def genetic(): ITERATIONS = 30 POP_SIZE = 40 CROSSOVER_RATE = 0.5 MUTATION_RATE = 0.01 TOURNAMENT_SIZE = 6 task = read('generatedTaskFile.csv') print("Here it goes...") population = init_population(task.numberOfObjects, POP_SIZE, task) i = 0 while i < ITERATIONS: print("New iteration") j = 0 new_population = Population(task) new_population.listOfIndividuals = [] while j < POP_SIZE: parent1 = tournament(population, TOURNAMENT_SIZE, task) parent2 = tournament(population, TOURNAMENT_SIZE, task) child = Individual() child.itemsTaken = crossover(parent1, parent2, CROSSOVER_RATE) mutate(child, MUTATION_RATE) new_population.addIndividualToPopulation(child) j += 1 population = new_population i += 1 return
def crossover_onepoint(p1, p2, mu, crossover_rate, passes): c1 = copy.deepcopy(p1) c2 = copy.deepcopy(p2) # alpha=0.3 count = 0 point = np.random.randint(0, 32) for list1, list2 in zip(p1['table'], p2['table']): if (count >= point): c1['table'][count][1] = list2[1] c2['table'][count][1] = list1[1] count = count + 1 if (count >= 32): break c1m = mutate.mutate(c1, mu) c2m = mutate.mutate(c2, mu) fs.finalState(c1m, passes) fit.calculate_fitness(c1m) fs.finalState(c1m, passes) fit.calculate_fitness(c1m) return c1m, c2m
def test_mutate_substitutions(): an_instance = genome.Genome() an_instance.expand(n=10) a_sequence = copy_genome(an_instance.sequence_A) mutate.mutate(an_instance, {'singles': 50, 'expansions': 0, 'deletions': 0}) set_A = set(an_instance.sequence_A) set_B = set(a_sequence) assert len(set_A.intersection(set_B)) < len(a_sequence) # overlap
def test_mutate_expansions(): an_instance = genome.Genome() an_instance.expand(n=10) a_sequence = copy_genome(an_instance.sequence_A) mutate.mutate(an_instance, { 'singles': 0.0, 'expansions': 50.0, 'deletions': 0.0} ) assert len(an_instance.sequence_A) > len(a_sequence)
def nextGen(self): totalAvgFit = 0 remaining = 0 avgPopFit = 0 for spec in self.populationSpecies: remaining += spec.removeHalf() tmp = spec.calcAvgFitness() totalAvgFit += tmp avgPopFit += (tmp * len(spec.subpopulation)) children = [] #self.removeStale() self.removeWeak() print() print("Generation", self.generationNumber) print("Max Fitness:", self.maxFitness) print("Innovation Number:", self.globalInnovationNumber) print("No. of Species:", len(self.populationSpecies)) print("Avg pop fitness:", avgPopFit / remaining) print("Total Population:", self.index - 1) for spec in self.populationSpecies: n = math.floor( spec.avgFitness / totalAvgFit) * self.numberOfIndividuals - 1 for i in range(n): ch = spec.getChild() if ch: self.globalInnovationNumber, ch = mutate.mutate( ch, self.globalInnovationNumber) children.append(ch) spec.removeAllExceptOne() while self.numberOfIndividuals > len(children) + len( self.populationSpecies): spec = self.populationSpecies[random.randrange( 0, len(self.populationSpecies))] ch = spec.getChild() if ch: self.globalInnovationNumber, ch = mutate.mutate( ch, self.globalInnovationNumber) children.append(ch) M = self.numberOfIndividuals - len(self.populationSpecies) for i in range(0, M): self.addChromosome(children[i]) print("Children produced:", M) print() self.generationNumber += 1 self.index = 0 self.maxFitness = 0
def next_generation(self, mutation_setup): """ Swap current population with new individuals """ # matching individuals # sorted by fitness self.individuals.sort(key=lambda x: for i, m_individual in enumerate(self.individuals): if m_individual.paired_with != -1: continue # skip already matched individuals # for now: match next one m_try = i + 1 if i < len(self.individuals) else i - randint(1, 3) # safechecks if m_try < 0 or m_try >= len(self.individuals): continue if m_try == i: continue if self.individuals[m_try].paired_with != -1: continue # assign mate m_individual.paired_with = m_try self.individuals[m_try].paired_with = i # mutations for i, _ in enumerate(self.individuals): mutate(self.individuals[i].genome, mutation_setup) # crossing overs for i, _ in enumerate(self.individuals): if self.individuals[i].paired_with == -1: continue crossover(self.individuals[i].genome, events=1) # offspring new_individuals = [] for i, o_individual in enumerate(self.individuals): if o_individual.paired_with == -1: continue # skip lone individuals # probability of offspring dictated by fitness # algorithm: 100% for every full 1, probability # 0.1=10% for all other offspring_to_make = while offspring_to_make > 0.01: if offspring_to_make < 1: if randint(0, 100) > offspring_to_make * 100: break # under 1 -> no more offspring offspring_to_make -= 1 new_individuals.append( Individual(genome=Genome( cod_seqA=o_individual.genome.haploid(), cod_seqB=self.individuals[ o_individual.paired_with].genome.haploid(), ), )) # finish line self.individuals = new_individuals
def SetupNextGen(gl: Global, evals: List[Evaluation], scores: List[Evaluation], args): gl.individuals = selection.reproduce(evals, gl.nIndividuals) scores.sort(reverse=True) if not args.trainingmode: Simulate(gl, scores[0].individual) print("BestScore: " + str(scores[0].score)) sumVal = 0 for ev in scores: sumVal += ev.score print("Average Score: " + str(sumVal / gl.nIndividuals)) gl.bestIndi = scores[0].individual for indi in gl.individuals: mutate.mutate(indi, gl, 2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6)
def get_best_from_population(population): result = np.empty(ITERATIONS) for i in range(ITERATIONS): new_population = Population() while new_population.population_size < POPULATION_SIZE: parent1 = tournament(population, TOURNAMENT_SIZE) parent2 = tournament(population, TOURNAMENT_SIZE) child = crossover(parent1, parent2, CROSSOVER_RATE) mutate(child, MUTATION_RATE) new_population.add_individual(child) print('.', end='') population = new_population result[i] = population.get_best_individual().evaluate() print('-', end='') return result
def runGeneticAlgorithim(populationsize, generations): firstGen = ab.genPool(populationsize, int(sys.argv[5])) for gen in range(generations): if gen == 0: lastGen = ab.breed(firstGen, gen, float(sys.argv[4])) for x in range(len(lastGen)): lastGen[x] = mt.mutate(lastGen[x]) else: for x in range(len(lastGen)): lastGen[x] = mt.mutate(lastGen[x]) lastGen = ab.breed(lastGen, gen, float(sys.argv[4])) for aptamer in lastGen: if hp.hairpin(aptamer[1]) != 0: lastGen.remove(aptamer) return [firstGen, lastGen]
def evolve_minion(worker_file, gen, rank, output_dir): t_start = time.time() worker_ID, seed, pop_size, num_return, randSeed, advice, BD_table, biases, configs = load_worker_file(worker_file) output_dir, fitness_direction, population = init_minion(configs, randSeed, seed, pop_size) for p in range(pop_size): mutate.mutate(configs, population[p].net, biases=biases) pressurize.pressurize(configs, population[p], None, advice) # None: don't write instances to file population = sort_popn(population, fitness_direction) write_out_worker(output_dir + "/to_master/" + str(gen) + "/" + str(rank), population, num_return) report_timing(t_start, rank, gen, output_dir) return len(population[0].net.nodes())
def reproduce(population, fitness, mutation_rate): """ Generates next generation of population by probabilistically choosing mating pool based on fitness, then probabilistically reproducing molecules in the mating pool and randomly mutating the children :param population: list of RDKit molecules :param fitness: probability distribution of same length as population, returned by pop_fitness :param mutation_rate: hyperparameter determining the likelihood of mutations occuring :return: new_population """ mating_pool = [] for i in range(len(population)): mating_pool.append(np.random.choice(population, p=fitness)) new_population = [] for n in range(len(population)): parent_A = random.choice(mating_pool) parent_B = random.choice(mating_pool) # print Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_A),Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_B) new_child = co.crossover(parent_A, parent_B) # print new_child if new_child is not None: new_child = mu.mutate(new_child, mutation_rate) # print("after mutation",new_child) if new_child is not None: new_population.append(new_child) return new_population
def initializePopulation(self): for i in range(self.numberOfIndividuals): temp = deepcopy(chromosome()) #for j in range(100): self.globalInnovationNumber, temp = mutate.mutate( temp, self.globalInnovationNumber) self.addChromosome(temp)
def crossover(p1, p2, mu, crossover_rate): c1 = copy.deepcopy(p1) c2 = copy.deepcopy(p2) # alpha=0.3 count = 0 for l1, l2 in zip(p1, p2): if (np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= crossover_rate): c1[count] = l2 c2[count] = l1 count = count + 1 c1m = mutate.mutate(c1, mu) c2m = mutate.mutate(c2, mu) return c1m, c2m
def genetic(f): N = 1000 x = 2 select_p = 0.5 mutate_chance = 0.01 inputs = list(range(6)) outputs = [f(x) for x in inputs] population = [generate() for i in range(N)] #results = [interpret(code)(x) for code in population] #pprint(results) while True: scores = [evaluate(code, inputs, outputs) for code in population] size = len(scores) selected_indices = list(sorted(range(size), key=lambda t : scores[t]))[:int(select_p * size)] selected = [population[i] for i in selected_indices] selected_scores = [scores[i] for i in selected_indices] if 0.0 in selected_scores: print('Selected:') pprint(selected[0]) break crossover(selected) mutated = [mutate(code) if random.random() < mutate_chance else code for code in selected] population = [generate() for i in range(N)]
def genetic(parameters): train_losses, test_losses = [], [] training_object_count, feature_count, training_features, training_labels, test_features, test_labels\ = prepare_data.read_from_file(filename) num_generations = parameters['num_generations'] num_chromosomes = parameters['num_chromosomes'] num_parents = int(num_chromosomes * parameters['parent_proportion']) num_children = num_chromosomes - num_parents num_genes = feature_count chromosomes_shape = (num_chromosomes, num_genes + 1) chromosomes = np.random.uniform(low=-parameters['random_gene_amplitude'], high=parameters['random_gene_amplitude'], size=chromosomes_shape) for generation in range(num_generations): parents = choose_parents(chromosomes, training_features, training_labels, num_parents, parameters['regularization_strength']) children = reproduce(parents, num_children, num_parents, num_genes + 1) children = mutate(children, parameters['mutation_amplitude']) chromosomes = np.concatenate((parents, children), axis=0) train_loss = nrmse(predict(training_features, parents[0]), training_labels) train_losses.append(train_loss) test_losses.append( nrmse(predict(test_features, parents[0]), test_labels)) print('Train NRMSE: {}'.format(train_loss)) return train_losses, test_losses, parameters
def geneticVRP(self): cus_num = len(self.dis_cus_cus) zonglines = [] #用于存储历代所有种群 lines = [[0 for i in range(cus_num)] for j in range(self.popSize)] R = lines[0] # 一个随机个体 R2 = R R_len = [0 for i in range(self.popSize)] # 用来存储每条路径长度 t = 1 while t <= self.NGen: print "第 %d 次迭代:" % (t) #生成随机初始路径 for i in range(self.popSize): line = random.sample(range(1, cus_num + 1), cus_num) lines[i] = line #交叉 farm = lines farm2 = farm for i in range(0, self.popSize, 2): if random.random() < self.cxPb and i < self.popSize: route1 = farm[i] route2 = farm[i + 1] route1, route2 = intercross.intercross(route1, route2) farm[i] = route1 farm[i + 1] = route2 #变异 for i in range(0, self.popSize): if random.random() <= self.mutPb: farm[i] = mutate.mutate(farm[i]) #群体的选择和更新 FARM = [[0 for i in range(cus_num)] for j in range(self.popSize)] fitness_value, Cost, R = self.dis_cus_cus, self.dis_sta_cus, self.min_dis_depot, self.min_dis_station, self.time_win, self.tolerate_time_win, self.demand, farm) rank = [ index for index, value in sorted(list(enumerate(fitness_value)), key=lambda x: x[1]) ] for i in range(0, self.popSize): FARM[i] = farm[rank[i]] fitness_value_s = sorted(fitness_value) zonglines.append(fitness_value_s[0]) R = FARM[0] #更新最短路径 t += 1 print "最佳路径为:" for i in range(0, len(FARM[0])): print "%d," % (FARM[0][i]), return zonglines, R
def __hill_climbing(self, n_hill_climb): for point in self.points: for nn in range(n_hill_climb): new_point = mutate(point) d = Point.pareto_dominance(new_point, point) if d > 0: self.remove_value(point) self.add(new_point) break
def _run(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) while not self._quit.is_set(): try: d = self.dna_q.get_nowait() except(mpq.Empty): continue self.critters = self.clean(self.critters, self.max) try: pid = critter.hashtxt(dna.dna2txt(d)) except(KeyError,TypeError): continue if random.random() < .5: #if False: try: mutate.mutate(d) except(TypeError,KeyError): pass try: c = critter.Critter(d) # run has to precede append, otherwise not threadsafe self.critters.append(c) if pid != c.my_id: self.logging_q.put((, pid, c.my_id)) except: pass
def runGeneticAlgorithim(aptamerData, generations): firstGen = ab.getAptamers(aptamerData) model = load_model(str(sys.argv[5])) #saved trained keras model for gen in range(generations): if gen == 0: lastGen = ab.breed(firstGen, gen, model, float(sys.argv[4])) print("finished breeding") for x in range(len(lastGen)): lastGen[x] = mt.mutate(lastGen[x], model) print("finished mutating") else: for x in range(len(lastGen)): lastGen[x] = mt.mutate(lastGen[x], model) print("finished mutating") lastGen = ab.breed(lastGen, gen, model, float(sys.argv[4])) print("finished breeding") for aptamer in lastGen: if hp.hairpin(aptamer[1]) == True: lastGen.remove(aptamer) print("Finished gen " + str(gen + 1)) return [firstGen, lastGen]
def reproduce(mating_pool, population_size, mutation_rate): new_population = [] while len(new_population) < population_size: parent_A = random.choice(mating_pool) parent_B = random.choice(mating_pool) new_child = co.crossover(parent_A, parent_B) if new_child != None: new_child = mu.mutate(new_child, mutation_rate) if new_child != None: new_population.append(new_child) return new_population
def reproduce(mating_pool, population_size, mutation_rate): new_population = [] while len(new_population) < population_size: parent_A = random.choice(mating_pool) parent_B = random.choice(mating_pool) new_child = co.crossover(parent_A, parent_B) if new_child != None: mutated_child = mu.mutate(new_child, mutation_rate) if mutated_child != None: #print(','.join([Chem.MolToSmiles(mutated_child),Chem.MolToSmiles(new_child),Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_A),Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_B)])) new_population.append(mutated_child) return new_population
def reproduce(mating_pool, mutation_rate): """ Args: mating_pool: list of RDKit Mol mutation_rate: rate of mutation Returns: """ parent_a = random.choice(mating_pool) parent_b = random.choice(mating_pool) new_child = co.crossover(parent_a, parent_b) if new_child is not None: new_child = mu.mutate(new_child, mutation_rate) return new_child
def pso(dm,population_size=40): df=dm.copy(deep=True) X=df.iloc[:,:-1] X=np.array(X,dtype=float) X_=preprocessing(X) X=X_.copy() y=df.iloc[:,len(df.columns)-1] y=np.array(y,dtype=int) population_size=40 population=population_initialisation(len(df.columns)-1,population_size=40,no_population_slots=4) fitness=np.zeros(population_size,dtype=float) historical_fitness=np.zeros(population_size,dtype=float) historical_position=population.copy() global_fitness=999999 global_position=np.zeros(len(df.columns)-1,dtype=int) for i in range(0,population_size): historical_fitness[i]=999999 k=0 while(k!=100): print('\n',k+1,'th generation in process...') for i in range(0,population_size): fitness[i]=svm_fitness(X,y,population[i]) if(str(fitness[i])!=str(historical_fitness[i])): f=[fitness[i],historical_fitness[i]] if(f.index(min(f))==0): historical_fitness[i]=(fitness[i]).copy() historical_position[i]=(population[i]).copy() if(str(historical_fitness[i])!=str(global_fitness)): f=[historical_fitness[i],global_fitness] if(f.index(min(f))==0): global_fitness=(historical_fitness[i]).copy() global_position=(population[i]).copy() for i in range(0,population_size): population[i]=(tpmbx(population[i],global_position,historical_position[i])).copy() population[i]=(mutate(population[i])).copy() k=k+1 features_best=list(*(np.where(global_position==1))) acc=svm_fitness(X,y,global_position,1,1) return [features_best,acc]
def crossover(p1, p2, mu, crossover_rate, passes): c1 = copy.deepcopy(p1) c2 = copy.deepcopy(p2) # alpha=0.3 count = 0 for list1, list2 in zip(p1['table'], p2['table']): if (np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= crossover_rate): c1['table'][count][1] = list2[1] c2['table'][count][1] = list1[1] count = count + 1 c1m = mutate.mutate(c1, mu) c2m = mutate.mutate(c2, mu) fs.finalState(c1m, passes) fit.calculate_fitness(c1m) fs.finalState(c2m, passes) fit.calculate_fitness(c2m) return c1m, c2m
def reproduce(mating_pool, population_size, mutation_rate): new_population = [] for n in range(population_size): parent_A = random.choice(mating_pool) parent_B = random.choice(mating_pool) #print Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_A),Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_B) new_child = co.crossover(parent_A, parent_B) #print new_child if new_child != None: new_child = mu.mutate(new_child, mutation_rate) #print "after mutation",new_child if new_child != None: new_population.append(new_child) return new_population
def test_mutation(self): room_ids = list(ROOM_INFO_DICT_1) chromosome = CHROMOSOME_1 copy_chromosome = copy.deepcopy(chromosome) self.assertEqual(chromosome, copy_chromosome) chromosome = mutator.mutate(chromosome, room_ids, 1) self.assertNotEqual(chromosome, copy_chromosome) for gene in chromosome.values(): gene_len = len(gene) timeslot_len = len(gene[1]) self.assertTrue(gene_len == 3) # 3 things in gene self.assertTrue(timeslot_len == 2) # 2 elements in timeslot self.assertTrue(gene[1][0] >= 0) # first timeslot 0 or more # second timeslot less than max timeslot self.assertTrue(gene[1][1] <= MAX_TIMESLOT) self.assertTrue(gene[1][0] < gene[1][1]) # ending after begining
def traverse(node): """DFS visit nodes from tree""" if node.is_root(): sequence = Tree369.rand_seq(L) node.set_sequence(sequence) else: branch_length = node.get_parent().get_height( ) - node.get_height() parent_sequence = node.get_parent().get_sequence() mutated_sequence = mutate(parent_sequence, branch_length, mu) node.set_sequence(mutated_sequence) seq_list.append((int(node.get_label()), node.get_sequence())) if node.is_leaf(): return traverse(node.get_children()[0]) traverse(node.get_children()[1])
def reproduce(mating_pool, population_size, mutation_rate): new_population = [] count = 0 while len(new_population) < population_size: parent_A = random.choice(mating_pool) parent_B = random.choice(mating_pool) #print Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_A),Chem.MolToSmiles(parent_B) new_child = co.crossover(parent_A, parent_B) #print new_child if new_child != None: new_child = mu.mutate(new_child, mutation_rate) #print "after mutation",new_child if new_child != None: mol = co.mol_OK(new_child) if mol != True: count += 1 else: new_population.append(new_child) else: count += 1 else: count += 1 return new_population, count
def nearly_equal(word, word2): if word2 in mutate.mutate(word): return True
def test_mutate_int(self): for _ in range(10): x = mutate.mutate(0) self.assertIn(x, [-1, 1])
def runModel(): lexs = [sampleLexicon(), sampleLexicon()] scores = [posteriorScore(lexs[0], corpus), posteriorScore(lexs[1], corpus)] names = ['sticky', 'MH'] numAccepted = [0, 0] interval = 50 print "alpha:", params.alpha print "gamma:", params.gamma print "kappa:", params.kappa print "num_iterations:", num_iterations print "Initial score:", scores[0] print "Initial lexicon:" utils.printLex(lexs[0]) bestLex = lexs[0] bestScore = scores[0] icons = ['\\', '|', '/', '-'] iconIdx = 0 lastPrinted = bestLex sys.stdout.write(icons[iconIdx]) for i in range(num_iterations): iconIdx = (iconIdx+1)%4 sys.stdout.write('\b') sys.stdout.write(icons[iconIdx]) sys.stdout.flush() if i%300==0: lexs[0] = bestLex scores[0] = bestScore if i%interval==0: sys.stdout.write('\b') print "Reached iteration\t", i print "\tsticky \tscore:", scores[0], "\tlen:", lexs[0].getLen(), "\tnum accepted:", numAccepted[0], "/", interval print "\tMH \tscore:", scores[1], "\tlen:", lexs[1].getLen(), "\tnum accepted:", numAccepted[1], "/", interval numAccepted = [0, 0] if i%250==0 and cmp(lastPrinted, bestLex) != 0: print "Current best lexicon (score = %d, len = %d):"%(bestScore, bestLex.getLen()) print "F-score: %f, precision: %f, recall: %f"%utils.fScore(bestLex) utils.printLex(bestLex) lastPrinted = bestLex for j in range(len(lexs)): lex = lexs[j] score = scores[j] temp = 6000 newLex = mutate(lex) newScore = posteriorScore(newLex, corpus) prob = np.exp(newScore - score) if newScore<score else 1 # Scores are in log space sys.stdout.write('\b') if bool(Bernoulli(probs=prob).sample()): numAccepted[j] += 1 lexs[j] = newLex scores[j] = newScore if newScore > bestScore: diff = newScore-bestScore bestLex = newLex bestScore = newScore sys.stdout.write('\b') print "New high score!\t", bestScore print "\tdiscovered by:\t", names[j], "\tlen:", bestLex.getLen(), "\tscore diff\t", diff, "\titeration:",i print "\tF-score: %f, precision: %f, recall: %f"%utils.fScore(bestLex) if i>100: utils.printLex(bestLex) if j != 0: lexs[0] = bestLex scores[0] = bestScore return (bestLex, bestScore)
def test_mutation_rate(self): mutate.mutation_rate = 0.0 for _ in range(10): x = mutate.mutate(0) self.assertEqual(x, 0) mutate.mutation_rate = 1.0
def mutate(self): """ Returns a Colicin with an id shifted by one """ new_id = mutate( return Colicin(new_id)
def evolve_minion(worker_file, gen, rank, output_dir): t_start = time.time() with open(str(worker_file), 'rb') as file: worker_ID, seed, worker_gens, pop_size, num_return, randSeed, curr_gen, configs = pickle.load( file) file.close() survive_fraction = float(configs['worker_percent_survive']) / 100 num_survive = math.ceil(survive_fraction * pop_size) output_dir = configs['output_directory'].replace( "v4nu_minknap_1X_both_reverse/", '') #output_dir += str(worker_ID) max_gen = int(configs['max_generations']) control = configs['control'] if (control == "None"): control = None fitness_direction = str(configs['fitness_direction']) node_edge_ratio = float(configs['edge_to_node_ratio']) random.seed(randSeed) population = gen_population_from_seed(seed, pop_size) start_size = len( pressurize_time = 0 mutate_time = 0 for g in range(worker_gens): gen_percent = float(curr_gen / max_gen) if (g != 0): for p in range(num_survive, pop_size): population[p] = population[p % num_survive].copy() #assert (population[p] != population[p%num_survive]) #assert (population[p].net != population[p % num_survive].net) for p in range(pop_size): t0 = ptime() mutate.mutate(configs, population[p].net, gen_percent, node_edge_ratio) t1 = ptime() mutate_time += t1 - t0 if (control == None): pressure_results = pressurize.pressurize( configs, population[p].net, None ) # false: don't track node fitness, None: don't write instances to file population[p].fitness_parts[0], population[p].fitness_parts[ 1], population[p].fitness_parts[2] = pressure_results[ 0], pressure_results[1], pressure_results[2] else: util.cluster_print( output_dir, "ERROR in minion(): unknown control config: " + str(control)) old_popn = population population = fitness.eval_fitness(old_popn, fitness_direction) del old_popn #debug(population,worker_ID, output_dir) curr_gen += 1 write_out_worker(output_dir + "/to_master/" + str(gen) + "/" + str(rank), population, num_return) # some output, probably outdated if (worker_ID == 0): orig_dir = configs['output_directory'] end_size = len(population[0].net.nodes()) growth = end_size - start_size output.minion_csv(orig_dir, pressurize_time, growth, end_size) #debug(population, worker_ID, output_dir) #if (worker_ID==0): util.cluster_print(output_dir,"Pressurizing took " + str(pressurize_time) + " secs, while mutate took " + str(mutate_time) + " secs.") t_end = time.time() time_elapsed = t_end - t_start if (rank == 1 or rank == 32 or rank == 63): util.cluster_print( output_dir, "Worker #" + str(rank) + " finishing after " + str(time_elapsed) + " seconds")
aa = 0 # a counter max_score = 0 # keep track of the max score achieved by a strain counter = 0 # another counter # Do While: stop condition is when a circuit that fulfills the truth table is found while (temp_string[0][0][0] < (100*len(tt_out[0])*len(tt_in)+2-100)): for xx in range (0, keep_top_X_strains): bit_string[xx] = copy.deepcopy(temp_string[xx]) # Copy "elite" strains to bit_string for xx in range (keep_top_X_strains, crossover_X_strains+keep_top_X_strains): bit_string[xx] = copy.deepcopy(temp_string[0]) # Copy "elite" strains to bit_string for xx in range (keep_top_X_strains, crossover_X_strains+keep_top_X_strains): mt.crossover(bit_string[xx][1], temp_string[xx][1], rows, crossover_percent_elite) # Crossover for xx in range(1, crossover_X_strains+keep_top_X_strains): mt.mutate(bit_string[xx][1], num_of_bits_to_mutate) # Mutation of strains (excluding the best strain) ## Simulate each strain and assign a fitness for xx in range(0, num_of_strains): bit_string[xx][0][0] = cs.sim(bit_string[xx][1],tt_in,tt_out,rows,cells_per_row, bits_per_cell) # Because I use python's "sort" function, I added a random number to the start of each strain. # This avoids sorting the strains by fitness, and then the input of the first logic gate (bias) bit_string[xx][0][1] = rnd.randint(0,900) # Sort strains with best (highest) fitness first bit_string.sort(reverse=True) temp_string = [] for xx in range (0, crossover_X_strains+keep_top_X_strains+1): temp_string.append(bit_string[xx]) #Copy the best XX strains to temp_string
def mutate(self): """ Returns an immunity instance shifted by one (Binding range unchanged) """ return Immunity(mutate(, self.binding_range)
def nearlyEqual(s1, s2): mutated_list = mutate.mutate(s2) return s1 in mutated_list