Пример #1
def beamline_set_attribute(name):
    Tries to set <name> to value, replies with the following json:

        {name: <name>, value: <value>, msg: <msg>, state: <state>

    Where msg is an arbitrary msg to user, state is the internal state
    of the set operation (for the moment, VALID, ABORTED, ERROR).

    Replies with status code 200 on success and 520 on exceptions.
    data = json.loads(request.data)

    if name.lower() == "detdist":
        ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole("dtox")
        ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole(name.lower())

        logging.getLogger('HWR').info("Setting bl attribute %s to %s" %(name, data["value"]))
        res = ho.dict_repr()
        code = 200
    except Exception as ex:
        res = ho.dict_repr()
        res["value"] = ho.get()
        res["state"] = "UNUSABLE"
        res["msg"] = "submitted value out of limits"
        code = 520
        logging.getLogger('HWR').error("Error setting bl attribute: " + str(ex))

    response = jsonify(res)
    response.code = code
    return response
Пример #2
def safety_shutter_state_changed(values):
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole("safety_shutter")
    data = ho.dict_repr()
        socketio.emit("beamline_value_change", data, namespace="/hwr")
    except Exception:
        logging.getLogger("HWR").error('error sending message: %s' + str(data))
Пример #3
def beamline_set_attribute(name):
    Tries to set <name> to value, replies with the following json:

        {name: <name>, value: <value>, msg: <msg>, state: <state>

    Where msg is an arbitrary msg to user, state is the internal state
    of the set operation (for the moment, VALID, ABORTED, ERROR).

    Replies with status code 200 on success and 520 on exceptions.
    data = json.loads(request.data)
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole(name.lower())

        data = ho.dict_repr()
        result, code = json.dumps(data), 200
    except Exception as ex:
        data["value"] = ho.get()
        data["state"] = "UNUSABLE"
        data["msg"] = str(ex)
        result, code = json.dumps(data), 520

    return Response(result, status=code, mimetype='application/json')
Пример #4
def beamline_set_attribute(name):
    Tries to set <name> to value, replies with the following json:

        {name: <name>, value: <value>, msg: <msg>, state: <state>

    Where msg is an arbitrary msg to user, state is the internal state
    of the set operation (for the moment, VALID, ABORTED, ERROR).

    Replies with status code 200 on success and 520 on exceptions.
    data = json.loads(request.data)
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole(name.lower())

        data = ho.dict_repr()
        result, code = json.dumps(data), 200
    except Exception as ex:
        data["value"] = ho.get()
        data["state"] = "UNUSABLE"
        data["msg"] = str(ex)
        result, code = json.dumps(data), 520

    return Response(result, status=code, mimetype='application/json')
Пример #5
def beamline_get_attribute(name):
    Retrieves value of attribute <name>, replies with the following json:

        {name: <name>, value: <value>, msg: <msg>, state: <state>

    Where msg is an arbitrary msg to user, state is the internal state
    of the get operation (for the moment, VALID, ABORTED, ERROR).

    Replies with status code 200 on success and 520 on exceptions.
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole(name.lower())
    data = {"name": name, "value": ""}

        data = ho.dict_repr()
        code = 200
    except Exception as ex:
        data["value"] = ""
        data["state"] = "UNUSABLE"
        data["msg"] = str(ex)
        code = 520

    response = jsonify(data)
    response.code = code
    return response
Пример #6
def beamline_get_attribute(name):
    Retrieves value of attribute <name>, replies with the following json:

        {name: <name>, value: <value>, msg: <msg>, state: <state>

    Where msg is an arbitrary msg to user, state is the internal state
    of the get operation (for the moment, VALID, ABORTED, ERROR).

    Replies with status code 200 on success and 520 on exceptions.
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole(name.lower())
    data = {"name": name, "value": ""}

        data = ho.dict_repr()
        code = 200
    except Exception as ex:
        data["value"] = ""
        data["state"] = "UNUSABLE"
        data["msg"] = str(ex)
        code = 520
    response = jsonify(data)
    response.code = code
    return response
Пример #7
def safety_shutter_state_changed(values):
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline).getObjectByRole("safety_shutter")
    data = ho.dict_repr()
        socketio.emit("beamline_value_change", data, namespace="/hwr")
    except Exception:
        logging.getLogger("HWR").error('error sending message: %s' + str(data))
Пример #8
def beamline_get_all_attributes():
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline)
    data = ho.dict_repr()
    actions = list()
        cmds = mxcube.actions.getCommands()
    except Exception:
        cmds = []
    for cmd in cmds:
        args = []
        for arg in cmd.getArguments():
          argname = arg[0]; argtype = arg[1]
          args.append({ "name": argname, "type": argtype })
          if argtype == 'combo':
            args[-1]["items"] = cmd.getComboArgumentItems(argname)
        actions.append({ "name": cmd.name(), "username": cmd.userName(), "state": READY, "arguments": args, "messages": [] })
    data.update({'path': mxcube.session.get_base_image_directory(), 'actionsList': actions })
    return jsonify(data)
Пример #9
def beamline_get_all_attributes():
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline)
    data = ho.dict_repr()
    actions = list()
        cmds = mxcube.actions.getCommands()
    except Exception:
        cmds = []
    for cmd in cmds:
        args = []
        for arg in cmd.getArguments():
          argname = arg[0]; argtype = arg[1]
          args.append({ "name": argname, "type": argtype })
          if argtype == 'combo':
            args[-1]["items"] = cmd.getComboArgumentItems(argname)

        actions.append({ "name": cmd.name(), "username": cmd.userName(), "state": READY, "arguments": args, "messages": [] })

    data.update({'availableMethods': ho.get_available_methods()})
    data.update({'path': mxcube.session.get_base_image_directory(), 'actionsList': actions })
    data.update({'energyScanElements': ho.get_available_elements().get("elements", [])})

    return jsonify(data)
Пример #10
def beamline_get_all_attributes():
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline)
    data = ho.dict_repr()
    return Response(json.dumps(data), status=200, mimetype='application/json')
Пример #11
def beamline_get_all_attributes():
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline)
    data = ho.dict_repr()
    data.update({'path': mxcube.session.get_base_image_directory()})
    return Response(json.dumps(data), status=200, mimetype='application/json')
Пример #12
def beamline_get_all_attributes():
    ho = BeamlineSetupMediator(mxcube.beamline)
    data = ho.dict_repr()
    data.update({'path': mxcube.session.get_base_image_directory()})
    return Response(json.dumps(data), status=200, mimetype='application/json')