def test_queryengine_io(self, fn):
        from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save, h5load

        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # generate some surfaces,
        # and add some noise to them
        sphere_density = 10
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 5 + 8
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 3 + 8
        radius = 5.

        add_fa = ['center_distances', 'grey_matter_position']
        qe = disc_surface_queryengine(radius, vg, inner, outer, add_fa=add_fa)
        ds = fmri_dataset(vg.get_masked_nifti_image())

        # the following is not really a strong requirement. XXX remove?
        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: qe[qe.ids[0]])

        # check that after training it behaves well
        i = qe.ids[0]
            m = qe[i]
        except ValueError, e:
            raise AssertionError(
                'Failed to query %r from %r after training on %r. Exception was: %r'
                % (i, qe, ds, e))
    def test_queryengine_io(self, fn):
        from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save, h5load

        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # generate some surfaces,
        # and add some noise to them
        sphere_density = 10
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 5 + 8
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 3 + 8
        radius = 5.0

        add_fa = ["center_distances", "grey_matter_position"]
        qe = disc_surface_queryengine(radius, vg, inner, outer, add_fa=add_fa)
        ds = fmri_dataset(vg.get_masked_nifti_image())

        # the following is not really a strong requirement. XXX remove?
        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: qe[qe.ids[0]])

        # check that after training it behaves well
        i = qe.ids[0]
            m = qe[i]
        except ValueError, e:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Failed to query %r from %r after training on %r. " "Exception was: %r" % (i, qe, ds, e)
Пример #3
    def test_h5support(self):
        sh = (20, 20, 20)
        msk = np.zeros(sh)
        for i in xrange(0, sh[0], 2):
            msk[i, :, :] = 1
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sh, np.identity(4), mask=msk)

        density = 20

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 5. + 5

        intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5
        xyz = intermediate.vertices

        radius = 50

        backends = ['native', 'hdf5']

        for i, backend in enumerate(backends):
            if backend == 'hdf5' and not externals.exists('h5py'):

            sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, vg, inner,
                            outer, results_backend=backend)

            if i == 0:
                sel0 = sel
                assert_equal(sel0, sel)
Пример #4
    def test_surface_voxel_query_engine(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20. + 15

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner, outer)

        radius = 10

        for fallback, expected_nfeatures in ((True, 1000), (False, 183)):
            voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius)
            qe = SurfaceVoxelsQueryEngine(voxsel,

            m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

            sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)

            data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
            img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
            ds = fmri_dataset(img)

            sl_map = sl(ds)

            counts = sl_map.samples

            assert_true(np.all(np.logical_and(5 <= counts, counts <= 18)))
            assert_equal(sl_map.nfeatures, expected_nfeatures)
    def test_surface_voxel_query_engine(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20. + 15

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner, outer)

        radius = 10

        for fallback, expected_nfeatures in ((True, 1000), (False, 183)):
            voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius)
            qe = SurfaceVoxelsQueryEngine(voxsel, fallback_euclidian_distance=fallback)

            m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

            sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)

            data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
            img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
            ds = fmri_dataset(img)

            sl_map = sl(ds)

            counts = sl_map.samples

            assert_true(np.all(np.logical_and(5 <= counts, counts <= 18)))
            assert_equal(sl_map.nfeatures, expected_nfeatures)
Пример #6
    def test_h5support(self):
        sh = (20, 20, 20)
        msk = np.zeros(sh)
        for i in xrange(0, sh[0], 2):
            msk[i, :, :] = 1
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sh, np.identity(4), mask=msk)

        density = 20

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 5. + 5

        intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5
        xyz = intermediate.vertices

        radius = 50

        backends = ['native', 'hdf5']

        for i, backend in enumerate(backends):
            if backend == 'hdf5' and not externals.exists('h5py'):

            sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(
                radius, vg, inner, outer, results_backend=backend)

            if i == 0:
                sel0 = sel
                assert_equal(sel0, sel)
Пример #7
    def test_surface_minimal_voxel_selection(self):
        # Tests 'minimal' voxel selection.
        # It assumes that 'maximal' voxel selection works (which is tested
        # in other unit tests)
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # generate some surfaces,
        # and add some noise to them
        sphere_density = 10
        nvertices = sphere_density**2 + 2
        noise = np.random.uniform(size=(nvertices, 3))
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 5 + 8 + noise
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 3 + 8 + noise

        radii = [5., 20., 10]  # note: no fixed radii at the moment

        # Note: a little outside margin is necessary
        # as otherwise there are nodes in the minimal case
        # that have no voxels associated with them

        for radius in radii:
            for output_modality in ('surface', 'volume'):
                for i, nvm in enumerate(('minimal', 'maximal')):
                    qe = disc_surface_queryengine(
                    voxsel = qe.voxsel

                    if i == 0:
                        keys_ = voxsel.keys()
                        voxsel_ = voxsel
                        keys = voxsel.keys()
                        # minimal one has a subset
                        assert_equal(keys, keys_)

                        # and the subset is quite overlapping
                        assert_true(len(keys) * .90 < len(keys_))

                        for k in keys_:
                            x = set(voxsel_[k])
                            y = set(voxsel[k])

                            d = set.symmetric_difference(x, y)
                            r = float(len(d)) / 2 / len(x)
                            if type(radius) is float:
                                assert_equal(x - y, set())

                            # decent agreement in any case
                            # between the two sets
                            assert_true(r < .6)
Пример #8
    def test_niml_dset_voxsel(self, fn):
        if not externals.exists('nibabel'):

        # This is actually a bit of an integration test.
        # It tests storing and retrieving searchlight results.
        # Imports are inline here so that it does not mess up the header
        # and makes the other unit tests more modular
        # XXX put this in a separate file?
        from mvpa2.misc.surfing import volgeom, surf_voxel_selection, queryengine
        from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import Searchlight
        from import surf
        from mvpa2.measures.base import Measure
        from mvpa2.datasets.mri import fmri_dataset

        class _Voxel_Count_Measure(Measure):
            # used to check voxel selection results
            is_trained = True

            def __init__(self, dtype, **kwargs):
                Measure.__init__(self, **kwargs)
                self.dtype = dtype

            def _call(self, dset):
                return self.dtype(dset.nfeatures)

        sh = (20, 20, 20)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sh, np.identity(4))

        density = 20

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 5. + 5

        intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5
        xyz = intermediate.vertices

        radius = 50

        sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, vg, inner, outer)
        qe = queryengine.SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(sel)

        for dtype in (int, float):
            sl = Searchlight(_Voxel_Count_Measure(dtype), queryengine=qe)

            ds = fmri_dataset(vg.get_empty_nifti_image(1))
            r = sl(ds)

            niml.write(fn, r)
            rr =


            assert_array_equal(r.samples, rr.samples)
Пример #9
    def test_niml_dset_voxsel(self):
        if not externals.exists('nibabel'):

        # This is actually a bit of an integration test.
        # It tests storing and retrieving searchlight results.
        # Imports are inline here so that it does not mess up the header
        # and makes the other unit tests more modular
        # XXX put this in a separate file?
        from mvpa2.misc.surfing import volgeom, surf_voxel_selection, queryengine
        from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import Searchlight
        from import surf
        from mvpa2.measures.base import Measure
        from mvpa2.datasets.mri import fmri_dataset

        class _Voxel_Count_Measure(Measure):
            # used to check voxel selection results
            is_trained = True

            def __init__(self, dtype, **kwargs):
                Measure.__init__(self, **kwargs)
                self.dtype = dtype

            def _call(self, dset):
                return self.dtype(dset.nfeatures)

        sh = (20, 20, 20)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sh, np.identity(4))

        density = 20

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 5. + 5

        intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5
        xyz = intermediate.vertices

        radius = 50

        sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, vg, inner,
        qe = queryengine.SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(sel)

        for dtype in (int, float):
            sl = Searchlight(_Voxel_Count_Measure(dtype), queryengine=qe)

            ds = fmri_dataset(vg.get_empty_nifti_image(1))
            r = sl(ds)

            _, fn = tempfile.mkstemp('.niml.dset', 'dset')
            niml_dset.write(fn, r)
            rr =


            assert_array_equal(r.samples, rr.samples)
    def test_surface_minimal_voxel_selection(self):
        # Tests 'minimal' voxel selection.
        # It assumes that 'maximal' voxel selection works (which is tested
        # in other unit tests)
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # generate some surfaces,
        # and add some noise to them
        sphere_density = 10
        nvertices = sphere_density ** 2 + 2
        noise = np.random.uniform(size=(nvertices, 3))
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 5 + 8 + noise
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 3 + 8 + noise

        radii = [5.0, 20.0, 10]  # note: no fixed radii at the moment

        # Note: a little outside margin is necessary
        # as otherwise there are nodes in the minimal case
        # that have no voxels associated with them

        for radius in radii:
            for output_modality in ("surface", "volume"):
                for i, nvm in enumerate(("minimal", "maximal")):
                    qe = disc_surface_queryengine(
                        radius, vg, inner, outer, node_voxel_mapping=nvm, output_modality=output_modality
                    voxsel = qe.voxsel

                    if i == 0:
                        keys_ = voxsel.keys()
                        voxsel_ = voxsel
                        keys = voxsel.keys()
                        # minimal one has a subset
                        assert_equal(keys, keys_)

                        # and the subset is quite overlapping
                        assert_true(len(keys) * 0.90 < len(keys_))

                        for k in keys_:
                            x = set(voxsel_[k])
                            y = set(voxsel[k])

                            d = set.symmetric_difference(x, y)
                            r = float(len(d)) / 2 / len(x)
                            if type(radius) is float:
                                assert_equal(x - y, set())

                            # decent agreement in any case
                            # between the two sets
                            assert_true(r < 0.6)
Пример #11
    def test_surface_outside_volume_voxel_selection(self, fn):
        from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save, h5load

        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # make surfaces that are far away from all voxels
        # in the volume
        sphere_density = 4
        far = 10000.
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 10 + far
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 5 + far

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner, outer)
        radii = [10., 10]  # fixed and variable radii

        outside_node_margins = [0, far, True]
        for outside_node_margin in outside_node_margins:
            for radius in radii:
                selector = lambda: surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs,

                if type(radius) is int and outside_node_margin is True:
                    assert_raises(ValueError, selector)
                    sel = selector()
                    if outside_node_margin is True:
                        # it should have all the keys, but they should
                        # all be empty
                        assert_array_equal(sel.keys(), range(inner.nvertices))
                        for k, v in sel.iteritems():
                            assert_equal(v, [])
                        assert_array_equal(sel.keys(), [])

                    if outside_node_margin is True and \
                                    externals.versions['hdf5'] < '1.8.7':
                        raise SkipTest("Versions of hdf5 before 1.8.7 have "
                                       "problems with empty arrays")

                    h5save(fn, sel)
                    sel_copy = h5load(fn)

                    assert_array_equal(sel.keys(), sel_copy.keys())
                    for k in sel.keys():
                        assert_equal(sel[k], sel_copy[k])

                    assert_equal(sel, sel_copy)
Пример #12
    def test_surface_outside_volume_voxel_selection(self, fn):
        from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save, h5load

        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # make surfaces that are far away from all voxels
        # in the volume
        sphere_density = 4
        far = 10000.
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 10 + far
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 5 + far

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner, outer)
        radii = [10., 10]  # fixed and variable radii

        outside_node_margins = [0, far, True]
        for outside_node_margin in outside_node_margins:
            for radius in radii:
                selector = lambda: surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs,

                if type(radius) is int and outside_node_margin is True:
                    assert_raises(ValueError, selector)
                    sel = selector()
                    if outside_node_margin is True:
                        # it should have all the keys, but they should
                        # all be empty
                        assert_array_equal(sel.keys(), range(inner.nvertices))
                        for k, v in sel.iteritems():
                            assert_equal(v, [])
                        assert_array_equal(sel.keys(), [])

                    if outside_node_margin is True and \
                                    externals.versions['hdf5'] < '1.8.7':
                        raise SkipTest("Versions of hdf5 before 1.8.7 have "
                                       "problems with empty arrays")

                    h5save(fn, sel)
                    sel_copy = h5load(fn)

                    assert_array_equal(sel.keys(), sel_copy.keys())
                    for k in sel.keys():
                        assert_equal(sel[k], sel_copy[k])

                    assert_equal(sel, sel_copy)
Пример #13
    def test_volsurf(self):
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom((50, 50, 50), np.identity(4))

        density = 40
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 25. + 25
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 20. + 25

        # increasingly select more voxels in 'grey matter'
        steps_start_stop = [(1, .5, .5), (5, .5, .5), (3, .3, .7), (5, .3, .7),
                            (5, 0., 1.), (10, 0., 1.)]

        mp = None
        expected_keys = set(range(density**2 + 2))
        selection_counter = []
        voxel_counter = []
        for sp, sa, so in steps_start_stop:
            vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner,
                                               (outer + inner) * .5, sp, sa,

            n2v = vs.get_node2voxels_mapping()

            if mp is None:
                mp = n2v

            assert_equal(expected_keys, set(n2v.keys()))

            counter = 0
            for k, v2pos in n2v.iteritems():
                for v, pos in v2pos.iteritems():
                    # should be close to grey matter

                    assert_true(-1. <= pos <= 2.)
                    counter += 1

            img = vs.voxel_count_nifti_image()

            voxel_counter.append(np.sum(img.get_data() > 0))

        # hard coded number of expected voxels
        selection_expected = [1602, 1602, 4618, 5298, 7867, 10801]
        assert_equal(selection_counter, selection_expected)

        voxel_expected = [1498, 1498, 4322, 4986, 7391, 10141]
        assert_equal(voxel_counter, voxel_expected)

        # check that string building works
        assert_true(len('%s%r' % (vs, vs)) > 0)
Пример #14
    def test_volsurf(self):
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom((50, 50, 50), np.identity(4))

        density = 40
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 25. + 25
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 20. + 25

        # increasingly select more voxels in 'grey matter'
        steps_start_stop = [(1, .5, .5), (5, .5, .5), (3, .3, .7),
                          (5, .3, .7), (5, 0., 1.), (10, 0., 1.)]

        mp = None
        expected_keys = set(range(density ** 2 + 2))
        selection_counter = []
        voxel_counter = []
        for sp, sa, so in steps_start_stop:
            vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner, (outer + inner) * .5, sp, sa, so)

            n2v = vs.get_node2voxels_mapping()

            if mp is None:
                mp = n2v

            assert_equal(expected_keys, set(n2v.keys()))

            counter = 0
            for k, v2pos in n2v.iteritems():
                for v, pos in v2pos.iteritems():
                    # should be close to grey matter

                    assert_true(-1. <= pos and pos <= 2.)
                    counter += 1

            img = vs.voxel_count_nifti_image()

            voxel_counter.append(np.sum(img.get_data() > 0))

        # hard coded number of expected voxels
        selection_expected = [1602, 1602, 4618, 5298, 7867, 10801]
        assert_equal(selection_counter, selection_expected)

        voxel_expected = [1498, 1498, 4322, 4986, 7391, 10141]
        assert_equal(voxel_counter, voxel_expected)

        # check that string building works
        assert_true(len('%s%r' % (vs, vs)) > 0)
Пример #15
    def test_surf_fs_asc(self, temp_fn):
        s = surf.generate_sphere(5) * 100

        surf_fs_asc.write(temp_fn, s, overwrite=True)
        t =

        assert_array_almost_equal(s.vertices, t.vertices)
        assert_array_almost_equal(s.vertices, t.vertices)

        theta = np.asarray([0, 0., 180.])

        r = s.rotate(theta, unit='deg')

        l2r = surf.get_sphere_left_right_mapping(s, r)
        l2r_expected = [
            0, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 15, 14, 13, 12, 16, 19, 18,
            17, 21, 20, 23, 22, 26, 25, 24

        assert_array_equal(l2r, np.asarray(l2r_expected))

        sides_facing = 'apism'
        for side_facing in sides_facing:
            l, r = surf.reposition_hemisphere_pairs(s + 10., t + (-10.),

            m = surf.merge(l, r)

            # not sure at the moment why medial rotation
            # messes up - but leave for now
            eps = 666 if side_facing == 'm' else .001
            assert_true((abs(m.center_of_mass) < eps).all())
Пример #16
    def test_surf_fs_asc(self, temp_fn):
        s = surf.generate_sphere(5) * 100

        surf_fs_asc.write(temp_fn, s, overwrite=True)
        t =

        assert_array_almost_equal(s.vertices, t.vertices)
        assert_array_almost_equal(s.vertices, t.vertices)

        theta = np.asarray([0, 0., 180.])

        r = s.rotate(theta, unit='deg')

        l2r = surf.get_sphere_left_right_mapping(s, r)
        l2r_expected = [0, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 15, 14, 13, 12,
                       16, 19, 18, 17, 21, 20, 23, 22, 26, 25, 24]

        assert_array_equal(l2r, np.asarray(l2r_expected))

        sides_facing = 'apism'
        for side_facing in sides_facing:
            l, r = surf.reposition_hemisphere_pairs(s + 10., t + (-10.),

            m = surf.merge(l, r)

            # not sure at the moment why medial rotation
            # messes up - but leave for now
            eps = 666 if side_facing == 'm' else .001
            assert_true((abs(m.center_of_mass) < eps).all())
Пример #17
    def test_surface_voxel_query_engine(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20. + 15

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner, outer)

        radius = 10

        for fallback, expected_nfeatures in ((True, 1000), (False, 183)):
            voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius)
            qe = SurfaceVoxelsQueryEngine(voxsel,

            # test i/o and ensure that the loaded instance is trained
            if externals.exists('h5py'):
                fd, qefn = tempfile.mkstemp('qe.hdf5', 'test');
                h5save(qefn, qe)
                qe = h5load(qefn)

            m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

            sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)

            data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
            img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
            ds = fmri_dataset(img)

            sl_map = sl(ds)

            counts = sl_map.samples

            assert_true(np.all(np.logical_and(5 <= counts, counts <= 18)))
            assert_equal(sl_map.nfeatures, expected_nfeatures)
Пример #18
    def test_surface_voxel_query_engine(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 1)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20. + 15

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner, outer)

        radius = 10

        for fallback, expected_nfeatures in ((True, 1000), (False, 183)):
            voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius)
            qe = SurfaceVoxelsQueryEngine(voxsel,

            # test i/o and ensure that the loaded instance is trained
            if externals.exists('h5py'):
                fd, qefn = tempfile.mkstemp('qe.hdf5', 'test')
                h5save(qefn, qe)
                qe = h5load(qefn)

            m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

            sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)

            data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
            img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
            ds = fmri_dataset(img)

            sl_map = sl(ds)

            counts = sl_map.samples

            assert_true(np.all(np.logical_and(5 <= counts, counts <= 18)))
            assert_equal(sl_map.nfeatures, expected_nfeatures)
    def test_minimal_dataset(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
        msk = np.ones(vol_shape[:3])
        msk[:, 1:-1:2, :] = 0

        ni_data = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
        ni_msk = nb.Nifti1Image(msk, vol_affine)

        ds = fmri_dataset(ni_data, mask=ni_msk)

        sphere_density = 20
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 7. + 5

        radius = 10
        sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, ds,
                                                       inner, outer)

        sel_fids = set.union(*(set(sel[k]) for k in sel.keys()))

        ds_vox = map(tuple, ds.fa.voxel_indices)

        vg = sel.volgeom
        sel_vox = map(tuple, vg.lin2ijk(np.asarray(list(sel_fids))))

        fid_mask = np.asarray([v in sel_vox for v in ds_vox])
        assert_array_equal(fid_mask, sel.get_dataset_feature_mask(ds))

        # check if it raises errors
        ni_neg_msk = nb.Nifti1Image(1 - msk, vol_affine)
        neg_ds = fmri_dataset(ni_data, mask=ni_neg_msk) # inverted mask

        assert_raises(ValueError, sel.get_dataset_feature_mask, neg_ds)

        min_ds = sel.get_minimal_dataset(ds)
        assert_array_equal(min_ds.samples, ds[:, fid_mask].samples)
    def test_minimal_dataset(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
        msk = np.ones(vol_shape[:3])
        msk[:, 1:-1:2, :] = 0

        ni_data = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
        ni_msk = nb.Nifti1Image(msk, vol_affine)

        ds = fmri_dataset(ni_data, mask=ni_msk)

        sphere_density = 20
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 7. + 5

        radius = 10
        sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, ds,
                                                       inner, outer)

        sel_fids = set.union(*(set(sel[k]) for k in sel.keys()))

        ds_vox = map(tuple, ds.fa.voxel_indices)

        vg = sel.volgeom
        sel_vox = map(tuple, vg.lin2ijk(np.asarray(list(sel_fids))))

        fid_mask = np.asarray([v in sel_vox for v in ds_vox])
        assert_array_equal(fid_mask, sel.get_dataset_feature_mask(ds))

        # check if it raises errors
        ni_neg_msk = nb.Nifti1Image(1 - msk, vol_affine)
        neg_ds = fmri_dataset(ni_data, mask=ni_neg_msk) # inverted mask

        assert_raises(ValueError, sel.get_dataset_feature_mask, neg_ds)

        min_ds = sel.get_minimal_dataset(ds)
        assert_array_equal(min_ds.samples, ds[:, fid_mask].samples)
Пример #21
    def test_surf_border(self):
        s = surf.generate_sphere(3)
        assert_array_equal(s.nodes_on_border(), [False] * 11)

        s = surf.generate_plane((0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), 10, 10)
        b = s.nodes_on_border()
        v = s.vertices

        vb = reduce(np.logical_or,
                    [v[:, 0] == 0, v[:, 1] == 0, v[:, 0] == 9, v[:, 1] == 9])

        assert_array_equal(b, vb)

Пример #22
    def test_surf_border(self):
        s = surf.generate_sphere(3)
        assert_array_equal(s.nodes_on_border(), [False] * 11)

        s = surf.generate_plane((0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), 10, 10)
        b = s.nodes_on_border()
        v = s.vertices

        vb = reduce(np.logical_or, [v[:, 0] == 0, v[:, 1] == 0,
                                    v[:, 0] == 9, v[:, 1] == 9])

        assert_array_equal(b, vb)

    def test_mask_with_keys(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
        msk = np.ones(vol_shape[:3])
        msk[:, 1:-1:2, :] = 0

        ni_data = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
        ni_msk = nb.Nifti1Image(msk, vol_affine)

        ds = fmri_dataset(ni_data, mask=ni_msk)

        sphere_density = 20
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 10.0 + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 7.0 + 5

        radius = 10
        sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, ds, inner, outer)

        # in the mapping below:
        # (tup: None) means that tup as input should raise a KeyError
        # (tup: i) with i an int means that tup as input should return i
        #          elements
        qe_ids2nvoxels = {
            SurfaceVoxelsQueryEngine: {(1, 2, 3): 13, tuple(np.arange(0, 200, 2)): 82, (601,): None, None: 126},
            SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine: {(1, 2, 3): None, (205, 209, 210, 214): 36, None: 126},

        for constructor, ids2nfeatures in qe_ids2nvoxels.iteritems():
            qe = constructor(sel)
            img = qe.get_masked_nifti_image()
            assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), qe.get_masked_nifti_image(qe.ids).get_data())

            img_getter = qe.get_masked_nifti_image
            for ids, nfeatures in ids2nfeatures.iteritems():

                ids_list = ids if ids is None else list(ids)
                if nfeatures is None and ids is not None:
                    assert_raises(KeyError, img_getter, ids_list)
                    img = img_getter(ids_list)
                    nfeatures_found = np.sum(img.get_data())
                    assert_equal(nfeatures, nfeatures_found)
                    if constructor is SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine:
                        expected_image = qe.get_masked_nifti_image(ids_list)
                        expected_mask = expected_image.get_data()
                        check_mask_func = lambda x: assert_array_equal(expected_mask, x)
                        check_image_func = lambda x: check_mask_func(x.get_data()) and assert_array_equal(
                            x.get_affine(), expected_image.get_affine()


                        tups = sel.get_voxel_indices(ids_list)
                        tups_mask = np.zeros(expected_mask.shape)
                        for tup in tups:
                            tups_mask[tup] += 1
                        assert_array_equal(expected_mask != 0, tups_mask != 0)
Пример #24
    def test_surf_voxel_selection(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5

        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 20. + 15

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner)

        nv = outer.nvertices

        # select under variety of parameters
        # parameters are distance metric (dijkstra or euclidean),
        # radius, and number of searchlight  centers
        params = [('d', 1., 10), ('d', 1., 50), ('d', 1., 100), ('d', 2., 100),
                  ('e', 2., 100), ('d', 2., 100), ('d', 20, 100),
                  ('euclidean', 5, None), ('dijkstra', 10, None)]

        # function that indicates for which parameters the full test is run
        test_full = lambda x: len(x[0]) > 1 or x[2] == 100

        expected_labs = ['grey_matter_position', 'center_distances']

        voxcount = []
        tested_double_features = False
        for param in params:
            distance_metric, radius, ncenters = param
            srcs = range(0, nv, nv // (ncenters or nv))
            sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(

            # see how many voxels were selected
            vg = sel.volgeom
            datalin = np.zeros((vg.nvoxels, 1))

            mp = sel
            for k, idxs in mp.iteritems():
                if idxs is not None:
                    datalin[idxs] = 1


            if test_full(param):
                assert_equal(np.sum(datalin), np.sum(sel.get_mask()))

                assert_true(len('%s%r' % (sel, sel)) > 0)

                # see if voxels containing inner and outer
                # nodes were selected
                for sf in [inner, outer]:
                    for k, idxs in mp.iteritems():
                        xyz = np.reshape(sf.vertices[k, :], (1, 3))
                        linidx = vg.xyz2lin(xyz)

                        # only required if xyz is actually within the volume
                        assert_equal(linidx in idxs, vg.contains_lin(linidx))

                # check that it has all the attributes
                labs = sel.aux_keys()

                assert_true(all([lab in labs for lab in expected_labs]))

                if externals.exists('h5py'):
                    # some I/O testing
                    fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp('.h5py', 'test')
                    h5save(fn, sel)

                    sel2 = h5load(fn)

                    assert_equal(sel, sel2)
                    sel2 = sel

                # check that mask is OK even after I/O
                assert_array_equal(sel.get_mask(), sel2.get_mask())

                # test I/O with surfaces
                # XXX the @tempfile decorator only supports a single filename
                #     hence this method does not use it
                fd, outerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('outer.asc', 'test')
                fd, innerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('inner.asc', 'test')
                fd, volfn = tempfile.mkstemp('vol.nii', 'test')

                surf.write(outerfn, outer, overwrite=True)
                surf.write(innerfn, inner, overwrite=True)

                img = sel.volgeom.get_empty_nifti_image()

                sel3 = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(

                outer4 =
                inner4 =
                vsm4 = vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner4, outer4)

                # check that two ways of voxel selection match
                sel4 = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(

                assert_equal(sel3, sel4)


                # compare sel3 with other selection results
                # NOTE: which voxels are precisely selected by sel can be quite
                #       off from those in sel3, as writing the surfaces imposes
                #       rounding errors and the sphere is very symmetric, which
                #       means that different neighboring nodes are selected
                #       to select a certain number of voxels.
                sel3cmp_difference_ratio = [(sel, .2), (sel4, 0.)]
                for selcmp, ratio in sel3cmp_difference_ratio:
                    nunion = ndiff = 0

                    for k in selcmp.keys():
                        p = set(sel3.get(k))
                        q = set(selcmp.get(k))
                        nunion += len(p.union(q))
                        ndiff += len(p.symmetric_difference(q))

                    assert_true(float(ndiff) / float(nunion) <= ratio)

                # check searchlight call
                # as of late Aug 2012, this is with the fancy query engine
                # as implemented by Yarik

                mask = sel.get_mask()
                keys = None if ncenters is None else sel.keys()

                dset_data = np.reshape(np.arange(vg.nvoxels), vg.shape)
                dset_img = nb.Nifti1Image(dset_data, vg.affine)
                dset = fmri_dataset(samples=dset_img, mask=mask)

                qe = queryengine.SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(
                    # you can optionally add additional
                    # information about each near-disk-voxels
                    add_fa=['center_distances', 'grey_matter_position'])

                # test i/o ensuring that when loading it is still trained
                if externals.exists('h5py'):
                    fd, qefn = tempfile.mkstemp('qe.hdf5', 'test')
                    h5save(qefn, qe)
                    qe = h5load(qefn)

                assert_false('ERROR' in repr(qe))  #  to check if repr works
                voxelcounter = _Voxel_Count_Measure()
                searchlight = Searchlight(
                    enable_ca=['roi_feature_ids', 'roi_center_ids'])
                sl_dset = searchlight(dset)

                selected_count = sl_dset.samples[0, :]
                mp = sel
                for i, k in enumerate(sel.keys()):
                    # check that number of selected voxels matches
                    assert_equal(selected_count[i], len(mp[k]))

                assert_equal(, sel.keys())

                assert_array_equal(sl_dset.fa['center_ids'], qe.ids)

                # check nearest node is *really* the nearest node

                allvx = sel.get_targets()
                intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5

                for vx in allvx:
                    nearest = sel.target2nearest_source(vx)

                    xyz = intermediate.vertices[nearest, :]
                    sqsum = np.sum((xyz - intermediate.vertices)**2, 1)

                    idx = np.argmin(sqsum)
                    assert_equal(idx, nearest)

                if not tested_double_features:  # test only once
                    # see if we have multiple features for the same voxel, we would get them all
                    dset1 = dset.copy()
                    dset1.fa['dset'] = [1]
                    dset2 = dset.copy()
                    dset2.fa['dset'] = [2]
                    dset_ = hstack((dset1, dset2), 'drop_nonunique')
                    # dset_.a.imghdr = dset1.a.imghdr
                    assert_true('imghdr' in dset_.a.keys())
                    roi_feature_ids =
                    sl_dset_ = searchlight(dset_)
                    # and we should get twice the counts
                    assert_array_equal(sl_dset_.samples, sl_dset.samples * 2)

                    # compare old and new roi_feature_ids
                    assert (len(roi_feature_ids) == len(
                    nfeatures = dset.nfeatures
                    for old, new in zip(roi_feature_ids,
                        # each new ids should comprise of old ones + (old + nfeatures)
                        # since we hstack'ed two datasets
                            np.hstack([(x, x + nfeatures) for x in old]), new)
                    tested_double_features = True

        # check whether number of voxels were selected is as expected
        expected_voxcount = [22, 93, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183]

        assert_equal(voxcount, expected_voxcount)
Пример #25
    def test_surf(self, temp_fn):
        """Some simple testing with surfaces

        s = surf.generate_sphere(10)

        assert_true(s.nvertices == 102)
        assert_true(s.nfaces == 200)

        v = s.vertices
        f = s.faces

        assert_true(v.shape == (102, 3))
        assert_true(f.shape == (200, 3))

        # another surface
        t = s * 10 + 2
        assert_array_equal(f, t.faces)

        assert_array_equal(v * 10 + 2, t.vertices)

        # allow updating, but should not affect original array
        # CHECKME: maybe we want to throw an exception instead
        assert_true((v * 10 + 2 == t.vertices).all().all())
        assert_true((s.vertices * 10 + 2 == t.vertices).all().all())

        # a few checks on vertices and nodes
        v_check = {
            40: (0.86511144, -0.28109175, -0.41541501),
            10: (0.08706015, -0.26794358, -0.95949297)
        f_check = {10: (7, 8, 1), 40: (30, 31, 21)}

        vf_checks = [(v_check, lambda x: x.vertices),
                     (f_check, lambda x: x.faces)]

        eps = .0001
        for cmap, f in vf_checks:
            for k, v in cmap.iteritems():
                surfval = f(s)[k, :]
                assert_true((abs(surfval - v) < eps).all())

        # make sure same topology fails with different topology
        u = surf.generate_cube()

        # check that neighbours are computed correctly
        # even if we nuke the topology afterwards
        for _ in [0, 1]:
            nbrs = s.neighbors
            n_check = [(0, 96, 0.284629), (40, 39, 0.56218349),
                       (100, 99, 0.1741202)]
            for i, j, k in n_check:
                assert_true(abs(nbrs[i][j] - k) < eps)

        def assign_zero(x):
            x.faces[:, :] = 0
            return None

        assert_raises((ValueError, RuntimeError), assign_zero, s)

        # see if mapping to high res works
        h = surf.generate_sphere(40)

        low2high = s.map_to_high_resolution_surf(h, .1)
        partmap = {7: 141, 8: 144, 9: 148, 10: 153, 11: 157, 12: 281}
        for k, v in partmap.iteritems():
            assert_true(low2high[k] == v)

        # ensure that slow implementation gives same results as fast one
        low2high_slow = s.map_to_high_resolution_surf(h, .1)
        for k, v in low2high.iteritems():
            assert_true(low2high_slow[k] == v)

        #  should fail if epsilon is too small
                      lambda x: x.map_to_high_resolution_surf(h, .01), s)

        n2f = s.node2faces
        for i in xrange(s.nvertices):
            nf = [10] if i < 2 else [5, 6]  # number of faces expected

            assert_true(len(n2f[i]) in nf)

        # test dijkstra distances
        ds2 = s.dijkstra_distance(2)
        some_ds = {
            0: 3.613173280799,
            1: 0.2846296765,
            2: 0.,
            52: 1.87458018,
            53: 2.0487004817,
            54: 2.222820777,
            99: 3.32854360,
            100: 3.328543604,
            101: 3.3285436042

        eps = np.finfo('f').eps
        for k, v in some_ds.iteritems():
            assert_true(abs(v - ds2[k]) < eps)

        # test I/O (through ascii files)
        surf.write(temp_fn, s, overwrite=True)
        s2 =

        # test i/o and ensure that the loaded instance is trained
        if externals.exists('h5py'):
            h5save(temp_fn, s2)
            s2 = h5load(temp_fn)

        assert_array_almost_equal(s.vertices, s2.vertices, 4)
        assert_array_almost_equal(s.faces, s2.faces, 4)

        # test plane (new feature end of August 2012)
        s3 = surf.generate_plane((0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), 10, 20)
        assert_equal(s3.nvertices, 200)
        assert_equal(s3.nfaces, 342)
        assert_array_almost_equal(s3.vertices[-1, :], np.array([18., 19, 0.]))
        assert_array_almost_equal(s3.faces[-1, :], np.array([199, 198, 179]))

        # test bar
        p, q = (0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0)
        s4 = surf.generate_bar(p, q, 10, 12)
        assert_equal(s4.nvertices, 26)
        assert_equal(s4.nfaces, 48)
Пример #26
    def test_volume_mask_dict(self):
        # also tests the outside_node_margin feature
        sh = (10, 10, 10)
        msk = np.zeros(sh)
        for i in xrange(0, sh[0], 2):
            msk[i, :, :] = 1

        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 2

        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sh, vol_affine, mask=msk)

        density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 5. + 5

        intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5
        xyz = intermediate.vertices

        radius = 50

        outside_node_margins = [None, 0, 100., np.inf, True]
        expected_center_count = [87] * 2 + [intermediate.nvertices] * 3
        for k, outside_node_margin in enumerate(outside_node_margins):

            sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(
            assert_equal(intermediate, sel.source)
            assert_equal(len(sel.keys()), expected_center_count[k])
                    set(['center_distances', 'grey_matter_position'])))

            msk_lin = msk.ravel()
            sel_msk_lin = sel.get_mask().ravel()
            for i in xrange(vg.nvoxels):
                if msk_lin[i]:
                    src = sel.target2nearest_source(i)
                    assert_false((src is None) ^ (sel_msk_lin[i] == 0))

                    if src is None:

                    # index of node nearest to voxel i
                    src_anywhere = sel.target2nearest_source(
                        i, fallback_euclidean_distance=True)

                    # coordinates of node nearest to voxel i
                    xyz_src = xyz[src_anywhere]

                    # coordinates of voxel i
                    xyz_trg = vg.lin2xyz(np.asarray([i]))

                    # distance between node nearest to voxel i, and voxel i
                    # this should be the smallest distancer
                    d = volgeom.distance(np.reshape(xyz_src, (1, 3)), xyz_trg)

                    # distances between all nodes and voxel i
                    ds = volgeom.distance(xyz, xyz_trg)

                    # order of the distances
                    is_ds = np.argsort(ds.ravel())

                    # go over all the nodes
                    # require that the node is in the volume
                    # mask

                    # index of node nearest to voxel i
                    ii = np.argmin(ds)

                    xyz_min = xyz[ii]
                    lin_min = vg.xyz2lin([xyz_min])

                    # linear index of voxel that contains xyz_src
                    lin_src = vg.xyz2lin(np.reshape(xyz_src, (1, 3)))

                    # when using multi-core support,
                    # pickling and unpickling can reduce the precision
                    # a little bit, causing rounding errors
                    eps = 1e-14

                    delta = np.abs(ds[ii] - d)
                    assert_false(delta > eps and ii in sel and i in sel[ii]
                                 and vg.contains_lin(lin_min))
Пример #27
    def test_mask_with_keys(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        data = np.random.normal(size=vol_shape)
        msk = np.ones(vol_shape[:3])
        msk[:, 1:-1:2, :] = 0

        ni_data = nb.Nifti1Image(data, vol_affine)
        ni_msk = nb.Nifti1Image(msk, vol_affine)

        ds = fmri_dataset(ni_data, mask=ni_msk)

        sphere_density = 20
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 7. + 5

        radius = 10
        sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, ds,
                                                       inner, outer)

        # in the mapping below:
        # (tup: None) means that tup as input should raise a KeyError
        # (tup: i) with i an int means that tup as input should return i
        #          elements
        qe_ids2nvoxels = {SurfaceVoxelsQueryEngine:
                              {(1, 2, 3): 13,
                               tuple(np.arange(0, 200, 2)): 82,
                               (601,): None,
                               None: 126},
                              {(1, 2, 3): None,
                               (205, 209, 210, 214): 36,
                               None: 126}}

        for constructor, ids2nfeatures in qe_ids2nvoxels.iteritems():
            qe = constructor(sel)
            img = qe.get_masked_nifti_image()

            img_getter = qe.get_masked_nifti_image
            for ids, nfeatures in ids2nfeatures.iteritems():

                ids_list = ids if ids is None else list(ids)
                if nfeatures is None and ids is not None:
                    assert_raises(KeyError, img_getter, ids_list)
                    img = img_getter(ids_list)
                    nfeatures_found = np.sum(img.get_data())
                    assert_equal(nfeatures, nfeatures_found)
                    if constructor is SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine:
                        expected_image = qe.get_masked_nifti_image(ids_list)
                        expected_mask = expected_image.get_data()
                        check_mask_func = lambda x: assert_array_equal(
                            expected_mask, x)
                        check_image_func = lambda x: check_mask_func(
                            x.get_data()) and \


                        tups = sel.get_voxel_indices(ids_list)
                        tups_mask = np.zeros(expected_mask.shape)
                        for tup in tups:
                            tups_mask[tup] += 1
                        assert_array_equal(expected_mask != 0, tups_mask != 0)
    def test_voxel_selection_alternative_calls(self):
        # Tests a multitude of different searchlight calls
        # that all should yield exactly the same results.
        # Calls differ by whether the arguments are filenames
        # or data objects, whether values are specified explicityly
        # or set to the default implicitly (using None).
        # and by different calls to run the voxel selection.
        # This method does not test for mask functionality.

        # define the volume
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5

        # four versions: array, nifti image, file name, fmri dataset
        volarr = np.ones(vol_shape)
        volimg = nb.Nifti1Image(volarr, vol_affine)
        # There is a detected problem with elderly NumPy's (e.g. 1.6.1
        # on precise on travis) leading to segfaults while operating
        # on memmapped volumes being forwarded to pprocess.
        # Thus just making it compressed volume for those cases
        suf = ".gz" if (externals.exists("pprocess") and externals.versions["numpy"] < "1.6.2") else ""
        fd, volfn = tempfile.mkstemp("vol.nii" + suf, "test")
        volds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        fd, volfngz = tempfile.mkstemp("vol.nii.gz", "test")
        voldsgz = fmri_dataset(volfngz)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        # two versions: Surface and file name
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25.0 + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20.0 + 15
        intermediate = inner * 0.5 + outer * 0.5
        nv = outer.nvertices

        fd, outerfn = tempfile.mkstemp("outer.asc", "test")
        fd, innerfn = tempfile.mkstemp("inner.asc", "test")
        fd, intermediatefn = tempfile.mkstemp("intermediate.asc", "test")

        for s, fn in zip([outer, inner, intermediate], [outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]):
            surf.write(fn, s, overwrite=True)

        # searchlight radius (in mm)
        radius = 10.0

        # dataset used to run searchlight on
        ds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        # simple voxel counter (run for each searchlight position)
        m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

        # number of voxels expected in each searchlight
        r_expected = np.array(

        params = dict(
            intermediate_=(intermediate, intermediatefn, None),
            center_nodes_=(None, range(nv)),
            volume_=(volimg, volfn, volds, volfngz, voldsgz),
            surf_src_=("filename", "surf"),
            volume_mask_=(None, True, 0, 2),
            call_method_=("qe", "rvs", "gam"),

        combis = _cartprod(params)  # compute all possible combinations
        combistep = 17  # 173
        # some fine prime number to speed things up
        # if this value becomes too big then not all
        # cases are covered
        # the unit test tests itself whether all values
        # occur at least once

        tested_params = dict()

        def val2str(x):
            return "%r:%r" % (type(x), x)

        for i in xrange(0, len(combis), combistep):
            combi = combis[i]

            intermediate_ = combi["intermediate_"]
            center_nodes_ = combi["center_nodes_"]
            volume_ = combi["volume_"]
            surf_src_ = combi["surf_src_"]
            volume_mask_ = combi["volume_mask_"]
            call_method_ = combi["call_method_"]

            # keep track of which values were used -
            # so that this unit test tests itself

            for k in combi.keys():
                if not k in tested_params:
                    tested_params[k] = set()

            if surf_src_ == "filename":
                s_i, s_m, s_o = inner, intermediate, outer
            elif surf_src_ == "surf":
                s_i, s_m, s_o = innerfn, intermediatefn, outerfn
                raise ValueError("this should not happen")

            if call_method_ == "qe":
                # use the fancy query engine wrapper
                qe = disc_surface_queryengine(
                    radius, volume_, s_i, s_o, s_m, source_surf_nodes=center_nodes_, volume_mask=volume_mask_
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == "rvs":
                # use query-engine but build the
                # ingredients by hand
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius, source_surf=s_m, source_surf_nodes=center_nodes_)
                qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(sel)
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == "gam":
                # build everything from the ground up
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius, source_surf=s_m, source_surf_nodes=center_nodes_)
                mp = sel

                ks = sel.keys()
                nk = len(ks)
                r = np.zeros((1, nk))
                for i, k in enumerate(ks):
                    r[0, i] = len(mp[k])

            # check if result is as expected
            assert_array_equal(r_expected, r)

        # clean up
        all_fns = [volfn, volfngz, outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]
        map(os.remove, all_fns)

        for k, vs in params.iteritems():
            if not k in tested_params:
                raise ValueError("Missing key: %r" % k)
            for v in vs:
                vstr = val2str(v)
                if not vstr in tested_params[k]:
                    raise ValueError("Missing value %r for %s" % (tested_params[k], k))
Пример #29
    def test_surf_voxel_selection(self):
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5

        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(vol_shape, vol_affine)

        density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 20. + 15

        vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner)

        nv = outer.nvertices

        # select under variety of parameters
        # parameters are distance metric (dijkstra or euclidean),
        # radius, and number of searchlight  centers
        params = [('d', 1., 10), ('d', 1., 50), ('d', 1., 100), ('d', 2., 100),
                  ('e', 2., 100), ('d', 2., 100), ('d', 20, 100),
                  ('euclidean', 5, None), ('dijkstra', 10, None)]

        # function that indicates for which parameters the full test is run
        test_full = lambda x:len(x[0]) > 1 or x[2] == 100

        expected_labs = ['grey_matter_position',

        voxcount = []
        tested_double_features = False
        for param in params:
            distance_metric, radius, ncenters = param
            srcs = range(0, nv, nv // (ncenters or nv))
            sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vs, radius,

            # see how many voxels were selected
            vg = sel.volgeom
            datalin = np.zeros((vg.nvoxels, 1))

            mp = sel
            for k, idxs in mp.iteritems():
                if idxs is not None:
                    datalin[idxs] = 1


            if test_full(param):
                assert_equal(np.sum(datalin), np.sum(sel.get_mask()))

                assert_true(len('%s%r' % (sel, sel)) > 0)

                # see if voxels containing inner and outer
                # nodes were selected
                for sf in [inner, outer]:
                    for k, idxs in mp.iteritems():
                        xyz = np.reshape(sf.vertices[k, :], (1, 3))
                        linidx = vg.xyz2lin(xyz)

                        # only required if xyz is actually within the volume
                        assert_equal(linidx in idxs, vg.contains_lin(linidx))

                # check that it has all the attributes
                labs = sel.aux_keys()

                assert_true(all([lab in labs for lab in expected_labs]))

                if externals.exists('h5py'):
                    # some I/O testing
                    fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp('.h5py', 'test'); os.close(fd)
                    h5save(fn, sel)

                    sel2 = h5load(fn)

                    assert_equal(sel, sel2)
                    sel2 = sel

                # check that mask is OK even after I/O
                assert_array_equal(sel.get_mask(), sel2.get_mask())

                # test I/O with surfaces
                # XXX the @tempfile decorator only supports a single filename
                #     hence this method does not use it
                fd, outerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('outer.asc', 'test'); os.close(fd)
                fd, innerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('inner.asc', 'test'); os.close(fd)
                fd, volfn = tempfile.mkstemp('vol.nii', 'test'); os.close(fd)

                surf.write(outerfn, outer, overwrite=True)
                surf.write(innerfn, inner, overwrite=True)

                img = sel.volgeom.get_empty_nifti_image()

                sel3 = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, volfn, innerfn,
                                outerfn, source_surf_nodes=srcs,

                outer4 =
                inner4 =
                vsm4 = vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, inner4, outer4)

                # check that two ways of voxel selection match
                sel4 = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vsm4, radius,

                assert_equal(sel3, sel4)


                # compare sel3 with other selection results
                # NOTE: which voxels are precisely selected by sel can be quite
                #       off from those in sel3, as writing the surfaces imposes
                #       rounding errors and the sphere is very symmetric, which
                #       means that different neighboring nodes are selected
                #       to select a certain number of voxels.
                sel3cmp_difference_ratio = [(sel, .2), (sel4, 0.)]
                for selcmp, ratio in sel3cmp_difference_ratio:
                    nunion = ndiff = 0

                    for k in selcmp.keys():
                        p = set(sel3.get(k))
                        q = set(selcmp.get(k))
                        nunion += len(p.union(q))
                        ndiff += len(p.symmetric_difference(q))

                    assert_true(float(ndiff) / float(nunion) <= ratio)

                # check searchlight call
                # as of late Aug 2012, this is with the fancy query engine
                # as implemented by Yarik

                mask = sel.get_mask()
                keys = None if ncenters is None else sel.keys()

                dset_data = np.reshape(np.arange(vg.nvoxels), vg.shape)
                dset_img = nb.Nifti1Image(dset_data, vg.affine)
                dset = fmri_dataset(samples=dset_img, mask=mask)

                qe = queryengine.SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(sel,
                                    # you can optionally add additional
                                    # information about each near-disk-voxels

                # test i/o ensuring that when loading it is still trained
                if externals.exists('h5py'):
                    fd, qefn = tempfile.mkstemp('qe.hdf5', 'test'); os.close(fd)
                    h5save(qefn, qe)
                    qe = h5load(qefn)

                assert_false('ERROR' in repr(qe))   #  to check if repr works
                voxelcounter = _Voxel_Count_Measure()
                searchlight = Searchlight(voxelcounter, queryengine=qe, roi_ids=keys, nproc=1,
                                          enable_ca=['roi_feature_ids', 'roi_center_ids'])
                sl_dset = searchlight(dset)

                selected_count = sl_dset.samples[0, :]
                mp = sel
                for i, k in enumerate(sel.keys()):
                    # check that number of selected voxels matches
                    assert_equal(selected_count[i], len(mp[k]))

                assert_equal(, sel.keys())

                assert_array_equal(sl_dset.fa['center_ids'], qe.ids)

                # check nearest node is *really* the nearest node

                allvx = sel.get_targets()
                intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5

                for vx in allvx:
                    nearest = sel.target2nearest_source(vx)

                    xyz = intermediate.vertices[nearest, :]
                    sqsum = np.sum((xyz - intermediate.vertices) ** 2, 1)

                    idx = np.argmin(sqsum)
                    assert_equal(idx, nearest)

                if not tested_double_features:           # test only once
                    # see if we have multiple features for the same voxel, we would get them all
                    dset1 = dset.copy()
                    dset1.fa['dset'] = [1]
                    dset2 = dset.copy()
                    dset2.fa['dset'] = [2]
                    dset_ = hstack((dset1, dset2), 'drop_nonunique')
                    #dset_.a.imghdr = dset1.a.imghdr
                    assert_true('imghdr' in dset_.a.keys())
                    assert_equal(dset_.a['imghdr'].value, dset1.a['imghdr'].value)
                    roi_feature_ids =
                    sl_dset_ = searchlight(dset_)
                    # and we should get twice the counts
                    assert_array_equal(sl_dset_.samples, sl_dset.samples * 2)

                    # compare old and new roi_feature_ids
                    assert(len(roi_feature_ids) == len(
                    nfeatures = dset.nfeatures
                    for old, new in zip(roi_feature_ids,
                        # each new ids should comprise of old ones + (old + nfeatures)
                        # since we hstack'ed two datasets
                        assert_array_equal(np.hstack([(x, x + nfeatures) for x in old]),
                    tested_double_features = True

        # check whether number of voxels were selected is as expected
        expected_voxcount = [22, 93, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183, 183]

        assert_equal(voxcount, expected_voxcount)
Пример #30
    def test_surf(self, temp_fn):
        """Some simple testing with surfaces

        s = surf.generate_sphere(10)

        assert_true(s.nvertices == 102)
        assert_true(s.nfaces == 200)

        v = s.vertices
        f = s.faces

        assert_true(v.shape == (102, 3))
        assert_true(f.shape == (200, 3))

        # another surface
        t = s * 10 + 2
        assert_array_equal(f, t.faces)

        assert_array_equal(v * 10 + 2, t.vertices)

        # allow updating, but should not affect original array
        # CHECKME: maybe we want to throw an exception instead
        assert_true((v * 10 + 2 == t.vertices).all().all())
        assert_true((s.vertices * 10 + 2 == t.vertices).all().all())

        # a few checks on vertices and nodes
        v_check = {40:(0.86511144 , -0.28109175, -0.41541501),
                   10:(0.08706015, -0.26794358, -0.95949297)}
        f_check = {10:(7, 8, 1), 40:(30, 31, 21)}

        vf_checks = [(v_check, lambda x:x.vertices),
                     (f_check, lambda x:x.faces)]

        eps = .0001
        for cmap, f in vf_checks:
            for k, v in cmap.iteritems():
                surfval = f(s)[k, :]
                assert_true((abs(surfval - v) < eps).all())

        # make sure same topology fails with different topology
        u = surf.generate_cube()

        # check that neighbours are computed correctly
        # even if we nuke the topology afterwards
        for _ in [0, 1]:
            nbrs = s.neighbors
            n_check = [(0, 96, 0.284629),
                       (40, 39, 0.56218349),
                       (100, 99, 0.1741202)]
            for i, j, k in n_check:
                assert_true(abs(nbrs[i][j] - k) < eps)

        def assign_zero(x):
            x.faces[:, :] = 0
            return None

        assert_raises((ValueError, RuntimeError), assign_zero, s)

        # see if mapping to high res works
        h = surf.generate_sphere(40)

        low2high = s.map_to_high_resolution_surf(h, .1)
        partmap = {7: 141, 8: 144, 9: 148, 10: 153, 11: 157, 12: 281}
        for k, v in partmap.iteritems():
            assert_true(low2high[k] == v)

        # ensure that slow implementation gives same results as fast one
        low2high_slow = s.map_to_high_resolution_surf(h, .1)
        for k, v in low2high.iteritems():
            assert_true(low2high_slow[k] == v)

        #  should fail if epsilon is too small
                      lambda x:x.map_to_high_resolution_surf(h, .01), s)

        n2f = s.node2faces
        for i in xrange(s.nvertices):
            nf = [10] if i < 2 else [5, 6] # number of faces expected

            assert_true(len(n2f[i]) in nf)

        # test dijkstra distances
        ds2 = s.dijkstra_distance(2)
        some_ds = {0: 3.613173280799, 1: 0.2846296765, 2: 0.,
                 52: 1.87458018, 53: 2.0487004817, 54: 2.222820777,
                 99: 3.32854360, 100: 3.328543604, 101: 3.3285436042}

        eps = np.finfo('f').eps
        for k, v in some_ds.iteritems():
            assert_true(abs(v - ds2[k]) < eps)

        # test I/O (through ascii files)
        surf.write(temp_fn, s, overwrite=True)
        s2 =

        # test i/o and ensure that the loaded instance is trained
        if externals.exists('h5py'):
            h5save(temp_fn, s2)
            s2 = h5load(temp_fn)

        assert_array_almost_equal(s.vertices, s2.vertices, 4)
        assert_array_almost_equal(s.faces, s2.faces, 4)

        # test plane (new feature end of August 2012)
        s3 = surf.generate_plane((0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), 10, 20)
        assert_equal(s3.nvertices, 200)
        assert_equal(s3.nfaces, 342)
        assert_array_almost_equal(s3.vertices[-1, :], np.array([18., 19, 0.]))
        assert_array_almost_equal(s3.faces[-1, :], np.array([199, 198, 179]))

        # test bar
        p, q = (0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0)
        s4 = surf.generate_bar(p, q, 10, 12)
        assert_equal(s4.nvertices, 26)
        assert_equal(s4.nfaces, 48)
Пример #31
    def test_volume_mask_dict(self):
        # also tests the outside_node_margin feature
        sh = (10, 10, 10)
        msk = np.zeros(sh)
        for i in xrange(0, sh[0], 2):
            msk[i, :, :] = 1

        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 2

        vg = volgeom.VolGeom(sh, vol_affine, mask=msk)

        density = 10

        outer = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 10. + 5
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(density) * 5. + 5

        intermediate = outer * .5 + inner * .5
        xyz = intermediate.vertices

        radius = 50

        outside_node_margins = [None, 0, 100., np.inf, True]
        expected_center_count = [87] * 2 + [intermediate.nvertices] * 3
        for k, outside_node_margin in enumerate(outside_node_margins):

            sel = surf_voxel_selection.run_voxel_selection(radius, vg, inner,
                                outer, outside_node_margin=outside_node_margin)
            assert_equal(intermediate, sel.source)
            assert_equal(len(sel.keys()), expected_center_count[k])

            msk_lin = msk.ravel()
            sel_msk_lin = sel.get_mask().ravel()
            for i in xrange(vg.nvoxels):
                if msk_lin[i]:
                    src = sel.target2nearest_source(i)
                    assert_false((src is None) ^ (sel_msk_lin[i] == 0))

                    if src is None:

                    # index of node nearest to voxel i
                    src_anywhere = sel.target2nearest_source(i,

                    # coordinates of node nearest to voxel i
                    xyz_src = xyz[src_anywhere]

                    # coordinates of voxel i
                    xyz_trg = vg.lin2xyz(np.asarray([i]))

                    # distance between node nearest to voxel i, and voxel i
                    # this should be the smallest distancer
                    d = volgeom.distance(np.reshape(xyz_src, (1, 3)), xyz_trg)

                    # distances between all nodes and voxel i
                    ds = volgeom.distance(xyz, xyz_trg)

                    # order of the distances
                    is_ds = np.argsort(ds.ravel())

                    # go over all the nodes
                    # require that the node is in the volume
                    # mask

                    # index of node nearest to voxel i
                    ii = np.argmin(ds)

                    xyz_min = xyz[ii]
                    lin_min = vg.xyz2lin([xyz_min])

                    # linear index of voxel that contains xyz_src
                    lin_src = vg.xyz2lin(np.reshape(xyz_src, (1, 3)))

                    # when using multi-core support,
                    # pickling and unpickling can reduce the precision
                    # a little bit, causing rounding errors
                    eps = 1e-14

                    delta = np.abs(ds[ii] - d)
                    assert_false(delta > eps and ii in sel and
                                 i in sel[ii] and
Пример #32
    def test_voxel_selection_alternative_calls(self):
        # Tests a multitude of different searchlight calls
        # that all should yield exactly the same results.
        # Calls differ by whether the arguments are filenames
        # or data objects, whether values are specified explicityly
        # or set to the default implicitly (using None).
        # and by different calls to run the voxel selection.
        # This method does not test for mask functionality.

        # define the volume
        vol_shape = (10, 10, 10, 3)
        vol_affine = np.identity(4)
        vol_affine[0, 0] = vol_affine[1, 1] = vol_affine[2, 2] = 5

        # four versions: array, nifti image, file name, fmri dataset
        volarr = np.ones(vol_shape)
        volimg = nb.Nifti1Image(volarr, vol_affine)
        # There is a detected problem with elderly NumPy's (e.g. 1.6.1
        # on precise on travis) leading to segfaults while operating
        # on memmapped volumes being forwarded to pprocess.
        # Thus just making it compressed volume for those cases
        suf = '.gz' \
            if externals.exists('pprocess') and externals.versions['numpy'] < '1.6.2' \
            else ''
        fd, volfn = tempfile.mkstemp('vol.nii' + suf, 'test')
        volds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        fd, volfngz = tempfile.mkstemp('vol.nii.gz', 'test')
        voldsgz = fmri_dataset(volfngz)

        # make the surfaces
        sphere_density = 10

        # two versions: Surface and file name
        outer = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 25. + 15
        inner = surf.generate_sphere(sphere_density) * 20. + 15
        intermediate = inner * .5 + outer * .5
        nv = outer.nvertices

        fd, outerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('outer.asc', 'test')
        fd, innerfn = tempfile.mkstemp('inner.asc', 'test')
        fd, intermediatefn = tempfile.mkstemp('intermediate.asc', 'test')

        for s, fn in zip([outer, inner, intermediate],
                         [outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]):
            surf.write(fn, s, overwrite=True)

        # searchlight radius (in mm)
        radius = 10.

        # dataset used to run searchlight on
        ds = fmri_dataset(volfn)

        # simple voxel counter (run for each searchlight position)
        m = _Voxel_Count_Measure()

        # number of voxels expected in each searchlight
        r_expected = np.array([[
            18, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10,
            9, 10, 11, 9, 10, 10, 8, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 12, 12, 11, 7, 7, 8, 5,
            9, 11, 11, 12, 12, 9, 5, 8, 7, 7, 12, 12, 13, 12, 12, 7, 7, 8, 5,
            9, 12, 12, 13, 11, 9, 5, 8, 7, 7, 11, 12, 12, 11, 12, 10, 10, 11,
            9, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 16, 13, 16, 16, 16, 17, 15, 17, 17, 17, 16,
            16, 16, 18, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 16

        params = dict(intermediate_=(intermediate, intermediatefn, None),
                      center_nodes_=(None, range(nv)),
                      volume_=(volimg, volfn, volds, volfngz, voldsgz),
                      surf_src_=('filename', 'surf'),
                      volume_mask_=(None, True, 0, 2),
                      call_method_=("qe", "rvs", "gam"))

        combis = _cartprod(params)  # compute all possible combinations
        combistep = 17  #173
        # some fine prime number to speed things up
        # if this value becomes too big then not all
        # cases are covered
        # the unit test tests itself whether all values
        # occur at least once

        tested_params = dict()

        def val2str(x):
            return '%r:%r' % (type(x), x)

        for i in xrange(0, len(combis), combistep):
            combi = combis[i]

            intermediate_ = combi['intermediate_']
            center_nodes_ = combi['center_nodes_']
            volume_ = combi['volume_']
            surf_src_ = combi['surf_src_']
            volume_mask_ = combi['volume_mask_']
            call_method_ = combi['call_method_']

            # keep track of which values were used -
            # so that this unit test tests itself

            for k in combi.keys():
                if not k in tested_params:
                    tested_params[k] = set()

            if surf_src_ == 'filename':
                s_i, s_m, s_o = inner, intermediate, outer
            elif surf_src_ == 'surf':
                s_i, s_m, s_o = innerfn, intermediatefn, outerfn
                raise ValueError('this should not happen')

            if call_method_ == "qe":
                # use the fancy query engine wrapper
                qe = disc_surface_queryengine(radius,
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == 'rvs':
                # use query-engine but build the
                # ingredients by hand
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(
                qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(sel)
                sl = Searchlight(m, queryengine=qe)
                r = sl(ds).samples

            elif call_method_ == 'gam':
                # build everything from the ground up
                vg = volgeom.from_any(volume_, volume_mask_)
                vs = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, s_i, s_o)
                sel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(
                mp = sel

                ks = sel.keys()
                nk = len(ks)
                r = np.zeros((1, nk))
                for i, k in enumerate(ks):
                    r[0, i] = len(mp[k])

            # check if result is as expected
            assert_array_equal(r_expected, r)

        # clean up
        all_fns = [volfn, volfngz, outerfn, innerfn, intermediatefn]
        map(os.remove, all_fns)

        for k, vs in params.iteritems():
            if not k in tested_params:
                raise ValueError("Missing key: %r" % k)
            for v in vs:
                vstr = val2str(v)
                if not vstr in tested_params[k]:
                    raise ValueError("Missing value %r for %s" %
                                     (tested_params[k], k))