Пример #1
    def test_simplest_cv_pat_gen(self):
        # create the generator
        nfs = NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1)
        spl = Splitter(attr='partitions')
        # now get the xval pattern sets One-Fold CV)
        xvpat = [ list(spl.generate(p)) for p in nfs.generate(self.data) ]

        self.failUnless( len(xvpat) == 10 )

        for i,p in enumerate(xvpat):
            self.failUnless( len(p) == 2 )
            self.failUnless( p[0].nsamples == 90 )
            self.failUnless( p[1].nsamples == 10 )
            self.failUnless( p[1].chunks[0] == i )
Пример #2
    def test_counted_splitting(self):
        spl = Splitter(attr='partitions')
        # count > #chunks, should result in 10 splits
        nchunks = len(self.data.sa['chunks'].unique)
        for strategy in Partitioner._STRATEGIES:
            for count, target in [ (nchunks*2, nchunks),
                                   (nchunks, nchunks),
                                   (nchunks-1, nchunks-1),
                                   (3, 3),
                                   (0, 0),
                                   (1, 1)
                nfs = NFoldPartitioner(cvtype=1, count=count,
                splits = [ list(spl.generate(p)) for p in nfs.generate(self.data) ]
                self.failUnless(len(splits) == target)
                chosenchunks = [int(s[1].uniquechunks) for s in splits]

                # Test if configuration matches as well
                nsplits_cfg = len(nfs.get_partition_specs(self.data))
                self.failUnlessEqual(nsplits_cfg, target)

                # Check if "lastsplit" dsattr was assigned appropriately
                nsplits = len(splits)
                if nsplits > 0:
                    # dummy-proof testing of last split
                    for ds_ in splits[-1]:
                    # test all now
                    for isplit,split in enumerate(splits):
                        for ds_ in split:
                            ds_.a.lastpartitionset == isplit==nsplits-1

                # Check results of different strategies
                if strategy == 'first':
                    self.failUnlessEqual(chosenchunks, range(target))
                elif strategy == 'equidistant':
                    if target == 3:
                        self.failUnlessEqual(chosenchunks, [0, 3, 7])
                elif strategy == 'random':
                    # none is selected twice
                    self.failUnless(len(set(chosenchunks)) == len(chosenchunks))
                    self.failUnless(target == len(chosenchunks))
                    raise RuntimeError, "Add unittest for strategy %s" \
                          % strategy
Пример #3
 def test_slicing(self):
     hs = HalfPartitioner()
     spl = Splitter(attr='partitions')
     splits = list(hs.generate(self.data))
     for s in splits:
         # partitioned dataset shared the data
         assert_true(s.samples.base is self.data.samples)
     splits = [ list(spl.generate(p)) for p in hs.generate(self.data) ]
     for s in splits:
         # we get slicing all the time
         assert_true(s[0].samples.base.base is self.data.samples)
         assert_true(s[1].samples.base.base is self.data.samples)
     spl = Splitter(attr='partitions', noslicing=True)
     splits = [ list(spl.generate(p)) for p in hs.generate(self.data) ]
     for s in splits:
         # we no slicing at all
         assert_false(s[0].samples.base is self.data.samples)
         assert_false(s[1].samples.base is self.data.samples)
     nfs = NFoldPartitioner()
     spl = Splitter(attr='partitions')
     splits = [ list(spl.generate(p)) for p in nfs.generate(self.data) ]
     for i, s in enumerate(splits):
         # training only first and last split
         if i == 0 or i == len(splits) - 1:
             assert_true(s[0].samples.base.base is self.data.samples)
             assert_true(s[0].samples.base is None)
         # we get slicing all the time
         assert_true(s[1].samples.base.base is self.data.samples)
     step_ds = Dataset(np.random.randn(20,2),
                       sa={'chunks': np.tile([0,1], 10)})
     oes = OddEvenPartitioner()
     spl = Splitter(attr='partitions')
     splits = list(oes.generate(step_ds))
     for s in splits:
         # partitioned dataset shared the data
         assert_true(s.samples.base is step_ds.samples)
     splits = [ list(spl.generate(p)) for p in oes.generate(step_ds) ]
     assert_equal(len(splits), 2)
     for s in splits:
         # we get slicing all the time
         assert_true(s[0].samples.base.base is step_ds.samples)
         assert_true(s[1].samples.base.base is step_ds.samples)
Пример #4
    def test_analyzer_with_split_classifier(self, clfds):
        """Test analyzers in split classifier
        clf, ds = clfds             # unroll the tuple
        # We need to skip some LARSes here
        _sclf = str(clf)
        if 'LARS(' in _sclf and "type='stepwise'" in _sclf:
            # ADD KnownToFail thingie from NiPy

        # To don't waste too much time testing lets limit to 3 splits
        nsplits = 3
        partitioner = NFoldPartitioner(count=nsplits)
        mclf = SplitClassifier(clf=clf,
        sana = mclf.get_sensitivity_analyzer(# postproc=absolute_features(),

        ulabels = ds.uniquetargets
        nlabels = len(ulabels)
        # Can't rely on splitcfg since count-limit is done in __call__
        assert(nsplits == len(list(partitioner.generate(ds))))
        sens = sana(ds)

        # It should return either ...
        #  nlabels * nsplits
        req_nsamples = [ nlabels * nsplits ]
        if nlabels == 2:
            # A single sensitivity in case of binary
            req_nsamples += [ nsplits ]
            # and for pairs in case of multiclass
            req_nsamples += [ (nlabels * (nlabels-1) / 2) * nsplits ]
            # and for 1-vs-1 embedded within Multiclass operating on
            # pairs (e.g. SMLR)
            req_nsamples += [req_nsamples[-1]*2]

            # Also for regression_based -- they can do multiclass
            # but only 1 sensitivity is provided
            if 'regression_based' in clf.__tags__:
                req_nsamples += [ nsplits ]

        # # of features should correspond
        self.failUnlessEqual(sens.shape[1], ds.nfeatures)
        # # of samples/sensitivities should also be reasonable
        self.failUnless(sens.shape[0] in req_nsamples)

        # Check if labels are present
        self.failUnless('splits' in sens.sa)
        self.failUnless('targets' in sens.sa)
        # should be 1D -- otherwise dtype object
        self.failUnless(sens.sa.targets.ndim == 1)

        sens_ulabels = sens.sa['targets'].unique
        # Some labels might be pairs(tuples) so ndarray would be of
        # dtype object and we would need to get them all
        if sens_ulabels.dtype is np.dtype('object'):
            sens_ulabels = np.unique(
                reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [list(x) for x in sens_ulabels]))

        assert_array_equal(sens_ulabels, ds.sa['targets'].unique)

        errors = [x.percent_correct
                    for x in sana.clf.ca.stats.matrices]

        # lets go through all sensitivities and see if we selected the right
        # features
        #if 'meta' in clf.__tags__ and len(sens.samples[0].nonzero()[0])<2:
        if '5%' in clf.descr \
               or (nlabels > 2 and 'regression_based' in clf.__tags__):
            # Some meta classifiers (5% of ANOVA) are too harsh ;-)
            # if we get less than 2 features with on-zero sensitivities we
            # cannot really test
            # Also -- regression based classifiers performance for multiclass
            # is expected to suck in general

        if cfg.getboolean('tests', 'labile', default='yes'):
            for conf_matrix in [sana.clf.ca.training_stats] \
                              + sana.clf.ca.stats.matrices:
                    msg="We must have trained on each one more or " \
                    "less correctly. Got %f%% correct on %d labels" %

        # Since  now we have per split and possibly per label -- lets just find
        # mean per each feature per label across splits
        sensm = FxMapper('samples', lambda x: np.sum(x),
        sensgm = maxofabs_sample().forward(sensm)    # global max of abs of means

        assert_equal(sensgm.shape[0], 1)
        assert_equal(sensgm.shape[1], ds.nfeatures)

        selected = FixedNElementTailSelector(

        if cfg.getboolean('tests', 'labile', default='yes'):

                set(selected), set(ds.a.nonbogus_features),
                msg="At the end we should have selected the right features. "
                "Chose %s whenever nonbogus are %s"
                % (selected, ds.a.nonbogus_features))

            # Now test each one per label
            # TODO: collect all failures and spit them out at once --
            #       that would make it easy to see if the sensitivity
            #       just has incorrect order of labels assigned
            for sens1 in sensm:
                labels1 = sens1.targets  # labels (1) for this sensitivity
                lndim = labels1.ndim
                label = labels1[0]      # current label

                # XXX whole lndim comparison should be gone after
                #     things get fixed and we arrive here with a tuple!
                if lndim == 1: # just a single label
                    self.failUnless(label in ulabels)

                    ilabel_all = np.where(ds.fa.nonbogus_targets == label)[0]
                    # should have just 1 feature for the label
                    self.failUnlessEqual(len(ilabel_all), 1)
                    ilabel = ilabel_all[0]

                    maxsensi = np.argmax(sens1) # index of max sensitivity
                    self.failUnlessEqual(maxsensi, ilabel,
                        "Maximal sensitivity for %s was found in %i whenever"
                        " original feature was %i for nonbogus features %s"
                        % (labels1, maxsensi, ilabel, ds.a.nonbogus_features))
                elif lndim == 2 and labels1.shape[1] == 2: # pair of labels
                    # we should have highest (in abs) coefficients in
                    # those two labels
                    maxsensi2 = np.argsort(np.abs(sens1))[0][-2:]
                    ilabel2 = [np.where(ds.fa.nonbogus_targets == l)[0][0]
                                    for l in label]
                        set(maxsensi2), set(ilabel2),
                        "Maximal sensitivity for %s was found in %s whenever"
                        " original features were %s for nonbogus features %s"
                        % (labels1, maxsensi2, ilabel2, ds.a.nonbogus_features))
                    # Now test for the sign of each one in pair ;) in
                    # all binary problems L1 (-1) -> L2(+1), then
                    # weights for L2 should be positive.  to test for
                    # L1 -- invert the sign
                    # We already know (if we haven't failed in previous test),
                    # that those 2 were the strongest -- so check only signs
                        sens1.samples[0, ilabel2[0]]<0,
                        "With %i classes in pair %s got feature %i for %r >= 0"
                        % (nlabels, label, ilabel2[0], label[0]))
                    self.failUnless(sens1.samples[0, ilabel2[1]]>0,
                        "With %i classes in pair %s got feature %i for %r <= 0"
                        % (nlabels, label, ilabel2[1], label[1]))
                    # yoh could be wrong at this assumption... time will show
                    self.fail("Got unknown number labels per sensitivity: %s."
                              " Should be either a single label or a pair"
                              % labels1)