Пример #1
def getGoogleFont(name):
  cssurl = "http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=" + name

    with urllib.request.urlopen(cssurl) as r:
      contents = r.read().decode('utf-8')
    #contents = """
      #@font-face {
      #  font-family: 'Tangerine';
      #  font-style: normal;
      #  font-weight: 700;
      #  src: local('Tangerine Bold'), local('Tangerine-Bold'), url(http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/tangerine/v7/UkFsr-RwJB_d2l9fIWsx3onF5uFdDttMLvmWuJdhhgs.ttf) format('truetype');
  except urllib.error.URLError as e:
    fatal("Cannot find google font " + name + ": " + e.reason)
  dprint(1, str(contents))

  m = re.search("url\((.*?)\)[ ;]", str(contents))
  if not m:
    fatal("Bad font file " + cssurl + " from google: " + str(contents))
  url = m.group(1)
  dprint(1, "Remote ttf: " + url)
  with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as r:
    ttf = r.read()

  # Turn something like Tangerine:bold into Tangerine-bold
  #basename = re.sub(":", "-", name)
  basename = name.replace(":", "-")
  localFile = "images/font-" + basename + ".ttf"
  with open(localFile, "wb") as f:
  dprint(1, "Brought google font into " + localFile)

  return localFile
Пример #2
 def defineTemplate(self, opts, block):
   attributes = parseTagAttributes("template", opts, [ "name", "type" ])
   if not "name" in attributes or not "type" in attributes:
     fatal("Template definition requires both name and type attributes: " + opts)
   name = attributes["name"]
   type = attributes["type"]
   dprint(1, "defining template name " + name + " of type " + type + ": " + str(block))
   self.add(type, name, block)
   return []
Пример #3
 def isOpt(self, k, default):
   if k in self.opt:
     if self.opt[k] == "true":
       return True
     elif self.opt[k] == "false":
       return False
       fatal("Option " + k + ": must be true or false, not " + self.opt[k])
   return default
Пример #4
 def expandMacro(self, opts):
     attributes = parseTagAttributes("expand-macro", opts, [ "name", "vars" ])
     if not "name" in attributes:
       fatal("expand-macro: No macro name given: " + line)
     template = self.get([ "macro" ], attributes["name"])
     if "vars" in attributes:
       keys = parseOption("expand-macro", attributes["vars"])
       keys = {}
     return template.expand(keys)
Пример #5
 def getOptEnum(self, k, map, default):
   tagValue = self.getopt(k)
   if tagValue == '':
     return default
   elif tagValue in map:
     return map[tagValue]
     fatal("Option " + k + ": Illegal value '" + tagValue +
         "'. Legal values are: " + ', '.join(k for k in map))
   return None
Пример #6
def parseOption(tag, arg, legalOptions = None):
    options = parseOption1(arg)

    if legalOptions != None:
      for option in options.keys():
        if not option in legalOptions:
          raise Exception("Option " + option + ": Unknown option in " + arg)
  except Exception as e:
    fatal(tag + ": " + str(e))
  return options
Пример #7
def parseTagAttributes(tag, arg, legalAttributes = None):
  try:  # TODO: Move this up
    attributes = parseTagAttributes1(arg)

    if legalAttributes != None:
      for attribute in attributes.keys():
        if not attribute in legalAttributes:
          raise Exception("Keyword " + attribute + ": Unknown keyword in " + arg)

  except Exception as e:
    fatal(tag + ": " + str(e))
  return attributes
Пример #8
  def footnoteRelocate(opts, block):

    opts = opts.strip()
    # Parse and recreate the footnote tag, to handle autonumbering footnotes
    args = parseTagAttributes("footnote", opts, [ "id" ])
    if not "id" in args:
      fatal("<footnote> does not have id attribute: " + opts)
    id = args["id"]
    target = None
    if id == '#':
      nonlocal footnotec
      id = str(footnotec)
      if mode == asterisk and footnotec <= len(footnoteMarkers):
        displayid = footnoteMarkers[footnotec-1]
        displayid = "[" + id + "]"
      footnotec += 1
      if id in footnoteMarkers:
        i = footnoteMarkers.index(id)
        displayid = id  # Don't add the square brackets
        target = footnoteMarkersText[i]
        if not reset:
          fatal("Use of explicit footnote symbols requires footnote-location to be set to either asterisk or heading-reset: " + str(opts))
        displayid = "[" + id + "]"
    if target == None:
      target = id
    if reset:
      target += "_" + str(footnoteChapter)
    opts = "id='" + displayid + "' target='" + target + "'"

    # Handle fn tags inside footnotes!

    # Recreate the block
    block.insert(0, "<footnote " + opts + ">")

    if emitAtReference:
      noteMap[target] = block
      return []

    # If we aren't supposed to move footnotes, do nothing
    if mode == none:
      return block

    # Otherwise accumulate them for emitting elsewhere
    nonlocal notes

    # Clear the current location of the footnote
    return []
Пример #9
def FNtoHtml(wb):
  matchFN = re.compile("<fn\s+(.*?)/?>")
  footnotes = {}

  # footnote marks in text
  i = 0
  while i < len(wb):
    off = 0
    line = wb[i]
    block = [ ]
    while True:
      m = matchFN.search(line, off)
      if not m:
      opts = m.group(1)
      args = parseTagAttributes("fn", opts, [ "id", "target" ])
      fmid = args["id"]
      if not "target" in args:
        fatal("Missing internal target in fn: " + line)
      target = args["target"]
      dprint(1, "id: " + fmid + ", target: " + target)
      repl = "<sup><span style='font-size:0.9em'>" + fmid + "</span></sup>"

      if target in noteMap:
        # Note no link when we are co-locating the reference with the footnote
        del noteMap[target]
      elif fmid in footnotes and footnotes[fmid] == target:
        wprint('multifootnote', "warning: footnote id <fn id='" + fmid + "'> occurs multiple times.  <footnote> link will be to the first. Line: >>>" + line + "<<<")
        repl = "<a href='#f{0}' style='text-decoration:none'>{1}</a>".format(target, repl)
        footnotes[fmid] = target
        repl = "<a id='r{0}'/><a href='#f{0}' style='text-decoration:none'>{1}</a>".format(target, repl)

      l = line[0:m.start(0)] + repl
      off = len(l)    # Next loop
      line = l + line[m.end(0):]
    wb[i] = line

    # Emit the footnote, right before the line with the footnote reference
    # If the line with the footnote reference is a paragraph start, need
    # to emit the footnote between the paragraph tag, and the rest of the
    # text on the first line of the paragraph
    if len(block) > 0:
      m = re.match("(<p.*?>)", wb[i])
      if m:
        block.insert(0, m.group(1))
        wb[i] = wb[i][len(m.group(1)):]
      wb[i:i] = block
      i += len(block)
    i += 1
Пример #10
def footnotesToHtml(wb):

  matchFN = re.compile("<fn\s+(.*?)/?>")
  footnotes = {}

  # footnote marks in text
  i = 0
  while i < len(wb):
    off = 0
    line = wb[i]
    while True:
      m = matchFN.search(line, off)
      if not m:
      opts = m.group(1)
      args = parseTagAttributes("fn", opts, [ "id", "target" ])
      fmid = args["id"]
      if not "target" in args:
        fatal("Missing internal target in fn: " + line)
      target = args["target"]
      dprint(1, "id: " + fmid + ", target: " + target)
      if fmid in footnotes and footnotes[fmid] == target:
        cprint("warning: footnote id <fn id='" + fmid + "'> occurs multiple times.  <footnote> link will be to the first.")
        repl = "<a href='#f{0}' style='text-decoration:none'><sup><span style='font-size:0.9em'>{1}</span></sup></a>".format(target, fmid)
        footnotes[fmid] = target
        repl = "<a id='r{0}'/><a href='#f{0}' style='text-decoration:none'><sup><span style='font-size:0.9em'>{1}</span></sup></a>".format(target, fmid)
      l = line[0:m.start(0)] + repl
      off = len(l)    # Next loop
      line = l + line[m.end(0):]
    wb[i] = line
    i += 1

  # footnote targets and text
  i = 0
  while i < len(wb):
    m = re.match("<footnote\s+(.*?)>", wb[i])
    if m:
      opts = m.group(1)
      args = parseTagAttributes("footnote", opts, [ "id", "target" ])
      fnid = args["id"]
      target = args["target"]
      wb[i] = "<div id='f{0}'><a href='#r{0}'>{1}</a></div>".format(target, fnid)
      while not re.match("<\/footnote>", wb[i]):
        i += 1
      wb[i] = "</div> <!-- footnote end -->"
    i += 1
Пример #11
def parseStandaloneTagBlock(lines, tag, function, allowClose = False, lineFunction = None):
  i = 0
  startTag = "<" + tag
  endTag = "</" + tag + ">"
  regex = re.compile(startTag + "(.*?)(/)?>")
  while i < len(lines):

    if lineFunction != None:
      insertion = lineFunction(i, lines[i])
      lines[i:i+1] = insertion
      i += len(insertion)-1

    m = regex.match(lines[i])
    if not m:
      i += 1

    openLine = lines[i]
    openArgs = m.group(1)

    block = []
    close = m.group(2)
    if close != None:
      if not allowClose:
        fatal("Open tag " + tag + " marked for close. " + openLine)
      j = i
      j = i+1
      while j < len(lines):
        line = lines[j]
        if line.startswith(endTag):
        if line.startswith(startTag):
          fatal("No closing tag found for " + tag + "; open line: " + openLine +
            "; found another open tag: " + line)
        j += 1

      if j == len(lines):
        fatal("No closing tag found for " + tag + "; open line: " + openLine)
    replacement = function(openArgs, block)

    lines[i:j+1] = replacement
    i += len(replacement)

  return lines
Пример #12
def parseEmbeddedSingleLineTagWithContent(line, tag, function):
  origLine = line
  startTag = "<" + tag
  startLen = len(startTag)
  endTag = "</" + tag + ">"
  endLen = len(endTag)
  off = 0
  while True:
    startTagOff = line.find(startTag, off)
    if startTagOff == -1:
      if endTag in line:
        fatal("Found closing tag " + endTag + " without open tag: " + line)
      return line
    s = list(line)
    startArg = startTagOff + startLen
    c = s[startArg]
    i = startArg
    if c != '>' and c != ' ':
      # Nope, not really this tag
      off = i
    # Look for end of arg
    while s[i] != '>' and s[i] != '\0':
      i += 1
    if s[i] == '\0':
      # Again, not really this tag?  <tag xxx without closing greater...
      off = i
    if s[i-1] == '/':
      fatal("Open tag " + tag + " is marked for close; this tag requires an open and close tag, with text between: " + line)
    arg = line[startArg:i].strip()
    startContent = i+1
    endTagOff = line.find(endTag, startContent)
    if endTagOff == -1:
      fatal("Open tag " + tag + " found, no closing tag: " + line)
    content = line[startContent:endTagOff]

    repl = function(arg, content, origLine)

    leftPart = line[0:startTagOff]
    rightPart = line[endTagOff+endLen:]
    line = leftPart + repl + rightPart
    off = len(leftPart) + len(repl)
Пример #13
def main():
  # process command line
  parser = OptionParser()
  parser.add_option("-i", "--infile",
      dest="infile", default="",
      help="input file")
  parser.add_option("-f", "--format",
      dest="formats", default="th",
      help="format=thkep (text,HTML,Kindle,Epub,PDF)")
  parser.add_option("-d", "--debug",
      dest="debug", default="0",
      help="set debug mode level")
  parser.add_option("", "--save",
      action="store_true", dest="saveint", default=False,
      help="save intermediate file")
      action="store_true", dest="unittest", default=False, help="run unittests")
  parser.add_option("", "--ebookid",
      dest="ebookid", default="",
      help="Create fadedpage zip file")
  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

  print("fpgen {}".format(config.VERSION))

  if options.unittest:
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]
    l = unittest.TestLoader();
    tests = []
    from testtable import TestParseTableColumn, TestMakeTable, TestTableCellFormat
    from parse import TestParseTagAttributes, TestParsing
    from drama import TestDrama, TestOneDramaBlockMethod
    from testtext import TestTextInline, TestTextRewrap
    from footnote import TestFootnote
    from template import TestTemplate
    from testhtml import TestHTMLPara
    for cl in [
      TestParseTableColumn, TestMakeTable, TestDrama, TestParsing,
      TestParseTagAttributes, TestOneDramaBlockMethod, TestTextRewrap,
      TestTextInline, TestTableCellFormat, TestTemplate, TestFootnote,
    tests = l.suiteClass(tests)

  if options.ebookid != "":
    options.formats = "thkep"
    if not re.match("^20[01]\d[01]\d[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]$", options.ebookid):
      fatal("Ebookid doesn't look correct: " + options.ebookid)

  tmp = options.formats
  tmp = re.sub('a|h|t|k|e|p', '', tmp)
  if not tmp == '':
    fatal("format option {} not supported".format(tmp))

  # 'a' format is 'all'
  if options.formats == 'a':
    options.formats = "htpek"

  # Can either use -i file, or just file.
  if len(args) > 1:
    fatal("Too many positional options")

  if len(args) == 1:
    if options.infile == '':
      options.infile = args[0]
      fatal("Positional argument is incompatible with the file option -i/--infile")

  # Nothing specified? See if exactly one file matching *-src.txt in current dir
  if options.infile == '':
    for file in os.listdir('.'):
      if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*-src.txt'):
        if options.infile != '':
          fatal("Input file not specified; multiple found in the current directory.")
        options.infile = file
    if options.infile == '':
      fatal("Missing source file option -i/--infile")

  # check input filename
  m = re.match('(.*?)-src.txt', options.infile)
  if not m:
    print("source filename must end in \"-src.txt\".")
    print("example: midnight-src.txt will generate midnight.html, midnight.txt")
    input = m.group(1)

    processFile(options, input)
  except FileNotFoundError:
    fatal(options.infile + ": File not found")
Пример #14
def parseLineEntry(tag, line):
  pattern = "^<" + tag + "\s*(.*?)>(.*)</" + tag + ">$"
  m = re.match(pattern, line)
  if not m:
    fatal("Incorrect line: " + line)
  return m.group(1), m.group(2)
Пример #15
def parseEmbeddedTagBlock(lines, tag, function):
  i = 0
  startTag = "<" + tag
  endTag = "</" + tag + ">"
  regex = re.compile(startTag + "(.*?)>")
  regexEnd = re.compile(endTag)
  while i < len(lines):
    m = regex.search(lines[i])
    if not m:
      i += 1

    openLine = lines[i]
    openArgs = m.group(1)
    block = []
    startLineStart = openLine[:m.start(0)]
    startLineTrailer = openLine[m.end(0):]
    line = startLineTrailer
    startLineNumber = i

    j = i
    while True:
      m = regexEnd.search(line)
      if m:
        endLineStart = line[:m.start(0)]
        endLineTrailer = line[m.end(0):]
        if endLineStart != "":
        endLineNumber = j
        if len(block) == 0 and startLineNumber != endLineNumber:
      if j == startLineNumber:
        if startLineTrailer != "":
      j += 1
      if j == len(lines):
        fatal("No closing tag found for " + tag + "; open line: " + openLine)
      line = lines[j]

    replacement = function(openArgs, block)

    # put startLine at the beginning of the first line,
    # put endLineTrailer at the end of the last line.
    n = len(replacement)
    if n == 0:
      if startLineNumber == endLineNumber:
        # <tag>xxx</tag> => ""
        # b4<tag>xxx</tag> => b4
        # b4<tag>xxx</tag>after => b4after
        # <tag>xxx</tag>after => after
        replacement.append(startLineStart + endLineTrailer)
        # <tag>x\nx</tag> => "", ""
        # b4<tag>x\nx</tag> => b4, ""
        # b4<tag>x\nx</tag>after => b4, after
        # <tag>x\nx</tag>after => "", after
      # <tag></tag>; repl=R => block=[], R
      # <tag></tag>after; repl=R => block=[], Rafter
      # b4<tag></tag>; repl=R => block=[], b4R
      # b4<tag></tag>after; repl=R => block=[], b4Rafter
      # <tag>\n</tag>; repl=R => block=[""], R
      # <tag>\n</tag>after; repl=R => block=[""], R\nafter
      # b4<tag>\n</tag>; repl=R => block=[""], b4\nR
      # b4<tag>\n</tag>after; repl=R => block=[""], b4\nR\nafter
      # b4<tag>x\n</tag>after; repl=R => block=["x"], b4\nR\nafter
      # b4<tag>x\ny</tag>after; repl=R => block=["x","y"], b4\nR\nafter
      if startLineNumber == endLineNumber:
        # On the same line, prefix & suffix on same line
        replacement[0] = startLineStart + replacement[0]
        replacement[-1] = replacement[-1] + endLineTrailer
        # On different lines, prefix & suffix on different lines
        if startLineStart != "":
          replacement.insert(0, startLineStart)
        if endLineTrailer != "":

    lines[i:j+1] = replacement

    # Keep going, in case there are more tags on the same line.
    # Danger! One consequence is recursion, we will expand an
    # expanded tag.  Would be nice to keep going, but only on the
    # end of the current line...
    #i += len(replacement)

  return lines
Пример #16
  def chapterTemplates(self, lines, properties, meta):

    # Figure out what template name to use.
    if "template-chapter" in properties:
      chapterTemplateName = properties["template-chapter"]
      chapterTemplateName = "default"
    if "template-chapter-first" in properties:
      chapterTemplateNameFirst = properties["template-chapter-first"]
      chapterTemplateNameFirst = "default-first"

    dprint(1, "Chapter Template: Using first: " + chapterTemplateNameFirst + \
        ", subsequent: " + chapterTemplateName)

    # Now we can set the globals, since we have now extracted all the metadata

    # Figure out which templates we are going to use.
    tFirst = self.get([ "chapter" ], chapterTemplateNameFirst)
    t = self.get([ "chapter" ], chapterTemplateName)

    regexMacro = re.compile("<expand-macro\s+(.*?)/?>")
    i = 0
    first = True
    while i < len(lines):
      line = lines[i]
      if line.startswith("<chap-head"):
        keys = {}
        opts, keys["chap-head"] = parseLineEntry("chap-head", line)
        j = i+1
        while j < len(lines) and re.match(lines[j], "^\s*$"):
          j += 1
        if j == len(lines):
          fatal("End of file after <chap-head>")
        if opts !=  "":
          attributes = parseTagAttributes("chap-head", opts, [ "vars" ])
          dprint(1, "<chap-head> attributes: " + str(attributes))
          if "vars" in attributes:
            vars = parseOption("chap-head", attributes["vars"])
            dprint(1, "<chap-head> vars: " + str(vars))

        line = lines[j]
        if line.startswith("<sub-head"):
          opts, keys["sub-head"] = parseLineEntry("sub-head", line)
          # Do not eat this line!
          j -= 1

        # If the first we've seen, it starts the book
        if first:
          templ = tFirst
          first = False
          templ = t

        dprint(1, "expand keys: " + str(keys))
        replacement = templ.expand(keys)
        dprint(2, "replace " + str(lines[i:j+1]) + " with " + str(replacement))
        lines[i:j+1] = replacement
        i += len(replacement)

      if line.startswith("<sub-head>"):
        fatal("Found <sub-head> not after a <chap-head>: " + line)

      # What about multiple macro expansions on a line?  Or recursion?
      # Make it simpler for now by just punting: if you expand, then we move on
      # to the next line.
      m = regexMacro.search(line)
      if m:
        opts = m.group(1)
        attributes = parseTagAttributes("expand-macro", opts, [ "name", "vars" ])
        if not "name" in attributes:
          fatal("expand-macro: No macro name given: " + line)
        template = self.get([ "macro" ], attributes["name"])
        if "vars" in attributes:
          keys = parseOption("expand-macro", attributes["vars"])
          keys = {}
        replacement = template.expand(keys)
        prefix = line[:m.start(0)]
        suffix = line[m.end(0):]

        if len(replacement) == 0:
          # If the template returns nothing, then you end up with a single line of
          # the prefix and suffix around the <expand-macro>
          replacement = [ prefix + suffix ]
          # Otherwise the prefix goes on the first line; and the suffix at the end of
          # the last; which might be the same single line.
          replacement[0] = prefix + replacement[0]
          replacement[-1] = replacement[-1] + suffix
        lines[i:i+1] = replacement
        i += len(replacement)

      i += 1
Пример #17
  def processLine(i, line):
    nonlocal fnc, footnotec

    # Process <fn> tags, fixing id='#' with an appropriate number
    # Loop, can be multiple on a line.
    off = 0
    while True:
      m = matchFN.search(line, off)
      if not m:
      opts = m.group(1)
      args = parseTagAttributes("fn", opts, [ "id" ])
      if not "id" in args:
        fatal("<fn> does not have id attribute: " + line)
      id = args["id"]
      target = None
      if id == '#':
        id = str(fnc)
        if mode == asterisk and fnc <= len(footnoteMarkers):
          displayid = footnoteMarkers[fnc-1]
          displayid = "[" + id + "]"
        fnc += 1
        if id in footnoteMarkers:
          i = footnoteMarkers.index(id)
          displayid = id  # Don't add the square brackets
          target = footnoteMarkersText[i]
          displayid = "[" + id + "]"
      if target == None:
        target = id
      if reset:
        nonlocal footnoteChapter
        target += "_" + str(footnoteChapter)
      opts = "id='" + displayid + "' target='" + target + "'"
      l = line[:m.start(0)] + "<fn " + opts + ">"
      off = len(l)    # Start next loop after end of this
      line = l + line[m.end(0):]

    # Are we going to emit it here?
    # Always emit if we hit a genfootnotes,
    # emit when we hit a heading, but only in heading mode.
    emit = False
    if line.startswith("<genfootnotes>"):
      emit = True
      line = None       # Remove the line, we don't want it!
    elif emitAtHeading:
      if line.startswith("<heading"):
        emit = True

    # If there weren't any, forget it, nothing to do
    if len(notes) == 0:
      emit = False

    if not emit:
      if line == None:
        return []
        return [ line ]

    all = formatNotes(line)

    # If our mode is reset, then whenever we emit, we reset our counters
    if reset:
      fnc = 1
      footnotec = 1
      footnoteChapter += 1

    return all
Пример #18
def relocateFootnotes(block):
  #self.dprint(1, "relocate footnotes")

  none = 1
  heading = 2
  headingReset = 3
  marker = 4
  asterisk = 5
  options = {
      'heading':heading, 'heading-reset':headingReset,
  tagValue = config.uopt.getopt("footnote-location")
  if tagValue == '':
    mode = none
  elif tagValue in options:
    mode = options[tagValue]
    fatal("footnote-location option " + tagValue + " is not legal.  Valid values are: none, heading, heading-reset, marker.")

  notes = []
  fnc = 1
  footnotec = 1
  footnoteChapter = 1
  reset = (mode == headingReset or mode == asterisk)
  emitAtHeading = (mode == heading or reset)
  matchFN = re.compile("<fn\s+(.*?)/?>")

  # When we hit a footnote block, accumulate it, and clear it from
  # the current text.
  # Handle auto-incrementing footnote ids
  def footnoteRelocate(opts, block):

    opts = opts.strip()
    # Parse and recreate the footnote tag, to handle autonumbering footnotes
    args = parseTagAttributes("footnote", opts, [ "id" ])
    if not "id" in args:
      fatal("<footnote> does not have id attribute: " + opts)
    id = args["id"]
    target = None
    if id == '#':
      nonlocal footnotec
      id = str(footnotec)
      if mode == asterisk and footnotec <= len(footnoteMarkers):
        displayid = footnoteMarkers[footnotec-1]
        displayid = "[" + id + "]"
      footnotec += 1
      if id in footnoteMarkers:
        i = footnoteMarkers.index(id)
        displayid = id  # Don't add the square brackets
        target = footnoteMarkersText[i]
        if not reset:
          fatal("Use of explicit footnote symbols requires footnote-location to be set to either asterisk or heading-reset: " + str(opts))
        displayid = "[" + id + "]"
    if target == None:
      target = id
    if reset:
      target += "_" + str(footnoteChapter)
    opts = "id='" + displayid + "' target='" + target + "'"

    # Handle fn tags inside footnotes!

    # Recreate the block
    block.insert(0, "<footnote " + opts + ">")

    # If we aren't supposed to move footnotes, do nothing
    if mode == none:
      return block

    # Otherwise accumulate them for emitting elsewhere
    nonlocal notes

    # Clear the current location of the footnote
    return []

  # Method called on every line.
  def processLine(i, line):
    nonlocal fnc, footnotec

    # Process <fn> tags, fixing id='#' with an appropriate number
    # Loop, can be multiple on a line.
    off = 0
    while True:
      m = matchFN.search(line, off)
      if not m:
      opts = m.group(1)
      args = parseTagAttributes("fn", opts, [ "id" ])
      if not "id" in args:
        fatal("<fn> does not have id attribute: " + line)
      id = args["id"]
      target = None
      if id == '#':
        id = str(fnc)
        if mode == asterisk and fnc <= len(footnoteMarkers):
          displayid = footnoteMarkers[fnc-1]
          displayid = "[" + id + "]"
        fnc += 1
        if id in footnoteMarkers:
          i = footnoteMarkers.index(id)
          displayid = id  # Don't add the square brackets
          target = footnoteMarkersText[i]
          displayid = "[" + id + "]"
      if target == None:
        target = id
      if reset:
        nonlocal footnoteChapter
        target += "_" + str(footnoteChapter)
      opts = "id='" + displayid + "' target='" + target + "'"
      l = line[:m.start(0)] + "<fn " + opts + ">"
      off = len(l)    # Start next loop after end of this
      line = l + line[m.end(0):]

    # Are we going to emit it here?
    # Always emit if we hit a genfootnotes,
    # emit when we hit a heading, but only in heading mode.
    emit = False
    if line.startswith("<genfootnotes>"):
      emit = True
      line = None       # Remove the line, we don't want it!
    elif emitAtHeading:
      if line.startswith("<heading"):
        emit = True

    # If there weren't any, forget it, nothing to do
    if len(notes) == 0:
      emit = False

    if not emit:
      if line == None:
        return []
        return [ line ]

    all = formatNotes(line)

    # If our mode is reset, then whenever we emit, we reset our counters
    if reset:
      fnc = 1
      footnotec = 1
      footnoteChapter += 1

    return all

  def formatNotes(line):
    nonlocal notes

    # Emit a footnote mark, then all the footnotes, then a blank line,
    # then this current line which triggered us
    all = [ "<hr rend='footnotemark'>" ]
    for block in notes:
      all.append("") # Blank line between footnotes and after
    if line != None:

    # We emitted, so clear the current footnotes
    notes = []

    return all

  parseStandaloneTagBlock(block, "footnote", footnoteRelocate,
      lineFunction = processLine)

  # Anything left when we get to the end of the file? i.e. last chapter?
  if len(notes) != 0:
    block += formatNotes(None)