def get_best_album(args): artist = args[0] album, date, reviews = best_album(args, internal=True) print print "Getting %s (%s)" % (album, date) q = lambda x: '"%s"' % x[q(artist), q(album)])
def getSearch(): q = request.args.get("query","") searchtype = request.args.get("searchtype","") res = {} if q and searchtype: res =,searchtype) return json.dumps(res)
def test_youtube_search(self): res = self.loop.run_until_complete( search( "" )) self.assertTrue(len(res) == 1) self.assertEqual(res[0].title, "♂GACHILLMUCHI♂")
async def youtube(ctx, *args): global voice if # If grizzo is not in a voice channel, auto join the one the user is in. v_channel = voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) if voice and voice.is_connected(): await voice.move_to(v_channel) else: voice = await v_channel.connect() else: await ctx.send( "Please enter a voice channel before requesting Grizzo to play a song." ) url = song_there = os.path.isfile("song.mp3") # checks if a song file is present try: if song_there: os.remove("song.mp3") except PermissionError: await ctx.send("ERROR: Music playing") return await ctx.send("Preparing request") voice = get(bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(music.ydl_opts) as ydl:[url]) name = music.rename(ctx)"song.mp3"), after=lambda e: print(f"{name} has finished playing")) voice.source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(voice.source) voice.source.volume = 0.35 cut = name.index(music.vid_id) name = name[:(cut - 1)] await ctx.send(f"Now playing: ***{name}***") pass
def test_search_knowingly_not_finded(self): res = self.loop.run_until_complete( search("asodjkaliksjdlakjsdl;'kajsd;lkj")) self.assertTrue(len(res) == 0)
def test_search_knowingly_finded(self): res = self.loop.run_until_complete(search("test")) self.assertTrue(len(res) > 0)