Пример #1
def get_rmsd(initparas):

    global idxs, mcresids2, atompairs

    #Modify the C4 terms in the prmtop file
    for i in range(0, len(idxs)):
        prmtop.parm_data['LENNARD_JONES_CCOEF'][idxs[i]] = initparas[i]

    #Overwrite the prmtop file

    #Perform the OpenMM optimization
    #Use AmberParm function to transfer the topology and
    #coordinate file to the object OpenMM can use
    Ambermol = AmberParm('OptC4.top', options.cfile)

    # Create the OpenMM system
    print('Creating OpenMM System')
    if options.simupha == 'gas':
        system = Ambermol.createSystem(nonbondedMethod=app.NoCutoff)
    elif options.simupha == 'liquid':
        system = Ambermol.createSystem(nonbondedMethod=app.PME,

    #Add restraints
    force = mm.CustomExternalForce("k*((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2+(z-z0)^2)")
    force.addGlobalParameter("k", 200.0)
    #for i in range(0, len(Ambermol.atoms)):
    for i, atom_crd in enumerate(Ambermol.positions):
        #if (Ambermol.atoms[i].residue.number+1 not in mcresids2) and \
        if (i+1 not in mcresids2) and \
          (Ambermol.atoms[i].residue.name not in ['WAT', 'HOH']) and \
          (Ambermol.atoms[i].name in ['CA', 'C', 'N']):
            force.addParticle(i, atom_crd.value_in_unit(u.nanometers))

    # Create the integrator to do Langevin dynamics
    # Temperature of heat bath, Friction coefficient, Time step
    integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(300*u.kelvin, 1.0/u.picoseconds,

    # Define the platform to use; CUDA, OpenCL, CPU, or Reference. Or do not
    # specify the platform to use the default (fastest) platform
    # Create the Simulation object
    if options.platf == 'ref':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference')
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform)
    elif options.platf == 'cpu':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CPU')
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform)
    elif options.platf == 'cuda':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CUDA')
        prop = dict(CudaPrecision='mixed')
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform,
    elif options.platf == 'opencl':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('OpenCL')
        prop = dict(CudaPrecision='mixed')
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform,

    # Set the particle positions

    # Output the rst file
    restrt = RestartReporter(options.rfile, 100, write_velocities=False)

    # Minimize the energy
    print('Minimizing energy ' + str(options.maxsteps) + ' steps.')

    # Overwrite the final file
    state = sim.context.getState(getPositions=True, enforcePeriodicBox=True)
    restrt.report(sim, state)

    val_aft_min = []
    crds_aft_min = read_rstf(options.rfile)
    for i in atompairs:
        if len(i) == 2:
            crd1 = crds_aft_min[i[0]-1]
            crd2 = crds_aft_min[i[1]-1]
            bond = calc_bond(crd1, crd2)
            val_aft_min.append(('bond', bond))
        elif len(i) == 3:
            crd1 = crds_aft_min[i[0]-1]
            crd2 = crds_aft_min[i[1]-1]
            crd3 = crds_aft_min[i[2]-1]
            angle = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)
            val_aft_min.append(('angle', angle))
        elif len(i) == 4:
            crd1 = crds_aft_min[i[0]-1]
            crd2 = crds_aft_min[i[1]-1]
            crd3 = crds_aft_min[i[2]-1]
            crd4 = crds_aft_min[i[3]-1]
            dih = calc_dih(crd1, crd2, crd3, crd4)
            val_aft_min.append(('dih', dih))

    valdiffs = []
    for i in range(0, len(atompairs)):
        if val_bf_min[i][0] == 'bond':
            valdiff = abs(val_aft_min[i][1] - val_bf_min[i][1]) * 1.0 / 100.0
        elif val_bf_min[i][0] == 'angle':
            valdiff = abs(val_aft_min[i][1] - val_bf_min[i][1]) * 1.0 / 2.0
        elif val_bf_min[i][0] == 'dih':
            valdiff = abs(val_aft_min[i][1] - val_bf_min[i][1])
            if (360.0 - valdiff < valdiff):
                valdiff = 360.0 - valdiff

    fnldiff = numpy.sum(valdiffs)

    return fnldiff
Пример #2
def get_ang_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3, scalef, angavg):

    #get the angle value
    crd1 = crds[3 * nat1 - 3:3 * nat1]
    crd2 = crds[3 * nat2 - 3:3 * nat2]
    crd3 = crds[3 * nat3 - 3:3 * nat3]
    dis12 = calc_bond(crd1, crd2)  #unit is bohr
    dis32 = calc_bond(crd3, crd2)  #unit is bohr

    #get the unit vector
    vec12 = array(crd2) - array(crd1)  #vec12 is vec2 - vec1
    vec32 = array(crd2) - array(crd3)
    vec12 = array([i / dis12 for i in vec12])
    vec32 = array([i / dis32 for i in vec32])

    angval = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)

    #get the normalized vector
    vecUNp = cross(vec32, vec12)
    vecUN = array([i / norm(vecUNp) for i in vecUNp])  #vecUN is the vector
    #perpendicular to the plance of ABC

    vecPA = cross(vecUN, vec12)
    vecPC = cross(vec32, vecUN)

    afcmatrix12 = array([[float(0) for x in range(3)] for x in range(3)])
    afcmatrix32 = array([[float(0) for x in range(3)] for x in range(3)])

    #1. First way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 * (nat1 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat2 - 1) + j]
    for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
            afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 * (nat3 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat2 - 1) + j]
    eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
    eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
    contri12 = 0.0
    contri32 = 0.0
    for i in range(0, 3):
        ev12 = eigvector12[:, i]
        ev32 = eigvector32[:, i]
        contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
        contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
    contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
    contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
    fcfinal1 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5

    if angavg == 1:
        #2. Second way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 *
                                              (nat2 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat1 - 1) + j]
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 *
                                              (nat3 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat2 - 1) + j]
        eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
        eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
        contri12 = 0.0
        contri32 = 0.0
        for i in range(0, 3):
            ev12 = eigvector12[:, i]
            ev32 = eigvector32[:, i]
            contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
            contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
        contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
        contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
        fcfinal2 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5

        #Hatree to kcal/mol
        #Times 0.5 factor since AMBER use k(r-r0)^2 but not 1/2*k*(r-r0)^2

        #3. Third way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 *
                                              (nat1 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat2 - 1) + j]
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 *
                                              (nat2 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat3 - 1) + j]
        eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
        eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
        contri12 = 0.0
        contri32 = 0.0
        for i in range(0, 3):
            ev12 = eigvector12[:, i]
            ev32 = eigvector32[:, i]
            contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
            contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
        contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
        contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
        fcfinal3 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5

        #4. Fourth way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 *
                                              (nat2 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat1 - 1) + j]
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3 *
                                              (nat2 - 1) + i][3 *
                                                              (nat3 - 1) + j]
        eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
        eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
        contri12 = 0.0
        contri32 = 0.0
        for i in range(0, 3):
            ev12 = eigvector12[:, i]
            ev32 = eigvector32[:, i]
            contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
            contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
        contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
        contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
        fcfinal4 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5

        fcfinal = average([fcfinal1, fcfinal2, fcfinal3, fcfinal4])
        stdv = std([fcfinal1, fcfinal2, fcfinal3, fcfinal4])
        fcfinal = fcfinal * scalef * scalef
        stdv = stdv * scalef * scalef
        return angval, fcfinal, stdv

    elif angavg == 0:
        fcfinal = fcfinal1 * scalef * scalef
        return angval, fcfinal
Пример #3

#Calculate the distances between metal ion and ligating atoms
val_bf_min = []
crds_bf_min = read_rstf(options.cfile)
for i in atompairs:
    if len(i) == 2:
        crd1 = crds_bf_min[i[0]-1]
        crd2 = crds_bf_min[i[1]-1]
        bond = calc_bond(crd1, crd2)
        val_bf_min.append(('bond', bond))
    elif len(i) == 3:
        crd1 = crds_bf_min[i[0]-1]
        crd2 = crds_bf_min[i[1]-1]
        crd3 = crds_bf_min[i[2]-1]
        angle = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)
        val_bf_min.append(('angle', angle))
    elif len(i) == 4:
        crd1 = crds_bf_min[i[0]-1]
        crd2 = crds_bf_min[i[1]-1]
        crd3 = crds_bf_min[i[2]-1]
        crd4 = crds_bf_min[i[3]-1]
        dih = calc_dih(crd1, crd2, crd3, crd4)
        val_bf_min.append(('dih', dih))

print("Bond, angle and dihedral before minimization...")

#Get the Amber mask of the metal center complex and print it into ptraj.in file
Пример #4
def gene_by_empirical_way(smpdbf, ionids, stfpf, pref, finf):

    print("*                                                                *")
    print("*===========Using the empirical way to solve the problem=========*")
    print("*                                                                *")

    #Read from small pdb
    mol, atids, resids = get_atominfo_fpdb(smpdbf)
    blist = get_mc_blist(mol, atids, ionids, stfpf)
    alist = get_alist(mol, blist)

    attypdict = get_attypdict(stfpf, atids)
    missbondtyps, missangtyps = get_misstyps(pref)

    finalparmdict = {}

    #for bond
    print("=======================Generate the bond parameters===============")

    for misbond in missbondtyps:
        bondlen = []
        bfconst = []
        for bond in blist:
            at1 = bond[0]
            at2 = bond[1]
            bondtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2])
            if bondtyp == misbond or bondtyp[::-1] == misbond:
                crd1 = mol.atoms[at1].crd
                crd2 = mol.atoms[at2].crd
                dis = calc_bond(crd1, crd2)
                dis = round(dis, 4)

                #get the atom number
                elmt1 = mol.atoms[at1].element
                elmt2 = mol.atoms[at2].element
                elmts = [elmt1, elmt2]
                elmts = sorted(elmts)

                fcfinal = fcfit_ep_bond(dis, elmts)

        #Get average bond parameters
        misbondat12 = misbond[0] + '-' + misbond[1]
        bond_para = avg_bond_para(misbondat12, bondlen, bfconst)
        #get the force constant
        finalparmdict[misbondat12] = bond_para

    #for angle
    print("=======================Generate the angle parameters==============")

    for misang in missangtyps:
        angvals = []
        afconst = []
        for ang in alist:
            at1 = ang[0]
            at2 = ang[1]
            at3 = ang[2]
            angtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2], attypdict[at3])
            if angtyp == misang or angtyp[::-1] == misang:
                crd1 = mol.atoms[at1].crd
                crd2 = mol.atoms[at2].crd
                crd3 = mol.atoms[at3].crd
                angval = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)

                elmt1 = mol.atoms[at1].element
                elmt2 = mol.atoms[at2].element
                elmt3 = mol.atoms[at3].element
                elmts = [elmt1, elmt2, elmt3]
                fcfinal = fcfit_ep_angle(elmts)

        #Get average angle parameters
        misangat123 = misang[0] + '-' + misang[1] + '-' + misang[2]
        ang_para = avg_angle_para(misangat123, angvals, afconst)
        finalparmdict[misangat123] = ang_para

    #Print out the final frcmod file
    print_frcmod_file(pref, finf, finalparmdict, 'empirical')
Пример #5
def get_ang_fc_with_sem(crds, fcmatrix, nat1, nat2, nat3, scalef, angavg):

    #get the angle value
    crd1 = crds[3*nat1-3:3*nat1]
    crd2 = crds[3*nat2-3:3*nat2]
    crd3 = crds[3*nat3-3:3*nat3]
    dis12 = calc_bond(crd1, crd2) #unit is bohr
    dis32 = calc_bond(crd3, crd2) #unit is bohr

    #get the unit vector
    vec12 = array(crd2) - array(crd1) #vec12 is vec2 - vec1
    vec32 = array(crd2) - array(crd3)
    vec12 = array([i/dis12 for i in vec12])
    vec32 = array([i/dis32 for i in vec32])

    angval = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)

    #get the normalized vector
    vecUNp = cross(vec32, vec12)
    vecUN = array([i/norm(vecUNp) for i in vecUNp]) #vecUN is the vector
                                     #perpendicular to the plance of ABC

    vecPA = cross(vecUN, vec12)
    vecPC = cross(vec32, vecUN)

    afcmatrix12 = array([[float(0) for x in range(3)] for x in range(3)])
    afcmatrix32 = array([[float(0) for x in range(3)] for x in range(3)])

    #1. First way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
    for i in range(0, 3):
      for j in range(0, 3):
        afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat1-1)+i][3*(nat2-1)+j]
    for i in range(0, 3):
      for j in range(0, 3):
        afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat3-1)+i][3*(nat2-1)+j]
    eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
    eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
    contri12 = 0.0
    contri32 = 0.0
    for i in range(0, 3):
      ev12 = eigvector12[:,i]
      ev32 = eigvector32[:,i]
      contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
      contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
    contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
    contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
    fcfinal1 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5

    if angavg == 1:
      #2. Second way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
      for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
          afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat2-1)+i][3*(nat1-1)+j]
      for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
          afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat3-1)+i][3*(nat2-1)+j]
      eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
      eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
      contri12 = 0.0
      contri32 = 0.0
      for i in range(0, 3):
        ev12 = eigvector12[:,i]
        ev32 = eigvector32[:,i]
        contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
        contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
      contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
      contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
      fcfinal2 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5
      #Hatree to kcal/mol
      #Times 0.5 factor since AMBER use k(r-r0)^2 but not 1/2*k*(r-r0)^2
      #3. Third way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
      for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
          afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat1-1)+i][3*(nat2-1)+j]
      for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
          afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat2-1)+i][3*(nat3-1)+j]
      eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
      eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
      contri12 = 0.0
      contri32 = 0.0
      for i in range(0, 3):
        ev12 = eigvector12[:,i]
        ev32 = eigvector32[:,i]
        contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
        contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
      contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
      contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
      fcfinal3 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5

      #4. Fourth way to chose the matrix----------------------------------
      for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
          afcmatrix12[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat2-1)+i][3*(nat1-1)+j]
      for i in range(0, 3):
        for j in range(0, 3):
          afcmatrix32[i][j] = -fcmatrix[3*(nat2-1)+i][3*(nat3-1)+j]
      eigval12, eigvector12 = eig(afcmatrix12)
      eigval32, eigvector32 = eig(afcmatrix32)
      contri12 = 0.0
      contri32 = 0.0
      for i in range(0, 3):
        ev12 = eigvector12[:,i]
        ev32 = eigvector32[:,i]
        contri12 = contri12 + eigval12[i] * abs(dot(vecPA, ev12))
        contri32 = contri32 + eigval32[i] * abs(dot(vecPC, ev32))
      contri12 = 1.0 / (contri12 * dis12 * dis12)
      contri32 = 1.0 / (contri32 * dis32 * dis32)
      fcfinal4 = (1.0 / (contri12 + contri32)) * H_TO_KCAL_MOL * 0.5
      fcfinal = average([fcfinal1, fcfinal2, fcfinal3, fcfinal4])
      stdv = std([fcfinal1, fcfinal2, fcfinal3, fcfinal4])
      fcfinal = fcfinal * scalef * scalef
      stdv = stdv * scalef * scalef
      return angval, fcfinal, stdv

    elif angavg == 0:
      fcfinal = fcfinal1 * scalef * scalef
      return angval, fcfinal
Пример #6
def gene_by_empirical_way(smpdbf, ionids, stfpf, pref, finf):

    print("*                                                                *")
    print("*===========Using the empirical way to solve the problem=========*")
    print("*                                                                *")

    #Read from small pdb
    mol, atids, resids = get_atominfo_fpdb(smpdbf)
    blist = get_mc_blist(mol, atids, ionids, stfpf)
    alist = get_alist(mol, blist)

    attypdict = get_attypdict(stfpf, atids)
    missbondtyps, missangtyps = get_misstyps(pref)

    finalparmdict = {}

    #for bond
    print("=======================Generate the bond parameters===============")

    for misbond in missbondtyps:
      bondlen = []
      bfconst = []
      for bond in blist:
        at1 = bond[0]
        at2 = bond[1]
        bondtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2])
        if bondtyp == misbond or bondtyp[::-1] == misbond:
          crd1 = mol.atoms[at1].crd
          crd2 = mol.atoms[at2].crd
          dis = calc_bond(crd1, crd2)
          dis = round(dis, 4)

          #get the atom number
          elmt1 = mol.atoms[at1].element
          elmt2 = mol.atoms[at2].element
          elmts = [elmt1, elmt2]
          elmts = sorted(elmts)

          fcfinal = fcfit_ep_bond(dis, elmts)

      #Get average bond parameters
      misbondat12 = misbond[0] + '-' + misbond[1]
      bond_para = avg_bond_para(misbondat12, bondlen, bfconst)
      #get the force constant
      finalparmdict[misbondat12] = bond_para

    #for angle
    print("=======================Generate the angle parameters==============")

    for misang in missangtyps:
      angvals = []
      afconst = []
      for ang in alist:
        at1 = ang[0]
        at2 = ang[1]
        at3 = ang[2]
        angtyp = (attypdict[at1], attypdict[at2], attypdict[at3])
        if angtyp == misang or angtyp[::-1] == misang:
          crd1 = mol.atoms[at1].crd
          crd2 = mol.atoms[at2].crd
          crd3 = mol.atoms[at3].crd
          angval = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)

          elmt1 = mol.atoms[at1].element
          elmt2 = mol.atoms[at2].element
          elmt3 = mol.atoms[at3].element
          elmts = [elmt1, elmt2, elmt3]
          fcfinal = fcfit_ep_angle(elmts)

      #Get average angle parameters
      misangat123 = misang[0] + '-' + misang[1] + '-' + misang[2]
      ang_para = avg_angle_para(misangat123, angvals, afconst)
      finalparmdict[misangat123] = ang_para

    #Print out the final frcmod file
    print_frcmod_file(pref, finf, finalparmdict, 'empirical')
Пример #7
def get_rmsd(initparas):

    global idxs, mcresids2, atompairs

    #Modify the C4 terms in the prmtop file
    for i in range(0, len(idxs)):
        prmtop.parm_data['LENNARD_JONES_CCOEF'][idxs[i]] = initparas[i]

    #Overwrite the prmtop file

    #Perform the OpenMM optimization
    #Use AmberParm function to transfer the topology and
    #coordinate file to the object OpenMM can use
    Ambermol = AmberParm('OptC4.top', options.cfile)

    # Create the OpenMM system
    print('Creating OpenMM System')
    if options.simupha == 'gas':
        system = Ambermol.createSystem(nonbondedMethod=app.NoCutoff)
    elif options.simupha == 'liquid':
        system = Ambermol.createSystem(
            nonbondedCutoff=8.0 * u.angstroms,

    #Add restraints
    force = mm.CustomExternalForce("k*((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2+(z-z0)^2)")
    force.addGlobalParameter("k", 200.0)
    #for i in range(0, len(Ambermol.atoms)):
    for i, atom_crd in enumerate(Ambermol.positions):
        #if (Ambermol.atoms[i].residue.number+1 not in mcresids2) and \
        if (i+1 not in mcresids2) and \
          (Ambermol.atoms[i].residue.name not in ['WAT', 'HOH']) and \
          (Ambermol.atoms[i].name in ['CA', 'C', 'N']):
            force.addParticle(i, atom_crd.value_in_unit(u.nanometers))

    # Create the integrator to do Langevin dynamics
    # Temperature of heat bath, Friction coefficient, Time step
    integrator = mm.LangevinIntegrator(
        300 * u.kelvin,
        1.0 / u.picoseconds,
        1.0 * u.femtoseconds,

    # Define the platform to use; CUDA, OpenCL, CPU, or Reference. Or do not
    # specify the platform to use the default (fastest) platform
    # Create the Simulation object
    if options.platf == 'ref':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference')
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform)
    elif options.platf == 'cpu':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CPU')
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform)
    elif options.platf == 'cuda':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CUDA')
        prop = dict(CudaPrecision=options.presn)
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform,
    elif options.platf == 'opencl':
        platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('OpenCL')
        prop = dict(OpenCLPrecision=options.presn)
        sim = app.Simulation(Ambermol.topology, system, integrator, platform,

    # Set the particle positions

    # Output the rst file
    restrt = RestartReporter(options.rfile, 100, write_velocities=False)

    # Minimize the energy
    print('Minimizing energy ' + str(options.maxsteps) + ' steps.')

    # Overwrite the final file
    state = sim.context.getState(getPositions=True, enforcePeriodicBox=True)
    restrt.report(sim, state)

    val_aft_min = []
    crds_aft_min = read_rstf(options.rfile)
    for i in atompairs:
        if len(i) == 2:
            crd1 = crds_aft_min[i[0] - 1]
            crd2 = crds_aft_min[i[1] - 1]
            bond = calc_bond(crd1, crd2)
            val_aft_min.append(('bond', bond))
        elif len(i) == 3:
            crd1 = crds_aft_min[i[0] - 1]
            crd2 = crds_aft_min[i[1] - 1]
            crd3 = crds_aft_min[i[2] - 1]
            angle = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)
            val_aft_min.append(('angle', angle))
        elif len(i) == 4:
            crd1 = crds_aft_min[i[0] - 1]
            crd2 = crds_aft_min[i[1] - 1]
            crd3 = crds_aft_min[i[2] - 1]
            crd4 = crds_aft_min[i[3] - 1]
            dih = calc_dih(crd1, crd2, crd3, crd4)
            val_aft_min.append(('dih', dih))

    valdiffs = []
    for i in range(0, len(atompairs)):
        if val_bf_min[i][0] == 'bond':
            valdiff = abs(val_aft_min[i][1] - val_bf_min[i][1]) * 1.0 / 100.0
        elif val_bf_min[i][0] == 'angle':
            valdiff = abs(val_aft_min[i][1] - val_bf_min[i][1]) * 1.0 / 2.0
        elif val_bf_min[i][0] == 'dih':
            valdiff = abs(val_aft_min[i][1] - val_bf_min[i][1])
            if (360.0 - valdiff < valdiff):
                valdiff = 360.0 - valdiff

    fnldiff = numpy.sum(valdiffs)

    return fnldiff
Пример #8

#Calculate the distances between metal ion and ligating atoms
val_bf_min = []
crds_bf_min = read_rstf(options.cfile)
for i in atompairs:
    if len(i) == 2:
        crd1 = crds_bf_min[i[0] - 1]
        crd2 = crds_bf_min[i[1] - 1]
        bond = calc_bond(crd1, crd2)
        val_bf_min.append(('bond', bond))
    elif len(i) == 3:
        crd1 = crds_bf_min[i[0] - 1]
        crd2 = crds_bf_min[i[1] - 1]
        crd3 = crds_bf_min[i[2] - 1]
        angle = calc_angle(crd1, crd2, crd3)
        val_bf_min.append(('angle', angle))
    elif len(i) == 4:
        crd1 = crds_bf_min[i[0] - 1]
        crd2 = crds_bf_min[i[1] - 1]
        crd3 = crds_bf_min[i[2] - 1]
        crd4 = crds_bf_min[i[3] - 1]
        dih = calc_dih(crd1, crd2, crd3, crd4)
        val_bf_min.append(('dih', dih))

#print("Bond, angle and dihedral before minimization...")

#Get the Amber mask of the metal center complex and print it into ptraj.in file