Пример #1
def _get_ephys_constructor(obj, **kwargs):
    """Return the class, argument, and kwargs to create an Ephys instance from any
    compatible Python object."""
    if 'n_channels_dat' in kwargs:  # pragma: no cover
        kwargs['n_channels'] = kwargs.pop('n_channels_dat')
    if isinstance(obj, mtscomp.Reader):
        return (MtscompEphysReader, obj, kwargs)
    elif isinstance(obj, (str, Path)):
        path = Path(obj)
        if not path.exists():  # pragma: no cover
            logger.warning("File %s does not exist.", path)
            return None, None, {}
        assert path.exists()
        ext = path.suffix
        # Mtscomp file
        if ext == '.cbin':
            reader = mtscomp.Reader(n_threads=mp.cpu_count() // 2)
            return (MtscompEphysReader, reader, kwargs)
        # Flat binary file
        elif ext in EPHYS_RAW_EXTENSIONS:
            return (FlatEphysReader, path, kwargs)
        elif ext == '.npy':
            return (NpyEphysReader, obj, kwargs)
            # TODO: other standard binary formats
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise IOError("Unknown file extension: %s.", ext)
    elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
        if obj:
            # Concatenate the main argument to the constructor.
            klass, arg, kwargs = _get_ephys_constructor(obj[0], **kwargs)
            arg = [_get_ephys_constructor(o)[1] for o in obj]
            return (klass, arg, kwargs)
        return (ArrayEphysReader, obj, kwargs)
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, sglx_file):
     self.file_bin = Path(sglx_file)
     self.nbytes = self.file_bin.stat().st_size
     file_meta_data = Path(sglx_file).with_suffix('.meta')
     if not file_meta_data.exists():
         self.file_meta_data = None
         self.meta = None
         self.channel_conversion_sample2v = 1
         _logger.warning(str(sglx_file) + " : no metadata file found. Very limited support")
     # normal case we continue reading and interpreting the metadata file
     self.file_meta_data = file_meta_data
     self.meta = read_meta_data(file_meta_data)
     self.channel_conversion_sample2v = _conversion_sample2v_from_meta(self.meta)
     # if we are not looking at a compressed file, use a memmap, otherwise instantiate mtscomp
     if self.is_mtscomp:
         self._raw = mtscomp.Reader()
         self._raw.open(self.file_bin, self.file_bin.with_suffix('.ch'))
         if self.nc * self.ns * 2 != self.nbytes:
             ftsec = self.file_bin.stat().st_size / 2 / self.nc / self.fs
             _logger.warning(f"{sglx_file} : meta data and filesize do not checkout\n"
                             f"File size: expected {self.meta['fileSizeBytes']},"
                             f" actual {self.file_bin.stat().st_size}\n"
                             f"File duration: expected {self.meta['fileTimeSecs']},"
                             f" actual {ftsec}\n"
                             f"Will attempt to fudge the meta-data information.")
             self.meta['fileTimeSecs'] = ftsec
         self._raw = np.memmap(sglx_file, dtype='int16', mode='r', shape=(self.ns, self.nc))
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, sglx_file):
     self.file_bin = Path(sglx_file)
     self.nbytes = self.file_bin.stat().st_size
     file_meta_data = Path(sglx_file).with_suffix('.meta')
     if not file_meta_data.exists():
         self.file_meta_data = None
         self.meta = None
         self.channel_conversion_sample2v = 1
             str(sglx_file) +
             " : no metadata file found. Very limited support")
     # normal case we continue reading and interpreting the metadata file
     self.file_meta_data = file_meta_data
     self.meta = read_meta_data(file_meta_data)
     self.channel_conversion_sample2v = _conversion_sample2v_from_meta(
     # if we are not looking at a compressed file, use a memmap, otherwise instantiate mtscomp
     if self.is_mtscomp:
         self.data = mtscomp.Reader()
         self.data.open(self.file_bin, self.file_bin.with_suffix('.ch'))
         if self.nc * self.ns * 2 != self.nbytes:
                 str(sglx_file) +
                 " : meta data and filesize do not checkout")
         self.data = np.memmap(sglx_file,
                               shape=(self.ns, self.nc))
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, file_path: str, x_pitch: int = 32, y_pitch: int = 20):
        self._npxfile = Path(file_path)
        self._basepath = self._npxfile.parents[0]

        # Gets file type: 'imec0.ap', 'imec0.lf' or 'nidq'
        assert re.search(r'imec[0-9]*.(ap|lf){1}.bin$', self._npxfile.name) or  'nidq' in self._npxfile.name, \
               "'file_path' can be an imec.ap, imec.lf, imec0.ap, imec0.lf, or nidq file"

        if 'ap.bin' in str(self._npxfile):
            rec_type = "ap"
            self.is_filtered = True
        elif 'lf.bin' in str(self._npxfile):
            rec_type = "lf"
            rec_type = "nidq"
        aux = self._npxfile.stem.split('.')[-1]
        if aux == 'nidq':
            self._ftype = aux
            self._ftype = self._npxfile.stem.split('.')[-2] + '.' + aux

        # Metafile
        self._metafile = self._basepath.joinpath(self._npxfile.stem + '.meta')
        if not self._metafile.exists():
            raise Exception("'meta' file for '" + self._ftype +
                            "' traces should be in the same folder.")
        # Read in metadata, returns a dictionary
        meta = readMeta(self._npxfile)
        self._meta = meta

        # Traces in 16-bit format
        if '.cbin' in self._npxfile.name:  # compressed binary format used by IBL
                import mtscomp
                raise Exception(self.installation_mesg)
            self._raw = mtscomp.Reader()
            self._raw.open(self._npxfile, self._npxfile.with_suffix('.ch'))
            self._raw = makeMemMapRaw(self._npxfile,
                                      meta)  # [chanList, firstSamp:lastSamp+1]

        # sampling rate and ap channels
        self._sampling_frequency = SampRate(meta)

        tot_chan, ap_chan, lfp_chan, locations, channel_ids, channel_names \
            = _parse_spikeglx_metafile(self._metafile,
        if rec_type in ("ap", "lf"):
            self._channels = channel_ids
            # locations
            if len(locations) > 0:
            if len(channel_names) > 0:
                if len(channel_names) == len(self._channels):
                    for i, ch in enumerate(self._channels):
                        self.set_channel_property(ch, "channel_name",

            if rec_type == "ap":
                if ap_chan < tot_chan:
                    self._timeseries = self._raw[0:ap_chan, :]
            elif rec_type == "lf":
                if lfp_chan < tot_chan:
                    self._timeseries = self._raw[0:lfp_chan, :]
            # nidq
            self._channels = list(range(int(tot_chan)))
            self._timeseries = self._raw

        # get gains
        if meta['typeThis'] == 'imec':
            gains = GainCorrectIM(self._timeseries, self._channels, meta)
        elif meta['typeThis'] == 'nidq':
            gains = GainCorrectNI(self._timeseries, self._channels, meta)

        # set gains - convert from int16 to uVolt
        self.set_channel_gains(gains=gains * 1e6, channel_ids=self._channels)
        self._kwargs = {
            'file_path': str(Path(file_path).absolute()),
            'x_pitch': x_pitch,
            'y_pitch': y_pitch
    def __init__(self, file_path: str, dtype: str = 'int16'):
        self._npxfile = Path(file_path)
        self._basepath = self._npxfile.parents[0]

        assert dtype in ['int16',
                         'float'], "'dtype' can be either 'int16' or 'float'"
        self._dtype = dtype
        # Gets file type: 'imec0.ap', 'imec0.lf' or 'nidq'
        assert 'imec0.ap' in self._npxfile.name or  'imec0.lf' in self._npxfile.name or 'nidq' in self._npxfile.name, \
            "'file_path' can be an imec0.ap, imec.lf, or nidq file"
        assert 'bin' in self._npxfile.name, "The 'npx_file should be either the 'ap' or the 'lf' bin file."
        if 'imec0.ap' in str(self._npxfile):
            lfp = False
            ap = True
            self.is_filtered = True
        elif 'imec0.lf' in str(self._npxfile):
            lfp = True
            ap = False
            lfp = False
            ap = False
        aux = self._npxfile.stem.split('.')[-1]
        if aux == 'nidq':
            self._ftype = aux
            self._ftype = self._npxfile.stem.split('.')[-2] + '.' + aux

        # Metafile
        self._metafile = self._basepath.joinpath(self._npxfile.stem + '.meta')
        if not self._metafile.exists():
            raise Exception("'meta' file for '" + self._ftype +
                            "' traces should be in the same folder.")
        # Read in metadata, returns a dictionary
        meta = readMeta(self._npxfile)
        self._meta = meta

        # Traces in 16-bit format
        if '.cbin' in self._npxfile.name:  # compressed binary format used by IBL
                import mtscomp
                raise Exception(self.installation_mesg)
            self._raw = mtscomp.Reader()
            self._raw.open(self._npxfile, self._npxfile.with_suffix('.ch'))
            self._raw = makeMemMapRaw(self._npxfile,
                                      meta)  # [chanList, firstSamp:lastSamp+1]

        # sampling rate and ap channels
        self._sampling_frequency = SampRate(meta)
        tot_chan, ap_chan, lfp_chan, locations = _parse_spikeglx_metafile(
        if ap:
            if ap_chan < tot_chan:
                self._channels = list(range(int(ap_chan)))
                self._timeseries = self._raw[0:ap_chan, :]
                self._channels = list(range(
                    int(tot_chan)))  # OriginalChans(meta).tolist()
        elif lfp:
            if lfp_chan < tot_chan:
                self._channels = list(range(int(lfp_chan)))
                self._timeseries = self._raw[0:lfp_chan, :]
                self._channels = list(range(int(tot_chan)))
            # nidq
            self._channels = list(range(int(tot_chan)))
            self._timeseries = self._raw

        # locations
        if len(locations) > 0:

        # get gains
        if meta['typeThis'] == 'imec':
            gains = GainCorrectIM(self._timeseries, self._channels, meta)
        elif meta['typeThis'] == 'nidq':
            gains = GainCorrectNI(self._timeseries, self._channels, meta)

        # set gains - convert from int16 to uVolt
        self.set_channel_gains(self._channels, gains * 1e6)
        self._kwargs = {
            'file_path': str(Path(file_path).absolute()),
            'dtype': dtype