Пример #1
def run(args):
    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save
    ds = None
    if not args.txt_data is None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from TXT file '%s'" % args.txt_data)
        samples = _load_from_txt(args.txt_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif not args.npy_data is None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from NPY file '%s'" % args.npy_data)
        samples = _load_from_npy(args.npy_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif not args.mri_data is None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from MRI image(s) %s" % args.mri_data)
        from mvpa2.datasets.mri import fmri_dataset
        vol_attr = dict()
        if not args.add_vol_attr is None:
            # XXX add a way to use the mapper of an existing dataset to
            # add a volume attribute without having to load the entire
            # mri data again
            vol_attr = dict(args.add_vol_attr)
            if not len(args.add_vol_attr) == len(vol_attr):
                warning("--vol-attr option with duplicate attribute name: "
                        "check arguments!")
            verbose(2, "Add volumetric feature attributes: %s" % vol_attr)
        ds = fmri_dataset(args.mri_data, mask=args.mask, add_fa=vol_attr)

    if ds is None:
        if args.data is None:
            raise RuntimeError('no data source specific')
            ds = hdf2ds(args.data)[0]
        if args.data is not None:
                'ignoring dataset input in favor of other data source -- remove either one to disambiguate'

    # act on all attribute options
    ds = process_common_dsattr_opts(ds, args)

    if not args.add_fsl_mcpar is None:
        from mvpa2.misc.fsl.base import McFlirtParams
        mc_par = McFlirtParams(args.add_fsl_mcpar)
        for param in mc_par:
                2, "Add motion regressor as sample attribute '%s'" %
                ('mc_' + param))
            ds.sa['mc_' + param] = mc_par[param]

    verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # and store
    outfilename = args.output
    if not outfilename.endswith('.hdf5'):
        outfilename += '.hdf5'
    verbose(1, "Save dataset to '%s'" % outfilename)
    h5save(outfilename, ds, mkdir=True, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
Пример #2
def run(args):
    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save
    ds = None
    if not args.txt_data is None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from TXT file '%s'" % args.txt_data)
        samples = _load_from_txt(args.txt_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif not args.npy_data is None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from NPY file '%s'" % args.npy_data)
        samples = _load_from_npy(args.npy_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif not args.mri_data is None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from MRI image(s) %s" % args.mri_data)
        from mvpa2.datasets.mri import fmri_dataset
        vol_attr = dict()
        if not args.add_vol_attr is None:
            # XXX add a way to use the mapper of an existing dataset to
            # add a volume attribute without having to load the entire
            # mri data again
            vol_attr = dict(args.add_vol_attr)
            if not len(args.add_vol_attr) == len(vol_attr):
                warning("--vol-attr option with duplicate attribute name: "
                        "check arguments!")
            verbose(2, "Add volumetric feature attributes: %s" % vol_attr)
        ds = fmri_dataset(args.mri_data, mask=args.mask, add_fa=vol_attr)

    if ds is None:
        if args.data is None:
            raise RuntimeError('no data source specific')
            ds = hdf2ds(args.data)[0]
        if args.data is not None:
            verbose(1, 'ignoring dataset input in favor of other data source -- remove either one to disambiguate')

    # act on all attribute options
    ds = process_common_dsattr_opts(ds, args)

    if not args.add_fsl_mcpar is None:
        from mvpa2.misc.fsl.base import McFlirtParams
        mc_par = McFlirtParams(args.add_fsl_mcpar)
        for param in mc_par:
            verbose(2, "Add motion regressor as sample attribute '%s'"
                       % ('mc_' + param))
            ds.sa['mc_' + param] = mc_par[param]

    verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # and store
    outfilename = args.output
    if not outfilename.endswith('.hdf5'):
        outfilename += '.hdf5'
    verbose(1, "Save dataset to '%s'" % outfilename)
    h5save(outfilename, ds, mkdir=True, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
Пример #3
def run(args):
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Loaded %i dataset(s)' % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # slicing
    sliceme = {'samples': slice(None), 'features': slice(None)}
    # indices
    for opt, col, which in ((args.samples_by_index, ds.sa, 'samples'),
                     (args.features_by_index, ds.fa, 'features')):
        if opt is None:
        if len(opt) == 1 and opt[0].count(':'):
            # slice spec
            arg = opt[0].split(':')
            spec = []
            for a in arg:
                if not len(a):
            sliceme[which] = slice(*spec)
            # actual indices
            sliceme[which] = [int(o) for o in opt]
    # attribute evaluation
    for opt, col, which in ((args.samples_by_attr, ds.sa, 'samples'),
                     (args.features_by_attr, ds.fa, 'features')):
        if opt is None:
        sliceme[which] = _eval_attr_expr(opt, col)

    # apply selection
    ds = ds.__getitem__((sliceme['samples'], sliceme['features']))
    verbose(1, 'Selected %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)

    # strip attributes
    for attrarg, col, descr in ((args.strip_sa, ds.sa, 'sample '),
                                (args.strip_fa, ds.fa, 'feature '),
                                (args.strip_da, ds.a, '')):
        if not attrarg is None:
            for attr in attrarg:
                    del col[attr]
                except KeyError:
                    warning("dataset has no %sattribute '%s' to remove"
                            % (descr, attr))
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(ds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return ds
Пример #4
def run(args):
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Loaded %i dataset(s)' % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # get CV instance
    cv = get_crossvalidation_instance(args.learner, args.partitioner,
                                      args.errorfx, args.sampling_repetitions,
                                      args.balance_training, args.permutations,
    res = cv(ds)
    # some meaningful output
    # XXX make condition on classification analysis only?
    print cv.ca.stats
    print 'Results\n-------'
    if args.permutations > 0:
        nprob = cv.ca.null_prob.samples
    if res.shape[1] == 1:
        # simple result structure
        if args.permutations > 0:
            p = ', p-value (%s tail)' % args.prob_tail
            p = ''
        print 'Fold, Result%s' % p
        for i in xrange(len(res)):
            if args.permutations > 0:
                p = ', %f' % nprob[i, 0]
                p = ''
            print '%s, %f%s' % (res.sa.cvfolds[i], res.samples[i, 0], p)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    if args.permutations > 0:
        if args.output.endswith('.hdf5'):
            args.output = args.output[:-5]
                '%s_nullprob' % args.output,
    return res
Пример #5
def run(args):
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Loaded %i dataset(s)' % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # get CV instance
    cv = get_crossvalidation_instance(
            args.learner, args.partitioner, args.errorfx, args.sampling_repetitions,
            args.learner_space, args.balance_training, args.permutations,
            args.avg_datafold_results, args.prob_tail)
    res = cv(ds)
    # some meaningful output
    # XXX make condition on classification analysis only?
    print cv.ca.stats
    print 'Results\n-------'
    if args.permutations > 0:
        nprob =  cv.ca.null_prob.samples
    if res.shape[1] == 1:
        # simple result structure
        if args.permutations > 0:
            p=', p-value (%s tail)' % args.prob_tail
        print 'Fold, Result%s' % p
        for i in xrange(len(res)):
            if args.permutations > 0:
                p = ', %f' % nprob[i, 0]
                p = ''
            print '%s, %f%s' % (res.sa.cvfolds[i], res.samples[i, 0], p)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    if args.permutations > 0:
        if args.output.endswith('.hdf5'):
            args.output = args.output[:-5]
        ds2hdf5(cv.ca.null_prob, '%s_nullprob' % args.output,
    return res
Пример #6
def run(args):
    if os.path.isfile(args.payload) and args.payload.endswith('.py'):
        measure = script2obj(args.payload)
    elif args.payload == 'cv':
        if args.cv_learner is None or args.cv_partitioner is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'cross-validation payload requires --learner and --partitioner'
        # get CV instance
        measure = get_crossvalidation_instance(
            args.cv_learner, args.cv_partitioner, args.cv_errorfx,
            args.cv_sampling_repetitions, args.cv_learner_space,
            args.cv_balance_training, args.cv_permutations,
            args.cv_avg_datafold_results, args.cv_prob_tail)
        raise RuntimeError("this should not happen")
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Loaded %i dataset(s)' % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # setup neighborhood
    # XXX add big switch to allow for setting up surface-based neighborhoods
    from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import IndexQueryEngine
    qe = IndexQueryEngine(**dict(args.neighbors))
    # determine ROIs
    rids = None  # all by default
    aggregate_fx = args.aggregate_fx
    if args.roi_attr is not None:
        # first figure out which roi features should be processed
        if len(args.roi_attr) == 1 and args.roi_attr[0] in ds.fa.keys():
            # name of an attribute -> pull non-zeroes
            rids = ds.fa[args.roi_attr[0]].value.nonzero()[0]
            # an expression?
            from .cmd_select import _eval_attr_expr
            rids = _eval_attr_expr(args.roi_attr, ds.fa).nonzero()[0]

    seed_ids = None
    if args.scatter_rois is not None:
        # scatter_neighborhoods among available ids if was requested
        from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import scatter_neighborhoods
        attr, nb = args.scatter_rois
        coords = ds.fa[attr].value
        if rids is not None:
            # select only those which were chosen by ROI
            coords = coords[rids]
        _, seed_ids = scatter_neighborhoods(nb, coords)
        if aggregate_fx is None:
            # no custom one given -> use default "fill in" function
            aggregate_fx = _fill_in_scattered_results
            if args.enable_ca is None:
                args.enable_ca = ['roi_feature_ids']
            elif 'roi_feature_ids' not in args.enable_ca:
                args.enable_ca += ['roi_feature_ids']

    if seed_ids is None:
        roi_ids = rids
        if rids is not None:
            # we had to sub-select by scatterring among available rids
            # so we would need to get original ids
            roi_ids = rids[seed_ids]
            # scattering happened on entire feature-set
            roi_ids = seed_ids

        3, 'Attempting %i ROI analyses' %
        ((roi_ids is None) and ds.nfeatures or len(roi_ids)))

    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import Searchlight

    sl = Searchlight(measure,
    # XXX support me too!
    #                 add_center_fa
    #                 tmp_prefix
    #                 nblocks
    #                 null_dist
    # run
    res = sl(ds)
    if (seed_ids is not None) and ('mapper' in res.a):
        # strip the last mapper link in the chain, which would be the seed ID selection
        res.a['mapper'] = res.a.mapper[:-1]
    # XXX create more output
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return res
Пример #7
def run(args):
    if os.path.isfile(args.payload) and args.payload.endswith(".py"):
        measure = script2obj(args.payload)
    elif args.payload == "cv":
        if args.cv_learner is None or args.cv_partitioner is None:
            raise ValueError("cross-validation payload requires --learner and --partitioner")
        # get CV instance
        measure = get_crossvalidation_instance(
        raise RuntimeError("this should not happen")
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, "Loaded %i dataset(s)" % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, "Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features" % ds.shape)
    # setup neighborhood
    # XXX add big switch to allow for setting up surface-based neighborhoods
    from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import IndexQueryEngine

    qe = IndexQueryEngine(**dict(args.neighbors))
    # determine ROIs
    rids = None  # all by default
    aggregate_fx = args.aggregate_fx
    if args.roi_attr is not None:
        # first figure out which roi features should be processed
        if len(args.roi_attr) == 1 and args.roi_attr[0] in ds.fa.keys():
            # name of an attribute -> pull non-zeroes
            rids = ds.fa[args.roi_attr[0]].value.nonzero()[0]
            # an expression?
            from .cmd_select import _eval_attr_expr

            rids = _eval_attr_expr(args.roi_attr, ds.fa).nonzero()[0]

    seed_ids = None
    if args.scatter_rois is not None:
        # scatter_neighborhoods among available ids if was requested
        from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import scatter_neighborhoods

        attr, nb = args.scatter_rois
        coords = ds.fa[attr].value
        if rids is not None:
            # select only those which were chosen by ROI
            coords = coords[rids]
        _, seed_ids = scatter_neighborhoods(nb, coords)
        if aggregate_fx is None:
            # no custom one given -> use default "fill in" function
            aggregate_fx = _fill_in_scattered_results
            if args.enable_ca is None:
                args.enable_ca = ["roi_feature_ids"]
            elif "roi_feature_ids" not in args.enable_ca:
                args.enable_ca += ["roi_feature_ids"]

    if seed_ids is None:
        roi_ids = rids
        if rids is not None:
            # we had to sub-select by scatterring among available rids
            # so we would need to get original ids
            roi_ids = rids[seed_ids]
            # scattering happened on entire feature-set
            roi_ids = seed_ids

    verbose(3, "Attempting %i ROI analyses" % ((roi_ids is None) and ds.nfeatures or len(roi_ids)))

    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import Searchlight

    sl = Searchlight(
    # XXX support me too!
    #                 add_center_fa
    #                 tmp_prefix
    #                 nblocks
    #                 null_dist
    # run
    res = sl(ds)
    if (seed_ids is not None) and ("mapper" in res.a):
        # strip the last mapper link in the chain, which would be the seed ID selection
        res.a["mapper"] = res.a.mapper[:-1]
    # XXX create more output
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return res