def __init__(self): clear() self.ligne_sep2 = colorify("------------", ['lightgreen']) self.ligne_sep1 = colorify(" ------------------------", ['cyan']) self.ligne_quitter = colorify("0 - ", ['lightgreen']) + colorify( "Quitter", ['lightblue']) self.titre = colorify("P5 - Open Food Facts", ['lightblue']) + " - "
def display_menu(erreur=False): clear() print("") if erreur: ligne_erreur = colorify('Erreur - vous devez entrer un choix valide !', ['red']) print(ligne_erreur) else: print("") choix_menu = 0 titre = colorify("Menu", ['lightyellow']) if choix_menu == 999: ligne_erreur = colorify('Erreur - vous devez entrer un choix valide !', ['red']) print(ligne_erreur) else: print(ligneSep) print(titre) i = 1 for libel in sql_libels: ligne = colorify(str(i) + " - ", ['lightgreen']) + \ colorify(libel, ['lightblue']) i += 1 print(ligne) print(ligneSep) print(ligneQuitter) try: msg = colorify("Entrez votre choix : ", ['lightyellow']) choix = int(input(msg)) return choix except ValueError: return 999
def choice_prompt_text(self, message="Entrez votre choix : ", color='lightblue'): """ prompt for user entry --> string answer :param message: :param color: :return: """ try: msg = colorify(message, [color]) choix = str(input(msg)) return choix except ValueError: return "999"
def choice_prompt_numeric(self, message="Entrez votre choix : ", color='lightblue'): """ prompt for user entry --> numeric answer :param message: :param color: :return: the category id or 0 if error """ try: msg = colorify(message, [color]) choix = int(input(msg)) return choix except ValueError: return 999
def display_menu12(self, idcategory): """ choose the product in category in parameter --> PyInquirer display and choice are treated by UserChoiceText() class :param idcategory: :return: product """ loop = True while loop: clear() print("") titre = self.titre + colorify(" Menu1.2", ['lightyellow']) print(titre) print(self.ligne_sep1) choix = userchoicetext.UserChoiceText() prod = choix.product_choice_bycat(idcategory) return prod
def display_menu11(self): """ choose the category --> PyInquirer display and choice are treated by UserChoiceText() class :param self: :return: Category or 0 to go back """ loop = True while loop: clear() print("") titre = self.titre + colorify(" Menu1.1", ['lightyellow']) print(titre) print(self.ligne_sep1) choix = userchoicetext.UserChoiceText() cat = choix.category_choice() return cat
def display_menu0(self): """ display the 1st menu the input is treated by the specific class UserChoiceText() :return: choice 1 or 2 or 0 to leave the program """ loop = True choix_menu = 0 while loop: clear() print("") # The text. titre = self.titre + colorify("Menu", ['lightyellow']) ligne1 = colorify("1 - ",['lightgreen']) + \ colorify("Retrouver un aliment dans une catégorie",['lightblue']) ligne2 = colorify("2 - ", ['lightgreen']) + \ colorify("Retouver les aliments substitués", ['lightblue']) if choix_menu == 999: ligneErreur = colorify( 'Erreur - vous devez entrer un choix valide !', ['red']) print(ligneErreur) else: print("") print(titre) print(self.ligne_sep1) print(ligne1) print(ligne2) print(self.ligne_sep2) print(self.ligne_quitter) choix = userchoicetext.UserChoiceText() choix_menu = choix.choice_prompt_numeric("Entrez votre choix : ") if choix_menu in [0, 1, 2]: loop = False return choix_menu else: choix_menu = 999
from import clear, colorify, MyError, database_connect from prettytable import PrettyTable ligneSep = "--------------" ligneQuitter = ligne1 = colorify("0 - ", ['lightgreen']) + \ colorify("Quitter", ['lightblue']) sql_orders = [# 1 'select c1.id_client as "idClt",c1.identifier as "ident",c1.first_name as "prenom",' 'c1.last_name as "nom", c1.phone1 as "tel1", c1.phone2 as "tel2", c1.profil as "profil",' 'a2."name" as "nom adre", a2.street1 as "rue1",a2.street2 as "rue2",a2.zipcode as "CP",' ' as "Ville" ' 'from client as c1 ' 'inner join address as a2 on a2.id_client_client = c1.id_client order by "idClt";', # 2 'select op.id_orderpizza as "idcommande", op."date" as "date",cli.last_name as "Nom" , ' 'cli.first_name as "Prenom",re."name" as "Restaurant", os.status as "status" ' 'from order_pizza as op ' 'inner join restaurant as re on re.id_restaurant = op.id_restaurant_restaurant ' 'inner join client as cli on cli.id_client = op.id_client_client ' 'inner join order_status as os on os.id_order_status = op.id_order_status_order_status ' ' order by "date" desc;', # 3 'select op.id_orderpizza as "idcommande", piz."name" as "pizza",qpo.quantity as ' '"quantité", op."date" as "date", cli.last_name as "nom",cli.first_name as "prenom",' 'os.status as "status", r5."name" as "Restaurant" ' 'from order_pizza as op ' 'inner join quantity_pizza_order as qpo on qpo.id_orderpizza_order_pizza =op.id_orderpizza ' 'inner join pizza as piz on piz.id_pizza = qpo.id_pizza_pizza ' 'inner join client as cli on cli.id_client = op.id_client_client '
def display_product_detail(self, prod, category=None, stores=None): """ Display the detail of the product with its category and stores :param prod: :param category: :param stores: :return: """ # to get the category id and the stres id if not specified if category is None: cat = Category() category = cat.get_category_byid(prod[5]) if stores is None: store = Store() stores = store.get_store_byproduct(prod[0]) # display ligne = colorify("Produit : ", ['lightcyan']) + \ colorify(prod[1], ['white']) + " - " + \ colorify(" Catégorie : ", ['lightcyan']) + \ colorify(category[1], ['white']) print(ligne) ligne = colorify("Score Nutriscore : ", ['lightcyan']) + \ colorify(str(prod[3]), ['white']) + " - " + \ colorify(" Score Grade : ", ['lightcyan']) + \ colorify(prod[4], ['white']) print(ligne) ligne = colorify("URL : ", ["lightcyan"]) + colorify( prod[2], ['white']) print(ligne) if len(stores) > 1: mag = "Magasins : " else: mag = "Magasin : " ligne = colorify(mag, ['lightcyan']) for stor in stores: ligne += colorify(stor[0], ['white']) ligne += " - " print(ligne)
def display_menu13(self, idproduct): """ display the detail of the product in parameter display a chart of products which have nutrisocre = or < to select them to be substitutes --> recorded as bookmarks :param idproduct: :return: """ loop = True while loop: clear() print("") titre = self.titre + colorify(" Menu1.3", ['lightyellow']) print(titre) print(self.ligne_sep1) # get the product and its category and its stores product = Product() prod = product.get_product_byid(idproduct) cat = Category() category = cat.get_category_byid(prod[5]) store = Store() stores = store.get_store_byproduct(idproduct) # display detail ligne = colorify("Vous avez selectionné le produit suivant :", ['lightcyan']) print(ligne) self.display_product_detail(prod, category, stores) # get substitutes subsitutes = product.get_product_bookmarks(idproduct) # get already defined bookmarks bookmark = Bookmark() bookmarks = [ element[1] for element in bookmark.get_bookmark_byproduct(idproduct) ] # building the display table of substitutes with prettytable if len(subsitutes): x = PrettyTable() x.field_names = [ 'Substitut', 'id', 'Libelle', 'URL', 'Score', 'Grade', 'categorie' ] x.align['Libelle'] = "l" x.align["Score"] = "r" list_products = [] for subsitute in subsitutes: subsitute = list(subsitute) if subsitute[0] == idproduct: continue list_products.append(subsitute[0]) if subsitute[0] in bookmarks: subsitute.insert(0, "0") subsitute = [ colorify(element, ['green']) for element in subsitute ] else: subsitute.insert(0, "N") x.add_row(subsitute) # display chart ligne = colorify("\nCi-dessous les produits de substitution possibles " "- nutriscore inférieur ou égal - ",['lightcyan']) + \ colorify("(en vert les produits déjà mis en substitués/ookmarks) ",['green']) print(ligne) print( x.get_string(fields=[ 'Substitut', 'id', 'Libelle', 'URL', 'Score', 'Grade' ], reversort=True)) # input the subsitutes id to be in bookmarks # choice are treated by UserChoiceText() class message = "Entrez les id des produits qui peuvent remplacer le produit choisi séparés par une " \ "virgule ','. Ils seront alors enregistrés dans la base (0 pour retour au menu) : " choice = userchoicetext.UserChoiceText() choix = choice.choice_prompt_text(message) if choix == '0': return 0 liste_choix = choix.split(',') # treat the user input and the errors try: for choix in liste_choix: if not choix.isdigit(): ligne = colorify( "Erreur : Vous devez entrer des id de produits - Abandon " "du traitement", ['red', 'bold']) print(ligne) raise MyError else: if int(choix) in list_products: bookmark = Bookmark() rc = bookmark.add_bookmark(idproduct, choix) if rc[0] > 0: print("%s" % rc[1]) ligne = colorify( f"Erreur : Echec création bookmark " f"{idproduct} {choix}", ['red']) print(ligne) raise MyError else: ligne = colorify( f"Création bookmark {idproduct}-{choix} OK !", ['lightgreen']) print(ligne) else: ligne = colorify( f"Erreur le produit {choix} n'est pas dans la liste" f"des produits de substitution --> Abandon de ce choix !\n" f"Appuyer sur entrée pour continuer !", ['red']) print(ligne) input("") except MyError: input( colorify( "Abandon du traitement - Appuyer sure entrée pour continuer", ['red'])) continue input(colorify("Appuyer sur entrée pour continuer", ['lightgreen']))
def display_menu21(self): """ choose the bookmark the chart is displayed by Prettytable user can choose a product to display details of the product itself and the bookmarks products :param self: :return: """ loop = True while loop: clear() print("") titre = self.titre + colorify(" Menu2.1", ['lightyellow']) print(titre) print(self.ligne_sep1) # build the chart print( colorify( "\nCi-dessous les produits substitués avec le produit de " "substition choisi : ", ['lightblue'])) bookmarkk = Bookmark() bookmarks = bookmarkk.get_all_bookmarks() x = PrettyTable() x.field_names = [ ' Id ', 'Libelle', '---->', 'Id subst', 'Libelle substitution' ] x.align[' Id '] = 'r' x.align['Id subst'] = 'r' x.align['Libelle'] = "l" x.align['Libelle substitution'] = "l" list_products = [] list_products2 = [] for bookmark in bookmarks: ligne_tab = [] product = Product() prod = product.get_product_byid(bookmark[0]) prod_subst = product.get_product_byid(bookmark[1]) list_products.append(prod[0]) list_products2.append((prod[0], prod_subst[0])) ligne_tab.append(prod[0]) ligne_tab.append(prod[1]) ligne_tab.append("---->") ligne_tab.append(prod_subst[0]) ligne_tab.append(prod_subst[1]) x.add_row(ligne_tab) print(x.get_string()) # choose a product to display the details or 0 to go back print( colorify( "Entrez l'id d'un produit pour obtenir son détail et le sdétails des produits " "qui lui sont substituables (0 pour retour au menu)", ['lightblue'])) choix = userchoicetext.UserChoiceText() id = choix.choice_prompt_numeric("Entrez votre choix : ") if id == 999: input( colorify( "Erreur : Vous devez entrer un nombre (id) ou 0 pour retour" " au menu - Appuyer sur Entrée pour continuer !", ["red"])) continue elif id == 0: loop = False continue if id not in list_products: input( colorify( "Erreur : Vous devez entrer un nombre (id) présent dans la listes ci-dessus" " - Appuyer sur Entrée pour continuer !", ["red"])) continue print(colorify("\nDetail du produit: ", ["lightyellow"])) # display details self.display_product_detail(prod) for list_subst in list_products2: if list_subst[0] == id: ligne = colorify("\nDétail du bookmark :", ['lightmagenta']) print(ligne) product = Product() prod = product.get_product_byid(list_subst[1]) self.display_product_detail(prod) input( colorify("\n\nAppuyer sur entrée pour continuer : ", ["lightcyan"]))