Пример #1
def main():
    if 1 == len(sys.argv):
        print("You will have to give an argument.", file=sys.stderr)
        return 1
    # If nothing fails.
    return_value = 0
        # Connect to the MPD server
        client = MPDClient()
        client.connect("localhost", 6600)
        title_string = parser(client, str(sys.argv[1]))

        # Failure. Probably unable to connect to the MPD server.
        return_value = 1
        title_string = "Could not connect to the MPD server"

    # print( int( client.status()['time'].split(':')[0] ) )

    # If we have to cut dow the string or not
    if LENGTH >= len(title_string):
        # Have to append input, if it is shorter than LENGTH
        len_diff = LENGTH - len(title_string)
        append_before = (" ") * int((len_diff / 2))
        append_after = (" ") * int((len_diff / 2) + 0.5)

        # Prints and flushes the output
        print(append_before + title_string + append_after)
        # print(title_string)

        # Keep track of where to cut the long title string
        start = int(client.status()["time"].split(":")[0]) % (len(title_string) + len(DIVIDER))
        end = start + LENGTH

        # Appends to the title_string, so that we can roll-over easily
        title_string = title_string + DIVIDER + title_string


    # Closing the connection.

    # Done!
    return return_value
Пример #2
def main():
    # If nothing fails.
    return_value = 0
        # Connect to the MPD server
        client = MPDClient()
        client.connect("localhost", 6600)
        # Runs the script until a new songs comes on
        currentTrack = client.status()['songid']

        # If there is no argument, we will use  "artist - title"
        if 1 == len(sys.argv):
            title_string = parser(client, "%artist% - %title%")
            title_string = parser(client, str(sys.argv[1]))
        # Failure. Probably unable to connect to the MPD server.
        return_value = 1
        title_string = "Could not connect to the MPD server"
    # If we have to cut dow the string or not
    if LENGTH >= len(title_string):
        # Have to append input, if it is shorter than LENGTH
        len_diff      = LENGTH - len(title_string)
        append_before = (' ') * int((len_diff/2))
        append_after  = (' ') * int((len_diff/2) + 0.5)

        # Prints and flushes the output
        print(append_before + title_string + append_after)
        # Now we only have to wait.
        #while client.status()['songid'] == currentTrack:
        # Appends to the title_string, so that we can roll-over easily
        title_string = title_string + DIVIDER + title_string[0:LENGTH]

        # Keep track of where to cut the long title string
        start = 0
        end   = LENGTH
            # While this song is playing
            while currentTrack == client.status()['songid']:
                # Print and flush
                print( title_string[start:end] )
                # Wait a little bit
                # Step through the string
                start +=1
                end   +=1
                # We have are one lap through, so resert the steps
                if title_string[start:end] == title_string[0:LENGTH]:
                    start = 0
                    end   = LENGTH
            # Something failed.
            return_value = 1

    # Closing the connection.    

    # Done!
    return return_value
Пример #3
class PlayerClient(Player):
    """MPD Client
    From python-musicpd:
        _fetch_nothing  …
        _fetch_item     single str
        _fetch_object   single dict
        _fetch_list     list of str
        _fetch_playlist list of str
        _fetch_changes  list of dict
        _fetch_database list of dict
        _fetch_songs    list of dict, especially tracks
    TODO: handle exception in command not going through _client_wrapper() (ie.
    database = None  # sima database (history, blacklist)

    def __init__(self, host="localhost", port="6600", password=None):
        self._comm = self._args = None
        self._mpd = host, port, password
        self._client = MPDClient()
        self._client.iterate = True
        self._cache = None

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        command = attr
        wrapper = self._execute
        return lambda *args: wrapper(command, args)

    def _execute(self, command, args):
        self._write_command(command, args)
        return self._client_wrapper()

    def _write_command(self, command, args=None):
        self._comm = command
        self._args = list()
        for arg in args:

    def _client_wrapper(self):
        func = self._client.__getattr__(self._comm)
            ans = func(*self._args)
        # WARNING: MPDError is an ancestor class of # CommandError
        except CommandError as err:
            raise PlayerCommandError('MPD command error: %s' % err)
        except (MPDError, IOError) as err:
            raise PlayerError(err)
        return self._track_format(ans)

    def _track_format(self, ans):
        unicode_obj = ["idle", "listplaylist", "list", "sticker list",
                "commands", "notcommands", "tagtypes", "urlhandlers",]
        # TODO: ain't working for "sticker find" and "sticker list"
        tracks_listing = ["playlistfind", "playlistid", "playlistinfo",
                          "playlistsearch", "plchanges", "listplaylistinfo", "find",
                          "search", "sticker find",]
        track_obj = ['currentsong']
        if self._comm in tracks_listing + track_obj:
            if isinstance(ans, list):
                return [Track(**track) for track in ans]
            elif isinstance(ans, dict):
                return Track(**ans)
        return ans

    def __skipped_track(self, old_curr):
        if (self.state == 'stop'
                or not hasattr(old_curr, 'id')
                or not hasattr(self.current, 'id')):
            return False
        return self.current.id != old_curr.id  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def _flush_cache(self):
        Both flushes and instantiates _cache
        if isinstance(self._cache, dict):
            self.log.info('Player: Flushing cache!')
            self.log.info('Player: Initialising cache!')
        self._cache = {'artists': frozenset(),
                       'nombid_artists': frozenset(),}
        self._cache['artists'] = frozenset(self._execute('list', ['artist']))
        if Artist.use_mbid:
            self._cache['nombid_artists'] = frozenset(self._execute('list', ['artist', 'musicbrainz_artistid', '']))

    def find_track(self, artist, title=None):
        tracks = set()
        if artist.mbid:
            if title:
                tracks |= set(self.find('musicbrainz_artistid', artist.mbid,
                                        'title', title))
                tracks |= set(self.find('musicbrainz_artistid', artist.mbid))
            for name in artist.names:
                if title:
                    tracks |= set(self.find('artist', name, 'title', title))
                    tracks |= set(self.find('artist', name))
        return list(tracks)

    def search_artist(self, artist):
        Search artists based on a fuzzy search in the media library
            >>> art = Artist(name='the beatles', mbid=<UUID4>) # mbid optional
            >>> bea = player.search_artist(art)
            >>> print(bea.names)
            >>> ['The Beatles', 'Beatles', 'the beatles']

        Returns an Artist object
        found = False
        if artist.mbid:
            # look for exact search w/ musicbrainz_artistid
            exact_m = self._execute('list', ['artist', 'musicbrainz_artistid', artist.mbid])
            if exact_m:
                _ = [artist.add_alias(name) for name in exact_m]
                found = True
            artist = Artist(name=artist.name)
        # then complete with fuzzy search on artist with no musicbrainz_artistid
        if artist.mbid:
            # we already performed a lookup on artists with mbid set
            # search through remaining artists
            artists = self._cache.get('nombid_artists')
            artists = self._cache.get('artists')
        match = get_close_matches(artist.name, artists, 50, 0.73)
        if not match and not found:
        if len(match) > 1:
            self.log.debug('found close match for "%s": %s', artist, '/'.join(match))
        # Does not perform fuzzy matching on short and single word strings
        # Only lowercased comparison
        if ' ' not in artist.name and len(artist.name) < 8:
            for fuzz_art in match:
                # Regular lowered string comparison
                if artist.name.lower() == fuzz_art.lower():
                    return artist
        fzartist = SimaStr(artist.name)
        for fuzz_art in match:
            # Regular lowered string comparison
            if artist.name.lower() == fuzz_art.lower():
                found = True
                if artist.name != fuzz_art:
                    self.log.debug('"%s" matches "%s".', fuzz_art, artist)
            # SimaStr string __eq__ (not regular string comparison here)
            if fzartist == fuzz_art:
                found = True
                self.log.info('"%s" quite probably matches "%s" (SimaStr)',
                              fuzz_art, artist)
        if found:
            if artist.aliases:
                self.log.debug('Found: %s', '/'.join(list(artist.names)[:4]))
            return artist

    def fuzzy_find_track(self, artist, title):
        # Retrieve all tracks from artist
        all_tracks = self.find_track(artist, title)
        # Get all titles (filter missing titles set to 'None')
        all_artist_titles = frozenset([tr.title for tr in all_tracks
                                       if tr.title is not None])
        match = get_close_matches(title, all_artist_titles, 50, 0.78)
        if not match:
            return []
        for title_ in match:
            leven = levenshtein_ratio(title.lower(), title_.lower())
            if leven == 1:
            elif leven >= 0.79:  # PARAM
                self.log.debug('title: "%s" should match "%s" (lr=%1.3f)',
                               title_, title, leven)
                self.log.debug('title: "%s" does not match "%s" (lr=%1.3f)',
                               title_, title, leven)
                return []
            return self.find('artist', artist, 'title', title_)

    def find_album(self, artist, album):
        Special wrapper around album search:
        Album lookup is made through AlbumArtist/Album instead of Artist/Album
        alb_art_search = self.find('albumartist', artist, 'album', album)
        if alb_art_search:
            return alb_art_search
        return self.find('artist', artist, 'album', album)

    def search_albums(self, artist):
        Fetch all albums for "AlbumArtist"  == artist
        Filter albums returned for "artist" == artist since MPD returns any
               album containing at least a single track for artist
        albums = []
        for name in artist.names:
            if len(artist.names) > 1:
                self.log.debug('Searching album for aliase: "%s"', name)
            kwalbart = {'albumartist':name, 'artist':name}
            for album in self.list('album', 'albumartist', artist):
                if album and album not in albums:
                    albums.append(Album(name=album, **kwalbart))
            for album in self.list('album', 'artist', artist):
                album_trks = [trk for trk in self.find('album', album)]
                if 'Various Artists' in [tr.albumartist for tr in album_trks]:
                    self.log.debug('Discarding %s ("Various Artists" set)', album)
                arts = set([trk.artist for trk in album_trks])
                if len(set(arts)) < 2:  # TODO: better heuristic, use a ratio instead
                    if album not in albums:
                        albums.append(Album(name=album, **kwalbart))
                elif album and album not in albums:
                    self.log.debug('"{0}" probably not an album of "{1}"'.format(
                        album, artist) + '({0})'.format('/'.join(arts)))
        return albums

    def monitor(self):
        curr = self.current
            self.send_idle('database', 'playlist', 'player', 'options')
            select([self._client], [], [], 60)
            ret = self.fetch_idle()
            if self.__skipped_track(curr):
            if 'database' in ret:
            return ret
        except (MPDError, IOError) as err:
            raise PlayerError("Couldn't init idle: %s" % err)

    def clean(self):
        """Clean blocking event (idle) and pending commands
        if 'idle' in self._client._pending:
        elif self._client._pending:
            self.log.warning('pending commands: %s', self._client._pending)

    def remove(self, position=0):

    def add(self, track):
        """Overriding MPD's add method to accept add signature with a Track
        self._execute('add', [track.file])

    def artists(self):
        return self._cache.get('artists')

    def state(self):
        return str(self.status().get('state'))

    def current(self):
        return self.currentsong()

    def queue(self):
        plst = self.playlist
        return [trk for trk in plst if int(trk.pos) > int(self.current.pos)]

    def playlist(self):
        Override deprecated MPD playlist command
        return self.playlistinfo()

    def connect(self):
        host, port, password = self._mpd
            self._client.connect(host, port)

        # Catch socket errors
        except IOError as err:
            raise PlayerError('Could not connect to "%s:%s": %s' %
                              (host, port, err.strerror))

        # Catch all other possible errors
        # ConnectionError and ProtocolError are always fatal.  Others may not
        # be, but we don't know how to handle them here, so treat them as if
        # they are instead of ignoring them.
        except MPDError as err:
            raise PlayerError('Could not connect to "%s:%s": %s' %
                              (host, port, err))

        if password:
            except (MPDError, IOError) as err:
                raise PlayerError("Could not connect to '%s': %s", (host, err))
        # Controls we have sufficient rights
        needed_cmds = ['status', 'stats', 'add', 'find', \
                       'search', 'currentsong', 'ping']

        available_cmd = self._client.commands()
        for nddcmd in needed_cmds:
            if nddcmd not in available_cmd:
                raise PlayerError('Could connect to "%s", '
                                  'but command "%s" not available' %
                                  (host, nddcmd))

        #  Controls use of MusicBrainzIdentifier
        if Artist.use_mbid:
            if 'MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID' not in self._client.tagtypes():
                self.log.warning('Use of MusicBrainzIdentifier is set but MPD is '
                                 'not providing related metadata')
                self.log.warning('Disabling MusicBrainzIdentifier')
                Artist.use_mbid = False
                self.log.trace('Available metadata: %s', self._client.tagtypes())  # pylint: disable=no-member
            self.log.warning('Use of MusicBrainzIdentifier disabled!')
            self.log.info('Consider using MusicBrainzIdentifier for your music library')

    def disconnect(self):
        # Try to tell MPD we're closing the connection first
        # If that fails, don't worry, just ignore it and disconnect
        except (MPDError, IOError):
        # Disconnecting failed, so use a new client object instead
        # This should never happen.  If it does, something is seriously broken,
        # and the client object shouldn't be trusted to be re-used.
        except (MPDError, IOError):
            self._client = MPDClient()