def test_remove_img_style_size(): with open( os.path.join(file_directory, "extra", "test_remove_img_style_size.html")) as fn: root = etree.HTML( has_thumbinner_width = [] for n in range(3): xpath = '//*[@id="container_{}"]'.format(n) node = root.xpath(xpath)[0] assert "col-" not in node.attrib["class"] thumbinner = node.xpath('.//*[@class="thumbinner"]')[0] has_thumbinner_width.append(False) if utils.get_node_style(thumbinner).get("width") is not None: has_thumbinner_width[n] = True images.remove_img_style_size(root) for n in range(3): node = root.xpath('//*[@id="container_{}"]'.format(n))[0] if has_thumbinner_width[n]: thumbinner = node.xpath('.//*[@class="thumbinner"]')[0] assert utils.get_node_style(thumbinner).get("width") is None img = node.xpath(".//img")[0] assert utils.get_node_style(img).get("width") is None assert node.attrib.get("width") is None assert img.attrib.get("width") is None assert "col-" in node.attrib["class"]
def test_fix_image_widths_tmulti(): with open( os.path.join(file_directory, "extra", "test_remove_img_style_size.html")) as fn: root = etree.HTML( img_container = root.xpath('//*[@id="container_3"]')[0] thumbinner = img_container.xpath( './/*[contains(@class, "thumbinner")]')[0] assert utils.get_node_style(thumbinner).get("max-width") is not None images.fix_img_style_size_tmulti(root) assert utils.get_node_style(thumbinner).get("max-width") is None
def test_fix_election_diagram(): with open( os.path.join(file_directory, "extra", "test_fix_election_diagram.html")) as fn: root = etree.HTML( node = root.xpath('//div[@boxid="1403"]')[0] styles = utils.get_node_style(node) assert "width" not in styles special.fix_election_charts(root) styles = utils.get_node_style(node) assert "width" in styles assert styles["width"] == "100%"
def fix_election_charts(root): for node in root.xpath( '//div[@class="float-right"]/div[contains(@style, "relative;")]/div' ): styles = utils.get_node_style(node) if "width" not in styles: utils.add_node_style(node, "width", "100%")
def fix_abspos_overlays(root): for container in root.xpath( ('//*[contains(@style, "position")' ' and contains(@style, "relative")]') ): w = utils.get_node_width(container, target_unit="px") h = utils.get_node_height(container, target_unit="px") if not (w and h): img = container.xpath(".//img") if not img: continue img = img[0] w, h = get_img_size(img) for node in container.xpath( ('.//*[contains(@style, "position")' ' and contains(@style, "absolute")]') ): style = utils.get_node_style(node) left = style.get("left") top = style.get("top") for attr in ["left", "top"]: val = locals()[attr] if not val: continue if val.endswith("%"): continue elif val.endswith("px"): val = val[:-2] elif val.isdigit(): pass else: continue try: new_val = 100 * int(float(val)) / (w if attr == "left" else h) except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): continue utils.add_node_style(node, attr, "{}%".format(new_val))
def set_size_attributes(root): """ Set width and height attributes on image (deprecated) """ for img in root.xpath("//img"): variants = ["width", "height"] for variant in variants: if img.get(variant) is None: style = utils.get_node_style(img) value = style.get(variant) try: value = number_re.match(value).group(0) except Exception: continue img.set(variant, value)
def clean_infobox_inner_width(root): for node in root.xpath('//*[contains(@class, "infobox")]//div[contains(@style, "width")]'): if "width" in utils.get_node_style(node): utils.remove_node_styles(node, "width")
def markup_floated_tables(root): for my_table in root.xpath("//table"): styles = utils.get_node_style(my_table) if "float" in styles and styles["float"] == "right": utils.append_class(my_table, "right-floated-table")