def fcn_scoring_graph(input, config, mode):
    in_heatmap, pr_scores = input
    detections_per_image = pr_scores.shape[2]
    rois_per_image = KB.int_shape(pr_scores)[2]
    img_h, img_w = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2]
    batch_size = config.BATCH_SIZE
    num_classes = config.NUM_CLASSES
    heatmap_scale = config.HEATMAP_SCALE_FACTOR
    class_column = 4
    score_column = 5
    if mode == 'training':
        sequence_column = 6
        norm_score_column = 7
        dt_type_column = 6
        sequence_column = 7
        norm_score_column = 8

    print('\n ')
    print('>>> FCN Scoring Layer - mode:', mode)
    logt('in_heatmap.shape  ', in_heatmap)
    logt('pr_hm_scores.shape', pr_scores)
    # rois per image is determined by size of input tensor
    #   detection mode:   config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE
    #   ground_truth  :   config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES

    print('    detctions_per_image : ', detections_per_image,
          'pr_scores shape', pr_scores.shape)
    print('    rois_per_image      : ', rois_per_image)
    print('    config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES   : ',
    print('    config.DETECTIONS_PER_CLASS      : ',
    print('    sequence_column                  : ', sequence_column)
    print('    norm_score_column                : ', norm_score_column)

    ## Stack non_zero bboxes from PR_SCORES into pt2_dense
    # pt2_ind shape  : [?, 3] : [ {image_index, class_index , roi row_index }]
    # pt2_dense shape: [?, 11] :
    #    pt2_dense[0:3]  roi coordinates
    #    pt2_dense[4]    is class id
    #    pt2_dense[5]    is score from mrcnn
    #    pt2_dense[6]    is bbox sequence id
    #    pt2_dense[7]    is normalized score (per class)
    pt2_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(pr_scores[:, :, :, :class_column]), axis=-1)
    pt2_ind = tf.where(pt2_sum > 0)
    pt2_dense = tf.gather_nd(pr_scores, pt2_ind)
    logt('in_heatmap       ', in_heatmap)
    logt('pr_scores.shape  ', pr_scores)
    logt('pt2_sum shape    ', pt2_sum)
    logt('pt2_ind shape    ', pt2_ind)
    logt('pt2_dense shape  ', pt2_dense)

    ##  Build mean and convariance tensors for bounding boxes
    # bboxes_scaled = tf.to_int32(tf.round(pt2_dense[...,0:4])) / heatmap_scale
    bboxes_scaled = pt2_dense[..., 0:class_column] / heatmap_scale
    width = bboxes_scaled[:, 3] - bboxes_scaled[:, 1]  # x2 - x1
    height = bboxes_scaled[:, 2] - bboxes_scaled[:, 0]
    cx = bboxes_scaled[:, 1] + (width / 2.0)
    cy = bboxes_scaled[:, 0] + (height / 2.0)
    # means  = tf.stack((cx,cy),axis = -1)
    covar = tf.stack((width * 0.5, height * 0.5), axis=-1)
    covar = tf.sqrt(covar)

    ##  build indices and extract heatmaps corresponding to each bounding boxes' class id
    hm_indices = tf.cast(pt2_ind[:, :2], dtype=tf.int32)
    logt('hm_indices  ', hm_indices)
    pt2_heatmaps = tf.transpose(in_heatmap, [0, 3, 1, 2])
    logt('pt2_heatmaps', pt2_heatmaps)
    pt2_heatmaps = tf.gather_nd(pt2_heatmaps, hm_indices)
    logt('pt2_heatmaps', pt2_heatmaps)

    ## (0) Generate scores using prob_grid and pt2_dense
    old_style_scores = tf.map_fn(
        [pt2_heatmaps, bboxes_scaled, pt2_dense[:, norm_score_column]],
    logt('old_style_scores', old_style_scores)

    # old_style_scores = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind, old_style_scores,
    # [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, KB.int_shape(old_style_scores)[-1]],
    # name = 'scores_scattered')
    # print('    old_style_scores        :',  old_style_scores.get_shape(), KB.int_shape(old_style_scores))

    ## generate score based on gaussian using bounding box masks
    alt_scores_1 = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v3, [pt2_heatmaps, cy, cx, covar],
    logt('alt_scores_1 ', alt_scores_1)

    ##  Scatter back to per-class tensor /  normalize by class
    alt_scores_1_norm = tf.scatter_nd(
        alt_scores_1, [
            batch_size, num_classes, detections_per_image,
    logt('alt_scores_1_scattered', alt_scores_1_norm)
    alt_scores_1_norm = normalize_scores(alt_scores_1_norm)
    logt('alt_scores_1_norm(by_class)', alt_scores_1_norm)
    alt_scores_1_norm = tf.gather_nd(alt_scores_1_norm, pt2_ind)
    logt('alt_scores_1_norm(by_image)', alt_scores_1_norm)

    ## Normalize input heatmap normalization (per class) to calculate alt_score_2
        '\n    Normalize heatmap within each class !-------------------------------------'
    in_heatmap_norm = tf.transpose(in_heatmap, [0, 3, 1, 2])

    print('    in_heatmap_norm : ', in_heatmap_norm.get_shape(),
          'Keras tensor ', KB.is_keras_tensor(in_heatmap_norm))
    ## normalize in class
    normalizer = tf.reduce_max(in_heatmap_norm, axis=[-2, -1], keepdims=True)
    normalizer = tf.where(normalizer < 1.0e-15, tf.ones_like(normalizer),
    in_heatmap_norm = in_heatmap_norm / normalizer
    # gauss_heatmap_sum_normalized = gauss_heatmap_sum / normalizer
    print('    normalizer shape   : ', normalizer.shape)
    print('    normalized heatmap : ', in_heatmap_norm.shape, ' Keras tensor ',

    ##  build indices and extract heatmaps corresponding to each bounding boxes' class id
    ##  build alternative scores#  based on normalized/sclaked clipped heatmap
    hm_indices = tf.cast(pt2_ind[:, :2], dtype=tf.int32)
    logt('hm_indices shape', hm_indices)

    pt2_heatmaps = tf.gather_nd(in_heatmap_norm, hm_indices)
    logt('pt2_heatmaps', pt2_heatmaps)

    alt_scores_2 = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v3, [pt2_heatmaps, cy, cx, covar],
    logt('alt_scores_2', alt_scores_2)

    alt_scores_2_norm = tf.scatter_nd(
        alt_scores_2, [
            batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image,
    logt('alt_scores_2(scattered)', alt_scores_2_norm)

    alt_scores_2_norm = normalize_scores(alt_scores_2_norm)
    logt('alt_scores_2_norm(by_class)', alt_scores_2_norm)

    alt_scores_2_norm = tf.gather_nd(alt_scores_2_norm, pt2_ind)
    logt('alt_scores_2_norm(by_image)', alt_scores_2_norm)

    ##  Append alt_scores_1, alt_scores_1_norm to yield fcn_scores_dense
    fcn_scores_dense = tf.concat([
        pt2_dense[:, :norm_score_column + 1], old_style_scores, alt_scores_1,
        alt_scores_1_norm, alt_scores_2, alt_scores_2_norm
    logt('fcn_scores_dense    ', fcn_scores_dense)

    ##  Scatter back to per-image tensor
    seq_ids = tf.to_int32(rois_per_image - pt2_dense[:, sequence_column])
    scatter_ind = tf.stack([hm_indices[:, 0], seq_ids],
    fcn_scores_by_class = tf.scatter_nd(
        fcn_scores_dense, [
            batch_size, num_classes, detections_per_image,
    # fcn_scores_by_image = tf.scatter_nd(scatter_ind, fcn_scores_dense,
    # [batch_size, detections_per_image, fcn_scores_dense.shape[-1]], name='fcn_hm_scores_by_image')
    logt('seq_ids             ', seq_ids)
    logt('sscatter_ids        ', scatter_ind)
    logt('fcn_scores_by_class ', fcn_scores_by_class)
    # logt('fcn_scores_by_image ', fcn_scores_by_image)

    return fcn_scores_by_class
def build_heatmap_inference(in_tensor, config, names = None):
        pred_tensor:    [ Bsz, Num_Classes, 200, 9 : {y1,x1,y2,x2, class, score, det_type, sequence_id, normalized_score}]
        pr_heatmap      (None,  Heatmap-height, Heatmap_width, num_classes)
        pr_scores       (None, num_classes, 200, 24) 
                        [batchSz, Detection_Max_instance, (y1,x1,y2,x2, class, score, det_type, sequence_id, normalized_score,
                                                           scores-0: gaussian_sum, bbox_area, weighted_norm_sum 
                                                           scores-1: score, mask_sum, score/mask_sum, (score, mask_sum, score/mask_sum) normalized by class
                                                           scores-2: score, mask_sum, score/mask_sum, (score, mask_sum, score/mask_sum) normalized by class ]
    verbose           = config.VERBOSE
    num_detections    = config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES
    img_h, img_w      = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2]
    batch_size        = config.BATCH_SIZE
    num_classes       = config.NUM_CLASSES 
    heatmap_scale     = config.HEATMAP_SCALE_FACTOR
    grid_h, grid_w    = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2] // heatmap_scale    
    # rois_per_image  = config.DETECTION_PER_CLASS
    rois_per_image    = (in_tensor.shape)[2]  
    CLASS_COLUMN      = 4
    SCORE_COLUMN      = 5
    DT_TYPE_COLUMN    = 6

    if verbose:
        print('\n ')
        print('  > build_inference_heatmap() for ', names )
        print('    in_tensor shape        : ', in_tensor.shape)       
        print('    num bboxes per class   : ', rois_per_image )
        print('    heatmap scale          : ', heatmap_scale, 'Dimensions:  w:', grid_w,' h:', grid_h)

    ## Stack non_zero bboxes from in_tensor into pt2_dense 
    # pt2_ind shape is [?, 3].                    pt2_dense shape is [?, 7]
    #    pt2_ind[0] corresponds to image_index       pt2_dense[0:3]  roi coordinates 
    #    pt2_ind[1] corresponds to class_index       pt2_dense[4]    class id 
    #    pt2_ind[2] corresponds to roi row_index     pt2_dense[5]    score from mrcnn    
    #                                                pt2_dense[6]    bbox sequence id    
    #                                                pt2_dense[7]    per-class normalized score 
    pt2_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(in_tensor[:,:,:,:4]), axis=-1)
    pt2_ind = tf.where(pt2_sum > 0)
    pt2_dense = tf.gather_nd( in_tensor, pt2_ind)

    logt('pt2_sum   ', pt2_sum, verbose = verbose)
    logt('pt2_ind   ', pt2_ind, verbose = verbose)
    logt('pt2_dense ', pt2_dense, verbose = verbose)

    ## Build mesh-grid to hold pixel coordinates  
    X = tf.range(grid_w, dtype=tf.int32)
    Y = tf.range(grid_h, dtype=tf.int32)
    X, Y = tf.meshgrid(X, Y)

    # duplicate (repeat) X and Y into a  batch_size x rois_per_image tensor
    ones = tf.ones([tf.shape(pt2_dense)[0] , 1, 1], dtype = tf.int32)
    rep_X = ones * X
    rep_Y = ones * Y 
    if verbose:
        print('    X/Y shapes :',  X.get_shape(), Y.get_shape())
        print('    Ones:    ', ones.shape)                
        print('    ones_exp * X', ones.shape, '*', X.shape, '= ',rep_X.shape)
        print('    ones_exp * Y', ones.shape, '*', Y.shape, '= ',rep_Y.shape)

    # # stack the X and Y grids 
    pos_grid = tf.to_float(tf.stack([rep_X,rep_Y], axis = -1))
    logt('pos_grid before transpse ', pos_grid, verbose = verbose)
    pos_grid = tf.transpose(pos_grid,[1,2,0,3])
    logt('pos_grid after transpose ', pos_grid, verbose = verbose)  

    ##  Build mean and convariance tensors for Multivariate Normal Distribution 
    bboxes_scaled = pt2_dense[:,:4]/heatmap_scale
    width  = bboxes_scaled[:,3] - bboxes_scaled[:,1]      # x2 - x1
    height = bboxes_scaled[:,2] - bboxes_scaled[:,0]
    cx     = bboxes_scaled[:,1] + ( width  / 2.0)
    cy     = bboxes_scaled[:,0] + ( height / 2.0)
    means  = tf.stack((cx,cy),axis = -1)
    covar  = tf.stack((width * 0.5 , height * 0.5), axis = -1)
    covar  = tf.sqrt(covar)

    ## Added 2019-05-12 to prevent NaN when bounding box is extremely small 
    ## resulting in width or height being equal to zero 
    covar  = tf.where(covar < 1.0e-15, tf.ones_like(covar), covar)
    ##  Compute Normal Distribution for bounding boxes
    tfd = tf.contrib.distributions
    mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc = means,  scale_diag = covar)
    prob_grid = mvn.prob(pos_grid)
    logt('Input to MVN.PROB: pos_grid (meshgrid) ', pos_grid, verbose = verbose)
    logt('Prob_grid shape from mvn.probe  ',prob_grid, verbose = verbose)
    prob_grid = tf.transpose(prob_grid,[2,0,1])
    logt('Prob_grid shape after tanspose ', prob_grid, verbose = verbose)
    logt('Output probabilities shape   '  , prob_grid, verbose = verbose)
    ## (0) Generate scores using prob_grid and pt2_dense - (NEW METHOD added 09-21-2018)
    old_style_scores = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v2, [prob_grid, bboxes_scaled, pt2_dense[ :, NORM_SCORE_COLUMN ] ], 
                                 dtype = tf.float32, swap_memory = True)
    old_style_scores = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind, old_style_scores, 
                                     [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, KB.int_shape(old_style_scores)[-1]],
                                     name = 'scores_scattered')
    logt('old_style_scores        :',  old_style_scores, verbose = verbose)

    ## Generate scores using same method as FCN, over the prob_grid
    ## using (prob_grid_clipped) as input is superfluous == RETURNS EXACT SAME Results AS prob_grid above
    # alt_scores_0 = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v3, [prob_grid, cy, cx,covar], dtype=tf.float32)    
    # print('    alt_scores_0 : ', KB.int_shape(alt_scores_0), ' Keras tensor ', KB.is_keras_tensor(alt_scores_0) )
    # alt_scores_0 = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind, alt_scores_0, 
    #                                  [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, KB.int_shape(alt_scores_0)[-1]], name = 'alt_scores_0')

    ## (NEW STEP - Clipped heatmaps) 
    ## (1)  Clip heatmap to region surrounding Cy,Cx and Covar X, Y 
    ##      Similar ro what is being done for gt_heatmap in CHMLayerTarget 
    prob_grid_clipped = tf.map_fn(clip_heatmap, [prob_grid, cy,cx, covar], dtype = tf.float32, swap_memory = True)  
    logt('    prob_grid_clipped : ', prob_grid_clipped, verbose = verbose)

    ## (2) apply normalization per bbox heatmap instance --> move to [0,1] range
    logt('\n    normalization ------------------------------------------------------', verbose = verbose)   
    normalizer = tf.reduce_max(prob_grid_clipped, axis=[-2,-1], keepdims = True)
    normalizer = tf.where(normalizer < 1.0e-15,  tf.ones_like(normalizer), normalizer)
    logt('    normalizer     : ', normalizer, verbose = verbose)
    prob_grid_cns = prob_grid_clipped / normalizer
    logt('    prob_grid_cns: clipped/normed/scaled : ', prob_grid_cns, verbose = verbose)
    ## replace above lines with lines below
    ## x_max = tf.reduce_max(prob_grid_clipped, axis=[-2,-1], keepdims = True)
    ## x_min = tf.reduce_min(prob_grid_clipped, axis=[-2,-1], keepdims = True)
    ##logt('    Reduce Max Shape: ', x_max, verbose = verbose)
    ##logt('    Reduce Min Shape: ', x_min, verbose = verbose)
    ## prob_grid_cns = (prob_grid_clipped - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)   
    ## logt('    prob_grid_cns: clipped/normed/scaled : ', prob_grid_cns, verbose = verbose)
    ## (3) multiply normalized heatmap by normalized score in in_tensor/ (pt2_dense NORM_SCORE_COLUMN)
    ##     broadcasting :
    prob_grid_cns = tf.transpose(tf.transpose(prob_grid_cns) * pt2_dense[ :, NORM_SCORE_COLUMN ])
    logt('    prob_grid_cns: clipped/normed/scaled : ', prob_grid_cns, verbose = verbose)

    ## - Build alternative scores based on normalized/scaled/clipped heatmap
    alt_scores_1 = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v3, [prob_grid_cns, cy, cx,covar], dtype=tf.float32)    
    logt('alt_scores_1 ', alt_scores_1, verbose = verbose)
    alt_scores_1 = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind, alt_scores_1, 
                                     [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, KB.int_shape(alt_scores_1)[-1]], name = 'alt_scores_1')  

    logt('alt_scores_1(by class) ', alt_scores_1, verbose = verbose)
    alt_scores_1_norm = normalize_scores(alt_scores_1)
    logt('alt_scores_1_norm(by_class) ', alt_scores_1_norm, verbose = verbose)
    # alt_scores_1_norm = tf.gather_nd(alt_scores_1_norm, pt2_ind)
    # print('    alt_scores_1_norm(by_image)  : ', alt_scores_1_norm.shape, KB.int_shape(alt_scores_1_norm))

    ## (3) scatter out the probability distributions based on class 
    gauss_heatmap   = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind, prob_grid_cns, 
                                    [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, grid_w, grid_h], name = 'gauss_scatter')
    logt('\n    Scatter out the probability distributions based on class --------------', verbose = verbose)
    logt('pt2_ind shape      ', pt2_ind      , verbose = verbose)
    logt('prob_grid_clippped ', prob_grid_cns, verbose = verbose)
    logt('gauss_heatmap      ', gauss_heatmap, verbose = verbose)   # batch_sz , num_classes, num_rois, image_h, image_w
    ## Construction of Gaussian Heatmap output using Reduce SUM
    ## (4) SUM : Reduce and sum up gauss_heatmaps by class  
    ## (5) heatmap normalization (per class)
    ## (6) Transpose heatmap to shape required for FCN
    gauss_heatmap_sum = tf.reduce_sum(gauss_heatmap, axis=2, name='gauss_heatmap_sum')
    logt('\n    Reduce SUM based on class and normalize within each class -----------------------', verbose = verbose)
    logt('gaussian_heatmap_sum ', gauss_heatmap_sum , verbose = verbose)

    ## normalize in class
    normalizer = tf.reduce_max(gauss_heatmap_sum, axis=[-2,-1], keepdims = True)
    normalizer = tf.where(normalizer < 1.0e-15,  tf.ones_like(normalizer), normalizer)
    gauss_heatmap_sum = gauss_heatmap_sum / normalizer
    logt('normalizer shape   : ', normalizer, verbose = verbose)
    logt('normalized heatmap : ', gauss_heatmap_sum, verbose = verbose)

    ## replaced above  with following two lines:::  5-30-19
    ## gauss_heatmap_sum = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap_sum, [0,2,3,1])
    ## gauss_heatmap_sum = normalize_heatmaps(gauss_heatmap_sum)   
    ## logt('normalized heatmap : ', gauss_heatmap_sum, verbose = verbose)
    ##  Score on reduced sum heatmaps. 
    ##  build indices and extract heatmaps corresponding to each bounding boxes' class id
    ##  build alternative scores#  based on normalized/sclaked clipped heatmap
    hm_indices = tf.cast(pt2_ind[:, :2],dtype=tf.int32)
    logt('hm_indices   ',  hm_indices, verbose = verbose)
    pt2_heatmaps = tf.gather_nd(gauss_heatmap_sum, hm_indices )
    ## added5-30-2019 to replace above line 
    ## pt2_heatmaps = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap_sum, [0,3,1,2])
    ## pt2_heatmaps = tf.gather_nd(pt2_heatmaps, hm_indices )

    logt('pt2_heatmaps ',  pt2_heatmaps, verbose = verbose)

    alt_scores_2 = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v3, [pt2_heatmaps, cy, cx,covar], dtype=tf.float32)    
    logt('    alt_scores_2    : ', alt_scores_2, verbose = verbose)
    alt_scores_2 = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind, alt_scores_2, 
                                [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, KB.int_shape(alt_scores_2)[-1]], name = 'alt_scores_2')  

    logt('alt_scores_2(scattered)     ', alt_scores_2, verbose = verbose)
    alt_scores_2_norm = normalize_scores(alt_scores_2)
    logt('alt_scores_2_norm(by_class) ', alt_scores_2_norm, verbose = verbose)

    ## (6) Transpose heatmaps to shape required for FCN [batchsize , width, height, num_classes]
    gauss_heatmap_sum = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap_sum           ,[0,2,3,1], name = names[0])
    logt(' gauss_heatmap_sum (final) ', gauss_heatmap_sum, verbose = verbose)
    # gauss_heatmap_sum_normalized = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap_sum_normalized,[0,2,3,1], name = names[0]+'_norm')   
    # print('    reshaped heatmap normalized    : ', gauss_heatmap_sum_normalized.shape,' Keras tensor ', KB.is_keras_tensor(gauss_heatmap_sum_normalized) )

    # gauss_heatmap_max            = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap_max           ,[0,2,3,1], name = names[0]+'_max')
    # print('    reshaped heatmap_max           : ', gauss_heatmap_max.shape,' Keras tensor ', KB.is_keras_tensor(gauss_heatmap_max) )
    # gauss_heatmap_max_normalized = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap_max_normalized,[0,2,3,1], name = names[0]+'_max_norm') 
    # print('    reshaped heatmap_max normalized: ', gauss_heatmap_max_normalized.shape,' Keras tensor ', KB.is_keras_tensor(gauss_heatmap_max_normalized) )

    ## APPEND ALL SCORES TO input score tensor TO YIELD output scores tensor
    gauss_scores     = tf.concat([in_tensor, old_style_scores, alt_scores_1, alt_scores_1_norm, alt_scores_2, alt_scores_2_norm],
                                  axis = -1,name = names[0]+'_scores')
    logt('    gauss_scores    : ', gauss_scores, verbose = verbose)
    logt('    complete', verbose = verbose)

    return   gauss_heatmap_sum, gauss_scores  
def build_gt_heatmap(in_tensor, config, names=None):
    verbose = config.VERBOSE
    num_detections = config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES
    img_h, img_w = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2]
    batch_size = config.BATCH_SIZE
    num_classes = config.NUM_CLASSES
    heatmap_scale = config.HEATMAP_SCALE_FACTOR
    grid_h, grid_w = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2] // heatmap_scale
    # rois per image is determined by size of input tensor
    #   detection mode:   config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE
    #   ground_truth  :   config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES
    #   strt_cls        = 0 if rois_per_image == 32 else 1
    # rois_per_image  = config.DETECTION_PER_CLASS
    rois_per_image = (in_tensor.shape)[2]

    if verbose:
        print('\n ')
        print('  > build_heatmap() for ', names)
        print('    in_tensor shape        : ', in_tensor.shape)
        print('    num bboxes per class   : ', rois_per_image)
        print('    heatmap scale        : ', heatmap_scale, 'Dimensions:  w:',
              grid_w, ' h:', grid_h)

    ## Stack non_zero bboxes from in_tensor into pt2_dense
    # pt2_ind shape is [?, 3].
    #    pt2_ind[0] corresponds to image_index
    #    pt2_ind[1] corresponds to class_index
    #    pt2_ind[2] corresponds to roi row_index
    # pt2_dense shape is [?, 7]
    #    pt2_dense[0:3]  roi coordinates
    #    pt2_dense[4]    is class id
    #    pt2_dense[5]    is score from mrcnn
    #    pt2_dense[6]    is bbox sequence id
    #    pt2_dense[7]    is normalized score (per class)
    pt2_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(in_tensor[:, :, :, :4]), axis=-1)
    pt2_ind = tf.where(pt2_sum > 0)
    pt2_dense = tf.gather_nd(in_tensor, pt2_ind)

    logt('pt2_sum   ', pt2_sum, verbose=verbose)
    logt('pt2_ind   ', pt2_ind, verbose=verbose)
    logt('pt2_dense ', pt2_dense, verbose=verbose)

    ## Build mesh-grid to hold pixel coordinates
    # X = tf.range(grid_w, dtype=tf.int32)
    # Y = tf.range(grid_h, dtype=tf.int32)
    # X, Y = tf.meshgrid(X, Y)

    # duplicate (repeat) X and Y into a  batch_size x rois_per_image tensor
    # print('    X/Y shapes :',  X.get_shape(), Y.get_shape())
    # ones = tf.ones([tf.shape(pt2_dense)[0] , 1, 1], dtype = tf.int32)
    # rep_X = ones * X
    # rep_Y = ones * Y
    # print('    Ones:       ', ones.shape)
    # print('    ones_exp * X', ones.shape, '*', X.shape, '= ',rep_X.shape)
    # print('    ones_exp * Y', ones.shape, '*', Y.shape, '= ',rep_Y.shape)

    # # stack the X and Y grids
    # pos_grid = tf.to_float(tf.stack([rep_X,rep_Y], axis = -1))
    # print('    pos_grid before transpose : ', pos_grid.get_shape())
    # pos_grid = tf.transpose(pos_grid,[1,2,0,3])
    # print('    pos_grid after  transpose : ', pos_grid.get_shape())

    ##  Build mean and convariance tensors for Multivariate Normal Distribution
    pt2_dense_scaled = pt2_dense[:, :4] / heatmap_scale
    width = pt2_dense_scaled[:, 3] - pt2_dense_scaled[:, 1]  # x2 - x1
    height = pt2_dense_scaled[:, 2] - pt2_dense_scaled[:, 0]
    cx = pt2_dense_scaled[:, 1] + (width / 2.0)
    cy = pt2_dense_scaled[:, 0] + (height / 2.0)
    means = tf.stack((cx, cy), axis=-1)
    covar = tf.stack((width * 0.5, height * 0.5), axis=-1)
    covar = tf.sqrt(covar)

    ##  Compute Normal Distribution for bounding boxes
    prob_grid = tf.ones([tf.shape(pt2_dense)[0], grid_h, grid_w],
    logt('Prob_grid  ', prob_grid, verbose=verbose)

    # tfd = tf.contrib.distributions
    # mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc = means,  scale_diag = covar)
    # prob_grid = mvn.prob(pos_grid)
    # print('    >> input to MVN.PROB: pos_grid (meshgrid) shape: ', pos_grid.shape)
    # print('     box_dims: ', box_dims.shape)
    # print('     Prob_grid shape from mvn.probe: ', prob_grid.shape)
    # prob_grid = tf.transpose(prob_grid,[2,0,1])
    # print('     Prob_grid shape after tanspose: ', prob_grid.shape)
    # print('    << output probabilities shape  : ', prob_grid.shape)

    # Kill distributions of NaN boxes (resulting from bboxes with height/width of zero
    # which cause singular sigma cov matrices
    # prob_grid = tf.where(tf.is_nan(prob_grid),  tf.zeros_like(prob_grid), prob_grid)

    # (1) apply normalization per bbox heatmap instance
    # print('\n    normalization ------------------------------------------------------')
    # normalizer = tf.reduce_max(prob_grid, axis=[-2,-1], keepdims = True)
    # normalizer = tf.where(normalizer < 1.0e-15,  tf.ones_like(normalizer), normalizer)
    # print('    normalizer     : ', normalizer.shape)
    # prob_grid_norm = prob_grid / normalizer

    # (2) multiply normalized heatmap by normalized score in i  n_tensor/ (pt2_dense column 7)
    #     broadcasting :
    # prob_grid_norm_scaled = tf.transpose(tf.transpose(prob_grid_norm) * pt2_dense[:,7])
    # print('    prob_grid_norm_scaled : ', prob_grid_norm_scaled.shape)

    ## (NEW STEP) Clip heatmap to region surrounding Cy,Cx and Covar X, Y
    prob_grid_clipped = tf.map_fn(clip_heatmap, [prob_grid, cy, cx, covar],
    logt('prob_grid_clipped ', prob_grid_clipped, verbose=verbose)

    ## (0) Generate scores using prob_grid and pt2_dense - (NEW METHOD added 09-21-2018)
    ##  pt2_dense[:,7] is the per-class-normalized score from in_tensor
    ## 11-27-2018: (note - here, build_hm_score_v2 is being applied to prob_grid_clipped,
    ## unlilke chm_layer) - Changed to prob_grid to make it consistent with
    ## When using prob_grid:
    ## [ 1.0000     1.0000   138.0000     1.0000  4615.0000  4531.1250  4615.0000
    ## [ 3.0000     1.0000   179.0000     1.0000   570.0000   547.5000   570.0000
    ## When using prob_grid_clipped:
    ## [ 1.0000     1.0000   138.0000     1.0000   144.0000  4531.1250   144.0000
    ## [ 3.0000     1.0000   179.0000     1.0000    56.0000   547.5000    56.0000
    old_style_scores = tf.map_fn(
        build_hm_score_v2, [prob_grid, pt2_dense_scaled, pt2_dense[:, 7]],
    old_style_scores = tf.scatter_nd(
        old_style_scores, [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, 3],
    logt('old_style_scores ', old_style_scores, verbose=verbose)

    ## - Build alternative scores based on normalized/scaled/clipped heatmap
    alt_scores_1 = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v3,
                             [prob_grid_clipped, cy, cx, covar],
    logt('alt_scores_1    ', alt_scores_1, verbose=verbose)
    alt_scores_1 = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind,
                                 alt_scores_1, [
                                     batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image,

    alt_scores_1_norm = normalize_scores(alt_scores_1)
    logt('alt_scores_1(by class)      ', alt_scores_1, verbose=verbose)
    logt('alt_scores_1_norm(by_class) ', alt_scores_1_norm, verbose=verbose)

    ## (3) scatter out the probability distribution heatmaps based on class
    gauss_heatmap = tf.scatter_nd(
        [batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image, grid_w, grid_h],
        '\n    Scatter out the probability distributions based on class --------------'
    logt('pt2_ind       ', pt2_ind, verbose=verbose)
    logt('prob_grid     ', prob_grid, verbose=verbose)
    logt('gauss_heatmap ', gauss_heatmap,
         verbose=verbose)  # batch_sz , num_classes, num_rois, image_h, image_w

    ## (4) MAX : Reduce_MAX up gauss_heatmaps by class
    ##           Since all values are set to '1' in the 'heatmap', there is no need to
    ##           sum or normalize. We Reduce_max on the class axis, and as a result the
    ##           correspoding areas in the heatmap are set to '1'
    gauss_heatmap = tf.reduce_max(gauss_heatmap, axis=2, name='gauss_heatmap')
        '\n    Reduce MAX based on class -------------------------------------',
    logt(' gaussian_heatmap : ', gauss_heatmap, verbose=verbose)

    # (5) heatmap normalization
    #     normalizer is set to one when the max of class is zero
    #     this prevents elements of gauss_heatmap_norm computing to nan
    # print('\n    normalization ------------------------------------------------------')
    # normalizer = tf.reduce_max(gauss_heatmap, axis=[-2,-1], keepdims = True)
    # normalizer = tf.where(normalizer < 1.0e-15,  tf.ones_like(normalizer), normalizer)
    # gauss_heatmap_norm = gauss_heatmap / normalizer
    # print('    normalizer shape : ', normalizer.shape)
    # print('    gauss norm       : ', gauss_heatmap_norm.shape   ,' Keras tensor ', KB.is_keras_tensor(gauss_heatmap_norm) )

    ##  build indices and extract heatmaps corresponding to each bounding boxes' class id
    ##  build alternative scores#  based on normalized/sclaked clipped heatmap
    hm_indices = tf.cast(pt2_ind[:, :2], dtype=tf.int32)
    pt2_heatmaps = tf.gather_nd(gauss_heatmap, hm_indices)
    logt('hm_indices   ', hm_indices, verbose=verbose)
    logt('pt2_heatmaps ', pt2_heatmaps, verbose=verbose)

    alt_scores_2 = tf.map_fn(build_hm_score_v3, [pt2_heatmaps, cy, cx, covar],
    logt('alt_scores_2  ', alt_scores_2, verbose=verbose)

    alt_scores_2 = tf.scatter_nd(pt2_ind,
                                 alt_scores_2, [
                                     batch_size, num_classes, rois_per_image,

    alt_scores_2_norm = normalize_scores(alt_scores_2)
    logt('alt_scores_2(by class)       : ', alt_scores_2, verbose=verbose)
    logt('alt_scores_2_norm(by_class)  : ', alt_scores_2_norm, verbose=verbose)

    ##  Transpose tensor to [BatchSz, Height, Width, Num_Classes]
    gauss_heatmap = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap, [0, 2, 3, 1], name=names[0])

    # gauss_heatmap_norm = tf.transpose(gauss_heatmap_norm,[0,2,3,1], name = names[0]+'_norm')
    # print('    gauss_heatmap_norm : ', gauss_heatmap_norm.shape,' Keras tensor ', KB.is_keras_tensor(gauss_heatmap_norm) )
    # print('    complete')

    ## APPEND ALL SCORES TO input score tensor TO YIELD output scores tensor
    gauss_scores = tf.concat([
        in_tensor, old_style_scores, alt_scores_1, alt_scores_1_norm,
        alt_scores_2, alt_scores_2_norm
                             name=names[0] + '_scores')
    #                                 alt_scores_2[...,:3], alt_scores_3],
    logt('gauss_heatmap  ', gauss_heatmap, verbose=verbose)
    logt('gauss_scores', gauss_scores, verbose=verbose)
    logt('complete    ', verbose=verbose)

    return gauss_heatmap, gauss_scores