def test_verify_state_of_charge_soc_above_zero(caplog): """Test case: The SoC value are all above 0.00 and thus, physically infeasible Test to check if the WARNING log messages are logged""" # Create a list of floats greater than 1.00 list_floats = [1.23, 1.0001, 2.05] data = np.array(list_floats) # Generate a date-time index index = pd.date_range(start="1/1/2018", periods=3, tz="Asia/Kolkata") # Create a SoC time series from above floats and date-time data soc_series = pd.Series(data=data, index=index) storage = "storage_01" # Add the SoC time series to the result JSON nested-dict dict_values = {ENERGY_STORAGE: {storage: {TIMESERIES_SOC: soc_series}}} # Test the function with the present case with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): E4.verify_state_of_charge(dict_values=dict_values) assert ( f"SoC of {storage} has at least one time step where its value is greater than 1. This is a physically impossible value!" in caplog.text ), f"A WARNING message is not logged even though the SoC values are all above 1."
def test_minimal_constraint_test_passes(): # No minimal renewable factor dict_values = {CONSTRAINTS: {MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: {VALUE: 0}}} return_value = E4.minimal_constraint_test(dict_values, MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR, RENEWABLE_FACTOR) assert ( return_value == None ), f"When no minimal renewable factor is set, this test should not fail." # Min res < res dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: { VALUE: 0.2 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { RENEWABLE_FACTOR: 0.3 } }, } return_value = E4.minimal_constraint_test(dict_values, MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR, RENEWABLE_FACTOR) assert ( return_value == None ), f"When minimal renewable factor < res, this test should not fail." # Min res < res, minimal deviation dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: { VALUE: 0.2 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { RENEWABLE_FACTOR: 0.2 - 10**(-7) } }, } return_value = E4.minimal_constraint_test(dict_values, MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR, RENEWABLE_FACTOR) assert ( return_value == None ), f"When minimal renewable factor is missed by < e6, this test should not fail."
def test_verify_state_of_charge_feasible(caplog): """Two cases are tested here Case 1 is no storage components in the energy system, hence no verification carried out Case 2 is that all the SoC values are physically feasible, so no WARNING log messages""" # Test case: No storage components present in the system, so function is exited before any verification # Make an empty energyStorage dict signifying that there are no storage components in the energy system dict_values = {"energyStorage": {}} return_value = E4.verify_state_of_charge(dict_values=dict_values) assert ( return_value is None ), f"When there are no storage components in the energy system, this test should not fail" # Test case: All physically possible values and no WARNING message is logged # Create a series of SoC values with three physically feasible values # Generate a list of 50 floats between 0 and 1 list_floats = np.random.uniform(low=00.00, high=01.00, size=(50, )) data = np.array(list_floats) # Generate a date-time index index = pd.date_range(start="1/1/2018", periods=50, tz="Asia/Tokyo") # Create a SoC time series from above floats and date-time data soc_series = pd.Series(data=data, index=index) storage = "storage_01" # Add the SoC time series to the result JSON nested-dict dict_values = { ENERGY_STORAGE: { storage: { TIMESERIES_SOC: soc_series }, } } # Test for the function's behavior with the current case with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): E4.verify_state_of_charge(dict_values=dict_values) assert ( f"greater than 1. This is a physically impossible value!" not in caplog.text ), f"A WARNING message is logged even though the SoC values are all below 1." assert ( f"is less than 0. This is a physically impossible value!" not in caplog.text ), f"A WARNING message is logged even though the SoC values are all above 0."
def test_detect_excessive_excess_generation_in_bus_no_excess(caplog): """No excessive excess generation takes place. """ bus_label = "Test_bus" dict_values = { "optimizedFlows": { bus_label: pd.DataFrame({ "inflow": [1, 2, 3], "outflow": [-1, -1.9, -2.5], "excess": [0, 0.1, 0.5], }) } } with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): E4.detect_excessive_excess_generation_in_bus(dict_values=dict_values) assert ( caplog.text == "" ), f"A warning is logged although there is no excessive excess generation."
def test_detect_excessive_excess_generation_in_bus_warning_is_logged(caplog): """A logging.warning is printed due to excessive excess generation. """ bus_label = "Test_bus" dict_values = { "optimizedFlows": { bus_label: pd.DataFrame({ "inflow": [1, 2, 3], "outflow": [-1, -1, -2], "excess": [0, 1, 1] }) } } with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): E4.detect_excessive_excess_generation_in_bus(dict_values=dict_values) assert ( f"Attention, on bus {bus_label} there is excessive excess generation" in caplog.text ), f"An intended warning is not logged although there is excessive excess generation."
def test_maximum_emissions_test_passes(): # No maximum emissions constraint dict_values = {CONSTRAINTS: {MAXIMUM_EMISSIONS: {VALUE: None}}} return_value = E4.maximum_emissions_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == None ), f"When no maximum emissions constraint is set, this test should not fail." # Total emissions < maximum emissions constraint dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MAXIMUM_EMISSIONS: { VALUE: 1000 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { TOTAL_EMISSIONS: 999 } }, } return_value = E4.maximum_emissions_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == None ), f"When the maximum emissions constraint is met, this test should not fail." # Total emissions > maximum emissions constraint, minimal diff dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MAXIMUM_EMISSIONS: { VALUE: 1000 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { TOTAL_EMISSIONS: 1000 + 1e-6 } }, } return_value = E4.maximum_emissions_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == None ), f"At a minimal exceeding of the maximum emission constraint of < e6, this test should not fail."
def test_net_zero_energy_constraint_test_passes(): # No nze constraint dict_values = {CONSTRAINTS: {NET_ZERO_ENERGY: {VALUE: False}}} return_value = E4.net_zero_energy_constraint_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == None ), f"When no net zero energy constraint is set, this test should not fail." # Degree of NZE >= 1 dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { NET_ZERO_ENERGY: { VALUE: True } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { DEGREE_OF_NZE: 1 } }, } return_value = E4.net_zero_energy_constraint_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == None ), f"When the net zero energy constraint is met, this test should not fail." # Total emissions > maximum emissions constraint, minimal diff dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { NET_ZERO_ENERGY: { VALUE: True } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { DEGREE_OF_NZE: 1 - 10**(-7) } }, } return_value = E4.net_zero_energy_constraint_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == None ), f"At a minimal exceeding of the net zero energy constraint of < e6, this test should not fail."
def test_minimal_renewable_share_test_passes(): # No minimal renewable factor dict_values = {CONSTRAINTS: {MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: {VALUE: 0}}} E4.minimal_renewable_share_test(dict_values) # Min res < res dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: { VALUE: 0.2 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { RENEWABLE_FACTOR: 0.3 } }, } E4.minimal_renewable_share_test(dict_values) # Min res < res, minimal deviation dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: { VALUE: 0.2 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { RENEWABLE_FACTOR: 0.2 - 10**(-7) } }, } E4.minimal_renewable_share_test(dict_values)
def test_detect_excessive_excess_generation_in_bus_several_busses_two_warnings( caplog): """Excessive excess generation takes place in two busses. """ excessive_excess_bus_1, excessive_excess_bus_2 = ( "Bus_excessive_excess_1", "Bus_excessive_excess_2", ) dict_values = { "optimizedFlows": { "Bus_no_excessive_excess": pd.DataFrame({ "inflow": [1, 2, 3], "outflow": [-1, -1.9, -2.5], "excess": [0, 0.1, 0.5], }), excessive_excess_bus_1: pd.DataFrame({ "inflow": [1, 2, 3], "outflow": [-1, -1, -2], "excess": [0, 1, 1], }), excessive_excess_bus_2: pd.DataFrame({ "inflow": [1, 2, 3], "outflow": [-1, -1, -1], "excess": [0, 1, 2], }), } } with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): E4.detect_excessive_excess_generation_in_bus(dict_values=dict_values) assert ( f"Attention, on bus {excessive_excess_bus_1} there is excessive excess generation" in caplog.text and f"Attention, on bus {excessive_excess_bus_2} there is excessive excess generation" in caplog.text ), f"One or two intended warnings are missing although there is excessive excess generation in two busses."
def test_minimal_renewable_share_test_fails(): dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: { VALUE: 0.2 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { RENEWABLE_FACTOR: 0.2 - 10**(-5) } }, } return_value = E4.minimal_renewable_share_test(dict_values) assert return_value is False
def test_net_zero_energy_constraint_test_fails(): dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { NET_ZERO_ENERGY: { VALUE: True } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { DEGREE_OF_NZE: 1 - 10**(-6) } }, } return_value = E4.net_zero_energy_constraint_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == False ), f"When the net zero energy constraint is not met by a difference of >= e6 this test should fail."
def test_maximum_emissions_test_fails(): dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MAXIMUM_EMISSIONS: { VALUE: 1000 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { TOTAL_EMISSIONS: 1000.00001 } }, } return_value = E4.maximum_emissions_test(dict_values) assert ( return_value == False ), f"When the maximum emissions constraint is not met by a difference of >= e6 this test should fail."
def test_minimal_constraint_test_fails(): dict_values = { CONSTRAINTS: { MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR: { VALUE: 0.2 } }, KPI: { KPI_SCALARS_DICT: { RENEWABLE_FACTOR: 0.2 - 10**(-5) } }, } return_value = E4.minimal_constraint_test(dict_values, MINIMAL_RENEWABLE_FACTOR, RENEWABLE_FACTOR) assert ( return_value is False ), f"When the minimal renewable share constraint is not met (allowed deviation: < e6), this test should fail."
def evaluate_dict(dict_values, results_main, results_meta): """ Parameters ---------- dict_values: dict simulation parameters results_main: DataFrame oemof simulation results as output by processing.results() results_meta: DataFrame oemof simulation meta information as output by processing.meta_results() Returns ------- """ dict_values.update( { KPI: { KPI_COST_MATRIX: pd.DataFrame(columns=KPI_COST_MATRIX_ENTRIES), KPI_SCALAR_MATRIX: pd.DataFrame(columns=KPI_SCALAR_MATRIX_ENTRIES), KPI_SCALARS_DICT: {}, } } ) bus_data = {} # Store all information related to busses in bus_data for bus in dict_values[ENERGY_BUSSES]: # Read all energy flows from busses bus_data.update({bus: solph.views.node(results_main, bus)})"Evaluating optimized capacities and dispatch.") # Evaluate timeseries and store to a large DataFrame for each bus: E1.get_timeseries_per_bus(dict_values, bus_data) # Store all information related to storages in bus_data, as storage capacity acts as a bus for storage in dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE]: bus_data.update( { dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][LABEL]: solph.views.node( results_main, dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][LABEL], ) } ) E1.get_storage_results( dict_values[SIMULATION_SETTINGS], bus_data[dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][LABEL]], dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage], ) for storage_item in [STORAGE_CAPACITY, INPUT_POWER, OUTPUT_POWER]: E2.get_costs( dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][storage_item], dict_values[ECONOMIC_DATA], ) E2.lcoe_assets(dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage], ENERGY_STORAGE) for storage_item in [STORAGE_CAPACITY, INPUT_POWER, OUTPUT_POWER]: store_result_matrix( dict_values[KPI], dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][storage_item] ) if ( dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][INPUT_BUS_NAME] in dict_values[OPTIMIZED_FLOWS].keys() ) or ( dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][OUTPUT_BUS_NAME] in dict_values[OPTIMIZED_FLOWS].keys() ): bus_name = dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][INPUT_BUS_NAME] timeseries_name = ( dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][LABEL] + " (" + str( round( dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][STORAGE_CAPACITY][ OPTIMIZED_ADD_CAP ][VALUE], 1, ) ) + dict_values[ENERGY_STORAGE][storage][STORAGE_CAPACITY][ OPTIMIZED_ADD_CAP ][UNIT] + ") SOC" ) dict_values[OPTIMIZED_FLOWS][bus_name][timeseries_name] = dict_values[ ENERGY_STORAGE ][storage]["timeseries_soc"] for group in [ENERGY_CONVERSION, ENERGY_PRODUCTION, ENERGY_CONSUMPTION]: for asset in dict_values[group]: E1.get_results( settings=dict_values[SIMULATION_SETTINGS], bus_data=bus_data, dict_asset=dict_values[group][asset], asset_group=group, ) E2.get_costs(dict_values[group][asset], dict_values[ECONOMIC_DATA]) E2.lcoe_assets(dict_values[group][asset], group) store_result_matrix(dict_values[KPI], dict_values[group][asset])"Evaluating key performance indicators of the system") E3.all_totals(dict_values) E3.total_demand_and_excess_each_sector(dict_values) E3.add_total_feedin_electricity_equivaluent(dict_values) E3.add_levelized_cost_of_energy_carriers(dict_values) E3.add_total_renewable_and_non_renewable_energy_origin(dict_values) E3.add_renewable_share_of_local_generation(dict_values) E3.add_renewable_factor(dict_values) # E3.add_degree_of_sector_coupling(dict_values) feature not finished E3.add_onsite_energy_fraction(dict_values) E3.add_onsite_energy_matching(dict_values) E3.add_degree_of_autonomy(dict_values) # Tests and checks"Running validity checks.") E4.minimal_renewable_share_test(dict_values) E4.detect_excessive_excess_generation_in_bus(dict_values)