Пример #1
    def _run_core(self,):
        Core routine for detecting outliers

        imgfile :
        motionfile :
        attr = SampleAttributes(self.inputs.attributes_file)

        dataset = fmri_dataset(

        if 'rest' in dataset.uniquelabels:
            dataset = dataset[dataset.sa.labels != 'rest']

        # zscore dataset relative to baseline ('rest') mean
        zscore(dataset, chunks_attr=True, dtype='float32')

        # choose classifier
        clf = LinearCSVMC()

        # setup measure to be computed by Searchlight
        # cross-validated mean transfer using an N-fold dataset splitter
        cv = CrossValidatedTransferError(TransferError(clf),

        sl = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=self.inputs.radius,
                                nproc=2, mapper=mean_sample())

        ds = dataset.copy(deep=False,
                      sa=['labels', 'chunks'], fa=['voxel_indices'], a=[])

        sl_map = sl(ds)
        # map sensitivity map into original dataspace
        orig_sl_map = dataset.map2nifti(sl_map)

Пример #2
def test_mapper_vs_zscore():
    """Test by comparing to results of elderly z-score function
    # data: 40 sample feature line in 20d space (40x20; samples x features)
    dss = [
            [np.arange(40) for i in range(20)]).reshape(20,-1).T,
                targets=1, chunks=1),
        ] + datasets.values()

    for ds in dss:
        ds1 = deepcopy(ds)
        ds2 = deepcopy(ds)

        zsm = ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr=None)
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, zsm.forward, ds1.samples)
        ds1z = zsm.forward(ds1.samples)

        zscore(ds2, chunks_attr=None)
        assert_array_almost_equal(ds1z, ds2.samples)
        assert_array_equal(ds1.samples, ds.samples)
Пример #3
def test_mapper_vs_zscore():
    """Test by comparing to results of elderly z-score function
    # data: 40 sample feature line in 20d space (40x20; samples x features)
    dss = [
            [np.arange(40) for i in range(20)]).reshape(20,-1).T,
                targets=1, chunks=1),
        ] + datasets.values()

    for ds in dss:
        ds1 = deepcopy(ds)
        ds2 = deepcopy(ds)

        zsm = ZScoreMapper(chunks_attr=None)
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, zsm.forward, ds1.samples)
        ds1z = zsm.forward(ds1.samples)

        zscore(ds2, chunks_attr=None)
        assert_array_almost_equal(ds1z, ds2.samples)
        assert_array_equal(ds1.samples, ds.samples)
Пример #4
    def test_linear_svm_weights_per_class(self, svm):
        # assumming many defaults it is as simple as
        kwargs = dict(enable_ca=["sensitivities"])
        sana_split = svm.get_sensitivity_analyzer(
            split_weights=True, **kwargs)
        sana_full = svm.get_sensitivity_analyzer(
            force_train=False, **kwargs)

        # and lets look at all sensitivities
        ds2 = datasets['uni4large'].copy()
        zscore(ds2, param_est=('targets', ['L2', 'L3']))
        ds2 = ds2[np.logical_or(ds2.sa.targets == 'L0', ds2.sa.targets == 'L1')]

        senssplit = sana_split(ds2)
        sensfull = sana_full(ds2)

        self.failUnlessEqual(senssplit.shape, (2, ds2.nfeatures))
        self.failUnlessEqual(sensfull.shape,  (1, ds2.nfeatures))

        # just to verify that we split properly and if we reconstruct
        # manually we obtain the same
        dmap = (-1 * senssplit.samples[1]  + senssplit.samples[0]) \
               - sensfull.samples
        self.failUnless((np.abs(dmap) <= 1e-10).all())
        #print "____"
        #print senssplit
        #print SMLR().get_sensitivity_analyzer(combiner=None)(ds2)

        # for now we can do split weights for binary tasks only, so
        # lets check if we raise a concern
        # we temporarily shutdown warning, since it is going to complain
        # otherwise, but we do it on purpose here
        handlers = warning.handlers
        warning.handlers = []
                              sana_split, datasets['uni3medium'])
        # reenable the warnings
        warning.handlers = handlers
Пример #5
    def test_linear_svm_weights_per_class(self, svm):
        # assumming many defaults it is as simple as
        kwargs = dict(enable_ca=["sensitivities"])
        sana_split = svm.get_sensitivity_analyzer(split_weights=True, **kwargs)
        sana_full = svm.get_sensitivity_analyzer(force_training=False,

        # and lets look at all sensitivities
        ds2 = datasets['uni4large'].copy()
        zscore(ds2, param_est=('targets', ['L2', 'L3']))
        ds2 = ds2[np.logical_or(ds2.sa.targets == 'L0',
                                ds2.sa.targets == 'L1')]

        senssplit = sana_split(ds2)
        sensfull = sana_full(ds2)

        self.failUnlessEqual(senssplit.shape, (2, ds2.nfeatures))
        self.failUnlessEqual(sensfull.shape, (1, ds2.nfeatures))

        # just to verify that we split properly and if we reconstruct
        # manually we obtain the same
        dmap = (-1 * senssplit.samples[1]  + senssplit.samples[0]) \
               - sensfull.samples
        self.failUnless((np.abs(dmap) <= 1e-10).all())
        #print "____"
        #print senssplit
        #print SMLR().get_sensitivity_analyzer(combiner=None)(ds2)

        # for now we can do split weights for binary tasks only, so
        # lets check if we raise a concern
        # we temporarily shutdown warning, since it is going to complain
        # otherwise, but we do it on purpose here
        handlers = warning.handlers
        warning.handlers = []
        self.failUnlessRaises(NotImplementedError, sana_split,
        # reenable the warnings
        warning.handlers = handlers
Пример #6
    def __call__(self, datasets):
        """Estimate mappers for each dataset

          datasets : list or tuple of datasets

        A list of trained Mappers of the same length as datasets
        params = self.params            # for quicker access ;)
        ca = self.ca
        ndatasets = len(datasets)
        nfeatures = [ds.nfeatures for ds in datasets]

        residuals = None
        if ca['residual_errors'].enabled:
            residuals = np.zeros((2 + params.level2_niter, ndatasets))
            ca.residual_errors = Dataset(
                samples = residuals,
                sa = {'levels' :
                       ['1'] +
                       ['2:%i' % i for i in xrange(params.level2_niter)] +

        if __debug__:
            debug('HPAL', "Hyperalignment %s for %i datasets"
                  % (self, ndatasets))

        if params.ref_ds is None:
            ref_ds = np.argmax(nfeatures)
            ref_ds = params.ref_ds
            if ref_ds < 0 and ref_ds >= ndatasets:
                raise ValueError, "Requested reference dataset %i is out of " \
                      "bounds. We have only %i datasets provided" \
                      % (ref_ds, ndatasets)
        ca.choosen_ref_ds = ref_ds
        # might prefer some other way to initialize... later
        mappers = [deepcopy(params.alignment) for ds in datasets]
        # zscore all data sets
        # ds = [ zscore(ds, chunks_attr=None) for ds in datasets]

        # Level 1 (first)
        commonspace = np.asanyarray(datasets[ref_ds])
        if params.zscore_common:
            zscore(commonspace, chunks_attr=None)
        data_mapped = [np.asanyarray(ds) for ds in datasets]
        for i, (m, data) in enumerate(zip(mappers, data_mapped)):
            if __debug__:
                debug('HPAL_', "Level 1: ds #%i" % i)
            if i == ref_ds:
            #ZSC zscore(data, chunks_attr=None)
            ds = dataset_wizard(samples=data, targets=commonspace)
            #ZSC zscore(ds, chunks_attr=None)
            data_temp = m.forward(data)
            #ZSC zscore(data_temp, chunks_attr=None)
            data_mapped[i] = data_temp

            if residuals is not None:
                residuals[0, i] = np.linalg.norm(data_temp - commonspace)

            ## if ds_mapped == []:
            ##     ds_mapped = [zscore(m.forward(d), chunks_attr=None)]
            ## else:
            ##     ds_mapped += [zscore(m.forward(d), chunks_attr=None)]

            # zscore before adding
            # TODO: make just a function so we dont' waste space
            commonspace = params.combiner1(data_mapped[i], commonspace)
            if params.zscore_common:
                zscore(commonspace, chunks_attr=None)

        # update commonspace to mean of ds_mapped
        commonspace = params.combiner2(data_mapped)
        if params.zscore_common:
            zscore(commonspace, chunks_attr=None)

        # Level 2 -- might iterate multiple times
        for loop in xrange(params.level2_niter):
            for i, (m, ds) in enumerate(zip(mappers, datasets)):
                if __debug__:
                    debug('HPAL_', "Level 2 (%i-th iteration): ds #%i" % (loop, i))

                ## ds_temp = zscore( (commonspace*ndatasets - ds_mapped[i])
                ##                   /(ndatasets-1), chunks_attr=None )
                ds_new = ds.copy()
                #ZSC zscore(ds_new, chunks_attr=None)
                #PRJ ds_temp = (commonspace*ndatasets - ds_mapped[i])/(ndatasets-1)
                #ZSC zscore(ds_temp, chunks_attr=None)
                ds_new.targets = commonspace #PRJ ds_temp
                m.train(ds_new) # ds_temp)
                data_mapped[i] = m.forward(np.asanyarray(ds))
                if residuals is not None:
                    residuals[1+loop, i] = np.linalg.norm(data_mapped - commonspace)

                #ds_mapped[i] = zscore( m.forward(ds_temp), chunks_attr=None)

            commonspace = params.combiner2(data_mapped)
            if params.zscore_common:
                zscore(commonspace, chunks_attr=None)

        # Level 3 (last) to params.levels
        for i, (m, ds) in enumerate(zip(mappers, datasets)):
            if __debug__:
                debug('HPAL_', "Level 3: ds #%i" % i)

            ## ds_temp = zscore( (commonspace*ndatasets - ds_mapped[i])
            ##                   /(ndatasets-1), chunks_attr=None )
            ds_new = ds.copy()     # shallow copy so we could assign new labels
            #ZSC zscore(ds_new, chunks_attr=None)
            #PRJ ds_temp = (commonspace*ndatasets - ds_mapped[i])/(ndatasets-1)
            #ZSC zscore(ds_temp, chunks_attr=None)
            ds_new.targets = commonspace #PRJ ds_temp#
            m.train(ds_new) #ds_temp)

            if residuals is not None:
                data_mapped = m.forward(ds_new)
                residuals[-1, i] = np.linalg.norm(data_mapped - commonspace)

        return mappers
Пример #7
def test_zscore():
    """Test z-scoring transformation
    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    samples = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)).\
        reshape((16, 1))
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    assert_equal(data.samples.mean(), 2.0)
    assert_equal(data.samples.std(), 1.0)
    zscore(data, chunks_attr='chunks')

    # check z-scoring
    check = np.array([-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    dtype='float64').reshape(16, 1)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, chunks_attr=None)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    # check z-scoring taking set of labels as a baseline
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(),
                   targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                   chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples + 1.0)

    # check that zscore modifies in-place; only guaranteed if no upcasting is
    # necessary
    samples = samples.astype('float')
    data = dataset_wizard(samples,
                   targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                   chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples)

    # these might be duplicating code above -- but twice is better than nothing

    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    raw = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2))
    # dataset: mean=12, std=1
    raw2 = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)) + 10
    # zscore target
    check = [-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    ds = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    pristine = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)

    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    # should do global zscore by default
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]))
    # should not modify the source
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # if we tell it a different mean it should obey the order
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params=(3,1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]) - 1 )
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # let's look at chunk-wise z-scoring
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.hstack((raw.copy(), raw2.copy())),
                        chunks=[0] * 16 + [1] * 16)
    # by default chunk-wise
    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))
    # we should be able to do that same manually
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params={0: (2,1), 1: (12,1)})
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))
Пример #8
def test_zscore():
    """Test z-scoring transformation
    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    samples = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)).\
        reshape((16, 1))
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    assert_equal(data.samples.mean(), 2.0)
    assert_equal(data.samples.std(), 1.0)
    data_samples = data.samples.copy()
    zscore(data, chunks_attr='chunks')

    # copy should stay intact
    assert_equal(data_samples.mean(), 2.0)
    assert_equal(data_samples.std(), 1.0)
    # we should be able to operate on ndarrays
    # But we can't change type inplace for an array, can't we?
    assert_raises(TypeError, zscore, data_samples, chunks_attr=None)
    # so lets do manually
    data_samples = data_samples.astype(float)
    zscore(data_samples, chunks_attr=None)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, data_samples)
    print data_samples

    # check z-scoring
    check = np.array([-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                    dtype='float64').reshape(16, 1)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, chunks_attr=None)
    assert_array_equal(data.samples, check)

    # check z-scoring taking set of labels as a baseline
    data = dataset_wizard(samples.copy(),
                   targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                   chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples + 1.0)

    # check that zscore modifies in-place; only guaranteed if no upcasting is
    # necessary
    samples = samples.astype('float')
    data = dataset_wizard(samples,
                   targets=[0, 2, 2, 2, 1] + [2] * 11,
                   chunks=[0] * 16)
    zscore(data, param_est=('targets', [0, 1]))
    assert_array_equal(samples, data.samples)

    # these might be duplicating code above -- but twice is better than nothing

    # dataset: mean=2, std=1
    raw = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2))
    # dataset: mean=12, std=1
    raw2 = np.array((0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)) + 10
    # zscore target
    check = [-2, -1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    ds = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)
    pristine = dataset_wizard(raw.copy(), targets=range(16), chunks=[0] * 16)

    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    # should do global zscore by default
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]))
    # should not modify the source
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # if we tell it a different mean it should obey the order
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params=(3,1))
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check]) - 1 )
    assert_array_equal(pristine, ds)

    # let's look at chunk-wise z-scoring
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.hstack((raw.copy(), raw2.copy())),
                        chunks=[0] * 16 + [1] * 16)
    # by default chunk-wise
    zm = ZScoreMapper()
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))
    # we should be able to do that same manually
    zm = ZScoreMapper(params={0: (2,1), 1: (12,1)})
    zm.train(ds)                        # train
    assert_array_almost_equal(zm.forward(ds), np.transpose([check + check]))