def send_verification_mail(userId): # generate new link with type email, then load email texts link = db.add_verification_link(userId, 'email', str(uuid.uuid4().hex)) htmlfile = open('website/templates/mailVerifikation.html', 'r', encoding="utf8") htmltext = htmlfile.close() mailfile = open('website/templates/mailVerifikation.txt', 'r', encoding="utf8") mailtext = mailfile.close() # replace placeholders placeholders = { 'LINK': '' + db.get_model(VerificationLink, link).link } htmlmail = replace_placeholder(htmltext, placeholders) txtmail = replace_placeholder(mailtext, placeholders) # send mail send_mail( db.get_model(User, userId).email, 'Bitte verifiziere Deine E-Mail-Adresse', txtmail, htmlmail)
def is_anon_tid(tid): try: if tid: task = db.get_model(Task, tid) if task and task.ticket_id: uid = db.get_model(Ticket, task.ticket_id).user_id return uid is None or uid is session.get('logged_in') else: return True except AttributeError: return True
def is_anon_task(sample): try: if sample["task_id"]: task = db.get_model(Task, sample["task_id"]) if task and task.ticket_id: uid = db.get_model(Ticket, task.ticket_id).user_id return uid is None or uid is session.get('logged_in') else: return True except AttributeError: return True
def loginRegister(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('LoginRegister.html') if request.method == 'POST': # check if its a login request if 'emailLogin' in request.form: email = request.form['emailLogin'] password = request.form['passwordLogin'] userId = db.get_user_by_email(email) if not userId: return render_template('LoginRegister.html', loginError=True) if check_password_hash( db.get_model(User, userId).password, password): if db.get_model(User, userId).email_authenticated: session['logged_in'] = userId else: return redirect(url_for('nowVerify')) return redirect(url_for('account')) else: return render_template('LoginRegister.html', loginError=True) # check if its a registration request elif 'emailRegister' in request.form: email = request.form['emailRegister'] password = request.form['passwordRegister'] passwordRep = request.form['passwordRepeatRegister'] passwordhash = generate_password_hash(password) # check if E-Mail matches e-mail-pattern if not match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', email): return render_template('LoginRegister.html', mailFormat=True) # check if password fits policies if not checkpw(password): return render_template('LoginRegister.html', weakPw=True) # check if email is already taken if db.get_user_by_email(email): return render_template('LoginRegister.html', emailTaken=True) else: # check if password and password repeat match and if yes create account if password == passwordRep: newUserId = db.add_user(email, passwordhash, 0) send_verification_mail(newUserId) return render_template('verification.html', send=True) else: return render_template('LoginRegister.html', matchError=True) else: return render_template('LoginRegister.html')
def forgotPW(): # TODO send email with reset link if 'email' in request.form: email = request.form['email'] userId = db.get_user_by_email(email) if userId: # generate a new link and add it to database with type password link = db.add_verification_link(userId, 'password', str(uuid.uuid4().hex)) #load email texts htmlfile = open('website/templates/passwordReset.html', 'r', encoding="utf8") htmltext = htmlfile.close() mailfile = open('website/templates/passwordReset.txt', 'r', encoding="utf8") mailtext = mailfile.close() # replace placeholders placeholders = { 'LINK': '' + db.get_model(VerificationLink, link).link } htmlmail = replace_placeholder(htmltext, placeholders) txtmail = replace_placeholder(mailtext, placeholders) # send mail send_mail(email, 'Dein Link zur Passwortänderung', txtmail, htmlmail) return render_template('forgotpw.html', emailsent=True) else: return render_template('forgotpw.html', emailsent=True) return render_template('forgotpw.html')
def account(): userId = session.get('logged_in') if userId: tickets = db.get_tickets_by_user(userId) ticketval_list = [] for ticket in tickets: ticketval_list.append(ticket['ticket_val']) # if user sends form for reset if 'passwordreset' in request.form and 'passwordrep' in request.form: password = request.form['passwordreset'] passwordrep = request.form['passwordrep'] if not checkpw(password): return render_template('account.html', tickets=ticketval_list, weakPw=True) # change password user = db.get_model(User, userId) if user: if check_password_hash(user.password, password): return render_template('account.html', tickets=ticketval_list, samepass=True) elif password == passwordrep: db.update_password(userId, generate_password_hash(password)) return render_template('account.html', tickets=ticketval_list, passreset=True) else: return render_template('account.html', tickets=ticketval_list, matchError=True) return render_template('account.html', notauth=True)
def index(): # A dictionary that translates the selected Operating System Value to the platform name used in cuckoo # TODO: Use the names that are used inside cuckoo osStringDict = { '0': 'notSelected', '1': 'cuckoo_Win7_Home_64bit_ma', '2': 'cuckoo_Win7_Prof_64b_ma', '3': 'cuckoo_Win10_Home_64bit_ma', '4': 'cuckoo_Win10_Pro_64bit_ma', '5': 'cuckoo_Win10_Education_64bit_ma', '6': 'cuckoo_Win10_Pro_Education_64bit_ma', # '7': 'cuckoo_Ubuntu_18.04_64bit_ma', '7': 'cuckoo_Debian_64bit_ma', '8': 'cuckoo_Debian_64bit_ma' } if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('index.html') if request.method == 'POST': # check if a URL analysis has been requested if 'url' in request.form: url = request.form['url'] # getting the selected OS out of the form and translating it to the platform name used in cuckoo selectedOS = request.form['os2'] if selectedOS == '0': return render_template('error.html', typeError=False, unknownTicket=False, noURL=False, noOS=True) else: # setting the platform option for the cuckoo submit function options = {'machine': osStringDict[selectedOS]} # submit to cuckoo cuckooticketID = submit([], url, options, user_id=session.get('logged_in')) if cuckooticketID: return redirect( url_for('analysisstarted', ticket=db.get_model( Ticket, cuckooticketID).ticket_val)) else: return render_template('error.html', typeError=False, unknownTicket=False, noURL=True, noOS=False) # check if the post request contains a file / a file analysis has been requested if 'file[0]' not in request.files: return redirect(request.url) file = request.files['file[0]'] # if user did not select a file, or it has no name if file.filename == '': return redirect(request.url) if file: # sanitising filename filename = secure_filename(file.filename) # safe file inside the upload folder path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) # getting the selected OS out of the form and translating it to the platform name used in cuckoo selectedOS = request.form['os1'] if selectedOS == '0': return render_template('error.html', typeError=False, unknownTicket=False, noURL=False, noOS=True) else: # setting the platform option for the cuckoo submit function options = {'machine': osStringDict[selectedOS]} # submit file to cuckoo cuckooticketID = submit(path, [], options, user_id=session.get('logged_in')) os.remove(path) if cuckooticketID: return db.get_model(Ticket, cuckooticketID).ticket_val else: return 'Error'
def admin(): user = session.get('logged_in') if not user: abort(404) # check if a admin is logged in, if not pretend there is no page /admin if db.get_model(User, user).privilege_level != 99: abort(404) if request.method == 'GET': dbconnection = True # make a list of lists with size 4 of all running tasks to display at the admin page try: runningTasks = db.list_tasks(status='running') except: dbconnection = False runningTasks = [task.to_dict() for task in runningTasks] # shorten tagret path so its only the filename for task in runningTasks: task['target'] = os.path.basename(task['target']) runningTasks4Packs = [ runningTasks[x:x + 4] for x in range(0, len(runningTasks), 4) ] status = get_cuckoo_status() totalram = to_gb(status['memtotal']) freeram = to_gb(status['memavail']) # get free disk space and turn bytes into gigabytes totalspace = str( round( status['diskspace']['analyses']['total'] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2)) freespace = str( round(status['diskspace']['analyses']['free'] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2)) usedspace = str( round(status['diskspace']['analyses']['used'] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2)) #get the cpuusage and the nr. of machines connected to cuckoo and analyzing right now cpuload = status['cpuload'] machinesavailable = status['machines']['available'] machinestotal = status['machines']['total'] adminlist = db.get_users_by_privilege(99) adminlist = [adminuser['email'] for adminuser in adminlist] return render_template('admin.html', tasklist=runningTasks4Packs, db=dbconnection, totalram=totalram, freeram=freeram, cpuload=cpuload, machinesavailable=machinesavailable, machinestotal=machinestotal, totalspace=totalspace, freespace=freespace, usedspace=usedspace, adminlist=adminlist) elif request.method == 'POST': userId = db.get_user_by_email(request.form['email']) privilege_level = request.form['priv'] if userId: db.set_user_privilege(privilege_level, userId) return redirect(url_for('admin'))