Пример #1
    def _test_compare_to_old(self):
        """Good just to compare if I didn't screw up anything... treat
        it as a regression test
        import mvpa.mappers.wavelet_ as wavelet_

        ds = datasets['uni2medium']
        d2d = ds.samples
        ws = 16                          # size of timeline for wavelet
        sp = np.arange(ds.nsamples-ws*2) + ws

        # create 3D instance (samples x timepoints x channels)
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, ws)
        d3d = bcm.forward(d2d)

        # use wavelet mapper
        for wdm, wdm_ in ((WaveletTransformationMapper(),
            d3d_wd = wdm(d3d)
            d3d_wd_ = wdm_(d3d)

            self.failUnless((d3d_wd == d3d_wd_).all(),
                msg="We should have got same result with old and new code. "
                    "Got %s and %s" % (d3d_wd, d3d_wd_))
Пример #2
    def test_simple_wdm(self):
        ds = datasets['uni2medium']
        d2d = ds.samples
        ws = 15                          # size of timeline for wavelet
        sp = np.arange(ds.nsamples-ws*2) + ws

        # create 3D instance (samples x timepoints x channels)
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, ws)
        d3d = bcm.forward(d2d)

        # use wavelet mapper
        wdm = WaveletTransformationMapper()
        d3d_wd = wdm.forward(d3d)
        d3d_swap = d3d.swapaxes(1,2)

        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, WaveletTransformationMapper,
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, WaveletTransformationMapper,

        # use wavelet mapper
        for wdm, wdm_swap in ((WaveletTransformationMapper(),
          for dd, dd_swap in ((d3d, d3d_swap),
                              (d2d, None)):
            dd_wd = wdm.forward(dd)
            if dd_swap is not None:
                dd_wd_swap = wdm_swap.forward(dd_swap)

                self.failUnless((dd_wd == dd_wd_swap.swapaxes(1,2)).all(),
                                msg="We should have got same result with swapped "
                                "dimensions and explicit mentioining of it. "
                                "Got %s and %s" % (dd_wd, dd_wd_swap))

            # some sanity checks
            self.failUnless(dd_wd.shape[0] == dd.shape[0])

            if not isinstance(wdm, WaveletPacketMapper):
                # we can do reverse only for DWT
                dd_rev = wdm.reverse(dd_wd)
                # inverse transform might be not exactly as the
                # input... but should be very close ;-)
                self.failUnlessEqual(dd_rev.shape, dd.shape,
                                     msg="Shape should be the same after iDWT")

                diff = np.linalg.norm(dd - dd_rev)
                ornorm = np.linalg.norm(dd)
                self.failUnless(diff/ornorm < 1e-10)
Пример #3
def test_datasetmapping():
    # 6 samples, 4 features
    data = np.arange(24).reshape(6,4)
    ds = Dataset(data,
                 sa={'timepoints': np.arange(6),
                     'multidim': data.copy()},
                 fa={'fid': np.arange(4)})
    # with overlapping and non-overlapping boxcars
    startpoints = [0, 1, 4]
    boxlength = 2
    bm = BoxcarMapper(startpoints, boxlength, inspace='boxy')
    # train is critical
    mds = bm.forward(ds)
    assert_equal(len(mds), len(startpoints))
    assert_equal(mds.nfeatures, boxlength)
    # all samples attributes remain, but the can rotated/compressed into
    # multidimensional attributes
    assert_equal(sorted(mds.sa.keys()), ['boxy_onsetidx'] + sorted(ds.sa.keys()))
                 (len(startpoints), boxlength, ds.nfeatures))
    assert_equal(mds.sa.timepoints.shape, (len(startpoints), boxlength))
                       np.array([(s, s+1) for s in startpoints]).flatten())
    assert_array_equal(mds.sa.boxy_onsetidx, startpoints)
    # feature attributes also get rotated and broadcasted
    assert_array_equal(mds.fa.fid, [ds.fa.fid, ds.fa.fid])
    # and finally there is a new one
                       np.repeat(np.arange(boxlength), 4).reshape(2,-1))

    # now see how it works on reverse()
    rds = bm.reverse(mds)
    # we got at least something of all original attributes back
    assert_equal(sorted(rds.sa.keys()), sorted(ds.sa.keys()))
    assert_equal(sorted(rds.fa.keys()), sorted(ds.fa.keys()))
    # it is not possible to reconstruct the full samples array
    # some samples even might show up multiple times (when there are overlapping
    # boxcars
                       np.array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
                                [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
                                [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
                                [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
                                [16, 17, 18, 19],
                                [20, 21, 22, 23]]))
    assert_array_equal(rds.sa.timepoints, [0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5])
    assert_array_equal(rds.sa.multidim, ds.sa.multidim[rds.sa.timepoints])
    # but feature attributes should be fully recovered
    assert_array_equal(rds.fa.fid, ds.fa.fid)
Пример #4
    def _test_compare_to_old(self):
        """Good just to compare if I didn't screw up anything... treat
        it as a regression test
        import mvpa.mappers.wavelet_ as wavelet_

        ds = datasets['uni2medium']
        d2d = ds.samples
        ws = 16  # size of timeline for wavelet
        sp = np.arange(ds.nsamples - ws * 2) + ws

        # create 3D instance (samples x timepoints x channels)
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, ws)
        d3d = bcm(d2d)

        # use wavelet mapper
        for wdm, wdm_ in (
            (WaveletPacketMapper(), wavelet_.WaveletPacketMapper()),
            d3d_wd = wdm(d3d)
            d3d_wd_ = wdm_(d3d)

                (d3d_wd == d3d_wd_).all(),
                msg="We should have got same result with old and new code. "
                "Got %s and %s" % (d3d_wd, d3d_wd_))
Пример #5
    def test_simple_wdm(self):
        ds = datasets['uni2medium']
        d2d = ds.samples
        ws = 15  # size of timeline for wavelet
        sp = np.arange(ds.nsamples - ws * 2) + ws

        # create 3D instance (samples x timepoints x channels)
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, ws)
        d3d = bcm(d2d)

        # use wavelet mapper
        wdm = WaveletTransformationMapper()
        d3d_wd = wdm(d3d)
        d3d_swap = d3d.swapaxes(1, 2)


        # use wavelet mapper
        for wdm, wdm_swap in ((WaveletTransformationMapper(),
            for dd, dd_swap in ((d3d, d3d_swap), (d2d, None)):
                dd_wd = wdm(dd)
                if dd_swap is not None:
                    dd_wd_swap = wdm_swap(dd_swap)

                        (dd_wd == dd_wd_swap.swapaxes(1, 2)).all(),
                        msg="We should have got same result with swapped "
                        "dimensions and explicit mentioining of it. "
                        "Got %s and %s" % (dd_wd, dd_wd_swap))

                # some sanity checks
                self.failUnless(dd_wd.shape[0] == dd.shape[0])

                if not isinstance(wdm, WaveletPacketMapper):
                    # we can do reverse only for DWT
                    dd_rev = wdm.reverse(dd_wd)
                    # inverse transform might be not exactly as the
                    # input... but should be very close ;-)
                        msg="Shape should be the same after iDWT")

                    diff = np.linalg.norm(dd - dd_rev)
                    ornorm = np.linalg.norm(dd)
                    self.failUnless(diff / ornorm < 1e-10)
Пример #6
    def test_simple_wp1_level(self):

        ds = datasets['uni2large']
        d2d = ds.samples
        ws = 50                          # size of timeline for wavelet
        sp = (np.arange(ds.nsamples - ws*2) + ws)[:4]

        # create 3D instance (samples x timepoints x channels)
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, ws)
        d3d = bcm.forward(d2d)

        # use wavelet mapper
        wdm = WaveletPacketMapper(level=2, wavelet='sym2')
        d3d_wd = wdm.forward(d3d)

        # Check dimensionality
        d3d_wds, d3ds = d3d_wd.shape, d3d.shape
        self.failUnless(len(d3d_wds) == len(d3ds)+1)
        self.failUnless(d3d_wds[1] * d3d_wds[2] >= d3ds[1])
        self.failUnless(d3d_wds[0] == d3ds[0])
        self.failUnless(d3d_wds[-1] == d3ds[-1])
        #print d2d.shape, d3d.shape, d3d_wd.shape

        if externals.exists('pywt wp reconstruct'):
            # Test reverse -- should be identical
            # we can do reverse only for DWT
            d3d_rev = wdm.reverse(d3d_wd)

            # inverse transform might be not exactly as the
            # input... but should be very close ;-)
            self.failUnlessEqual(d3d_rev.shape, d3d.shape,
                                 msg="Shape should be the same after iDWT")

            diff = np.linalg.norm(d3d - d3d_rev)
            ornorm = np.linalg.norm(d3d)

            skip_if_no_external('pywt wp reconstruct fixed')
            self.failUnless(diff/ornorm < 1e-10)
            self.failUnlessRaises(NotImplementedError, wdm.reverse, d3d_wd)
Пример #7
    def testIds(self):
        data = N.arange(20).reshape( (10,2) )
        bcm = BoxcarMapper([1, 4, 6], 3)
        trans = bcm(data)

        self.failUnlessEqual(bcm.isValidInId( [1] ), True)
        self.failUnlessEqual(bcm.isValidInId( [0,1] ), False)

        self.failUnlessEqual(bcm.isValidOutId( [1] ), True)
        self.failUnlessEqual(bcm.isValidOutId( [3] ), False)
        self.failUnlessEqual(bcm.isValidOutId( [0,1] ), True)
        self.failUnlessEqual(bcm.isValidOutId( [0,1,0] ), False)
Пример #8
    def test_simple_wp1_level(self):

        ds = datasets['uni2large']
        d2d = ds.samples
        ws = 50  # size of timeline for wavelet
        sp = (np.arange(ds.nsamples - ws * 2) + ws)[:4]

        # create 3D instance (samples x timepoints x channels)
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, ws)
        d3d = bcm(d2d)

        # use wavelet mapper
        wdm = WaveletPacketMapper(level=2, wavelet='sym2')
        d3d_wd = wdm(d3d)

        # Check dimensionality
        d3d_wds, d3ds = d3d_wd.shape, d3d.shape
        self.failUnless(len(d3d_wds) == len(d3ds) + 1)
        self.failUnless(d3d_wds[1] * d3d_wds[2] >= d3ds[1])
        self.failUnless(d3d_wds[0] == d3ds[0])
        self.failUnless(d3d_wds[-1] == d3ds[-1])
        #print d2d.shape, d3d.shape, d3d_wd.shape

        if externals.exists('pywt wp reconstruct'):
            # Test reverse -- should be identical
            # we can do reverse only for DWT
            d3d_rev = wdm.reverse(d3d_wd)

            # inverse transform might be not exactly as the
            # input... but should be very close ;-)
                                 msg="Shape should be the same after iDWT")

            diff = np.linalg.norm(d3d - d3d_rev)
            ornorm = np.linalg.norm(d3d)

            skip_if_no_external('pywt wp reconstruct fixed')
            self.failUnless(diff / ornorm < 1e-10)
            self.failUnlessRaises(NotImplementedError, wdm.reverse, d3d_wd)
Пример #9
def test_datasetmapping():
    # 6 samples, 4 features
    data = np.arange(24).reshape(6, 4)
    ds = Dataset(data,
                     'timepoints': np.arange(6),
                     'multidim': data.copy()
                 fa={'fid': np.arange(4)})
    # with overlapping and non-overlapping boxcars
    startpoints = [0, 1, 4]
    boxlength = 2
    bm = BoxcarMapper(startpoints, boxlength, inspace='boxy')
    # train is critical
    mds = bm.forward(ds)
    assert_equal(len(mds), len(startpoints))
    assert_equal(mds.nfeatures, boxlength)
    # all samples attributes remain, but the can rotated/compressed into
    # multidimensional attributes
                 ['boxy_onsetidx'] + sorted(ds.sa.keys()))
                 (len(startpoints), boxlength, ds.nfeatures))
    assert_equal(mds.sa.timepoints.shape, (len(startpoints), boxlength))
                       np.array([(s, s + 1) for s in startpoints]).flatten())
    assert_array_equal(mds.sa.boxy_onsetidx, startpoints)
    # feature attributes also get rotated and broadcasted
    assert_array_equal(mds.fa.fid, [ds.fa.fid, ds.fa.fid])
    # and finally there is a new one
                       np.repeat(np.arange(boxlength), 4).reshape(2, -1))

    # now see how it works on reverse()
    rds = bm.reverse(mds)
    # we got at least something of all original attributes back
    assert_equal(sorted(rds.sa.keys()), sorted(ds.sa.keys()))
    assert_equal(sorted(rds.fa.keys()), sorted(ds.fa.keys()))
    # it is not possible to reconstruct the full samples array
    # some samples even might show up multiple times (when there are overlapping
    # boxcars
        np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11],
                  [16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23]]))
    assert_array_equal(rds.sa.timepoints, [0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5])
    assert_array_equal(rds.sa.multidim, ds.sa.multidim[rds.sa.timepoints])
    # but feature attributes should be fully recovered
    assert_array_equal(rds.fa.fid, ds.fa.fid)
Пример #10
def plot_erp(data, SR=500, onsets=None,
            pre=0.2, pre_onset=None, post=None, pre_mean=None,
            color='r', errcolor=None, errtype=None, ax=pl,
            ymult=1.0, *args, **kwargs):
    """Plot single ERP on existing canvas

    data : 1D or 2D ndarray
      The data array can either be 1D (samples over time) or 2D
      (trials x samples). In the first case a boxcar mapper is used to
      extract the respective trial timecourses given a list of trial onsets.
      In the latter case, each row of the data array is taken as the EEG
      signal timecourse of a particular trial.
    onsets : list(int)
      List of onsets (in samples not in seconds).
    SR : int, optional
      Sampling rate (1/s) of the signal.
    pre : float, optional
      Duration (in seconds) to be plotted prior to onset.
    pre_onset : float or None
      If data is already in epochs (2D) then pre_onset provides information
      on how many seconds pre-stimulus were used to generate them. If None,
      then pre_onset = pre
    post : float
      Duration (in seconds) to be plotted after the onset.
    pre_mean : float
      Duration (in seconds) at the beginning of the window which is used
      for deriving the mean of the signal. If None, pre_mean = pre
    errtype : None or 'ste' or 'std' or 'ci95' or list of previous three
      Type of error value to be computed per datapoint.  'ste' --
      standard error of the mean, 'std' -- standard deviation 'ci95'
      -- 95% confidence interval (1.96 * ste), None -- no error margin
      is plotted (default)
      Optionally, multiple error types can be specified in a list. In that
      case all of them will be plotted.
    color : matplotlib color code, optional
      Color to be used for plotting the mean signal timecourse.
    errcolor : matplotlib color code
      Color to be used for plotting the error margin. If None, use main color
      but with weak alpha level
    ax :
      Target where to draw.
    ymult : float, optional
      Multiplier for the values. E.g. if negative-up ERP plot is needed:
      provide ymult=-1.0
    *args, **kwargs
      Additional arguments to `pylab.plot`.

      Mean ERP timeseries.
    if pre_mean is None:
        pre_mean = pre

    # set default
    pre_discard = 0

    if onsets is not None: # if we need to extract ERPs
        if post is None:
            raise ValueError, \
                  "Duration post onsets must be provided if onsets are given"
        # trial timecourse duration
        duration = pre + post

        # We are working with a full timeline
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(onsets,
                           boxlength = int(SR * duration),
                           offset = -int(SR * pre))
        erp_data = bcm(data)

        # override values since we are using Boxcar
        pre_onset = pre
        if pre_onset is None:
            pre_onset = pre

        if pre_onset < pre:
            warning("Pre-stimulus interval to plot %g is smaller than provided "
                    "pre-stimulus captured interval %g, thus plot interval was "
                    "adjusted" % (pre, pre_onset))
            pre = pre_onset

        if post is None:
            # figure out post
            duration = float(data.shape[1]) / SR - pre_discard
            post = duration - pre
            duration = pre + post

        erp_data = data
        pre_discard = pre_onset - pre

    # Scale the data appropriately
    erp_data *= ymult

    # validity check -- we should have 2D matrix (trials x samples)
    if len(erp_data.shape) != 2:
        raise RuntimeError, \
              "plot_erp() supports either 1D data with onsets, or 2D data " \
              "(trials x sample_points). Shape of the data at the point " \
              "is %s" % erp_data.shape

    if not (pre_mean == 0 or pre_mean is None):
        # mean of pre-onset signal accross trials
        erp_baseline = np.mean(
            erp_data[:, int((pre_onset-pre_mean)*SR):int(pre_onset*SR)])
        # center data on pre-onset mean
        # NOTE: make sure that we make a copy of the data to don't
        #       alter the original. Better be safe than sorry
        erp_data = erp_data - erp_baseline

    # generate timepoints and error ranges to plot filled error area
    # top ->
    # bottom <-
    time_points = np.arange(erp_data.shape[1]) * 1.0 / SR - pre_onset

    # if pre != pre_onset
    if pre_discard > 0:
        npoints = int(pre_discard * SR)
        time_points = time_points[npoints:]
        erp_data = erp_data[:, npoints:]

    # select only time points of interest (if post is provided)
    if post is not None:
        npoints = int(duration * SR)
        time_points = time_points[:npoints]
        erp_data = erp_data[:, :npoints]

    # compute mean signal timecourse accross trials
    erp_mean = np.mean(erp_data, axis=0)

    # give sane default
    if errtype is None:
        errtype = []
    if not isinstance(errtype, list):
        errtype = [errtype]

    for et in errtype:
        # compute error per datapoint
        if et in ['ste', 'ci95']:
            erp_stderr = erp_data.std(axis=0) / np.sqrt(len(erp_data))
            if et == 'ci95':
                erp_stderr *= 1.96
        elif et == 'std':
            erp_stderr = erp_data.std(axis=0)
            raise ValueError, "Unknown error type '%s'" % errtype

        time_points2w = np.hstack((time_points, time_points[::-1]))

        error_top = erp_mean + erp_stderr
        error_bottom = erp_mean - erp_stderr
        error2w = np.hstack((error_top, error_bottom[::-1]))

        if errcolor is None:
            errcolor = color

        # plot error margin
        pfill = ax.fill(time_points2w, error2w,
                        edgecolor=errcolor, facecolor=errcolor, alpha=0.2,

    # plot mean signal timecourse
    ax.plot(time_points, erp_mean, lw=2, color=color, zorder=4,
            *args, **kwargs)
#    ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pl.MaxNLocator(4))
    return erp_mean
Пример #11
def eventrelated_dataset(ds, events=None, time_attr=None, match="prev", eprefix="event"):
    """Segment a dataset into a set of events.

    This function can be used to extract event-related samples from any
    time-series based dataset (actually, it don't have to be time series, but
    could also be any other type of ordered samples). Boxcar-shaped event
    samples, potentially spanning multiple input samples can be automatically
    extracted using :class:`~mvpa.misc.support.Event` definition lists.  For
    each event all samples covering that particular event are used to form the
    corresponding sample.

    An event definition is a dictionary that contains ``onset`` (as sample index
    in the input dataset), ``duration`` (as number of consecutive samples after
    the onset), as well as an arbitrary number of additonal attributes.

    Alternatively, ``onset`` and ``duration`` may also be given as real time
    stamps (or durations). In this case a to be specified samples attribute in
    the input dataset will be used to convert these into sample indices.

    ds : Dataset
      The samples of this input dataset have to be in whatever ascending order.
    events : list
      Each event definition has to specify ``onset`` and ``duration``. All other
      attributes will be passed on to the sample attributes collection of the
      returned dataset.
    time_attr : str or None
      If not None, the ``onset`` and ``duration`` specs from the event list will
      be converted using information from this sample attribute. Its values will
      be treated as in-the-same-unit and are used to determine corresponding
      samples from real-value onset and duration definitions.
    match : {'prev', 'next', 'closest'}
      Strategy used to match real-value onsets to sample indices. 'prev' chooses
      the closes preceding samples, 'next' the closest following sample and
      'closest' to absolute closest sample.
    eprefix : str or None
      If not None, this prefix is used to name additional attributes generated
      by the underlying `~mvpa.mappers.boxcar.BoxcarMapper`. If it is set to
      None, no additional attributes will be created.

      The returned dataset has one sample per each event definition that has
      been passed to the function.

    The documentation also contains an :ref:`example script
    <example_eventrelated>` showing a spatio-temporal analysis of fMRI data
    that involves this function.

    >>> from mvpa.datasets import Dataset
    >>> ds = Dataset(np.random.randn(10, 25))
    >>> events = [{'onset': 2, 'duration': 4},
    ...           {'onset': 4, 'duration': 4}]
    >>> eds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, events)
    >>> len(eds)
    >>> eds.nfeatures == ds.nfeatures * 4
    >>> 'mapper' in ds.a
    >>> print eds.a.mapper
    <ChainMapper: <Boxcar: bl=4>-<Flatten>>

    And now the same conversion, but with events specified as real time. This is
    on possible if the input dataset contains a sample attribute with the
    necessary information about the input samples.

    >>> ds.sa['record_time'] = np.linspace(0, 5, len(ds))
    >>> rt_events = [{'onset': 1.05, 'duration': 2.2},
    ...              {'onset': 2.3, 'duration': 2.12}]
    >>> rt_eds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, rt_events, time_attr='record_time',
    ...                               match='closest')
    >>> np.all(eds.samples == rt_eds.samples)
    >>> # returned dataset e.g. has info from original samples
    >>> rt_eds.sa.record_time
    array([[ 1.11111111,  1.66666667,  2.22222222,  2.77777778],
           [ 2.22222222,  2.77777778,  3.33333333,  3.88888889]])
    # relabel argument
    conv_strategy = {"prev": "floor", "next": "ceil", "closest": "round"}[match]

    if not time_attr is None:
        tvec = ds.sa[time_attr].value
        # we are asked to convert onset time into sample ids
        descr_events = []
        for ev in events:
            # do not mess with the input data
            ev = copy.deepcopy(ev)
            # best matching sample
            idx = value2idx(ev["onset"], tvec, conv_strategy)
            # store offset of sample time and real onset
            ev["orig_offset"] = ev["onset"] - tvec[idx]
            # rescue the real onset into a new attribute
            ev["orig_onset"] = ev["onset"]
            ev["orig_duration"] = ev["duration"]
            # figure out how many sample we need
            ev["duration"] = len(tvec[idx:][tvec[idx:] < ev["onset"] + ev["duration"]])
            # new onset is sample index
            ev["onset"] = idx
        descr_events = events
    # convert the event specs into the format expected by BoxcarMapper
    # take the first event as an example of contained keys
    evvars = {}
    for k in descr_events[0]:
            evvars[k] = [e[k] for e in descr_events]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Each event property must be present for all " "events (could not find '%s')" % k)
    # checks
    for p in ["onset", "duration"]:
        if not p in evvars:
            raise ValueError("'%s' is a required property for all events." % p)
    boxlength = max(evvars["duration"])
    if __debug__:
        if not max(evvars["duration"]) == min(evvars["duration"]):
            warning("Boxcar mapper will use maximum boxlength (%i) of all " "provided Events." % boxlength)

    # finally create, train und use the boxcar mapper
    bcm = BoxcarMapper(evvars["onset"], boxlength, inspace=eprefix)
    ds = ds.get_mapped(bcm)
    # at last reflatten the dataset
    # could we add some meaningful attribute during this mapping, i.e. would
    # assigning 'inspace' do something good?
    ds = ds.get_mapped(FlattenMapper(shape=ds.samples.shape[1:]))
    # add samples attributes for the events, simply dump everything as a samples
    # attribute
    for a in evvars:
        if not eprefix is None and a in ds.sa:
            # if there is already a samples attribute like this, it got mapped
            # by BoxcarMapper (i.e. is multi-dimensional). We move it aside
            # under new `eprefix` name
            ds.sa[eprefix + "_" + a] = ds.sa[a]
        if a in ["onset", "duration"]:
            # special case: we want the non-descrete, original onset and
            # duration
            if not time_attr is None:
                # but only if there was a conversion happining, since otherwise
                # we get the same info from BoxcarMapper
                ds.sa[a] = [e[a] for e in events]
            ds.sa[a] = evvars[a]
    return ds
Пример #12
def test_simpleboxcar():
    data = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(10)).T
    sp = np.arange(10)

    # check if stupid thing don't work
    assert_raises(ValueError, BoxcarMapper, sp, 0)

    # now do an identity transformation
    bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, 1)
    trans = bcm.forward(data)
    # ,0 is a feature below, so we get explicit 2D out of 1D
    assert_array_equal(trans[:,0], data)

    # now check for illegal boxes
    if __debug__:
        # condition is checked only in __debug__
        assert_raises(ValueError, BoxcarMapper(sp, 2).train, data)

    # now something that should work
    nbox = 9
    boxlength = 2
    sp = np.arange(nbox)
    bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, boxlength)
    trans = bcm(data)
    # check that is properly upcasts the dimensionality
    assert_equal(trans.shape, (nbox, boxlength) + data.shape[1:])
    # check actual values, squeezing the last dim for simplicity
    assert_array_equal(trans.squeeze(), np.vstack((np.arange(9), np.arange(9)+1)).T)

    # now test for proper data shape
    data = np.ones((10,3,4,2))
    sp = [ 2, 4, 3, 5 ]
    trans = BoxcarMapper(sp, 4)(data)
    assert_equal(trans.shape, (4,4,3,4,2))

    # test reverse
    data = np.arange(240).reshape(10, 3, 4, 2)
    sp = [ 2, 4, 3, 5 ]
    boxlength = 2
    m = BoxcarMapper(sp, boxlength)
    mp = m.forward(data)
    assert_equal(mp.shape, (4, 2, 3, 4, 2))

    # try full reconstruct
    mr = m.reverse(mp)
    # shape has to match
    assert_equal(mr.shape, (len(sp) * boxlength,) + data.shape[1:])
    # only known samples are part of the results
    assert_true((mr >= 24).all())
    assert_true((mr < 168).all())

    # check proper reconstruction of non-conflicting sample
    assert_array_equal(mr[0].ravel(), np.arange(48, 72))

    # check proper reconstruction of samples being part of multiple
    # mapped samples
    assert_array_equal(mr[1].ravel(), np.arange(72, 96))

    # test reverse of a single sample
    singlesample = np.arange(48).reshape(2, 3, 4, 2)
    assert_array_equal(singlesample, m.reverse1(singlesample))
    # should not work for shape mismatch, but it does work and is useful when
    # reverse mapping sample attributes
    #assert_raises(ValueError, m.reverse, singlesample[0])

    # check broadcasting of 'raw' samples into proper boxcars on forward()
    bc = m.forward1(np.arange(24).reshape(3, 4, 2))
    assert_array_equal(bc, np.array(2 * [np.arange(24).reshape(3, 4, 2)]))
Пример #13
def test_simpleboxcar():
    data = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(10)).T
    sp = np.arange(10)

    # check if stupid thing don't work
    assert_raises(ValueError, BoxcarMapper, sp, 0)

    # now do an identity transformation
    bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, 1)
    trans = bcm.forward(data)
    # ,0 is a feature below, so we get explicit 2D out of 1D
    assert_array_equal(trans[:, 0], data)

    # now check for illegal boxes
    if __debug__:
        # condition is checked only in __debug__
        assert_raises(ValueError, BoxcarMapper(sp, 2).train, data)

    # now something that should work
    nbox = 9
    boxlength = 2
    sp = np.arange(nbox)
    bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, boxlength)
    trans = bcm(data)
    # check that is properly upcasts the dimensionality
    assert_equal(trans.shape, (nbox, boxlength) + data.shape[1:])
    # check actual values, squeezing the last dim for simplicity
                       np.vstack((np.arange(9), np.arange(9) + 1)).T)

    # now test for proper data shape
    data = np.ones((10, 3, 4, 2))
    sp = [2, 4, 3, 5]
    trans = BoxcarMapper(sp, 4)(data)
    assert_equal(trans.shape, (4, 4, 3, 4, 2))

    # test reverse
    data = np.arange(240).reshape(10, 3, 4, 2)
    sp = [2, 4, 3, 5]
    boxlength = 2
    m = BoxcarMapper(sp, boxlength)
    mp = m.forward(data)
    assert_equal(mp.shape, (4, 2, 3, 4, 2))

    # try full reconstruct
    mr = m.reverse(mp)
    # shape has to match
    assert_equal(mr.shape, (len(sp) * boxlength, ) + data.shape[1:])
    # only known samples are part of the results
    assert_true((mr >= 24).all())
    assert_true((mr < 168).all())

    # check proper reconstruction of non-conflicting sample
    assert_array_equal(mr[0].ravel(), np.arange(48, 72))

    # check proper reconstruction of samples being part of multiple
    # mapped samples
    assert_array_equal(mr[1].ravel(), np.arange(72, 96))

    # test reverse of a single sample
    singlesample = np.arange(48).reshape(2, 3, 4, 2)
    assert_array_equal(singlesample, m.reverse1(singlesample))
    # should not work for shape mismatch, but it does work and is useful when
    # reverse mapping sample attributes
    #assert_raises(ValueError, m.reverse, singlesample[0])

    # check broadcasting of 'raw' samples into proper boxcars on forward()
    bc = m.forward1(np.arange(24).reshape(3, 4, 2))
    assert_array_equal(bc, np.array(2 * [np.arange(24).reshape(3, 4, 2)]))
Пример #14
    def testSimple(self):
        """Just the same tests as for transformWithBoxcar.

        Mention that BoxcarMapper doesn't apply function with each boxcar
        data = N.arange(10)
        sp = N.arange(10)

        # check if stupid thing don't work
                              0 )

        # now do an identity transformation
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp, 1)
        trans = bcm(data)
        # ,0 is a feature below, so we get explicit 2D out of 1D
        self.failUnless( (trans[:,0] == data).all() )

        # now check for illegal boxes
                              BoxcarMapper(sp, 2),

        # now something that should work
        sp = N.arange(9)
        bcm = BoxcarMapper(sp,2)
        trans = bcm(data)
        self.failUnless( (trans == N.vstack((N.arange(9),
                                             N.arange(9)+1)).T ).all() )

        # now test for proper data shape
        data = N.ones((10,3,4,2))
        sp = [ 2, 4, 3, 5 ]
        trans = BoxcarMapper(sp, 4)(data)
        self.failUnless( trans.shape == (4,4,3,4,2) )

        # test reverse
        data = N.arange(240).reshape(10, 3, 4, 2)
        sp = [ 2, 4, 3, 5 ]
        m = BoxcarMapper(sp, 2)
        mp = m.forward(data)
        self.failUnless(mp.shape == (4, 2, 3, 4, 2))

        # try full reconstruct
        mr = m.reverse(mp)
        # shape has to match
        self.failUnless(mr.shape == data.shape)
        # first two samples where not in any of the boxcars and cannot be
        # reconstructed
        self.failUnless(N.sum(mr[:2]) == 0)
        # same for the last ones
        self.failUnless(N.sum(mr[7:]) == 0)

        # check proper reconstruction of non-conflicting sample
        self.failUnless((mr[2].ravel() == N.arange(48, 72)).all())

        # check proper reconstruction of samples being part of multiple
        # mapped samples
        self.failUnless((mr[3].ravel() == N.arange(72, 96)).all())

        # test reverse of a single sample
        singlesample = N.arange(48).reshape(2, 3, 4, 2)
        self.failUnless((singlesample == m.reverse(singlesample)).all())
        # should not work for shape mismatch
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, m.reverse, singlesample[0])

        # check broadcasting of 'raw' samples into proper boxcars on forward()
        bc = m.forward(N.arange(24).reshape(3, 4, 2))
        self.failUnless((bc ==
                         N.array(2 * [N.arange(24).reshape(3, 4, 2)])).all())
Пример #15
def eventrelated_dataset(ds,
    """Segment a dataset into a set of events.

    This function can be used to extract event-related samples from any
    time-series based dataset (actually, it don't have to be time series, but
    could also be any other type of ordered samples). Boxcar-shaped event
    samples, potentially spanning multiple input samples can be automatically
    extracted using :class:`~mvpa.misc.support.Event` definition lists.  For
    each event all samples covering that particular event are used to form the
    corresponding sample.

    An event definition is a dictionary that contains ``onset`` (as sample index
    in the input dataset), ``duration`` (as number of consecutive samples after
    the onset), as well as an arbitrary number of additonal attributes.

    Alternatively, ``onset`` and ``duration`` may also be given as real time
    stamps (or durations). In this case a to be specified samples attribute in
    the input dataset will be used to convert these into sample indices.

    ds : Dataset
      The samples of this input dataset have to be in whatever ascending order.
    events : list
      Each event definition has to specify ``onset`` and ``duration``. All other
      attributes will be passed on to the sample attributes collection of the
      returned dataset.
    time_attr : str or None
      If not None, the ``onset`` and ``duration`` specs from the event list will
      be converted using information from this sample attribute. Its values will
      be treated as in-the-same-unit and are used to determine corresponding
      samples from real-value onset and duration definitions.
    match : {'prev', 'next', 'closest'}
      Strategy used to match real-value onsets to sample indices. 'prev' chooses
      the closes preceding samples, 'next' the closest following sample and
      'closest' to absolute closest sample.
    eprefix : str or None
      If not None, this prefix is used to name additional attributes generated
      by the underlying `~mvpa.mappers.boxcar.BoxcarMapper`. If it is set to
      None, no additional attributes will be created.

      The returned dataset has one sample per each event definition that has
      been passed to the function.

    The documentation also contains an :ref:`example script
    <example_eventrelated>` showing a spatio-temporal analysis of fMRI data
    that involves this function.

    >>> from mvpa.datasets import Dataset
    >>> ds = Dataset(np.random.randn(10, 25))
    >>> events = [{'onset': 2, 'duration': 4},
    ...           {'onset': 4, 'duration': 4}]
    >>> eds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, events)
    >>> len(eds)
    >>> eds.nfeatures == ds.nfeatures * 4
    >>> 'mapper' in ds.a
    >>> print eds.a.mapper
    <ChainMapper: <Boxcar: bl=4>-<Flatten>>

    And now the same conversion, but with events specified as real time. This is
    on possible if the input dataset contains a sample attribute with the
    necessary information about the input samples.

    >>> ds.sa['record_time'] = np.linspace(0, 5, len(ds))
    >>> rt_events = [{'onset': 1.05, 'duration': 2.2},
    ...              {'onset': 2.3, 'duration': 2.12}]
    >>> rt_eds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, rt_events, time_attr='record_time',
    ...                               match='closest')
    >>> np.all(eds.samples == rt_eds.samples)
    >>> # returned dataset e.g. has info from original samples
    >>> rt_eds.sa.record_time
    array([[ 1.11111111,  1.66666667,  2.22222222,  2.77777778],
           [ 2.22222222,  2.77777778,  3.33333333,  3.88888889]])
    # relabel argument
    conv_strategy = {
        'prev': 'floor',
        'next': 'ceil',
        'closest': 'round'

    if not time_attr is None:
        tvec = ds.sa[time_attr].value
        # we are asked to convert onset time into sample ids
        descr_events = []
        for ev in events:
            # do not mess with the input data
            ev = copy.deepcopy(ev)
            # best matching sample
            idx = value2idx(ev['onset'], tvec, conv_strategy)
            # store offset of sample time and real onset
            ev['orig_offset'] = ev['onset'] - tvec[idx]
            # rescue the real onset into a new attribute
            ev['orig_onset'] = ev['onset']
            ev['orig_duration'] = ev['duration']
            # figure out how many sample we need
            ev['duration'] = \
                    len(tvec[idx:][tvec[idx:] < ev['onset'] + ev['duration']])
            # new onset is sample index
            ev['onset'] = idx
        descr_events = events
    # convert the event specs into the format expected by BoxcarMapper
    # take the first event as an example of contained keys
    evvars = {}
    for k in descr_events[0]:
            evvars[k] = [e[k] for e in descr_events]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Each event property must be present for all "
                             "events (could not find '%s')" % k)
    # checks
    for p in ['onset', 'duration']:
        if not p in evvars:
            raise ValueError("'%s' is a required property for all events." % p)
    boxlength = max(evvars['duration'])
    if __debug__:
        if not max(evvars['duration']) == min(evvars['duration']):
            warning('Boxcar mapper will use maximum boxlength (%i) of all '
                    'provided Events.' % boxlength)

    # finally create, train und use the boxcar mapper
    bcm = BoxcarMapper(evvars['onset'], boxlength, inspace=eprefix)
    ds = ds.get_mapped(bcm)
    # at last reflatten the dataset
    # could we add some meaningful attribute during this mapping, i.e. would
    # assigning 'inspace' do something good?
    ds = ds.get_mapped(FlattenMapper(shape=ds.samples.shape[1:]))
    # add samples attributes for the events, simply dump everything as a samples
    # attribute
    for a in evvars:
        if not eprefix is None and a in ds.sa:
            # if there is already a samples attribute like this, it got mapped
            # by BoxcarMapper (i.e. is multi-dimensional). We move it aside
            # under new `eprefix` name
            ds.sa[eprefix + '_' + a] = ds.sa[a]
        if a in ['onset', 'duration']:
            # special case: we want the non-descrete, original onset and
            # duration
            if not time_attr is None:
                # but only if there was a conversion happining, since otherwise
                # we get the same info from BoxcarMapper
                ds.sa[a] = [e[a] for e in events]
            ds.sa[a] = evvars[a]
    return ds