def sku_to_inventory(): sql = "select sku,Seller,quantity,asin from sku where IsFBA<>'True';" try: conn = mysqlconn.mysqlconn(db='amazon') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) data = cur.fetchall() for i in data: try: mysqlconn.db_insert( conn, { 'SellerSKU': i[0], 'Seller': i[1], 'InStockSupplyQuantity': i[2], 'ASIN': i[3], }, 'inventory') except pymysql.err.IntegrityError: mysqlconn.db_update( conn, { 'SellerSKU': i[0], 'Seller': i[1], 'InStockSupplyQuantity': i[2], 'ASIN': i[3], }, ['SellerSKU', 'Seller'], 'inventory') finally: conn.close()
def update_mysku(conn, Account, MarketplaceId, ReportType): data, ReportId = get_mysku(Account=Account, MarketplaceId=MarketplaceId, ReportType=ReportType) # filter the data using pandas.DataFrame df = DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0]) columns = [i for i in sku_fields if i in data[0]] df = df[columns] df['Seller'] = Account['Seller'] df['MarketplaceId'] = MarketplaceId df['ReportId'] = ReportId result = [] # delete the old sku cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('delete from sku where MarketplaceId="%s" and Seller="%s";' % (MarketplaceId, Account['Seller'])) conn.commit() cur.close() # update sku to db for i in range(df.shape[0]): dct = {} for j in df.columns: dct[j] = df[j][i] if df[j][i] != '' else 'NULL' try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, dct, 'sku') except Exception as e: result.append(e) pass return result
def update_orderitems(conn, Account, orderid_list=tuple()): if not orderid_list: # 挑出需要请求具体信息的AmazonOrderId date = - datetime.timedelta(weeks=4) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select distinct AmazonOrderId from orders where Seller='%s' and LastUpdateDate>'%s'" % (Account['Seller'], date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) data = cur.fetchall() data_o = [i[0] for i in data] cur.execute("select distinct AmazonOrderId,ItemPrice_Amount from orderitems") data = cur.fetchall() data_oi = [i[0] for i in data] cur.close() orderid_list = tuple([i for i in data_o if i not in data_oi] + [i[0] for i in data if i[1] is None and i[0] in data_o]) for id in orderid_list: orderitem_list = get_orderitems(Account=Account, AmazonOrderId=id) for item in orderitem_list: # insert进数据库 try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, item, 'orderitems') except mysqlconn.pymysql.err.IntegrityError: mysqlconn.db_update(conn, item, ['AmazonOrderId', 'SellerSKU'], 'orderitems') return 1
def handle_order_items(item_list): """将item_list中的数据加入数据库""" conn = mysqlconn.mysqlconn(db='amazon') for item in item_list: # insert进数据库 try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, item, 'orderitems') except pymysql.err.IntegrityError: mysqlconn.db_update(conn, item, ['AmazonOrderId', 'SellerSKU'], 'orderitems') conn.close() return 1
def handle_inventory(inventory_list): """将inventory_list中的数据加入数据库""" conn = mysqlconn.mysqlconn(db='amazon') for inventory in inventory_list: if inventory.get('Condition'): # Condition 可能是mysql内部保留字, 所以加上 `` 符号insert和update才不会报错 inventory['`Condition`'] = inventory.pop('Condition') try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, inventory, 'inventory') except pymysql.err.IntegrityError: mysqlconn.db_update(conn, inventory, ['SellerSKU', 'Seller'], 'inventory') conn.close() return 1
def up_products(account): result = [] report = get_product_report(account, '_GET_FLAT_FILE_OPEN_LISTINGS_DATA_') conn = mysqlconn.mysqlconn(db='amazon') for i in range(report.shape[0]): dct = {} for j in report.columns: dct[j] = report[j][i] if report[j][i] != '' else 'NULL' try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, dct, 'sku') except pymysql.err.IntegrityError: mysqlconn.db_update(conn, dct, ['sku', 'Seller'], 'sku') except Exception as e: result.append(e) pass conn.close() return result
def handle_orders(order_list): """处理得到的订单 如果在数据库中已经有该订单(相同AmazonOrderId),且LastUpdatedDate一样,则跳过 如果在数据库中已经有该订单(相同AmazonOrderId),LastUpdatedDate不一样,则insert进数据库,并判断PaidDate 如果在数据库中没有该订单,insert进数据库 """ conn = mysqlconn.mysqlconn(db='amazon') cur = conn.cursor() for order in order_list: # 选出该AmazonOrderId的最新的记录 newest_record = "select * from orders as a where not exists" +\ "(select 1 from orders as b where b.AmazonOrderId=a.AmazonOrderId " +\ "and b.LastUpdateDate>a.LastUpdateDate)" sql = "select * from (%s) as t where t.AmazonOrderId='%s'" % ( newest_record, order['AmazonOrderId']) cur.execute(sql) data = cur.fetchall() # 如果此次请求结果中的LastUpdateDate约数据库中的一样,说明已在数据库中记录,不用做任何处理 if data and str(data[0][1]) == order['LastUpdateDate']: continue # 处理PaidDate if order['OrderStatus'] == 'Pending': order['PaidDate'] = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" else: # 如果数据库里有该订单的PaidDate,则用数据库中的PaidDate,否则用此次请求结果中的LastUpdateDate if data and (data[0][4] is not None): order['PaidDate'] = str(data[0][4]) else: order['PaidDate'] = order['LastUpdateDate'] # insert进数据库 try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, order, 'orders') except pymysql.err.IntegrityError: pass conn.close() return 1 # 1表示函数执行成功
def update_myprice(conn, Account, market_list=tuple(), sku_list=dict()): if not market_list: market_list = tuple([Account[key] for key in Account if key.startswith('MarketplaceId')]) if not sku_list and SKU.get(Account['Seller']): sku_list = SKU[Account['Seller']] for MarketplaceId in market_list: if not sku_list.get(MarketplaceId): continue for sku in sku_list.get(MarketplaceId): myprice_list = get_myprice(Account=Account, MarketplaceId=MarketplaceId, SKU=sku) for myprice in myprice_list: # insert进数据库 try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, myprice, 'price') except mysqlconn.pymysql.err.IntegrityError: mysqlconn.db_update(conn, myprice, ['SellerSKU', 'SellerId', 'MarketplaceId'], 'price') return 1
def update_inventory(conn, Account, market_list=tuple(), sku_list=dict()): if not market_list: market_list = tuple([Account[key] for key in Account if key.startswith('MarketplaceId')]) if not sku_list and SKU.get(Account['Seller']): sku_list = SKU[Account['Seller']] for MarketplaceId in market_list: if not sku_list.get(MarketplaceId): continue for sku in sku_list.get(MarketplaceId): inventory_list = get_inventory(Account=Account, MarketplaceId=MarketplaceId, SKU=sku) for inventory in inventory_list: if inventory.get('Condition'): # Condition 可能是mysql内部保留字, 所以加上 `` 符号insert和update才不会报错 inventory['`Condition`'] = inventory.pop('Condition') try: mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, inventory, 'inventory') except mysqlconn.pymysql.err.IntegrityError: if is_FBA(conn, Account['SellerId'], MarketplaceId, sku): mysqlconn.db_update(conn, inventory, ['SellerSKU', 'Seller', 'MarketplaceId'], 'inventory') return 1
def get_lu_orders(account, last_updated_after="0000-00-00 00:00:00", tz='UTC+8'): """获取CreateAfter之后的订单 last_updated_after未给定或者为"0000-00-00 00:00:00",则默认为utc当前时间 last_updated_after给定,则根据所在时区tz,会自动转成UTC时间 tz指参数last_updated_after时间所在的时区 """ # 初始化CreateAfter的值 if last_updated_after == "0000-00-00 00:00:00": last_updated_after = get_utc_time() else: last_updated_after = get_utc_time(last_updated_after, tz) # 获取订单信息 lo = uc.ListOrders(Account=account, LastUpdatedAfter=last_updated_after) if lo.request_method == 'POST': page =, data=lo.payload) else: raise Exception(lo.request_method) # 解析订单信息(xml字符串) root = ET.fromstring( page.text.replace( ' xmlns=""', '')) # next_token = root.find('ListOrdersResult').find('NextToken') request_id = root.find('ResponseMetadata').find('RequestId').text orders = root.find('ListOrdersResult').find('Orders').findall('Order') conn = mysqlconn.mysqlconn() cur = conn.cursor() for order in orders: order_info = parse_to_dict(order) order_info = flat_dict(order_info) order_info = format_data(order_info) order_info['RequestId_1'] = request_id # 将卖家名称加入进去 order_info["Seller"] = account # 选出AmazonOrderId和ASIN的最新的记录 newest_record = "select * from amazon_orders as a where not exists" +\ "(select 1 from amazon_orders as b where b.AmazonOrderId=a.AmazonOrderId " +\ "and b.ASIN=a.ASIN and b.LastUpdateDate>a.LastUpdateDate)" sql = "select * from (%s) as t where t.AmazonOrderId='%s'" % ( newest_record, order_info['AmazonOrderId']) cur.execute(sql) data = cur.fetchall() # 如果此次请求结果中的LastUpdateDate约数据库中的一样,说明已在数据库中记录,本次循环不用做任何处理 if data and str(data[0][1]) == order_info['LastUpdateDate']: continue # 处理PaidDate if order_info['OrderStatus'] == 'Pending': order_info['PaidDate'] = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" else: # 如果数据库里有该订单的PaidDate,则用数据库中的PaidDate,否则用此次请求结果中的LastUpdateDate if data and (data[0][4] is not None): order_info['PaidDate'] = str(data[0][4]) else: order_info['PaidDate'] = order_info['LastUpdateDate'] # 如果数据库里有该订单的信息,说明不是新订单,不需要再去请求订单所包含的商品,否则需要。 if data: for i in range(len(data)): order_info_cp = order_info.copy() order_info_cp['ASIN'] = data[i][2] order_info_cp['SellerSKU'] = data[i][3] order_info_cp['RequestId_2'] = data[i][41] try: # 更新到数据库 mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, order_info_cp, 'amazon_orders') except pymysql.err.IntegrityError: pass else: # 请求订单所包含的商品信息 order_items = get_order_items(account, order_info['AmazonOrderId']) for i in range(len(order_items)): order_info_cp = order_info.copy() order_info_cp['ASIN'] = order_items[i]['ASIN'] order_info_cp['SellerSKU'] = order_items[i]['SellerSKU'] order_info_cp['RequestId_2'] = order_items[i]['RequestId_2'] try: # 更新到数据库 mysqlconn.db_insert(conn, order_info_cp, 'amazon_orders') except pymysql.err.IntegrityError: pass conn.close()