from mu import Mu import sys def check_transform(obj, level): print(" " * level + + (" c" if hasattr(obj, "collider") else "")) def check_obj(obj, level = 0): check_transform(obj, level) for o in obj.children: check_obj(o, level + 1) for fname in sys.argv[1:]: mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise check_obj(mu.obj)
def find_props(fname, props, anims): mu = Mu() mu.objects = {} if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise check_obj(mu.obj, props, anims, "", mu) return mu
def dump(fname): mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise print(mu.version) dump_textures(mu) dump_materials(mu) dump_object(mu, mu.obj)
def makecfg(fname): mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise cfg = ConfigNode() add_textures(mu, cfg) add_materials(mu, cfg) add_object(mu, mu.obj, cfg) print(cfg.ToString())
def readJSON(filepath): mu = Mu() if not print 'File not found' # print filepath js = MuJS(mu.obj) print js.getJSON() with open('test.json', 'w+') as jsf: json.dump(json.loads(js.getJSON()), jsf, indent=4)
def find_lights(fname): mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise sys.stdout.write("checking " + fname) if check_obj(mu.obj): mu.write(fname+".new") print(" fixed") else: print(" ok")
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: print(" <in-name> <out-name>") sys.exit(1) fname = sys.argv[1] oname = sys.argv[2] mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) sys.exit(1) find_colliders(mu.obj) mu.write(oname)
def main(): wheel_mu = sys.argv[1] mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise find_wheels(mu.obj) if len(sys.argv) > 2: node = ConfigNode.loadfile(sys.argv[2]) wheel = node.GetNode('Wheel') if not wheel: print("could not find Wheel") sys.exit(1) adjust_wheel(wheel) mu.write("") else: for w in wheel_colliders.keys(): node = wheel_cfg(w, wheel_colliders[w]) print("Wheel " + node.ToString())
def inferBestCMu(self, samples, currentGraph): #import threading import time start_time = time.time() fitness = Fitness() threads = [] #can we run the method for each sample in parallel? This would speed up the process by a lot. THe samples are not dependent on each other! for sampleInd in range( 1, len(samples)): #Skip the first 'dummy' precursor sample self.inferBestCMuPerSample(samples, sampleInd, currentGraph, fitness) #t = threading.Thread(target=self.inferBestCMuPerSample, args=[samples,sampleInd,currentGraph, fitness]) #threads.append(t) #t.start() #for thread in threads: # thread.join() #After we have inferred the best C and mu for each sample, we can update the best C and mu in the samples. for sample in range(0, len(samples)): samples[sample].originalCMu = samples[sample].bestCMu if samples[sample].bestCMu is None: measurementLength = len(samples[0].measurements.measurements) samples[sample].Mu = Mu(0) #assume 100% tumor #Set a default bestCMu in this case, we don't know the solution. print "sample ", sample, " setting CMu to 2" samples[sample].bestCMu = [ CMuCombination(C([2, 2]), Mu(0), self.eventDistances) ] * measurementLength else: if samples[sample].bestCMu[0] is not None: print "setting mu to: ", samples[sample].bestCMu[ 0], " in sample: ", samples[sample].name samples[sample].Mu = samples[sample].bestCMu[0].mu else: #without a successfully inferred C and mu the sample is so complex it is most likely 100% tumor or contains a lot of subclones. print sample, " Assuming 100% tumor" samples[sample].Mu = Mu(0) #assume 100% tumor print("--- %s seconds for all samples of 1 patient ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) return samples
def main(): wheel_mu = sys.argv[1] mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise find_wheels(mu.obj) if len(sys.argv) > 2: text = open(sys.argv[2], "rt").read() node = ConfigNode.load(text) wheel = node.GetNode('Wheel') if not wheel: print("could not find Wheel") sys.exit(1) adjust_wheel(wheel) mu.write("") else: for w in wheel_colliders.keys(): node = wheel_cfg(w, wheel_colliders[w]) print("Wheel "+ node.ToString())
def computePermutationErrors(self, pCMatrix, pAMatrix, pSamples, pTreeList, permutedC, permutedA): #Import a class specific for computing permutation errors #Use it to compute the errors below simulationErrorHandler = SimulationErrorHandler() #Obtain the muData from the samples (also provide the real mu!) realSamples = self.simulationData.samples pMuTumor = [] realMuTumor = [] for sample in range(0, len(pSamples)): pSampleMuT = pSamples[sample].bestCMu[0][1] #sampleMuT = realSamples[sample].bestCMu[0][1] #print "current saved mu: ", self.savedMu[sample] #print "normal mu: ", 1-(100*self.savedMu[sample]) tumorMuConverted = int(100*self.savedMu[sample]) realMuTumor.append(Mu(100-tumorMuConverted)) #sampleMuT = realSamples[sample].bestCMu[0].mu pMuTumor.append(pSampleMuT) #savedMu.append(sampleMuT) [ambiguityScore, totalScore] = simulationErrorHandler.computeAmbiguityScore(permutedA, pAMatrix, self.savedMu, pMuTumor) pCMatrixFloat = pCMatrix.astype(float) error = simulationErrorHandler.computeCError(permutedC, pCMatrixFloat) pCError = error / float(permutedC.size) aData = simulationErrorHandler.computeAError(permutedA, pAMatrix) pAError = aData[0] / float(permutedA.size) muData = simulationErrorHandler.computeMuError(pSamples, realMuTumor) pMuError = muData[0] print self.simulationData.realTree.edgeList pTreeScore = simulationErrorHandler.computeTreeError(pTreeList, self.simulationData.realTree) print pCError print pAError print pMuError print pTreeScore print ambiguityScore print totalScore #return the scores return [pCError, pAError, pMuError, pTreeScore, ambiguityScore, totalScore]
def computeAmbiguousPositions(): #We can generate the allele list with the event distances function kmin = 1 #the kmin and kmax used in the simulations kmax = 6 eventDistance = EventDistances(kmin, kmax) #get the allele list alleleList = eventDistance.alleleList #make sure that alleles are not duplicated LAFAndCombinations = dict() normalAlleles = Alleles(1, 1) for allele in alleleList: AOccurrences = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('A', allele)] ACount = len(AOccurrences) BOccurrences = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('B', allele)] BCount = len(BOccurrences) alleleObj = Alleles(ACount, BCount) if BCount > ACount or BCount == ACount: alleleCombination = AlleleCombination([normalAlleles, alleleObj]) for muIndex in range(0, 101): LAF = alleleCombination.computeLAF( Mu(muIndex) ) #compute the LAF that each combination would generate if LAF not in LAFAndCombinations.keys(): #LAFAndCombinations[LAF] = [] LAFAndCombinations[LAF] = 0 #LAFAndCombinations[LAF].append((alleleObj.getAllelesAsString(), muIndex)) LAFAndCombinations[LAF] += 1 #print LAFAndCombinations #For every mu, we should check which LAF the combination with normal would generate #With this dictionary, we can check if a LAF has more than one solution. If true, then we can check and see if the position is correct or not. With that, we compute a score showing the #number of ambiguous positions that we were able to infer correctly. This score is a higher wow factor than return LAFAndCombinations
def __init__(self): self.kmin = settings.general['kmin'] self.kmax = settings.general['kmax'] #Make a dummy bestCMu for the healthy sample self.eventDistances = EventDistances(self.kmin, self.kmax) #Initialize C+mu combinations and store in a matrix, objects do not need to be remade in loop #These are the combinations that we will explore and score for each LAF in the method self.combinationMatrix = np.empty([101, self.kmax], dtype='object') for muIndex in range( 0, 101 ): #we allow a maximum of 0-100, so it is fine to use these settings here. muClass = Mu(muIndex) for k in range(self.kmin, self.kmax + 1): c = C([2, k]) cMuCombination = CMuCombination(c, muClass, self.eventDistances) self.combinationMatrix[muIndex][k - 1] = cMuCombination self.cCombinations = CCombinations( self.kmin, self.kmax ) #re-make this, we use iterators, otherwise the combinations need to be stored in memory.
def thread_func(parms): name = parms input = Mu() input.file = open(name + ".bin", "rb") verts = read_vertices(input) faces = read_facelist(input) final_faces = read_facelist(input) point = input.read_int() lit_faces = read_facelist(input) new_faces = read_facelist(input) output = Mu() output.materials = [] output.textures = [] output.obj = make_empty(name) output.obj.children.append(make_mesh("faces", verts, faces)) output.obj.children.append(make_mesh("final_faces", verts, final_faces)) output.obj.children.append(make_mesh("lit_faces", verts, lit_faces)) output.obj.children.append(make_mesh("new_faces", verts, new_faces)) if (point >= 0): p = make_empty(f"point-{point}") p.transform.localPosition = verts[point] output.obj.children.append(p) for ep in extra_points: p = make_empty(f"epoint-{ep}") p.transform.localPosition = verts[ep] output.obj.children.append(p) output.write(name + ".mu") print(name)
pkl_file = open(simulationFolder + '/simulationData.pkl', 'rb') simulationData = pickle.load(pkl_file) pkl_file.close() #Read the real data cMatrix = simulationData.cMatrix aMatrix = simulationData.aMatrix realTree = simulationData.realTree #Obtain the mu from the files savedMu = [] with open(simulationFolder + '/RealMu_0.txt', "r") as muFile: for line in muFile: mu = float(line) savedMu.append(Mu(mu)) samples = simulationData.samples #Run TargetClone on samples pkl_file = open(simulationSettings.files['targetCloneInstance'], 'rb') targetClone = pickle.load(pkl_file) pkl_file.close() #Set the segmentation segmentation = Segmentation() segmentation.setSegmentationFromFile( simulationSettings.files['segmentationFile']) targetClone.segmentation = segmentation
precursorAlleleACount = int(settings.general['precursorAlleleACount']) precursorAlleleBCount = int(settings.general['precursorAlleleBCount']) #Check if the ploidy is correct totalPloidy = precursorAlleleACount + precursorAlleleBCount precursorTumorFrequency = 100 #Check if the ploidy is different from 2 (or allele balance). If true, then the precursor is not a healthy cell and we have 100% tumor if precursorAlleleACount != 1 or precursorAlleleBCount != 1 or precursorPloidy != 2: precursorTumorFrequency = 0 #In this case we have 100% tumor in the precursor. Only if the precursor it is normal it is 0% tumor. #Initialize the 'healthy' sample, this can now also be a precursor healthySample = Sample(None, None) healthySample.C = [C([2, precursorPloidy])] * measurementLength healthySample.A = [Alleles(precursorAlleleACount, precursorAlleleBCount) ] * measurementLength healthySample.Mu = [Mu(precursorTumorFrequency)] #obtain the chromosome, start and end information from the other samples healthySample.measurements = LAF([0.5] * measurementLength, tmpSamples[0].measurements.chromosomes, tmpSamples[0].measurements.starts, tmpSamples[0].measurements.ends) healthySample.somaticVariants = [0] * somVarNum healthySample.somaticVariantsInd = tmpSamples[0].somaticVariantsInd healthySample.setParent(None) = 'Precursor' #do not call it healthy, it may also be a 4N precursor. #Make a dummy bestCMu for the healthy sample eventDistances = targetClone.eventDistances bestCMuHealthy = CMuCombination(C([2, precursorPloidy]), Mu(precursorTumorFrequency), eventDistances)
from mu import Mu import sys def check_transform(obj, level): print(" " * level + def check_obj(obj, level=0): check_transform(obj, level) for o in obj.children: check_obj(o, level + 1) for fname in sys.argv[1:]: mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise check_obj(mu.obj)
from mu import Mu import sys def check_mesh(obj, level): if hasattr(obj, "shared_mesh") and not hasattr(obj, "renderer"): print( obj.shared_mesh = None return True return False def check_obj(obj, level=0): changed = check_mesh(obj, level) for o in obj.children: changed = check_obj(o, level + 1) or changed return changed for fname in sys.argv[1:]: mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) break if check_obj(mu.obj): mu.write(fname + ".out")
"coll_torus1", "coll_torus2", "coll_torus3", "coll_torus4", "coll_torus5", "coll_torus6", "coll_torus7", "coll_torus8", ] def check_transform(obj): if in broken_xforms: print("zeroing lp for " + obj.transform.localPosition = 0, 0, 0 def check_obj(obj): for o in obj.children: check_obj(o) check_transform(obj) if hasattr(obj, "animation"): for clip in obj.animation.clips: check_clip(clip) fname = "" mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise check_obj(mu.obj) mu.write("")
def computeCorrectAmbiguityScore(LAFAndCombinations, simulationFolder): ambiguityScores = [] ambiguities = [] correctAmbiguityPositions = 0 totalAmbiguousPositions = 0 totalSize = 0 #We need to read the actual A matrix values and also the mu normalAlleles = Alleles(1, 1) #1. read the simulated A matrix allPerColAmbiguities = dict() for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(simulationFolder): if subdir == simulationFolder: #we are not interested in the root folder continue for file in files: if re.match('RealA', file): #read the file and obtain the a matrix realAMatrix = np.loadtxt(subdir + '/' + file, dtype=str) if re.match('RealMu', file): #also read the real mu realMu = collectErrorsFromFile(file, subdir) #Then load the inferred A and mu if re.match('EstimatedA', file): #read the file and obtain the a matrix estimatedAMatrix = np.loadtxt(subdir + '/' + file, dtype=str) if re.match('EstimatedMu', file): #also read the real mu estimatedMu = collectErrorsFromFile(file, subdir) #Compute the LAF that each measurement in the real data would generate perColAmbiguityCount = dict() for row in range(0, realAMatrix.shape[0]): for col in range(0, realAMatrix.shape[1]): if col not in perColAmbiguityCount: perColAmbiguityCount[col] = realAMatrix.shape[0] totalSize += 1 #generate allele object allele = realAMatrix[row][col] AOccurrences = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('A', allele)] ACount = len(AOccurrences) BOccurrences = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('B', allele)] BCount = len(BOccurrences) alleleObj = Alleles(ACount, BCount) alleleCombination = AlleleCombination( [normalAlleles, alleleObj]) #Compute the LAF this combination would generate muNormal = 1 - (realMu[col]) realMuObj = Mu( int(muNormal * 100)) #this function only takes integer indices! realLAF = alleleCombination.computeLAF(realMuObj) #Check if this LAF is ambiguous y/n. ambiguousCount = LAFAndCombinations[realLAF] #If the ambiguous count > 1 and we are correct, we make a note of that. if ambiguousCount > 1: totalAmbiguousPositions += 1 if realAMatrix[row][col] == estimatedAMatrix[row][col]: correctAmbiguityPositions += 1 perColAmbiguityCount[ col] -= 1 #Determine how many positions are wrong. #Divide the ambiguity score by the total number of positions. #print correctAmbiguityPositions #print correctAmbiguityPositions / float(totalAmbiguousPositions) #print totalAmbiguousPositions / float(totalSize) #ambiguityScores.append(correctAmbiguityPositions / float(totalAmbiguousPositions)) #Reporting as % of ambiuguities #Reporting the ambiguity scores as the fraction of the total ambiguityScores.append(correctAmbiguityPositions / float(totalSize)) ambiguities.append(totalAmbiguousPositions / float(totalSize)) allPerColAmbiguities[subdir] = perColAmbiguityCount #Compute an average for every noise level. #convert to z-scores averageAmbiguityScore = sum(ambiguityScores) / float(len(ambiguityScores)) averageAmbiguities = sum(ambiguities) / float(len(ambiguities)) return [ averageAmbiguities, averageAmbiguityScore, ambiguityScores, allPerColAmbiguities ]
def find_props(fname, props): mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise check_obj(mu.obj, props, "")
def find_skins(fname): mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) raise check_obj(mu.obj)
from mu import Mu import sys def check_mesh(obj, level): if hasattr(obj, "shared_mesh") and not hasattr(obj, "renderer"): print( obj.shared_mesh = None return True return False def check_obj(obj, level = 0): changed = check_mesh(obj, level) for o in obj.children: changed = check_obj(o, level + 1) or changed return changed for fname in sys.argv[1:]: mu = Mu() if not print("could not read: " + fname) break if check_obj(mu.obj): mu.write(fname+".out")