Пример #1
def individual_html(in_iqms, in_plots=None, exclude_index=0, wf_details=None):
    import os.path as op  #pylint: disable=W0404
    import datetime
    from json import load
    from mriqc import __version__ as ver
    from mriqc.reports.utils import iqms2html, anat_flags, read_report_snippet
    from mriqc.data import IndividualTemplate
    from mriqc import logging
    from io import open  #pylint: disable=W0622
    report_log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.report')

    with open(in_iqms) as jsonfile:
        iqms_dict = load(jsonfile)

    # Now, the in_iqms file should be correctly named
    fname = op.splitext(op.basename(in_iqms))[0]
    out_file = op.abspath(fname + '.html')

    if in_plots is None:
        in_plots = []

    if wf_details is None:
        wf_details = []

    # Extract and prune metadata
    metadata = iqms_dict.pop('metadata', None)
    qctype = metadata.pop('qc_type', None)
    file_id = [
        metadata.pop(k, None) for k in
        ['subject_id', 'session_id', 'task_id', 'acq_id', 'rec_id', 'run_id']
    file_id = [comp for comp in file_id if comp is not None]

    # Deal with special IQMs
    if qctype.startswith('anat'):
        qctype = 'anatomical'
        flags = anat_flags(iqms_dict)
        if flags:
    elif qctype.startswith('func'):
        qctype = 'functional'
        RuntimeError('Unknown QC type "%s"' % qctype)

    config = {
        'qctype': qctype,
        'sub_id': '_'.join(file_id),
        'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"),
        'version': ver,
        'imparams': iqms2html(iqms_dict, 'iqms-table'),
        'svg_files': [read_report_snippet(pfile) for pfile in in_plots],
        'exclude_index': exclude_index,
        'workflow_details': wf_details,
        'metadata': iqms2html(metadata, 'metadata-table'),

    if config['metadata'] is None:
            '<span class="warning">File has no metadata</span> '
            '<span>(sidecar JSON file missing or empty)</span>')

    tpl = IndividualTemplate()
    tpl.generate_conf(config, out_file)

    report_log.info('Generated individual log (%s)', out_file)
    return out_file
Пример #2
def individual_html(in_iqms, in_plots=None):
    import os.path as op  #pylint: disable=W0404
    import datetime
    from json import load
    from mriqc import logging, __version__ as ver
    from mriqc.utils.misc import BIDS_COMP
    from mriqc.reports.utils import iqms2html, read_report_snippet
    from mriqc.data import IndividualTemplate
    from io import open  #pylint: disable=W0622
    report_log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.report')

    def _get_details(in_iqms, modality):
        in_prov = in_iqms.pop('provenance', {})
        warn_dict = in_prov.pop('warnings', None)
        sett_dict = in_prov.pop('settings', None)

        wf_details = []
        if modality == 'bold':
            bold_exclude_index = in_iqms.get('dumb_trs')
            if bold_exclude_index is None:
                report_log.warning('Building bold report: no exclude index was found')
            elif bold_exclude_index > 0:
                msg = """\
<span class="problematic">Non-steady state (strong T1 contrast) has been detected in the \
first {} volumes</span>. They were excluded before generating any QC measures and plots."""

            hmc_fsl = sett_dict.pop('hmc_fsl')
            if hmc_fsl is not None:
                msg = 'Framewise Displacement was computed using '
                if hmc_fsl:
                    msg += 'FSL <code>mcflirt</code>'
                    msg += 'AFNI <code>3dvolreg</code>'

            fd_thres = sett_dict.pop('fd_thres')
            if fd_thres is not None:
                    'Framewise Displacement threshold was defined at %f mm' % fd_thres)
        elif modality in ('T1w', 'T2w'):
            if warn_dict.pop('small_air_mask', False):
                    '<span class="problematic">Detected hat mask was too small</span>')

            if warn_dict.pop('large_rot_frame', False):
                    '<span class="problematic">Detected a zero-filled frame, has the original '
                    'image been rotated?</span>')

        return in_prov, wf_details

    with open(in_iqms) as jsonfile:
        iqms_dict = load(jsonfile)

    # Now, the in_iqms file should be correctly named
    fname = op.splitext(op.basename(in_iqms))[0]
    out_file = op.abspath(fname + '.html')

    if in_plots is None:
        in_plots = []

    # Extract and prune metadata
    metadata = iqms_dict.pop('bids_meta', None)
    mod = metadata.pop('modality', None)
    prov, wf_details = _get_details(iqms_dict, mod)

    file_id = [metadata.pop(k, None)
               for k in list(BIDS_COMP.keys())]
    file_id = [comp for comp in file_id if comp is not None]

    pred_qa = None #metadata.pop('mriqc_pred', None)

    config = {
        'modality': mod,
        'sub_id': '_'.join(file_id),
        'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"),
        'version': ver,
        'imparams': iqms2html(iqms_dict, 'iqms-table'),
        'svg_files': [read_report_snippet(pfile) for pfile in in_plots],
        'workflow_details': wf_details,
        'provenance': iqms2html(prov, 'provenance-table'),
        'metadata': iqms2html(metadata, 'metadata-table'),
        'pred_qa': pred_qa

    if config['metadata'] is None:
            '<span class="warning">File has no metadata</span> '
            '<span>(sidecar JSON file missing or empty)</span>')

    tpl = IndividualTemplate()
    tpl.generate_conf(config, out_file)

    report_log.info('Generated individual log (%s)', out_file)
    return out_file
Пример #3
def individual_html(in_iqms, in_plots=None, api_id=None):
    from pathlib import Path
    import datetime
    from json import load
    from mriqc import logging, __version__ as ver
    from mriqc.utils.misc import BIDS_COMP
    from mriqc.reports import REPORT_TITLES
    from mriqc.reports.utils import iqms2html, read_report_snippet
    from mriqc.data import IndividualTemplate

    report_log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.report')

    def _get_details(in_iqms, modality):
        in_prov = in_iqms.pop('provenance', {})
        warn_dict = in_prov.pop('warnings', None)
        sett_dict = in_prov.pop('settings', None)

        wf_details = []
        if modality == 'bold':
            bold_exclude_index = in_iqms.get('dumb_trs')
            if bold_exclude_index is None:
                report_log.warning('Building bold report: no exclude index was found')
            elif bold_exclude_index > 0:
                msg = """\
<span class="problematic">Non-steady state (strong T1 contrast) has been detected in the \
first {} volumes</span>. They were excluded before generating any QC measures and plots."""

            hmc_fsl = sett_dict.pop('hmc_fsl')
            if hmc_fsl is not None:
                msg = 'Framewise Displacement was computed using '
                if hmc_fsl:
                    msg += 'FSL <code>mcflirt</code>'
                    msg += 'AFNI <code>3dvolreg</code>'

            fd_thres = sett_dict.pop('fd_thres')
            if fd_thres is not None:
                    'Framewise Displacement threshold was defined at %f mm' % fd_thres)
        elif modality in ('T1w', 'T2w'):
            if warn_dict.pop('small_air_mask', False):
                    '<span class="problematic">Detected hat mask was too small</span>')

            if warn_dict.pop('large_rot_frame', False):
                    '<span class="problematic">Detected a zero-filled frame, has the original '
                    'image been rotated?</span>')

        return in_prov, wf_details, sett_dict

    in_iqms = Path(in_iqms)
    with in_iqms.open() as jsonfile:
        iqms_dict = load(jsonfile)

    # Now, the in_iqms file should be correctly named
    out_file = str(Path(in_iqms.with_suffix(".html").name).resolve())

    # Extract and prune metadata
    metadata = iqms_dict.pop('bids_meta', None)
    mod = metadata.pop('modality', None)
    prov, wf_details, _ = _get_details(iqms_dict, mod)

    file_id = [metadata.pop(k, None)
               for k in list(BIDS_COMP.keys())]
    file_id = [comp for comp in file_id if comp is not None]

    if in_plots is None:
        in_plots = []
        if any(('melodic_reportlet' in k for k in in_plots)):
            REPORT_TITLES['bold'].insert(3, ('ICA components', 'ica-comps'))

        in_plots = [(REPORT_TITLES[mod][i] + (read_report_snippet(v), ))
                    for i, v in enumerate(in_plots)]

    pred_qa = None  # metadata.pop('mriqc_pred', None)
    config = {
        'modality': mod,
        'dataset': metadata.pop('dataset', None),
        'bids_name': in_iqms.with_suffix("").name,
        'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"),
        'version': ver,
        'imparams': iqms2html(iqms_dict, 'iqms-table'),
        'svg_files': in_plots,
        'workflow_details': wf_details,
        'webapi_url': prov.pop('webapi_url'),
        'webapi_port': prov.pop('webapi_port'),
        'provenance': iqms2html(prov, 'provenance-table'),
        'md5sum': prov['md5sum'],
        'metadata': iqms2html(metadata, 'metadata-table'),
        'pred_qa': pred_qa

    if config['metadata'] is None:
            '<span class="warning">File has no metadata</span> '
            '<span>(sidecar JSON file missing or empty)</span>')

    tpl = IndividualTemplate()
    tpl.generate_conf(config, out_file)

    report_log.info('Generated individual log (%s)', out_file)
    return out_file
Пример #4
def individual_html(in_iqms, in_plots=None):
    from os import path as op
    import datetime
    from json import load
    from mriqc import logging, __version__ as ver
    from mriqc.utils.misc import BIDS_COMP
    from mriqc.reports import REPORT_TITLES
    from mriqc.reports.utils import iqms2html, read_report_snippet
    from mriqc.data import IndividualTemplate
    report_log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.report')

    def _get_details(in_iqms, modality):
        in_prov = in_iqms.pop('provenance', {})
        warn_dict = in_prov.pop('warnings', None)
        sett_dict = in_prov.pop('settings', None)

        wf_details = []
        if modality == 'bold':
            bold_exclude_index = in_iqms.get('dumb_trs')
            if bold_exclude_index is None:
                    'Building bold report: no exclude index was found')
            elif bold_exclude_index > 0:
                msg = """\
<span class="problematic">Non-steady state (strong T1 contrast) has been detected in the \
first {} volumes</span>. They were excluded before generating any QC measures and plots."""

            hmc_fsl = sett_dict.pop('hmc_fsl')
            if hmc_fsl is not None:
                msg = 'Framewise Displacement was computed using '
                if hmc_fsl:
                    msg += 'FSL <code>mcflirt</code>'
                    msg += 'AFNI <code>3dvolreg</code>'

            fd_thres = sett_dict.pop('fd_thres')
            if fd_thres is not None:
                    'Framewise Displacement threshold was defined at %f mm' %
        elif modality in ('T1w', 'T2w'):
            if warn_dict.pop('small_air_mask', False):
                    '<span class="problematic">Detected hat mask was too small</span>'

            if warn_dict.pop('large_rot_frame', False):
                    '<span class="problematic">Detected a zero-filled frame, has the original '
                    'image been rotated?</span>')

        return in_prov, wf_details

    with open(in_iqms) as jsonfile:
        iqms_dict = load(jsonfile)

    # Now, the in_iqms file should be correctly named
    fname = op.splitext(op.basename(in_iqms))[0]
    out_file = op.abspath(fname + '.html')

    # Extract and prune metadata
    metadata = iqms_dict.pop('bids_meta', None)
    mod = metadata.pop('modality', None)
    prov, wf_details = _get_details(iqms_dict, mod)

    file_id = [metadata.pop(k, None) for k in list(BIDS_COMP.keys())]
    file_id = [comp for comp in file_id if comp is not None]

    if in_plots is None:
        in_plots = []
        if any(('melodic_reportlet' in k for k in in_plots)):
            REPORT_TITLES['bold'].insert(3, 'ICA components')

        in_plots = [(REPORT_TITLES[mod][i], read_report_snippet(v))
                    for i, v in enumerate(in_plots)]

    pred_qa = None  # metadata.pop('mriqc_pred', None)
    config = {
        'modality': mod,
        'sub_id': '_'.join(file_id),
        'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"),
        'version': ver,
        'imparams': iqms2html(iqms_dict, 'iqms-table'),
        'svg_files': in_plots,
        'workflow_details': wf_details,
        'provenance': iqms2html(prov, 'provenance-table'),
        'metadata': iqms2html(metadata, 'metadata-table'),
        'pred_qa': pred_qa

    if config['metadata'] is None:
            '<span class="warning">File has no metadata</span> '
            '<span>(sidecar JSON file missing or empty)</span>')

    tpl = IndividualTemplate()
    tpl.generate_conf(config, out_file)

    report_log.info('Generated individual log (%s)', out_file)
    return out_file
Пример #5
def individual_html(in_iqms, in_plots=None, exclude_index=0, wf_details=None):
    import os.path as op  #pylint: disable=W0404
    import datetime
    from json import load
    from mriqc import __version__ as ver
    from mriqc.utils.misc import BIDS_COMP
    from mriqc.reports.utils import iqms2html, anat_flags, read_report_snippet
    from mriqc.data import IndividualTemplate
    from mriqc import logging
    from io import open  #pylint: disable=W0622
    report_log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.report')

    with open(in_iqms) as jsonfile:
        iqms_dict = load(jsonfile)

    # Now, the in_iqms file should be correctly named
    fname = op.splitext(op.basename(in_iqms))[0]
    out_file = op.abspath(fname + '.html')

    if in_plots is None:
        in_plots = []

    if wf_details is None:
        wf_details = []

    # Extract and prune metadata
    metadata = iqms_dict.pop('metadata', None)
    mod = metadata.pop('modality', None)
    file_id = [metadata.pop(k, None) for k in list(BIDS_COMP.keys())]
    file_id = [comp for comp in file_id if comp is not None]

    pred_qa = None  #metadata.pop('mriqc_pred', None)

    # Deal with special IQMs
    if mod in ('T1w', 'T2w'):
        flags = anat_flags(iqms_dict)
        if flags:
    elif mod == 'bold':
        RuntimeError('Unknown modality "%s"' % mod)

    config = {
        'modality': mod,
        'sub_id': '_'.join(file_id),
        'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"),
        'version': ver,
        'imparams': iqms2html(iqms_dict, 'iqms-table'),
        'svg_files': [read_report_snippet(pfile) for pfile in in_plots],
        'exclude_index': exclude_index,
        'workflow_details': wf_details,
        'metadata': iqms2html(metadata, 'metadata-table'),
        'pred_qa': pred_qa

    if config['metadata'] is None:
            '<span class="warning">File has no metadata</span> '
            '<span>(sidecar JSON file missing or empty)</span>')

    tpl = IndividualTemplate()
    tpl.generate_conf(config, out_file)

    report_log.info('Generated individual log (%s)', out_file)
    return out_file