Пример #1
    def get_edition_list(self):
        Loads all editions from the API.
        For a SET, mtg api has the following properties:
            # code
            # name
            # gatherer_code
            # magic_cards_info_code
            # release_date
            # border
            # type
            # block
        We are using the commented ones, but more could be fetched from the API.

        editions = []
        all_sets = Set.all()
        for s in all_sets:
            editions.append([s.code, s.name, s.gatherer_code, s.magic_cards_info_code, s.release_date,
                             s.border, s.type, s.block])
        return editions
Пример #2
    def _get_all_sets(self):
        Iterate through MTGSDK and extend all Set objects to self.sets.

        self.stdout.write(f'Grabbed {len(self.sets)} sets.')
Пример #3
 def downloadSets(self):
     #Downloading all sets name in one file
     sets = Set.all()
     with open('dataSet/allSets.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
         writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
         writer.writerow(['name', 'code', 'mkm_id', 'mkm_name', 'release_date'])
         for set in sets:
             writer.writerow([set.name, set.code, set.mkm_id, set.mkm_name, set.release_date])
Пример #4
def GetAllSets():
    mtgsets = MTGSet.all()
    sets = []

    for mtgset in mtgsets:
        sett = Objects.Set(mtgset.code, mtgset.name)

    return sets
Пример #5
 def sync_sets(self):
     sets = list(api_set.all())
     for set in sets:
         body = {
             'full_name': set.name,
             'abbreviation': set.code,
             'release_date': set.release_date,
             'type': set.type
         Set.objects.update_or_create(defaults=body, abbreviation=set.code)
Пример #6
def season():
    page = ""
    sets = Set.all()
    sets = [s for s in sets if s.type == 'core' or s.type == 'expansion']
    list.sort(sets, key=lambda s: s.release_date, reverse=True)
    page += "<script src='static/mtgleague.js?test=%s'></script>\n" % uuid.uuid4(
    page += "<h1>MTG League Season</h1>\n"
    page += '<select id="setname" onchange="newSeason.updateStatus()">\n'
    for set in sets:
        setId = set.code
        setInfo = "%s [%s - %s]" % (set.name, set.type, set.release_date)
        page += "   <option value='%s'>%s</option>\n" % (setId, setInfo)
    page += '</select>\n'
    page += '''
<button onclick="newSeason.create()" id="createButton">create</button>
<button onclick="newSeason.reset()" id="resetButton">reset</button>
<div>status: <span id="status"></div>
<div id="season-state-div">state: <span id="season-state"></span>
    <button onclick="newSeason.advance()" id="advanceButton">advance</button>
<div id="SeasonContent">
    <div id="Players"><h2>Players</h2>
        <div id="player-registration">
            <input type="text" id="newPlayerName" placeholder="Please use your office login"/><button onclick="newSeason.registerPlayer()">register</button>
        <table id="players-table"></table>
    <div id="Matches">
        <select id="match-week" onchange="newSeason.updateMatches()"></select>
        <table id="match-table"></table>
    <div id="rarepool">
        <h2>Rare Pool</h2>
        <div>Redeem Rare:
            <select id="rare-sel-player"></select>
            <select id="rare-sel-card" onchange="newSeason.updateRareSelImg()"></select>
            <button onclick="newSeason.redeemRare()">redeem</button>
            <img id="rare-sel-img" src="" alt="no image"/>
        <table id="rarepool-table"></table>
<script type='text/javascript'>
    window.onload = newSeason.updateStatus()
    var playerNameInput = document.getElementById('newPlayerName')
    playerNameInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) {
                                                    if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
                                                        newSeason.registerPlayer() ;
    return page
Пример #7
def query_and_write_sets():
    setlist = []
    print("query all sets")
    sets = Set.all()
    print("number of sets: " + str(len(sets)))
    for set in sets:
        dic = {'name': set.name, 'code': set.code}
    write_json(setlist, "mtg_sets.json")
    print("all sets written to 'mtg_sets.json'")
    del setlist
Пример #8
def net_load_set_list() -> dict:
    """ Load the list of all MTG sets from the Gather"""
        start = time()
        sets = Set.all()
        stop = time()
        log("Fetched set list in {}s".format(round(stop - start, 3)),
    except MtgException as err:
        log(str(err), LogLevel.Error)
        return {}
    return [set.__dict__ for set in sets]
Пример #9
    def updateAll(self):
        psets = PersistentList()
        pcards = PCardList()

        for seti in mtgsdkSet.all():
            pset = PSet(seti)
            setCards = [
                PCard(card) for card in mtgsdkCard.where(set=seti.code).all()
            print(pset, len(pcards), len(psets))

        self.root.sets = psets
        self.root.cards = pcards
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        root.title("MTG Set Checker")

        # Define screen size based on user's screen
        screen_width = int(root.winfo_screenwidth() / 2)
        screen_height = int(root.winfo_screenheight() / 2)

        self.width = screen_width
        self.height = screen_height

        window_geometry = str(self.width) + 'x' + str(self.height)

        # Retrieve from MTGSDK, sort by release date, and pass into ScrollCanvas
        self.sets = Set.all()
        self.sets.sort(key=lambda set: set.release_date, reverse=True)

        setNames = list(set.name for set in self.sets)

        # Create Scroll Canvas
        self.setCheck = ScrollCanvas(root, setNames)

        # Test button for Check Button variable
        self.ok = Button(root, text="OK", command=self.printVar)

        # Add Clear Button
        self.clear = Button(root, text="Uncheck", command=self.uncheck)

        # Create Entry for Search
        # Create StringVar and bind to callback function on change
        sv = StringVar()
        sv.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, sv=sv: self.update(sv))
        self.search = Entry(root, textvariable = sv)

        # Create ScrolledText for Cards
        cardsVar = StringVar()
        self.cards = ScrolledText(root)

Пример #11
    def test_all_returns_all_sets(self):
        with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/all_sets.yaml'):
            sets = Set.all()

            self.assertGreater(len(sets), 190)
Пример #12
 def fetch_a_card(self) -> MTGCard:
     card = secrets.choice(Card.where(set=secrets.choice(Set.all()).code).all())
     return self._fetch_from_scryfall(card)
Пример #13
import json
from mtgsdk import Card, Set, Subtype

with open('logo.json') as surl:
    surldict = json.load(surl)

sets = Set.all()

print("\"allsets\":	[")

for iset in sets:
    cardSetList = Card.where(set=iset.code) \


    set_code = "none"
    if iset.code is not None:
        set_code = iset.code
    print("\"code\":" + "\"" + set_code + "\",")

    set_name = "none"
    if iset.name is not None:
        set_name = iset.name
    print("\"name\":" + "\"" + set_name + "\",")

    set_rDate = "none"
    if iset.release_date is not None:
        set_rDate = iset.release_date
    print("\"rDate\":" + "\"" + set_rDate + "\",")
Пример #14
html = '''
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <link href="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/keyrune@latest/css/keyrune.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'>

sets = Set.all()
sets.sort(key=lambda x: x.release_date, reverse=True)

mtg_list = []

for set in sets:
    if set.online_only != 1:
            'code': set.code.lower(),
            'name': set.name,
            'month': calendar.month_name[strptime(set.release_date, '%Y-%m-%d').tm_mon],
            'year': strptime(set.release_date, '%Y-%m-%d').tm_year

items = []
Пример #15
def retrieve_sets():
    return [i.__dict__ for i in Set.all()]
Пример #16
    def test_all_returns_all_sets(self):
        with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/all_sets.yaml'):
            sets = Set.all()

            self.assertGreater(len(sets), 190)
Пример #17
def net_load_sets():
        sets = Set.all()
        return ""
    return sets
Пример #18
def magicSetsDataRequest():
    sets = Set.all()
Пример #19
    def UpdateDB():
    #This is the master update script
    #Will first refresh the SETS table and then check to see if any sets are not present on CARDS table
    #Will then attempt to grab all cards in all sets that are currently not present
    #Will take a long time on first load.  
    #Reccommend using UpdateSet() if you only care about specific sets.
        from mtgsdk import Card
        from mtgsdk import Set
        import sqlite3
        import base64
        import urllib.request, io
        import contextlib
        conn = sqlite3.connect('mtgDB.db')
        c = conn.cursor()

        #Drop tables
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sets;
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mtgsets;
        print('Sets Table Dropped')

        c.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists sets (
            id   INTEGER       UNIQUE
            PRIMARY KEY
            NOT NULL,
            code VARCHAR (255),
            name VARCHAR (255),
            gatherer_code VARCHAR (255),
            old_code VARCHAR (255),
            magic_cards_info_code VARCHAR (255),
            release_date VARCHAR (255),
            border VARCHAR (255),
            stype VARCHAR (255),
            block VARCHAR (255),
            online_only VARCHAR (255),
            booster VARCHAR (255),
            mkm_id VARCHAR (255),
            mkm_name VARCHAR (255)
        print("Sets Table created")

        #insert values
        sets = Set.all()
        for x in range (0, len(sets)):
            code =str(sets[x].code)
            name =str(sets[x].name)
            gatherer_code =str(sets[x].gatherer_code)
            old_code  =str(sets[x].old_code)
            magic_cards_info_code  =str(sets[x].magic_cards_info_code)
            release_date  =str(sets[x].release_date)
            border  =str(sets[x].border)
            stype  =str(sets[x].type)
            block  =str(sets[x].block)
            online_only  =str(sets[x].online_only)
            booster  =str(sets[x].booster)
            mkm_id  =str(sets[x].mkm_id)
            mkm_name  =str(sets[x].mkm_name)
            #to prevent single quote insert errors
            name = name.replace("'", "''")
            c.execute("INSERT INTO sets VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(None,code,name,gatherer_code,old_code,magic_cards_info_code,release_date,border,stype,block,online_only,booster,mkm_id,mkm_name ))
            #print("Set #" + str(x) + " of " + str(len(sets)))

        print('Sets Table Populated')

        #Clear 'NONE' values from SETS
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET id = null where id='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET code = null where code='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET name = null where name='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET gatherer_code = null where gatherer_code='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET old_code = null where old_code='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET magic_cards_info_code = null where magic_cards_info_code='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET release_date = null where release_date='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET border = null where border='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET stype = null where stype='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET block = null where block='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET online_only = null where online_only='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET booster = null where booster='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET mkm_id = null where mkm_id='None' ''')
        c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET mkm_name = null where mkm_name='None' ''')
        print('Sets Table Cleaned')

        c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT code from sets where code not in (select distinct set_code from cards)")
        codes = c.fetchall()
        z = 0

        print("Adding cards from the following Sets:")
        for z in range(0, len(codes)-1):
            codes[z] = str(codes[z]).replace('(','')
            codes[z] = codes[z].replace(')','')
            codes[z] = codes[z].replace(',','')
            codes[z] = codes[z].replace('\'','')
            print("Now getting cards from: " + codes[z])

            for y in range (1, 10000):
                cards = Card.where(set=codes[z]).where(page=y).where(pageSize=100).where(orderBy='set').all()
                #cards = Card.where(orderBy='name').all()
                for x in range (0, len(cards)):
                    name    =str(cards[x].name)
                    multiverse_id    =str(cards[x].multiverse_id)
                    layout    =str(cards[x].layout)
                    names    =str(cards[x].names)
                    mana_cost    =str(cards[x].mana_cost)
                    cmc    =str(cards[x].cmc)
                    colors =str(cards[x].colors)
                    color_identity    =str(cards[x].color_identity)
                    type_line    =str(cards[x].type)
                    types    =str(cards[x].types)
                    supertypes    =str(cards[x].supertypes)
                    subtypes    =str(cards[x].subtypes)
                    rarity    =str(cards[x].rarity)
                    text    =str(cards[x].text)
                    flavor    =str(cards[x].flavor)
                    artist    =str(cards[x].artist)
                    number    =str(cards[x].number)
                    power    =str(cards[x].power)
                    toughness    =str(cards[x].toughness)
                    loyalty    =str(cards[x].loyalty)
                    set_code    =str(cards[x].set)
                    set_name    =str(cards[x].set_name)
                    image_url    =str(cards[x].image_url)
                    border   =str(cards[x].border)
                    # and len(str(cards[x].names)) == 0
                    if cards[x].names is not None and len(cards[x].names) != 0:
                        if cards[x].names.index(name) == 0:
                            names = cards[x].names[1]
                            names = cards[x].names[0]
                    #Image BLOB
                    data = None
                    if cards[x].image_url is not None:
                        #method to download card images from the 
                        with contextlib.closing(urllib.request.urlopen(image_url, data)) as fp:
                            image = base64.b64encode(fp.read())
                        image = "No Image Available"
                    #to prevent single quote import issues
                    text = text.replace("'", "''")
                    flavor = flavor.replace("'", "''")
                    name = name.replace("'", "''")
                    names = names.replace("'", "''")
                    names = names.replace('[', '')
                    names = names.replace(']', '')
                    names = names.replace('"', '')
                    set_name = set_name.replace("'", "''")
                    artist = artist.replace("'", "''")
                    mana_cost = mana_cost.replace('{', '')
                    mana_cost = mana_cost.replace('}', '')
                    color_identity = color_identity.replace('[', '')
                    color_identity = color_identity.replace(']', '')
                    color_identity = color_identity.replace(',', '')
                    color_identity = color_identity.replace(' ', '')
                    color_identity = color_identity.replace("'", '')
                    types = types.replace('[', '')
                    types = types.replace(']', '')
                    types = types.replace(',', '')
                    types = types.replace("'", '')
                    supertypes = supertypes.replace('[', '')
                    supertypes = supertypes.replace(']', '')
                    supertypes = supertypes.replace(',', '')
                    supertypes = supertypes.replace("'", '')
                    subtypes = subtypes.replace('[', '')
                    subtypes = subtypes.replace(']', '')
                    subtypes = subtypes.replace(',', '')
                    subtypes = subtypes.replace("'", '')
                    colors = colors.replace('White', 'W')
                    colors = colors.replace('Blue', 'U')
                    colors = colors.replace('Black', 'B')
                    colors = colors.replace('Red', 'R')
                    colors = colors.replace('Green', 'G')
                    colors = colors.replace(']', '')
                    colors = colors.replace('[', '')
                    colors = colors.replace(',', '')
                    colors = colors.replace(' ', '')
                    colors = colors.replace("'", "")
                    c.execute("INSERT INTO cards VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(None,name,multiverse_id,layout,names,mana_cost,cmc,colors,color_identity,type_line,supertypes,types,subtypes,rarity,text,flavor,artist,number,power,toughness,loyalty,border,image_url,set_code,set_name, image))
                    print(name + ' ' + set_code)
                if(len(cards) == 0):
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET id = null where id='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET name = null where name='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET multiverse_id = null where multiverse_id='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET layout = null where layout='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET names = null where names='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET mana_cost = null where mana_cost='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET cmc = null where cmc='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET colors = null where colors='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET color_identity = null where color_identity='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET type_line = null where type_line='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET supertypes = null where supertypes='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET types = null where types='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET subtypes = null where subtypes='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET rarity = null where rarity='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET text = null where text='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET flavor = null where flavor='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET artist = null where artist='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET number = null where number='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET power = null where power='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET toughness = null where toughness='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET loyalty = null where loyalty='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET border = null where border='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET image_url = null where image_url='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET set_code = null where set_code='None' ''')
            c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET set_name = null where set_name='None' ''')

            # Save (commit) the changes

        # We can also close the connection if we are done with it.
        # Just be sure any changes have been committed or they will be lost.

Пример #20
__author__ = "Duncan Seibert"

from collections import defaultdict

from mtgsdk import Set

from APIutils import Block

# creates a dict mapping block names to the sets that block contains
_sets = [set_ for set_ in Set.all() if set_.block and set_.type == 'expansion']
block_names = set(set_.block for set_ in _sets)
blocks: defaultdict[Block, list[Set]] = defaultdict(list)
for set_ in _sets:
 def fetch_a_card(self) -> Card:
     return random.choice(
 def fetch_a_card(self) -> Card:
     return random.choice(
Пример #23
__author__ = "Duncan Seibert"

from collections import Counter
from typing import NewType

import mtgsdk
from mtgsdk import Set

Set_code = NewType('Set_code', str)
Set_name = NewType('Set_Name', str)
Block = NewType('Block', str)
Cardname = NewType('Cardname', str)
Decklist = Counter[Cardname]

USEFUL_SUPPLEMENTAL_SET_TYPES = ("reprint", "un", "commander", "planechase",
                                 "archenemy", "vanguard", "masters")

ALL_SETS: list[Set] = Set.all()
CORE_SETS: list[Set] = [set_ for set_ in ALL_SETS if set_.type == 'core']
EXPERT_SETS: list[Set] = [
    set_ for set_ in ALL_SETS if set_.type == 'expansion'

def sets_in(card_name: str):
    card = mtgsdk.Card.where(name=card_name).all()
    return card[0].printings.copy()
Пример #24
 def get_all_sets():
     return Set.all()
Пример #25
 def print_cardset_names():
     all_sets = Set.all()
     for mtgset in all_sets:
         print(mtgset.code, mtgset.name)
Пример #26
def get_set():
    sets = Set.all()                # Gets a list of all Sets
    return random.choice(sets)      # returns a random Set object