Пример #1
    def load(self):
        """Load mrack configuration, first config file wins, rest is ignored."""
        cfg_paths = self.get_config_paths()
        chosen = None
        for cfg_path in cfg_paths:
            if os.path.exists(cfg_path):
                chosen = cfg_path

        if not chosen:
            logger.debug("No config file found.")
            self._parser.read_dict({"mrack": {}})  # empty mrack section

            logger.debug(f"Loading config file: {chosen}.")
        except ParsingError as parse_err:
            raise ConfigError(f"Invalid syntax in configuration file {chosen}."
                              ) from parse_err

        if not self._parser.has_section(self.section):
            raise ConfigError(f"Configuration file {chosen} doesn't have "
                              f"required section [{self.section}].")

Пример #2
def init_metadata(ctx, user_defined_path):
    """Load and initialize job metadata."""
    config = ctx.obj[CONFIG]
    meta_path = user_defined_path or config.metadata_path()
    if not meta_path:
        raise ConfigError("Job metadata file path not provided.")
    if not os.path.exists(meta_path):
        raise ConfigError(f"Job metadata file not found: {meta_path}")
    metadata_data = load_yaml(meta_path)
    ctx.obj[METADATA] = metadata_data

    return metadata_data
Пример #3
    def _locate_mrack_section(self):
        """Locate mrack managed section."""
        start = -1
        end = -1
        mrack_lines = []
        errors = []
        for index, line in enumerate(self.lines):
            if MRACK_START in line:
                if start != -1:
                    errors.append("Multiple start marks.")
                start = index
            if MRACK_END in line:
                if end != -1:
                    errors.append("Multiple end marks.")
                end = index
            if start != -1 and end == -1 and index > start:
                mrack_lines.append([index, line])

        # Check errors:
        if start == -1 and end != -1:
            errors.append("Doesn't have start mark.")
        if start != -1 and end == -1:
            errors.append("Doesn't have end mark.")
        if end < start:
            errors.append("End mark before start mark.")

        if errors:
            error = "/etc/hosts has broken mrack managed section and needs fixing:\n"
            for err in errors:
                error += f"   {err}\n"
            raise ConfigError(error)

        return (start, end, mrack_lines)
Пример #4
    def create_inventory(self):
        """Create the Ansible inventory in dict form."""
        provisioned = self._db.hosts
        inventory = deepcopy(
            self._config.get("inventory_layout", DEFAULT_INVENTORY_LAYOUT))
        if not isinstance(inventory, dict):
            raise ConfigError("Inventory layout should be a dictionary")
        all_group = ensure_all_group(inventory)

        for host in provisioned.values():
            meta_host, _meta_domain = get_host_from_metadata(
                self._metadata, host.name)

            # Groups can be defined in both "groups" and "group" variable.
            groups = meta_host.get("groups", [])
            group = meta_host.get("group")
            if group and group not in groups:

            # Add only a reference custom groups
            for group in groups:
                added = add_to_group(inventory, group, host.name)
                if not added:  # group doesn't exist
                    add_group(inventory, group, host.name)

            # Main record belongs in "all" group
            all_group["hosts"][host.name] = self.create_ansible_host(host.name)
        return inventory
Пример #5
 def config(self):
     """Get transformer/provider configuration from provisioning configuration."""
     key = self._config_key
         return self._config[key]
     except KeyError as key_err:
         error = f"No '{key}' entry in provisioning configuration"
         raise ConfigError(error) from key_err
Пример #6
def validate_dict_attrs(dct, attr_list, dct_name):
    """Validate that dictionary contains all attributes.

    Based on provided attribute list.
    missing = [a for a in attr_list if a not in dct]
    if missing:
        error = f"""
        '{dct_name} definition:'
        'Is missing required attributes: {missing}'
        raise ConfigError(error)
Пример #7
 def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
         return func(*args, **kwargs)
     except FileNotFoundError as file_error:
         raise ConfigError(self.error.format(
             path=file_error.filename)) from file_error