def test_slice_like():
    a = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
    b = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y//2, LARGE_X//2)))
    c = nd.slice_like(a, b)
    d = nd.slice_like(a, b, axes=(0))
    e = nd.slice_like(a, b, axes=(-1))
    assert c.shape == b.shape
    assert d.shape[0] == b.shape[0]
    assert e.shape[-1] == b.shape[-1]
    assert c[0][-1] == 0
    assert d[-1][0] == (SMALL_Y//2-1)
    assert e[-1][-1] == (SMALL_Y-1)
Пример #2
def test_slice_like():
    a = create_vector(size=LARGE_X)
    b = nd.ones(LARGE_X // 2)
    c = nd.slice_like(a, b)
    assert c.shape == b.shape
    assert c[0] == 0
    assert c[-1] == (LARGE_X // 2 - 1)
Пример #3
    def forward(self, x):
        """Slice anchors given the input image shape.

            - **x**: input tensor with (1 x C x H x W) shape.
            - **out**: output anchor with (1, N, 4) shape. N is the number of anchors.

        anchors = self.anchors.value
        anchors = anchors.as_in_context(x.context)
        a = nd.slice_like(anchors, x * 0, axes=(2, 3))
        return a.reshape((1, -1, 4))
Пример #4
    def do(self,
           img: nd.NDArray,
           gts: nd.NDArray):
        生成训练目标, bbox 为 padding 之后的
        :param img:         输入图片 [B, 3, 416, 416]
        :param gts:    GT 边框 [B, M, 5],M 为边框个数
        # initializing targets
        C, H, W = img.shape
        xs = [nd.zeros(shape=(1, 1, H // s, W // s)) for s in self._strides]
        anchors = [nd.array(an).reshape(1, 1, -1, 2) for an in self._anchors]
        offsets = [nd.slice_like(self._offsets, x, axes=(2, 3)).reshape(1, -1, 1, 2) for x in xs]
        gt_boxes = gts[..., :4][None]
        gt_ids = gts[..., 4:5][None]

        assert isinstance(anchors, (list, tuple))
        all_anchors = mx.nd.concat(*[a.reshape(-1, 2) for a in anchors], dim=0)
        assert isinstance(offsets, (list, tuple))
        all_offsets = mx.nd.concat(*[o.reshape(-1, 2) for o in offsets], dim=0)
        num_anchors = np.cumsum([a.size // 2 for a in anchors])
        num_offsets = np.cumsum([o.size // 2 for o in offsets])
        _offsets = [0] + num_offsets.tolist()
        assert isinstance(xs, (list, tuple))
        assert len(xs) == len(anchors) == len(offsets)

        # orig image size
        orig_height = H
        orig_width = W
        with mx.autograd.pause():
            # outputs
            shape_like = all_anchors.reshape((1, -1, 2)) * all_offsets.reshape(
                (-1, 1, 2)).expand_dims(0).repeat(repeats=gt_ids.shape[0], axis=0)
            center_targets: mx.nd.NDArray = mx.nd.zeros_like(shape_like)
            scale_targets: mx.nd.NDArray = mx.nd.zeros_like(center_targets)
            bbox_targets: mx.nd.NDArray = mx.nd.concat(*[s.copy() for s in [center_targets, scale_targets]], dim=-1)
            weights: mx.nd.NDArray = mx.nd.zeros_like(center_targets)
            objectness: mx.nd.NDArray = mx.nd.zeros_like(weights.split(axis=-1, num_outputs=2)[0])
            class_targets: mx.nd.NDArray = mx.nd.one_hot(objectness.squeeze(axis=-1), depth=self._num_classes)
            class_targets[:] = -1  # prefill -1 for ignores

            # for each ground-truth, find the best matching anchor within the particular grid
            # for instance, center of object 1 reside in grid (3, 4) in (16, 16) feature map
            # then only the anchor in (3, 4) is going to be matched
            gtx, gty, gtw, gth = self.bbox2center(gt_boxes)
            shift_gt_boxes = mx.nd.concat(-0.5 * gtw, -0.5 * gth, 0.5 * gtw, 0.5 * gth, dim=-1)
            anchor_boxes = mx.nd.concat(0 * all_anchors, all_anchors, dim=-1)  # zero center anchors
            shift_anchor_boxes = self.bbox2corner(anchor_boxes)
            ious = mx.nd.contrib.box_iou(shift_anchor_boxes, shift_gt_boxes).transpose((1, 0, 2))
            # real value is required to process, convert to Numpy
            # matches = ious.argmax(axis=1).asnumpy()  # (B, M)
            # 嵌套list,分别是 batch、gt_box, matched。如下
            # [[[0, 3], [2], [1]]] 代表第一个batch0 中的 gtbox0 匹配 anchor0、3,gtbox1 匹配 anchor2,gtbox3 匹配 anchor1
            matches = []
            for b in range(ious.shape[0]):
                batch = []
                for gt_idx in range(ious.shape[2]):
                    gt_matched_anchor_idx = []
                    ious_between_gt_anchors = ious[b, :, gt_idx]
                    sorted_iou_anchor_idx = ious[b, :, gt_idx].argsort(is_ascend=False, dtype='int32').asnumpy()
                    # for anchor_idx in sorted_iou_anchor_idx[1:]:
                    #     if ious_between_gt_anchors[anchor_idx] > 0.5:
                    #         gt_matched_anchor_idx.append(anchor_idx)
                    #     else:
                    #         break

            valid_gts = (gt_boxes >= 0).asnumpy().prod(axis=-1)  # (B, M)
            np_gtx, np_gty, np_gtw, np_gth = [x.asnumpy() for x in [gtx, gty, gtw, gth]]
            np_anchors = all_anchors.asnumpy()
            np_gt_ids = gt_ids.asnumpy()
            # np_gt_mixratios = gt_mixratio.asnumpy() if gt_mixratio is not None else None
            # TODO(zhreshold): the number of valid gt is not a big number, therefore for loop
            # should not be a problem right now. Switch to better solution is needed.
            for b, batch in enumerate(matches):
                for g, gt_matches in enumerate(batch):
                    for a, anchor_idx in enumerate(gt_matches):
                        if valid_gts[b, g] < 1:
                        match = anchor_idx
                        nlayer = np.nonzero(num_anchors > match)[0][0]
                        height = xs[nlayer].shape[2]
                        width = xs[nlayer].shape[3]
                        gtx, gty, gtw, gth = (np_gtx[b, g, 0], np_gty[b, g, 0],
                                              np_gtw[b, g, 0], np_gth[b, g, 0])
                        # compute the location of the gt centers
                        loc_x = int(gtx / orig_width * width)
                        loc_y = int(gty / orig_height * height)
                        # write back to targets
                        index = _offsets[nlayer] + loc_y * width + loc_x
                        center_targets[b, index, match, 0] = gtx / orig_width * width - loc_x  # tx
                        center_targets[b, index, match, 1] = gty / orig_height * height - loc_y  # ty
                        scale_targets[b, index, match, 0] = np.log(max(gtw, 1) / np_anchors[match, 0])
                        scale_targets[b, index, match, 1] = np.log(max(gth, 1) / np_anchors[match, 1])
                        bbox_targets[b, index, match, 0] = gtx
                        bbox_targets[b, index, match, 1] = gty
                        bbox_targets[b, index, match, 2] = gtw
                        bbox_targets[b, index, match, 3] = gth
                        weights[b, index, match, :] = 2.0 - gtw * gth / orig_width / orig_height
                        conf = 1
                        objectness[b, index, match, 0] = conf
                        class_targets[b, index, match, :] = 0
                        class_targets[b, index, match, int(np_gt_ids[b, g, 0])] = 1
            bbox_targets = self.bbox2corner(bbox_targets)
            # since some stages won't see partial anchors, so we have to slice the correct targets
            objectness = self._slice(objectness, num_anchors, num_offsets)
            center_targets = self._slice(center_targets, num_anchors, num_offsets)
            scale_targets = self._slice(scale_targets, num_anchors, num_offsets)
            bbox_targets = self._slice(bbox_targets, num_anchors, num_offsets)
            weights = self._slice(weights, num_anchors, num_offsets)
            class_targets = self._slice(class_targets, num_anchors, num_offsets)
        return img, bbox_targets[0], center_targets[0], scale_targets[0], objectness[0], class_targets[0], weights[
            0], gts[..., :4]
Пример #5
 def slice_like(data, shape, axis):
     data_nd = nd.array(data)
     shape_nd = nd.array(shape)
     out = nd.slice_like(data_nd, shape_nd, axis)
     return [out]