Пример #1
    def _M_step(self):
        C, N, X = self.C, self.N, self.X
        denoms = np.sum(self.Q, axis=0)

        # update cluster priors
        self.pi = denoms / N

        # update cluster means
        nums_mu = [np.dot(self.Q[:, c], X) for c in range(C)]
        for ix, (num, den) in enumerate(zip(nums_mu, denoms)):
            self.mu[ix, :] = num / den if den > 0 else np.zeros_like(num)

        # update cluster covariances
        for c in range(C):
            mu_c = self.mu[c, :]
            n_c = denoms[c]

            outer = np.zeros((self.d, self.d))
            for i in range(N):
                wic = self.Q[i, c]
                xi = self.X[i, :]
                outer += wic * np.outer(xi - mu_c, xi - mu_c)

            outer = outer / n_c if n_c > 0 else outer
            self.sigma[c, :, :] = outer

Пример #2
    def loss(y, y_pred, t_mean, t_log_var):
        Variational lower bound for a Bernoulli VAE.

        y : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_ex, N)`
            The original images.
        y_pred : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_ex, N)`
            The VAE reconstruction of the images.
        t_mean: :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_ex, T)`
            Mean of the variational distribution :math:`q(t \mid x)`.
        t_log_var: :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_ex, T)`
            Log of the variance vector of the variational distribution
            :math:`q(t \mid x)`.

        loss : float
            The VLB, averaged across the batch.
        # prevent nan on log(0)
        eps = 2.220446049250313e-16
        y_pred = np.clip(y_pred, eps, 1 - eps)

        # reconstruction loss: binary cross-entropy
        rec_loss = -np.sum(y * np.log(y_pred) + (1 - y) * np.log(1 - y_pred), axis=1)

        # KL divergence between the variational distribution q and the prior p,
        # a unit gaussian
        kl_loss = -0.5 * np.sum(1 + t_log_var - t_mean ** 2 - np.exp(t_log_var), axis=1)
        loss = np.mean(kl_loss + rec_loss)
        return loss
Пример #3
def conv2D_naive(X, W, stride, pad, dilation=0):
    A slow but more straightforward implementation of a 2D "convolution"
    (technically, cross-correlation) of input `X` with a collection of kernels `W`.

    This implementation uses ``for`` loops and direct indexing to perform the
    convolution. As a result, it is slower than the vectorized :func:`conv2D`
    function that relies on the :func:`col2im` and :func:`im2col`

    X : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_ex, in_rows, in_cols, in_ch)`
        Input volume.
    W: :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(kernel_rows, kernel_cols, in_ch, out_ch)`
        The volume of convolution weights/kernels.
    stride : int
        The stride of each convolution kernel.
    pad : tuple, int, or 'same'
        The padding amount. If 'same', add padding to ensure that the output of
        a 2D convolution with a kernel of `kernel_shape` and stride `stride`
        produces an output volume of the same dimensions as the input.  If
        2-tuple, specifies the number of padding rows and colums to add *on both
        sides* of the rows/columns in `X`. If 4-tuple, specifies the number of
        rows/columns to add to the top, bottom, left, and right of the input
    dilation : int
        Number of pixels inserted between kernel elements. Default is 0.

    Z : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_ex, out_rows, out_cols, out_ch)`
        The covolution of `X` with `W`.
    s, d = stride, dilation
    X_pad, p = pad2D(X, pad, W.shape[:2], stride=s, dilation=d)

    pr1, pr2, pc1, pc2 = p
    fr, fc, in_ch, out_ch = W.shape
    n_ex, in_rows, in_cols, in_ch = X.shape

    # update effective filter shape based on dilation factor
    fr, fc = fr * (d + 1) - d, fc * (d + 1) - d

    out_rows = int((in_rows + pr1 + pr2 - fr) / s + 1)
    out_cols = int((in_cols + pc1 + pc2 - fc) / s + 1)

    Z = np.zeros((n_ex, out_rows, out_cols, out_ch))
    for m in range(n_ex):
        for c in range(out_ch):
            for i in range(out_rows):
                for j in range(out_cols):
                    i0, i1 = i * s, (i * s) + fr
                    j0, j1 = j * s, (j * s) + fc

                    window = X_pad[m, i0:i1:(d + 1), j0:j1:(d + 1), :]
                    Z[m, i, j, c] = np.sum(window * W[:, :, :, c])
    return Z
Пример #4
    def loss(y, y_pred):
        Compute the cross-entropy (log) loss.

        This method returns the sum (not the average!) of the losses for each

        y : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            Class labels (one-hot with `m` possible classes) for each of `n`
        y_pred : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            Probabilities of each of `m` classes for the `n` examples in the

        loss : float
            The sum of the cross-entropy across classes and examples.

        # prevent taking the log of 0
        eps = 2.220446049250313e-16

        # each example is associated with a single class; sum the negative log
        # probability of the correct label over all samples in the batch.
        # observe that we are taking advantage of the fact that y is one-hot
        # encoded
        cross_entropy = -np.sum(y * np.log(y_pred + eps))
        return cross_entropy
Пример #5
def minkowski(x, y, p):
    Compute the Minkowski-`p` distance between two real vectors.

    The Minkowski-`p` distance between two vectors **x** and **y** is

    .. math::

        d(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}) = \left( \sum_i |x_i - y_i|^p \\right)^{1/p}

    x,y : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` s of shape `(N,)`
        The two vectors to compute the distance between
    p : float > 1
        The parameter of the distance function. When `p = 1`, this is the `L1`
        distance, and when `p=2`, this is the `L2` distance. For `p < 1`,
        Minkowski-`p` does not satisfy the triangle inequality and hence is not
        a valid distance metric.

    d : float
        The Minkowski-`p` distance between **x** and **y**.
    return np.sum(np.abs(x - y)**p)**(1 / p)
Пример #6
    def _p_decreasing(self, loss_history, i):
        Compute the probability that the slope of the OLS fit to the loss
        history is negative.

        loss_history : numpy array of shape (N,)
            The sequence of loss values for the previous `N` minibatches.
        i : int
            Compute P(Slope < 0) beginning at index i in `history`.

        p_decreasing : float
            The probability that the slope of the OLS fit to loss_history is
            less than or equal to 0.
        loss = loss_history[i:]
        N = len(loss)

        # perform OLS on the loss entries to calc the slope mean
        X = np.c_[np.ones(N), np.arange(i, len(loss_history))]
        intercept, s_mean = np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ loss
        loss_pred = s_mean * X[:, 1] + intercept

        # compute the variance of our loss predictions and use this to compute
        # the (unbiased) estimate of the slope variance
        loss_var = 1 / (N - 2) * np.sum((loss - loss_pred)**2)
        s_var = (12 * loss_var) / (N**3 - N)

        # compute the probability that a random sample from a Gaussian
        # parameterized by s_mean and s_var is less than or equal to 0
        p_decreasing = gaussian_cdf(0, s_mean, s_var)
        return p_decreasing
Пример #7
    def _loss(self, X, target, neg_samples):
        """Actual computation of NCE loss"""
        fstr = "X must have shape (n_ex, n_c, n_in), but got {} dims instead"
        assert X.ndim == 3, fstr.format(X.ndim)

        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        # sample negative samples from the noise distribution
        if neg_samples is None:
            neg_samples = self.noise_sampler(self.num_negative_samples)
        assert len(neg_samples) == self.num_negative_samples

        # get the probability of the negative sample class and the target
        # class under the noise distribution
        p_neg_samples = self.noise_sampler.probs[neg_samples]
        p_target = np.atleast_2d(self.noise_sampler.probs[target])

        # save the noise samples for debugging
        noise_samples = (neg_samples, p_target, p_neg_samples)

        # compute the logit for the negative samples and target
        Z_target = X @ W[target].T + b[0, target]
        Z_neg = X @ W[neg_samples].T + b[0, neg_samples]

        # subtract the log probability of each label under the noise dist
        if self.subtract_log_label_prob:
            n, m = Z_target.shape[0], Z_neg.shape[0]
            Z_target[range(n), ...] -= np.log(p_target)
            Z_neg[range(m), ...] -= np.log(p_neg_samples)

        # only retain the probability of the target under its associated
        # minibatch example
        aa, _, cc = Z_target.shape
        Z_target = Z_target[range(aa), :, range(cc)][..., None]

        # p_target = (n_ex, n_c, 1)
        # p_neg = (n_ex, n_c, n_samples)
        pred_p_target = self.act_fn(Z_target)
        pred_p_neg = self.act_fn(Z_neg)

        # if we're in evaluation mode, ignore the negative samples - just
        # return the binary cross entropy on the targets
        y_pred = pred_p_target
        if self.trainable:
            # (n_ex, n_c, 1 + n_samples) (target is first column)
            y_pred = np.concatenate((y_pred, pred_p_neg), axis=-1)

        n_targets = 1
        y_true = np.zeros_like(y_pred)
        y_true[..., :n_targets] = 1

        # binary cross entropy
        eps = 2.220446049250313e-16
        np.clip(y_pred, eps, 1 - eps, y_pred)
        loss = -np.sum(y_true * np.log(y_pred) + (1 - y_true) * np.log(1 - y_pred))
        return loss, Z_target, Z_neg, y_pred, y_true, noise_samples
Пример #8
    def _E_step(self):
        for i in range(self.N):
            x_i = self.X[i, :]

            denom_vals = []
            for c in range(self.C):
                pi_c = self.pi[c]
                mu_c = self.mu[c, :]
                sigma_c = self.sigma[c, :, :]

                log_pi_c = np.log(pi_c)
                log_p_x_i = log_gaussian_pdf(x_i, mu_c, sigma_c)

                # log N(X_i | mu_c, Sigma_c) + log pi_c
                denom_vals.append(log_p_x_i + log_pi_c)

            # log \sum_c exp{ log N(X_i | mu_c, Sigma_c) + log pi_c } ]
            log_denom = logsumexp(denom_vals)
            q_i = np.exp([num - log_denom for num in denom_vals])
            assert_allclose(np.sum(q_i), 1, err_msg="{}".format(np.sum(q_i)))

            self.Q[i, :] = q_i
Пример #9
    def _maximize_gamma(self):
        Optimize variational parameter gamma
        γ_t = α_t + \sum_{n=1}^{N_d} ϕ_{t, n}
        D = self.D
        phi = self.phi
        alpha = self.alpha

        gamma = np.tile(alpha, (D, 1)) + np.array(
            list(map(lambda x: np.sum(x, axis=0), phi))
        return gamma
Пример #10
def test_HMM():
    np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True)

    P = default_hmm()
    ls, obs = P["latent_states"], P["obs_types"]

    # generate a new sequence
    O = generate_training_data(P, n_steps=30, n_examples=25)

    tol = 1e-5
    n_runs = 5
    best, best_theirs = (-np.inf, []), (-np.inf, [])
    for _ in range(n_runs):
        hmm = MultinomialHMM()
        A_, B_, pi_ = hmm.fit(O, ls, obs, tol=tol, verbose=True)

        theirs = MHMM(

        O_flat = O.reshape(1, -1).flatten().reshape(-1, 1)
        theirs = theirs.fit(O_flat, lengths=[O.shape[1]] * O.shape[0])

        hmm2 = MultinomialHMM(A=A_, B=B_, pi=pi_)
        like = np.sum([hmm2.log_likelihood(obs) for obs in O])
        like_theirs = theirs.score(O_flat, lengths=[O.shape[1]] * O.shape[0])

        if like > best[0]:
            best = (like, {"A": A_, "B": B_, "pi": pi_})

        if like_theirs > best_theirs[0]:
            best_theirs = (
                    "A": theirs.transmat_,
                    "B": theirs.emissionprob_,
                    "pi": theirs.startprob_,
    print("Final log likelihood of sequence: {:.5f}".format(best[0]))
    print("Final log likelihood of sequence (theirs): {:.5f}".format(
    plot_matrices(P, best, best_theirs)
Пример #11
    def _maximize_beta(self):
        Optimize model parameter beta
        β_{t, n} ∝ \sum_{d=1}^D \sum_{i=1}^{N_d} ϕ_{d, t, n} [ i = n]
        T = self.T
        V = self.V

        phi = self.phi
        beta = self.beta
        corpus = self.corpus

        for n in range(V):
            # Construct binary mask [i == n] to be the same shape as phi
            mask = [np.tile((doc == n), (T, 1)).T for doc in corpus]
            beta[n, :] = np.sum(
                np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.sum(x, axis=0), phi * mask))), axis=0

        # Normalize over words
        for t in range(T):
            beta[:, t] = beta[:, t] / np.sum(beta[:, t])

        return beta
Пример #12
    def VLB(self):
        Return the variational lower bound associated with the current model
        phi = self.phi
        alpha = self.alpha
        beta = self.beta
        gamma = self.gamma
        corpus = self.corpus

        D = self.D
        T = self.T
        N = self.N

        a, b, c, _d = 0, 0, 0, 0
        for d in range(D):
            a += (
                - np.sum(gammaln(alpha))
                + np.sum([(alpha[t] - 1) * dg(gamma, d, t) for t in range(T)])

            _d += (
                gammaln(np.sum(gamma[d, :]))
                - np.sum(gammaln(gamma[d, :]))
                + np.sum([(gamma[d, t] - 1) * dg(gamma, d, t) for t in range(T)])

            for n in range(N[d]):
                w_n = int(corpus[d][n])

                b += np.sum([phi[d][n, t] * dg(gamma, d, t) for t in range(T)])
                c += np.sum([phi[d][n, t] * np.log(beta[w_n, t]) for t in range(T)])
                _d += np.sum([phi[d][n, t] * np.log(phi[d][n, t]) for t in range(T)])

        return a + b + c - _d
Пример #13
    def predict(self, X):
        Generate predictions for the targets associated with the rows in `X`.

        X : numpy array of shape `(N', M')`
            An array of `N'` examples to generate predictions on.

        y : numpy array of shape `(N',\*)`
            Predicted targets for the `N'` rows in `X`.
        predictions = []
        H = self.hyperparameters
        for x in X:
            pred = None
            nearest = self._ball_tree.nearest_neighbors(H["k"], x)
            targets = [n.val.item() for n in nearest]
            # print("targets", type(targets),targets)

            if H["classifier"]:
                if H["weights"] == "uniform":
                    pred = Counter(targets).most_common(1)[0][0]
                elif H["weights"] == "distance":
                    best_score = -np.inf
                    for label in set(targets):
                        scores = [1 / n.distance for n in nearest if n.val == label]
                        pred = label if np.sum(scores) > best_score else pred
                if H["weights"] == "uniform":
                    pred = np.mean(targets)
                elif H["weights"] == "distance":
                    weights = [1 / n.distance for n in nearest]
                    pred = np.average(targets, weights=weights)
        return np.array(predictions)
Пример #14
    def _maximize_phi(self):
        Optimize variational parameter phi
        ϕ_{t, n} ∝ β_{t, w_n}  e^( Ψ(γ_t) )
        D = self.D
        N = self.N
        T = self.T

        phi = self.phi
        beta = self.beta
        gamma = self.gamma
        corpus = self.corpus

        for d in range(D):
            for n in range(N[d]):
                for t in range(T):
                    w_n = int(corpus[d][n])
                    phi[d][n, t] = beta[w_n, t] * np.exp(dg(gamma, d, t))

                # Normalize over topics
                phi[d][n, :] = phi[d][n, :] / np.sum(phi[d][n, :])
        return phi
Пример #15
def euclidean(x, y):
    Compute the Euclidean (`L2`) distance between two real vectors

    The Euclidean distance between two vectors **x** and **y** is

    .. math::

        d(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}) = \sqrt{ \sum_i (x_i - y_i)^2  }

    x,y : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` s of shape `(N,)`
        The two vectors to compute the distance between

    d : float
        The L2 distance between **x** and **y**.
    return np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y)**2))
Пример #16
def manhattan(x, y):
    Compute the Manhattan (`L1`) distance between two real vectors

    The Manhattan distance between two vectors **x** and **y** is

    .. math::

        d(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}) = \sum_i |x_i - y_i|

    x,y : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` s of shape `(N,)`
        The two vectors to compute the distance between

    d : float
        The L1 distance between **x** and **y**.
    return np.sum(np.abs(x - y))
Пример #17
def hamming(x, y):
    Compute the Hamming distance between two integer-valued vectors.

    The Hamming distance between two vectors **x** and **y** is

    .. math::

        d(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}) = \\frac{1}{N} \sum_i \mathbb{1}_{x_i \\neq y_i}

    x,y : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` s of shape `(N,)`
        The two vectors to compute the distance between. Both vectors should be

    d : float
        The Hamming distance between **x** and **y**.
    return np.sum(x != y) / len(x)
Пример #18
    def _maximize_alpha(self, max_iters=1000, tol=0.1):
        Optimize alpha using Blei's O(n) Newton-Raphson modification
        for a Hessian with special structure
        D = self.D
        T = self.T

        alpha = self.alpha
        gamma = self.gamma

        for _ in range(max_iters):
            alpha_old = alpha

            #  Calculate gradient
            g = D * (digamma(np.sum(alpha)) - digamma(alpha)) + np.sum(
                digamma(gamma) - np.tile(digamma(np.sum(gamma, axis=1)), (T, 1)).T,

            #  Calculate Hessian diagonal component
            h = -D * polygamma(1, alpha)

            #  Calculate Hessian constant component
            z = D * polygamma(1, np.sum(alpha))

            #  Calculate constant
            c = np.sum(g / h) / (z ** (-1.0) + np.sum(h ** (-1.0)))

            #  Update alpha
            alpha = alpha - (g - c) / h

            #  Check convergence
            if np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(alpha - alpha_old))) < tol:

        return alpha
Пример #19
    def fit(
        self, O, latent_state_types, observation_types, pi=None, tol=1e-5, verbose=False
        Given an observation sequence `O` and the set of possible latent states,
        learn the MLE HMM parameters `A` and `B`.

        Model fitting is done iterativly using the Baum-Welch/Forward-Backward
        algorithm, a special case of the EM algorithm.

        We begin with an intial estimate for the transition (`A`) and emission
        (`B`) matrices and then use these to derive better and better estimates
        by computing the forward probability for an observation and then
        dividing that probability mass among all the paths that contributed to

        O : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(I, T)`
            The set of `I` training observations, each of length `T`.
        latent_state_types : list of length `N`
            The collection of valid latent states.
        observation_types : list of length `V`
            The collection of valid observation states.
        pi : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
            The prior probability of each latent state. If None, assume each
            latent state is equally likely a priori. Default is None.
        tol : float
            The tolerance value. If the difference in log likelihood between
            two epochs is less than this value, terminate training. Default is
        verbose : bool
            Print training stats after each epoch. Default is True.

        A : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N, N)`
            The estimated transition matrix.
        B : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N, V)`
            The estimated emission matrix.
        pi : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
            The estimated prior probabilities of each latent state.
        if O.ndim == 1:
            O = O.reshape(1, -1)

        # observations
        self.O = O

        # number of training examples (I) and their lengths (T)
        self.I, self.T = self.O.shape

        # number of types of observation
        self.V = len(observation_types)

        # number of latent state types
        self.N = len(latent_state_types)

        # Uniform initialization of prior over latent states
        self.pi = pi
        if self.pi is None:
            self.pi = np.ones(self.N)
            self.pi = self.pi / self.pi.sum()

        # Uniform initialization of A
        self.A = np.ones((self.N, self.N))
        self.A = self.A / self.A.sum(axis=1)[:, None]

        # Random initialization of B
        self.B = np.random.rand(self.N, self.V)
        self.B = self.B / self.B.sum(axis=1)[:, None]

        # iterate E and M steps until convergence criteria is met
        step, delta = 0, np.inf
        ll_prev = np.sum(np.array([self.log_likelihood(o) for o in self.O]))
        while delta > tol:
            gamma, xi, phi = self._Estep()
            self.A, self.B, self.pi = self._Mstep(gamma, xi, phi)
            ll = np.sum(np.array([self.log_likelihood(o) for o in self.O]))
            delta = ll - ll_prev
            ll_prev = ll
            step += 1

            if verbose:
                fstr = "[Epoch {}] LL: {:.3f} Delta: {:.5f}"
                print(fstr.format(step, ll_prev, delta))

        return self.A, self.B, self.pi
Пример #20
def dg(gamma, d, t):
    E[log X_t] where X_t ~ Dir
    return digamma(gamma[d, t]) - digamma(np.sum(gamma[d, :]))
Пример #21
def mel_spectrogram(
    Apply the Mel-filterbank to the power spectrum for a signal `x`.

    The Mel spectrogram is the projection of the power spectrum of the framed
    and windowed signal onto the basis set provided by the Mel filterbank.

    x : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
        A 1D signal consisting of N samples
    window_duration : float
        The duration of each frame / window (in seconds). Default is 0.025.
    stride_duration : float
        The duration of the hop between consecutive windows (in seconds).
        Default is 0.01.
    mean_normalize : bool
        Whether to subtract the coefficient means from the final filter values
        to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Default is True.
    window : {'hamming', 'hann', 'blackman_harris'}
        The windowing function to apply to the signal before FFT. Default is
    n_filters : int
        The number of mel filters to include in the filterbank. Default is 20.
    center : bool
        Whether to the `k` th frame of the signal should *begin* at index ``x[k *
        stride_len]`` (center = False) or be *centered* at ``x[k * stride_len]``
        (center = True). Default is False.
    alpha : float in [0, 1)
        The coefficient for the preemphasis filter. A value of 0 corresponds to
        no filtering. Default is 0.95.
    fs : int
        The sample rate/frequency for the signal. Default is 44000.

    filter_energies : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(G, n_filters)`
        The (possibly mean_normalized) power for each filter in the Mel
        filterbank (i.e., the Mel spectrogram). Rows correspond to frames,
        columns to filters
    energy_per_frame : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(G,)`
        The total energy in each frame of the signal
    eps = np.finfo(float).eps
    window_fn = WindowInitializer()(window)

    stride = round(stride_duration * fs)
    frame_width = round(window_duration * fs)
    N = frame_width

    # add a preemphasis filter to the raw signal
    x = preemphasis(x, alpha)

    # convert signal to overlapping frames and apply a window function
    x = np.pad(x, N // 2, "reflect") if center else x
    frames = to_frames(x, frame_width, stride, fs)

    window = np.tile(window_fn(frame_width), (frames.shape[0], 1))
    frames = frames * window

    # compute the power spectrum
    power_spec = power_spectrum(frames)
    energy_per_frame = np.sum(power_spec, axis=1)
    energy_per_frame[energy_per_frame == 0] = eps

    # compute the power at each filter in the Mel filterbank
    fbank = mel_filterbank(N, n_filters=n_filters, fs=fs)
    filter_energies = power_spec @ fbank.T
    filter_energies -= np.mean(filter_energies,
                               axis=0) if mean_normalize else 0
    filter_energies[filter_energies == 0] = eps
    return filter_energies, energy_per_frame
Пример #22
    def marginal_log_likelihood(self, kernel_params=None):
        Compute the log of the marginal likelihood (i.e., the log model
        evidence), :math:`p(y \mid X, \\text{kernel_params})`.

        Under the GP regression model, the marginal likelihood is normally

        .. math::

            y | X, \\theta  \sim  \mathcal{N}(0, K + \\alpha I)


        .. math::

            \log p(y \mid X, \\theta) =
                -0.5 \log \det(K + \\alpha I) -
                    0.5 y^\\top (K + \\alpha I)^{-1} y + \\frac{n}{2} \log 2 \pi

        where :math:`K = \\text{kernel}(X, X)`, :math:`\\theta` is the set of
        kernel parameters, and `n` is the number of dimensions in `K`.

        kernel_params : dict
            Parameters for the kernel function. If None, calculate the
            marginal likelihood under the kernel parameters defined at model
            initialization. Default is None.

        marginal_log_likelihood : float
            The log likelihood of the training targets given the kernel
            parameterized by `kernel_params` and the training inputs,
            marginalized over all functions `f`.
        X = self.parameters["X"]
        y = self.parameters["y"]
        alpha = self.hyperparameters["alpha"]

        K = self.parameters["GP_cov"]
        if kernel_params is not None:
            # create a new kernel with parameters `kernel_params` and recalc
            # the GP covariance matrix
            summary_dict = self.kernel.summary_dict()
            kernel = KernelInitializer(summary_dict)()
            K = kernel(X, X)

        # add isotropic noise to kernel diagonal
        K += np.eye(K.shape[0]) * alpha

        Kinv = inv(K)
        Klogdet = -0.5 * slogdet(K)[1]
        const = K.shape[0] / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi)

        # handle both uni- and multidimensional target values
        if y.ndim == 1:
            y = y[:, np.newaxis]

        # sum over each dimension of y

        marginal_ll = np.sum([
            Klogdet - 0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(_y.T, Kinv), _y) - const
            for _y in y.T
        return marginal_ll