Пример #1
def find_start_and_stop_time():
    find start and stop time (set for the last month)
    out = time.strftime("%Y:%m", time.gmtime())
    [lyear, lmon] = re.split(':', out)
    tstop = lyear + ':' + lmon + ':01'
    tstop = mcf.convert_date_format(tstop,

    year = int(float(lyear))
    mon = int(float(lmon))
    pyear = year
    pmon = mon - 1
    if pmon < 1:
        pmon = 12
        pyear -= 1

    tstart = str(pyear) + ':' + mcf.add_leading_zero(pmon) + ':01'
    tstart = mcf.convert_date_format(tstart,

    return [tstart, tstop]
Пример #2
def create_date_list_to_yestaday(testfits, yesterday=''):
    find the last entry date and then make a list of dates up to yesterday
    input:  testfits    --- a fits file to be tested
            yesterday   --- date of yesterday in the format of yyyymmdd
    output: otime   --- a list of date in the format of yyyymmdd

        test = float(yesterday)
        chk = 1
        chk = 0

    if chk == 0:
        out = time.strftime('%Y:%j:00:00:00', time.gmtime())
        yesterday = Chandra.Time.DateTime(out).secs - 86400.0
    ltime = find_the_last_entry_time(testfits)

    out = mcf.convert_date_format(ltime, ifmt='chandra', ofmt='%Y:%j:00:00:00')
    out = Chandra.Time.DateTime(out).secs

    t_list = [out]
    ntime = out + 86400.0
    while ntime <= yesterday:
        ntime += 87400.0

    otime = []
    for ent in t_list:
        out = mcf.convert_date_format(ent, ifmt='chandra', ofmt='%Y%m%d')

    return otime
Пример #3
def check_time_format(intime):
    return time in Chandra time
    input:  intime  --- time in <yyyy>:<ddd>:<hh>:<mm>:<ss> or <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<hh>:<mm>:<ss> or chandra time
    output: time in chandra time (seconds from 1998.1.1)
    mc1 = re.search('-', intime)
    mc2 = re.search(':', intime)
    #--- it is already chandra format
    if mcf.chkNumeric(intime):
        return int(float(intime))
#--- time in <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T<hh>:<mm>:<ss>
    elif mc1 is not None:
        mc2 = re.search('T', intime)
        if mc2 is not None:
            stime = mcf.convert_date_format(intime,
            stime = mcf.convert_date_format(intime,

        return stime
#--- time in <yyyy>:<ddd>:<hh>:<mm>:<ss>
    elif mc2 is not None:

        return Chandra.Time.DateTime(intime).secs
Пример #4
def extract_sim_position(year, period_start, period_end):
    extract sim position information from comprehensive_data_summary data file
    input: year          --- year (in form of 2012) 
            period_start --- start time in seconds from 1.1.1998
            period_end   ---  stop time  in seconds from 1.1.1998
    output: time         --- (seconds from 1.1.1998) 
    sim_time = []
    sim_pos = []

    ifile = mj_dir + '/comprehensive_data_summary' + str(year)
    data = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)

    for ent in data:
        atemp = re.split('\s+|\t+', ent)

            tinsec = mcf.convert_date_format(atemp[0], ofmt='chandra')

        if tinsec >= period_start and tinsec < period_end:

    return [sim_time, sim_pos]
Пример #5
def acis_sci_run_print_html(html_dir, pyear, pmonth, pday):
    update three html pages according for the year (pyear)
    Input: html_dir --- web directory path
           pyear  --- the year you want to update the html pages
           pmonth --- current month
           pday   --- current month date
    Output: science_run.html
    #--- set substitution values
    pyear = int(pyear)
    dtime = str(pyear) + ':' + str(pmonth) + ':' + str(pday) + ':00:00:00'
    ydate = int(
            mcf.convert_date_format(dtime, ifmt='%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S',
    update = str(pyear) + '-' + str(pmonth) + '-' + str(pday)
    #--- make a link table
    ylist = ''
    j = 0
    for ryear in range(1999, pyear + 1):
        ylist = ylist + '<td><a href=' + http_dir + '/Year' + str(ryear)
        ylist = ylist + '/science_run' + str(ryear) + '.html>'
        ylist = ylist + '<strong>Year ' + str(
            ryear) + '</strong></a><br /><td />\n'
        #--- every 6 years, break a row
        if j == 5:
            j = 0
            ylist = ylist + '</tr><tr>\n'
            j += 1
#---- update the main html page
    template = house_keeping + 'science_run.html'
    outfile = html_dir + 'science_run.html'

    print_html_page(template, update, pyear, ylist, outfile)
    #--- update sub directory html pages
    ystop = pyear + 1
    for syear in range(1999, ystop):
        template = house_keeping + 'sub_year.html'
        outfile = html_dir + 'Year' + str(syear) + '/science_run' + str(
            syear) + '.html'

        if syear == pyear:
            ldate = update
            ldate = str(syear) + '-12-31'

        print_html_page(template, ldate, syear, ylist, outfile)
Пример #6
def check_date():
    check wether there is an output directory and if it is not, create one
    input:  none
    output: year   --- the current year
            mon    --- the current month
            mdir   --- the current output direcotry 
#--- find today's date
    out   = time.strftime('%Y:%j:00:00:00', time.gmtime())
    stime = Chandra.Time.DateTime(out).secs)
#--- find 10 days ago and create the output directory based on that date
    s10   = stime - 10 * 86400.0
    out   = mcf.convert_date_format(s10, ifmt='chandra', ofmt='%Y:%m:%d')
    atemp = re.split(':', out)
    year  = int(float(atemp[0]))
    mon   = int(float(atemp[1]))
    lmon  = mcf.change_month_format(mon)
    mdir  =  web_dir  + lmon.upper() + str(year)

    if not os.path.isdir(mdir)
        cmd   = 'mkdir -p ' + mfile
    return (year, mon, mdir)
Пример #7
def find_data_collection_interval():
    find data collection period in dom
    input:  none but read from <data_dir>/Dis_dir/hist_ccd3
    output: ldom    --- starting dom
            tdom    --- stopping dom (today)
    #--- find today's  date
    tout = time.strftime('%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
    tdate = int(mcf.convert_date_format(tout, ofmt='chandra'))
    #--- find the date of the last entry
    ifile = data_dir + 'hist_ccd3'
    data = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)

    for ent in data:
        atemp = re.split('<>', ent)
            ldate = int(float(atemp[0]))
#--- the data colleciton starts from the next day of the last entry date
    ldate += 86400

    return [tdate, ldate]
Пример #8
def read_data_info(year):
    read data info data for a given year
    input:  year    --- the year of the data set
    output: [time, sim_x, sim_y, sim_z, pitch, yaw]
    infile = data_dir + 'data_info_' + str(year)
    data = mcf.read_data_file(infile)

    time = []
    sim_x = []
    sim_y = []
    sim_z = []
    pitch = []
    yaw = []
    for ent in data:
        atemp = re.split('\s+', ent)

        out = mcf.convert_date_format(atemp[3],
        start = mcf.chandratime_to_fraq_year(out)

        out = mcf.convert_date_format(atemp[4],
        stop = mcf.chandratime_to_fraq_year(out)

        mid = 0.5 * (start + stop)
            val1 = float(atemp[5])
            val2 = float(atemp[6])
            val3 = float(atemp[7])
            val4 = float(atemp[8]) * 3600.0
            val5 = float(atemp[9]) * 3600.0


    return [time, sim_x, sim_y, sim_z, pitch, yaw]
Пример #9
def dom_to_stime(dom):
    convert dom into seconds from 1998.1.1
    input:  dom     --- dom (day of mission)
    output: stime   --- seconds from 1998.1.1
    [year, ydate] = mcf.dom_to_ydate(dom)
    etime = str(year) + ':' + str(ydate)
    stime = mcf.convert_date_format(etime, ifmt='%Y:%j', ofmt='chandra')

    return stime
Пример #10
def covertfrom1998sec(stime):
    convert second from 1998.1.1 to yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss format 
    input:  stime   --- second from 1998.1.1
    output: etime   --- time in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
    etime = mcf.convert_date_format(stime,

    return etime
Пример #11
def chandratime_to_yday(ctime):
    convert chandra time into a day of year
    input:  ctime   --- time in seconds from 1998.1.1
    output: ydate   --- a day of year (fractional)

    atime = mcf.convert_date_format(ctime, ofmt='%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S')
    btemp = re.split(':', atime)
    year = float(btemp[0])
    ydate = float(btemp[1])
    hour = float(btemp[2])
    mins = float(btemp[3])
    sec = float(btemp[4])

    ydate = ydate + (hour / 24.0 + mins / 1440.0 + sec / 86400.0)

    return [year, ydate]
Пример #12
def get_data_from_db(obsid):
    extract observation information from the database
    input:  obsid   --- obsid
    output: tsec    --- the data of the observation in seconds from 1998.1.1
            line    --- a string of the information extract
                        <obsid> <target name> <obs date> <obs date in sec>
                        <target id> < sequence number>
    #-- sql command
    cmd = 'select targname,instrument,soe_st_sched_date,targid,'
    cmd = cmd + 'seq_nbr from target where obsid=' + str(obsid)

        #--- call sql database
        out = sser.set_sybase_env_and_run(cmd, fetch='fetchone')
        #--- output is a list of the data
        target = clean_name(out[0])
        inst = out[1]
        odate = out[2]
        targid = out[3]
        seqno = out[4]
        #--- convert time into sec from 1998.1.1
        tsec = mcf.convert_date_format(odate,

        line = str(obsid) + '\t' + target + '\t' + str(odate) + '\t' + str(
        line = line + '\t' + str(targid) + '\t' + str(seqno) + '\n'

        return [tsec, line]

        return NULL
Пример #13
def get_last_entry_time(infile, pos=4):
    find the last entry date from the database
    input:  infile  --- input file, ususally data_infor_<year> and assume that
                        pos-th entry is the (ending) time
            pos     --- position of the time element in the data (usually 4th)
    output: ftime   --- the last entry data in <yyy>:<ddd>:<hh>:<mm>:<ss>
    data   = mcf.read_data_file(infile)

    if len(data) == 0:
        print("something wrong in starting time; exist")
        atemp  = re.split('\s+', data[-1])
        ltime  = atemp[pos]
#--- convert time format to be used
        ftime  = mcf.convert_date_format(ltime, ifmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', ofmt='%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S')

        return ftime
Пример #14
def create_display_data_table():
    create a readable data table for html page
    Input: none, but read from <data_dir>/ccd<ccd>_<node>
    Output: <web_dir>/ccd<ccd>_<node>
    for ccd in range(0, 10):
        for node in range(0, 4):
            ifile = 'ccd' + str(ccd) + '_' + str(node)
            #--- read the original data file
            infile = data_dir + ifile
            data = mcf.read_data_file(infile)
            #--- adding heading
            line = "#\n#Date            Mn K alpha     Al K alpha     "
            line = line + "Ti K alpha       Slope   Sigma   Int     Sigma\n#\n"
            for ent in data:
                atemp = re.split('\s+', ent)
                #--- converting the date format from chandra time into <mon> <year> for html data display
                stime = int(atemp[0])
                out = mcf.convert_date_format(stime,
                atemp = re.split(':', out)
                lmon = mcf.change_month_format(atemp[1])
                ldate = lmon + ' ' + atemp[0]
                lout = ent.replace(atemp[0], ldate)

                line = line + lout + '\n'

            outfile = web_dir + 'Data/' + ifile
            with open(outfile, 'w') as fo:
Пример #15
def find_starting_date():
    set starting and stopping time from the last entry of a fits file
    input: none but read from hvpsstat_data.fits
    output: start   --- starting time <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T00:00:00
            stop    --- stoping time  <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>T23:59:59
    test    = dpath + 'hvpsstat_data.fits'
    ltime   = ecf.find_the_last_entry_time(test) + 86400.0
    ltime   = mcf.convert_date_format(ltime, ifmt='chandra', ofmt='%Y:%j:00:00:00')
    ltime   = Chandra.Time.DateTime(ltime).secs

    today   = time.strftime('%Y:%j:00:00:00', time.gmtime())
    stime   = Chandra.Time.DateTime(today).secs - 86400.0
    t_list  = [ltime]
    while ltime < stime:
        ltime += 86400.0
        if ltime > stime:

    return t_list
Пример #16
def convert_stime_to_ytime(stime):
    convert a list of time in seconds to fractional year
    input:  stime   --- a list of time in seconds from 1998.1.1
    output: ytime   --- a list of time in fractional year
    ytime = []
    for ent in stime:
        out = mcf.convert_date_format(ent, ofmt="%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S")
        atemp = re.split(':', out)
        year = float(atemp[0])
        yday = float(atemp[1])
        hh = float(atemp[2])
        mm = float(atemp[3])
        ss = float(atemp[4])
        if mcf.is_leapyear(year):
            base = 366.0
            base = 365.0
        year += (yday + hh / 24.0 + mm / 1440.0 + ss / 86400.) / base


    return ytime
Пример #17
def alignment_sim_twist_extract(tstart='', tstop='', year=''):
    extract sim twist data and update the databases
    input:  tstart  --- starting time in the format of <yyyy>:<ddd>:<hh>:<mm>:<ss>
                        default: "" --- the script will find the starting time
            tstop   --- stopping time in the format of <yyyy>:<ddd>:<hh>:<mm>:<ss>
                        default: "" --- the script will find the stopping time
            year    --- year, default: "".
    output: <data_dir>/data_info_<year>
    #--- if the starting and stopping time are given, use them
    if tstart != '':
        ending = extract_data(tstart, tstop, year, ldir='./')
#--- otherwise, find stating and stopping time
        #--- current time
        today = time.strftime("%Y:%j:%H:%M:00", time.gmtime())
        year = int(float(time.gmtime().tm_year))
        #--- find the last entry time
        ifile = data_dir + 'data_info_' + str(year)
        if os.path.isfile(ifile):
            out = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)
            data = []
            for ent in out:
                if ent != '':
            #--- if the current year data files are not there, just creates an empty list
            data = []
#--- if this is a new year, read the last year's data
        if len(data) == 0:
            ifile2 = data_dir + 'data_info_' + str(year - 1)
            tstart = get_last_entry_time(ifile2)

            tstop = str(year) + ':001:00:00:00'

            ending = extract_data(tstart, tstop, year - 1)
            #--- check the last entry again for the next round (for the new year data set)
            tstart = mcf.convert_date_format(ending,
#--- work on this year's data
            tstart = get_last_entry_time(ifile)

        ending = extract_data(tstart, today, year)
Пример #18
def report_error():
    read errors from <cup_usr_list>_error_list, sort it out, clean, and send out email
    Input:  none but read from <cup_usr_list>_error_list
    Output: email sent out
#--- find the current time
    out = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d', time.gmtime())
    [year, mon, day] = re.split(':', out)
#--- set cutting date for the report
    out = time.strftime('%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
    cut = Chandra.Time.DateTime(out).secs - 1.5 * 86400.0
#--- create surfix for files which will be saved in Past_errors directory
    smon = mcf.add_leading_zero(mon)
    sday = mcf.add_leading_zero(day, dlen=3)
    tail = str(year) + smon + sday

    for tag in cpu_usr_list:
        efile = house_keeping + 'Records/' + tag + '_error_list'
        pfile = house_keeping + 'Records/Past_errors/' + tag + '_error_list_' + tail
        prev_line = ''

        if os.path.isfile(efile):
#--- read error messages from the file
            data = mcf.read_data_file(efile)
#--- sort the data so that we can correct messages to each cron job together

            task_list = []
            time_list = []
            mssg_list = []
            for ent in data:
                atemp = re.split(' : ' , ent)

                otime = int(float(atemp[1]))
                dtime = mcf.convert_date_format(str(otime), ifmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S', ofmt='%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S')
#--- if the error is more than <cut> day old, ignore
                stime = Chandra.Time.DateTime(dtime).secs
                if stime < cut:


#--- write out cron job name
            cname  = task_list[0]
            sline  = '\n\n' + cname + '\n____________________\n\n'

            for i in range(1, len(mssg_list)):
                if task_list[i] != cname:
                    cname = task_list[i]
                    sline  =  sline + '\n\n' + cname + '\n____________________\n\n'
#--- create each line. if it is exactly same as one line before, skip it
                line = time_list[i] + ' : ' + mssg_list[i] + '\n'

                if line != prev_line:
                    sline = sline + line
                prev_line = line

            with open(zspace, 'w') as fo:
#--- send email out
            send_mail(tag, email_list)
#--- move the error list to Past_errors directory
            if os.path.isfile(efile):                   #--- 03/06/19
                cmd = 'mv ' + efile + ' ' + pfile
Пример #19
def report_about_data(r1):
    reporting the general ephemeris information 
    input:  r1  --- the dictionary of ephemeris information
    output: screen print out of the information
    line = ''
    dval = str(r1['start_date'])
    mc = re.search('\.', dval)
    if mc is not None:
        atemp = re.split('\.', dval)
        dval = atemp[0]

    out = mcf.convert_date_format(dval, ifmt='%y%m%d', ofmt='%Y:%m:%d')
    [year, mon, day] = re.split(':', out)
    line = line + 'Date of first ephemeris point (Year, Month, Day): '
    line = line + year + ' ' + mon + ' ' + day + '\n'
    #--- convert date format:e.g., 190505.0 --> 20190505.0
    if r1['start_date'] < 500000:
        r1['start_date'] += 20000000
        r1['start_date'] += 19000000

    if r1['stop_date'] < 500000:
        r1['stop_date'] += 20000000
        r1['stop_date'] += 19000000

    if r1['epoch_year'] < 50:
        r1['epoch_year'] += 2000
        r1['epoch_year'] += 1900
    line = line + "Start/Stop/Epoc Date: " + str(
        r1['start_date']) + ' : ' + str(r1['stop_date'])
    line = line + ' : ' + str(r1['epoch_year']) + '\n'

    line = line + '\nChandra Keplerian Elements: \n'
    line = line + 'Elements Epoch: \n'
    line = line + '    (YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.sss):' + str(int(
        r1['epoch_year'])) + ', '
    line = line + str(int(r1['epoch_month'])) + ', ' + str(int(
        r1['epoch_day'])) + ', '
    line = line + str(int(r1['epoch_hour'])) + ', ' + str(int(
        r1['epoch_min'])) + ', '
    line = line + str(int(r1['epoch_millisec'] / 1000.0)) + '.'
    line = line + str(int(r1['epoch_millisec'] % 1000))
    line = line + '\n'
    line = line + '    (Seconds since start of 1985): %16.3f\n' % r1[
    line = line + '\n\n'
    line = line + ' Semi-major axis (km):            ' + str(
        r1['smajor_axis']) + '\n'
    line = line + ' Eccentricity:                    ' + str(
        r1['eccent']) + '\n'
    line = line + ' Inclination (deg):               ' + str(
        r1['inclin'] * r2d) + '\n'
    line = line + ' Argument of Perigee (deg):       ' + str(
        r1['perigee'] * r2d) + '\n'
    line = line + ' RA of Ascending Node (deg):      ' + str(
        r1['raan'] * r2d) + '\n'
    line = line + ' Mean Anomaly (deg):              ' + str(
        r1['mean_anom'] * r2d) + '\n'
    line = line + ' True Anomaly (deg):              ' + str(
        r1['true_anom'] * r2d) + '\n'
    line = line + ' Arg of Perigee + True Anom (deg):' + str(
        r1['sum_aprgta'] * r2d) + '\n'
    line = line + ' (approx.) Period (hours):        ' + str(
        24 * r1['period'] / 100) + '\n'
    line = line + ' (approx.) Mean Motion (deg/hour):'
    line = line + str(r1['mean_motn'] * r2d * 100 / 24) + '\n'
    line = line + ' (wrong) Rate of change of RA of AN (deg/day):'
    line = line + str(r1['rate_ascnd'] * r2d * 100.0) + '\n'

Пример #20
def define_x_range(dlist, xunit=''):
    set time plotting range
    Input:  dlist       --- list of data files (e.g., Data_2012_09)
    Output: start       --- starting time in either ydate or fractional year
            end         --- ending time in either ydate or fractional year
    num = len(dlist)
    if num == 1:
        atemp  = re.split('\/',    dlist[0])
        btemp  = re.split('Data_', atemp[-1])
        ctemp  = re.split('_',     btemp[1])
        year   = int(ctemp[0])
        month  = int(ctemp[1])
        nyear  = year
        nmonth = month + 1
        if nmonth > 12:
            nmonth = 1
            nyear += 1
        slist  = sorted(dlist)
        atemp  = re.split('\/',    slist[0])
        btemp  = re.split('Data_', atemp[-1])
        ctemp  = re.split('_',     btemp[1])
        year   = int(ctemp[0])
        month  = int(ctemp[1])

        atemp  = re.split('\/',    slist[len(slist)-1])
        btemp  = re.split('Data_', atemp[-1])
        ctemp  = re.split('_',     btemp[1])
        tyear  = int(ctemp[0])
        tmonth = int(ctemp[1])
        nyear  = tyear
        nmonth = tmonth + 1
        if nmonth > 12:
            nmonth = 1
            nyear += 1
#--- get day of year
    start = str(year)  + ':' + mcf.add_leading_zero(month)  + ':01'
    stop  = str(nyear) + ':' + mcf.add_leading_zero(nmonth) + ':01'
    start = int(mcf.convert_date_format(start, ifmt='%Y:%m:%d', ofmt='%j'))
    stop  = int(mcf.convert_date_format(stop,  ifmt='%Y:%m:%d', ofmt='%j'))
#--- for te case it is a month plot
    if nyear > year:
        if mcf.is_leapyear(year):
            end = stop + 366
            end = stop + 365
        end = stop
#--- for the case it is a longer plot
    if xunit == 'year':
        if mcf.is_leapyear(year):
            base = 366.0
            base = 365.0
        start = year + float(start) / base

        if mcf.is_leapyear(nyear):
            base = 366.0
            base = 365.0
        end = year + float(stop) / base

    return [start, end]
Пример #21
def acis_hist_extract_data(year, month):
    extract acis histgram data
    input:  year    --- year
            month   --- month
    output: <data_dir>/ccd<ccd>_node<node>_<lpos>
    #--- clean up and/or create working directries
    if os.path.isdir(exc_dir):
        cmd = 'rm  -f ' + exc_dir + '*.fits* 2>/dev/null'
        cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + exc_dir

    t_dir = exc_dir + 'Temp_dir'
    if os.path.isdir(t_dir):
        cmd = 'rm  -f ' + t_dir + '/* 2>/dev/null'
        cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + t_dir
    #--- define extracting period in seconds from 1.1.1998
    end_year = year
    end_month = month + 1

    if end_month > 12:
        end_month = 1
        end_year += 1

    cmon = str(month)
    if month < 10:
        cmon = '0' + cmon
    sdate = str(year) + ':' + cmon + ':01:00:00:00'
    pstart = mcf.convert_date_format(sdate, '%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S', 'chandra')

    cmon = str(end_month)
    if end_month < 10:
        cmon = '0' + cmon
    pdate = str(end_year) + ':' + cmon + ':01:00:00:00'
    pend = mcf.convert_date_format(pdate, '%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S', 'chandra')

    mdate = 0.5 * (pstart + pend)
    #--- extract sim position information
    twoarray = extract_sim_position(year, pstart, pend)

    sim_time = twoarray[0]
    sim_pos = twoarray[1]
    #----extract acis hist data from archive using arc5gl
    data_list = use_arc5gl_acis_hist(year, month, end_year, end_month)
    #--- create data array: histogram row: 4000, ccd #: 10, node #: 4, position: 0, 1
    hdata = numpy.zeros((4000, 10, 4, 2))
    duration = numpy.zeros((10, 4, 2))
    #--- go though each extracted acis hist data
    for ifile in data_list:
        atemp = re.split('\/', ifile)
        fname = atemp[len(atemp) - 1]
        fname = fname.replace('.fits', '')
        #--- extract head info
        ccd_info = extract_head_info(ifile)
        [fep, ccd, node, pblock, tstart, tstop, expcount, date_obs,
         date_end] = ccd_info
        tdiff = float(tstop) - float(tstart)
        ccd = int(ccd)
        #--- we need to check only ccd = 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7
        if ccd in [0, 4, 5, 8, 9]:

        pblock = int(pblock)
        tstart = int(tstart)
        tstop = int(tstop)
        if pblock in [2334740, 2342932, 2334756, 2342948]:
#--- find average sim position
        sim_info = find_sim_position(sim_time, sim_pos, tstart, tstop)
        [sim_avg, sim_min, sim_max] = sim_info
        #--- for the case that the sim is at the external calibration source position
        if (sim_min > -100800 and sim_min < -98400) and (sim_max > -100800
                                                         and sim_max < -98400):
            #--- pblock values were changed in year 2012 (2012.1.1 == 441763197). ---------
            if float(tstart) < 441763197:
                #--- ccd rows are between 801 and 1001 before Year 2012
                if pblock == 2334740:
                    hist_data = extract_hist_data(ifile)
                    duration[ccd][node][1] += tdiff

                    for i in range(0, 4000):
                        hdata[i][ccd][node][1] += hist_data[i]
#--- ccd rows are between 21 and 221 before Year 2012
                elif pblock == 2342932:
                    hist_data = extract_hist_data(ifile)
                    duration[ccd][node][0] += tdiff

                    for i in range(0, 4000):
                        hdata[i][ccd][node][0] += hist_data[i]
#--- after 2012.1.1 ---------
                #--- ccd rows are between 801 and 1001 from Year 2012
                if pblock == 2334756:
                    hist_data = extract_hist_data(ifile)
                    duration[ccd][node][1] += tdiff

                    for i in range(0, 4000):
                        hdata[i][ccd][node][1] += hist_data[i]
#--- ccd rows are between 21 and 221 from Year 2012
                elif pblock == 2342948:
                    hist_data = extract_hist_data(ifile)
                    duration[ccd][node][0] += tdiff

                    for i in range(0, 4000):
                        hdata[i][ccd][node][0] += hist_data[i]

#--- now fit the parameters for a combined data set
    test_out = []
    for pos in (0, 1):
        for ccd in (1, 2, 3, 6, 7):
            for node in range(0, 4):
                darray = [0 for x in range(0, 4000)]
                sum = 0
                for i in range(0, 4000):
                    darray[i] = hdata[i][ccd][node][pos]
                    sum += hdata[i][ccd][node][pos]
                if sum > 10:
                    peak_info = find_peaks(darray)

                    if pos == 0:
                        lpos = 'low'
                        lpos = 'high'

                    ifile = data_dir + 'ccd' + str(ccd) + '_node' + str(
                        node) + '_' + lpos
                    with open(ifile, 'a') as fo:
                        line = str(year) + ':' + str(month) + '\t' + str(
                            mdate) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[0]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[9]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[1]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[10]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[2]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[11]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[3]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[12]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[4]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[13]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[5]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[14]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[6]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[15]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[7]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[16]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(peak_info[8]) + '\t' + str(
                            peak_info[17]) + '\t'
                        line = line + str(duration[ccd][node][pos]) + '\n'

                    lmonth = str(month)
                    if month < 10:
                        lmonth = '0' + lmonth
                    fname = 'hist_' + str(year) + '_' + lmonth

                    eparam = peak_info[0:9]

                    plot_fit(darray, eparam, fname, ccd, node, lpos)
Пример #22
def get_data_for_day(year, month, day=''):
    extract one month amount of data and update data files
    input:  year    --- year of the data
            month   --- month of the data
    output: updated data files:
        Note: there is no ephin data after 2018 Nov
    #--- if the date is given...
    chk = 0
    if year != '':
        lmon = mcf.add_leading_zero(month)
        lday = mcf.add_leading_zero(day)
        if day != '':
            start = str(year) + ':' + lmon + ':' + lday + ':00:00:00'
            stop = str(year) + ':' + lmon + ':' + lday + ':23:59:59'
#-- if the day part is not given, compute for the entire month
            nyear = year
            nmon = mon + 1
            if nmon > 12:
                nyear += 1
                nmon = 1
            nmon = mcf.add_leading_zero(nmon)

            start = str(year) + ':' + lmon + ':' + ':01:00:00:00'
            stop = str(nyear) + ':' + nmom + ':' + ':01:00:00:00'
            chk = 1

        start = mcf.convert_date_format(start,
        stop = mcf.convert_date_format(stop,
#--- if the year/month are not given, extract data of the day before
    if year == '':
        out = time.strftime('%Y:%j:00:00:00', time.gmtime())
        stop = Chandra.Time.DateTime(out).secs
        start = stop - 86400.0
        out = mcf.convert_date_format(start, ifmt='chandra', ofmt='%Y:%m')
        out = re.split(':', out)
        year = int(float(out[0]))
        month = int(float(out[1]))
#--- set output directory name
    cmonth = mcf.change_month_format(month)  #--- convert digit to letter month
    ucmon = cmonth.upper()
    dir_name = data_dir + '/' + ucmon + str(year) + '/'  #--- output directory

    if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
        cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + dir_name
#--- if the entire month data needs to be extracted, remove all previous data
    if chk == 1:
        cmd = 'rm -rf ' + dir_name + '/ccd*'
#--- get acis count rate data
    extract_acis_count_rate(start, stop, dir_name)
    #--- get ephin rate data; no data after Nov 2018
    if year < 2018:
        get_ephin_data(start, stop, dir_name)

    elif (year == 2018) and (month < 11):
        get_ephin_data(start, stop, dir_name)
#-- clean the data files
def create_adjusted_cti_tables(ccd_list, sub_dir, sub2_dir_list, out_dir):
    create adjusted cti table: Data119, Data2000, Data7000, Data_cat-adjust
    Input:  ccd_list        --- a list of ccd #
            sub_dir         --- a name of sub directory which cti lists are read
            sub2_dir_list   --- a list of sub directories which adjusted cti tables are deposited
            out_dir         --- a directory name which adjucted cti will be deposited
                cti data are read from <data_dir>/<sub_dir>/<elm>_ccd<ccd #>
    Output: <data_dir>/<dir in sub2_dir_list>/<elm>_ccd<ccd#>
    for elm in elm_list:

        for ccd in ccd_list:

            if ccd in [5, 7]:
                factor = 0.045              #--- these factors are given by C. Grant
                factor = 0.036
#--- read the main data set
            ifile = data_dir + sub_dir + '/' + elm + '_ccd' + str(ccd)
            data  = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)

            save1 = []
            save2 = []
            save3 = []
            save4 = []

            time3 = []
            time4 = []
            del_temp = []

            for ent in data:
#--- convert time format from 2013-10-05T17:35:58 to  year, stime and fractional year
                atemp   = re.split('\s+', ent)
                sectime = mcf.convert_date_format(atemp[0], ifmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", ofmt='chandra')
                fyear   = mcf.chandratime_to_fraq_year(sectime)
                tspan       = int(atemp[12]) - int(atemp[11])
                temperature = float(atemp[7])
#--- use only data with the integration time longer than 1000 sec before 2003
#--- and only data with the integration time longer than 2000 sec after 2003
                if tspan < 1000:
                elif (tspan < 2000) and (fyear >= 2003):

                line = ent + '\n'
#--- we need to adjust focal plane temperature between 9/16/2005 - 10/16/2005
#--- a reported temperature is about 1.3 warmer than a real focal temperature
#--- (from 12/1/05 email from C. Grant)
                if (sectime >= 243215999) and (sectime <= 245894399):
                    temperature -= 1.3

                if temperature <= -119.5:
                    line = ent + '\n'

                    if tspan >= 7000:
#--- correct temperature dependency with C. Grat factors
                val = factor * (temperature + 119.87)

                quad0 = select_grant_cti(atemp[1], val)
                quad1 = select_grant_cti(atemp[2], val)
                quad2 = select_grant_cti(atemp[3], val)
                quad3 = select_grant_cti(atemp[4], val)

                if (quad0 != 'na') and (quad1 != 'na') and (quad2 != 'na') and (quad3 != 'na'):
                    line = atemp[0]         + '\t'
                    line = line + quad0     + '\t' 
                    line = line + quad1     + '\t' 
                    line = line + quad2     + '\t' 
                    line = line + quad3     + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[5]  + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[6]  + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[7]  + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[8]  + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[9]  + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[10] + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[11] + '\t' 
                    line = line + atemp[12] + '\n' 

#--- print out adjsted cti data table
            j = 0
            for sdir in sub2_dir_list:
                j += 1
                sdata = eval('save%s' % (j))
                print_cti_results(sdir, elm, ccd, sdata)
#---- compute adjusted cti values and update tables
            compute_adjusted_cti(elm, ccd, time3, save3, time4, save4, out_dir)
Пример #24
def create_phase_list():
    extract the phase numbers from mit site and creates a list
    input: none but read from MIT site: http://acis.mit.edu/asc/
    output: phase_list  --- a list of the phase numbers
            start_list  --- a list of the phase starting time in seconds from 1998.1.1
            end_list    --- a list of the phase ending time in seconds from 1998.1.1
    #--- using lynx, read the mit web page where shows phase list
    cmd = '/usr/bin/lynx -source http://acis.mit.edu/asc/ >' + zspace
    data = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)

    phase_list = []
    start_list = []
    end_list = []
    chk = 0
    for ent in data:
        if chk == 0:
            mc = re.search('nbsp;Phase', ent)
            if mc is not None:
                atemp = re.split('Phase', ent)
                btemp = re.split('\<', atemp[1])
                val = float(btemp[0])
                chk = 1
        elif chk == 1:
            atemp = re.split('tt\>', ent)
            btemp = re.split('\<', atemp[1])
            ltime = btemp[0]
                stime = int(
                chk = 2
        elif chk == 2:
                atemp = re.split('tt\>', ent)
                btemp = re.split('\<', atemp[1])
                ltime = btemp[0]
                    6374591994)  #--- the latest period has an open ending
                chk = 0
                stime = int(
                if val == 1:
                chk = 0
#--- reverse all list to the oldest to newest
    phase_list = list(reversed(phase_list))
    start_list = list(reversed(start_list))
    end_list = list(reversed(end_list))

    return [phase_list, start_list, end_list]