Пример #1
def test_get_contrasts():
    # preamble borrowed from the previous test
    skip_if_no_external('nipy')  # ATM relies on NiPy's GLM implementation
    # taking subset of the dataset to speed testing up
    ds = load_example_fmri_dataset('25mm', literal=True)[{
        'chunks': [0, 1]
    }, :3]
    # TODO: simulate short dataset with known properties and use it
    # for testing
    events = find_events(targets=ds.sa.targets, chunks=ds.sa.chunks)
    tr = ds.a.imghdr['pixdim'][4]
    for ev in events:
        for a in ('onset', 'duration'):
            ev[a] = ev[a] * tr
    evds = fit_event_hrf_model(
    # Simple one -- stat per each condition
    cons = get_contrasts(evds)
    # and let's get p-values
    cons_p = get_contrasts(evds, fxname='p_value')
    # Without contrasts explicitly prescribed -- there will be one per each
    # condition
    assert_array_equal(cons.UT, evds.UT)
    # and per each feature
    assert_equal(cons.shape, (len(evds.UT), evds.nfeatures))
    assert_array_less(cons_p, 1)
    assert_array_less(0, cons_p)

    cons_fh = get_contrasts(
            'face-house': {
                'face': 1,
                'house': -1
            'betterface': {
                'face': 1,
                'house': -0.5,
                'scrambledpix': -0.5

    # print(cons_fh.samples)
    assert_array_equal(cons_fh.UT, ['betterface', 'face-house'])

    # and nipy does one tailed test so all p-values should correspond to z-s
    import scipy.stats.distributions as ssd
    assert_array_almost_equal(ssd.norm().isf(cons_p), cons)
Пример #2
def create_betas_per_trial_with_pymvpa_roni(study_path, subj, conf, mask_name, flavor, TR):
    dhandle = OpenFMRIDataset(study_path)
    model = 1
    task = 1
    # Do this for other tasks as well. not only the first
    mask_fname = _opj(study_path, "sub{:0>3d}".format(subj), "masks", conf.mvpa_tasks[0], "{}.nii.gz".format(mask_name))
    print mask_fname
    run_datasets = []
    for run_id in dhandle.get_task_bold_run_ids(task)[subj]:
        if type(run_id) == str:

            # all_events = dhandle.get_bold_run_model(model, subj, run_id)
        all_events = get_bold_run_model(dhandle, 2, subj, run_id)
        run_events = []
        i = 0
        for event in all_events:
            if event["task"] == task:
                event["condition"] = "{}-{}".format(event["condition"], event["id"])
                i += 1

                # load BOLD data for this run (with masking); add 0-based chunk ID
        run_ds = dhandle.get_bold_run_dataset(subj, task, run_id, flavor=flavor, chunks=run_id - 1, mask=mask_fname)
        # convert event info into a sample attribute and assign as 'targets'
        run_ds.sa.time_coords = run_ds.sa.time_indices * TR
        run_ds.sa["targets"] = events2sample_attr(run_events, run_ds.sa.time_coords, noinfolabel="rest")
        # additional time series preprocessing can go here
        poly_detrend(run_ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr="chunks")
        zscore(run_ds, chunks_attr="chunks", param_est=("targets", ["rest"]), dtype="float32")
        glm_dataset = fit_event_hrf_model(run_ds, run_events, time_attr="time_coords", condition_attr="condition")
        glm_dataset.sa["targets"] = [x[: x.find("-")] for x in glm_dataset.sa.condition]
        glm_dataset.sa["id"] = [x[x.find("-") + 1 :] for x in glm_dataset.sa.condition]
        glm_dataset.sa.condition = glm_dataset.sa["targets"]
        glm_dataset.sa["chunks"] = [run_id - 1] * len(glm_dataset.samples)

        # If a trial was dropped (the subject pressed on a button) than the counter trial from the
        # other condition should also be dropped
        for pair in conf.conditions_to_compare:
            cond_bool = np.array([c in pair for c in glm_dataset.sa["condition"]])
            sub_dataset = glm_dataset[cond_bool]
            c = Counter(sub_dataset.sa.id)
            for value in c:
                if c[value] < 2:
                    id_bool = np.array([value in cond_id for cond_id in glm_dataset.sa["id"]])
                    glm_dataset = glm_dataset[np.bitwise_not(np.logical_and(id_bool, cond_bool))]


    return vstack(run_datasets, 0)
Пример #3
def create_betas_per_trial_with_pymvpa(study_path, subj, conf, mask_name, flavor, TR):
    dhandle = OpenFMRIDataset(study_path)
    model = 1
    task = 1
    # Do this for other tasks as well. not only the first
    mask_fname = _opj(study_path, "sub{:0>3d}".format(subj), "masks", conf.mvpa_tasks[0], "{}.nii.gz".format(mask_name))
    print mask_fname
    run_datasets = []
    for run_id in dhandle.get_task_bold_run_ids(task)[subj]:
        if type(run_id) == str:
        all_events = dhandle.get_bold_run_model(model, subj, run_id)
        run_events = []
        i = 0
        for event in all_events:
            if event["task"] == task:
                event["condition"] = "{}-{}".format(event["condition"], i)
                i += 1

                # load BOLD data for this run (with masking); add 0-based chunk ID
        run_ds = dhandle.get_bold_run_dataset(subj, task, run_id, flavor=flavor, chunks=run_id - 1, mask=mask_fname)
        # convert event info into a sample attribute and assign as 'targets'
        run_ds.sa.time_coords = run_ds.sa.time_indices * TR
        print run_id

        run_ds.sa["targets"] = events2sample_attr(run_events, run_ds.sa.time_coords, noinfolabel="rest")
        # additional time series preprocessing can go here
        poly_detrend(run_ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr="chunks")
        zscore(run_ds, chunks_attr="chunks", param_est=("targets", ["rest"]), dtype="float32")
        glm_dataset = fit_event_hrf_model(run_ds, run_events, time_attr="time_coords", condition_attr="condition")
        glm_dataset.sa["targets"] = [x[: x.find("-")] for x in glm_dataset.sa.condition]
        glm_dataset.sa.condition = glm_dataset.sa["targets"]
        glm_dataset.sa["chunks"] = [run_id - 1] * len(glm_dataset.samples)
    return vstack(run_datasets, 0)
Пример #4
def runsub(sub, thisContrast, r, dstype='raw', roi='grayMatter', filterLen=49, filterOrd=3, write=False):

    if dstype == 'raw':
        print "working with raw data"
        thisSub = {sub: subList[sub]}
        dsdict = lmvpa.loadsubdata(paths, thisSub, m=roi)
        thisDS = dsdict[sub]
        mc_params = lmvpa.loadmotionparams(paths, thisSub)
        beta_events = lmvpa.loadevents(paths, thisSub)
        # savitsky golay filtering
        sg.sg_filter(thisDS, filterLen, filterOrd)
        # gallant group zscores before regression.

        # zscore w.r.t. rest trials
        # zscore(thisDS, param_est=('targets', ['rest']), chunks_attr='chunks')
        # zscore entire set. if done chunk-wise, there is no double-dipping (since we leave a chunk out at a time).
        zscore(thisDS, chunks_attr='chunks')
        print "beta extraction"
        ## BETA EXTRACTION ##
        rds, events = lmvpa.amendtimings(thisDS.copy(), beta_events[sub])
        evds = er.fit_event_hrf_model(rds, events, time_attr='time_coords',
                                      condition_attr=('trial_type', 'chunks'),
                                      design_kwargs={'add_regs': mc_params[sub], 'hrf_model': 'canonical'},

        fds = lmvpa.replacetargets(evds, contrasts, thisContrast)
        fds = fds[fds.targets != '0']
        outdir=os.path.join('LSS', dstype)
        print "loading betas"
        fds = lmvpa.loadsubbetas(paths, sub, btype=dstype, m=roi)
        fds.sa['targets'] = fds.sa[thisContrast]
        zscore(fds, chunks_attr='chunks')

    fds = lmvpa.sortds(fds)
    print "searchlights"
    ## initialize classifier
    clf = svm.LinearNuSVMC()
    cv = CrossValidation(clf, NFoldPartitioner())
    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import sphere_searchlight
    cvSL = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=r)

    # now I have betas per chunk. could just correlate the betas, or correlate the predictions for corresponding runs
    lidx = fds.chunks < fds.sa['chunks'].unique[len(fds.sa['chunks'].unique)/2]
    pidx = fds.chunks >= fds.sa['chunks'].unique[len(fds.sa['chunks'].unique) / 2]

    lres = sl.run_cv_sl(cvSL, fds[lidx].copy(deep=False))
    pres = sl.run_cv_sl(cvSL, fds[pidx].copy(deep=False))

    if write:
        from mvpa2.base import dataset
        map2nifti(fds, dataset.vstack([lres, pres])).\
                        paths[0], 'Maps', outdir,
                        sub + '_' + roi + '_' + thisContrast + '_cvsl.nii.gz'))

    del lres, pres, cvSL

    cvSL = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=r)
    crossSet = fds.copy()
    crossSet.chunks[lidx] = 1
    crossSet.chunks[pidx] = 2
    cres = sl.run_cv_sl(cvSL, crossSet.copy(deep=False))
    if write:
        map2nifti(fds, cres[0]).to_filename(
            os.path.join(paths[0], 'Maps', outdir,
                         sub + '_' + roi + '_' + (thisContrast) + '_P2L.nii.gz'))
        map2nifti(fds, cres[1]).to_filename(
            os.path.join(paths[0], 'Maps', outdir,
                         sub + '_' + roi + '_' + (thisContrast) + '_L2P.nii.gz'))
Пример #5
    # zscore(thisDS, param_est=('targets', ['rest']), chunks_attr='chunks')
    # zscore entire set. if done chunk-wise, there is no double-dipping (since we leave a chunk out at a time).
    zscore(thisDS, chunks_attr='chunks')

    # kay method: leave out a model run, use it to fit an HRF for each voxel
    # huth method: essentially use FIR
    # mumford method: deconvolution with canonical HRF

    # refit events and regress...
    # get timing data from timing files
    rds, events = lmvpa.amendtimings(thisDS.copy(), beta_events[sub])

    #OLS beta extraction
    betas = 'LSA'
    evds = er.fit_event_hrf_model(rds, events, time_attr='time_coords',
                                  condition_attr=('trial_type',  'chunks'),
                                  design_kwargs={'add_regs': mc_params[sub], 'hrf_model': 'canonical'},

    fds = lmvpa.replacetargets(evds, contrasts, thisContrast)
    fds = fds[fds.targets != '0']
    fds = fds[fds.targets != 'rest']

    lidx = fds.chunks < fds.sa['chunks'].unique[len(fds.sa['chunks'].unique)/2]
    pidx = fds.chunks >= fds.sa['chunks'].unique[len(fds.sa['chunks'].unique) / 2]

    lfds = fds[lidx]
    pfds = fds[pidx]

    lres = cv(lfds)
Пример #6
    data = np.concatenate(data)
    labels = np.concatenate(labels)
    return data, labels.astype(np.int)

rois = ['aSTG', 'HG', 'pSTG']

for sub_id in range(1, 21):
    data = []
    for roi in rois:
        data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, roi)
        tmp_data, label = load_data(data_path, sub_id)
    data = np.concatenate(data, axis=1)
    data = np.concatenate([data[i,:,:].T for i in range(len(data))])

    ds = Dataset(data)
    ds.sa['time_coords'] = np.linspace(0, len(ds)-1, len(ds))
    events = [{'onset': i*5, 'duration': 5, 'targets':label[i], 'chunks':i+1} for i in range(int(len(ds)/5))]

    hrf_estimates = fit_event_hrf_model(ds, events, time_attr='time_coords', condition_attr=('targets', 'chunks'), 
                                    design_kwargs=dict(drift_model='blank'), glmfit_kwargs=dict(model='ols'),

    fsel = SensitivityBasedFeatureSelection(OneWayAnova(), FixedNElementTailSelector(5000, mode='select', tail='upper'))

    ds_p = fsel(hrf_estimates)

    np.save('feat_sub{:03d}'.format(sub_id), ds_p.samples)
Пример #7
def runsub(sub, thisContrast, r, dstype="raw", roi="grayMatter", filterLen=49, filterOrd=3, write=False):

    if dstype == "raw":
        outdir = "PyMVPA"
        print "working with raw data"
        thisSub = {sub: subList[sub]}
        dsdict = lmvpa.loadsubdata(paths, thisSub, m=roi)
        thisDS = dsdict[sub]
        mc_params = lmvpa.loadmotionparams(paths, thisSub)
        beta_events = lmvpa.loadevents(paths, thisSub)
        # savitsky golay filtering
        sg.sg_filter(thisDS, filterLen, filterOrd)
        # gallant group zscores before regression.

        # zscore w.r.t. rest trials
        # zscore(thisDS, param_est=('targets', ['rest']), chunks_attr='chunks')
        # zscore entire set. if done chunk-wise, there is no double-dipping (since we leave a chunk out at a time).
        zscore(thisDS, chunks_attr="chunks")
        print "beta extraction"
        ## BETA EXTRACTION ##
        rds, events = lmvpa.amendtimings(thisDS.copy(), beta_events[sub])
        evds = er.fit_event_hrf_model(
            condition_attr=("trial_type", "chunks"),
            design_kwargs={"add_regs": mc_params[sub], "hrf_model": "canonical"},

        fds = lmvpa.replacetargets(evds, contrasts, thisContrast)
        fds = fds[fds.targets != "0"]
        outdir = os.path.join("LSS", dstype)
        print "loading betas"
        fds = lmvpa.loadsubbetas(paths, sub, btype=dstype, m=roi)
        fds.sa["targets"] = fds.sa[thisContrast]
        zscore(fds, chunks_attr="chunks")

    fds = lmvpa.sortds(fds)
    print "searchlights"
    ## initialize classifier
    clf = svm.LinearNuSVMC()
    cv = CrossValidation(clf, NFoldPartitioner())
    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import sphere_searchlight

    cvSL = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=r)

    # now I have betas per chunk. could just correlate the betas, or correlate the predictions for corresponding runs
    lidx = fds.chunks < fds.sa["chunks"].unique[len(fds.sa["chunks"].unique) / 2]
    pidx = fds.chunks >= fds.sa["chunks"].unique[len(fds.sa["chunks"].unique) / 2]

    lres = sl.run_cv_sl(cvSL, fds[lidx].copy(deep=False))
    pres = sl.run_cv_sl(cvSL, fds[pidx].copy(deep=False))

    if write:
        from mvpa2.base import dataset

        map2nifti(fds, dataset.vstack([lres, pres])).to_filename(
            os.path.join(paths[0], "Maps", outdir, sub + "_" + roi + "_" + thisContrast + "_cvsl.nii.gz")

    del lres, pres, cvSL

    cvSL = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=r)
    crossSet = fds.copy()
    crossSet.chunks[lidx] = 1
    crossSet.chunks[pidx] = 2
    cres = sl.run_cv_sl(cvSL, crossSet.copy(deep=False))
    if write:
        map2nifti(fds, cres[0]).to_filename(
            os.path.join(paths[0], "Maps", outdir, sub + "_" + roi + "_" + (thisContrast) + "_P2L.nii.gz")
        map2nifti(fds, cres[1]).to_filename(
            os.path.join(paths[0], "Maps", outdir, sub + "_" + roi + "_" + (thisContrast) + "_L2P.nii.gz")
Пример #8
    # kay method: leave out a model run, use it to fit an HRF for each voxel
    # huth method: essentially use FIR
    # mumford method: deconvolution with canonical HRF

    # refit events and regress...
    # get timing data from timing files
    rds, events = lmvpa.amendtimings(thisDS.copy(), beta_events[sub])

    #OLS beta extraction
    betas = 'LSA'
    evds = er.fit_event_hrf_model(rds,
                                  condition_attr=('trial_type', 'chunks'),
                                      'add_regs': mc_params[sub],
                                      'hrf_model': 'canonical'

    fds = lmvpa.replacetargets(evds, contrasts, thisContrast)
    fds = fds[fds.targets != '0']
    fds = fds[fds.targets != 'rest']

    lidx = fds.chunks < fds.sa['chunks'].unique[len(fds.sa['chunks'].unique) /
    pidx = fds.chunks >= fds.sa['chunks'].unique[len(fds.sa['chunks'].unique) /