def create_multiclass_mask(image_shape, results: dict, config: Config = None): """ Creates an image containing all the masks where pixel color is the mask's class ID :param image_shape: the shape of the initial image :param results: the results dictionary containing all the masks :param config: the config object used to expand mini_masks if enabled :return: the multi-mask image """ res = np.zeros((image_shape[0], image_shape[1]), np.uint8) masks = results['masks'] class_ids = results['class_ids'] rois = results['rois'] indices = np.arange(len(class_ids)) classes_hierarchy = config.get_classes_hierarchy() if classes_hierarchy is None: levels = [[i + 1 for i in range(len(config.get_classes_info()))]] else: levels = utils.remove_redundant_classes( utils.classes_level(classes_hierarchy), keepFirst=False) for lvl in levels: current_indices = indices[np.isin(class_ids, lvl)] for idx in current_indices: mask = masks[:, :, idx].astype(bool).astype(np.uint8) * 255 roi = rois[idx] classID = int(class_ids[idx]) if config is not None and config.is_using_mini_mask(): shifted_bbox = utils.shift_bbox(roi) mask = utils.expand_mask(shifted_bbox, mask, shifted_bbox[2:]) res = apply_mask(res, mask, classID, 1, roi) return res
def mask_to_class_histogram(results: dict, classes: dict, config: Config = None, count_zeros=True): """ Gather all histograms into a general one that looses the information of 'which base mask contains which masks' :param results: the results containing per mask histograms :param classes: dict that link previous classes to current classes that we want to count :param config: the config :param count_zeros: if True, base masks without included masks will be counted :return: the global histogram """ if config is None: return selectedClasses = {} if "all" in classes.values() or any( ["all" in classes[c] for c in classes if type(classes[c]) is list]): selectedClasses.update( {c['display_name']: c['id'] for c in config.get_classes_info()}) else: tempClasses = [] for aClass in classes.values(): if type(aClass) is list: tempClasses.extend(aClass) else: tempClasses.append(aClass) selectedClasses.update({ c['display_name']: c['id'] for c in config.get_classes_info() if c['name'] in tempClasses }) histogram = {c: {} for c in selectedClasses.keys()} for mask_histogram in results['histos']: if mask_histogram is None: continue else: for eltClass in histogram: if eltClass in selectedClasses: class_id = selectedClasses[eltClass] if class_id not in mask_histogram and count_zeros: if 0 not in histogram[eltClass]: histogram[eltClass][0] = 0 histogram[eltClass][0] += 1 elif class_id in mask_histogram: nb = mask_histogram[class_id] if nb not in histogram[eltClass]: histogram[eltClass][nb] = 0 histogram[eltClass][nb] += 1 return histogram
def reduce_memory(results, config: Config, allow_sparse=True): """ Minimize all masks in the results dict from inference :param results: dict containing results of the inference :param config: the config object :param allow_sparse: if False, will only keep biggest region of a mask :return: """ _masks = results['masks'] _bbox = results['rois'] if not allow_sparse: emptyMasks = [] for idx in range(results['masks'].shape[-1]): mask = unsparse_mask(results['masks'][:, :, idx]) if mask is None: emptyMasks.append(idx) else: results['masks'][:, :, idx] = mask if len(emptyMasks) > 0: results['scores'] = np.delete(results['scores'], emptyMasks) results['class_ids'] = np.delete(results['class_ids'], emptyMasks) results['masks'] = np.delete(results['masks'], emptyMasks, axis=2) results['rois'] = np.delete(results['rois'], emptyMasks, axis=0) results['rois'] = extract_bboxes(results['masks']) results['masks'] = minimize_mask(results['rois'], results['masks'], config.get_mini_mask_shape()) return results
def fromLabelMe(cls, filepath: str, config: Config, group_id_2_class: dict = None): """ Constructs an ASAPAdapter from an exported LabelMe annotations file :param filepath: path to the LabelMe annotations file path :param config: the config :param group_id_2_class: dict that links group ids to classes names (if None, label is used) :return: """ res = cls({}) for c in config.get_classes_info(): res.addAnnotationClass(c) with open(filepath, 'r') as labelMeFile: data = json.load(labelMeFile) for mask in data['shapes']: points = mask['points'] if group_id_2_class is not None and mask[ 'group_id'] in group_id_2_class: name = group_id_2_class[mask['group_id']] else: name = mask['label'].split(' ')[0] res.addAnnotation({'name': name}, points) return res
def __init__(self, dataset_id, image_info, config: Config, previous_mode=False, enable_occlusion=False): super().__init__() self.__ID = dataset_id self.__CONFIG = config self.__CUSTOM_CLASS_NAMES = [c['name'] for c in config.get_classes_info("previous" if previous_mode else None)] self.__CLASS_ASSOCIATION = {format_text(c): c for c in self.__CUSTOM_CLASS_NAMES} self.__IMAGE_INFO = image_info self.__ENABLE_OCCLUSION = enable_occlusion
def getCenteredClassBboxes(datasetPath: str, imageName: str, classToCenter: str, image_size=1024, imageFormat="jpg", allow_oversized=True, config: Config = None, verbose=0): """ Computes and returns bboxes of all masks of the given image and class :param datasetPath: path to the dataset containing the image folder :param imageName: the image name :param classToCenter: the class to center and get the bbox from :param image_size: the minimal height and width of the bboxes :param imageFormat: the image format to use to get original image :param allow_oversized: if False, masks that does not fit image_size will be skipped :param config: if given, config file is used to know if mini_masks are used :param verbose: level of verbosity :return: (N, 4) ndarray of [y1, x1, y2, x2] matching bboxes """ imagePath = os.path.join(datasetPath, imageName, 'images', f'{imageName}.{imageFormat}') image = cv2.imread(imagePath, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) image_shape = image.shape[:2] classDirPath = os.path.join(datasetPath, imageName, classToCenter) maskList = os.listdir(classDirPath) classBboxes = np.zeros((len(maskList), 4), dtype=int) toDelete = [] for idx, mask in enumerate(maskList): maskPath = os.path.join(classDirPath, mask) if config is not None and config.is_using_mini_mask(): bbox = getBboxFromName(mask) else: maskImage = cv2.imread(maskPath, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) bbox = utils.extract_bboxes(maskImage) if not allow_oversized: h, w = bbox[2:] - bbox[:2] if h > image_size or w > image_size: if verbose > 1: print( f"{mask} mask could not fit into {(image_size, image_size)} image" ) toDelete.append(idx) classBboxes[idx] = center_mask(bbox, image_shape, min_output_shape=image_size, verbose=verbose) classBboxes = np.delete(classBboxes, toDelete, axis=0) return classBboxes
def export_annotations(image_info: dict, results: dict, adapterClass: AnnotationAdapter.__class__, save_path="predicted", config: Config = None, verbose=0): """ Exports predicted results to an XML annotation file using given XMLExporter :param image_info: Dict with at least {"NAME": str, "HEIGHT": int, "WIDTH": int} about the inferred image :param results: inference results of the image :param adapterClass: class inheriting XMLExporter :param save_path: path to the dir you want to save the annotation file :param config: the config to get mini_mask informations :param verbose: verbose level of the method (0 = nothing, 1 = information) :return: None """ if config is None: print("Cannot export annotations as config is not given.") return rois = results['rois'] masks = results['masks'] class_ids = results['class_ids'] height = masks.shape[0] width = masks.shape[1] adapter_instance = adapterClass( { "name": image_info['NAME'], "height": image_info['HEIGHT'], 'width': image_info['WIDTH'], 'format': image_info['IMAGE_FORMAT'] }, verbose=verbose) if verbose > 0: print( f"Exporting to {adapter_instance.getName()} annotation file format." ) # For each prediction for i in range(masks.shape[2]): if config is not None and config.is_using_mini_mask(): shifted_roi = shift_bbox(rois[i]) shifted_roi += [5, 5, 5, 5] image_size = shifted_roi[2:] + [5, 5] mask = expand_mask(shifted_roi, masks[:, :, i], image_size) yStart, xStart = rois[i][:2] - [5, 5] else: # Getting the RoI coordinates and the corresponding area # y1, x1, y2, x2 yStart, xStart, yEnd, xEnd = rois[i] yStart = max(yStart - 10, 0) xStart = max(xStart - 10, 0) yEnd = min(yEnd + 10, height) xEnd = min(xEnd + 10, width) mask = masks[yStart:yEnd, xStart:xEnd, i] # Getting list of points coordinates and adding the prediction to XML points = getPoints(np.uint8(mask), xOffset=xStart, yOffset=yStart, show=False, waitSeconds=0, info=False) if points is None: continue adapter_instance.addAnnotation( config.get_classes_info()[class_ids[i] - 1], points) for classInfo in config.get_classes_info(): adapter_instance.addAnnotationClass(classInfo) os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True) if verbose > 0: print(' - ', end='') adapter_instance.saveToFile(save_path, image_info['NAME'])
def cleanImage(datasetPath: str, imageName: str, cleaningClasses: str, excludeClasses=None, imageFormat="jpg", cleanMasks=False, minAreaThreshold=300, config: Config = None): """ Creating the full_images directory and cleaning the base image by removing non-cleaning-class areas :param excludeClasses: :param datasetPath: the dataset that have been wrapped :param imageName: the image name :param cleaningClasses: the class to use to clean the image :param cleanMasks: if true, will clean masks based on the cleaning-class-mask :param imageFormat: the image format to use to save the image :param minAreaThreshold: remove mask if its area is smaller than this threshold :param config: config object :return: None """ assert cleaningClasses is not None and cleaningClasses != "", "Cleaning class is required." if type(cleaningClasses) is str: cleaningClasses = [cleaningClasses] if type(excludeClasses) is str: excludeClasses = [excludeClasses] # Getting the base image path = os.path.join(datasetPath, imageName, '{folder}', f"{imageName}.{imageFormat}") imagePath = path.format(folder='images') fullImagePath = path.format(folder='full_images') image = cv2.imread(imagePath) # Fusing all the cleaning-class masks and then cleaning the image and if needed the masks cleaningClassMasks = gatherClassesMasks(datasetPath, imageName, image.shape, cleaningClasses) if excludeClasses is None: excludedClassMasks = None else: excludedClassMasks = gatherClassesMasks(datasetPath, imageName, image.shape, excludeClasses) if cleaningClassMasks is not None or excludedClassMasks is not None: if cleaningClassMasks is None: cleaningClassMasks = np.ones_like(image)[..., 0] * 255 if excludedClassMasks is not None: excludedClassMasks = cv2.bitwise_not(excludedClassMasks) cleaningClassMasks = cv2.bitwise_and(cleaningClassMasks, excludedClassMasks) # Copying the full image into the correct directory os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fullImagePath), exist_ok=True) shutil.copy2(imagePath, fullImagePath) # Cleaning the image and saving it image = cv2.bitwise_and( image, np.repeat(cleaningClassMasks[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)) cv2.imwrite(imagePath, image, CV2_IMWRITE_PARAM) # Cleaning masks so that they cannot exist elsewhere if cleanMasks: folderToRemove = [] for folder in os.listdir(os.path.join(datasetPath, imageName)): folderPath = os.path.join(datasetPath, imageName, folder) # Checking only for the other classes folder skipClasses = ["images", "full_images"] skipClasses.extend(cleaningClasses) skipClasses.extend(excludeClasses) if os.path.isdir(folderPath) and folder not in skipClasses: # For each mask of the folder for maskImageFileName in os.listdir(folderPath): maskImagePath = os.path.join(folderPath, maskImageFileName) mask = loadSameResImage(maskImagePath, image.shape) areaBefore = getBWCount(mask)[1] # If mask is not empty if areaBefore > 0: # Cleaning it with the cleaning-class masks mask = cv2.bitwise_and(mask, cleaningClassMasks) areaAfter = getBWCount(mask)[1] else: areaAfter = areaBefore # If mask was empty or too small after cleaning, we remove it if areaBefore == 0 or areaAfter < minAreaThreshold: os.remove(maskImagePath) elif areaBefore != areaAfter: # If mask has is different after cleaning, we replace the original one try: try: idMask = int( maskImageFileName.split('.')[0].split( '_')[1]) except ValueError: # If we could not retrieve the original mask ID, give it a unique one idMask = int(time()) # If mini-mask are enabled, we minimize it before saving it bbox_coordinates = "" if config is not None and config.is_using_mini_mask( ): bbox = extract_bboxes(mask) mask = minimize_mask( bbox, mask, config.get_mini_mask_shape()) mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255 y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox bbox_coordinates = f"_{y1}_{x1}_{y2}_{x2}" # Saving cleaned mask outputName = f"{imageName}_{idMask:03d}{bbox_coordinates}.{imageFormat}" cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(folderPath, outputName), mask, CV2_IMWRITE_PARAM) if outputName != maskImageFileName: # Remove former mask if not the same name os.remove(maskImagePath) except Exception: print(f"Error on {maskImagePath} update") if len(os.listdir(folderPath)) == 0: folderToRemove.append(folderPath) for folderPath in folderToRemove: shutil.rmtree(folderPath, ignore_errors=True) pass
def createMasksOfImage(rawDatasetPath: str, imgName: str, datasetName: str = 'dataset_train', adapter: AnnotationAdapter = None, classesInfo: dict = None, imageFormat="jpg", resize=None, config: Config = None): """ Create all the masks of a given image by parsing xml annotations file :param rawDatasetPath: path to the folder containing images and associated annotations :param imgName: name w/o extension of an image :param datasetName: name of the output dataset :param adapter: the annotation adapter to use to create masks, if None looking for an adapter that can read the file :param classesInfo: Information about all classes that are used, by default will be nephrology classes Info :param imageFormat: output format of the image and masks :param resize: if the image and masks have to be resized :param config: config object :return: None """ # Getting shape of original image (same for all this masks) if classesInfo is None: classesInfo = NEPHRO_CLASSES if config is None else config.get_classes_info( ) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(rawDatasetPath, f"{imgName}.{imageFormat}")) if img is None: print(f'Problem with {imgName} image') return shape = img.shape if resize is not None: yRatio = resize[0] / shape[0] xRatio = resize[1] / shape[1] assert yRatio > 0 and xRatio > 0, f"Error resize ratio not correct ({yRatio:3.2f}, {xRatio:3.2f})" img = cv2.resize(img, resize, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) shape = img.shape # Copying the original image in the dataset targetDirectoryPath = os.path.join(datasetName, imgName, 'images') if not os.path.exists(targetDirectoryPath): os.makedirs(targetDirectoryPath) # TODO use file copy if unchanged else cv2 cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(targetDirectoryPath, f"{imgName}.{imageFormat}"), img, CV2_IMWRITE_PARAM) # Finding annotation files formats = adapt.ANNOTATION_FORMAT fileList = os.listdir(rawDatasetPath) imageFiles = [] for file in fileList: if imgName in file: if file.split('.')[-1] in formats: imageFiles.append(file) # Choosing the adapter to use (parameters to force it ?) file = None assert len(imageFiles) > 0 if adapter is None: # No adapter given, we are looking for the adapter with highest priority level that can read an/the annotation # file adapters = list(adapt.ANNOTATION_ADAPTERS.values()) adapterPriority = -1 for f in imageFiles: for a in adapters: if a.canRead(os.path.join(rawDatasetPath, f)): if a.getPriorityLevel() > adapterPriority: adapterPriority = a.getPriorityLevel() adapter = a file = f else: # Using given adapter, we are looking for a file that can be read file = None for f in imageFiles: if adapter.canRead(os.path.join(rawDatasetPath, f)) and file is None: file = f # Getting the masks data masks = adapter.readFile(os.path.join(rawDatasetPath, file)) # Creating masks for noMask, (datasetClass, maskPoints) in enumerate(masks): # Converting class id to class name if needed if type(datasetClass) is int: if datasetClass < len(classesInfo) and classesInfo[datasetClass][ "id"] == datasetClass: maskClass = classesInfo[datasetClass]["name"] else: for classInfo in classesInfo: if classInfo["id"] == datasetClass: maskClass = classInfo["name"] break else: maskClass = datasetClass if maskClass == "None": print(f" /!\\ {imgName} : None class present /!\\ ") if resize is not None: resizedMasks = resizeMasks(maskPoints, xRatio, yRatio) createMask(imgName, shape, noMask, maskPoints if resize is None else resizedMasks, datasetName, maskClass, imageFormat, config=config)
def createMask(imgName: str, imgShape, idMask: int, ptsMask, datasetName: str = 'dataset_train', maskClass: str = 'masks', imageFormat="jpg", config: Config = None): """ Create the mask image based on its polygon points :param imgName: name w/o extension of the base image :param imgShape: shape of the image :param idMask: the ID of the mask, a number not already used for that image :param ptsMask: array of [x, y] coordinates which are all the polygon points representing the mask :param datasetName: name of the output dataset :param maskClass: name of the associated class of the current mask :param imageFormat: output format of the masks' images :param config: config object :return: None """ # # Formatting coordinates matrix to get int ptsMask = np.double(ptsMask) ptsMask = np.matrix.round(ptsMask) ptsMask = np.int32(ptsMask) bbox_coordinates = "" if config is not None and config.is_using_mini_mask(): bbox = get_bbox_from_points(ptsMask) if get_bboxes_intersection(bbox, [0, 0, *imgShape[:2]]) <= 0: return kept_bbox = [0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(4): kept_bbox[i] = min(max(0, bbox[i]), imgShape[i % 2]) y1, x1, y2, x2 = kept_bbox bbox_coordinates = f"_{y1}_{x1}_{y2}_{x2}" shiftedBbox = shift_bbox(bbox) shift = bbox[:2] mask = np.uint8(np.zeros((shiftedBbox[2], shiftedBbox[3]))) cv2.fillPoly(mask, [ptsMask - shift[::-1]], 255) shifted_kept_bbox = shift_bbox(kept_bbox, customShift=shift) y1, x1, y2, x2 = shifted_kept_bbox mask = mask[y1:y2, x1:x2] # Creating black matrix with same size than original image and then drawing the mask mask = minimize_mask(shiftedBbox, mask, config.get_mini_mask_shape()) mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255 else: # Creating black matrix with same size than original image and then drawing the mask mask = np.uint8(np.zeros((imgShape[0], imgShape[1]))) cv2.fillPoly(mask, [ptsMask], 255) # Saving result image maskClass = maskClass.lower().strip(' ').replace(" ", "_") output_directory = os.path.join(datasetName, imgName, maskClass) if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) output_name = f"{imgName}_{idMask:03d}{bbox_coordinates}.{imageFormat}" cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_directory, output_name), mask, CV2_IMWRITE_PARAM)
def get_count_and_area(results: dict, image_info: dict, selected_classes: [str], save=None, display=True, config: Config = None, verbose=0): """ Computing count and area of classes from results :param results: the results :param image_info: Dict containing informations about the image :param selected_classes: list of classes' names that you want to get statistics on :param save: if given, path to the json file that will contains statistics :param display: if True, will print the statistics :param config: the config to get mini_mask informations :param verbose: 0 : nothing, 1+ : errors/problems, 2 : general information, ... :return: Dict of "className": {"count": int, "area": int} elements for each classes """ if config is None or (save is None and not display): return print(" - Computing statistics on predictions") rois = results['rois'] masks = results['masks'] class_ids = results['class_ids'] indices = np.arange(len(class_ids)) mini_mask_used = config.is_using_mini_mask() resize = config.get_param().get('resize', None) ratio = 1 if resize is not None: ratio = image_info['HEIGHT'] / resize[0] ratio *= (image_info['WIDTH'] / resize[1]) if type(selected_classes) is str: selected_classes_ = [selected_classes] else: selected_classes_ = selected_classes # Getting the inferenceIDs of the wanted classes if "all" in selected_classes_: selectedClassesID = { aClass['id']: aClass['name'] for aClass in config.get_classes_info() } else: selectedClassesID = { config.get_class_id(name): name for name in selected_classes_ } indices = indices[np.isin(class_ids, list(selectedClassesID.keys()))] res = { c_name: { "display_name": config.get_class_name(c_id, display=True), "count": 0, "area": 0 } for c_id, c_name in selectedClassesID.items() } # For each predictions, if class ID matching with one we want for index in indices: # Getting current values of count and area className = selectedClassesID[class_ids[index]] res[className]["count"] += 1 # Getting the area of current mask if mini_mask_used: shifted_roi = utils.shift_bbox(rois[index]) mask = utils.expand_mask(shifted_roi, masks[:, :, index], shifted_roi[2:]) else: yStart, xStart, yEnd, xEnd = rois[index] mask = masks[yStart:yEnd, xStart:xEnd, index] mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) if "mask_areas" in results and results['mask_areas'][index] != -1: area = int(results['mask_areas'][index]) else: area, _ = utils.get_mask_area(mask) if resize is None: res[className][ "area"] += area # Cast to int to avoid "json 'int64' not serializable" else: res[className]["area"] += int(round(area * ratio)) if 'BASE_CLASS' in image_info: mode = config.get_class_mode(image_info['BASE_CLASS'], only_in_previous="current")[0] res[image_info['BASE_CLASS']] = { "display_name": config.get_class_name(config.get_class_id(image_info['BASE_CLASS'], mode), mode, display=True), "count": image_info['BASE_COUNT'], "area": image_info["BASE_AREA"] } if save is not None: with open(os.path.join(save, f"{image_info['NAME']}_stats.json"), "w") as saveFile: try: json.dump(res, saveFile, indent='\t') except TypeError: if verbose > 0: print(" Failed to save statistics", flush=True) if display: for className in res: mode = config.get_class_mode(className, only_in_previous="current")[0] displayName = config.get_class_name(config.get_class_id( className, mode), mode, display=True) stat = res[className] print( f" - {displayName} : count = {stat['count']}, area = {stat['area']} px" ) return res
def mask_histo_per_base_mask(base_results, results, image_info, classes=None, box_epsilon: int = 0, test_masks=True, mask_threshold=0.9, count_zeros=True, config: Config = None, display_per_base_mask=False, display_global=False, save=None, verbose=0): """ Return an histogram of the number of each mask of a class inside each base mask :param base_results: results of the previous inference mode or ground-truth :param results: results of the current inference mode or ground-truth :param image_info: Dict containing informations about the image :param classes: dict that link previous classes to current classes that we want to count :param box_epsilon: margin of the RoI to allow boxes that are not exactly inside :param test_masks: if True, will test that masks are at least 'mask_threshold' inside the base mask :param mask_threshold: threshold that will define if a mask is included inside the base mask :param count_zeros: if True, base masks without included masks will be counted :param config: Config object of the Inference Tool :param display_per_base_mask: if True, will display each base mask histogram :param display_global: if True, will display global histogram :param save: if given, will be used as directory path to save json file of :param verbose: 0 : nothing, 1+ : errors/problems, 2 : general information :return: global histogram of how many base masks contain a certain amount an included class mask """ # If classes is None or empty, skip method if classes is None or classes == {} or config is None \ or (save is None and not (display_per_base_mask or display_global)): return results print(" - Computing base masks histograms") if box_epsilon < 0: raise ValueError(f"box_epsilon ({box_epsilon}) cannot be negative") def get_class_data(classname): fromPreviousRes = config.get_previous_mode() in config.get_class_mode( classname, "current") class_id = config.get_class_id( b_class, "previous" if fromPreviousRes else "current") tempRes = base_results if fromPreviousRes else results if 'histos' not in tempRes: # If histo does not exists, initiate it tempRes['histos'] = np.empty(len(tempRes['class_ids']), dtype=object) return (class_id, tempRes['class_ids'], tempRes['rois'], tempRes['masks'], tempRes['histos'], np.arange(len(tempRes['class_ids']), dtype=int), fromPreviousRes) # Getting all the results/current data c_class_ids = results['class_ids'] c_rois = results['rois'] c_masks = results['masks'] c_indices = np.arange(len(results['class_ids']), dtype=int) c_areas = results.get('mask_areas', np.ones(len(c_class_ids), dtype=int) * -1) # For each base class that we want to get an histogram of the included current classes for b_class in classes: b_class_id, b_class_ids, b_rois, b_masks, histograms, b_indices, fromPrevious = get_class_data( b_class) b_cur_idx = b_indices[np.isin(b_class_ids, [b_class_id])] if classes[b_class] == "all" or (type(classes[b_class]) is list and "all" in classes[b_class]): c_cur_idx = c_indices else: if type(classes[b_class]) is str: temp_ = [classes[b_class]] else: temp_ = classes[b_class] c_class_id = [config.get_class_id(aClass) for aClass in temp_] c_cur_idx = c_indices[np.isin(c_class_ids, c_class_id)] for b_idx in b_cur_idx: # For each base class mask b_roi = b_rois[b_idx] custom_shift = b_roi[:2] - box_epsilon padded_size = b_roi[2:] - b_roi[:2] + (box_epsilon * 2) if test_masks: b_mask = b_masks[..., b_idx] if config.is_using_mini_mask(config.get_previous_mode()): b_shifted_roi = utils.shift_bbox(b_roi, custom_shift) b_mask = utils.expand_mask(b_shifted_roi, b_mask, padded_size) else: b_mask = np.pad( b_mask[b_roi[0]:b_roi[2], b_roi[1]:b_roi[3]], box_epsilon) if histograms[b_idx] is None: histograms[b_idx] = {} for c_idx in c_cur_idx: # For each mask of one of the current classes c_roi = c_rois[c_idx] c_class = c_class_ids[c_idx] if fromPrevious and c_class == b_class_id: # If using same results, skip base class elements continue # If the bbox of the current mask is inside the base bbox if utils.in_roi(c_roi, b_roi, epsilon=box_epsilon): if test_masks: # If we have to check that masks are included c_mask = c_masks[..., c_idx] if config.is_using_mini_mask(): c_shifted_roi = utils.shift_bbox( c_roi, custom_shift) c_mask = utils.expand_mask(c_shifted_roi, c_mask, padded_size) else: c_mask = np.pad( c_mask[b_roi[0]:b_roi[2], b_roi[1]:b_roi[3]], box_epsilon) if c_areas[c_idx] == -1: c_areas[c_idx] = dD.getBWCount(c_mask)[1] c_mask = np.bitwise_and(b_mask, c_mask) c_area_in = dD.getBWCount(c_mask)[1] if c_area_in <= c_areas[ c_idx] * mask_threshold: # If the included part is not enough, skip it continue if c_class not in histograms[b_idx]: histograms[b_idx][c_class] = 0 histograms[b_idx][c_class] += 1 # Display of each individual histogram if display_per_base_mask: for res in [base_results, results]: if 'histos' not in res: continue for idx, histogram in enumerate(res['histos']): if histogram is not None: print( f" - mask n°{idx}:", ", ".join([ f"{nb} {config.get_class_name(c, display=True)}" for c, nb in histogram.items() ])) # Computing global histograms first = True for res in [base_results, results]: if 'histos' in res: if first: first = False global_histo = mask_to_class_histogram(res, classes=classes, count_zeros=count_zeros, config=config) else: # Updating manually global histo if there are base classes from both previous and current res temp_histo = mask_to_class_histogram(res, classes=classes, count_zeros=count_zeros, config=config) for c in temp_histo: if c not in global_histo: global_histo[c] = temp_histo[c] else: for nb in temp_histo[c]: if nb not in global_histo[c]: global_histo[c][nb] = 0 global_histo[c][nb] += temp_histo[c][nb] for key in global_histo.keys(): global_histo[key] = sort_dict(global_histo[key], key_type=int) # Displaying global histogram if needed baseName = 'BASE' if len(classes) > 1 else list(classes.keys())[0] if display_global: for class_, histogram in global_histo.items(): print( f" - {class_}:", ", ".join([ f"{nb_elt} [{nb_mask} {baseName.lower()} mask{'s' if nb_mask > 1 else ''}]" for nb_elt, nb_mask in histogram.items() ])) if save is not None: temp = { '_comment': f"<class A>: {{N: <nb {baseName} masks with N class A masks>}}" } temp.update(global_histo) with open(os.path.join(save, f'{image_info["NAME"]}_histo.json'), 'w') as saveFile: json.dump(temp, saveFile, indent='\t') return global_histo
def display_instances(image, boxes, masks, class_ids, class_names, scores=None, title="", figsize=(16, 16), ax=None, fig=None, image_format="jpg", show_mask=True, show_bbox=True, colors=None, colorPerClass=False, captions=None, fileName=None, save_cleaned_img=False, silent=False, config: Config = None): """ boxes: [num_instance, (y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id)] in image coordinates. masks: [height, width, num_instances] class_ids: [num_instances] class_names: list of class names of the dataset scores: (optional) confidence scores for each box title: (optional) Figure title show_mask, show_bbox: To show masks and bounding boxes or not figsize: (optional) the size of the image colors: (optional) An array or colors to use with each object captions: (optional) A list of strings to use as captions for each object """ # Number of instances N = boxes.shape[0] if not N: print("\n*** No instances to display *** \n") else: assert boxes.shape[0] == masks.shape[-1] == class_ids.shape[0] # If no axis is passed, create one and automatically call show() auto_show = False ownFig = False if ax is None or fig is None: ownFig = True fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=figsize) auto_show = not silent # Generate random colors nb_color = (len(class_names) - 1) if colorPerClass else N colors = colors if colors is not None else random_colors( nb_color, shuffle=(not colorPerClass)) if type(colors[0][0]) is int: _colors = [] for color in colors: _colors.append([c / 255. for c in color]) else: _colors = colors # Show area outside image boundaries. height, width = image.shape[:2] ax.set_ylim(height + 10, -10) ax.set_xlim(-10, width + 10) ax.axis('off') ax.set_title(title) # To be usable on Google Colab we do not make a copy of the image leading to too much ram usage if it is a biopsy # or nephrectomy image masked_image = image # masked_image = image.astype(np.uint32).copy() for i in range(N): if colorPerClass: color = _colors[class_ids[i] - 1] else: color = _colors[i] # Bounding box if not np.any(boxes[i]): # Skip this instance. Has no bbox. Likely lost in image cropping. continue y1, x1, y2, x2 = boxes[i] if show_bbox: p = patches.Rectangle((x1, y1), x2 - x1, y2 - y1, linewidth=2, alpha=0.7, linestyle="dashed", edgecolor=color, facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(p) # Label if not captions: class_id = class_ids[i] score = scores[i] if scores is not None else None label = class_names[class_id] caption = "{} {:.3f}".format(label, score) if score else label else: caption = captions[i] ax.text(x1 + 4, y1 + 19, caption, color=get_text_color(color[0], color[1], color[2]), size=12, backgroundcolor=color) # Mask mask = masks[:, :, i] bbox = boxes[i] shift = np.array([0, 0]) if config is not None and config.is_using_mini_mask(): shifted_bbox = utils.shift_bbox(bbox) shift = bbox[:2] mask = utils.expand_mask(shifted_bbox, mask, tuple(shifted_bbox[2:])) mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255 if show_mask: masked_image = apply_mask(masked_image, mask, color, bbox=bbox) # Mask Polygon # Pad to ensure proper polygons for masks that touch image edges. padded_mask = np.zeros((mask.shape[0] + 2, mask.shape[1] + 2), dtype=np.uint8) padded_mask[1:-1, 1:-1] = mask contours = find_contours(padded_mask, 0.5) for verts in contours: verts = verts + shift # Subtract the padding and flip (y, x) to (x, y) verts = np.fliplr(verts) - 1 p = Polygon(verts, facecolor="none", edgecolor=color) ax.add_patch(p) # masked_image = masked_image.astype(np.uint8) ax.imshow(masked_image) fig.tight_layout() if fileName is not None: fig.savefig(f"{fileName}.{image_format}") if save_cleaned_img: BGR_img = cv2.cvtColor(masked_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imwrite(f"{fileName}_clean.{image_format}", BGR_img, CV2_IMWRITE_PARAM) if auto_show: fig.clf() if ownFig: del ax, fig return masked_image