Пример #1
def fmri_moco(param):

    file_data = 'fmri'
    ext_data = '.nii'
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    im_data = Image(file_data + '.nii')
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_data.dim
    sct.printv('  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), param.verbose)

    # Get orientation
    sct.printv('\nData orientation: ' + im_data.orientation, param.verbose)
    if im_data.orientation[2] in 'LR':
        param.is_sagittal = True
        sct.printv('  Treated as sagittal')
    elif im_data.orientation[2] in 'IS':
        param.is_sagittal = False
        sct.printv('  Treated as axial')
        param.is_sagittal = False
        sct.printv('WARNING: Orientation seems to be neither axial nor sagittal.')

    # Adjust group size in case of sagittal scan
    if param.is_sagittal and param.group_size != 1:
        sct.printv('For sagittal data group_size should be one for more robustness. Forcing group_size=1.', 1, 'warning')
        param.group_size = 1

    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    im_data = Image(file_data + ext_data)
    im_data_split_list = split_data(im_data, 3)
    for im in im_data_split_list:

    # assign an index to each volume
    index_fmri = list(range(0, nt))

    # Number of groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nt / param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[(iGroup * param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) * param.group_size)])

    # add the remaining images to the last fMRI group
    nb_remaining = nt%param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[len(index_fmri) - nb_remaining:len(index_fmri)])

    # groups
    for iGroup in tqdm(range(nb_groups), unit='iter', unit_scale=False, desc="Merge within groups", ascii=True, ncols=80):
        # get index
        index_fmri_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nt_i = len(index_fmri_i)

        # Merge Images
        file_data_merge_i = file_data + '_' + str(iGroup)
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_merge_i
        # for it in range(nt_i):
        #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4)

        im_fmri_list = []
        for it in range(nt_i):
        im_fmri_concat = concat_data(im_fmri_list, 3, squeeze_data=True).save(file_data_merge_i + ext_data)

        file_data_mean = file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)
        if param.group_size == 1:
            # copy to new file name instead of averaging (faster)
            # note: this is a bandage. Ideally we should skip this entire for loop if g=1
            sct.copy(file_data_merge_i + '.nii', file_data_mean + '.nii')
            # Average Images
            sct.run(['sct_maths', '-i', file_data_merge_i + '.nii', '-o', file_data_mean + '.nii', '-mean', 't'], verbose=0)
        # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_data_merge_i+'.nii', file_data_mean+'.nii', 3):
        #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_data_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_data_mean
        # sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Merge groups means. The output 4D volume will be used for motion correction.
    sct.printv('\nMerging volumes...', param.verbose)
    file_data_groups_means_merge = 'fmri_averaged_groups'
    im_mean_list = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        im_mean_list.append(Image(file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data))
    im_mean_concat = concat_data(im_mean_list, 3).save(file_data_groups_means_merge + ext_data)

    # Estimate moco
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion...', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'fmri_averaged_groups'
    param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_mean_' + param.num_target
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_groups'
    file_mat = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # TODO: if g=1, no need to run the block below (already applied)
    if param.group_size == 1:
        # if flag g=1, it means that all images have already been corrected, so we just need to rename the file
        sct.mv('fmri_averaged_groups_moco.nii', 'fmri_moco.nii')
        # create final mat folder

        # Copy registration matrices
        sct.printv('\nCopy transformations...', param.verbose)
        for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
            for data in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):  # we cannot use enumerate because group_indexes has 2 dim.
                # fetch all file_mat_z for given t-group
                list_file_mat_z = file_mat[:, iGroup]
                # loop across file_mat_z and copy to mat_final folder
                for file_mat_z in list_file_mat_z:
                    # we want to copy 'mat_groups/mat.ZXXXXTYYYYWarp.nii.gz' --> 'mat_final/mat.ZXXXXTYYYZWarp.nii.gz'
                    # Notice the Y->Z in the under the T index: the idea here is to use the single matrix from each group,
                    # and apply it to all images belonging to the same group.
                    sct.copy(file_mat_z + ext_mat,
                             mat_final + file_mat_z[11:20] + 'T' + str(group_indexes[iGroup][data]).zfill(4) + ext_mat)

        # Apply moco on all fmri data
        sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
        sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
        sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
        param_moco.file_data = 'fmri'
        param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_mean_' + str(0)
        param_moco.path_out = ''
        param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
        param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    im_fmri = Image('fmri.nii')
    im_fmri_moco = Image('fmri_moco.nii')
    im_fmri_moco.header = im_fmri.header

    # Average volumes
    sct.printv('\nAveraging data...', param.verbose)
    sct_maths.main(args=['-i', 'fmri_moco.nii',
                         '-o', 'fmri_moco_mean.nii',
                         '-mean', 't',
                         '-v', '0'])
def dmri_moco(param):

    file_data = 'dmri'
    ext_data = '.nii'
    file_b0 = 'b0'
    file_dwi = 'dwi'
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    file_dwi_group = 'dwi_averaged_groups'  # no extension
    fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; '  # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(file_data+'.nii').dim
    sct.printv('  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz), param.verbose)

    # Identify b=0 and DWI images
    sct.printv('\nIdentify b=0 and DWI images...', param.verbose)
    index_b0, index_dwi, nb_b0, nb_dwi = identify_b0('bvecs.txt', param.fname_bvals, param.bval_min, param.verbose)

    # check if dmri and bvecs are the same size
    if not nb_b0 + nb_dwi == nt:
        sct.printv('\nERROR in '+os.path.basename(__file__)+': Size of data ('+str(nt)+') and size of bvecs ('+str(nb_b0+nb_dwi)+') are not the same. Check your bvecs file.\n', 1, 'error')

    # Prepare NIFTI (mean/groups...)
    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    status, output = sct.run('sct_split_data -i ' + file_data + ext_data + ' -dim t -suffix _T', param.verbose)

    # Merge b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nMerge b=0...', param.verbose)
    # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_b0
    # for it in range(nb_b0):
    #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4)
    cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_b0 + ext_data + ' -i '
    for it in range(nb_b0):
        cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ','
    cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
    status, output = sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
    sct.printv(('  File created: ' + file_b0), param.verbose)

    # Average b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nAverage b=0...', param.verbose)
    file_b0_mean = file_b0+'_mean'
    sct.run('sct_maths -i '+file_b0+'.nii'+' -o '+file_b0_mean+'.nii'+' -mean t', param.verbose)
    # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_b0+'.nii', file_b0_mean+'.nii', 3):
    #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
    # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_b0 + ' -Tmean ' + file_b0_mean
    # status, output = sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Number of DWI groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nb_dwi/param.group_size))
    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
    # add the remaining images to the last DWI group
    nb_remaining = nb_dwi%param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1

    # DWI groups
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        sct.printv('\nDWI group: ' +str((iGroup+1))+'/'+str(nb_groups), param.verbose)

        # get index
        index_dwi_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nb_dwi_i = len(index_dwi_i)

        # Merge DW Images
        sct.printv('Merge DW images...', param.verbose)
        file_dwi_merge_i = file_dwi + '_' + str(iGroup)
        cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ext_data + ' -i '
        for it in range(nb_dwi_i):
            cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ','
        cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
        sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_merge_i
        # for it in range(nb_dwi_i):
        #     cmd = cmd +' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4)

        # Average DW Images
        sct.printv('Average DW images...', param.verbose)
        file_dwi_mean = file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)
        sct.run('sct_maths -i '+file_dwi_merge_i+'.nii'+' -o '+file_dwi_mean+'.nii'+' -mean t', param.verbose)
        # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_merge_i+'.nii', file_dwi_mean+'.nii', 3):
        #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_mean
        # sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Merge DWI groups means
    sct.printv('\nMerging DW files...', param.verbose)
    # file_dwi_groups_means_merge = 'dwi_averaged_groups'
    cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_group + ext_data + ' -i '
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        cmd = cmd + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data + ','
    cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
    sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
    # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_group
    # for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
    #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)

    # Average DW Images
    # TODO: USEFULL ???
    sct.printv('\nAveraging all DW images...', param.verbose)
    fname_dwi_mean = 'dwi_mean'
    sct.run('sct_maths -i '+file_dwi_group+'.nii'+' -o '+file_dwi_group+'_mean.nii'+' -mean t', param.verbose)
    # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_group+'.nii', file_dwi_group+'_mean.nii', 3):
    #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
    # sct.run(fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_group + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_group+'_mean', param.verbose)

    # segment dwi images using otsu algorithm
    if param.otsu:
        sct.printv('\nSegment group DWI using OTSU algorithm...', param.verbose)
        # import module
        otsu = importlib.import_module('sct_otsu')
        # get class from module
        param_otsu = otsu.param()  #getattr(otsu, param)
        param_otsu.fname_data = file_dwi_group+'.nii'
        param_otsu.threshold = param.otsu
        param_otsu.file_suffix = '_seg'
        # run otsu
        file_dwi_group = file_dwi_group+'_seg'

    # extract first DWI volume as target for registration
    nii = Image(file_dwi_group+'.nii')
    data_crop = nii.data[:, :, :, index_dwi[0]:index_dwi[0]+1]
    nii.data = data_crop


    # Estimate moco on b0 groups
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on b=0 images...', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'b0'
    if index_dwi[0] != 0:
        # If first DWI is not the first volume (most common), then there is a least one b=0 image before. In that case
        # select it as the target image for registration of all b=0
        param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[index_dwi[0]-1]).zfill(4)
        # If first DWI is the first volume, then the target b=0 is the first b=0 from the index_b0.
        param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[0]).zfill(4)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_b0groups'

    # Estimate moco on dwi groups
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on DW images...', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = file_dwi_group
    param_moco.file_target = 'target_dwi'  # target is the first DW image (closest to the first b=0)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    #param_moco.todo = 'estimate'
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_dwigroups'

    # create final mat folder

    # Copy b=0 registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy b=0 registration matrices...', param.verbose)

    for it in range(nb_b0):
        sct.run('cp '+'mat_b0groups/'+'mat.T'+str(it)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(index_b0[it])+ext_mat, param.verbose)

    # Copy DWI registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy DWI registration matrices...', param.verbose)
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        for dwi in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):
            sct.run('cp '+'mat_dwigroups/'+'mat.T'+str(iGroup)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi])+ext_mat, param.verbose)

    # Spline Regularization along T
    if param.spline_fitting:
        moco.spline(mat_final, nt, nz, param.verbose, np.array(index_b0), param.plot_graph)

    # combine Eddy Matrices
    if param.run_eddy:
        param.mat_2_combine = 'mat_eddy'
        param.mat_final = mat_final

    # Apply moco on all dmri data
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = 'dmri'
    param_moco.file_target = file_dwi+'_mean_'+str(0)  # reference for reslicing into proper coordinate system
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
    param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    copy_header('dmri.nii', 'dmri_moco.nii')

    # generate b0_moco_mean and dwi_moco_mean
    cmd = 'sct_dmri_separate_b0_and_dwi -i dmri'+param.suffix+'.nii -b bvecs.txt -a 1'
    if not param.fname_bvals == '':
        cmd = cmd+' -m '+param.fname_bvals
    sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
Пример #3
def dmri_moco(param):

    file_data = 'dmri.nii'
    file_data_dirname, file_data_basename, file_data_ext = sct.extract_fname(
    file_b0 = 'b0.nii'
    file_dwi = 'dwi.nii'
    ext_data = '.nii.gz'  # workaround "too many open files" by slurping the data
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    file_dwi_group = 'dwi_averaged_groups.nii'
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    im_data = Image(file_data)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_data.dim
    sct.printv('  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz),

    # Identify b=0 and DWI images
    index_b0, index_dwi, nb_b0, nb_dwi = sct_dmri_separate_b0_and_dwi.identify_b0(
        'bvecs.txt', param.fname_bvals, param.bval_min, param.verbose)

    # check if dmri and bvecs are the same size
    if not nb_b0 + nb_dwi == nt:
            '\nERROR in ' + os.path.basename(__file__) + ': Size of data (' +
            str(nt) + ') and size of bvecs (' + str(nb_b0 + nb_dwi) +
            ') are not the same. Check your bvecs file.\n', 1, 'error')

    # Prepare NIFTI (mean/groups...)
    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    im_data_split_list = split_data(im_data, 3)
    for im in im_data_split_list:
        x_dirname, x_basename, x_ext = sct.extract_fname(im.absolutepath)
        im.absolutepath = os.path.join(x_dirname, x_basename + ".nii.gz")

    # Merge b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nMerge b=0...', param.verbose)
    im_b0_list = []
    for it in range(nb_b0):
    im_b0_out = concat_data(im_b0_list, 3).save(file_b0)
    sct.printv(('  File created: ' + file_b0), param.verbose)

    # Average b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nAverage b=0...', param.verbose)
    file_b0_mean = sct.add_suffix(file_b0, '_mean')
    sct.run(['sct_maths', '-i', file_b0, '-o', file_b0_mean, '-mean', 't'],

    # Number of DWI groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nb_dwi / param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        group_indexes.append(index_dwi[(iGroup *
                                        param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) *

    # add the remaining images to the last DWI group
    nb_remaining = nb_dwi % param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1
        group_indexes.append(index_dwi[len(index_dwi) -

    file_dwi_dirname, file_dwi_basename, file_dwi_ext = sct.extract_fname(
    # DWI groups
    file_dwi_mean = []
    for iGroup in tqdm(range(nb_groups),
                       desc="Merge within groups",
        # get index
        index_dwi_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nb_dwi_i = len(index_dwi_i)
        # Merge DW Images
        file_dwi_merge_i = os.path.join(
            file_dwi_dirname, file_dwi_basename + '_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data)
        im_dwi_list = []
        for it in range(nb_dwi_i):
        im_dwi_out = concat_data(im_dwi_list, 3).save(file_dwi_merge_i)
        # Average DW Images
        file_dwi_mean_i = os.path.join(
            file_dwi_basename + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data)
            "sct_maths", "-i", file_dwi_merge_i, "-o", file_dwi_mean[iGroup],
            "-mean", "t"
        ], 0)

    # Merge DWI groups means
    sct.printv('\nMerging DW files...', param.verbose)
    # file_dwi_groups_means_merge = 'dwi_averaged_groups'
    im_dw_list = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
    im_dw_out = concat_data(im_dw_list, 3).save(file_dwi_group)

    # Average DW Images
    # TODO: USEFULL ???
    sct.printv('\nAveraging all DW images...', param.verbose)
        "sct_maths", "-i", file_dwi_group, "-o",
        file_dwi_group + '_mean' + ext_data, "-mean", "t"
    ], param.verbose)

    # segment dwi images using otsu algorithm
    if param.otsu:
        sct.printv('\nSegment group DWI using OTSU algorithm...',
        # import module
        otsu = importlib.import_module('sct_otsu')
        # get class from module
        param_otsu = otsu.param()  #getattr(otsu, param)
        param_otsu.fname_data = file_dwi_group
        param_otsu.threshold = param.otsu
        param_otsu.file_suffix = '_seg'
        # run otsu
        file_dwi_group = file_dwi_group + '_seg.nii'


    # Estimate moco on b0 groups
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on b=0 images...', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'b0.nii'
    # identify target image
    if index_dwi[0] != 0:
        # If first DWI is not the first volume (most common), then there is a least one b=0 image before. In that case
        # select it as the target image for registration of all b=0
        param_moco.file_target = os.path.join(
            file_data_dirname, file_data_basename + '_T' +
            str(index_b0[index_dwi[0] - 1]).zfill(4) + ext_data)
        # If first DWI is the first volume, then the target b=0 is the first b=0 from the index_b0.
        param_moco.file_target = os.path.join(
            file_data_basename + '_T' + str(index_b0[0]).zfill(4) + ext_data)

    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_b0groups'
    file_mat_b0 = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # Estimate moco on dwi groups
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on DW images...', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = file_dwi_group
    param_moco.file_target = file_dwi_mean[
        0]  # target is the first DW image (closest to the first b=0)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_dwigroups'
    file_mat_dwi = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # create final mat folder

    # Copy b=0 registration matrices
    # TODO: use file_mat_b0 and file_mat_dwi instead of the hardcoding below
    sct.printv('\nCopy b=0 registration matrices...', param.verbose)
    for it in range(nb_b0):
            'mat_b0groups/' + 'mat.Z0000T' + str(it).zfill(4) + ext_mat,
            mat_final + 'mat.Z0000T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4) + ext_mat)

    # Copy DWI registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy DWI registration matrices...', param.verbose)
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        for dwi in range(
        ):  # we cannot use enumerate because group_indexes has 2 dim.
                'mat_dwigroups/' + 'mat.Z0000T' + str(iGroup).zfill(4) +
                ext_mat, mat_final + 'mat.Z0000T' +
                str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi]).zfill(4) + ext_mat)

    # Spline Regularization along T
    if param.spline_fitting:
        moco.spline(mat_final, nt, nz, param.verbose, np.array(index_b0),

    # combine Eddy Matrices
    if param.run_eddy:
        param.mat_2_combine = 'mat_eddy'
        param.mat_final = mat_final

    # Apply moco on all dmri data
    sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = file_data
    param_moco.file_target = os.path.join(
        file_dwi_dirname, file_dwi_basename + '_mean_' + str(0) +
        ext_data)  # reference for reslicing into proper coordinate system
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
    param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    im_dmri = Image(file_data)

    fname_data_moco = os.path.join(file_data_dirname,
                                   file_data_basename + param.suffix + '.nii')
    im_dmri_moco = Image(fname_data_moco)
    im_dmri_moco.header = im_dmri.header

    return os.path.abspath(fname_data_moco)
Пример #4
def fmri_moco(param):

    file_data = "fmri.nii"
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    im_data = Image(param.fname_data)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_data.dim
        '  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt),

    # Get orientation
    sct.printv('\nData orientation: ' + im_data.orientation, param.verbose)
    if im_data.orientation[2] in 'LR':
        param.is_sagittal = True
        sct.printv('  Treated as sagittal')
    elif im_data.orientation[2] in 'IS':
        param.is_sagittal = False
        sct.printv('  Treated as axial')
        param.is_sagittal = False
            'WARNING: Orientation seems to be neither axial nor sagittal.')

    # Adjust group size in case of sagittal scan
    if param.is_sagittal and param.group_size != 1:
            'For sagittal data group_size should be one for more robustness. Forcing group_size=1.',
            1, 'warning')
        param.group_size = 1

    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    im_data_split_list = split_data(im_data, 3)
    for im in im_data_split_list:
        x_dirname, x_basename, x_ext = sct.extract_fname(im.absolutepath)
        # Make further steps slurp the data to avoid too many open files (#2149)
        im.absolutepath = os.path.join(x_dirname, x_basename + ".nii.gz")

    # assign an index to each volume
    index_fmri = list(range(0, nt))

    # Number of groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nt / param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[(iGroup *
                                         param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) *

    # add the remaining images to the last fMRI group
    nb_remaining = nt % param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[len(index_fmri) -

    # groups
    for iGroup in tqdm(range(nb_groups),
                       desc="Merge within groups",
        # get index
        index_fmri_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nt_i = len(index_fmri_i)

        # Merge Images
        file_data_merge_i = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_' + str(iGroup))
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_merge_i
        # for it in range(nt_i):
        #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4)

        im_fmri_list = []
        for it in range(nt_i):
        im_fmri_concat = concat_data(im_fmri_list, 3,

        file_data_mean = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_mean_' + str(iGroup))
        if file_data_mean.endswith(".nii"):
            file_data_mean += ".gz"  # #2149
        if param.group_size == 1:
            # copy to new file name instead of averaging (faster)
            # note: this is a bandage. Ideally we should skip this entire for loop if g=1
            convert(file_data_merge_i, file_data_mean)
            # Average Images
                'sct_maths', '-i', file_data_merge_i, '-o', file_data_mean,
                '-mean', 't'
        # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_data_merge_i+'.nii', file_data_mean+'.nii', 3):
        #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_data_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_data_mean
        # sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Merge groups means. The output 4D volume will be used for motion correction.
    sct.printv('\nMerging volumes...', param.verbose)
    file_data_groups_means_merge = 'fmri_averaged_groups.nii'
    im_mean_list = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        file_data_mean = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_mean_' + str(iGroup))
        if file_data_mean.endswith(".nii"):
            file_data_mean += ".gz"  # #2149
    im_mean_concat = concat_data(im_mean_list,

    # Estimate moco
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion...', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'fmri_averaged_groups.nii'
    param_moco.file_target = sct.add_suffix(file_data,
                                            '_mean_' + param.num_target)
    if param_moco.file_target.endswith(".nii"):
        param_moco.file_target += ".gz"  # #2149
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_groups'
    file_mat = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # TODO: if g=1, no need to run the block below (already applied)
    if param.group_size == 1:
        # if flag g=1, it means that all images have already been corrected, so we just need to rename the file
        sct.mv('fmri_averaged_groups_moco.nii', 'fmri_moco.nii')
        # create final mat folder

        # Copy registration matrices
        sct.printv('\nCopy transformations...', param.verbose)
        for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
            for data in range(
            ):  # we cannot use enumerate because group_indexes has 2 dim.
                # fetch all file_mat_z for given t-group
                list_file_mat_z = file_mat[:, iGroup]
                # loop across file_mat_z and copy to mat_final folder
                for file_mat_z in list_file_mat_z:
                    # we want to copy 'mat_groups/mat.ZXXXXTYYYYWarp.nii.gz' --> 'mat_final/mat.ZXXXXTYYYZWarp.nii.gz'
                    # Notice the Y->Z in the under the T index: the idea here is to use the single matrix from each group,
                    # and apply it to all images belonging to the same group.
                        file_mat_z + ext_mat,
                        mat_final + file_mat_z[11:20] + 'T' +
                        str(group_indexes[iGroup][data]).zfill(4) + ext_mat)

        # Apply moco on all fmri data
        sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
        param_moco.file_data = 'fmri.nii'
        param_moco.file_target = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_mean_' + str(0))
        if param_moco.file_target.endswith(".nii"):
            param_moco.file_target += ".gz"
        param_moco.path_out = ''
        param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
        param_moco.todo = 'apply'
        file_mat = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    im_fmri = Image('fmri.nii')
    im_fmri_moco = Image('fmri_moco.nii')
    im_fmri_moco.header = im_fmri.header

    # Extract and output the motion parameters
    if param.output_motion_param:
        from sct_image import multicomponent_split
        import csv
        #files_warp = []
        files_warp_X, files_warp_Y = [], []
        moco_param = []
        for fname_warp in file_mat[0]:
            # Cropping the image to keep only one voxel in the XY plane
            im_warp = Image(fname_warp + ext_mat)
            im_warp.data = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(
                im_warp.data[0, 0, :, :, :], axis=0),

            # These three lines allow to generate one file instead of two, containing X, Y and Z moco parameters
            #fname_warp_crop = fname_warp + '_crop_' + ext_mat

            # Separating the three components and saving X and Y only (Z is equal to 0 by default).
            im_warp_XYZ = multicomponent_split(im_warp)

            fname_warp_crop_X = fname_warp + '_crop_X_' + ext_mat

            fname_warp_crop_Y = fname_warp + '_crop_Y_' + ext_mat

            # Calculating the slice-wise average moco estimate to provide a QC file

        # These two lines allow to generate one file instead of two, containing X, Y and Z moco parameters
        #im_warp_concat = concat_data(files_warp, dim=3)

        # Concatenating the moco parameters into a time series for X and Y components.
        im_warp_concat = concat_data(files_warp_X, dim=3)

        im_warp_concat = concat_data(files_warp_Y, dim=3)

        # Writing a TSV file with the slicewise average estimate of the moco parameters, as it is a useful QC file.
        with open('fmri_moco_params.tsv', 'wt') as out_file:
            tsv_writer = csv.writer(out_file, delimiter='\t')
            tsv_writer.writerow(['X', 'Y'])
            for mocop in moco_param:
                tsv_writer.writerow([mocop[0], mocop[1]])

    # Average volumes
    sct.printv('\nAveraging data...', param.verbose)
        '-i', 'fmri_moco.nii', '-o', 'fmri_moco_mean.nii', '-mean', 't', '-v',
Пример #5
def fmri_moco(param):

    file_data = 'fmri'
    ext_data = '.nii'
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; '  # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(file_data + '.nii').dim
        '  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt),

    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    im_data = Image(file_data + ext_data)
    im_data_split_list = split_data(im_data, 3)
    for im in im_data_split_list:

    # assign an index to each volume
    index_fmri = range(0, nt)

    # Number of groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nt / param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[(iGroup *
                                         param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) *

    # add the remaining images to the last DWI group
    nb_remaining = nt % param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[len(index_fmri) -

    # groups
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        sct.printv('\nGroup: ' + str((iGroup + 1)) + '/' + str(nb_groups),

        # get index
        index_fmri_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nt_i = len(index_fmri_i)

        # Merge Images
        sct.printv('Merge consecutive volumes...', param.verbose)
        file_data_merge_i = file_data + '_' + str(iGroup)
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_merge_i
        # for it in range(nt_i):
        #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4)

        im_fmri_list = []
        for it in range(nt_i):
        im_fmri_concat = concat_data(im_fmri_list, 3)
        im_fmri_concat.setFileName(file_data_merge_i + ext_data)

        # Average Images
        sct.printv('Average volumes...', param.verbose)
        file_data_mean = file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)
        sct.run('sct_maths -i ' + file_data_merge_i + '.nii -o ' +
                file_data_mean + '.nii -mean t')
        # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_data_merge_i+'.nii', file_data_mean+'.nii', 3):
        #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_data_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_data_mean
        # sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Merge groups means
    sct.printv('\nMerging volumes...', param.verbose)
    file_data_groups_means_merge = 'fmri_averaged_groups'
    im_mean_list = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
            Image(file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data))
    im_mean_concat = concat_data(im_mean_list, 3)
    im_mean_concat.setFileName(file_data_groups_means_merge + ext_data)

    # Estimate moco
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion...', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'fmri_averaged_groups'
    param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_mean_' + param.num_target
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_groups'

    # create final mat folder

    # Copy registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy transformations...', param.verbose)
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        for data in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):
                'cp ' + 'mat_groups/' + 'mat.T' + str(iGroup) + ext_mat + ' ' +
                mat_final + 'mat.T' + str(group_indexes[iGroup][data]) +
                ext_mat, param.verbose)

    # Apply moco on all fmri data
    sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = 'fmri'
    param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_mean_' + str(0)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
    param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    im_fmri = Image('fmri.nii')
    im_fmri_moco = Image('fmri_moco.nii')
    im_fmri_moco = copy_header(im_fmri, im_fmri_moco)

    # Average volumes
    sct.printv('\nAveraging data...', param.verbose)
    sct.run('sct_maths -i fmri_moco.nii -o fmri_moco_mean.nii -mean t')
Пример #6
def fmri_moco(param):

    file_data = "fmri.nii"
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    im_data = Image(param.fname_data)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_data.dim
    sct.printv('  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), param.verbose)

    # Get orientation
    sct.printv('\nData orientation: ' + im_data.orientation, param.verbose)
    if im_data.orientation[2] in 'LR':
        param.is_sagittal = True
        sct.printv('  Treated as sagittal')
    elif im_data.orientation[2] in 'IS':
        param.is_sagittal = False
        sct.printv('  Treated as axial')
        param.is_sagittal = False
        sct.printv('WARNING: Orientation seems to be neither axial nor sagittal.')

    # Adjust group size in case of sagittal scan
    if param.is_sagittal and param.group_size != 1:
        sct.printv('For sagittal data group_size should be one for more robustness. Forcing group_size=1.', 1, 'warning')
        param.group_size = 1

    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    im_data_split_list = split_data(im_data, 3)
    for im in im_data_split_list:
        x_dirname, x_basename, x_ext = sct.extract_fname(im.absolutepath)
        # Make further steps slurp the data to avoid too many open files (#2149)
        im.absolutepath = os.path.join(x_dirname, x_basename + ".nii.gz")

    # assign an index to each volume
    index_fmri = list(range(0, nt))

    # Number of groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nt / param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[(iGroup * param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) * param.group_size)])

    # add the remaining images to the last fMRI group
    nb_remaining = nt%param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1
        group_indexes.append(index_fmri[len(index_fmri) - nb_remaining:len(index_fmri)])

    # groups
    for iGroup in tqdm(range(nb_groups), unit='iter', unit_scale=False, desc="Merge within groups", ascii=True, ncols=80):
        # get index
        index_fmri_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nt_i = len(index_fmri_i)

        # Merge Images
        file_data_merge_i = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_' + str(iGroup))
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_merge_i
        # for it in range(nt_i):
        #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4)

        im_fmri_list = []
        for it in range(nt_i):
        im_fmri_concat = concat_data(im_fmri_list, 3, squeeze_data=True).save(file_data_merge_i)

        file_data_mean = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_mean_' + str(iGroup))
        if file_data_mean.endswith(".nii"):
            file_data_mean += ".gz" # #2149
        if param.group_size == 1:
            # copy to new file name instead of averaging (faster)
            # note: this is a bandage. Ideally we should skip this entire for loop if g=1
            convert(file_data_merge_i, file_data_mean)
            # Average Images
            sct.run(['sct_maths', '-i', file_data_merge_i, '-o', file_data_mean, '-mean', 't'], verbose=0)
        # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_data_merge_i+'.nii', file_data_mean+'.nii', 3):
        #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_data_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_data_mean
        # sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Merge groups means. The output 4D volume will be used for motion correction.
    sct.printv('\nMerging volumes...', param.verbose)
    file_data_groups_means_merge = 'fmri_averaged_groups.nii'
    im_mean_list = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        file_data_mean = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_mean_' + str(iGroup))
        if file_data_mean.endswith(".nii"):
            file_data_mean += ".gz" # #2149
    im_mean_concat = concat_data(im_mean_list, 3).save(file_data_groups_means_merge)

    # Estimate moco
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion...', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'fmri_averaged_groups.nii'
    param_moco.file_target = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_mean_' + param.num_target)
    if param_moco.file_target.endswith(".nii"):
        param_moco.file_target += ".gz" # #2149
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_groups'
    file_mat = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # TODO: if g=1, no need to run the block below (already applied)
    if param.group_size == 1:
        # if flag g=1, it means that all images have already been corrected, so we just need to rename the file
        sct.mv('fmri_averaged_groups_moco.nii', 'fmri_moco.nii')
        # create final mat folder

        # Copy registration matrices
        sct.printv('\nCopy transformations...', param.verbose)
        for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
            for data in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):  # we cannot use enumerate because group_indexes has 2 dim.
                # fetch all file_mat_z for given t-group
                list_file_mat_z = file_mat[:, iGroup]
                # loop across file_mat_z and copy to mat_final folder
                for file_mat_z in list_file_mat_z:
                    # we want to copy 'mat_groups/mat.ZXXXXTYYYYWarp.nii.gz' --> 'mat_final/mat.ZXXXXTYYYZWarp.nii.gz'
                    # Notice the Y->Z in the under the T index: the idea here is to use the single matrix from each group,
                    # and apply it to all images belonging to the same group.
                    sct.copy(file_mat_z + ext_mat,
                             mat_final + file_mat_z[11:20] + 'T' + str(group_indexes[iGroup][data]).zfill(4) + ext_mat)

        # Apply moco on all fmri data
        sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
        sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
        sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
        param_moco.file_data = 'fmri.nii'
        param_moco.file_target = sct.add_suffix(file_data, '_mean_' + str(0))
        if param_moco.file_target.endswith(".nii"):
            param_moco.file_target += ".gz"
        param_moco.path_out = ''
        param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
        param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    im_fmri = Image('fmri.nii')
    im_fmri_moco = Image('fmri_moco.nii')
    im_fmri_moco.header = im_fmri.header

    # Average volumes
    sct.printv('\nAveraging data...', param.verbose)
    sct_maths.main(args=['-i', 'fmri_moco.nii',
                         '-o', 'fmri_moco_mean.nii',
                         '-mean', 't',
                         '-v', '0'])
Пример #7
def dmri_moco(param):

    file_data = 'dmri.nii'
    file_data_dirname, file_data_basename, file_data_ext = sct.extract_fname(file_data)
    file_b0 = 'b0.nii'
    file_dwi = 'dwi.nii'
    ext_data = '.nii.gz' # workaround "too many open files" by slurping the data
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    file_dwi_group = 'dwi_averaged_groups.nii'
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    im_data = Image(file_data)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_data.dim
    sct.printv('  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz), param.verbose)

    # Identify b=0 and DWI images
    index_b0, index_dwi, nb_b0, nb_dwi = sct_dmri_separate_b0_and_dwi.identify_b0('bvecs.txt', param.fname_bvals, param.bval_min, param.verbose)

    # check if dmri and bvecs are the same size
    if not nb_b0 + nb_dwi == nt:
        sct.printv('\nERROR in ' + os.path.basename(__file__) + ': Size of data (' + str(nt) + ') and size of bvecs (' + str(nb_b0 + nb_dwi) + ') are not the same. Check your bvecs file.\n', 1, 'error')

    # Prepare NIFTI (mean/groups...)
    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    im_data_split_list = split_data(im_data, 3)
    for im in im_data_split_list:
        x_dirname, x_basename, x_ext = sct.extract_fname(im.absolutepath)
        im.absolutepath = os.path.join(x_dirname, x_basename + ".nii.gz")

    # Merge b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nMerge b=0...', param.verbose)
    im_b0_list = []
    for it in range(nb_b0):
    im_b0_out = concat_data(im_b0_list, 3).save(file_b0)
    sct.printv(('  File created: ' + file_b0), param.verbose)

    # Average b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nAverage b=0...', param.verbose)
    file_b0_mean = sct.add_suffix(file_b0, '_mean')
    sct.run(['sct_maths', '-i', file_b0, '-o', file_b0_mean, '-mean', 't'], param.verbose)

    # Number of DWI groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nb_dwi / param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        group_indexes.append(index_dwi[(iGroup * param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) * param.group_size)])

    # add the remaining images to the last DWI group
    nb_remaining = nb_dwi%param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1
        group_indexes.append(index_dwi[len(index_dwi) - nb_remaining:len(index_dwi)])

    file_dwi_dirname, file_dwi_basename, file_dwi_ext = sct.extract_fname(file_dwi)
    # DWI groups
    file_dwi_mean = []
    for iGroup in tqdm(range(nb_groups), unit='iter', unit_scale=False, desc="Merge within groups", ascii=True, ncols=80):
        # get index
        index_dwi_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nb_dwi_i = len(index_dwi_i)
        # Merge DW Images
        file_dwi_merge_i = os.path.join(file_dwi_dirname, file_dwi_basename + '_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data)
        im_dwi_list = []
        for it in range(nb_dwi_i):
        im_dwi_out = concat_data(im_dwi_list, 3).save(file_dwi_merge_i)
        # Average DW Images
        file_dwi_mean_i = os.path.join(file_dwi_dirname, file_dwi_basename + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data)
        sct.run(["sct_maths", "-i", file_dwi_merge_i, "-o", file_dwi_mean[iGroup], "-mean", "t"], 0)

    # Merge DWI groups means
    sct.printv('\nMerging DW files...', param.verbose)
    # file_dwi_groups_means_merge = 'dwi_averaged_groups'
    im_dw_list = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
    im_dw_out = concat_data(im_dw_list, 3).save(file_dwi_group)

    # Average DW Images
    # TODO: USEFULL ???
    sct.printv('\nAveraging all DW images...', param.verbose)
    sct.run(["sct_maths", "-i", file_dwi_group, "-o", file_dwi_group + '_mean' + ext_data, "-mean", "t"], param.verbose)

    # segment dwi images using otsu algorithm
    if param.otsu:
        sct.printv('\nSegment group DWI using OTSU algorithm...', param.verbose)
        # import module
        otsu = importlib.import_module('sct_otsu')
        # get class from module
        param_otsu = otsu.param()  #getattr(otsu, param)
        param_otsu.fname_data = file_dwi_group
        param_otsu.threshold = param.otsu
        param_otsu.file_suffix = '_seg'
        # run otsu
        file_dwi_group = file_dwi_group + '_seg.nii'


    # Estimate moco on b0 groups
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on b=0 images...', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'b0.nii'
    # identify target image
    if index_dwi[0] != 0:
        # If first DWI is not the first volume (most common), then there is a least one b=0 image before. In that case
        # select it as the target image for registration of all b=0
        param_moco.file_target = os.path.join(file_data_dirname, file_data_basename + '_T' + str(index_b0[index_dwi[0] - 1]).zfill(4) + ext_data)
        # If first DWI is the first volume, then the target b=0 is the first b=0 from the index_b0.
        param_moco.file_target = os.path.join(file_data_dirname, file_data_basename + '_T' + str(index_b0[0]).zfill(4) + ext_data)

    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_b0groups'
    file_mat_b0 = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # Estimate moco on dwi groups
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on DW images...', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = file_dwi_group
    param_moco.file_target = file_dwi_mean[0]  # target is the first DW image (closest to the first b=0)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_dwigroups'
    file_mat_dwi = moco.moco(param_moco)

    # create final mat folder

    # Copy b=0 registration matrices
    # TODO: use file_mat_b0 and file_mat_dwi instead of the hardcoding below
    sct.printv('\nCopy b=0 registration matrices...', param.verbose)
    for it in range(nb_b0):
        sct.copy('mat_b0groups/' + 'mat.Z0000T' + str(it).zfill(4) + ext_mat,
                 mat_final + 'mat.Z0000T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4) + ext_mat)

    # Copy DWI registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy DWI registration matrices...', param.verbose)
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        for dwi in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):  # we cannot use enumerate because group_indexes has 2 dim.
            sct.copy('mat_dwigroups/' + 'mat.Z0000T' + str(iGroup).zfill(4) + ext_mat,
                     mat_final + 'mat.Z0000T' + str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi]).zfill(4) + ext_mat)

    # Spline Regularization along T
    if param.spline_fitting:
        moco.spline(mat_final, nt, nz, param.verbose, np.array(index_b0), param.plot_graph)

    # combine Eddy Matrices
    if param.run_eddy:
        param.mat_2_combine = 'mat_eddy'
        param.mat_final = mat_final

    # Apply moco on all dmri data
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = file_data
    param_moco.file_target = os.path.join(file_dwi_dirname, file_dwi_basename + '_mean_' + str(0) + ext_data)  # reference for reslicing into proper coordinate system
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
    param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    im_dmri = Image(file_data)

    fname_data_moco = os.path.join(file_data_dirname, file_data_basename + param.suffix + '.nii')
    im_dmri_moco = Image(fname_data_moco)
    im_dmri_moco.header = im_dmri.header

    return os.path.abspath(fname_data_moco)
Пример #8
def dmri_moco(param):

    file_data = 'dmri'
    ext_data = '.nii'
    file_b0 = 'b0'
    file_dwi = 'dwi'
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    file_dwi_group = 'dwi_averaged_groups'  # no extension
    fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; '  # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(file_data + '.nii').dim
    sct.printv('  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz),

    # Identify b=0 and DWI images
    sct.printv('\nIdentify b=0 and DWI images...', param.verbose)
    index_b0, index_dwi, nb_b0, nb_dwi = identify_b0('bvecs.txt',

    # check if dmri and bvecs are the same size
    if not nb_b0 + nb_dwi == nt:
            '\nERROR in ' + os.path.basename(__file__) + ': Size of data (' +
            str(nt) + ') and size of bvecs (' + str(nb_b0 + nb_dwi) +
            ') are not the same. Check your bvecs file.\n', 1, 'error')

    # Prepare NIFTI (mean/groups...)
    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    status, output = sct.run(
        'sct_split_data -i ' + file_data + ext_data + ' -dim t -suffix _T',

    # Merge b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nMerge b=0...', param.verbose)
    # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_b0
    # for it in range(nb_b0):
    #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[it]).zfill(4)
    cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_b0 + ext_data + ' -i '
    for it in range(nb_b0):
        cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(
            index_b0[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ','
    cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
    status, output = sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
    sct.printv(('  File created: ' + file_b0), param.verbose)

    # Average b=0 images
    sct.printv('\nAverage b=0...', param.verbose)
    file_b0_mean = file_b0 + '_mean'
        'sct_maths -i ' + file_b0 + '.nii' + ' -o ' + file_b0_mean + '.nii' +
        ' -mean t', param.verbose)
    # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_b0+'.nii', file_b0_mean+'.nii', 3):
    #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
    # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_b0 + ' -Tmean ' + file_b0_mean
    # status, output = sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Number of DWI groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nb_dwi / param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        group_indexes.append(index_dwi[(iGroup *
                                        param.group_size):((iGroup + 1) *

    # add the remaining images to the last DWI group
    nb_remaining = nb_dwi % param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1
        group_indexes.append(index_dwi[len(index_dwi) -

    # DWI groups
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        sct.printv('\nDWI group: ' + str((iGroup + 1)) + '/' + str(nb_groups),

        # get index
        index_dwi_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nb_dwi_i = len(index_dwi_i)

        # Merge DW Images
        sct.printv('Merge DW images...', param.verbose)
        file_dwi_merge_i = file_dwi + '_' + str(iGroup)
        cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ext_data + ' -i '
        for it in range(nb_dwi_i):
            cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(
                index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ','
        cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
        sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_merge_i
        # for it in range(nb_dwi_i):
        #     cmd = cmd +' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_dwi_i[it]).zfill(4)

        # Average DW Images
        sct.printv('Average DW images...', param.verbose)
        file_dwi_mean = file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)
            'sct_maths -i ' + file_dwi_merge_i + '.nii' + ' -o ' +
            file_dwi_mean + '.nii' + ' -mean t', param.verbose)
        # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_merge_i+'.nii', file_dwi_mean+'.nii', 3):
        #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_mean
        # sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Merge DWI groups means
    sct.printv('\nMerging DW files...', param.verbose)
    # file_dwi_groups_means_merge = 'dwi_averaged_groups'
    cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_dwi_group + ext_data + ' -i '
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        cmd = cmd + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data + ','
    cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
    sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
    # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_dwi_group
    # for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
    #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)

    # Average DW Images
    # TODO: USEFULL ???
    sct.printv('\nAveraging all DW images...', param.verbose)
    fname_dwi_mean = 'dwi_mean'
        'sct_maths -i ' + file_dwi_group + '.nii' + ' -o ' + file_dwi_group +
        '_mean.nii' + ' -mean t', param.verbose)
    # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_dwi_group+'.nii', file_dwi_group+'_mean.nii', 3):
    #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
    # sct.run(fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_dwi_group + ' -Tmean ' + file_dwi_group+'_mean', param.verbose)

    # segment dwi images using otsu algorithm
    if param.otsu:
        sct.printv('\nSegment group DWI using OTSU algorithm...',
        # import module
        otsu = importlib.import_module('sct_otsu')
        # get class from module
        param_otsu = otsu.param()  #getattr(otsu, param)
        param_otsu.fname_data = file_dwi_group + '.nii'
        param_otsu.threshold = param.otsu
        param_otsu.file_suffix = '_seg'
        # run otsu
        file_dwi_group = file_dwi_group + '_seg'

    # extract first DWI volume as target for registration
    nii = Image(file_dwi_group + '.nii')
    data_crop = nii.data[:, :, :, index_dwi[0]:index_dwi[0] + 1]
    nii.data = data_crop


    # Estimate moco on b0 groups
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on b=0 images...', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'b0'
    if index_dwi[0] != 0:
        # If first DWI is not the first volume (most common), then there is a least one b=0 image before. In that case
        # select it as the target image for registration of all b=0
        param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str(
            index_b0[index_dwi[0] - 1]).zfill(4)
        # If first DWI is the first volume, then the target b=0 is the first b=0 from the index_b0.
        param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_T' + str(index_b0[0]).zfill(4)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_b0groups'

    # Estimate moco on dwi groups
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion on DW images...', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = file_dwi_group
    param_moco.file_target = 'target_dwi'  # target is the first DW image (closest to the first b=0)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    #param_moco.todo = 'estimate'
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_dwigroups'

    # create final mat folder

    # Copy b=0 registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy b=0 registration matrices...', param.verbose)

    for it in range(nb_b0):
            'cp ' + 'mat_b0groups/' + 'mat.T' + str(it) + ext_mat + ' ' +
            mat_final + 'mat.T' + str(index_b0[it]) + ext_mat, param.verbose)

    # Copy DWI registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy DWI registration matrices...', param.verbose)
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        for dwi in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):
                'cp ' + 'mat_dwigroups/' + 'mat.T' + str(iGroup) + ext_mat +
                ' ' + mat_final + 'mat.T' + str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi]) +
                ext_mat, param.verbose)

    # Spline Regularization along T
    if param.spline_fitting:
        moco.spline(mat_final, nt, nz, param.verbose, np.array(index_b0),

    # combine Eddy Matrices
    if param.run_eddy:
        param.mat_2_combine = 'mat_eddy'
        param.mat_final = mat_final

    # Apply moco on all dmri data
    sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = 'dmri'
    param_moco.file_target = file_dwi + '_mean_' + str(
        0)  # reference for reslicing into proper coordinate system
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
    param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    copy_header('dmri.nii', 'dmri_moco.nii')

    # generate b0_moco_mean and dwi_moco_mean
    cmd = 'sct_dmri_separate_b0_and_dwi -i dmri' + param.suffix + '.nii -b bvecs.txt -a 1'
    if not param.fname_bvals == '':
        cmd = cmd + ' -m ' + param.fname_bvals
    sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)
def fmri_moco(param):

    file_data = 'fmri'
    ext_data = '.nii'
    mat_final = 'mat_final/'
    fsloutput = 'export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI; '  # for faster processing, all outputs are in NIFTI
    ext_mat = 'Warp.nii.gz'  # warping field

    # Get dimensions of data
    sct.printv('\nGet dimensions of data...', param.verbose)
    nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(file_data+'.nii').dim
    sct.printv('  ' + str(nx) + ' x ' + str(ny) + ' x ' + str(nz) + ' x ' + str(nt), param.verbose)

    # Split into T dimension
    sct.printv('\nSplit along T dimension...', param.verbose)
    status, output = sct.run('sct_split_data -i ' + file_data + ext_data + ' -dim t -suffix _T', param.verbose)

    # assign an index to each volume
    index_fmri = range(0, nt)

    # Number of groups
    nb_groups = int(math.floor(nt/param.group_size))

    # Generate groups indexes
    group_indexes = []
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):

    # add the remaining images to the last DWI group
    nb_remaining = nt%param.group_size  # number of remaining images
    if nb_remaining > 0:
        nb_groups += 1

    # groups
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        sct.printv('\nGroup: ' +str((iGroup+1))+'/'+str(nb_groups), param.verbose)

        # get index
        index_fmri_i = group_indexes[iGroup]
        nt_i = len(index_fmri_i)

        # Merge Images
        sct.printv('Merge consecutive volumes...', param.verbose)
        file_data_merge_i = file_data + '_' + str(iGroup)
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_merge_i
        # for it in range(nt_i):
        #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4)
        cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_data_merge_i + ext_data + ' -i '
        for it in range(nt_i):
            cmd = cmd + file_data + '_T' + str(index_fmri_i[it]).zfill(4) + ext_data + ','
        cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
        sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

        # Average Images
        sct.printv('Average volumes...', param.verbose)
        file_data_mean = file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)
        sct.run('sct_maths -i '+file_data_merge_i+'.nii -o '+file_data_mean+'.nii -mean t')
        # if not average_data_across_dimension(file_data_merge_i+'.nii', file_data_mean+'.nii', 3):
        #     sct.printv('ERROR in average_data_across_dimension', 1, 'error')
        # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmaths ' + file_data_merge_i + ' -Tmean ' + file_data_mean
        # sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Merge groups means
    sct.printv('\nMerging volumes...', param.verbose)
    file_data_groups_means_merge = 'fmri_averaged_groups'
    # cmd = fsloutput + 'fslmerge -t ' + file_data_groups_means_merge
    # for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
    #     cmd = cmd + ' ' + file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup)
    cmd = 'sct_concat_data -dim t -o ' + file_data_groups_means_merge + ext_data + ' -i '
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        cmd = cmd + file_data + '_mean_' + str(iGroup) + ext_data + ','
    cmd = cmd[:-1]  # remove ',' at the end of the string
    sct.run(cmd, param.verbose)

    # Estimate moco on dwi groups
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Estimating motion...', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco = param
    param_moco.file_data = 'fmri_averaged_groups'
    param_moco.file_target = file_data + '_mean_' + str(param.num_target)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.todo = 'estimate_and_apply'
    param_moco.mat_moco = 'mat_groups'

    # create final mat folder

    # Copy registration matrices
    sct.printv('\nCopy transformations...', param.verbose)
    for iGroup in range(nb_groups):
        for data in range(len(group_indexes[iGroup])):
            # if param.slicewise:
            #     for iz in range(nz):
            #         sct.run('cp '+'mat_dwigroups/'+'mat.T'+str(iGroup)+'_Z'+str(iz)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(group_indexes[iGroup][dwi])+'_Z'+str(iz)+ext_mat, param.verbose)
            # else:
            sct.run('cp '+'mat_groups/'+'mat.T'+str(iGroup)+ext_mat+' '+mat_final+'mat.T'+str(group_indexes[iGroup][data])+ext_mat, param.verbose)

    # Apply moco on all fmri data
    sct.printv('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('  Apply moco', param.verbose)
    sct.printv('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------', param.verbose)
    param_moco.file_data = 'fmri'
    param_moco.file_target = file_data+'_mean_'+str(0)
    param_moco.path_out = ''
    param_moco.mat_moco = mat_final
    param_moco.todo = 'apply'

    # copy geometric information from header
    # NB: this is required because WarpImageMultiTransform in 2D mode wrongly sets pixdim(3) to "1".
    copy_header('fmri.nii', 'fmri_moco.nii')

    # Average volumes
    sct.printv('\nAveraging data...', param.verbose)
    sct.run('sct_maths -i fmri_moco.nii -o fmri_moco_mean.nii -mean t')