Пример #1
def getMetadata():
    global METADATA
    if METADATA is None:
        import mydb, library
        sql = "select ruletype, bggid from metadata"
        ruleData = mydb.query(sql, [])
        basegames = [ int(gameId) for (rule, gameId) in ruleData if rule == library.BASEGAME ]
        # games which are marked wrongly as basegames in BGG!
        expansions = [ int(gameId) for (rule, gameId) in ruleData if rule == library.EXPANSION ]
        sql = "select basegame, expansion from expansions"
        expData = mydb.query(sql, [])
        expData = [ (b,e) for (b,e) in expData if b not in expansions ]
        METADATA = basegames, expData
    return METADATA
def getAllCollectionsForGeek(context, includeGames = False):
    import mydb
    sql = "select collectionname, description, collectionindex, ckey from collections where geek = %s order by 3"
    collectionData = mydb.query(sql,  [context.geek])
    ckeys = [ row[3] for row in collectionData ]
    groupData = []
    gameData = []
    if len(ckeys) > 0:
        ckeystr = "(%s)" % ",".join([str(ck) for ck in ckeys])
        sql = "select groupindex, groupname, groupdesc, display, ckey from collectiongroups where ckey in " + ckeystr + " order by 1"
        groupData = mydb.query(sql)
        if includeGames:
            sql = "select groupindex, bggid, ckey from collectiongames where ckey in " + ckeystr + " order by orderindex"
            gameData = mydb.query(sql)
    return buildCollections(context, collectionData, groupData, gameData)
Пример #3
def checkGeek(name):
    import mydb
    sql = "select username from geeks where username = %s"
    data = mydb.query(sql, [name])
    if len(data) > 0:
        return name
    raise library.NoSuchGeekException(name)
Пример #4
def getGames(ids):
    import mydb
    sql = __inlistSQL(GAMES_FIELDS, "games", "bggid", ids)
    gs = map(__extract(GAMES_FIELDS, "Game", Game), mydb.query(sql))
    for g in gs:
        g.name = g.name.encode('utf-8')
    return {g.bggid: g for g in gs}
Пример #5
 def getAllGeekGamesWithOptions(self, options):
     """returns GeekGame objects"""
     import mydb, dbaccess
     key = optionKey(options)
     if self.collections.get(key) is not None:
         return self.collections[key]
     geekgames = dbaccess.getGeekGamesForGeek(self.geek)
     sql = "select distinct game from plays where geek = %s and game not in (select distinct game from geekgames where geek = %s)"
     playedData = [d[0] for d in mydb.query(sql, [self.geek, self.geek])]
     playedGames = getGames(playedData)
     for bggid in playedGames.keys():
         gg = createEmptyGeekGame(playedGames[bggid])
         gg.game = bggid
     if options.excludeTrades:
         geekgames = [gg for gg in geekgames if not gg.trade]
     for gg in geekgames:
         gg.bggid = gg.game
     games = self.getGames([gg.game for gg in geekgames])
     for gg in geekgames:
         gg.game = games[gg.game]
     if options.excludeExpansions:
         geekgames = [gg for gg in geekgames if not gg.game.expansion]
     self.collections[key] = geekgames
     return geekgames
def getCollectionForGeek(context, index, includeGameData = False):
    import mydb
    sql = "select collectionname, description, collectionindex, ckey from collections where geek = %s and collectionindex = %s order by 3"
    collectionData = mydb.query(sql,  [context.geek, index])
    ckey = collectionData[0][3]
    sql = "select groupindex, groupname, groupdesc, display, ckey from collectiongroups where ckey = %s order by 1"
    groupData = mydb.query(sql, [ckey])
    if includeGameData:
        sql = "select groupindex, bggid, ckey from collectiongames where ckey = %s order by orderindex"
        gameData = mydb.query(sql, [ckey])
        gameData = []
    result = buildCollections(context, collectionData, groupData, gameData)
    if len(result) > 0:
        return result[0]
    return makeNewCollection(context, index)
Пример #7
 def getGames(self, context, opts):
     import mydb
     gids = mydb.query("select bggid from games where yearPublished = %d" %
     gids = [gid[0] for gid in gids]
     games = context.substrate.getGames(gids)
     return context.substrate.getTheseGeekGames(games.values())
Пример #8
 def getGames(self, context, opts):
     import mydb, substrate
     sql = "select gameId from gameMechanics where mechanic = %s"
     data = mydb.query(sql, [self.cat])
     data = [d[0] for d in data]
     return context.substrate.getTheseGeekGames(
Пример #9
 def getAllGeekGamesWithOptions(self,  options):
     """returns GeekGame objects"""
     import mydb, dbaccess
     key = optionKey(options)
     if self.collections.get(key) is not None:
         return self.collections[key]
     geekgames = dbaccess.getGeekGamesForGeek(self.geek)
     sql = "select distinct game from plays where geek = %s and game not in (select distinct game from geekgames where geek = %s)"
     playedData = [ d[0] for d in mydb.query(sql, [self.geek, self.geek]) ]
     playedGames = getGames(playedData)
     for bggid in playedGames.keys():
         gg = createEmptyGeekGame(playedGames[bggid])
         gg.game = bggid
     if options.excludeTrades:
         geekgames = [ gg for gg in geekgames if not gg.trade ]
     for gg in geekgames:
         gg.bggid = gg.game
     games = self.getGames([ gg.game for gg in geekgames ])
     for gg in geekgames:
         gg.game = games[gg.game]
     if options.excludeExpansions:
         geekgames = [ gg for gg in geekgames if not gg.game.expansion ]
     self.collections[key] = geekgames
     return geekgames
def getNextCollectionIndex(context):
    import mydb
    sql = "select collectionindex from collections where geek = %s"
    cindexes = mydb.query(sql,  [context.geek])
    indexes = [ c[0] for c in cindexes ]
    newIndex = 0
    while newIndex in indexes:
        newIndex = newIndex + 1   
    return newIndex
def deleteCollection(context, index):
    import mydb
    sql = "select ckey from collections where geek = %s and collectionindex = %s"
    ckeyData = mydb.query(sql,  [context.geek, index])
    if len(ckeyData) < 0:
    ckey = ckeyData[0][0]    
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongames where ckey = %d" % ckey)    
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongroups where ckey = %d" % ckey)    
    mydb.update("delete from collections where ckey = %d" % ckey)    
def saveCollectionFromJson(username, index, model):
    import library, mydb
    sql = "select ckey from collections where geek = %s and collectionindex = %s"
    ckeyData = mydb.query(sql,  [username, index])
    ckey = None
    if len(ckeyData) > 0:
        ckey = ckeyData[0][0]
    collRow = library.Row()
    collRow.collectionname = esc(model["name"])
    collRow.description = esc(model["description"])
    collRow.collectionindex = index
    collRow.geek = username
    if ckey is not None:
        collRow.ckey = ckey
        mydb.saveRow(collRow, "collections", "ckey = %d" % ckey)
        mydb.saveRow(collRow, "collections", None)
        ckeyData = mydb.query(sql,  [username, index]) 
        ckey = ckeyData[0][0]
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongroups where ckey = %d" % ckey)
    for g in model["groups"]:
        groupRow = library.Row()
        groupRow.ckey = ckey
        groupRow.groupname = esc(g["name"])
        groupRow.groupindex = g["index"]
        groupRow.groupname = g["name"]
        groupRow.groupdesc = esc(g["description"])
        groupRow.display = g["display"]                             
        mydb.saveRow(groupRow, "collectiongroups", None)
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongames where ckey = %d" % ckey)  
    db = mydb.get()
    for g in model["groups"]:
        order = 0    
        for game in g["games"]:
            gameRow = library.Row()
            gameRow.groupindex = g["index"]
            gameRow.bggid = game["id"]
            gameRow.orderindex = order
            order = order + 1
            gameRow.ckey = ckey
            mydb.saveRowDb(db, gameRow, "collectiongames", None)
Пример #13
def getPlays(geek, start, finish):
    import mydb
    sql = "select " + ",".join(
        PLAYS_FIELDS) + " from plays where geek = %s order by playDate"
    args = [geek]
    if start is not None and finish is not None:
        sql += " and playDate between %s and %s"
        args += [start, finish]
    # TODO what if start is None and finish is not, or vice versa?
    return map(__extract(PLAYS_FIELDS, "Play", library.Thing),
               mydb.query(sql, args))
Пример #14
def getMetadata():
    global METADATA
    if METADATA is None:
        import mydb, library
        sql = "select ruletype, bggid from metadata"
        ruleData = mydb.query(sql, [])
        basegames = [
            int(gameId) for (rule, gameId) in ruleData
            if rule == library.BASEGAME
        # games which are marked wrongly as basegames in BGG!
        expansions = [
            int(gameId) for (rule, gameId) in ruleData
            if rule == library.EXPANSION
        sql = "select basegame, expansion from expansions"
        expData = mydb.query(sql, [])
        expData = [(b, e) for (b, e) in expData if b not in expansions]
        METADATA = basegames, expData
    return METADATA
Пример #15
def plotCategoryRatings(context, cattype, category):
    import mydb, library
    if cattype == "All":
        table = ""
        clause = ""
        params = []
        category = "All"
    elif cattype == "category":
        table = "gameCategories,"
        clause = "category = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [category]
    elif cattype == "mechanic":
        table = "gameMechanics,"
        clause = "mechanic = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [category]
    elif cattype == "designer":
        table = "gameDesigners, "
        clause = "designerId = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [int(category)]
    elif cattype == "publisher":
        table = "gamePublishers, "
        clause = "publisherId = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [int(category)]
    sql = "select average, rating from games, %s geekgames where %s bggid = game and geek = %s and rating > 0" % (
        table, clause, "%s")
    data = mydb.query(sql, params + [context.geek])
    games = []
    for (avg, rating) in data:
        t = Thing()
        t.average = avg
        t.rating = rating
    (img, draw, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi) = newImage(250, 250)
    draw.line([(xlo, yhi), (xhi, ylo)], GREEN, 1)
    bf = library.BestFit()
    for gg in games:
        bf.plot(gg.average, gg.rating)
        xr = ratingToCoord(xlo, xhi, gg.average)
        yr = ratingToCoord(yhi, ylo, gg.rating)
        draw.ellipse([(xr - 2, yr - 2), (xr + 2, yr + 2)],
    if bf.valid():
        (a, b) = bf.line()
        y0 = a
        y10 = a + b * 10.0
            [(ratingToCoord(xlo, xhi, 0), ratingToCoord(yhi, ylo, y0)),
             (ratingToCoord(xlo, xhi, 10), ratingToCoord(yhi, ylo, y10))],
            CYAN, 1)
    draw.text((25, 0), 'User (Y) vs BGG (X) Rating', fill=BLACK)
    del draw
    return img
Пример #16
def recordProfileView(username):
    import mydb, datetime, library
    sql = "select profileViews from users where geek = %s"
    data = mydb.query(sql, [username])
    if len(data) == 0:
        sql = "INSERT INTO users (geek, profileViews) VALUES (%s, 0)"
        mydb.update(sql, [username])
        count = 0
        count = int(data[0][0])
    count += 1
    sql = "update users set lastProfileView = %s, profileViews = %s where geek = %s"
    now = library.dbTime(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    mydb.update(sql, [now, count, username])
Пример #17
def recordProfileView(username):
    import mydb, datetime, library
    sql = "select profileViews from users where geek = %s"
    data = mydb.query(sql, [username])
    if len(data) == 0:
        sql = "INSERT INTO users (geek, profileViews) VALUES (%s, 0)"
        mydb.update(sql, [username])
        count = 0
        count = int(data[0][0])
    count += 1
    sql = "update users set lastProfileView = %s, profileViews = %s where geek = %s"
    now = library.dbTime(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    mydb.update(sql, [now, count, username])
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, designer):
     if type(designer) == type([]):
         designer = designer[0]
     if type(designer) == type("") or type(designer) == type(u""):
         designer = int(designer)
     if type(designer) == type(0):
         # create a fake designer
         import library, mydb
         self.designer = library.Thing()
         self.designer.bggid = designer
         self.name = mydb.query("select name from designers where bggid = " + `designer`)[0][0]
         Selector.__init__(self, "Designer %s" % designer.name, DesignerSelector.key + "/%d"  % designer.bggid)
         self.designer = designer
         self.name = designer.name
Пример #19
def plotCategoryRatings(context, cattype, category):
    import mydb, library
    if cattype == "All":
        table = ""
        clause = ""
        params = []
        category = "All"
    elif cattype == "category":
        table = "gameCategories,"
        clause = "category = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [category]
    elif cattype == "mechanic":
        table = "gameMechanics,"
        clause = "mechanic = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [category]
    elif cattype == "designer":
        table = "gameDesigners, "
        clause = "designerId = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [int(category)]
    elif cattype == "publisher":
        table = "gamePublishers, "
        clause = "publisherId = %s and bggid = gameId and"
        params = [int(category)]
    sql = "select average, rating from games, %s geekgames where %s bggid = game and geek = %s and rating > 0" % (table, clause, "%s")
    data = mydb.query(sql, params + [context.geek])
    games = []
    for (avg, rating) in data:
        t = Thing()
        t.average = avg
        t.rating = rating
    (img, draw, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi) = newImage(250, 250)
    draw.line([(xlo, yhi), (xhi, ylo)], GREEN, 1)
    bf = library.BestFit()
    for gg in games:
        bf.plot(gg.average, gg.rating)
        xr = ratingToCoord(xlo, xhi, gg.average)
        yr = ratingToCoord(yhi, ylo, gg.rating)
        draw.ellipse([(xr-2, yr-2), (xr+2, yr+2)], outline=BLACK, fill=BLACK)
    if bf.valid():
        (a, b) = bf.line()
        y0 = a
        y10 = a + b * 10.0
        draw.line([(ratingToCoord(xlo, xhi, 0), ratingToCoord(yhi, ylo, y0)), (ratingToCoord(xlo, xhi, 10), ratingToCoord(yhi, ylo, y10))], CYAN, 1)
    draw.text((25, 0), 'User (Y) vs BGG (X) Rating', fill=BLACK)
    del draw
    return img
Пример #20
 def getAllSeries(self):
     import mydb, library
     if self.series is not None:
         return self.series
     sql = "select name, game from series"
     data = mydb.query(sql, [])
     self.series = library.DictOfSets()
     games = []
     for (name, bggid) in data:
         if bggid not in games:
     games = self.getGames(games)
     for (name, bggid) in data:
         g = games.get(bggid)
         if g is None:
         self.series.add(name, g)
     return self.series
Пример #21
 def getAllSeries(self):
     import mydb, library
     if self.series is not None:
         return self.series
     sql = "select name, game from series"
     data = mydb.query(sql, [])
     self.series = library.DictOfSets()
     games = []
     for (name, bggid) in data:
         if bggid not in games:
     games = self.getGames(games)
     for (name, bggid) in data:
         g = games.get(bggid)
         if g is None:
         self.series.add(name, g)
     return self.series
Пример #22
def saveCollection(context, collection):
    import library, mydb
    sql = "select ckey from collections where geek = %s and collectionindex = %s"
    ckeyData = mydb.query(sql,  [context.geek, collection.index])
    ckey = ckeyData[0][0]    
    collRow = library.Row()
    collRow.collectionname = collection.name
    collRow.description = collection.description
    collRow.collectionindex = collection.index
    collRow.geek = context.geek
    collRow.ckey = ckey
    mydb.saveRow(collRow, "collections", "ckey = %d" % ckey)
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongroups where ckey = %d" % ckey)
    for g in collection.groups:
        groupRow = library.Row()
        groupRow.ckey = ckey
        groupRow.groupname = g.name
        groupRow.groupindex = g.index
        groupRow.groupname = g.name
        groupRow.groupdesc = g.description        
        mydb.saveRow(groupRow, "collectiongroups", None)
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongames where ckey = %d and groupindex not in (select groupindex from collectiongroups where ckey = %d)" % (ckey, ckey))
def saveCollection(context, collection):
    import library, mydb
    sql = "select ckey from collections where geek = %s and collectionindex = %s"
    ckeyData = mydb.query(sql,  [context.geek, collection.index])
    ckey = ckeyData[0][0]    
    collRow = library.Row()
    collRow.collectionname = collection.name
    collRow.description = collection.description
    collRow.collectionindex = collection.index
    collRow.geek = context.geek
    collRow.ckey = ckey
    mydb.saveRow(collRow, "collections", "ckey = %d" % ckey)
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongroups where ckey = %d" % ckey)
    for g in collection.groups:
        groupRow = library.Row()
        groupRow.ckey = ckey
        groupRow.groupname = g.name
        groupRow.groupindex = g.index
        groupRow.groupname = g.name
        groupRow.groupdesc = g.description        
        mydb.saveRow(groupRow, "collectiongroups", None)
    mydb.update("delete from collectiongames where ckey = %d and groupindex not in (select groupindex from collectiongroups where ckey = %d)" % (ckey, ckey))
Пример #24
def createPlaysByPublishedYearGraph(context, data, upsideDown):
    import time, mydb
    startYear = context.options.firstYearGames
    endYear = time.localtime()[0]
    years = []
    year = startYear
    while year <= endYear:
        if data.get(year) is None:
            data.data[year] = []
        year += 1
    sizes = [len(data[y]) for y in years]
    sql = "select bggid from users where geek = %s"
    geekData = mydb.query(sql, context.geek)
        bggid = geekData[0][0]
    except IndexError:
        bggid = 0
    imgspec = context.imageSpec
    (img, draw, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi) = newImage(imgspec.width, imgspec.height)
    imap = []
    highest = max(sizes)
    year = startYear
    height = 1.0 * (yhi - ylo)
    while year <= endYear:
        x0 = xlo + ((year - startYear) * (xhi - xlo) * 1.0 /
                    (endYear + 1 - startYear))
        x1 = xlo + ((year + 1 - startYear) * (xhi - xlo) * 1.0 /
                    (endYear + 1 - startYear))
        data[year].sort(lambda g1, g2: cmp(g1.plays, g2.plays))
        if upsideDown:
        if highest > 0:
            count = 0
            for g in data[year]:
                y0 = yhi - int(count * height / highest)
                count += 1
                y1 = yhi - int(count * height / highest)
                if g.plays == 0:
                    fill = WHITE
                elif g.plays == 1:
                    fill = RED
                elif g.plays < 3:
                    fill = ORANGE
                elif g.plays < 5:
                    fill = YELLOW
                elif g.plays < 10:
                    fill = YELLOWGREEN
                elif g.plays < 25:
                    fill = GREEN
                    fill = DARKGREEN
                if y1 == y0:
                draw.rectangle([x0, y0, x1, y1], outline=BLACK, fill=fill)
                mapRow = Thing()
                (mapRow.x1, mapRow.y1, mapRow.x2,
                 mapRow.y2) = (int(x0), int(y1), int(x1), int(y0))
                mapRow.name = escape(g.name.decode('utf-8'))
                mapRow.url = None
                if bggid:
                    mapRow.url = GAME_PLAYS_URL % (g.bggid, bggid)
        draw.text((x0 + 10, yhi + 7), str(year), fill=BLACK)
        draw.text((x0 + 20, ylo - 14), str(len(data[year])), fill=BLACK)
        year += 1
    del draw
    return img, imap
Пример #25
def getFlorenceCats():
    import mydb
    sql = "select distinct subdomain from games order by 1"
    cats = mydb.query(sql)
    return [c[0] for c in cats if c[0] not in IGNORE]
Пример #26
 def getGames(self, context, opts):
     import mydb, substrate
     sql = "select gameId from gameMechanics where mechanic = %s"
     data = mydb.query(sql, [self.cat])
     data = [ d[0] for d in  data ]
     return context.substrate.getTheseGeekGames(substrate.getGames(data).values())
Пример #27
 def getGames(self, context, opts):
     import mydb
     gids = mydb.query("select bggid from games where yearPublished = %d" % self.year)
     gids = [ gid[0] for gid in gids ]
     games = context.substrate.getGames(gids)
     return context.substrate.getTheseGeekGames(games.values())
Пример #28
def getPublishers(ids):
    import mydb, library
    sql = __inlistSQL(PUBLISHER_FIELDS, "publishers", "bggid", ids)
    gs = map(__extract(PUBLISHER_FIELDS, "Publisher", library.Thing),
    return {g.bggid: g for g in gs}
Пример #29
def getAllGeekNames():
    import mydb
    sql = "select username from geeks"
    data = mydb.query(sql)
    return [d[0] for d in data]
Пример #30
def getDesigners(ids):
    import mydb, library
    sql = __inlistSQL(DESIGNER_FIELDS, "designers", "bggid", ids)
    gs = map(__extract(DESIGNER_FIELDS, "Designer", library.Thing),
    return {g.bggid: g for g in gs}
Пример #31
def getFlorenceCats():
    import mydb
    sql = "select distinct subdomain from games order by 1"
    cats = mydb.query(sql)
    return [c[0] for c in cats if c[0]not in IGNORE]
Пример #32
def getGeekGamesForGeek(geek):
    import mydb
    sql = "select " + ",".join(GG_FIELDS) + " from geekgames where geek = %s"
    data = mydb.query(sql, [geek])
    result = map(__extract(GG_FIELDS, "GeekGame", library.Thing), data)
    return result
Пример #33
def getGameCategories(ids):
    import mydb, library
    sql = __inlistSQL(GAME_CATEGORY_FIELDS, "gameCategories", "gameId", ids)
    gs = map(__extract(GAME_CATEGORY_FIELDS, "GameCategory", library.Thing),
    return gs
Пример #34
def getGameMechanics(ids):
    import mydb, library
    sql = __inlistSQL(GAME_MECHANIC_FIELDS, "gameMechanics", "gameId", ids)
    gs = map(__extract(GAME_MECHANIC_FIELDS, "GameMechanic", library.Thing),
    return gs
Пример #35
def createPlaysByPublishedYearGraph(context, data, upsideDown):
    import time, mydb
    startYear = context.options.firstYearGames
    endYear = time.localtime()[0]
    years = []
    year = startYear
    while year <= endYear:
        if data.get(year) is None:
            data.data[year] = []
        year += 1
    sizes = [ len(data[y]) for y in years ]
    sql = "select bggid from users where geek = %s"
    geekData = mydb.query(sql, context.geek)
        bggid = geekData[0][0]
    except IndexError:
        bggid = 0
    imgspec = context.imageSpec
    (img, draw, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi) = newImage(imgspec.width, imgspec.height)
    imap = []
    highest = max(sizes)
    year = startYear
    height = 1.0 * (yhi - ylo)
    while year <= endYear:
        x0 = xlo + ((year - startYear) * (xhi - xlo) * 1.0 / (endYear + 1 - startYear))
        x1 = xlo + ((year + 1 - startYear) * (xhi - xlo) * 1.0 / (endYear + 1 - startYear))
        data[year].sort(lambda g1, g2: cmp(g1.plays, g2.plays))
        if upsideDown:
        if highest > 0:
            count = 0
            for g in data[year]:
                y0 = yhi - int(count * height / highest)
                count += 1
                y1 = yhi - int(count * height / highest)
                if g.plays == 0:
                    fill = WHITE
                elif g.plays == 1:
                    fill = RED
                elif g.plays < 3:
                    fill = ORANGE
                elif g.plays < 5:
                    fill = YELLOW
                elif g.plays < 10:
                    fill = YELLOWGREEN
                elif g.plays < 25:
                    fill = GREEN
                    fill = DARKGREEN
                if y1 == y0:
                draw.rectangle([x0, y0, x1, y1], outline=BLACK, fill=fill)
                mapRow = Thing()
                (mapRow.x1, mapRow.y1, mapRow.x2, mapRow.y2) = (int(x0), int(y1), int(x1), int(y0))
                mapRow.name = escape(g.name.decode('utf-8'))
                mapRow.url = None
                if bggid:
                    mapRow.url = GAME_PLAYS_URL % (g.bggid, bggid)
        draw.text((x0+10, yhi+7), str(year), fill=BLACK)
        draw.text((x0+20, ylo-14), str(len(data[year])), fill=BLACK)
        year += 1
    del draw
    return img, imap
Пример #36
 def getGames(self, context, opts):
     import mydb
     gids = mydb.query("select gameId from gameDesigners where designerId = " + `self.designer.bggid`)
     gids = [ gid[0] for gid in gids ]
     games = context.substrate.getGames(gids)
     return context.substrate.getTheseGeekGames(games.values())
Пример #37
def getGamePublishers(ids):
    import mydb, library
    sql = __inlistSQL(GAME_PUBLISHER_FIELDS, "gamePublishers", "gameId", ids)
    gs = map(__extract(GAME_PUBLISHER_FIELDS, "GamePublisher", library.Thing),
    return gs
Пример #38
def getGameDesigners(ids):
    import mydb, library
    sql = __inlistSQL(GAME_DESIGNER_FIELDS, "gameDesigners", "gameId", ids)
    gs = map(__extract(GAME_DESIGNER_FIELDS, "GameDesigner", library.Thing),
    return gs
Пример #39
def getFilesForGeek(geek):
    import mydb
    sql = "select " + ",".join(FILES_FIELDS) + " from files where geek = %s"
    return map(__extract(FILES_FIELDS, "File", library.Thing),
               mydb.query(sql, [geek]))