Пример #1
            speak("A warm" + query)
            speak("How are you Mister")

        # most asked question from google Assistant
        elif "will you be my gf" in query or "will you be my bf" in query:
            speak("I'm not sure about, may be you should give me some time")

        elif "how are you" in query:
            speak("I'm fine, glad you me that")

        elif "i love you" in query:
            speak("It's hard to understand")

        elif "what is" in query or "who is" in query:

            # Use the same API key
            # that we have generated earlier
            client = wolframalpha.Client("API_ID")
            res = client.query(query)

            except StopIteration:
                print("No results")

        # elif "" in query:
        # Command go here
        # For adding more commands