj.poll(timeout_msec)
            self.debug_print('Event pairs received = %s' % evt_pairs, 0)

            # If no event pairs are returned by poll(), then a timeout must have occurred:
            if len(evt_pairs) == 0:
                if not self._timeout_iw:
                        'Programming Error. poll() timed out without any responsible InterfaceWrapper!',
                    raise EInvalidValue
                    'Timeout detected for fd %d, %s.' %
                    (self._timeout_iw._file.fileno(), self._timeout_iw), 1)
                result = self._timeout_iw.handle_timeout(self._timeout_param)
                if result == 'erase':
                        'Timeout caused scan of data_skt %d, and it looks dead.'
                self._timeout_iw = None
                self._timeout_param = None
            # Else, process event pairs:
                for evt_pair in evt_pairs:
                    # Obtain the signaled IW from the local dict:
                        iw_rd = self._iws[evt_pair[0]]
                    except KeyError:  # erasure ops below may have removed IW responsible for given evt_pair
                            'Ignoring event pair for closed fd %d' %
                            evt_pair[0], 0)

                    # Submit the kernel event(s) to the generating IW for processing,
                    # and act on the result:
                    result = iw_rd.process_kernel_evt(evt_pair[1])
                    cmd = result[0]
                    if not cmd:
                    elif cmd == 'send':
                        # Give iw_rd ref to Router, get back list of IWs to which to send
                        # reading IW's buffer:
                        iws_dest = self._router.send(iw_rd)
                        wr_buf = result[1]
                        total_bytes = total_bytes + len(wr_buf)
                        avg_bytes_per_loop = total_bytes / loop_count
                        if len(iws_dest) == 0:
                        for iw_dest in iws_dest:
                            if iw_dest._file.fileno() < 0:
                                print 'Program error: IW %s has fd %d! Already closed/deleted!' % (
                                    iw_dest, iw_dest._file.fileno())
                                print 'Sent pkt to %d' % iw_dest._file.fileno()
                            except:  # destination IW may have been closed already...
                                print 'Failed to write to fd %d: %s, %s' % (
                                    iw_dest._file.fileno(), sys.exc_type,
                                #self._erase(iw_dest, 'Failed to write to fd %d.')
                        # If debugging, send notification of xmitted bytes to console:
                            'Xmitted byte array from fd %d:' %
                            iw_rd._file.fileno(), 0)
                        if debug_lvl > 1:
                        iw_rd._rd_buf = array.array(
                            'B')  # clear the read buf of the current IW
                    elif cmd == 'new_iw':
                        # We have another data_skt to poll, so register it and add it into the local dict:
                        new_iw = result[1]
                        data_skt_fd = new_iw._file.fileno()
                        self._iws[data_skt_fd] = new_iw
                        poll_obj.register(data_skt_fd, select.POLLIN)
                            'Input event on listen_skt %d => data_skt %d.' %
                            (iw_rd._file.fileno(), data_skt_fd), 0)
                        continue  # connection established, but no data to process yet
                    elif cmd == 'mon_iw':
                        # We have a data_skt from which to echo incoming bytes/pkts:
                        self._mon_skt = result[1]
                        data_skt_fd = self._mon_skt._file.fileno()
                        self._iws[data_skt_fd] = self._mon_skt
                            data_skt_fd, select.POLLIN
                        )  # no input expected from this mon_skt (yet), but be prepared...
                            'Input event on listen_skt %d => mon_skt %d.' %
                            (iw_rd._file.fileno(), data_skt_fd), 0)
                        continue  # connection established
                    elif cmd == 'erase':
                        # IW determined it was not worthy of existence, so squish it:
                        self._erase(iw_rd, result[1])
                            'Unknown result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt(): %s'
                            % str(result), 0)
                        raise EInvalidValue(
                            'Result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt()',

        # Unregister all of the fd's in the local dict from the poll() machinery:
        iw_fds_list = self._iws.keys()
        for iw_fd in iw_fds_list:

        self.debug_print('on %s is ending run()...' % currentThread(), 0)
Пример #4
                            'Unknown result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt(): %s'
                            % str(result), 0)
                        raise EInvalidValue(
                            'Result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt()',

        # Unregister all of the fd's in the local dict from the poll() machinery:
        iw_fds_list = self._iws.keys()
        for iw_fd in iw_fds_list:

        self.debug_print('on %s is ending run()...' % currentThread(), 0)

    def debug_print(self, msg, msg_lvl):
        if msg_lvl < debug_lvl:
            prn_msg = 'RouterThread: ' + msg
            print prn_msg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'RouterThread.py: Starting Unit Test...'

    a = array.array('B', [16, 24, 56, 255])
    print_array_as_hex(a, 16)

    print 'RouterThread.py: Unit Test completed.'
Пример #5
	def run(self):
		self.debug_print(' runs on %s.' % currentThread(), 0)
		# Create one-and-only poll object:
		self._poll_obj = select.poll()
		poll_obj = self._poll_obj
		# Register each port's fd to correlate with incoming bytes for poll() triggering:
		iws_list = self._iws.values() # extract list of values from local IW dict
		for iw in iws_list:
			poll_obj.register(iw._file.fileno(), select.POLLIN)
		# Enter thread's main loop:
		total_bytes = 0
		avg_bytes_per_loop = 0
		loop_count = 0
		total_loop_time = 0
		avg_loop_time = 0
		macro_cnt = 2000
		self.go = 1 # set to '0' only by other threads that want to stop this thread
		start_time = time.clock()
		while self.go:
			loop_count = loop_count + 1
			if ((loop_count % macro_cnt) == 0):
				temp_time = time.clock()
				macro_loop_time = temp_time - start_time
				print 'macro_loop_time = ', macro_loop_time, 'temp_time = ', temp_time, 'start_time = ', start_time
				start_time = temp_time
				avg_loop_time = macro_loop_time / macro_cnt
				burden = avg_loop_time / avg_bytes_per_loop
				print 'avg_loop_time = ', avg_loop_time, 'avg_bytes_per_loop = ', avg_bytes_per_loop, 'burden per byte = ', burden
			#@fixme: Set timeouts:
			timeout_msec = -1
			# Enter the one-and-only wait state used by this RouterThread:
			self.debug_print('timeout_msec = %d' % timeout_msec, 0)
			evt_pairs = poll_obj.poll(timeout_msec)
			self.debug_print('Event pairs received = %s' % evt_pairs, 0)
			# If no event pairs are returned by poll(), then a timeout must have occurred:
			if len(evt_pairs) == 0:
				if not self._timeout_iw:
					self.debug_print('Programming Error. poll() timed out without any responsible InterfaceWrapper!', 0)
					raise EInvalidValue
				self.debug_print('Timeout detected for fd %d, %s.' % (self._timeout_iw._file.fileno(), self._timeout_iw), 1)
				result = self._timeout_iw.handle_timeout(self._timeout_param)
				if result == 'erase':
					self._erase(self._timeout_iw, 'Timeout caused scan of data_skt %d, and it looks dead.')
				self._timeout_iw = None
				self._timeout_param = None
			# Else, process event pairs:
				for evt_pair in evt_pairs:
					# Obtain the signaled IW from the local dict:
						iw_rd = self._iws[evt_pair[0]]
					except KeyError: # erasure ops below may have removed IW responsible for given evt_pair
						self.debug_print('Ignoring event pair for closed fd %d' % evt_pair[0], 0)
					# Submit the kernel event(s) to the generating IW for processing, 
					# and act on the result:
					result = iw_rd.process_kernel_evt(evt_pair[1])
					cmd = result[0]
					if not cmd:
					elif cmd == 'send':
						# Give iw_rd ref to Router, get back list of IWs to which to send 
						# reading IW's buffer:
						iws_dest = self._router.send(iw_rd)
						wr_buf = result[1]
						total_bytes = total_bytes + len(wr_buf)
						avg_bytes_per_loop = total_bytes / loop_count
						if len(iws_dest) == 0:
						for iw_dest in iws_dest:
							if iw_dest._file.fileno() < 0:
								print 'Program error: IW %s has fd %d! Already closed/deleted!' % (iw_dest, iw_dest._file.fileno())
								print 'Sent pkt to %d' % iw_dest._file.fileno()
							except: # destination IW may have been closed already...
								print 'Failed to write to fd %d: %s, %s' % (iw_dest._file.fileno(), sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)
								#self._erase(iw_dest, 'Failed to write to fd %d.')
						# If debugging, send notification of xmitted bytes to console:
						self.debug_print('Xmitted byte array from fd %d:' % iw_rd._file.fileno(), 0)
						if debug_lvl > 1:
						iw_rd._rd_buf = array.array('B') # clear the read buf of the current IW
					elif cmd == 'new_iw':
						# We have another data_skt to poll, so register it and add it into the local dict:
						new_iw = result[1]
						data_skt_fd = new_iw._file.fileno()
						self._iws[data_skt_fd] = new_iw
						poll_obj.register(data_skt_fd, select.POLLIN)
						self.debug_print('Input event on listen_skt %d => data_skt %d.' % (iw_rd._file.fileno(), data_skt_fd), 0)
						continue # connection established, but no data to process yet
					elif cmd == 'mon_iw':
						# We have a data_skt from which to echo incoming bytes/pkts:
						self._mon_skt = result[1]
						data_skt_fd = self._mon_skt._file.fileno()
						self._iws[data_skt_fd] = self._mon_skt
						poll_obj.register(data_skt_fd, select.POLLIN) # no input expected from this mon_skt (yet), but be prepared...
						self.debug_print('Input event on listen_skt %d => mon_skt %d.' % (iw_rd._file.fileno(), data_skt_fd), 0)
						continue # connection established
					elif cmd == 'erase':
						# IW determined it was not worthy of existence, so squish it:
						self._erase(iw_rd, result[1])
						self.debug_print('Unknown result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt(): %s' % str(result), 0)
						raise EInvalidValue('Result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt()', str(result))
		# Unregister all of the fd's in the local dict from the poll() machinery:
		iw_fds_list = self._iws.keys()
		for iw_fd in iw_fds_list:

		self.debug_print('on %s is ending run()...' % currentThread(), 0)
Пример #6
						self.debug_print('Input event on listen_skt %d => mon_skt %d.' % (iw_rd._file.fileno(), data_skt_fd), 0)
						continue # connection established
					elif cmd == 'erase':
						# IW determined it was not worthy of existence, so squish it:
						self._erase(iw_rd, result[1])
						self.debug_print('Unknown result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt(): %s' % str(result), 0)
						raise EInvalidValue('Result from InterfaceWrap.process_kernel_evt()', str(result))
		# Unregister all of the fd's in the local dict from the poll() machinery:
		iw_fds_list = self._iws.keys()
		for iw_fd in iw_fds_list:

		self.debug_print('on %s is ending run()...' % currentThread(), 0)
	def debug_print(self, msg, msg_lvl):
		if msg_lvl < debug_lvl:
			prn_msg = 'RouterThread: ' + msg
			print prn_msg

if __name__ == '__main__':
	print 'RouterThread.py: Starting Unit Test...'

	a = array.array('B', [16, 24, 56, 255])
	print_array_as_hex(a, 16)
	print 'RouterThread.py: Unit Test completed.'
Пример #7
    def process_byte_rd(self):
        """method process_kernel_evt(): Form incoming bytes into RZ pkts."""
        # buf_len = len(self._rd_buf)
        if (
            self._rd_state == 0
        ):  # searching _rd_buf for for SYNC byte, 0x00 response to LAN_HELLO, OR 0x0253 ACK (latter two must be expected)

            for i in range(self._bytes_read):
                if self._rd_buf[self._rd_buf_start_idx] == 0x16:
                    self._rd_state = 1
                self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + 1) & 0xFF

            self._rd_buf_cur_idx = self._rd_buf_start_idx

            if self._rd_state != 1:  # failed to find even a single SYNC in given byte buffer, so stay at State 0
                print "No SYNC found in recv buffer:"
                recvd_bytes = array.array("B", "\0" * self._bytes_read)
                idx = self._rd_buf_start_idx - self._bytes_read
                for i in range(self._bytes_read):
                    recvd_bytes[i] = self._rd_buf[idx]
                    idx = (idx + 1) & 0xFF

                del recvd_bytes

        buf_len = (self._rd_buf_end_idx - self._rd_buf_start_idx) & 0xFF
        if self._rd_state == 1:
            if buf_len >= 2:  # looking for SOH byte after SYNC
                if self._rd_buf[(self._rd_buf_start_idx + 1) & 0xFF] == 0x01:
                    self._rd_state = 2
                    self._rd_state = 0

        if self._rd_state == 2:
            if buf_len >= self._pkt_hdr_len:  # waiting for remainder of hdr

                # Make a copy of the nominal pkt:
                pkt = array.array("B", "\0" * self._pkt_hdr_len)
                for i in range(self._pkt_hdr_len):
                    idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + i) & 0xFF
                    pkt[i] = self._rd_buf[idx]

                if pkt[self._pkt_type_idx] == 0x00:
                    print "H",
                    print ".",

                # print_array_as_hex(pkt)

                chksum_calc = checksum(pkt, 2, self._pkt_hdr_len - 2)  # do not use SYNC/SOH or chksum itself in calc
                chksum_given = pkt[self._pkt_hdr_len - 1]
                if chksum_calc == chksum_given:
                    # Get packet type and determine whether or not to expect an extension:
                    ext = pkt[self._pkt_type_idx] & LAN_EXTENDED
                    if ext:
                        # self._pkt_ext_len = ((self._rd_buf[self._pkt_data_idx] << 8) + self._rd_buf[self._pkt_data_idx + 1]) & 0xC000
                        # self._total_pkt_len = self._pkt_hdr_len + self._pkt_ext_len
                        # self._rd_state = 3
                        print "Extended pkts not supported yet!"
                        self._rd_state = 0
                        self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
                        # Finished receiving this header-only pkt recvd from the RS485 port,
                        # so process it:
                        self._total_pkt_len = self._pkt_hdr_len
                        # pkt = self._rd_buf[:self._total_pkt_len]
                        )  # @fixme: Rtn value could have a pkt to pass to RouterThread to send on to other interface
                        # self._rd_buf = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len:] # trim processed pkt bytes from start of _rd_buf
                        self._rd_state = 0
                        self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF
                        del pkt
                else:  # checksum failed, so try to deal with possible causes gracefully
                    # @fixme Scan contents of read buffer for more instances of SYNC/SOH
                    # header which might be starts of true pkt headers.
                    print "Calc checksum %02x does not match pkt hdr checksum %02x:" % (chksum_calc, chksum_given)
                    print_array_as_hex(self._rd_buf[: self._pkt_hdr_len])
                    self._rd_state = 0
                    self._rd_buf_start_idx = (self._rd_buf_start_idx + self._pkt_hdr_len) & 0xFF

        if self._rd_state == 3:  # waiting for extension
            if buf_len >= self._total_pkt_len:  # waiting for remainder of extension
                chksum_calc = checksum(self._rd_buf, self._pkt_hdr_len, self._total_pkt_len - 2)
                chksum_given = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len - 1]
                if chksum_calc == chksum_given:
                    # Finished receiving this header/ext pkt from the RS485 port, so process it:
                    pkt = self._rd_buf[: self._total_pkt_len]
                    )  # @fixme: Rtn value could have a pkt to pass to RouterThread to send on to other interface
                    self._rd_buf = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len :]  # trim processed pkt bytes from start of _rd_buf
                else:  # checksum failed, so try to deal with possible causes gracefully
                    # @fixme Scan contents of read buffer for more instances of SYNC/SOH
                    # header which might be starts of true pkt headers.
                    print "Calc checksum %02x does not match pkt extension checksum %02x:" % (chksum_calc, chksum_given)
                    print_array_as_hex(self._rd_buf[: self._total_pkt_len])
                self._rd_buf = self._rd_buf[self._total_pkt_len :]  # don't delete any bytes from subsequent pkts
                self._rd_state = 0
                self._pkt_ext_len = 0
                self._total_pkt_len = 0

            raise EInvalidValue("RzvcIfWrap Substate", str(self._rd_state))
