Пример #1
def _fastr_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    The specific additional gates tasks provided by FastR:
    1. Copyright check
    2. Check that ExpectedTestOutput file is in sync with unit tests
    3. Unit tests
    # FastR has custom copyright check
    with mx_gate.Task('Copyright check', tasks) as t:
        if t:
            if mx.checkcopyrights(['--primary']) != 0:
                t.abort('copyright errors')

    # check that the expected test output file is up to date
    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests: ExpectedTestOutput file check', tasks) as t:
        if t:
            mx_unittest.unittest(['-Dfastr.test.gen.expected=' + _test_srcdir(), '-Dfastr.test.check.expected'] + _gate_unit_tests())

    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests: no specials', tasks) as t:
        if t:
            mx_unittest.unittest(['-DR:-UseSpecials'] + _gate_noapps_unit_tests())

    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests: with specials', tasks) as t:
        if t:

    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests: apps', tasks) as t:
        if t:
Пример #2
def _fastr_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    The specific additional gates tasks provided by FastR:
    1. Copyright check
    2. Check that ExpectedTestOutput file is in sync with unit tests
    3. Unit tests
    # FastR has custom copyright check
    with mx_gate.Task('Copyright check', tasks) as t:
        if t:
            if mx.checkcopyrights(['--primary']) != 0:
                t.abort('copyright errors')

    # check that the expected test output file is up to date
    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests: ExpectedTestOutput file check', tasks) as t:
        if t:
            if junit([
                    _gate_noapps_unit_tests(), '--check-expected-output'
            ]) != 0:
                t.abort('unit tests expected output check failed')

    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests', tasks) as t:
        if t:
            if junit(['--tests', _gate_noapps_unit_tests()]) != 0:
                t.abort('unit tests failed')
Пример #3
def _add_copyright_checks(tasks):
    with mx_gate.Task('Check Copyrights', tasks,
                      tags=[mx_gate.Tags.style]) as t:
        if t:
            if mx.checkcopyrights(['--primary']) != 0:
                t.abort('Copyright errors found. Please run "mx '
                        'checkcopyrights --primary -- --fix" to fix them.')
Пример #4
def runSuite(args=None):
    """executes all the test suites or selected ones (see -h or --help)"""
    vmArgs, otherArgs = mx_sulong.truffle_extract_VM_args(args)
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compiles all or selected test suites.")
    parser.add_argument('suite', nargs='*', help=' '.join(testSuites.keys()), default=testSuites.keys())
    parsedArgs = parser.parse_args(otherArgs)

    tasks = []
    with mx_gate.Task('BuildJavaWithJavac', tasks) as t:
        if t: mx.command_function('build')(['-p', '--warning-as-error', '--force-javac'])

    for testSuiteName in parsedArgs.suite:
        with mx_gate.Task('Test%s' % testSuiteName.capitalize(), tasks) as t:
            if t:
                _, runCommand = testSuites[testSuiteName]
Пример #5
def _add_unit_tests(tasks, supports_coverage):
    with mx_gate.Task('TruffleSqueak JUnit and SUnit tests',
                      tags=['test']) as t:
        if t:
            unittest_args = VM_ARGS_TESTING[:]
            if supports_coverage:
                '--suite', 'trufflesqueak', '--very-verbose', '--color',
            if _COMPILER:

            # Ensure Truffle TCK disabled (workaround needed since GraalVM 19.2.0)
            # import mx_truffle
            # mx_unittest._config_participants.remove(
            #     mx_truffle._unittest_config_participant_tck)
Пример #6
def _trufflesqueak_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    os.environ['MX_GATE'] = 'true'
    supports_coverage = '--jacocout' in sys.argv

    # _add_tck_tests(tasks, supports_coverage)
    _add_unit_tests(tasks, supports_coverage)

    if supports_coverage:
        with mx_gate.Task('Report Code Coverage', tasks, tags=['test']) as t:
            if t:
                mx.command_function('jacocoreport')(['--format', 'xml', '.'])
Пример #7
def _add_tck_tests(tasks, supports_coverage):
    with mx_gate.Task('GraalSqueak TCK tests', tasks, tags=['test']) as t:
        if t:
            unittest_args = BASE_VM_ARGS_TESTING[:]
            if supports_coverage:
            test_image = _get_path_to_test_image()
                '--color', '--fail-fast',
                '-Dtck.language=%s' % LANGUAGE_ID,
                '-Dpolyglot.%s.headless=true' % LANGUAGE_ID,
                '-Dpolyglot.%s.image-path=%s' % (LANGUAGE_ID, test_image),
Пример #8
def _add_unit_tests(tasks, supports_coverage):
    with mx_gate.Task('GraalSqueak JUnit and SUnit tests',
                      tasks, tags=['test']) as t:
        if t:
            unittest_args = BASE_VM_ARGS_TESTING[:]
            if supports_coverage:
            unittest_args.extend(['--suite', 'graalsqueak', '--very-verbose',
                                  '--color', '--enable-timing'])

            # Ensure Truffle TCK disabled (workaround needed since GraalVM 19.2.0)
            # import mx_truffle
            # mx_unittest._config_participants.remove(
            #     mx_truffle._unittest_config_participant_tck)
Пример #9
def _fastr_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    with mx_gate.Task('Setup no specials',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.no_specials]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_OPTION_UseSpecials'] = 'false'

    with mx_gate.Task('Setup no dsl cache',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.no_dsl_cache]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_OPTION_DSLCacheSizeFactor'] = '0'

    with mx_gate.Task('SetupLLVM', tasks, tags=[FastRGateTags.llvm]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_RFFI'] = 'llvm'

    with mx_gate.Task('GCTorture1', tasks,
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.gc_torture1]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_GCTORTURE'] = '1'

    with mx_gate.Task('GCTorture3', tasks,
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.gc_torture3]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_GCTORTURE'] = '3'

    with mx_gate.Task('VerySlowAsserts',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.very_slow_asserts]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_TEST_VERY_SLOW_ASSERTS'] = 'true'
    The specific additional gates tasks provided by FastR.
    with mx_gate.Task('ExtSoftVersions', tasks,
                      tags=[mx_gate.Tags.always]) as t:
        if t:
            new_env = os.environ.copy()
            new_env['R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES'] = 'base'
            run_r(['-q', '-e', 'extSoftVersion()'], 'R', env=new_env)

    with mx_gate.Task('LibsInfo', tasks, tags=[mx_gate.Tags.always]) as t:
        if t:
            mx.log("Libraries captured in FASTR_HOME/lib:")
            lib_dir = os.path.join(_fastr_suite.dir, 'lib')
            ldd = ['otool', '-L'] if platform.system() == 'Darwin' else ['ldd']
            for f in os.listdir(lib_dir):
                full_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, f)
                mx.run(['file', full_path], nonZeroIsFatal=False)
                mx.run(['objdump', '-s', '--section', '.comment', full_path],
                mx.log('---\nlinking info:')
                mx.run(ldd + [full_path], nonZeroIsFatal=False)

    # ---------------------------------
    # Style checks:

    # FastR has custom copyright check
    with mx_gate.Task('Copyright check', tasks,
                      tags=[mx_gate.Tags.style]) as t:
        if t:
            if mx.checkcopyrights(['--primary']) != 0:
                t.abort('copyright errors')

    # check that the expected test output file is up to date
    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests: ExpectedTestOutput file check',
                      tags=[mx_gate.Tags.style]) as t:
        if t:
                '-Dfastr.test.gen.expected=' +
                _test_srcdir(), '-Dfastr.test.check.expected=true'
            ] + _gate_unit_tests())

    # ----------------------------------
    # Basic tests:

    with mx_gate.Task(
            tags=[FastRGateTags.basic_tests, FastRGateTags.unit_tests]) as t:
        if t:

    with mx_gate.Task('Rembedded', tasks,
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.basic_tests]) as t:
        if t:
            if rembedtest([]) != 0:
                t.abort("Rembedded tests failed")

    # ----------------------------------
    # Package tests:

    with mx_gate.Task('Recommended load test',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.recommended_load]) as t:
        if t:
            # Note: this is a convenience mx gate job for testing the loading of recommended packages
            # We also test the loading of recommended pkgs in the "graalvm-tests"
            if not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(_fastr_suite.dir, 'library', 'spatial')):
                    'Recommended packages seem to be not installed in FastR. Did you forget to build with FASTR_RELEASE=true?'
            pkgs = [
                'codetools', 'MASS', 'boot', 'class', 'cluster', 'lattice',
                'nnet', 'spatial', 'Matrix', 'KernSmooth', 'foreign', 'nlme',
                'rpart', 'survival'
            # Creates code that looks like: require(codetools) && require(MASS) && ...
            require_stmts = ' && '.join(
                ['require(' + pkg + ')' for pkg in pkgs])
            test_load = 'if (!(' + require_stmts + ')) q(status=1) else q(status=42)'
            if run_r(['--vanilla', '-e', test_load], 'R',
                     nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 42:
                mx.abort("Loading of recommended packages failed")

    with mx_gate.Task('Internal pkg test',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.internal_pkgs_test]) as t:
        if t:

    # CRAN packages are listed in files com.oracle.truffle.r.test.packages/gated0, gated1, ...
    # We loop over all such files and crete gate task for each of them
    # See also documentation in FastRGateTags.cran_pkgs_tests
    for i in range(1, 1000):
        list_file = os.path.join(
            'com.oracle.truffle.r.test.packages/gated' + str(i))
        if not os.path.exists(list_file):
        with mx_gate.Task('CRAN pkg test: ' + str(i),
                          tags=[FastRGateTags.cran_pkgs_test + str(i)]) as t:
            if t:
                check_last = False if mx_gate.Task.tags is None else FastRGateTags.cran_pkgs_test_check_last in mx_gate.Task.tags  # pylint: disable=unsupported-membership-test
                if check_last:
                    next_file = os.path.join(
                        'com.oracle.truffle.r.test.packages/gated' +
                        str(i + 1))
                    if os.path.exists(next_file):
                            "File %s exists, but the gate thinks that %s is the last file. Did you forget to update the gate configuration?"
                            % (next_file, list_file))
Пример #10
def _fastr_gate_runner(args, tasks):
    with mx_gate.Task('Setup no specials',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.no_specials]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_OPTION_UseSpecials'] = 'false'

    with mx_gate.Task('Setup no dsl cache',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.no_dsl_cache]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_OPTION_DSLCacheSizeFactor'] = '0'

    with mx_gate.Task('SetupLLVM', tasks, tags=[FastRGateTags.llvm]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_RFFI'] = 'llvm'

    with mx_gate.Task('GCTorture1', tasks,
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.gc_torture1]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_GCTORTURE'] = '1'

    with mx_gate.Task('GCTorture5', tasks,
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.gc_torture5]) as t:
        if t:
            os.environ['FASTR_GCTORTURE'] = '5'
    The specific additional gates tasks provided by FastR.
    with mx_gate.Task('ExtSoftVersions', tasks,
                      tags=[mx_gate.Tags.always]) as t:
        if t:
            new_env = os.environ.copy()
            new_env['R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES'] = 'base'
            run_r(['-q', '-e', 'extSoftVersion()'], 'R', env=new_env)

    # ---------------------------------
    # Style checks:

    # FastR has custom copyright check
    with mx_gate.Task('Copyright check', tasks,
                      tags=[mx_gate.Tags.style]) as t:
        if t:
            if mx.checkcopyrights(['--primary']) != 0:
                t.abort('copyright errors')

    # check that the expected test output file is up to date
    with mx_gate.Task('UnitTests: ExpectedTestOutput file check',
                      tags=[mx_gate.Tags.style]) as t:
        if t:
                '-Dfastr.test.gen.expected=' +
                _test_srcdir(), '-Dfastr.test.check.expected=true'
            ] + _gate_unit_tests())

    # ----------------------------------
    # Basic tests:

    with mx_gate.Task(
            tags=[FastRGateTags.basic_tests, FastRGateTags.unit_tests]) as t:
        if t:

    with mx_gate.Task('Rembedded', tasks,
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.basic_tests]) as t:
        if t:
            if rembedtest([]) != 0:
                t.abort("Rembedded tests failed")

    # ----------------------------------
    # Package tests:

    with mx_gate.Task('Recommended load test',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.recommended_load]) as t:
        if t:
            # Note: this is a convenience mx gate job for testing the loading of recommended packages
            # We also test the loading of recommended pkgs in the "graalvm-tests"
            if not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(_fastr_suite.dir, 'library', 'spatial')):
                    'Recommended packages seem to be not installed in FastR. Did you forget to build with FASTR_RELEASE=true?'
            pkgs = [
                'codetools', 'MASS', 'boot', 'class', 'cluster', 'lattice',
                'nnet', 'spatial', 'Matrix', 'KernSmooth', 'foreign', 'nlme',
                'rpart', 'survival'
            # TODO: removed failing "KernSmooth" and "cluster" on LLVM, GR-20406
            if os.environ.get('FASTR_RFFI') == 'llvm':
            # Creates code that looks like: require(codetools) && require(MASS) && ...
            require_stmts = ' && '.join(
                ['require(' + pkg + ')' for pkg in pkgs])
            test_load = 'if (!(' + require_stmts + ')) q(status=1) else q(status=42)'
            if run_r(['--vanilla', '-e', test_load], 'R',
                     nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 42:
                mx.abort("Loading of recommended packages failed")

    with mx_gate.Task('Internal pkg test',
                      tags=[FastRGateTags.internal_pkgs_test]) as t:
        if t:
            list_file = os.path.join(
            if os.environ.get('FASTR_RFFI') == 'llvm':
                list_file_llvm = list_file + '.llvm'
                if os.path.exists(list_file_llvm):
                    list_file = list_file_llvm
            if os.environ.get('FASTR_GCTORTURE') != '':
                list_file_gctorture = list_file + '.gctorture'
                if os.path.exists(list_file_gctorture):
                    list_file = list_file_gctorture
            result = pkgtest(
                ["--verbose", "--repos", "FASTR", "--pkg-filelist", list_file])
            if result != 0:
                mx.abort("internal package test failed")

    # CRAN packages are listed in files com.oracle.truffle.r.test.packages/gated0, gated1, ...
    # We loop over all such files and crete gate task for each of them
    # See also documentation in FastRGateTags.cran_pkgs_tests
    for i in range(1, 1000):
        list_file = os.path.join(
            'com.oracle.truffle.r.test.packages/gated' + str(i))
        if not os.path.exists(list_file):
        with mx_gate.Task('CRAN pkg test: ' + str(i),
                          tags=[FastRGateTags.cran_pkgs_test + str(i)]) as t:
            if t:
                check_last = False if mx_gate.Task.tags is None else FastRGateTags.cran_pkgs_test_check_last in mx_gate.Task.tags  # pylint: disable=unsupported-membership-test
                if check_last:
                    next_file = os.path.join(
                        'com.oracle.truffle.r.test.packages/gated' +
                        str(i + 1))
                    if os.path.exists(next_file):
                            "File %s exists, but the gate thinks that %s is the last file. Did you forget to update the gate configuration?"
                            % (next_file, list_file))
                cache_arg = os.environ.get('FASTR_PKGS_CACHE_OPT')
                if cache_arg is None:
                    cache_arg = []
                        "If you want to use R packages cache, export environment variable FASTR_PKGS_CACHE_OPT. See option '--cache-pkgs' of 'mx pkgtest' for the syntax."
                    cache_arg = ['--cache-pkgs', cache_arg]
                result = pkgtest(
                    ["--verbose"] + cache_arg +
                    ["--repos", "SNAPSHOT", "--pkg-filelist", list_file])
                if result != 0:
                    mx.abort("package test failed")