Пример #1
def update_main_html():
    update main html page
    input: none but read a template from <house_keeping>
    output: <web_dir>/expousre.html
    [tyear, mon, day] = mcf.today_date()
    today = mcf.change_month_format(mon)
    today = today + ' ' + mcf.add_leading_zero(day)
    today = today + ', ' + str(tyear)

    syear = tyear
    smon = mon - 1
    if smon < 1:
        smon = 12
        syear = tyear - 1

    lyear = str(syear)
    lmon = mcf.add_leading_zero(smon)
    line = lmon + '_' + lyear

    aline = mcf.change_month_format(smon) + ' ' + lyear

    ifile = house_keeping + 'template'
    with open(ifile, 'r') as f:
        data = f.read()

    data = data.replace('#ODATE#', line)
    data = data.replace('#DATE#', aline)
    data = data.replace('#TODAY#', today)

    ifile = web_dir + 'exposure.html'
    with open(ifile, 'w') as fo:
Пример #2
def update_plt_html_date():
    update html pages for plots; just replacing date
    no input, but get the list from plot_dir
    [lyear, lmon, lday] = mcf.today_date()
    date = mcf.add_leading_zero(lmon) + '/'
    date = date + mcf.add_leading_zero(lday) + '/' + str(lyear)

    cmd = 'ls ' + plot_dir + '/*html>./ztemp'
    data = mcf.read_data_file('./ztemp', remove=1)

    for ent in data:
        hdat = mcf.read_data_file(ent)

        sline = ''
        for oline in hdat:
            m = re.search('Last Update', oline)
            if m is not None:
                sline = sline + 'Last Update: ' + date + '\n'
                sline = sline + oline + '\n'

        with open(ent, 'w') as fo:
Пример #3
def create_hrc_maps(year= 'NA', month= 'NA'):
    create HRC image maps for given year and month 
    input: year    --- year
           month   --- month
    output: <outdir>/<out.png
#--- if year and month are not given, set the date of the last month
    if year == 'NA' or month == 'NA':
        [year, month, day] = mcf.today_date()
        month -= 1
        if month < 1:
            month = 12
            year -= 1
#--- create images
    hrc_dose_conv_to_png(mon_hrc_dir, img_dir, year, month)
    hrc_dose_conv_to_png(cum_hrc_dir, img_dir, year, month)
Пример #4
def write_html(ccd, sec, data, outfile):
    write a html page:
    input:  ccd     --- ccd; e.g., i2, s3
            sec     --- section 0 - 3
            data    --- a list of lists of data
                        date, year,month,mean_acc,std_acc,min_acc,min_apos,  
                        max_acc,max_apos,m10_acc,  m10_apos,mean_dff,std_dff,
                        min_dff, min_dpos,max_dff,max_dpos,m10_dff,m10_dpos
            outfile --- output file name
    output: outfile
    #--- open the list of lists
    [date, year,month,mean_acc,std_acc,min_acc,min_apos,\
     max_acc,max_apos, asig1, asig2, asig3, mean_dff,std_dff,\
     min_dff, min_dpos,max_dff,max_dpos,dsig1, dsig2, dsig3] = data
    #--- today's date
    [lyear, lmon, lday] = mcf.today_date()
    #--- start writing a html page
    sline = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
    sline = sline + '<html>\n'
    sline = sline + '<head>\n'
    sline = sline + '<title>ACIS ' + ccd.upper() + ' Section '
    sline = sline + str(sec) + ' History Data</title>\n'
    sline = sline + "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />"
    #--- css style sheet
    sline = sline + '<style type="text/css">\n'
    sline = sline + 'body{background-color:#FFEBCD;}\n'
    sline = sline + 'table{text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:'
    sline = sline + 'auto;border-style:solid;border-spacing:8px;border-width:'
    sline = sline + '2px;border-collapse:separate}\n'
    sline = sline + 'td {text-align:center}\n'
    sline = sline + 'a:link {color:green;}\n'
    sline = sline + 'a:visited {color:red;}\n'
    sline = sline + '</style>\n'

    sline = sline + '</head>\n'

    sline = sline + '<body> \n'

    #    sline = sline + '<br /><h3> Last Update: '
    #    sline = sline + mcf.add_leading_zero(lmon) + '/'
    #    sline = sline + mcf.add_leading_zero(lday) + '/'
    #    sline = sline + str(lyear) + '</h3>\n'
    sline = sline + '<table border=1>\n'

    sline = sline + header_write() + '\n'

    for i in range(0, len(year)):
        sline = sline + '<tr>\n'

        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(year[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(month[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(mean_dff[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(std_dff[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(min_dff[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(min_dpos[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(max_dff[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(max_dpos[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(dsig1[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(dsig2[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(dsig3[i]) + '</td>\t'

        syear = str(int(year[i]))
        smon = mcf.add_leading_zero(month[i])
        lccd = ccd.replace('_', '')
        ifile = 'ACIS_' + smon + '_' + syear + '_' + lccd

        sline = sline + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Month/'
        sline = sline + ifile + '.fits.gz">fits</a></td>\n'
        sline = sline + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Images/'
        sline = sline + ifile + '.png">map</a></td>\n\n'

        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(mean_acc[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(std_acc[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(min_acc[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(min_apos[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(max_acc[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(max_apos[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(asig1[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(asig2[i]) + '</td>\t'
        sline = sline + '<td>' + str(asig3[i]) + '</td>\n'

        ifile = 'ACIS_07_1999_' + smon + '_' + syear + '_' + lccd
        sline = sline + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Cumulative/'
        sline = sline + ifile + '.fits.gz">fits</a></td>\n'
        sline = sline + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Images/'
        sline = sline + ifile + '.png">map</a></td>'

        sline = sline + '</tr>\n\n'
        #--- put header every new year so that we can read data easier
        if month[i] % 12 == 0 and i != (len(year) - 1):
            sline = sline + header_write() + '\n'

    sline = sline + '</table>\n\n'
    sline = sline + '<br /><br /><hr /><br />\n'

    sline = sline + '<br /><strong style="font-size:105%;float:right">Last Update: '
    sline = sline + mcf.add_leading_zero(lmon) + '/'
    sline = sline + mcf.add_leading_zero(lday) + '/'
    sline = sline + str(lyear) + '</strong>\n'

    sline = sline + '<p>If you have any questions about this page, contact '
    sline = sline + '<a href="mailto:[email protected]">'
    sline = sline + '[email protected].</a></p>\n'

    sline = sline + '</body>\n'
    sline = sline + '</html>\n'

    with open(outfile, 'w') as fo:
Пример #5
def hrc_dose_run(year='NA', month='NA'):
    run all needed HRC scripts to extract data and create images  
    input:  year    --- year    
            month   --- month
    #--- if year and month are given, get that year and month for data extraction
    if year != 'NA' and str(year).isdigit() and str(month).isdigit():
        lyear = int(year)
        lmonth = int(month)
#--- if year and month are not given, use a month before the current year/month
        [year, month, day] = mcf.today_date()
        lyear = year
        lmonth = month - 1
        if lmonth < 1:
            lmonth = 12
            lyear -= 1

#--- extracting data
        hgdata.hrc_dose_get_data(lyear, lmonth, lyear, lmonth)
        print("Data Extraction Failed!!")
        subject = 'HRC data extraction problem'
        content = 'Extraction of HRC data for exposure map trend failed.'
        expf.send_warning_email(subject, content)
#        exit(1)
#--- computing statistics
        hstat.hrc_dose_extract_stat_data_month(lyear, lmonth)
        print("Stat computation failed")
#--- creating html pages
        print("HTML page construction failed")
#--- plotting histories
        print("Trend plotting failed")
#--- creating map images
        himg.create_hrc_maps(lyear, lmonth)
        print("HRC map construction failed")
#--- plotting monthly report trend
        print("Plot for monthly report failed")
Пример #6
def print_html_page(indir, outdir, hrc, data):
    create HTML page to display HRC historical data.
    input:  indir   --- input dir
            outdir  --- output dir
            hrc     --- hrc
            data    --- a list of lists of data 
    output: <outdir>/<hrc>.html
    #--- open the data ; except the first three, all others are lists of data
    (date, year, month, mean_acc, std_acc, min_acc, min_apos, \
     max_acc, max_apos, asig1, asig2, asig3, mean_dff, std_dff,\
     min_dff, min_dpos, max_dff, max_dpos, dsig1, dsig2, dsig3)  = data

    outdir = outdir + '/' + hrc + '.html'
    #--- start writing the html page
    line = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
    line = line + '<html>\n'
    line = line + '<head>\n'

    line = line + '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n'

    line = line + '<style  type="text/css">\n'
    line = line + 'body{background-color:#FFEBCD;}\n'
    line = line + 'table{text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;'
    line = line + 'border-style:solid;border-spacing:8px;border-width:2px;'
    line = line + 'border-collapse:separate}\n'
    line = line + 'a:link {color:green;}\n'
    line = line + 'a:visited {color:red;}\n'
    line = line + 'td{text-align:center;padding:8px}\n'
    line = line + '</style>\n'

    if hrc == 'hrci':
        hname = 'HRC I'
        wname = 'HRCI'
        hname = 'HRC S'
        wname = 'HRCS'

    line = line + '<title>' + hname + ' History Data</title>\n'
    line = line + '</head>\n'

    line = line + '<body>\n'
    line = line + '<h2 style="text-align:center">Data: ' + hname + '</h2>\n'

    line = line + '<div style="padding-bottom:30px">\n'
    line = line + '<table border=1>\n'
    line = line + '<tr><th>&#160;</th><th>&#160;</th><th colspan=11>'
    line = line + 'Monthly</th><th colspan=11>Cumulative</th></tr>\n'
    line = line + '<tr style="color:blue"><th>Year</th><th>Month</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
    line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>'
    line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
    line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th></tr>\n'

    for i in range(0, len(date)):

        smonth = mcf.add_leading_zero(month[i])
        cmonth = mcf.change_month_format(month[i])
        syear = str(int(year[i]))
        #--- monthly HRC dose data
        if mean_dff[i] == 0 and std_dff[i] == 0:
            #--- for the case there is no data for this month
            line = line + '<tr><td>%d</td><td>%d</td>' % (year[i], month[i])
            line = line + '<td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td>\n'
            line = line + '<td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>No Data</td><td>No Image</td>\n'
            #line = line + '</tr>\n'
            line = line + '<tr>'
            line = line + '<td>%d</td>' % year[i]
            line = line + '<td>%d</td>' % month[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % mean_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % std_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % min_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % min_dpos[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % max_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % max_dpos[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % dsig1[i]
            line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % dsig2[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>\n' % dsig3[i]

            line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Month_hrc/'
            line = line + wname + '_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.fits.gz'
            line = line + '">fits</a></td>\n'
            line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Images/'
            line = line + wname + '_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.png'
            line = line + '">map</a></td>\n'
#---- cumulative HRC dose data
        line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % mean_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % std_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % min_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % min_apos[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % max_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % max_apos[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % asig1[i]
        line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % asig2[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>\n' % asig3[i]

        line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Cumulative_hrc/'
        line = line + wname + '_08_1999_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.fits.gz'
        line = line + '">fits</a></td>\n'
        line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Images/'
        line = line + wname + '_08_1999_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.png'
        line = line + '">map</a></td>\n'
        line = line + '</tr>\n\n'
        #--- put header every new year so that we can read data easier
        if month[i] % 12 == 0 and i != (len(date) - 1):
            line = line + '\n<tr style="color:blue"><th>Year</th><th>Month</th>'
            line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>'
            line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
            line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th>\n'
            line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>'
            line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
            line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th></tr>\n\n'

    line = line + '</table>\n\n'
    line = line + "</div>\n"
    line = line + '<hr />\n'
    #--- set current date
    [tyear, tmon, tday] = mcf.today_date()

    lmon = mcf.add_leading_zero(tmon)
    lday = mcf.add_leading_zero(tday)

    line = line + '<p style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px">'
    line = line + '<strong style="font-size:105%;float:right">Last Update: '
    line = line + lmon + '/' + lday + '/' + str(tyear) + '</strong></p>\n'

    line = line + '<p>If you have any questions about this page, contact '
    line = line + ' <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected].</a></p>\n'
    line = line + '</body>\n'
    line = line + '</html>\n'

    with open(outdir, 'w') as fo:
def hrc_dose_get_data(startYear='NA',
    extract HRC evt1 data from a month and create cumulative data fits file. 
    input:  startYear   --- start year 
            startMonth  --- start month 
            stopYear    --- stop year 
            stopMonth   --- stop month
    output: image fits files for the month and cumulative cases
    #--- if the dates are not given, set them to the last month
    if startYear == 'NA':
        [stopYear, stopMonth, day] = mcf.today_date()

        startYear = stopYear
        stopMonth -= 1
        startMonth = stopMonth
        if startMonth < 1:
            startMonth = 12
            startYear -= 1
#--- start extracting the data for the year/month period
    for year in range(startYear, stopYear + 1):
        lyear = str(year)
        syear = lyear[2] + lyear[3]
        #--- create a list of month appropriate for the year
        month_list = expf.make_month_list(year, startYear, stopYear,
                                          startMonth, stopMonth)

        for month in month_list:
            smonth = mcf.add_leading_zero(month)
            #--- output file name settings
            outfile_i = './HRCI_' + str(smonth) + '_' + str(lyear) + '.fits'
            outfile_s = './HRCS_' + str(smonth) + '_' + str(lyear) + '.fits'
            #--- using ar5gl, get file names
            smonth = mcf.add_leading_zero(month)
            syear = str(year)
            start = syear + '-' + smonth + '-01T00:00:00'

            nextMonth = month + 1
            if nextMonth > 12:
                lyear = year + 1
                nextMonth = 1
                lyear = year

            smonth = mcf.add_leading_zero(nextMonth)
            syear = str(lyear)
            stop = str(lyear) + '-' + smonth + '-01T00:00:00'

            line = 'operation=browse\n'
            line = line + 'dataset=flight\n'
            line = line + 'detector=hrc\n'
            line = line + 'level=1\n'
            line = line + 'filetype=evt1\n'
            line = line + 'tstart=' + start + '\n'
            line = line + 'tstop=' + stop + '\n'
            line = line + 'go\n'

            fitsList = mcf.run_arc5gl_process(line)
            #--- extract each evt1 file, extract the central part, and combine them into a one file
            #--- set counters for how many hrc-i and hrc-s are extracted
            hrci_cnt = 0
            hrcs_cnt = 0
            for fitsName in fitsList:
                print("Fits file: " + fitsName)
                m = re.search('fits', fitsName)
                if m is None:
                    line = 'operation=retrieve\n'
                    line = line + 'dataset=flight\n'
                    line = line + 'detector=hrc\n'
                    line = line + 'level=1\n'
                    line = line + 'filetype=evt1\n'
                    line = line + 'filename=' + fitsName + '\n'
                    line = line + 'go\n'
                    out = mcf.run_arc5gl_process(line)

                    if len(out) < 1:

                    ofits = out[0]
                    cmd = 'gzip -d ' + ofits

                    ofits = ofits.replace('.gz', '')
#--- checking which HRC (S or I)
                hout = pyfits.open(ofits)
                data = hout[1].header
                detector = data['DETNAM']
                #--- creating the center part image
                line = set_cmd_line(ofits, detector)
                ichk = expf.create_image(line, 'ztemp.fits')
                #--- for HRC S
                if detector == 'HRC-S' and ichk > 0:
                    expf.combine_image('ztemp.fits', 'total_s.fits')
                    hrcs_cnt += 1
#--- for HRC I
                elif detector == 'HRC-I' and ichk > 0:
                    expf.combine_image('ztemp.fits', 'total_i.fits')
                    hrci_cnt += 1

#--- move the file to a depository
            if hrcs_cnt > 0:
                cmd = 'mv total_s.fits ' + web_dir + 'Month_hrc/' + outfile_s
                cmd = 'gzip ' + web_dir + '/Month_hrc/*.fits'

            if hrci_cnt > 0:
                cmd = 'mv total_i.fits ' + web_dir + 'Month_hrc/' + outfile_i
                cmd = 'gzip ' + web_dir + '/Month_hrc/*.fits'

            createCumulative(year, month, 'HRC-S', web_dir)
            createCumulative(year, month, 'HRC-I', web_dir)
Пример #8
def acis_dose_control(year = '', month = ''):
    monthly acis dose update control script
    input: optional year and month
    if year == '' or month == '':
        [year, month, day] = mcf.today_date()
        month = month -1
        if month < 1:
            month = 12
            year -= 1
        year  = int(year)
        month = int(month)

    syear = str(year)
    smon  = mcf.add_leading_zero(month)
#--- extract data
        getd.acis_dose_get_data(year, month, year, month)
        print("Data Extraction Failed!!")
        subject = 'ACIS data extraction problem'
        content = 'Extraction of ACIS data for exposure map trend failed.'
        expf.send_warning_email(subject, content)
#--- create cumulative data
    file1 = 'ACIS_' + smon + '_' + syear + '.fits'
    file2 = 'ACIS_' + smon + '_' + syear + '.fits.gz'

    chk = 0
    for test in os.listdir('./'):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(test, file2):
            chk = 1

    if chk == 0:
        afile = file1
        afile = file2
        print("Cumurative Data Creating Failed!!")
        subject = 'ACIS crumulativedata problem'
        content = 'Creation of Cumulative ACIS data for exposure map trend failed.'
        expf.send_warning_email(subject, content)
#--- compute statistics
    astat.acis_dose_extract_stat_data_month(year, month)
#--- plot data
#--- create images (you need to use ds9 to create a better image)
    aimg.create_acis_maps(year, month)
#--- update html pages
#--- print monthly output