Пример #1
def simulations(num_birth):
    birthday = []
    while num_birth > 0:
        birthday.append(list(mydate.generate_date(2014, 2017)))
        num_birth -= 1
    result = mydate.remove_years(birthday)
    return result
def process_birthdays(year_month_days):
	processed_birthdays = []
	month_days = mydate.remove_years(year_month_days)
	for birthday in month_days:
		birthday[0] = mydate.month_num_to_string(birthday[0])
		birthday[1] = str(birthday[1])
	return map(lambda x: ' '.join(x), processed_birthdays)
Пример #3
def generate_sims(number_of_sims, number_of_birthdays):
    number_of_trials_with_dups = 0
    for i in range(int(number_of_sims)):
        birthdays = []
        for j in range(int(number_of_birthdays)):
        final = mydate.remove_years(birthdays)
        # print (final)
        duplicates = []
        dup_counter = 0
        while (len(final) > 0):
            current = final.pop()
            if current in final:
                dup_counter += 1
                while current in final:
        duplicates_formatted = mydate.dates_to_strings(duplicates)

        if (dup_counter == 0):
            print("Trial #" + str(i + 1) + ": " + "No dates are the same.")
        elif (dup_counter == 1):
            number_of_trials_with_dups += 1
            print("Trial #" + str(i + 1) + ": " + str(dup_counter) + 
            " date occurs more than once! (" + 
            str(duplicates_formatted).strip("[]").replace("'", "") + ")")
            number_of_trials_with_dups += 1
            print("Trial #" + str(i + 1) + ": " + str(dup_counter) + 
            " dates occur more than once! (" + 
            str(duplicates_formatted).strip("''[]").replace("'", "") + ")")

    print("Out of " + str(number_of_sims) + " trials, " + 
    str(number_of_trials_with_dups) + " had dates that were repeated")

    # percentage = str (100 * 
    # float(number_of_trials_with_dups)/float(number_of_sims)) + "%"

    percentage = "{0:.2f}".format(100 * 

    # print ("Numerator: " + str(number_of_trials_with_dups))
    # print("Denomentaor: " + number_of_sims)
    # print ("Percentage: " + str(percentage))

    print("We can conclude that you have a " + 
    percentage + 
    " chance of sharing a birthday with someone if you are in a group of " +
    number_of_birthdays + " people")
Пример #4
def main():

    run_count = input("How many times should I run the simulation?\n")
    bday_count = input("How many birthdays should I generate per trial?\n")

    trials_with_rpt = 0
    for i in range(int(run_count)):

        bdays = []
        for j in range(int(bday_count)):
            bdays.append(mydate.generate_date(1997, 2017))
        bdays = mydate.remove_years(bdays)  # remove years
        bdays = mydate.dates_to_strings(bdays)  # convert to string
        unique_dates = set(bdays)  # removes repeats from bdays

        # loop compares bdays to unique_dates to create a list of
        # the dates of same-day birthdays
        repeat_day_list = []
        for days in unique_dates:
            if (bdays.count(days) > 1): repeat_day_list.append(days)
        repeat_count = len(repeat_day_list)

        repeat_day_str = ', '.join(map(str, repeat_day_list))

        if (repeat_count > 1):
            print("Trial #{}: {} dates occur more than once! ({})".format(
                i + 1, repeat_count, repeat_day_str))

            trials_with_rpt += 1
        elif (repeat_count == 1):
            print("Trial #{}: {} date occurs more than once! ({})".format(
                i + 1, repeat_count, repeat_day_str))

            trials_with_rpt += 1
            print("Trial #{}: No dates are the same.".format(i + 1))

    rpt_prob = (trials_with_rpt / int(run_count)) * 100

    print("Out of {} trials, {} had dates that were repeated.".format(
        int(run_count), trials_with_rpt))
    print("""We can conclude that you have a {:.2f}% chance of sharing a 
birthday with someone if you are in a group of {} people.""".format(
        rpt_prob, int(bday_count)))
Пример #5
run_count = 0
start_year = 1996
end_year = 2000

probability_info = []

# generate the number of birthdays specified
while (run_count < run_occurance):
    dates_full = []
    dates_counter = 0
    while (dates_counter < birthdays_to_generate):
        dates_full.append(tuple(mydate.generate_date(start_year, end_year)))
        dates_counter += 1
    # remove the years from the dates
    dates = mydate.remove_years(dates_full)

    # find the dates that occur more than once
    duplicate_dates = set()
    unique_dates = []
    dupes = []
    dupes_full = []
    for x in dates:
        if x not in duplicate_dates:

    # print trial number, # of dates that occur more than once, and a comma separated list of the duplicate dates, in parentheses
# Homework 01

import mydate

print("How many times should I run the simulation?")
trials = input()
print("How many birthdays should I generate per trial?")
entries = input()

birthdays = []
count = 0  # count the number of trials which have duplicate birthdays

for x in range(int(trials)):
    for y in range(int(entries)):
        birthdays.append(mydate.generate_date(1900, 2018))
    new_birthdays = mydate.remove_years(birthdays)
    duplicate = [
        x for n, x in enumerate(new_birthdays) if x in new_birthdays[:n]
    ]  # this line is taken from stackoverflow regarding how to make a new list of duplicates
    if len(duplicate) == 0:
        print("Trial #" + str(x + 1) + ": No dates are the same.")
        count += 1
        if len(duplicate) > 1:
            print("Trial #" + str(x + 1) + ": " + str(len(duplicate)) +
                  " dates occur more than once! (" +
                  mydate.dates_to_strings(duplicate) + ")")
            print("Trial #" + str(x + 1) + ": " + str(len(duplicate)) +
                  " date occurs more than once! (" +
Пример #7
times = int(input())

#initialize arrays to appropriate size
birthdates = [None] * (times)
duplicates = [None] * (times)

trial_counter = 0

for repeats in range(trials):

    for tries in range(times):
        birthdates[tries] = md.generate_date(1900, 2018)


    #3. Catch duplicate birthdays and store in this array
    duplicates = md.duplicate(birthdates)

    #4. Print out the duplicate birthdays
    if (len(duplicates) != 0):
        trial_counter += 1
        print("Trial # {0}: {1} dates occur more than once!".format(
            repeats + 1, len(duplicates)))
        for x in range(len(duplicates)):
            print("({0} {1})".format(
                duplicates[x][1]))  #convert dates as numbers to strings

Пример #8
bdays = int(input("How many birthdays should I generate per trial?\n>"))

trial = 1
counter = 0

for it in range(trials):
    lst = []

    # random birthday creation
    for i in range(bdays):
        lst.append(mydate.generate_date(0, 2020))
    #removing years
    lst = mydate.remove_years(lst)

    #if there are duplicate birthdays
    if listutils.has_duplicates(lst) == True:
        #add one to counter
        counter += 1

        #create a list of birthdays
        dupilcate = listutils.get_duplicates(lst)

        #start string
        dupilcates = "("

        #type of string return varys depending on the amount of duplicates
        if len(dupilcate) > 1:
            #add to string
Пример #9

trials_with_dupe = 0

for i in range(num_trials):

	b_days = []

	for j in range(num_bdays):

		date = mydate.generate_date(1960, 2017)


	b_day1 = mydate.remove_years(b_days)

	dupe = duplicates(b_day1)

	trial_summary = ""

	if len(dupe) == 0: 

		trial_summary = "Trial #" + str(i + 1) + ": No dates are the same."


		trials_with_dupe += 1

		trial_summary = "Trial #" + str(i + 1) + ": " + str(len(dupe)) + " date(s) occur more than once!"
Пример #10
import mydate
import listutils

simulation_repeats = int(
    input("How many times should I run the simultation?\n"))
num_birthdays = int(input("How many birthdays should I generate per trial?\n"))
trials_with_duplicates = 0

for i in range(0, simulation_repeats):
    duplicate_birthday_string = ""
    generated_dates = []
    for j in range(0, num_birthdays):
        generated_dates.append(mydate.generate_date(1916, 2016))


    duplicate_birthdays = listutils.finding_duplicates(generated_dates)
    if duplicate_birthdays == []:
        print("Trial %i: No dates are the same" % (i + 1))
        trials_with_duplicates += 1
        for k in duplicate_birthdays:
            month = mydate.month_num_to_string(k[0])
            if duplicate_birthdays.index(k) == (len(duplicate_birthdays) - 1):
                duplicate_birthday_string += month + " " + str(k[1])
                duplicate_birthday_string += month + " " + str(k[1]) + ", "

        print("Trial %i: %i dates occur more than once! (%s)" %
              (i + 1, (len(duplicate_birthdays)), duplicate_birthday_string))