Пример #1
    def save(self):
        "Save the trajs as a n MSMBuilder project"

        traj_dir = pjoin(self.project_dir, 'Trajectories')
        if not os.path.exists(traj_dir):

        t = Trajectory.load_trajectory_file(self.conf_filename)

        traj_paths = []
        for i, xyz in enumerate(self.trajectories):
            t['IndexList'] = None  # bug in msmbuilder
            t['XYZList'] = xyz

            traj_paths.append(pjoin(traj_dir, 'trj%d.lh5' % i))

        p = Project(
                'conf_filename': os.path.abspath(self.conf_filename),
                'traj_lengths': self.n_frames * np.ones(self.n_trajs),
                'traj_paths': [os.path.abspath(e) for e in traj_paths],
                'traj_converted_from': [[] for i in range(self.n_trajs)],
                'traj_errors': [None for i in range(self.n_trajs)],
        p.save(pjoin(self.project_dir, 'Project.yaml'))

        # just check again
        p = Project.load_from(pjoin(self.project_dir, 'Project.yaml'))
        assert np.all(
            (p.load_traj(0)['XYZList'] - self.trajectories[0])**2 < 1e-6)
Пример #2
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--n_trajs', help='number of trajectories. Default=10', type=int, default=10)
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--traj_length', help='trajectories length. Default=10000', type=int, default=10000)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # these could be configured
    kT = 15.0
    dt = 0.1
    mGamma = 1000.0
    forcecalculator = muller.muller_force()

    project = Project({'ConfFilename': os.path.join(mullermsm.__path__[0], 'conf.pdb'),
              'NumTrajs': args.n_trajs,
              'ProjectRootDir': '.',
              'TrajFileBaseName': 'trj',
              'TrajFilePath': 'Trajectories',
              'TrajFileType': '.lh5',
              'TrajLengths': [args.traj_length]*args.n_trajs})
    if os.path.exists('ProjectInfo.h5'):
        print >> sys.stderr, "The file ./ProjectInfo.h5 already exists. I don't want to overwrite anything, so i'm backing off"
    except OSError:
        print >> sys.stderr, "The directory ./Trajectores already exists. I don't want to overwrite anything, so i'm backing off"
    for i in range(args.n_trajs):
        print 'simulating traj %s' % i
        # select initial configs randomly from a 2D box
        initial_x = [random.uniform(-1.5, 1.2), random.uniform(-0.2, 2)]
        print 'starting conformation from randomly sampled points (%s, %s)' % (initial_x[0], initial_x[1])
        print 'propagating for %s steps on the Muller potential with a Langevin integrator...' % args.traj_length
        positions = muller.propagate(args.traj_length, initial_x, kT, dt, mGamma, forcecalculator)

        # positions is N x 2, but we want to make it N x 1 x 3 where the additional
        # column is just zeros. This way, being N x 1 x 3, it looks like a regular MD
        # trajectory that would be N_frames x N_atoms x 3
        positions3 = np.hstack((positions, np.zeros((len(positions),1)))).reshape((len(positions), 1, 3))
        t = Trajectory.LoadTrajectoryFile(project['ConfFilename'])
        t['XYZList'] = positions3
        print 'saving trajectory to %s' % project.GetTrajFilename(i)
    print 'saved ProjectInfo.h5 file'

    pickle.dump(metric.EuclideanMetric(), open('metric.pickl', 'w'))
    print 'saved metric.pickl'
def run(traj_dir, conf_filename, project_filename, iext):
    logger.info("Rebuilding project.")
    file_list = glob.glob(traj_dir + "/trj*%s" % iext)
    num_traj = len(file_list)

    traj_lengths = np.zeros(num_traj, 'int')
    traj_paths = []

    if not os.path.exists(conf_filename):
        raise(IOError("Cannot find conformation file %s" % conf_filename))

    file_list = sorted(file_list, key=utils.keynat)
    for i, filename in enumerate(file_list):
        traj_lengths[i] = len(md.open(filename))

    records = {
        "conf_filename": conf_filename,
        "traj_lengths": traj_lengths,
        "traj_paths": traj_paths,
        "traj_errors": [None for i in xrange(num_traj)],
        "traj_converted_from": [[] for i in xrange(num_traj)]

    p = Project(records)
    logger.info("Wrote %s" % project_filename)
Пример #4
 def setup(self):
     self.metric = metrics.Dihedral()
     self.pdb_fn = os.path.join(fixtures_dir(), 'native.pdb')
     self.trj_fn = os.path.join(fixtures_dir(), 'trj0.lh5')
     self.project = Project({'traj_lengths': [501], 'traj_paths': [self.trj_fn],
                        'conf_filename': self.pdb_fn, 'traj_converted_from': [None],
                        'traj_errors': [None]})
     self.vtraj = partition(self.project, chunk_size=501)[0]
Пример #5
def test_project_2():
    'inconsistent lengths should be detected'
    records = {'conf_filename': None,
               'traj_lengths': [0,0], # this is one too short
               'traj_errors': [None, None, None],
               'traj_paths': ['t0', 't1', 't2'],
               'traj_converted_from': [None, None, None]}
    proj = Project(records, validate=False)
Пример #6
 def setup(self):
     self.metric = metrics.Dihedral()
     self.pdb_fn = os.path.join(fixtures_dir(), 'native.pdb')
     self.trj_fn = os.path.join(fixtures_dir(), 'trj0.lh5')
     self.project = Project({
         'NumTrajs': 1,
         'TrajLengths': [501],
         'TrajFileBaseName': 'trj',
         'TrajFileType': '.lh5',
         'ConfFilename': self.pdb_fn,
         'TrajFilePath': fixtures_dir()
     self.vtraj = partition(self.project, chunk_size=501)[0]
Пример #7
def test_project_1():
    'ensure that the counting of errors works right'
    records = {'conf_filename': None,
               'traj_lengths': [0,0,0],
               'traj_errors': [None, 1, None],
               'traj_paths': ['t0', 't1', 't2'],
               'traj_converted_from': [None, None, None]}
    proj = Project(records, validate=False)

    eq_(proj.n_trajs, 2)
    eq_(os.path.basename(proj.traj_filename(0)), 't0')

    # since t1 should be skipped
    eq_(os.path.basename(proj.traj_filename(1)), 't2')