Пример #1
class ShipSteering(Environment):
    The Ship Steering environment as presented in:
    "Hierarchical Policy Gradient Algorithms". Ghavamzadeh M. and Mahadevan S..

    def __init__(self, small=True, n_steps_action=3):

             small (bool, True): whether to use a small state space or not.
             n_steps_action (int, 3): number of integration intervals for each
                                      step of the mdp.

        # MDP parameters
        self.field_size = 150 if small else 1000
        low = np.array([0, 0, -np.pi, -np.pi / 12.])
        high = np.array([self.field_size, self.field_size, np.pi, np.pi / 12.])
        self.omega_max = np.array([np.pi / 12.])
        self._v = 3.
        self._T = 5.
        self._dt = .2
        self._gate_s = np.empty(2)
        self._gate_e = np.empty(2)
        self._gate_s[0] = 100 if small else 350
        self._gate_s[1] = 120 if small else 400
        self._gate_e[0] = 120 if small else 450
        self._gate_e[1] = 100 if small else 400
        self._out_reward = -100
        self._success_reward = 0
        self._small = small
        self._state = None
        self.n_steps_action = n_steps_action

        # MDP properties
        observation_space = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high)
        action_space = spaces.Box(low=-self.omega_max, high=self.omega_max)
        horizon = 5000
        gamma = .99
        mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon)

        # Visualization
        self._viewer = Viewer(self.field_size,
                              background=(66, 131, 237))


    def reset(self, state=None):
        if state is None:
            if self._small:
                self._state = np.zeros(4)
                self._state[2] = np.pi / 2
                low = self.info.observation_space.low
                high = self.info.observation_space.high
                self._state = (high - low) * np.random.rand(4) + low
            self._state = state

        return self._state

    def step(self, action):

        r = self._bound(action[0], -self.omega_max, self.omega_max)

        new_state = self._state

        for _ in range(self.n_steps_action):
            state = new_state
            new_state = np.empty(4)
            new_state[0] = state[0] + self._v * np.cos(state[2]) * self._dt
            new_state[1] = state[1] + self._v * np.sin(state[2]) * self._dt
            new_state[2] = normalize_angle(state[2] + state[3] * self._dt)
            new_state[3] = state[3] + (r - state[3]) * self._dt / self._T

            if new_state[0] > self.field_size \
               or new_state[1] > self.field_size \
               or new_state[0] < 0 or new_state[1] < 0:

                new_state[0] = self._bound(new_state[0], 0, self.field_size)
                new_state[1] = self._bound(new_state[1], 0, self.field_size)

                reward = self._out_reward
                absorbing = True

            elif self._through_gate(state[:2], new_state[:2]):
                reward = self._success_reward
                absorbing = True
                reward = -1
                absorbing = False

        self._state = new_state

        return self._state, reward, absorbing, {}

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        self._viewer.line(self._gate_s, self._gate_e, width=3)

        boat = [[-4, -4], [-4, 4], [4, 4], [8, 0.0], [4, -4]]
                             color=(32, 193, 54))


    def stop(self):

    def _through_gate(self, start, end):
        r = self._gate_e - self._gate_s
        s = end - start
        den = self._cross_2d(vecr=r, vecs=s)

        if den == 0:
            return False

        t = self._cross_2d((start - self._gate_s), s) / den
        u = self._cross_2d((start - self._gate_s), r) / den

        return 1 >= u >= 0 and 1 >= t >= 0

    def _cross_2d(vecr, vecs):
        return vecr[0] * vecs[1] - vecr[1] * vecs[0]
Пример #2
class PuddleWorld(Environment):
    Puddle world as presented in:
    "Off-Policy Actor-Critic". Degris T. et al.. 2012.

    def __init__(self, start=None, goal=None, goal_threshold=.1, noise_step=.025,
                 noise_reward=0, reward_goal=0., thrust=.05, puddle_center=None,
                 puddle_width=None, gamma=.99, horizon=5000):

            start (np.array, None): starting position of the agent;
            goal (np.array, None): goal position;
            goal_threshold (float, .1): distance threshold of the agent from the
                goal to consider it reached;
            noise_step (float, .025): noise in actions;
            noise_reward (float, 0): standard deviation of gaussian noise in reward;
            reward_goal (float, 0): reward obtained reaching goal state;
            thrust (float, .05): distance walked during each action;
            puddle_center (np.array, None): center of the puddle;
            puddle_width (np.array, None): width of the puddle;

        # MDP parameters
        self._start = np.array([.2, .4]) if start is None else start
        self._goal = np.array([1., 1.]) if goal is None else goal
        self._goal_threshold = goal_threshold
        self._noise_step = noise_step
        self._noise_reward = noise_reward
        self._reward_goal = reward_goal
        self._thrust = thrust
        puddle_center = [[.3, .6], [.4, .5], [.8, .9]] if puddle_center is None else puddle_center
        self._puddle_center = [np.array(center) for center in puddle_center]
        puddle_width = [[.1, .03], [.03, .1], [.03, .1]] if puddle_width is None else puddle_width
        self._puddle_width = [np.array(width) for width in puddle_width]

        self._actions = [np.zeros(2) for _ in range(5)]
        for i in range(4):
            self._actions[i][i // 2] = thrust * (i % 2 * 2 - 1)

        # MDP properties
        action_space = Discrete(5)
        observation_space = Box(0., 1., shape=(2,))
        mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon)

        # Visualization
        self._pixels = None
        self._viewer = Viewer(1.0, 1.0)


    def reset(self, state=None):
        if state is None:
            self._state = self._start.copy()
            self._state = state

        return self._state

    def step(self, action):
        idx = action[0]
        self._state += self._actions[idx] + np.random.uniform(
            low=-self._noise_step, high=self._noise_step, size=(2,))
        self._state = np.clip(self._state, 0., 1.)

        absorbing = np.linalg.norm((self._state - self._goal),
                                   ord=1) < self._goal_threshold

        if not absorbing:
            reward = np.random.randn() * self._noise_reward + self._get_reward(
            reward = self._reward_goal

        return self._state, reward, absorbing, {}

    def render(self):
        if self._pixels is None:
            img_size = 100
            pixels = np.zeros((img_size, img_size, 3))
            for i in range(img_size):
                for j in range(img_size):
                    x = i / img_size
                    y = j / img_size
                    pixels[i, img_size - 1 - j] = self._get_reward(
                        np.array([x, y]))

            pixels -= pixels.min()
            pixels *= 255. / pixels.max()
            self._pixels = np.floor(255 - pixels)

        self._viewer.circle(self._state, 0.01,
                            color=(0, 255, 0))

        goal_area = [
            [-self._goal_threshold, 0],
            [0, self._goal_threshold],
            [self._goal_threshold, 0],
            [0, -self._goal_threshold]
        self._viewer.polygon(self._goal, 0, goal_area,
                             color=(255, 0, 0), width=1)


    def stop(self):
        if self._viewer is not None:

    def _get_reward(self, state):
        reward = -1.
        for cen, wid in zip(self._puddle_center, self._puddle_width):
            reward -= 2. * norm.pdf(state[0], cen[0], wid[0]) * norm.pdf(
                state[1], cen[1], wid[1])

        return reward
Пример #3
class CartPole(Environment):
    The Inverted Pendulum on a Cart environment as presented in:
    "Least-Squares Policy Iteration". Lagoudakis M. G. and Parr R.. 2003.

    def __init__(self,

            m (float, 2.0): mass of the pendulum;
            M (float, 8.0): mass of the cart;
            l (float, .5): length of the pendulum;
            g (float, 9.8): gravity acceleration constant;
            max_u (float, 50.): maximum allowed input torque;
            noise_u (float, 10.): maximum noise on the action;
            horizon (int, 3000): horizon of the problem;
            gamma (float, .95): discount factor.

        # MDP parameters
        self._m = m
        self._M = M
        self._l = l
        self._g = g
        self._alpha = 1 / (self._m + self._M)
        self._mu = mu
        self._dt = .1
        self._max_u = max_u
        self._noise_u = noise_u
        high = np.array([np.inf, np.inf])

        # MDP properties
        observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-high, high=high)
        action_space = spaces.Discrete(3)
        mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon)

        # Visualization
        self._viewer = Viewer(2.5 * l, 2.5 * l)
        self._last_u = None
        self._state = None


    def reset(self, state=None):
        if state is None:
            angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi / 8., np.pi / 8.)

            self._state = np.array([angle, 0.])
            self._state = state
            self._state[0] = normalize_angle(self._state[0])

        self._last_u = 0
        return self._state

    def step(self, action):
        if action == 0:
            u = -self._max_u
        elif action == 1:
            u = 0.
            u = self._max_u

        self._last_u = u

        u += np.random.uniform(-self._noise_u, self._noise_u)
        new_state = odeint(self._dynamics, self._state, [0, self._dt], (u, ))

        self._state = np.array(new_state[-1])
        self._state[0] = normalize_angle(self._state[0])

        if np.abs(self._state[0]) > np.pi * .5:
            reward = -1.
            absorbing = True
            reward = 0.
            absorbing = False

        return self._state, reward, absorbing, {}

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        start = 1.25 * self._l * np.ones(2)
        end = 1.25 * self._l * np.ones(2)

        end[0] += self._l * np.sin(self._state[0])
        end[1] += self._l * np.cos(self._state[0])

        self._viewer.line(start, end)
        self._viewer.square(start, 0, self._l / 10)
        self._viewer.circle(end, self._l / 20)

        direction = -np.sign(self._last_u) * np.array([1, 0])
        value = np.abs(self._last_u)
        self._viewer.force_arrow(start, direction, value, self._max_u,
                                 self._l / 5)


    def stop(self):

    def _dynamics(self, state, t, u):
        theta = state[0]
        omega = state[1]

        d_theta = omega
        d_omega = (self._g * np.sin(theta) - self._alpha * self._m * self._l *
                   .5 * d_theta**2 * np.sin(2 * theta) * .5 -
                   self._alpha * np.cos(theta) * u) / (
                       2 / 3 * self._l -
                       self._alpha * self._m * self._l * .5 * np.cos(theta)**2)

        return d_theta, d_omega
Пример #4
class InvertedPendulum(Environment):
    The Inverted Pendulum environment (continuous version) as presented in:
    "Reinforcement Learning In Continuous Time and Space". Doya K.. 2000.
    "Off-Policy Actor-Critic". Degris T. et al.. 2012.
    "Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithms". Silver D. et al. 2014.

    def __init__(self, random_start=False, m=1., l=1., g=9.8, mu=1e-2,
                 max_u=5., horizon=5000, gamma=.99):

            random_start (bool, False): whether to start from a random position
                or from the horizontal one;
            m (float, 1.0): mass of the pendulum;
            l (float, 1.0): length of the pendulum;
            g (float, 9.8): gravity acceleration constant;
            mu (float, 1e-2): friction constant of the pendulum;
            max_u (float, 5.0): maximum allowed input torque;
            horizon (int, 5000): horizon of the problem;
            gamma (int, .99): discount factor.

        # MDP parameters
        self._m = m
        self._l = l
        self._g = g
        self._mu = mu
        self._random = random_start
        self._dt = .01
        self._max_u = max_u
        self._max_omega = 5 / 2 * np.pi
        high = np.array([np.pi, self._max_omega])

        # MDP properties
        observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-high, high=high)
        action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([-max_u]),
        mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon)

        # Visualization
        self._viewer = Viewer(2.5 * l, 2.5 * l)
        self._last_u = None


    def reset(self, state=None):
        if state is None:
            if self._random:
                angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
                angle = np.pi / 2

            self._state = np.array([angle, 0.])
            self._state = state
            self._state[0] = normalize_angle(self._state[0])
            self._state[1] = self._bound(self._state[1], -self._max_omega,

        self._last_u = 0.0
        return self._state

    def step(self, action):
        u = self._bound(action[0], -self._max_u, self._max_u)
        new_state = odeint(self._dynamics, self._state, [0, self._dt],

        self._state = np.array(new_state[-1])
        self._state[0] = normalize_angle(self._state[0])
        self._state[1] = self._bound(self._state[1], -self._max_omega,

        reward = np.cos(self._state[0])

        self._last_u = u.item()

        return self._state, reward, False, {}

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        start = 1.25 * self._l * np.ones(2)
        end = 1.25 * self._l * np.ones(2)

        end[0] += self._l * np.sin(self._state[0])
        end[1] += self._l * np.cos(self._state[0])

        self._viewer.line(start, end)
        self._viewer.circle(start, self._l / 40)
        self._viewer.circle(end, self._l / 20)
        self._viewer.torque_arrow(start, -self._last_u, self._max_u,
                                  self._l / 5)


    def stop(self):

    def _dynamics(self, state, t, u):
        theta = state[0]
        omega = self._bound(state[1], -self._max_omega, self._max_omega)

        d_theta = omega
        d_omega = (-self._mu * omega + self._m * self._g * self._l * np.sin(
            theta) + u) / (self._m * self._l**2)

        return d_theta, d_omega