Пример #1
def _mixedtypes_datastring2rawniml(s, niml):
    tps = niml['vec_typ']
    ncols = len(tps)
    nrows = niml['vec_len']

    lines = s.strip().split(_TEXT_ROWSEP)
    if len(lines) != nrows:
        raise ValueError("Expected %d rows, but found %d" %
                         (nrows, len(lines)))

    elems = map(lambda x: x.strip().split(_TEXT_COLSEP), lines)
    fs = map(types.code2python_convertor, tps)

    data = []
    for col in xrange(ncols):
        f = fs[col]
        if types.sametype(tps[col], 'String'):
            d = map(f, [elems[r][col] for r in xrange(nrows)])
            tp = types.code2numpy_type(tps[col])
            niform = niml.get('ni_form', None)
            if not niform is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Not supported: have ni_form with mixed types')

            d = np.zeros((nrows, ), dtype=tp)  # allocate one-dimensional array
            for r in xrange(nrows):
                d[r] = f(elems[r][col])


    return data
Пример #2
def _binary_data_bytecount(niml):
    '''helper function that returns how many bytes a NIML binary data
    element should have'''
    niform = niml['ni_form']
    if not 'binary' in niform:
        raise ValueError('Illegal niform %s' % niform)

    tps = niml['vec_typ']
    onetype = types.findonetype(tps)

    if onetype is None:
        debug('NIML', 'Not unique type: %r', tps)
        return None

    # numeric, either int or float
    ncols = niml['vec_num']
    nrows = niml['vec_len']
    tp = types.code2numpy_type(onetype)
    bytes_per_elem = types.numpy_type2bytecount(tp)

    if bytes_per_elem is None:
        raise ValueError("Type not supported: %r" % onetype)

    nb = ncols * nrows * bytes_per_elem

    debug('NIML', 'Number of bytes for %s: %d x %d with %d bytes / element',
          (niform, ncols, nrows, bytes_per_elem))

    return nb
Пример #3
def _mixedtypes_datastring2rawniml(s, niml):
    tps = niml['vec_typ']
    ncols = len(tps)
    nrows = niml['vec_len']

    lines = s.strip().split(_TEXT_ROWSEP)
    if len(lines) != nrows:
        raise ValueError("Expected %d rows, but found %d" % (nrows, len(lines)))

    elems = map(lambda x : x.strip().split(_TEXT_COLSEP), lines)
    fs = map(types.code2python_convertor, tps)

    data = []
    for col in xrange(ncols):
        f = fs[col]
        if types.sametype(tps[col], 'String'):
            d = map(f, [elems[r][col] for r in xrange(nrows)])
            tp = types.code2numpy_type(tps[col])
            niform = niml.get('ni_form', None)
            if not niform is None:
                raise ValueError('Not supported: have ni_form with mixed types')

            d = np.zeros((nrows,), dtype=tp) # allocate one-dimensional array
            for r in xrange(nrows):
                d[r] = f(elems[r][col])


    return data
Пример #4
def _binary_data_bytecount(niml):
    '''helper function that returns how many bytes a NIML binary data
    element should have'''
    niform = niml['ni_form']
    if not 'binary' in niform:
        raise ValueError('Illegal niform %s' % niform)

    tps = niml['vec_typ']
    onetype = types.findonetype(tps)

    if onetype is None:
        debug('NIML', 'Not unique type: %r', tps)
        return None

    # numeric, either int or float
    ncols = niml['vec_num']
    nrows = niml['vec_len']
    tp = types.code2numpy_type(onetype)
    bytes_per_elem = types.numpy_type2bytecount(tp)

    if bytes_per_elem is None:
        raise ValueError("Type not supported: %r" % onetype)

    nb = ncols * nrows * bytes_per_elem

    debug('NIML', 'Number of bytes for %s: %d x %d with %d bytes / element',
                                    (niform, ncols, nrows, bytes_per_elem))

    return nb
Пример #5
def _datastring2rawniml(s, niml):
    '''Converts data with uniform type to raw NIML'''
    debug('NIML', 'Raw string to NIML: %d characters', len(s))

    tps = niml['vec_typ']

    onetype = types.findonetype(tps)

    if onetype is None or ([onetype] == types.str2codes('string')
                           and len(tps) > 1):
        return _mixedtypes_datastring2rawniml(s, niml)

    if [onetype] == types.str2codes('string'):
        # single string
        return decode_escape(s.decode())  # do not string2rawniml

    # numeric, either int or float
    ncols = niml['vec_num']
    nrows = niml['vec_len']
    tp = types.code2numpy_type(onetype)

    niform = niml.get('ni_form', None)

    if not niform or niform == 'text':
        data = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=tp)  # allocate space for data
        convertor = types.code2python_convertor(
            onetype)  # string to type convertor

        vals = s.split(None)  # split by whitespace seperator
        if len(vals) != ncols * nrows:
            raise ValueError("unexpected number of elements")

        for i, val in enumerate(vals):
            data[i // ncols, i % ncols] = convertor(val)

        dtype = np.dtype(tp)
        dtype = types.byteorder_from_niform(niform, dtype)

        if 'base64' in niform:
            debug('NIML', 'base64, %d chars: %s',
                  (len(s), _partial_string(s, 0)))

            s = base64.b64decode(s)
        elif not 'binary' in niform:
            raise ValueError('Illegal niform %s' % niform)

        data_1d = np.fromstring(s, dtype=tp)

        debug('NIML', 'data vector has %d elements, reshape to %d x %d = %d',
              (np.size(data_1d), nrows, ncols, nrows * ncols))

        data = np.reshape(data_1d, (nrows, ncols))

    return data
Пример #6
def _datastring2rawniml(s, niml):
    '''Converts data with uniform type to raw NIML'''
    debug('NIML', 'Raw string to NIML: %d characters', len(s))

    tps = niml['vec_typ']

    onetype = types.findonetype(tps)

    if onetype is None or ([onetype] == types.str2codes('string') and
                            len(tps) > 1):
        return _mixedtypes_datastring2rawniml(s, niml)

    if [onetype] == types.str2codes('string'):
        # single string
        return decode_escape(s.decode()) # do not string2rawniml

    # numeric, either int or float
    ncols = niml['vec_num']
    nrows = niml['vec_len']
    tp = types.code2numpy_type(onetype)

    niform = niml.get('ni_form', None)

    if not niform or niform == 'text':
        data = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=tp) # allocate space for data
        convertor = types.code2python_convertor(onetype) # string to type convertor

        vals = s.split(None) # split by whitespace seperator
        if len(vals) != ncols * nrows:
            raise ValueError("unexpected number of elements")

        for i, val in enumerate(vals):
            data[i // ncols, i % ncols] = convertor(val)

        dtype = np.dtype(tp)
        dtype = types.byteorder_from_niform(niform, dtype)

        if 'base64' in niform:
            debug('NIML', 'base64, %d chars: %s',
                            (len(s), _partial_string(s, 0)))

            s = base64.b64decode(s)
        elif not 'binary' in niform:
            raise ValueError('Illegal niform %s' % niform)

        data_1d = np.fromstring(s, dtype=tp)

        debug('NIML', 'data vector has %d elements, reshape to %d x %d = %d',
                        (np.size(data_1d), nrows, ncols, nrows * ncols))

        data = np.reshape(data_1d, (nrows, ncols))

    return data