def test_5(self): """ update install. Litmus Test Title:: 5 - upgrade from an earlier version of miro (3.5.1) Description: 1. Copy in Miro 3.5.1 database 2. Launch miro and verify it is upgraded to current version. """ miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() db = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","databases","351sqlitedb") myLib.config.replace_database(db) #set the search regions miro.restart_miro() waitVanish("Upgrading") waitVanish("Preparing") time.sleep(10) miro.handle_crash_dialog('5', db=False, test=False) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Downloading") miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs()
def test_194(self): """ rename source. 1. Add as a source 2. rename 3. restart and verify name persists 4. Cleanup """ site_url = "" site = "blip" reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.add_source(reg, site_url,site) miro.click_source(reg, site)"Sidebar")"Rename") time.sleep(3) type("BLIP TV ROCKS \n") self.assertTrue(reg.s.exists("BLIP TV ROCKS")) miro.quit_miro() reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() self.assertTrue(reg.s.exists("BLIP")) miro.delete_site(reg, "BLIP")
def test_236(self): """ startup, corrupt item_info_cache Litmus Test Title:: 236 - rebuild item_info_cache on startup. Description: 1. Clean up Miro support and vidoes directories 2. Launch - walk through 1st tieme install dialog and search everywhere """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() folder_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData") miro.add_watched_folder(reg, folder_path) miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.delete_preferences() setAutoWaitTimeout(myLib.testvars.timeout) #set the search regions miro.restart_miro() miro.first_time_startup_dialog(lang="Default",run_on_start="No",search="No",search_path=None,itunes="No") waitVanish("Preparing") time.sleep(10) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Videos") miro.tab_search(reg, title="Deerhunter",confirm_present=True)
def test_444(self): """ external dl errors. 1. http file url to download 2. open with File Download menu 3. Verify download completes 4. Check title display via screenshot """ item_url = "" item_title = "watch" reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.cancel_all_downloads(reg) dl_status = miro.download_from_a_url(reg, item_url, item_title) print dl_status self.assertTrue(dl_status == "failed") miro.quit_miro() miro.restart_miro() miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Downloading") assert reg.m.exists(Pattern("file_not_found.png")) type(Key.DELETE) miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Videos") reg.s.waitVanish("Downloading")
def test_173(self): """ 1st time install, search everywhere Litmus Test Title:: 173 - 1st time install, search everywhere Description: 1. Clean up Miro support and vidoes directories 2. Launch - walk through 1st tieme install dialog and search everywhere """ miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.delete_database_and_prefs() myLib.config.delete_miro_video_storage_dir() #set the search regions miro.restart_miro() search_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData") miro.first_time_startup_dialog(lang="Default", run_on_start="No", search="Yes", search_path="Everywhere", itunes="No") time.sleep(10) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Videos") find(Pattern("sort_name_normal.png")) doubleClick(getLastMatch().below(100)) miro.verify_video_playback(reg)
def test_999reset(self): """fake test to reset db and preferences. """ miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro()
def setUp(self): self.verificationErrors = [] miro = MiroApp() print "starting test: ",self.shortDescription() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10)
def test_441(self): """ delete podcast item outside of miro 1. add TWO STUPID feed 2. download the Flip Faceitem 3. restart miro 4. delete the item 5. restart miro 6. verify item still deleted """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() #Set Global Preferences miro.open_prefs(reg) prefs = PreferencesPanel() general_tab = prefs.open_tab("General") general_tab.close_prefs() url = "" feed = "TWO STUPID" title = "Flip" # item title updates when download completes #add feed and download flip face item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.toggle_normal(reg) miro.tab_search(reg, title) if reg.m.exists("button_download.png",10): click(reg.m.getLastMatch()) miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, tab="Videos",item=title) reg.m.find(title)"tabsearch_clear.png") filepath = miro.store_item_path(reg) if os.path.exists(filepath): print "able to verify on os level" found_file = True miro.tab_search(reg, title) type(Key.DELETE) if found_file == True: if os.path.exists(filepath):"file not deleted from filesystem") else: miro.quit_miro() miro.restart_miro() miro.click_podcast(reg, feed) miro.tab_search(reg, term) if not reg.m.exists(Pattern("button_download.png")):"no download button, file not deleted") else:"button_download.png")) if miro.confirm_download_started(reg, title) != "in_progress":"item not properely deleted") #cleanup miro.delete_feed(reg, feed)
def test_001setup(self): """fake test to reset db and preferences. """ miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10)
def test_001setup(self): """Pre subgroup run cleanup and preferences check. This isn't a real tests and is just meant to make sure the subgroup is starting with usual preferences settings and clean sidebar. """ miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10)
def setUp(self): reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() self.verificationErrors = [] print "starting test: ",self.shortDescription() myLib.config.set_image_dirs() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() myLib.config.delete_miro_downloaded_files() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10)
def test_657(self): """ edit multiple fields 1. add Static List feed 2. download the Earth Eats item 3. Edit item metadata """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() time.sleep(5) url = "" feed = "The New" title = "Cat" new_metadata_list = [ ["show","Animated Cartoons", "658"], ["episode_id","nya", "670"], ["season_no","25", "671"], ["episode_no","43", "672"], ["video_kind","Clip", "652"], ] try: #start clean miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) #add feed and download earth eats item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.toggle_normal(reg) miro.tab_search(reg, title) if reg.m.exists("button_download.png",10): click(reg.m.getLastMatch()) miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, "Videos",item=title) miro.click_podcast(reg, feed) miro.tab_search(reg, title) miro.edit_item_video_metadata_bulk(reg, new_metadata_list) time.sleep(2) miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Videos") miro.tab_search(reg, title)"Clip") if reg.m.exists(title):"All") else:"item not found in Clips filter") finally: miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs()
def test_362(self): """ edit item music to video 1. add Feed 2. download Paris mp3 3. Edit item from Audio to Video 4. Verify item played as video item """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() time.sleep(5) url = "" feed = "MIXED" term = "Paris" title = "Laren" new_type = "Video" old_type = "Music" #Set Global Preferences miro.open_prefs(reg) prefs = PreferencesPanel() general_tab = prefs.open_tab("General") general_tab.show_audio_in_music("on") general_tab.show_videos_in_videos("on") podcasts_tab = prefs.open_tab("Podcasts") podcasts_tab.autodownload_setting("Off") podcasts_tab.close_prefs() #add feed and download joo joo item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.tab_search(reg, term) if reg.m.exists("button_download.png",10): click(reg.m.getLastMatch()) miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, "Music",item=title) reg.m.find(title)"tabsearch_clear.png") miro.edit_item_type(reg, new_type, old_type) #locate item in audio tab and verify playback miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, tab="Video",item=title) reg.m.doubleClick(title) miro.verify_video_playback(reg) miro.quit_miro() miro.restart_miro() miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, tab="Video",item=title) #cleanup miro.delete_feed(reg, feed)
def setUp(self): """ All playlist tests require data. Going to add feed and watched folder at the start of the subgroup. """ self.verificationErrors = [] miro = MiroApp() print "starting test: ",self.shortDescription() myLib.config.set_image_dirs() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() feed = "TestData" folder_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData") miro.add_watched_folder(reg, folder_path)
def test_235(self): """ startup missing movies dir, no downloads Litmus Test Title:: 235 - startup missing movies dir. Description: 1. delete movies dir, launch miro 2. """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.delete_miro_video_storage_dir() setAutoWaitTimeout(myLib.testvars.timeout) #set the search regions miro.restart_miro() reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp()
def test_88_461(self): """ upgrade corrupt db, submit crash no db Litmus Test Title:: 461 - upgrade with corrupted db, submit crash no db Description: 1. Replace Miro db with a corrupt database. 2. Launch miro and submit crash report with db """ try: miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() db = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","databases","corrupt_db") myLib.config.replace_database(db) #set the search regions miro.restart_miro() miro.corrupt_db_dialog(action="submit_crash",db=False) finally: miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs()
def test_194(self): """ site with non-utf-8 chars. 1. Add 2. Verify added 3. Restart and verify still there 4. Cleanup """ site_url = "" site = "Awesome" reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.add_source_from_tab(reg, site_url) miro.click_last_source(reg) reg.m.find("unicode") miro.quit_miro() miro.restart_miro() miro.click_last_source(reg) self.assertTrue(reg.m.exists("unicode")) miro.delete_site(reg, site)
def test_197(self): """ drag feeds to a folder Litmus Test Title:: 197 - drag feeds to a folder Description: 1. Import OPML file of some feeds and folders 2. drag feeds to the folder 3. verify feeds in folder 4. Cleanup """ setAutoWaitTimeout(myLib.testvars.timeout) miro = MiroApp() #set the search regions miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() opml_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","folder-test2.opml") folder = "Best Feeds" feedlist = ["Vimeo", "BIRCHBOXTVTV"] #1. Add the feeds miro.import_opml(reg, opml_path) p = miro.get_podcasts_region(reg) for feed in feedlist: x = p.find(feed) y = p.find(folder) dragDrop(x,y) time.sleep(2) feed_match = miro.click_podcast(reg, folder) rightClick(Location(feed_match)) if exists("Update",2): click(getLastMatch()) for feed in feedlist: miro.tab_search(reg, title=feed,confirm_present=True) #cleanup miro.delete_all_podcasts(reg)
def test_194(self): """ site with non-utf-8 chars. 1. Add 2. Verify added 3. Restart and verify still there 4. Cleanup """ site_url = "" site = "diziizle" setAutoWaitTimeout(60) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.add_source_from_tab(reg, site_url) miro.click_last_source(reg) reg.m.find(myLib.testvars.dizizle_logo) miro.quit_miro() miro.restart_miro() miro.click_last_source(reg) self.assertTrue(reg.m.exists(myLib.testvars.dizizle_logo)) miro.delete_site(reg, site)
def test_4(self): """ 1st time install, specify a dir to search. Litmus Test Title:: 4 - 1st time install, specify a dir to search Description: 1. Clean up Miro support and vidoes directories 2. Launch - walk through 1st tieme install dialog and search everywhere """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.delete_database_and_prefs() myLib.config.delete_miro_video_storage_dir() #set the search regions miro.restart_miro() search_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData") miro.first_time_startup_dialog(lang="Default",run_on_start="No",search="Yes",search_path=search_path,itunes="No") time.sleep(10) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Videos") miro.tab_search(reg, title="Deerhunter",confirm_present=True)
def test_199(self): """ reorder folders in sidebar Litmus Test Title:: 199 - reorder folders in the sidebar Description: 1. Import OPML file of some feeds and folders 2. drag feeds to the folder 3. verify feeds in folder 4. Cleanup """ setAutoWaitTimeout(myLib.testvars.timeout) #set the search regions miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10) reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() opml_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","folder-test.opml") #1. Add the feeds miro.import_opml(reg, opml_path) p = miro.get_podcasts_region(reg) x = p.find("GEEKY") y = p.find("Featured") dragDrop(x,y) time.sleep(2)"Featured") ror = Region(p.getLastMatch().above(250)) if not ror.exists("GEEKY"):"GEEKY folder not moved above 'Featured' podcast") #Cleanup - select all the podcasts and delete miro.delete_all_podcasts(reg)
def test_17556_5(self): """ update install from recoverably bad db, upgrade_80, bz 17556. Litmus Test Title:: 5 - upgrade from an earlier version of miro (3.5.1) Description: 1. Copy in Miro 3.5.1 database 2. Launch miro and verify it is upgraded to current version. """ miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() db = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","databases","bz17556_backup80") myLib.config.replace_database(db) time.sleep(5) #set the search regions miro.restart_miro() waitVanish("Upgrading") waitVanish("Preparing") time.sleep(10) miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.reset_preferences() miro.restart_miro() reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.click_podcast(reg, "Starter")
def test_001setup(self): miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() miro.restart_miro() time.sleep(10)
class Test_Items_Group2(base_testcase.Miro_unittest_testcase): """Subgroup 58 - Items - more tests. """ def setUp(self): self.verificationErrors = [] print "starting test: ",self.shortDescription() self.miro = MiroApp() time.sleep(10) self.miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() myLib.config.delete_miro_downloaded_files() def tearDown(self): type(Key.ESC) self.miro.quit_miro() def test_653(self): """ edit album art 1. add watched folder 2. Edit artwork for 1 item 3. Edit artwork for multiple items 4. Cleanup """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() time.sleep(5) folder_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","ArtTest") title = "Pancakes" title2 = "summer" title3="deerhunter" #1. add watched folder miro.add_watched_folder(reg, folder_path) if reg.s.exists("ArtTest"): click(reg.s.getLastMatch()) miro.log_result("157","test_653") art_file = os.path.join(os.getenv("PCF_TEST_HOME"),"Miro","TestData","album_art1.jpg") #add feed and download flip face item miro.toggle_normal(reg) miro.tab_search(reg, title) try: reg.m.find(title)"tabsearch_clear.png") miro.edit_item_metadata(reg, meta_field="art",meta_value=art_file) ## Verify new image here: reg.m.find(Pattern("album_art1.png")) finally: miro.open_prefs(reg) prefs = PreferencesPanel() folder_tab = prefs.open_tab("Folders") folder_tab.remove_watched_folder("ArtTest") folder_tab.close_prefs() def test_728(self): """ edit metadata for mulitple items 1. add Static List feed 2. download the Earth Eats item 3. Edit item metadata """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() miro.open_prefs(reg) prefs = PreferencesPanel() general_tab = prefs.open_tab("General") general_tab.show_audio_in_music("on") general_tab.close_prefs() url = "" feed = "Static" term = "Earth Eats" title = "Mushroom" # item title updates when download completes new_type = "Video" edit_itemlist = [ ["name", "Earth Day Everyday", "647"], ["artist", "Oliver and Katerina", "648"], ["album", "Barki Barks", "649"], ["genre", "family", "650"], ["track_num" ,"1", "673"], ["track_of" ,"2", "673"], ["year", "2010", "655"], ["rating", "5", "651"], ] #start clean miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) #add feed and download earth eats item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.toggle_normal(reg) miro.tab_search(reg, term) if reg.m.exists("button_download.png",10): click(reg.m.getLastMatch()) miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, "Music",item=title) reg.m.find(title)"tabsearch_clear.png") for x in edit_itemlist: miro.edit_item_metadata(reg, meta_field=x[0],meta_value=x[1]) try: miro.log_result(x[2],"test_647") finally: time.sleep(2) if not miro.tab_search(reg, "Earth Day",confirm_present=True) == True:"new title not saved") #cleanup miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) def test_441(self): """ delete podcast item outside of miro 1. add TWO STUPID feed 2. download the Flip Faceitem 3. restart miro 4. delete the item 5. restart miro 6. verify item still deleted """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() #Set Global Preferences miro.open_prefs(reg) prefs = PreferencesPanel() general_tab = prefs.open_tab("General") general_tab.close_prefs() url = "" feed = "TWO STUPID" title = "Flip" # item title updates when download completes #add feed and download flip face item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.toggle_normal(reg) miro.tab_search(reg, title) if reg.m.exists("button_download.png",10): click(reg.m.getLastMatch()) miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, tab="Videos",item=title) reg.m.find(title)"tabsearch_clear.png") filepath = miro.store_item_path(reg) if os.path.exists(filepath): print "able to verify on os level" found_file = True miro.tab_search(reg, title) type(Key.DELETE) if found_file == True: if os.path.exists(filepath):"file not deleted from filesystem") else: miro.quit_miro() miro.restart_miro() miro.click_podcast(reg, feed) miro.tab_search(reg, term) if not reg.m.exists(Pattern("button_download.png")):"no download button, file not deleted") else:"button_download.png")) if miro.confirm_download_started(reg, title) != "in_progress":"item not properely deleted") #cleanup miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) def test_725(self): """ item click actions, list view. 1. add 3-blip-videos feed 2. download the Joo Joo 3. verify varios item click scenerios """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() time.sleep(5) url = "" feed = "ThreeBlip" title1 = "The Joo" title2 = "York" title3 = "Accessing" miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) #Set Global Preferences miro.open_prefs(reg) prefs = PreferencesPanel() podcasts_tab = prefs.open_tab("Podcasts") podcasts_tab.autodownload_setting("Off") podcasts_tab.default_view_setting("List") podcasts_tab.close_prefs() time.sleep(2) #add feed and download joo joo item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.tab_search(reg, title1) #double-click starts download reg.m.find(title1) title_loc = reg.m.getLastMatch() doubleClick(title_loc) if reg.m.exists("video-download-pause.png"): miro.log_result("122","list view double-click starts download") else:"list view double-click starts download, failed") #double-click pauses download doubleClick(title_loc) if reg.m.exists("video-download-resume.png"): miro.log_result("122","list view double-click pauses download") else:"list view double-click pause download, failed") #double-click resumes download doubleClick(title_loc) if exists("video-download-pause.png"): miro.log_result("122","list view double-click resumes download") else:"list view double-click resume download, failed") #double-click starts playback miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, tab="Videos",item=title1) miro.click_podcast(reg, feed) miro.tab_search(reg, title1) doubleClick(title1) if exists(Pattern("playback_bar_video.png")): miro.log_result("122","list view double-click starts playback") else:"list view double-click start playback, failed") miro.verify_video_playback(reg) #cleanup miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) def test_647(self): """ edit item metadata 1. add Static List feed 2. download the Earth Eats item 3. Edit item metadata """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() time.sleep(5) miro.open_prefs(reg) prefs = PreferencesPanel() general_tab = prefs.open_tab("General") general_tab.show_audio_in_music("on") general_tab.close_prefs() url = "" feed = "Static" term = "Earth Eats" title = "Mushroom" # item title updates when download completes new_type = "Video" edit_itemlist = [["name", "Earth Day Everyday", "647"], ["artist", "Oliver and Katerina", "648"], ["album", "Barki Barks", "649"], ["genre", "family", "650"], ["rating", "5", "651"], ["year", "2010", "655"], ["track_num", "1", "673"], ["track_of", "2", "673"], ] #start clean miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) #add feed and download earth eats item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.toggle_normal(reg) miro.tab_search(reg, term) if reg.m.exists("button_download.png",10): click(reg.m.getLastMatch()) miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, "Music",item=title) reg.m.find(title)"tabsearch_clear.png") for x in edit_itemlist: miro.edit_item_metadata(reg, meta_field=x[0],meta_value=x[1]) miro.log_result(x[2],"test_647") time.sleep(2) if not miro.tab_search(reg, "Earth Day",confirm_present=True) == True:"new title not saved") #cleanup miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) def test_657(self): """ edit multiple fields 1. add Static List feed 2. download the Earth Eats item 3. Edit item metadata """ reg = MiroRegions() miro = MiroApp() time.sleep(5) url = "" feed = "The New" title = "Dog" new_metadata_list = [ ["Show","Animated Cartoons", "658"], ["Episode ID","nya", "670"], ["Season Number","25", "671"], ["Episode Number","43", "672"], ["Video Kind","Clip", "652"], ] #start clean miro.delete_feed(reg, feed) #add feed and download earth eats item miro.add_feed(reg, url,feed) miro.toggle_normal(reg) miro.tab_search(reg, title) if reg.m.exists("button_download.png",10): click(reg.m.getLastMatch()) miro.wait_for_item_in_tab(reg, "Videos",item=title) miro.click_podcast(reg, feed) miro.tab_search(reg, title) reg.m.find(title)"tabsearch_clear.png") miro.edit_item_video_metadata_bulk(reg, new_metadata_list) time.sleep(2) miro.click_sidebar_tab(reg, "Videos") miro.tab_search(reg, title)"Clip") if reg.m.exists(title):"All") else:"item not found in Clips filter")
def setUp(self): self.verificationErrors = [] miro = MiroApp() miro.quit_miro() myLib.config.set_def_db_and_prefs() myLib.config.delete_miro_downloaded_files()