Пример #1
 def publishArrived(self, topic, msg, qos, properties, receivedTime, retained=False):
   pub = MQTTV5.Publishes()
   if properties:
     pub.properties = properties
   logger.info("[MQTT-3.2.3-3] topic name must match the subscription's topic filter")
   # Topic alias
   if len(self.outgoingTopicNamesToAliases) < self.topicAliasMaximum:
     self.outgoingTopicNamesToAliases.append(topic)       # add alias
   if topic in self.outgoingTopicNamesToAliases:
     pub.properties.TopicAlias = self.outgoingTopicNamesToAliases.index(topic) + 1 # Topic aliases start at 1
     pub.topicName = topic
   pub.data = msg
   pub.fh.QoS = qos
   pub.fh.RETAIN = retained
   pub.receivedTime = receivedTime
   if retained:
     logger.info("[MQTT-2.1.2-7] Last retained message on matching topics sent on subscribe")
   if pub.fh.RETAIN:
     logger.info("[MQTT-2.1.2-9] Set retained flag on retained messages")
   if qos == 2:
     pub.qos2state = "PUBREC"
   if len(self.outbound) >= self.receiveMaximum or not self.connected:
     if qos > 0 or not self.broker.dropQoS0:
       self.queued.append(pub) # this should never be infinite in reality
     if qos > 0 and not self.connected:
       logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.2-5] storing of QoS 1 and 2 messages for disconnected client %s", self.id)
Пример #2
 def publish(self, topic, payload, qos=0, retained=False, properties=None):
   publish = MQTTV5.Publishes()
   publish.fh.QoS = qos
   publish.fh.RETAIN = retained
   if qos == 0:
     publish.packetIdentifier = 0
     publish.packetIdentifier = self.__nextMsgid()
     if publish.fh.QoS == 2:
       pass #publish.pubrec_received = False
     self.__receiver.outMsgs[publish.packetIdentifier] = publish
   publish.topicName = topic
   if properties:
     publish.properties = properties
   publish.data = payload if type(payload) == type(b"") else bytes(payload, "utf8")
   sendtosocket(self.sock, publish.pack())
   return publish.packetIdentifier