Пример #1
    def findSong(self, song):
        if song.key in self.files:
            other = self.files[song.key]

            if song.compareAudio(other):
                return other

                warn("File %s has the same name as %s but has different audio" % (song.getPath(), other.getPath()))

        size = song.getSize()

        if size in self.sizes:
            audioMd5 = song.getAudioMd5()

            if audioMd5 in self.audioMd5s:
                return self.audioMd5[audioMd5]

            sizeList = self.sizes[size]

            while len(sizeList) > 0:
                other                         = sizeList.pop()
                otherAudioMd5                 = other.getAudioMd5()
                self.audioMd5s[otherAudioMd5] = other

                if audioMd5 == otherAudioMd5:
                    return other

        return None
Пример #2
    def copy(self, toPath):
        toDir  = os.path.dirname(toPath)

        if not os.path.exists(toDir):

        shutil.copyfile(self.getPath(), toPath)

            shutil.copystat(self.getPath(), toPath)
        except OSError:
            warn("Unable to set the modification time", file=toPath)
Пример #3
    def readFile(self):
        if self.md5:

        self.md5 = md5.new()

        while True:
            header = self.read(3, "header tag", {'eof'})

            if len(header) == 0:    # EOF
                raise Mp3FileError(self.filePath, self.stream.tell(), "EOF without any MP3 content")

            if (header == "ID3"):

            # Check for sync bytes
            if header[:2] != "\xFF\xFB":
                discarded = 1
                header = header[1:]

                while header != "\xFF\xFB":
                    discarded += 1
                    header = header[1] + self.read(1, "sync byte", {'eof'})

                    if len(header) < 2:
                        raise Mp3FileError(self.filePath, self.stream.tell(), "EOF searching for MP3 sync bytes")

                warn("Found sync bytes after skipping %d bytes\n" % (discarded), self.filePath, self.stream.tell())

            self.audioMd5 = md5.new(header)
            remainder     = self.stream.read()

        #print "'" + self.frames['TPE1'] + "' == '" + (self.dirArtist if self.dirArtist else "") + "'"
        #self.score += 1 if self.frames.get('TPE1') == self.dirArtist  else 0
        #self.score += 1 if self.frames.get('TPE1') == self.fileArtist else 0
        #self.score += 1 if self.frames.get('TALB') == self.dirAlbum   else 0
        #self.score += 1 if self.frames.get('TALB') == self.fileAlbum  else 0
        #self.score += 1 if self.frames.get('TRCK') == self.fileTrack  else 0
        #self.score += 1 if self.frames.get('TIT2') == self.fileTitle  else 0
Пример #4
    def readID3v2Frame(self):
        frameHeader = self.readFromTag(10, "ID3v2 frame header")

        if ord(frameHeader[:1]) == 0:

        frameId         = frameHeader[:4]
        frameBodyLength = bigEndianInteger(frameHeader[4:8])
        frameFlags      = bigEndianInteger(frameHeader[9:10])

        if frameFlags & 0x20:
            self.readFromTag(1, "ID3v2 frame group identifier byte")

            frameBody = self.readFromTag(frameBodyLength, "ID3v2 '%s' frame body" % (frameId))

        except Mp3FileError as error:
            if getOption('warning'):
                sys.stderr.write("warning: " + str(error) + ": skipping remainder of ID3v2 tag\n")

            return False

        if (self.expect("ignoring '%s' frame: compression flag" % (frameId), frameFlags & 0x80, 0) or
            self.expect("ignoring '%s' frame: encryption flag"  % (frameId), frameFlags & 0x40, 0)):
            return True

        if frameId[0] == "T" or frameId == "IPLS":
            encoding = ord(frameBody[0])
            self.requireMember("encoding descriptor for %s frame" % (frameId), encoding, {0, 1, 2, 3})
            value = frameBody[1:].decode(id3v2EncodingToPythonEncoding[encoding], errors="strict")

            if frameId == "TRCK":
                if value == "":
                    warn("TRCK tag is present but empty (ignoring it)", self.filePath, self.stream.tell())
                    return False

                self.track = int(value.split("/")[0])

            value = frameBody

        self.frames[frameId] = value
        return True
Пример #5
def createAudioFile(filePath, rootPath=None):
    match = extensionPattern.match(filePath)

    if not match:
        return None

    ext = match.group(1).lower()

    if ext == "mp3":
        return Mp3File(filePath, rootPath)

    if ext in audioExtensions:
        return AudioFile(filePath, rootPath)

    if ext in ignoredExtensions:
        return None

    warn("muse.createAudioFile: warning: Ignoring unknown file extension '%s' in file %s" % (ext, filePath))
    return None
Пример #6
    def expectMember(self, description, actual, expectedSet):
        if actual not in expectedSet:
            warn("%s was %s but required to be in %s" % (description, actual, expectedSet), self.filePath, self.stream.tell())

        return actual
Пример #7
    def expect(self, description, actual, expected):
        if actual != expected:
            warn("%s was %s but expected %s" % (description, actual, expected), self.filePath, self.stream.tell())

        return actual
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, library, subdir = ".", artistRe = None, albumRe = None, titleRe = None):
        self.files        = {}    # Songs indexed by filename
        self.audioMd5s    = {}    # Songs indexed by MD5
        self.sizes        = {}    # Lists of songs, indexed by size (only until audio MD5s are generated)
        self.artists      = {}
        self.artistMaxLen = len("Artist or Group")
        self.albumMaxLen  = len("Album")
        self.titleMaxLen  = len("Song")
        self.library      = os.path.abspath(library)    # Pass this single reference to all songs to conserve memory

        curDir = os.getcwd()
        os.chdir(library)    # Keep paths short

        for dirPath, subDirs, dirFiles in os.walk(subdir):
            for file in dirFiles:
                filePath  = dirPath + "/" + file

                    audioFile = createAudioFile(filePath, rootPath=library)

                    if not audioFile:

                    key           = file.lower()    # The lower case file name must be a unique key in the library
                    audioFile.key = key

                    # Only check like sized files for dups while constructing if run in 'fix' mode (slows loading a lot)
                    if options['fix']:
                        other         = self.findSong(audioFile)

                        if other:
                            warn("Ignoring file %s because its audio is identical to %s" % (filePath, other.filePath))

                    if key in self.files:
                        warn("Ignoring file %s because it's name duplicates %s" % (filePath, self.files[key].filePath))

                    self.files[key]  = audioFile
                    size             = audioFile.getSize()
                    self.sizes[size] = self.sizes[size] if size in self.sizes else []

                    #print filePath

                    artist = audioFile.artist if audioFile.artist else "Unknown"
                    album  = audioFile.album  if audioFile.album  else "Unknown"
                    title  = audioFile.title

                    if artist not in self.artists:
                        self.artists[artist] = {'artist': audioFile.artist, 'albums': {}}
                        self.artistMaxLen    = max(self.artistMaxLen, len(audioFile.artist))

                    if album not in self.artists[artist]['albums']:
                        self.artists[artist]['albums'][album] = {'album': audioFile.album, 'songs': {}}
                        self.albumMaxLen                      = max(self.albumMaxLen, len(audioFile.album))

                    if title not in self.artists[artist]['albums'][album]['songs']:
                        self.artists[artist]['albums'][album]['songs'][title] = audioFile
                        self.titleMaxLen                                      = max(self.titleMaxLen, len(audioFile.title))

                except Mp3FileError as error:
                    warn("Skipping invalid MP3 file (error %s)" % str(error), filePath)

        os.chdir(curDir)    # Restore the path for the caller
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, filePath, rootPath=None):
        MuseFile.__init__(self, filePath, rootPath)
        self.artist = None
        self.album  = None
        self.md5    = None
        self.frames = {}

        # Determine meta-data from file path

        match = AudioFile.splitPattern.match(filePath)

        if not match:
            raise AudioFileError(filePath, "Failed to parse file path")

        (dirName, fileName, fileExt) = match.group(1, 2, 3)
        match = AudioFile.dirPattern.match(dirName)

        if not match:
           raise AudioFileError(filePath, "Failed to parse directory name " + dirName)

        (dirLetter, dirArtist, dirAlbum) = match.group(1, 2, 3)

        if not match.group(2) and match.group(3):
            dirAlbum  = None

            if dirLetter or len(match.group(3)) > 1:
                dirArtist = match.group(3)
                dirLetter = match.group(3)

        #print "Directory: Letter %s Artist %s Album %s" % (dirLetter, dirArtist, dirAlbum)
        match = AudioFile.filePattern.match(fileName)

        if not match:
            raise AudioFileError(filePath, "Failed to parse file name " + fileName)

        (fileArtist, fileAlbum, self.track, self.title) = match.group(1, 2, 3, 4)
        #print ("File name: Letter %s Artist %s Album %s Track %s Song %s Ext %s" %
        #       (dirLetter, fileArtist, fileAlbum, self.track, self.title, fileExt))

        self.artist = reconcileStrings(dirArtist, fileArtist, default="Unknown")

        if self.artist == "Unknown":
            warn("Failed to determine an artist from the filepath", filePath)

        elif self.artist == None:
            self.artist = dirArtist
            match       = AudioFile.numericPattern.match(fileArtist)

            if match and self.track == None:
                self.track = match.group(1)
                fileArtist = match.group(2)
                fileAlbum  = None

            if fileArtist:
                match = AudioFile.artistAlbumPattern.match(fileArtist)

                if match and reconcileStrings(dirArtist, match.group(1)) and reconcileStrings(dirAlbum, match.group(2)):
                    fileAlbum = match.group(2)
                    match = AudioFile.withArtistPattern.match(fileArtist)

                    if (not (match and (reconcileStrings(match.group(1), dirArtist) or reconcileStrings(match.group(2), dirArtist)))
                        and not simpleString(dirArtist) == simpleString(fileArtist).replace("_", " ")):
                        error("Directory artist '%s' differs from file name artist '%s'" % (dirArtist, fileArtist), filePath)

        self.album = reconcileStrings(dirAlbum, fileAlbum, default="Unknown")

        if self.album == "Unknown":
            info("Failed to determine an album from the filepath", filePath)    # Too common to warn on

        elif self.album == None:
            self.album = dirAlbum

            if fileArtist.isdigit() and reconcileStrings(fileAlbum, dirArtist):
                self.track = fileArtist

            elif not reconcileStrings(fileAlbum, dirAlbum):
                match = AudioFile.yearAlbumPattern.match(dirAlbum)

                if match and reconcileStrings(fileAlbum, match.group(2)):
                    self.year  = match.group(1)
                    self.album = match.group(2)

                    error("Directory album '%s' differs from file name album '%s'" % (dirAlbum, fileAlbum), filePath)

        newPath = ("%s/%s%s%s%s.%s"
                   % (dirName, safeAppend(self.artist, " - ", suppress="Unknown"), safeAppend(self.album, " - ", suppress="Unknown"),
                      safeAppend(self.track, " - "), self.title, fileExt))

        if getOption("fix", default=False) and newPath != filePath and takeAction("rename %s to %s" % (filePath, newPath)):
            os.rename(filePath, newPath)
            os.utime(newPath, None)
Пример #10
    def reconcile(self):
        simpleArtist = reconcileStrings(self.dirArtist, self.fileArtist, self.frames.get('TPE1'))
        simpleAlbum  = reconcileStrings(self.dirAlbum,  self.fileAlbum,  self.frames.get('TALB'))
        simpleTitle  = reconcileStrings(                self.fileTitle,  self.frames.get('TIT2'))

        if (simpleArtist == None):
            if (self.dirArtist, self.fileArtist, self.frames.get('TPE1')) == (None, None, None):
                warn("Can't identify an artist", self.getPath())
                warn("Conflicting artists (tag %s)" % (self.frames.get('TPE1')), self.getPath())


        if (simpleAlbum == None):
            if (self.dirAlbum, self.fileAlbum, self.frames.get('TALB')) == (None, None, None):
                warn("Can't identify an album", self.getPath())
                warn("Conflicting albums (tag %s)" % (self.frames.get('TALB')), self.getPath())


        if (simpleTitle == None):
            if (self.fileTitle, self.frames.get('TIT2')) == (None, None, None):
                warn("Can't identify a title", self.getPath())
                warn("Conflicting titles (tag %s)" % (self.frames.get('TIT2')), self.getPath())


        if self.dirArtist:
            if self.dirArtist == self.fileArtist:
                if self.frames.get('TPE1') != self.fileArtist:
                    print "%s: artist tag %s differs from directory/file artist %s" % (self.getPath(), self.frames.get('TPE1'),
            elif self.dirArtist == self.frames.get('TPE1'):
                if simpleString(self.dirArtist) == simpleString(self.fileArtist):
                    if takeAction("rename file %s to %s to match directory/tagged artist %s"
                                  % (self.getPath(), self.getPath().replace(self.fileArtist, self.dirArtist), self.dirArtist)):
                        os.rename(self.getPath(), self.getPath().replace(self.fileArtist, self.dirArtist))
                elif self.fileArtist == None:
                    if self.fileName.endswith(self.frames.get('TIT2')):
                        head  = self.fileName[:-len(self.frames.get('TIT2'))].strip()
                        match = self.trackNumberPattern.match(head)

                        if match:
                            if int(match.group(1)) == self.track:
                                toPath = "%s/%s - %d - %s.self.dirName"
                                if takeAction("rename file %s to %s to match directory/tagged artist %s"
                                              % (self.getPath(), self.getPath().replace(self.fileArtist, self.dirArtist), self.dirArtist)):
                                    os.rename(self.getPath(), self.getPath().replace(self.fileArtist, self.dirArtist))

                        print "'" + head + "'"
                        print ("%s: filename ends with title %s (no file artist; directory/tagged artist %s)"
                               % (self.getPath(), self.frames.get('TIT2'), self.dirArtist))
                        print "%s: no file artist parsed (directory/tagged artist %s)" % (self.getPath(), self.dirArtist)
                    print "%s: file artist %s differs from directory/tagged artist %s" % (self.getPath(), self.fileArtist,