def plot(self): """ plot the data """ if self.station is None: return s_index = np.where(['station'] == self.station)[0][0] z_obj = mtz.Z([s_index]['z_data'],[s_index]['z_data_err']*\[s_index]['z_err_map'], 1./self.ws_data.period_list) period = self.ws_data.period_list # need to make sure that resistivity and phase is computed z_obj._compute_res_phase() plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.plot_settings.fs fontdict = {'size': self.plot_settings.fs + 2, 'weight': 'bold'} #--> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = { 'color': self.plot_settings.cted, 'marker': self.plot_settings.mted, 'ms':, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize': self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.plot_settings.e_capthick, 'picker': 3 } kw_yy = { 'color': self.plot_settings.ctmd, 'marker': self.plot_settings.mtmd, 'ms':, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize': self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.plot_settings.e_capthick, 'picker': 3 } #convert to apparent resistivity and phase if self.plot_z == True: scaling = np.zeros_like(z_obj.z) for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): scaling[:, ii, jj] = 1. / np.sqrt(z_obj.freq) plot_res = abs(z_obj.z.real * scaling) plot_res_err = abs(z_obj.z_err * scaling) plot_phase = abs(z_obj.z.imag * scaling) plot_phase_err = abs(z_obj.z_err * scaling) h_ratio = [1, 1] elif self.plot_z == False: plot_res = z_obj.resistivity plot_res_err = z_obj.resistivity_err plot_phase = z_obj.phase plot_phase_err = z_obj.phase_err h_ratio = [2, 1] #find locations where points have been masked nzxx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 0])[0] nzxy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 1])[0] nzyx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 0])[0] nzyy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 1])[0] self.figure.clf() self.figure.suptitle(str(self.station), fontdict=fontdict) #set the grid of subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4, height_ratios=h_ratio) gs.update(wspace=self.plot_settings.subplot_wspace, left=self.plot_settings.subplot_left, top=self.plot_settings.subplot_top, bottom=self.plot_settings.subplot_bottom, right=self.plot_settings.subplot_right, hspace=self.plot_settings.subplot_hspace) axrxx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) axrxy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=axrxx) axryx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 2], sharex=axrxx) axryy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 3], sharex=axrxx) axpxx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) axpxy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=axrxx) axpyx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 2], sharex=axrxx) axpyy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 3], sharex=axrxx) self.ax_list = [axrxx, axrxy, axryx, axryy, axpxx, axpxy, axpyx, axpyy] # plot data response erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0], plot_res_err[nzxx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1], plot_res_err[nzxy, 0, 1], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, period[nzyx], plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0], plot_res_err[nzyx, 1, 0], **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, period[nzyy], plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1], plot_res_err[nzyy, 1, 1], **kw_yy) #plot phase epxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], plot_phase[nzxx, 0, 0], plot_phase_err[nzxx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) epxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], plot_phase[nzxy, 0, 1], plot_phase_err[nzxy, 0, 1], **kw_xx) epyx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, period[nzyx], plot_phase[nzyx, 1, 0], plot_phase_err[nzyx, 1, 0], **kw_yy) epyy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, period[nzyy], plot_phase[nzyy, 1, 1], plot_phase_err[nzyy, 1, 1], **kw_yy) #---------------------------------------------- # get error bar list for editing later self._err_list = [[erxx[1][0], erxx[1][1], erxx[2][0]], [erxy[1][0], erxy[1][1], erxy[2][0]], [eryx[1][0], eryx[1][1], eryx[2][0]], [eryy[1][0], eryy[1][1], eryy[2][0]]] line_list = [[erxx[0]], [erxy[0]], [eryx[0]], [eryy[0]]] #------------------------------------------ # make things look nice # set titles of the Z components label_list = [['$Z_{xx}$'], ['$Z_{xy}$'], ['$Z_{yx}$'], ['$Z_{yy}$']] for ax, label in zip(self.ax_list[0:4], label_list): ax.set_title(label[0], fontdict={ 'size': self.plot_settings.fs + 2, 'weight': 'bold' }) #--> set limits if input if self.plot_settings.res_xx_limits is not None: axrxx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_xx_limits) if self.plot_settings.res_xy_limits is not None: axrxy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_xy_limits) if self.plot_settings.res_yx_limits is not None: axryx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_yx_limits) if self.plot_settings.res_yy_limits is not None: axryy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_yy_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_xx_limits is not None: axpxx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_xx_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_xy_limits is not None: axpxy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_xy_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_yx_limits is not None: axpyx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_yx_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_yy_limits is not None: axpyy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_yy_limits) #set axis properties for aa, ax in enumerate(self.ax_list): ax.tick_params(axis='y', pad=self.plot_settings.ylabel_pad) ylabels = ax.get_yticks().tolist() if aa < 4: ylabels[-1] = '' ylabels[0] = '' ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_z == True: ax.set_yscale('log') else: ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if aa < 4 and self.plot_z is False: ax.set_yscale('log') #set axes labels if aa == 0: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Re[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 4: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Im[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim(xmin=10**(np.floor(np.log10(period[0]))) * 1.01, xmax=10**(np.ceil(np.log10(period[-1]))) * .99) ax.grid(True, alpha=.25) ##---------------------------------------------- #plot model response if self.ws_resp is not None: s_index = np.where( self.ws_resp.resp['station'] == self.station)[0][0] resp_z_obj = mtz.Z(self.ws_resp.resp[s_index]['z_resp'], None, 1. / self.ws_resp.period_list) resp_z_err = np.nan_to_num((z_obj.z - resp_z_obj.z) / z_obj.z_err) resp_z_obj._compute_res_phase() #convert to apparent resistivity and phase if self.plot_z == True: scaling = np.zeros_like(resp_z_obj.z) for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): scaling[:, ii, jj] = 1. / np.sqrt(resp_z_obj.freq) r_plot_res = abs(resp_z_obj.z.real * scaling) r_plot_phase = abs(resp_z_obj.z.imag * scaling) elif self.plot_z == False: r_plot_res = resp_z_obj.resistivity r_plot_phase = resp_z_obj.phase rms_xx = resp_z_err[:, 0, 0].std() rms_xy = resp_z_err[:, 0, 1].std() rms_yx = resp_z_err[:, 1, 0].std() rms_yy = resp_z_err[:, 1, 1].std() #--> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = { 'color': self.plot_settings.ctem, 'marker': self.plot_settings.mtem, 'ms':, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize': self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.plot_settings.e_capthick } kw_yy = { 'color': self.plot_settings.ctmm, 'marker': self.plot_settings.mtmm, 'ms':, 'ls': ':', 'lw': self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize': self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick': self.plot_settings.e_capthick } # plot data response rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], r_plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0], None, **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], r_plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1], None, **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, period[nzyx], r_plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0], None, **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, period[nzyy], r_plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1], None, **kw_yy) #plot phase repxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], r_plot_phase[nzxx, 0, 0], None, **kw_xx) repxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], r_plot_phase[nzxy, 0, 1], None, **kw_xx) repyx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, period[nzyx], r_plot_phase[nzyx, 1, 0], None, **kw_yy) repyy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, period[nzyy], r_plot_phase[nzyy, 1, 1], None, **kw_yy) # add labels to legends line_list[0] += [rerxx[0]] line_list[1] += [rerxy[0]] line_list[2] += [reryx[0]] line_list[3] += [reryy[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx)] label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] label_list[2] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[3] += ['$Z^m_{yy}$ ' + 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] legend_ax_list = self.ax_list[0:4] for aa, ax in enumerate(legend_ax_list): ax.legend( line_list[aa], label_list[aa], loc=self.plot_settings.legend_loc, bbox_to_anchor=self.plot_settings.legend_pos, markerscale=self.plot_settings.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.plot_settings.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.plot_settings.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.plot_settings.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.plot_settings.legend_border_pad, prop={'size': max([self.plot_settings.fs, 5])}) self.mpl_widget.draw()
def plot(self): """ plot the data """ if self.station is None: return z_obj = self.modem_data.mt_dict[self.station].Z t_obj = self.modem_data.mt_dict[self.station].Tipper period = self.modem_data.period_list # need to make sure that resistivity and phase is computed z_obj.compute_resistivity_phase() z_obj.compute_resistivity_phase() plt.rcParams['font.size'] = self.plot_settings.fs fontdict = {'size':self.plot_settings.fs+2, 'weight':'bold'} #--> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = {'color':self.plot_settings.cted, 'marker':self.plot_settings.mted, 'ms', 'ls':':', 'lw':self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize':self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick':self.plot_settings.e_capthick, 'picker':3} kw_yy = {'color':self.plot_settings.ctmd, 'marker':self.plot_settings.mtmd, 'ms', 'ls':':', 'lw':self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize':self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick':self.plot_settings.e_capthick, 'picker':3} #convert to apparent resistivity and phase if self.plot_z == True: scaling = np.zeros_like(z_obj.z) for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): scaling[:, ii, jj] = 1./np.sqrt(z_obj.freq) plot_res = abs(z_obj.z.real*scaling) plot_res_err = abs(z_obj.z_err*scaling) plot_phase = abs(z_obj.z.imag*scaling) plot_phase_err = abs(z_obj.z_err*scaling) h_ratio = [1, 1, .5] elif self.plot_z == False: plot_res = z_obj.resistivity plot_res_err = z_obj.resistivity_err plot_phase = z_obj.phase plot_phase_err = z_obj.phase_err h_ratio = [1.5, 1, .5] #find locations where points have been masked nzxx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 0])[0] nzxy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 1])[0] nzyx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 0])[0] nzyy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 1])[0] ntx = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 0])[0] nty = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 1])[0] self.figure.clf() self.figure.suptitle(str(self.station), fontdict=fontdict) #set the grid of subplots if np.all(t_obj.tipper == 0.0) == True: self.plot_tipper = False else: self.plot_tipper = True gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 4, height_ratios=h_ratio) gs.update(wspace=self.plot_settings.subplot_wspace, left=self.plot_settings.subplot_left, top=self.plot_settings.subplot_top, bottom=self.plot_settings.subplot_bottom, right=self.plot_settings.subplot_right, hspace=self.plot_settings.subplot_hspace) axrxx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) axrxy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=axrxx) axryx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 2], sharex=axrxx) axryy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 3], sharex=axrxx) axpxx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) axpxy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=axrxx) axpyx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 2], sharex=axrxx) axpyy = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 3], sharex=axrxx) axtxr = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[2, 0], sharex=axrxx) axtxi = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=axrxx) axtyr = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[2, 2], sharex=axrxx) axtyi = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[2, 3], sharex=axrxx) self.ax_list = [axrxx, axrxy, axryx, axryy, axpxx, axpxy, axpyx, axpyy, axtxr, axtxi, axtyr, axtyi] # plot data response erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0], plot_res_err[nzxx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1], plot_res_err[nzxy, 0, 1], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, period[nzyx], plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0], plot_res_err[nzyx, 1, 0], **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, period[nzyy], plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1], plot_res_err[nzyy, 1, 1], **kw_yy) #plot phase epxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], plot_phase[nzxx, 0, 0], plot_phase_err[nzxx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) epxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], plot_phase[nzxy, 0, 1], plot_phase_err[nzxy, 0, 1], **kw_xx) epyx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, period[nzyx], plot_phase[nzyx, 1, 0], plot_phase_err[nzyx, 1, 0], **kw_yy) epyy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, period[nzyy], plot_phase[nzyy, 1, 1], plot_phase_err[nzyy, 1, 1], **kw_yy) #plot tipper if self.plot_tipper == True: ertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxr, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real, t_obj.tipper_err[ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) erty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyr, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].real, t_obj.tipper_err[nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) eptx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxi, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[ntx, 0, 0], **kw_xx) epty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyi, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[nty, 0, 1], **kw_yy) #---------------------------------------------- # get error bar list for editing later if self.plot_tipper == False: try: self._err_list = [[erxx[1][0], erxx[1][1], erxx[2][0]], [erxy[1][0], erxy[1][1], erxy[2][0]], [eryx[1][0], eryx[1][1], eryx[2][0]], [eryy[1][0], eryy[1][1], eryy[2][0]], [epxx[1][0], epxx[1][1], epxx[2][0]], [epxy[1][0], epxy[1][1], epxy[2][0]], [epyx[1][0], epyx[1][1], epyx[2][0]], [epyy[1][0], epyy[1][1], epyy[2][0]]] line_list = [[erxx[0]], [erxy[0]], [eryx[0]], [eryy[0]]] except IndexError: print 'Found no Z components for {0}'.format(self.station) line_list = [[None], [None], [None], [None]] self._err_list = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]] else: try: line_list = [[erxx[0]], [erxy[0]], [eryx[0]], [eryy[0]], [ertx[0]], [erty[0]]] self._err_list = [[erxx[1][0], erxx[1][1], erxx[2][0]], [erxy[1][0], erxy[1][1], erxy[2][0]], [eryx[1][0], eryx[1][1], eryx[2][0]], [eryy[1][0], eryy[1][1], eryy[2][0]], [epxx[1][0], epxx[1][1], epxx[2][0]], [epxy[1][0], epxy[1][1], epxy[2][0]], [epyx[1][0], epyx[1][1], epyx[2][0]], [epyy[1][0], epyy[1][1], epyy[2][0]], [ertx[1][0], ertx[1][1], ertx[2][0]], [eptx[1][0], eptx[1][1], eptx[2][0]], [erty[1][0], erty[1][1], erty[2][0]], [epty[1][0], epty[1][1], epty[2][0]]] except IndexError: print 'Found no Z components for {0}'.format(self.station) line_list = [[None], [None], [None], [None], [None], [None]] self._err_list = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]] #------------------------------------------ # make things look nice # set titles of the Z components label_list = [['$Z_{xx}$'], ['$Z_{xy}$'], ['$Z_{yx}$'], ['$Z_{yy}$']] for ax, label in zip(self.ax_list[0:4], label_list): ax.set_title(label[0],fontdict={'size':self.plot_settings.fs+2, 'weight':'bold'}) # set legends for tipper components # fake a line l1 = plt.Line2D([0], [0], linewidth=0, color='w', linestyle='None', marker='.') t_label_list = ['Re{$T_x$}', 'Im{$T_x$}', 'Re{$T_y$}', 'Im{$T_y$}'] label_list += [['$T_{x}$'], ['$T_{y}$']] for ax, label in zip(self.ax_list[-4:], t_label_list): ax.legend([l1], [label], loc='upper left', markerscale=.01, borderaxespad=.05, labelspacing=.01, handletextpad=.05, borderpad=.05, prop={'size':max([self.plot_settings.fs, 5])}) #--> set limits if input if self.plot_settings.res_xx_limits is not None: axrxx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_xx_limits) if self.plot_settings.res_xy_limits is not None: axrxy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_xy_limits) if self.plot_settings.res_yx_limits is not None: axryx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_yx_limits) if self.plot_settings.res_yy_limits is not None: axryy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.res_yy_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_xx_limits is not None: axpxx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_xx_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_xy_limits is not None: axpxy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_xy_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_yx_limits is not None: axpyx.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_yx_limits) if self.plot_settings.phase_yy_limits is not None: axpyy.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.phase_yy_limits) #set axis properties for aa, ax in enumerate(self.ax_list): ax.tick_params(axis='y', pad=self.plot_settings.ylabel_pad) ylabels = ax.get_yticks().tolist() if aa < 8: ylabels[-1] = '' ylabels[0] = '' ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if self.plot_z == True: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') else: ax.set_xlabel('Period (s)', fontdict=fontdict) if aa < 4 and self.plot_z is False: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') #set axes labels if aa == 0: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Re[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 4: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel('Im[Z (mV/km nT)]', fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 8: ax.set_ylabel('Tipper', fontdict=fontdict) if aa > 7: if self.plot_settings.tipper_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(self.plot_settings.tipper_limits) else: pass ax.set_xscale('log', nonposx='clip') ax.set_xlim(xmin=10**(np.floor(np.log10(period[0])))*1.01, xmax=10**(np.ceil(np.log10(period[-1])))*.99) ax.grid(True, alpha=.25) ##---------------------------------------------- #plot model response if self.modem_resp is not None: resp_z_obj = self.modem_resp.mt_dict[self.station].Z resp_z_err = np.nan_to_num((z_obj.z-resp_z_obj.z)/z_obj.z_err) resp_z_obj.compute_resistivity_phase() resp_t_obj = self.modem_resp.mt_dict[self.station].Tipper resp_t_err = np.nan_to_num((t_obj.tipper-resp_t_obj.tipper)/t_obj.tipper_err) #convert to apparent resistivity and phase if self.plot_z == True: scaling = np.zeros_like(resp_z_obj.z) for ii in range(2): for jj in range(2): scaling[:, ii, jj] = 1./np.sqrt(resp_z_obj.freq) r_plot_res = abs(resp_z_obj.z.real*scaling) r_plot_phase = abs(resp_z_obj.z.imag*scaling) elif self.plot_z == False: r_plot_res = resp_z_obj.resistivity r_plot_phase = resp_z_obj.phase rms_xx = resp_z_err[nzxx, 0, 0].std() rms_xy = resp_z_err[nzxy, 0, 1].std() rms_yx = resp_z_err[nzyx, 1, 0].std() rms_yy = resp_z_err[nzyy, 1, 1].std() #--> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = {'color':self.plot_settings.ctem, 'marker':self.plot_settings.mtem, 'ms', 'ls':':', 'lw':self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize':self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick':self.plot_settings.e_capthick} kw_yy = {'color':self.plot_settings.ctmm, 'marker':self.plot_settings.mtmm, 'ms', 'ls':':', 'lw':self.plot_settings.lw, 'e_capsize':self.plot_settings.e_capsize, 'e_capthick':self.plot_settings.e_capthick} # plot data response rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxx, period[nzxx], r_plot_res[nzxx, 0, 0], None, **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrxy, period[nzxy], r_plot_res[nzxy, 0, 1], None, **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryx, period[nzyx], r_plot_res[nzyx, 1, 0], None, **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axryy, period[nzyy], r_plot_res[nzyy, 1, 1], None, **kw_yy) #plot phase repxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxx, period[nzxx], r_plot_phase[nzxx, 0, 0], None, **kw_xx) repxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpxy, period[nzxy], r_plot_phase[nzxy, 0, 1], None, **kw_xx) repyx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyx, period[nzyx], r_plot_phase[nzyx, 1, 0], None, **kw_yy) repyy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpyy, period[nzyy], r_plot_phase[nzyy, 1, 1], None, **kw_yy) #plot tipper if self.plot_tipper == True: rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxr, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real, None, **kw_xx) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyr, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].real, None, **kw_yy) reptx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtxi, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].imag, None, **kw_xx) repty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtyi, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag, None, **kw_yy) if self.plot_tipper == False: line_list[0] += [rerxx[0]] line_list[1] += [rerxy[0]] line_list[2] += [reryx[0]] line_list[3] += [reryy[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx)] label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] label_list[2] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[3] += ['$Z^m_{yy}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] else: line_list[0] += [rerxx[0]] line_list[1] += [rerxy[0]] line_list[2] += [reryx[0]] line_list[3] += [reryy[0]] line_list[4] += [rertx[0]] line_list[5] += [rerty[0]] label_list[0] += ['$Z^m_{xx}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xx)] label_list[1] += ['$Z^m_{xy}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_xy)] label_list[2] += ['$Z^m_{yx}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yx)] label_list[3] += ['$Z^m_{yy}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(rms_yy)] label_list[4] += ['$T^m_{x}$ '+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(resp_t_err[ntx, 0, 0].std())] label_list[5] += ['$T^m_{y}$'+ 'rms={0:.2f}'.format(resp_t_err[nty, 0, 1].std())] legend_ax_list = self.ax_list[0:4] if self.plot_tipper == True: legend_ax_list += [self.ax_list[-4], self.ax_list[-2]] for aa, ax in enumerate(legend_ax_list): ax.legend(line_list[aa], label_list[aa], loc=self.plot_settings.legend_loc, bbox_to_anchor=self.plot_settings.legend_pos, markerscale=self.plot_settings.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.plot_settings.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.plot_settings.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.plot_settings.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.plot_settings.legend_border_pad, prop={'size':max([self.plot_settings.fs, 5])}) self.mpl_widget.draw()
# color=(0, 0.85, 0), # marker='s', # ms=5) # l4 = mtplt.plot_errorbar(ax, # 1./b_arr['freq'], # sps.medfilt(b_arr['azimuth']-p_arr['azimuth'], # ks), # y_error=b_arr['azimuth_err']+p_arr['azimuth_err'], # color=(0.85, 0.85, 0), # marker='s', # ms=5) l1 = mtplt.plot_errorbar( ax, 1.0 / b_arr["freq"], b_arr["phimin"], y_error=b_arr["phimin_err"], color="k", marker="s", ms=5, ) l2 = mtplt.plot_errorbar( ax, 1.0 / p_arr["freq"], p_arr["phimin"], y_error=p_arr["phimin_err"], color=(0, 0, 0.85), marker="v", ms=5, ) l3 = mtplt.plot_errorbar(
def plot(self): """ plot the data """ if self.station is None: return z_obj = self.modem_data.mt_dict[self.station].Z t_obj = self.modem_data.mt_dict[self.station].Tipper period = self.modem_data.period_list plt.rcParams["font.size"] = self.fs fontdict = {"size": self.fs + 2, "weight": "bold"} # --> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = { "color": self.cted, "marker": self.mted, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } kw_yy = { "color": self.ctmd, "marker": self.mtmd, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } kw_tr = { "color": self.ctrd, "marker": self.mtmd, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } kw_ti = { "color": self.ctid, "marker": self.mtmd, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } # convert to apparent resistivity and phase rp = mtplottools.ResPhase(z_object=z_obj) # find locations where points have been masked nzxx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 0])[0] nzxy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 0, 1])[0] nzyx = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 0])[0] nzyy = np.nonzero(z_obj.z[:, 1, 1])[0] ntx = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 0])[0] nty = np.nonzero(t_obj.tipper[:, 0, 1])[0] self.figure.clf() self.figure.suptitle(str(self.station), fontdict=fontdict) # set the grid of subplots gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 3, 2, wspace=self.subplot_wspace, left=self.subplot_left, top=self.subplot_top, bottom=self.subplot_bottom, right=self.subplot_right, hspace=self.subplot_hspace, height_ratios=[1, 1, 0.4], ) # od for off diagonal components, d for diagonal axrod = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) axrd = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=axrod) axpod = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) axpd = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], sharex=axrod) axtx = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[2, 0], sharex=axrod) axty = self.figure.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=axrod) if self.plot_z == False: # plot resistivity erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrd, period[nzxx], rp.resxx[nzxx], rp.resxx_err[nzxx], **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrod, period[nzxy], rp.resxy[nzxy], rp.resxy_err[nzxy], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrod, period[nzyx], rp.resyx[nzyx], rp.resyx_err[nzyx], **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrd, period[nzyy], rp.resyy[nzyy], rp.resyy_err[nzyy], **kw_yy) # plot phase erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpd, period[nzxx], rp.phasexx[nzxx], rp.phasexx_err[nzxx], **kw_xx) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpod, period[nzxy], rp.phasexy[nzxy], rp.phasexy_err[nzxy], **kw_xx) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpod, period[nzyx], rp.phaseyx[nzyx], rp.phaseyx_err[nzyx], **kw_yy) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpd, period[nzyy], rp.phaseyy[nzyy], rp.phaseyy_err[nzyy], **kw_yy) elif self.plot_z == True: # plot real erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axrd, period[nzxx], z_obj.z[nzxx, 0, 0].real, z_obj.z_err[nzxx, 0, 0].real, **kw_xx ) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axrod, period[nzxy], z_obj.z[nzxy, 0, 1].real, z_obj.z_err[nzxy, 0, 1].real, **kw_xx ) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axrod, period[nzyx], z_obj.z[nzyx, 1, 0].real, z_obj.z_err[nzyx, 1, 0].real, **kw_yy ) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axrd, period[nzyy], z_obj.z[nzyy, 1, 1].real, z_obj.z_err[nzyy, 1, 1].real, **kw_yy ) # plot phase erxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axpd, period[nzxx], z_obj.z[nzxx, 0, 0].imag, z_obj.z_err[nzxx, 0, 0].real, **kw_xx ) erxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axpod, period[nzxy], z_obj.z[nzxy, 0, 1].imag, z_obj.z_err[nzxy, 0, 1].real, **kw_xx ) eryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axpod, period[nzyx], z_obj.z[nzyx, 1, 0].imag, z_obj.z_err[nzyx, 1, 0].real, **kw_yy ) eryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axpd, period[nzyy], z_obj.z[nzyy, 1, 1].imag, z_obj.z_err[nzyy, 1, 1].real, **kw_yy ) # plot tipper ertxr = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axtx, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real, t_obj.tipper_err[ntx, 0, 0], **kw_tr ) ertxi = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axtx, period[ntx], t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[ntx, 0, 1], **kw_ti ) ertyr = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axty, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].real, t_obj.tipper_err[nty, 0, 0], **kw_tr ) ertyi = mtplottools.plot_errorbar( axty, period[nty], t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag, t_obj.tipper_err[nty, 0, 1], **kw_ti ) ax_list = [axrod, axrd, axpod, axpd, axtx, axty] od_line_list = [erxy[0], eryx[0], ertxr[0], ertxi[0]] d_line_list = [erxx[0], eryy[0], ertyr[0], ertyi[0]] od_label_list = ["$Z_{xy}$", "$Z_{yx}$", "Re{$T_{x}$}", "Im{$T_{x}$}"] d_label_list = ["$Z_{xx}$", "$Z_{yy}$", "Re{$T_{y}$}", "Im{$T_{y}$}"] # --> set limits if input if self.res_xx_limits is not None: axrd.set_ylim(self.res_xx_limits) if self.res_xy_limits is not None: axrod.set_ylim(self.res_xy_limits) if self.phase_xx_limits is not None: axpd.set_ylim(self.phase_xx_limits) if self.phase_xy_limits is not None: axpod.set_ylim(self.phase_xy_limits) # axtx.set_ylim((-1.1, 1.1)) # axty.set_ylim((-1.1, 1.1)) # set axis properties for aa, ax in enumerate(ax_list): ax.tick_params(axis="y", pad=self.ylabel_pad) ylabels = ax.get_yticks().tolist() if aa == 2 or aa == 3 or aa == 4 or aa == 5: ylabels[-1] = "" ylabels[0] = "" ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) if aa < 2: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_yscale("log") if aa < 4: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: ax.set_xlabel("Period (s)", fontdict=fontdict) # set axes labels if aa == 0: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel("App. Res. ($\mathbf{\Omega \cdot m}$)", fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel("Re[Z (mV/km nT)]", fontdict=fontdict) ax.legend( od_line_list, od_label_list, loc=self.legend_loc, ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=self.legend_pos, markerscale=self.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.legend_border_pad, prop={"size": max([self.fs - 1, 5])}, ) elif aa == 1: ax.legend( d_line_list, d_label_list, loc=self.legend_loc, ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=self.legend_pos, markerscale=self.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.legend_border_pad, prop={"size": max([self.fs - 1, 5])}, ) elif aa == 2: if self.plot_z == False: ax.set_ylabel("Phase (deg)", fontdict=fontdict) elif self.plot_z == True: ax.set_ylabel("Im[Z (mV/km nT)]", fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 4: ax.set_ylabel(r"W$_x$", fontdict=fontdict) elif aa == 5: ax.set_ylabel(r"W$_y$", fontdict=fontdict) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_xlim( xmin=10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(period[0]))) * 1.01, xmax=10 ** (np.ceil(np.log10(period[-1]))) * 0.99 ) ax.grid(True, alpha=0.25) # plot model response if self.modem_resp is not None: resp_z_obj = self.modem_resp.mt_dict[self.station].Z resp_z_err = np.nan_to_num((z_obj.z - resp_z_obj.z) / z_obj.z_err) resp_t_obj = self.modem_resp.mt_dict[self.station].Tipper rrp = mtplottools.ResPhase(resp_z_obj) rms = resp_z_err.std() rms_xx = resp_z_err[:, 0, 0].std() rms_xy = resp_z_err[:, 0, 1].std() rms_yx = resp_z_err[:, 1, 0].std() rms_yy = resp_z_err[:, 1, 1].std() # --> make key word dictionaries for plotting kw_xx = { "color": self.ctem, "marker": self.mtem, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } kw_yy = { "color": self.ctmm, "marker": self.mtmm, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } kw_tr = { "color": self.ctrm, "marker": self.mtmd, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } kw_ti = { "color": self.ctim, "marker": self.mtmd, "ms":, "ls": ":", "lw": self.lw, "e_capsize": self.e_capsize, "e_capthick": self.e_capthick, } if self.plot_z == False: # plot resistivity rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrd, period[nzxx], rrp.resxx[nzxx], **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrod, period[nzxy], rrp.resxy[nzxy], **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrod, period[nzyx], rrp.resyx[nzyx], **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrd, period[nzyy], rrp.resyy[nzyy], **kw_yy) # plot phase rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpd, period[nzxx], rrp.phasexx[nzxx], **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpod, period[nzxy], rrp.phasexy[nzxy], **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpod, period[nzyx], rrp.phaseyx[nzyx], **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpd, period[nzyy], rrp.phaseyy[nzyy], **kw_yy) elif self.plot_z == True: # plot real rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrd, period[nzxx], resp_z_obj.z[nzxx, 0, 0].real, **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrod, period[nzxy], resp_z_obj.z[nzxy, 0, 1].real, **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrod, period[nzyx], resp_z_obj.z[nzyx, 1, 0].real, **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axrd, period[nzyy], resp_z_obj.z[nzyy, 1, 1].real, **kw_yy) # plot phase rerxx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpd, period[nzxx], resp_z_obj.z[nzxx, 0, 0].imag, **kw_xx) rerxy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpod, period[nzxy], resp_z_obj.z[nzxy, 0, 1].imag, **kw_xx) reryx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpod, period[nzyx], resp_z_obj.z[nzyx, 1, 0].imag, **kw_yy) reryy = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axpd, period[nzyy], resp_z_obj.z[nzyy, 1, 1].imag, **kw_yy) rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtx, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 0].real, **kw_tr) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axtx, period[ntx], resp_t_obj.tipper[ntx, 0, 1].imag, **kw_ti) rertx = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axty, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 0].real, **kw_tr) rerty = mtplottools.plot_errorbar(axty, period[nty], resp_t_obj.tipper[nty, 0, 1].imag, **kw_ti) # add laines and labels od_line_list += [rerxy[0], reryx[0], rertx[0], rerty[0]] d_line_list += [rerxx[0], reryy[0], rertx[0], rerty[0]] od_label_list += [ "$Z^m_{xy}$" + "rms={0:.2f}".format(rms_xy), "$Z^m_{yx}$" + "rms={0:.2f}".format(rms_yx), "Re{$T^m_{x}$}", "Im{$T^m_{x}$}", ] d_label_list += [ "$Z^m_{xx}$" + "rms={0:.2f}".format(rms_xx), "$Z^m_{yy}$" + "rms={0:.2f}".format(rms_yy), "Re{$T^m_{x}$}", "Im{$T^m_{x}$}", ] legend_ax_list = [axrod, axrd] od_label_list = od_label_list[0:2] + od_label_list[4:6] + od_label_list[2:4] + od_label_list[6:8] d_label_list = d_label_list[0:2] + d_label_list[4:6] + d_label_list[2:4] + d_label_list[6:8] od_line_list = od_line_list[0:2] + od_line_list[4:6] + od_line_list[2:4] + od_line_list[6:8] d_line_list = d_line_list[0:2] + d_line_list[4:6] + d_line_list[2:4] + d_line_list[6:8] legend_ll = [od_line_list, d_line_list] legend_tl = [od_label_list, d_label_list] for ax, ll, tl in zip(legend_ax_list, legend_ll, legend_tl): ax.legend( ll, tl, loc=self.legend_loc, ncol=4, bbox_to_anchor=self.legend_pos, markerscale=self.legend_marker_scale, borderaxespad=self.legend_border_axes_pad, labelspacing=self.legend_label_spacing, handletextpad=self.legend_handle_text_pad, borderpad=self.legend_border_pad, prop={"size": max([self.fs - 1, 5])}, ) self.mpl_widget.draw()
# ks), # color=(0, 0.85, 0), # marker='s', # ms=5) # l4 = mtplt.plot_errorbar(ax, # 1./b_arr['freq'], # sps.medfilt(b_arr['azimuth']-p_arr['azimuth'], # ks), # y_error=b_arr['azimuth_err']+p_arr['azimuth_err'], # color=(0.85, 0.85, 0), # marker='s', # ms=5) l1 = mtplt.plot_errorbar(ax, 1. / b_arr['freq'], b_arr['phimin'], y_error=b_arr['phimin_err'], color='k', marker='s', ms=5) l2 = mtplt.plot_errorbar(ax, 1. / p_arr['freq'], p_arr['phimin'], y_error=p_arr['phimin_err'], color=(0, 0, .85), marker='v', ms=5) l3 = mtplt.plot_errorbar(ax, 1. / b_arr['freq'], b_arr['phimax'], y_error=b_arr['phimax_err'],