Пример #1
    def test_multipush(self):
        '''Tests behavior when multiple servers are pushing jobs simultaneously.'''
        total_completed = RawValue('i')
        total_completed.value = 0

        start_workers, kill_workers = testing_lib.construct_worker_pool(config.num_local_workers(), config.WORKER_ADDRESSES, send_jobs, (), on_recv_result, (total_completed,), num_pushers=config.NUM_PUSHERS)
        completion = testing_lib.check_for_completion(total_completed, config.NUM_JOBS * config.NUM_PUSHERS, get_timeout(len(config.WORKER_ADDRESSES)))
        if not completion:
            self.fail('Not all jobs received: %d / %d' % (total_completed.value, config.NUM_JOBS * config.NUM_PUSHERS))
Пример #2
    def test_volume(self):
        '''Tests the ability to handle various traffic patterns (trickle, normal, and spike by default).'''
        total_completed = RawValue('i')
        for pattern in config.USAGE_PATTERNS:
            total_completed.value = 0
            total_jobs = pattern.sets * pattern.set_reps

            start_workers, kill_workers = testing_lib.construct_worker_pool(len(config.WORKER_ADDRESSES), config.WORKER_ADDRESSES, send_jobs, (pattern,), on_recv_result, (total_completed,))
            if not testing_lib.check_for_completion(total_completed, total_jobs, get_timeout(pattern, len(config.WORKER_ADDRESSES))):
                self.fail('Failed on usage pattern: %s' % str(pattern))
Пример #3
    def test_files(self):
        '''Tests that workers can correctly store files in a central location.'''
        total_completed = RawValue('i')
        total_completed.value = 0
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testing_files/')):

        start_workers, kill_workers = testing_lib.construct_worker_pool(config.num_local_workers(), config.WORKER_ADDRESSES, send_jobs, (), on_recv_result, (total_completed,))
        if not testing_lib.check_for_completion(total_completed, config.NUM_FILES, get_timeout(len(config.WORKER_ADDRESSES))):
            self.fail('Not all jobs received: %d / %d' % (total_completed.value, config.NUM_FILES))
Пример #4
    def test_mem(self):
        '''Tests that memory required to transfer jobs does not exceed the given amount.'''
        total_completed = RawValue('i')
        print 'Constructing test string (this could take some time).'
        test_str = generate_str(config.STR_LEN)
        print 'Done. Starting test.'
        total_completed.value = 0

        start_workers, kill_workers = testing_lib.construct_worker_pool(config.num_local_workers(), config.WORKER_ADDRESSES, send_jobs, (test_str,), on_recv_result, (total_completed,))
        completion = testing_lib.check_for_completion(total_completed, config.NUM_STRINGS, get_timeout())
        if not completion:
            self.fail('Not all jobs received: %d / %d' % (total_completed.value, config.NUM_STRINGS))
    def test_multiprocessing(self):
        '''Tests that jobs will execute properly on multiple processes simultaneously.'''
        total_completed = RawValue('i')
        job_processors = MultiQueue()
        total_completed.value = 0

        start_workers, kill_workers = testing_lib.construct_worker_pool(config.num_local_workers(), config.WORKER_ADDRESSES, send_jobs, (), on_recv_result, (total_completed, job_processors))
        completion = testing_lib.check_for_completion(total_completed, config.NUM_JOBS, get_timeout(len(config.WORKER_ADDRESSES)))
        if not completion:
            self.fail('Not all jobs received: %d / %d' % (total_completed.value, config.NUM_JOBS))
        if not check_load_balance(job_processors):
            self.fail('Not all workers utilized.')
    def test_threading(self):
        '''Tests that jobs will execute properly on multiple threads simultaneously.'''
        total_completed = RawValue('i')
        job_processors = MultiQueue()
        def push(vent_port, sink_port, worker_pool):
            worker, close, run_job = parallel.construct_worker(worker_pool, {'vent_port': vent_port, 'sink_port': sink_port})
            for i in range(config.NUM_JOBS):
                run_job(wait_job, (config.WAIT_TIME))
            worker(on_recv_result, (total_completed, job_processors))

        total_completed.value = 0
        port = 5000
        thread.start_new_thread(push, (port, port + 1, config.WORKER_ADDRESSES))
        for i in range(config.num_local_workers() - 1):
            port += 2
            thread.start_new_thread(testing_lib.work, (port, port + 1, config.WORKER_ADDRESSES))
        if not testing_lib.check_for_completion(total_completed, config.NUM_JOBS, get_timeout(len(config.WORKER_ADDRESSES))):
            self.fail('Not all jobs received: %d / %d' % (total_completed.value, len(config.WORKER_ADDRESSES)))
        if not check_load_balance(job_processors):
            self.fail('Not all workers utilized.')
Пример #7
}, {
    "id": "adnpptot",
    "type": "",
    "description": "daily average NPP",
    "scale": 1000.0,
    "offset": 0.0,
    "unit": "kgC m-2 d-1",
    "metricName": "daily-average-NPP"

folder = DATA_HOME + '/IBIS_Data/5b9012e4c29ca433443dcfab/outputs'
srcSuffix = '.daily.txt'
distSuffix = '.month.txt'

counter = RawValue('i')
counter.value = 0

def convert2Month(i):
    # try:
    counter.value += 1
    print('counter: %s    %5.2f%%    site index: %s' %
          (str(counter.value), counter.value * 100 / 40595, str(i)))
    srcPath = '%s/%s%s' % (folder, str(i), srcSuffix)
    distPath = '%s/%s%s' % (folder, str(i), distSuffix)
    if path.exists(distPath):
        fsize = path.getsize(distPath)
        if fsize > 100000:  # 100k
            rerun = False
            rerun = True
Пример #8
    i = INT(0);
    v1=RawValue('i', 0)
    v2=RawValue('i', 0)
    p2 = INTProcess(i, v1, v2);
    print i.getI()
    print i.getV()
    print v1.value
    print v2.value

    v = RawValue('i', 0)
    l = Lock()
    nbrProcs = 10
    procs = [LockProcess(v, l, False) for j in range(nbrProcs)]
    for j in range(nbrProcs): procs[j].start()
    for j in range(nbrProcs): procs[j].join()
    print v.value
    v.value = 0
    procs2 = [LockProcess(v, l, True) for j in range(nbrProcs)]
    for j in range(nbrProcs): procs2[j].start()
    for j in range(nbrProcs): procs2[j].join()
    print v.value

Пример #9
import csv
import pandas as pd
import re
import linecache
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from multiprocessing import Pool, sharedctypes, RawArray, RawValue
from MS.IBIS import *
from MS.LPJ import *
from MS.Biome_BGC import *
from CMIP import *

counter = RawValue('i')
counter.value = 0
failed_counter = RawValue('i')
failed_counter.value = 0
test = False
options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['model=', 'test='])
for opt in options:
    if (opt[0] == '--model'):
        if opt[1] == 'IBIS':
            ms_daily = IBIS('daily')
            ms_month = IBIS('month')
        elif opt[1] == 'Biome-BGC':
            ms_daily = Biome_BGC('daily')
            ms_month = Biome_BGC('month')
        elif opt[1] == 'LPJ':
            ms_daily = LPJ('daily')
            ms_month = LPJ('month')